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The Brussels Post, 1890-5-2, Page 3
AY 2, 1890. THE 13RUSSELS POST WEE' NOT, Huish every murmur, beirte, by eetlrow river,, - .. For cherished ones summoned from earth to heaven ; (Ood but asserts Iiia right ; these gifts were iiia ; Not aur freeholds, nor held we them on What the departed wero, smolt are we still, Waiting the word to quit, tenants at will ; They were but loans, whioh He who lent had power At pleasure to recall in any hour.) Nor mourn the sainted dead, as if co - mote ; ;When earth was quit no holy bond was l l broke ; Nearer they may be than an absent friend, For spirit doth with kindred spirit blend : These last, ocean or mountain may di- vide, A veil the flret, whioh may be drawn eeide Ere the next hour. So narrow Is the 1 stream That 'twist the dead and ns doth inter- vene, So soon it may be oroseed ; a moment's space May land us in their unlet rooting place. How can we all them lost, or o'or them weep Who do.bat in another chamber sloop 'Reath .the same Father's roof ? from their calm slumber They will awake when th' 'heavens are C, rent asunder. ti Sleep is not life extinct, the body's powers �lY Suspended lie through night's long slumber hours,' ' The mind stiit soars opon her wondrous ( flight, So does the soul live on through death's dark night" ' A. passage, not a prison is the tomb, On this end eiri opens sa door ,'of gloom, Grace on the other doth unlock a gate Of glory ; as when a slowing river breaks Into a mountain's side,, and 'still rolls on Through the deep hidden oavorn dark End long ; . Buri.d alahile, but on 1128 other side To bur'sr forth in a fuller, stronger tido. The ennlight of to -morrow and to -day Are one i night does not veil the ray, It is not quenched by that wo call ann. set : What we call death, ends not one Life : nor yet From resurrection doth another date. Death aff,.cts not identity—in the same Mate We die, we rise ; w0 wake as we lie down, Yet stronger; that whish was hi weak. nese Sown, Is raised in power, eternal fruit to bear ; Life here in Ohrist, is life abundant there. Weep not for those in Christ who live and die, Weep not that heaven's attractions multiply, They are and shall be ever with the Lord ; So nnmforl one another with this word. As when from some home circle of fond hearts, One member to the distant clime departs Then follow others that our love holds dear, Until we feel the home is there, not here ; So when our God this earth a desert makes. end by successive strokes our friends 1rnnalate3 ; Let us with eager, ahasten'd mind arise, 7.b plume our eager pinions for the skies; And on bereavements waves, amid the storm, Get nearer to the peaceful haven borne. j.b North Perth Reformers. All parte of North Perth were fully represented at the Liberal Convention held at Milverton on Thursday of last week to nominate a candidate for the Legietature. The hall was filled and etrong ex- preesions was given to the deter- mination to work unanimously to insure the redemption of the riding. After a strong address by the Preen. dent. Jag. J, Mabee, of Stratford, nominations were called for. Dr. Parke, of Listowel, eeoonded by Henry Doering, Itiornington, moved that J. H. Schmidt, of the Colonist, Stratford, be the unanimous choice of the convention. `The motion was carried without an oppoeilg vote, manifesting the high esthetes in which Mr. Sabmidt is held throughout the riding. Mr. Schmidt weft eommnni• sated with, and, though reedgedzing the honor tendered him, he had definitely deoided1101 to accept the nomination, and the oonvention pro. needed lo select another, The fol- lowing gentlemen were 111011 put in nomination '—Dr, A. E. Ahrens, Stratford; Roble Cleland, reeve of Elms ; J. W. Scott, banker, of Lis- towel ; Dr. Johnston, of Millbank ; Thos. E. Hey, reeve of Listowel ; Dr. Parke, of Listowel ; J. 2. Ma- bee, barrister, Stratford ; T. Ballau- tyne and Geo. Hyde, of North East - hope ; Jas. Grieve, reeve of Morn - 'pigtail, and John McMillan, warden of the county of Perth. Balloting resulted es follows: Filet ballot— Cleland 81, Ahrens 90, Hay 21. Booed ballot—Cleland 1.0, Abrone 80. Third ballot—Oleland 08, Hay 25. The nomination of Robert Ole - land was then made enenimoue by a rising vote, amidst loud applause. Robert Cleland is one of the moot morel anis stleceeaful farmers in Vesiorn Ontario, Ile has hall litrgo experionee in municipal nod comity work, atla no better repro- sentarive: of farmers' interests' eon 11 be selected. Should eircutnstancee enable him to accept the noun• tion, the redemption of' North °Pettit will he i/+ ur;.lpnot , l•t wee moved by Lewis Bolton, seconded by John Payne, and oar ried nnaniteonely: "That public expression of the centinued confidence in AdmIn• ietrntion whioh the Hon. Oliver Mowat has eo ably presided over for the last eighteen years be given by dale convention, and the conven- tion believes that for many years to onme, thorild to be spared the peo' plc of Outstrip will uoutiuue to honor him with their confidence," A FATHER'S AWFUL ACT. Wakes Ills Three Children from Their steep Aud Men ltrotv66 Then, in n Barrel. A terrible tragedy occurred last Thureday morning a Mile and a half north of Shelburne, Ont., at the residence of Thomas Morrison. Mre, Morrison hail gone away from home for a couple of days to visit a sick sister, leaving her husband with five children, the eldest i s a girl of 18 years of age, and the others ranging in age down to a bright little lad of 2 years. Tho youngest slept with his eld- est sister.'When the latter awoke in the morning she Was surprieed to find that he was not by her side. She went in search of him, and to her horror found the little boy etiff in death laid out upon a gaiit on the kitchen floor. Beside trim lay the bodies of his sister, aged 5, and his brother, aged 7. A barrel half full of water stood in one corner of alis mini. By :the dripping of the water on the floor the tale was told of their deatb by drowning. Morrison oonld not be found. On a table' 'in the diuiug•room was a cup etrougly smelling of carbolic acid and an ounce bottle of the drug two-thirds fall. The murder- er tvae found writhing in agony On the bank of a creek a quarter of a mile from his house. Morrison is parlielly conscious. His recovery is doubtful. No rettsou can be assigned for the awful act except temporary ios8n- ity. 1/1060lson hall always been a kiud and indulgent husband and father. LATER REPORT. •The triple tragedy enacted last Thureday morning at the Morrison homestead is still the topic of con• vereation. Morrison, the poor, de- mented nwirderer, is the possessor of a good farm, free from all encum. brance, and as in fact very well off. Ho enjoyed the respect of all his neighbors and is well oonneeted, Friday eveuing he lay in a darken- ed room, hanging between life and death, with the mark of Oain on bus brow, In the next room were the bodies of his .three little children, murdered by his own hand. At the back of the bed lies the eldest of the dead children, a bright little girl named Arabella, 7 year,: of ago. At the front is Thomas James, 6 years of age, and between the two lies William Edgar, aged 2 years. A TAUI WITH TITh ,110TRER. The heart -broken mother is an intelligent woman about 95 years of age, being much younger than her husband, whoae age is given as 64. Mrs. Morrison spoke In kindly terms with reference to her husband. SIM 'said he was a kind husband and an indulgent father, and, she could not imagine what led him to commit such a terrible crime. She said he had been ill during the past month, and 1)1151 very often he was, despondent and would tell her that he could not recover. He had never been confined to bed, but ap-' pealed to be melancholy and dem- 'plained about a pain in his head. Leet week he told his wife that he 'was trembled about what would be- come elate three youngest children in case anything happened to them. He evidently bad the idea that he wale leavlug property enough to support hie -wife and the two eldest children, and solved the problem by murdering hie favorites. • • '111E P611111111, Dr. Norton examined the un- happy man's pulse, and while doing sa Morrison, said.: "Doctor, dou't be bothering mil. 1 alp going soon. You cannot do me any good." He then spoke in a louder tote : "Oh, doctor, you ars hurting me, Don't ? 1 am going down, down, the last throe weeks, and all the medicine you could pone into •toe would do me no good." Dr. Norton then asked htin the following questions : "Tore, do you remember what you did lost night ?" "Dill you go to bed last night ?" "Was it before daylight that you wont up the road to John Stand, fold's ?" "Do yon remembor seeing John Lindsay last night a" 9'o all these giteatioue no reply whatever was made. Dr. Norton filen told him that be Wait in a sea lone condition. He emit, "You may reoower, hot OW 1li-i4ifebilitie1001) a11•+1 1150,1 LL, if be bad any statement to matte that` pow with the tune. There 'Wad no response, Coroner Norton had a jury sworn in, and the inquest woe commenced at once, U01110on ii ?offering from congestion of the Iuuge, brought an by exposure. none a sober, in dustrfoue and honest /flan, and up to the present time bore an 'an - blemished character. Arabella, the eldeat of the murder- ed children, slept in a bed in the same room as her brother Alexan- der, nue of the surviving children. Thomas James slept with his father, and William Edgar was in the same bed as his 18 -year-old sister. Neither Eliza Jane nor the boy Alexander heard any noise daring the night. • A TF,IIPEIIANOE STORY. Frelgbt.1I5ndlers Tap A Barrel or Whig. key And Then Wish They Hadn't.' An exceedingly practical temPer. anoe Ieoture was preached to"the freight handlers at one of the stations of the Pennaylvania rail road a short time ago, says the New York Tribune. The result is that smolt loan now wears a blue ribbon and all mysterious looking mike and barrels which are put off at that station and for which there are no kis own owners are left eevere ly alone. A few months ago there came lo bhis place by express a big • barrel, unaccompanied by anything and having no mark by whioh the owner or its destination could be learned. There was an odor of whiskey about it, and it looked euspioiously like a whiskey barrel. A. tracer was sent over the road, but nothing could he learned as to where it came from, to when it was going or by whom it was owned. It stood on the platform for a few days until it became a nuisance. The freight -handlers eyed it rather longingly but could not get at it while it was in that conspicuous place. By the order of the station agent the barrel was taken to the loft of the store room to wait for a possible owner who might turn np some time in the future. It had been there for two or throe menthe when one of the express companies' men went to the station agent and tolyl him he was looking for a bar rel of a!oohol with two skeletons in aide of it. The station agent remembered the mysterious barrel and took tee searcher to the loft.. Ile immedi• Maly identified the barrel as the one whioh he was looking for. A, Wok from his foot produced a hollow mound, followed by the rattling of some dry objects inside. A closer examination showed that numerous gimlet holes had been made in the head, and that the holes had boss plugged up with matobee.• The station agent sent for the freight -handlers to have them come to the loft and help take the barrel down. "It's empty," faltered one of the men. "Yes, I know ; but I want to see the inside of it," said the express agent, at the same time breaking in the head of the barrel w1111 an axe. Out tumbled the two ekelebons, to the horror and dismay of the freight - handlers. They were dumb -found. ed and fled from the loft instantly. Not one of the men turned up for work for three days. All sent round word in the morning that they were sick. When they did come back each wore a blue' ribbon, and they haven't singe been known to tape a drink of whiskey. :Un- claimed freight is absolutely safe at that atetion now. iiieuersti 1V©wow. Emperor William will go to Sweden about the middle of July. There are apprehoneione of a "oureer" in May wheat in Chicago. A tornado destroyed $20,000 worth of property at Julesburg, Uol., on Tuesday, At a recent sale of shills in Lon deu one of the lots was 260,000 Australian opossum skins. At another Bale 80,000 African monkey skins were offered. Jacob .Rupp, of Pittsburg, ie per- te.inly one of the most enterprising noose—men of the day. Ho has made the ropes with width eighty. Dight marderere wore Banged with. in the last thirty years. The wife of W. 13, Currie, of Washington, D. 0., is the possessor of the most uncanny ornainene in the shape of a :maiden made of tinmau oyes. The ogee were taken from Peruvian mummies, polished and planed in their present settings. Accounts given out a few years ago, when the neeklaoe was being made, said that the oyes were those of a kind of fish which, owing to the human eye's 'proneness to decay, had been substituted. Reasoning from a cormon•bense standpoint will convince ibe meet eueptieal 0141 mils battlerwvtitSo'nnderdlafdi i;a 2501a hall Yn,1Ugh top2('05110 fists eyes for o6ntnriee would alpo uuaerstlend how 1011aKdou Ilse pulpy: matter of the bamau eye. Ono 21 the writer'? Mende, now in Coate liieo collecting natural history spec'. mons, laughs at the story of the mummy eyes being fish eyes outs. etituted by the embalmers for the real human optic, A little five year-old son of John M. lditehoock fell into a pot of boil- ing syrup, in Messena, and received injuries from whioh he died shortly after in terrible agony. A pair of bantam chickens were Bold at the London Crystal Palace for $500, whioh wet almost exactly twice their weight in gold. This is believed to be the highest price ever paid for a single pair of fowls since the daye of extravagent and luxuri- ous Rome. Kemp's victory over Matterson the other day eimplifiee matters somewhat in regard to the sculling concede to be held in Australia. Kemp and McLean will row on the 16th of May, and on the 28rd of June O'Connor and Stnnebnry will row. The winner in each rape will row for the world's ohamptonebip in the summer. Magnue Begg, Indian agent at the Blackfeet reserve, N. W. T., telegraphed the other day that Crowfoot, she great chief of the Blackfeet, died last week, his last words being those of thanks to the Superintendent•Genoral fur kind ness shown to him, and asking liar. Dewdney to continue the same to hie people. Crowfoot has been a loyal old chief and has done more than any other to keep the Indians of hie nation friendly to the whites. By wise counsel he has on many oc- casions prevented his people from joining In enbemes which would have imperilled the peace of the country, notably the Tiger Hill meeting in Montana in 1880, when Rol wee plotting with half breeds' and Indians to make a joint attack on the poitoe posts along the fron- tier, and if successful, raid the noun• try -north, where Biel proposed to eetablieb a provisional government. 11 ever an Indian in the Dominion deserved the goodwill and grad tude of the people of Canada "Sappo Mexico," or Crowfoot, does, and his family, if be has left any, should he well cared for by the Government, to show (he rest of the Indians that even after death our country appre crates the good deeds of theirpeople. It is thought that Crowfoot's broth- er, "Three Bulls," who hi olden days was a leading warrior, will succeed to the chieftainship of the Blackfeet. Table (Philosophy. A bad palate is beyond the reach of physio, Uneasy fits the coat the stomach uaye for. When dinner .and appetite fall out it is time for arbitration. One man may be sentimental, another hungry no man can be both at the same time. The first lesson in dyspepsia is a surprise to him who thinks he knows everything. There is a little choice between a dinner with no appetite and an ape petite with no dinner. Poverty is an unpleasant dose, but it will be a sure remedy for many ills of the rich. The devil bath many disguises. Beware of him when ho done the cook's cap and apron, Mix your remembrance of a good dinner with a little grctilude to heaven and the host. •The life of the dinner Both in de- liberation ; the death of the dinner may lurk in the lack of it. An them on Breathing, The following was submitted by a schoolboy as his "composition," on the : subject of breathing "Breath is made of air. We breathe 'P06T' BOOKSTORE. AMBER, - GROSS --OF-- ScVolar's CoMpau!ous eIN9'. D. .Each contains a Lead Pencil (Bobber Tipped) Slate Pen- cil (encased in wood) Pen- holder and Pen and a Wooden Ruler. ---ALL 18oLn FOR ----- x.7!1 Also lt.:fy , ,'ill NEW STOOK OF Pocket B!1iles —TU HAND ANT) SOLD AT— Close Figures. BARGAINS IN Photo, Albums -------A ND TOYS, to make room for other goodee with our lung., our lfghte, our livor and our kidneys. If it was not for oto broach we would die when we A Fre811 Lot of Notepaper, 1606 asleep. !joys that stay in a room all day should • not breathe, Envelopes, Cc„ to Band. they should wait 1111 they got out of doors. Boys in a room snake bad, unwholesome air ; they maks 1 oarbonicitle—Carbouieide is poisoner than piaci dogs, 6. 1(089 of soldiers J i was 1n a blaokhole in India, car bonieide got in that there hobo and hilted nearly everyone afore Morn lug.Girls Hill the breath ,vith } i corsets ; that egaoczea the clingrnm. Girls can't holler or run like boys, because their dingraln is squeezed toe muoh. Ili was a girl I'd rather bo a boy, so I can holler and run and have a great big diagram. The Crawford fats(, near Wind - or, a property that was mtich sought often by capitalists, was sold on Thursday to a Mr, Webber, of Detroit, for 1,4'700 per acro, The property is considered a voter valu- able one, and is eilnated alt Craw. ford avenue, south of Wyandotte. 'POST' BOOK STOREV ..M,rt..w:, TEllsEY BULL YOB PJEI1VI011, e For temps and other partioulers mak for eiroular at my Drug and hook Store, 8110141¢ yon wish to soil his heifer calves 1 ant pre• oared to pay am high as $10, assorting to "k1g�it�hda281tgbsOADatin.N,etassels, • •�ULL dFOlt SERVICE —THE lot 8, 0011.110, Grey. a (1 oro bred Short rt I;oen 1)ureeto ball. Penns, 01.011 00 be paid at tin18 o1 800l (5u with privilege of returning it necesstlry. OIIAI, 110ZIII.L, ProOxietor. 'PULL FUR SERVICE.— THE nhdersiaued will bone a We2l-11rpd Durban (1 1l, rising throe yoar6 old, 101 80071a8 on North Hall Lot 4r,, Oop, 7, dforris Temic, 81.00, lobo paid at time of sorriest 201111 privilege of interning if ??seem y. 85•2,0e. WA,14131t, Proprietor. THORO'—BRED BULL- - THE Shorthorn Bµ Re ioron Oraggeath h bred rb Con e,, h0onrlenu Pa pito 8 ,80 Barrios be aid 10, time of service, with privilege et returning if mammary. Pedigree way be soon ou ay' plleotion. 1546 JAI, BPSIR, Proprietor. DR. PHILLIPS of TOSosTwo. Ham un O11loca In Cady's Block, $eaforth Where be can be Consulted on 81 Chronic Diseases of both Sexes. Consumption. Asthma and Catnrrk • treated successfully br Inhalation of 13641• sated Vapors, the only rational treatment for those diseases, NERVOUS DEBILITY and all diseases of the Urinary Organs poet- tively oarev in a abort time. Call or Address 31.13 DR. PHILLIPS, ESAPOn0g MEAT MARKET, MAIN STREET, - BRUSSELS, ANDREW ; OVRRiE, ; PROP113311, Fresh and halt deals of the best gtuil Its always on 11aud and de- livered le any part of the.Village Free or Ch are e. TERMS VERY FAVORABLE Fat Ca tit weal te'd For which the highest market prion will be paid. I also make a specialty of buying Bides and Skins. Don't forget the place, next door to Fletcher's Jewel- ry Store. A. CURRIE. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY Money to Loan on FARM PROPERTY -at- LOWEST RATES. Private and Company Funds, APSPI J.C,IIeffernan, J.A.Yoltng, Valuator. Agent. Ethel P.O., Ont. 2et1 THOS, ]'LETCHH.R, .Practical 1%Vatohnza7ter and Jeweler. Thanking the llublio for past favore and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, We are opening' out Full Lines in GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Established and Meltable Makers, fully warranted by 08. Clocks of rho LLate:st Designs. JEWELRY Wan mo Riyos, LAMES Gun Rn 06,. BRooen8s, Ammo's! 8(0. t Also a linil Lino of Vienne 8nc1 Violin Strings, eco., in stook, :1.11,•-•Is6nrrr or aterriege tieenaee, T. Fletcherr, - Brussel?