HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-4-25, Page 81Ht, H!,tt1.s$ :L 3 eosT
Aram 25, 1890,
'!rte make sure you are right and
'sten go ahead. Our customers
[or Wall Papers are more than
eased with the Extra Value
thipy aro receiving. If you will
iuspect our Stock I am sure you
will say `Never so Nice and Prices
rltx'ver so Low.' Our Borders and
G iling Decorations are Cheaper
and Nicer than ever beforb. Come
bud Seo them.
G. 4. DEADM.4N,
Druggist, Bookseller, &c.
B0U'rummt exTENBtoN W. 0. & P.
9 ai tbteas follows:
Brueeels Station, North
Go0N0Solna. Gorse Nolen.
.�,rTp�d 6:55 a.m. Mixed
6 xpreee......11:45 a.m. Mail ..... 9:06 P.m.
Mixed 555 p•m• Expreea 9:45 P.m.
Loral littb3s elms.
by some of our residuum.
Noor a mreday will Af. B.may8 it y3 Monism
elt and eta 'of drawns' hatyouths'
oatLA. tied
Mr. iro Resale's big dog, whioh ie
Lorna d silgo de j A. it mite's, Y, ' g y In the afore, was home on
Now dross goods just arrived at A. R. Smith's. s
Low'MondeY night. It is to be hoped the
Smith's. Maeaaa. BTY.WART LOW=hipped,
Moreno Horse Fair ou Thursday of r4 sdw car1.5 e of a of sees, 3 oars of flour offenders will be brought to juetiuu,
next week. People We /Know.
Ft wee , Aileyon Court on Thursday of in; agent
qq was
el introducing oleo. ,_,_ —
uaM week, May tut, R tightGeorge Dudley ie home from St.
Mae. 13, Ptaasos has dimmed of her triooMonu J utoEBi Binned.
Tuesday of this Marys,
property in the tillage of Teeewator, to
Beaver d, patterns in new carpets, week G. A. Deadman had shippedMra. Soliery is visiting her sister At
just arrived this week, at A, R. Bmith'e, him a pare bred Jeremy heifer and Dr. Teeewater.
Tim square timber in the station yard T. G. Holmes a pure bred Jersey cow Blsevsle this weak. calfs were visiting at
cane taken east on Wednesday of last Ayrehilre,also a half bred Jersey and
A chiel's`aming ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
TnsOTsc and clover cheap. Adam
Curve and Timothy need at Mo-
Crovas, Timothy and Garden Seeds at
. 'homson'a.
Jesse received all kinds of garden and
E4Id needs. Gao. B1sEEB.
J0iT received 50 bushels choice clover
sed timothy seed. Gso. Blenaa.
THIRTY -FMB loaded care were shipped
Froin the Brussels station last week.
A YOUNG woman desires to do house -
dissolved partnershat this ip
aro desire all outstanding aceoants
settled at once. Strachan Bros.
Peons who want furniture cheap and
as good as new will do well to call at
'9'1,2.. Veal's residence and price her house-
hold gooda.
Houde and lot for sale or to rent.
Centrally located. Good l at TEE Pose l P blah-
stable, &o. Apply
Sung House.
Name Sabbath Rev. S. Sellery, B. A.,
B. D., will preach from "Behold your
God" at the morning service and "Thirst
quenched" in the evening.
A sloe comfortable seven roomed
Nouse for sale. Convenient situation,
with the best of water and Tgood
N ➢lis able
on the lot. Amply
Mss. VEAL wishes to intimate to the
people of Brussels and vicinity that she
will sell by private sale her stock of honse-
hold furniture very cheap for cash, as she
intends removing from Brussels.
Tim "Aretle" base ball club, of Toron-
tri, has written Secretary J. W. Shaw
asking for match with Brussels on the
Queen's Birthday. Their Doming would
team would be able to on for gi hell li m and vely
A Pnouusil accident happened a horse
he,longing to Messrs. Turnbull & Ballon.
type lest Saturday. The point of one
etthe shafts of the wagon entered at the
beck of one of the front lege and eame
Guest the animal's breast. The veter-
inary wee celled to attend the animal.
PA0Tvnaan.—The undersigned has leae-
ed.the back 100 acres of the Robertson
farm, con. 4, Morris, and jig prepared to
take a limited number of horses or cattle
ts. pasture, on reasonable terms. There
inno.better grazing farm in the town -
:hap. Plenty of green and water. Ap-
ply to Buxom & INNas. 40 3
Fool BALL.—On Wednesday of next
week a foot ball match will be played on
Victoria Square, Brussele, 'between the
"Heron" of 8eaforth, and a union olnb
oeeVaiton and Brussels. It ie in connec-
tion with the District series. A lively
caatoh is expected as the Seaforthites are
old -etagere at foot ball.
Dle5leson.—Friday morning the cage
el M. M. Cardiff and R. L. Taylor came
oiler hearing before Judge Toms, in the
Goderioh. The wibneeeee
called were A. Hunter, F. 8. Scott, Jas:
WOOS, J. Burton, senior and junior, and
Wm; Spence, the evidence submitted
being about the same as given at the
i?:ggistratei' Court. Lawyer Campion
for. the defence argued that the Crown
had not made out e, °assists the validity
of the chattel mortgage. was not decided.
The Judge stated tbat it was incumbent
oathe Crown to prove that the mortgage
wise not good. County Attorney Lewis
thopgbtib should devolve on the. defence
improve that the mortgage was valid, bait
JGdge Toms held to his position and the
sate was dismissed. The matter stands
about like this, if the chattel mortgage
was good the defendants were in the
ir t, and if otherwise the Bailiff was
0 doing his duty in taking and hold.
iteathe enemas seized.
du Huron Medical Aseociation met
in the Council room, Clinton, on the 8th
bait, There were present Ore. Taylor,
Sloan,'Turnbull, Smith, Young, Elliott,
Gunn, Godfrey and Worthington, the
letter being requested to preside, in thehe
absence of Dr. Irving, the president. T
meeting was a very sucaeeiful one, many
inferestiug casae being shows, one es-
pecielly so. A man, married, having a
family was presented, with a growth from
the right breast, of a hanging tumorabout
13 inches long end weighing, we should
judge, about live pounds, very red, soft,
movable. and not the least tender to han-
dle, the attachment to the breast croup -
ted about 3r•1 inches, the balance hanging,
being knocked about as he walked.
and b i
A case of loaoinoten ittaxy was also shown,
calmed by a disease of the spine] cord,
the person the feeling of walking
given p and the gait unsteady,
on sand ur wool,
and like that of an intoxicated person,
the logs being first affected, then the
arms end hands, till hole unable to dress
kiiresolf, end cannot button his clothes,
and is unable to walk without a staff,
and then Lae, constantly to look et his
feat to gee if they are going in the right
direction,—A ,curious ease of shortening
le of en Inch in a young man wag
14 ono legt cense but
shown without any app A
l end in hip joint desease, fam id likely p
familiar of other oases Were Shown whioh
Mk no time tee repotted owe,
eek. Miss Moffatt, of Toronto, is visiting
Tia evening service in Melville church Tug Gorrie stage now leaves Brussels Mrs. G. B. Howie,
was withdrawn last Sabbath as the pas. at 0:80 p. in. inotead of in the morning.The family of J. A. Creighton may ro-
This ollenge will give satisfaction to the move to Galt. We hope not.
for was preaching at Belgravopeople of the north as
it enables Cham to p
Tau Gun Club is practisingon their pet pbeir mail earlier as the contuse Harry Dickson started for Dakota on
of a some of the members ere g Tuesday, We wish him prosperity,
q cad to a be
ep pigeons, are batter. Willie McCracken is home from a fon r
cite expert,
others mise occasionally. enAr evening Adjutant Cousjne and
R. S. 8OSL58T is anions menthe' visit to relatives neerPeterboro'.
deliver an address on Temperance in Captain Brown assisted in rho Salvatjon Miee Mary Sample ie filling the ponf-
Kinaardine on Friday evening of this Army service. Mrs. Griffiths and W, tion of milliner in MoAlljeter's afore,
Bateman were re -appointed sergeants
week Comber, Essex county.
d McKay Bros of Grey for the c p IIB was again ap-
t as. Clark intends removing t
ee . or s. cam 0
Iso, GLARE ee o eY eluted to the cillos of Secretary.
township, left Brussels last week for pointed
persons interested in the re•orgaui- Boafarth. She has been .
Michigan where they go to push their tion f the Brussele Cricket Club are Bruseele for nevem' years.
fortanee. requested to meat at the American hotel Gus and Fred, Goebel, of Mitchell and
FaBIMES, be aura and read this looal onc Friday evening othis weak at 8 Buffalo, respectively, were visiting their
and don't you forget it. kept
Repeire o'clock. As orioket in being talked up in sinter, Mrs. Kaanid, this wank.
for Verity's plows ke t oonstentl on other neighboring towns it should not be hire. Wm. Ellin was summoned to
band at my shop, one door south of the of difficult a matter to arrange match a
Saginaw, Mich., on Tuesday of this weak
Town Hall, J. J. GILPIN. 41. as in some former years. to nos her sou who was seriously injured.
Tas Brunetti Tennis Club was re. ALL the English earseed barley rsoeived The family of Chan. Holland, Port
of thiezweekr 1890 on
were at Brussels (49 bags) was taken and lams, had a narrow recaps from death
cue night lent week from ewapjug gee
elected : President, J M McIntosh
Reeve Gotham says be could have di
Vice•President, Robt. Graham ; Seers') Posed of 10 or 12 more if he bad them.
tary,Treaenrer, J. T. Pepper. Prof. Saunders, of the Dominion Ex-
QD$EN'e BIRTHDAY.—A public meeting perimental Farm, says the Government
will be held in the Counoil Chamber next will probates the crop grown from this
Tuesday evening, at 8 o'olacit, to take seed and pay 80 Dents per bushel.
Lex Saturday Alex. Harold Carlyle,
into consideration the holding of a cele.
bration on the 24th of May. There should
a large attendance. Uuleee we look out
for No.1 the outside towns will take the
start of ne. Don't forget the meeting.
Messes. Cocuatem & JOHNSTON, marble
Cutters, of Durham, have moved to Brute
eels end opened a shop on Market street.
They purpose doing all kind of work in
their line in a satiefactoty manner and
ask for the patronage of the public. We
extend a cordial welcome to them and
hope they will mowed well in their
WELL-Dm0rad Ann DBmLINo.—George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terme easonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Tnrnberry et., Brussels. 43.51
THOS. STRA06AN will represent Knox
church, Brussels, at the General As-
sembly of the Presbyterian church, whicb
meets at Ottawa next June. The con-
gregation will likely have a full report of
the proceedings in the form of a lecture
or address. Mr. Strachan did not say
so, but we make this prophetic announce-
STILL ON THE WIN..—Doge your organ
or sewing machine trouble you? Please
let me hear from you. Organs cleaned,
tuned and repaired. You can pack your
machine head in a basket and send it by
stage or express audit will receive prompt
attention and returned with a sample of
ite work in it. Some second hand ma-
chines on hand for sale or to exchange
for others. T. MOORE, Box 122, B, usools.
J. G. SEENE was re-elected Chairman
o f the Board of Health at the meeting
on Monday evening. It was decided thee
all the yards, premises, dsc. within the
corporation should be cleaned and ready
for the visit of the Inspector by the 10th
of May. The dumping ground for refuse
is the same plane as 'sat year. This
being an early Spring ibe townspeople
should see that every sanitary precaution
ie taken and do all they can. to assist the
Board of Health in their work.
WHo DOT TEE DRESS ?—This is the Rues
tion that was &eked a snore or more of
times on Monday. Lent Saturday wan
the last day for receiving answers to
A. R. Smith's advertisement offering a
dress to the person forming the most
words out of the letters found in 'carpets:
Principal Shaw and A. M. McKay were
selected to decide the matter. There
were a great many answers gent in, com-
ing from persons an Neepawa, Moosomin
and Crystal City, Man.; Keewatin, Al-
goma, Montreal, Toronto, Petrone,Clin-
ton, 8eaforth, Blyth, Wingham, Wroxe.
ter, Orillia, Muakoka, Brussels and sur-
rounding villages. A great many mis-
understood the idea and duplicated let-
tere in pluralising words, none of welch
counted, of course. The answers ranged
from 75 words to 335, the latter number
being obtained by Miss L. A. Humbly,
one of the teachers in our Public school,
who was awarded the dress geode. Miss
Jeseie Rose wag second. For the sake of
proving that the words are there the list
is subjoined, as follows: Carpets, car-
pet, ear, cars, care, cares, oat, eats, oap,
caps, nape, capes, carp, carps, cast, caste,
case, caper, capers, oart, carte, 'aerate
carets, cater, oaten, nates, carte, caster,
Cesar, Cesar, tetra, aerate orate, orates,
orape, crapes, crept, crest, Creeap, Carpe,
Carie, Cospe, Castro, Cea, Cresta, Cartes,
C ser, Caere, Casper, Caep, Ceeps, Capet,
Capets, Carps, Cess, °apt, Cepa, meet,
Copan, creme, creat, create, a, ar, at, ate,
ape, apes, ere, art, arts, aro, arose ace,
acne, sore, acres, act, %oto, apt, all, asp,
aspect, aster, riper, eater, ape, asps, ate,
Mere, ater, seer, asters, aper, spore, Has,
ao, area, Mee, are, ea, arp, apert, apeets,
apse, apter, rat, rate, rate, rates, reap,
rap, reps, race, races, rest, reap, reaps,
rape, rapes, Rae, rapt, rase, react, remote,
recast, Rea, rete, Ras, Re, rep, reps, re-
past, retep, ramps, neap, recaps, Res,
Rear, reeapt, ret, Rees, pet, pots, pat,
pats, par, pars, parse, pa, pas, pace,
wee, pacer, past, pacers, part, parts,
pear, pears, pare, pares, post, prate,
prates, paste, paster, pant, pea, peas,
prest, pate, pates. pent, pats, port, ports,
pater, peter, Petras, Pere, Pesos Furter,
Pete, paters, per, Peart., Peart, Prac,
prase, Pre, Pone, Peters, Petras, Potao,
Fres, Prams, Pete, Parc, pare, Pac, Vacs,
peraot, pacts, tar, tars, tear, tears, tare,
00.05, toaco, tu 6085, trap, traps', tea, teas,
tap, taps, tape, tepee, tailor, tapers, Tee,
Ter, trap0, trapes, Tres, Tre, Toe, Te, Ta,
Er, oar, earn, eat, eats, eget, arst, era,
eras, epact, epacts, Erp, Erpa, escarp,
Doe, Et, Earp, tarps, r, Erte, ecru•,
come, ep, ape, earat, ets, era, set, eat, sate,
eater, gap, Seer, scar, scare, gawp, matte,
scat, strap, step, stare, star, spear, eparo,
Spar, spa, goat, sea, Sprat, Geral, grape,
soot, Sarre, Sao, Sa, filar, Sart, Serpa,
spat, owe, Sean, spacer, soot, Mate,
easter, seat .ter, Ser, Sea, Sera, Se,
Snare, aper, epee face, tame, Seta, spec,
epe°tra, tarso, resp, atter, seers, see, apte, . folios who
Bose, Atte, tea, west, Praet, Tran, oommittod by two young w
Rape, Cetae, Precut, Aires, Cora, Arpe, were seen in town on Monday. They
pelmets, opts, crap, orape, reia, Car» -335, %vete it suspicious ioolfjng couple and
infant son of Robert Wilson, died, aged
one year, nine months and twenty-eight
days. The little fellow had been ill for
about seven weeks with gastric fever, fol-
lowed by enlargement of the liver. The
funeral took pians on Sunday afternoon,
Rev. 8. Jones conducting the service.
FRED. GmDEL while washing his hands
at the American Hotel, here, on Tuesday
had 00665100 to remove a diamond ring
which he put on the washstand. Hie at-
tention was taken np with something
else at the time and when he went to
look for hie ring it was not to be found.
Nothing has been seen of it since al-
though diligent search was made. One
thing certain it did not walk off by it-
EAST Huron License Commissioners
met on Friday of last week. Hotel
licenses were granted to all the applicants
who had license last year. The app
None of Messrs. Gill, of Ethel, and
Zilliax, of Henfryn, were laid over for
further consideration. George Atkinson,
of Belmore, has applied for a Wine and
Beer license. The Board will meet on
Wednesday of next week, et the Ameri•
can Hotel, Brussels, to finish up their
THE question of another salt worke in
Brussels is once more mooted. F. C.
Rogers has communicated with Messrs.
Livingetom as to arranging for a well on
their property adjoining the present
block. The intention, is, if successful,
to erect the buildings near the railway
and pipe the brine to the pan. 03,000 is
the estimate. A joint stock company
may take up the matter if Messrs. Liv-
ingston don't see fit to handle the under-
taking. Having the works convenient
for shipping would be a saving of a good
many hundred dollars in the year.
Brussels salt heads the list.
OBIT.—Richard Newton, one of East
Orford'a most prominent farmers, died
on Saturday at his residence, "Ever-
green Home," at the age of 68. He was
taken 01 about two weeks ago with
bilious fever, which was followed by con.
geetion of the lunge and peritonitis. Mr.
Newton was born in Sligo, Ireland, and
was the son of the late Rev. Riohard
Newton. He came to Canada in his
boyhood, settling in Hastings county.
He Dame to Oxford in 1876. A wife and
a family of nine survive him. Deceased
was a prominent member of the Metho-
diet ohuroh. Mr. Newton was a distant
relative to Rev. J. L. Kerr, of Brussels.
MONDAT evening as Henry Mooney jr.
was returning from the station with the
team belonging to the Enterprise Salt
Works an empty barrel he was seated
upon fell off and frightened the horses.
Mooney was thrown between the animals
but managed to catch hold of the tongue
of the wagon with his arms, his body
dragging on the ground, In this dem-
prone position he remained until the
bridge was crossed and the speed of the
horses somewhat Blackened allowing him
to get his Leet np off the ground. The
runaway wag etopped opposite the tele-
graph office end Mooney rescued from
hie n000mfortable and dangerous situa-
tion. He Was considerably bruised about
the fate and body, the marvel is that he
was not seriously injured or killed. No
damage was done to either the wagon or
ExerieseroN.—Tbo Examining Board
of the Guelph Conference met in Mit-
obeli Wednesday and Tharaday of last
week. Rev. J. E. Howell, M. A., presid-
ent of the Conference, presided, Rev. E:
A. Chown, B, D., Elora, acting as Sec-
retary. The following is the result of
the examinations : Fourth year—J. W.
Churchill, Guelph District, first olaee.
Third year—W. E. Kerr, Owon Sound
District, second Class. Second year -J.
W. Cozens, Goderich, first claw; ; A. E.
Henderson, Palmerston ; Judson Truax,
Stratford ; F. M. Mathews, Galt, ascend
glass. Firet year—H. A. Baylis, Walk-
erton, and W. H. Harvey, B. A., Guelph,
first class ; J. S. Humphrey, Owen
Sound, second clave. Preliminary—W.
II. Harvey, B. A., and F. W. Thompson,
of Guelph District, first claim ; H. A.
Barnwell, Walkerton ; H. S. Casson,
Goderioh, and W. G. Megwood, Guelph,
second °lass.
from a coal stove.
E. E. Wade and family will very pro.
bably remove to Owen Sound in the near
future. Mr. Wade's removal will canoe
a vacancy on the School Board.
Peter Sinclair, Mill area, who hes
been laid op for the pest six weeks with
rheumatic Lever, is able to get aboat a
little now, although quite poorly yet.
A, H. Kay, of Dundee, a former resi-
dent of Brussele, is in town this week
aiding hie sister, Mrs. J. R. Grant, in
peeking, preparatory to removal to Win-
niR v. W. E. Kerr, of Owen Sound was
home fore week. He intends taking a
STAGE TO GORIi•XE-nt�jexll�
t, Ioevea Hentorovary e, ends 0* the
returns No Mistake L„
i at the Son}ortk stage n, °arae IV1 t
them 13 , ,1, lu 4 ,' '5 u, , in 110,' t0 oateli J.. ,S. J
tkedhermWurn,.„.,.YYout 751.iu1e will
be adhered to until further notice.
8., WALBH, Proprietor.
.1. pared to do bowing In all its brunch.
es. She will let two o1 her little girls go out
es parse girls should opportunity otter.
Enquire at her home, opposite B. Gerry's
rooidouoe,Mill at. ss-
omen denim to rept her b• use awl
lot on Church St. The garden is an excellent
ono, there hong plentyof fruit true, our.
rent bashes, strawberries, deo,, on the prop-
erty Apply at once to SIRS. S, PEARSON.
anise at the Montreal Theological Col.
lege when hie term expires at his
present station.
Jno. Hargreaves was in town *hie
week assisting in the packing and re-
moving of Mrs. Hargreaves' household
effects to Paisley. He has loot none of
his old time popularity in Brussels.
Miee Jessie Rona, who has been in the
employ of A. Good for abontthree years,
has accepted of a position in MoLaren'e
boot and shoe store in Guelph. She will
leave in the course of a week or so,
Mise Ross will no doubtbe an acquisition
to the Royal city. We expected she
would have become a permanent resident
in Brussele but he may go after her to
Mrs. Geo. Hayorof1 and daughter,
Miee Lizzie Roes and Mrs. J. A. Mc-
Naughton have gone to Wiufield, Kansas,
for a visit. The former goes with the
hope of the change of air proving benefi-
cial to her health. Mrs. McNaughton's
father is ill and her visit is largely on
his account. They left Bruesela on the
morning train on Wednesday. We hope
they will have a safe journey and a
pleasant stay.
On Thursday of this week the Har -
groins family removed from Brussels to
Paisley. They have resided here for the
past four years, and have been very
worthy citizens. The removal of Mies
Hargreaves causes a vacancy in St. John'.
ohuroh choir (where ehe hoe been organist)
and Sabbath school that will be diffionit
to fill. W. A, Hargreaves and wife, of
Toronto, are going on a visit .to England,
and the Aliases Hargreaves will keep homes
for their brother "Jack” in their absence.
Tea POSIT expresses the sentiments of a
good many when we say we ere very sorry
to see the Hargreaves family remove from
Brussels, but wish them a prosperous
Pepper's Drug Ettore.
Deolde new to go and ace the Pretty Now
Doelgne nod Low Prions of Wall Paper at
The underoigned is desirous of go -
curing house work, saah as house oleaning,
wadable, ironing, die. Washing or nether;
done at my ho use 1f desired, Apply to
00158, JNO. LOTT
89.2 Parker's Terme., Mill St,
The undersigned desires to Intimate
to theladiesladies of Brussels and surrounding
ttend to
all ordersalntrustedp top Ler to atfefsation
guaranteed. Shop—Up•staire, one door north
0f Walter Jaokaon'a hardware store,
Caveats, Re -lase ea and Trade
• Marks seemed and all oth-
er patent causes in the Patent OAlso and
before the Courts promptly and carefully at-
tended to. Upon receipt of model or sketch
of invention, 1 make careful examination,
and advise se to patentability free of charge.
patent is secured d Information. a advice and
apeelal references sent on application, J.
R. L1TTELL, Washington, D.C., U.S. Patent
Notice is hereby given that the Arm of
George Love & Go. has beep diseolvod by
mutual consent. All debts and amounts due
or owing to the said Sam must be paid to
Robert G. Wilson, of Brussels, who will also
pay all debts of the Arm.
Dated at Brussels this 14th day of April,
A.Hnsmsn, 1. GL:O. LOVE,
Witness. (( R. G. WILeoN.
Bonaf.008,—A brazen faced burglary
took place at W. Nightingale tC Co's.
store last Monday night. An entrance
was effoatod through a window at the
rear of the building, tho salla being lifted
by a blacksmith's rasp. Once in.
side the thief or thieves, helped
thomsolves to silks, the silk handker-
chiefs in stock, needy all the kid gloves
and other articles, amounting in ell to
0300 et 1100 aa nearly as can be calcu-
lated. When they were satisfied they
unbelted the side door and quietly with-
drew carrying their booty with them.
Telegraph messages were sent to the
surrounding towns and villages and the
day wee spent in endeavoring to get
Wine trace of the thieeee and goods but.
without avail np to the time of writing.
The supposition is that the burglary wag
on Market street, oaay terms. For
particulars apply to tiles F. F. MoNTOOMERT
05.40 or W. F. VAN8TONE, Brussels.
DaBsxGNED baa several good Farms for
sale and to rent, cagy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey. F. S. SCOTT, Brussels.
The Kingsville eohoole have been
closed on account of the prevalence of
measles among the children.
During the revival survioeo held by
Messrs. Crossley and Hunter in Brant-
ford the peat five weeks 755 enquirers
came forward. They received 0700 fn
all for their 00581080.
A new rule on the Michigan Central
railroad hae gone into effect by which
all persons under the influences of drink
will not be allowed to get on trains or
hang about the waiting rooms.
WHITDTHLD.—Io Grey, on April 6111, the
wife of Mr. Teesdale Whitfield of a
Srotum.—Io Grey, on April 9th, the
wife of Mr. Edward Sperain of a
T H0050N At Henfryn, on April 7th,
the wife of Mr. J. H. Thomson,
merchant, of a daughter.
Being South ball Lot 27,con.0, Morris,
about30ucresPallllwboatdin ground.ldEasy
terms, Apply to W. M. SINCLAI t,
tf- Solicitor, &a., Brnseels.
TrseemeCt se General Mrsalc%Sig'
Canadian and Oulted Status Drafts bought
and sold.
Interest allowed on Deposits.
Collections made on favorable terms.
Canadian Agents— MEnorrANT'a BANE 01.
New York Agonte—Itiroweene AND TaAn-
80, con. •u, Grey, containiegg 100 acne, 15
timbered 1eA bout 70 mores' and of dry the
the balance cedar and black ash ewemp
There is a log house ou the premises. Will
be sold on v cry reasonable terms as proprie-
tor does not require the lot. For fnrtt or par-
ticulars apply to ROBT. MOLAUCHLIN,
Cranium ok, P.O. or ALEX. HUNTER, 32Brea.
Drdxe0N.—In Clinton, on April 15th,
Chris. Dickson, :aged 30 years and
5 months.
WfnsoN.—In Braeeele, on April 1901,
Alexander Harold Carlyle, infant
son of Robert Wilson, aged 1 year,
9 months and 28 days.
.L sorannl offers his valuable 100 sore
farm, boiuglot 3, eon. 18, Groy Township,
Huron Co., for sale. There are about 60
mores cleared and in good heart. There is
log house, good bank barn bearing orchard,
and all the flummery oonvonienees on the
premien. For further particulars, as to
prloe,terms, etc„ apply to the Proprietor,
T .51 H DOUGALD 8TRA0H61P Bruesela
8olia1Eor and Conveyancer. Collec-
tions made. OiRae—Vanstone's Block, Brus-
eele, 21.5m•
• Solicitor, Conveyancer, NoturyPub-
Ito, Aa. OOoe—Grabam's Block, 1 door north
of Pepper's Drug Roe. Private Funds to
1.0'. Barrister, Solioltor and Notary Pub -
tie. Conveyancing. Colleettous and Loaning.
Mr. Wade will attend in Gerrie every Wed-
needay at two o'clock,
(Late with Garrow & Proudfoot, (lode -
rich,) Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers.
Offices—Br0ssele and Senforth. Brne
sets Officio, Rogers' Bleak, Main St, Money
to Loan.
R.0. EATS. w. n.DI0a00ri.
• Barrister, Solicior, do., of tho Arm
of Taylor, McCullough & Burns, Barristers
Solioitora, &a„ Manning Arcade, Toronto.
Mono 1 to lona,
.L DRBUGNED offers for sale the north
salt quarter of lot 28, aonoeeeion 0, Morris,
County of Huron, containing 50 aoree, The
land is of first quality and in a high state of
mitigation, well fended and sudor -drained,
,5 sores cleared- Now frame honee,8 rooms,
milk bowie with concrete walla, 2 wells,
good barna and shed, orchard,. eta. Bight
nares of fall wheat, This desirable property
ad Dins the corporation of Brussels. Suit-
able terms will be given. Title perfect.
80- bieaforth 1'. 0.
Morris, on reaoonablo terms. In order
to aloes the affairs of the estate of the late
W. G. Ringatoa, the exeoutors offer the tot.
lowing valuable lands for sale North
half of Lot 30, Concession 5, Township of
Morrie, containing 90 acres. On this lot is
erected 6 good frame barn with stone foun-
dation, good orchard, well andpump . Near-
lyalloloared, and is on the grave road
closely adjoining the village of Brunets.
This farm 10 a valuable one,- is well fenced
and in a good state of cultivation. For
prices and terms apply to THOS. KELLY,
Brussels P. 0., McNair immunise, ise, Victoria
Square P. 0., or Samna SMITE, ;Maple Lodge
P. 0 Middlesex County.
23M2,1T06S$li.S x.ol.A,R ZITS,
Fall Wheat 80 90
Spring Wheat .. 80 85
Barley 38 42
Oats 28 30
Peas..... .. 52 53
Batter, tubs and rolls.... 14 00
Eggs per dozen.... 8 00
Flour per barrel 4 20 30 4 00 50
Hay per ton 6 00 6 50
Pork .... 5 00 6 00
Hides per lb 2 26
Salt por bbl., retail1 25 00
Sheep shins, mob 60 1 00
Wool, per 1'b 16 20
Prose for sale, good 80 now. Also large
baby carriage, Enquire Tui Ysmblone.
Arseelse0 British Challenge bicycle,
52 inch, ball bearings, in peed running order;
only $50.00. Apply to J. W. SHAW,13ruo0ala,
to to
D lig
undor0ignoa desieo. to intima
rho ladioa of BruOaele and vicinity that Choy
have openada Dronlmaking Shop oyes Mr.
Ater, 8 trac0an a Store, Brunets, whore they
aro preporod tb atton4 to all work ontrii0ted
4044020, Satistaotion ueSAntdod.
40.4 00388718 ST WAS4I dr0L tstOP,
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court,
Co. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Loud, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Collootians made.
Office 1n Graham's Block, Brussels.
WM, F. CALE, M.D., C. iii.,
Member of the College oOPUyetolan
and Surge000 of Outeri° by examination
OAice and Residence — Main street East,
Ethel, Ontario.
Ia - t7a,e - Couxity - of - Ftwxoao..
Pertinent to a judgment forimmodiate sale
made in a certain notion in Queen's Bench
division of the British Canadian Loan and
Invoetmoot Company vs. Tindall, there will
he told with the approbation of Neil Me.
Lean, Esq., Official Bermes, by Alexander
innthe Village of Brue.elsat , in 4he Countyrican of
Huron, on THUBSDAY, the Ant 001 of ay,
1890 at twelve .'clock, noon, the following
lands and promises situate W the townehlp
of Grey,11 the County of Huron, in two
parcels, namely : Parcel one—Lot Mambo.
saldeighteen in i t contaiini g th 1000500! moretor
laid lParcel t
lots. Parcel two—Lot number nineteen in
the eighth eonceasion of the said townoblp
containing 100 urea more or lees. Upon let
.n lea frame house, and a bank barn
with stone foundation. Upon lot nineteen
1e a brick house and n bank barn with stone
foundation. The properties are well fenced
Toe farms aro situate about sixte of mileo from
Brussels and about a mile and a-balt from
the village of Ethel. The road', leading to
both The panels will s are gbedo
sold separately, u
ely, sbj of
to a reserve bid upon oath lot to be Axed by
the Cinoiel Referee. Ton. per dent. of the
purchase money for each parool is to be
paid to the Voudors' Solicitors at the time
of sale, and the balance in each case into
Court to the credit of this action within
thirty days thereafter, without interest, Cr
at the pentaasm''e option so muchof the
perchers° money in each ease as with the
said Lou p or cent. shall make up ono half of
the whole parobase money for meth parcel
shall be paid into Court as aforesaid within
thirty days without interest and the balance
may remain upon first mortgage on the
prop55ty for Ave yam's ab nix null a -half Ser
tern. Tho abstract
10111 not bo bound to
furnish any abatraot of utile other then producea
1%ogtetrar's edetract and will not aOa-
any title ftods or copies thereof or any hei-
possec or title other Wan those ermine their
thetetaloa, The Iwn ex 1050 must ox re.
the title at their own expense. In other re.
Spaeth the conditions bt sale shall be the
standing oouditions of the Court. For furth-
er Particulars applyto the Auetloneer, to
. E. Wado, Barrister, Bresnan, to Jelin
Hoskin, Bug., Q.(3„ Toronto Street, Toronto,
or ated attToronto this lout day April, 1820
101Neetar 1,, 8YL{dNe, SAUND$RS &
TORRANCE, Vcndor0' Solloltore, l7 wettiog-
ton Street 'Meet ,Toronto. 40.2
N)O1L MoLLAN, Ofleiel Referee.
• re ht., L. R. C. P., Edinburgh, M. C. P
S. Ont, At Pepper's Drug Store from 9 to
11:00 a. m. and from 1:30 to 4 5. m, At other
hours may, be found at his reeldeueo, form-
erly ocanpted by Dr. B utchineon, Mill et,
21=11"'X'2113 TM'Y1
G. L. Ball, 13,0,0. Nitros Oxide Gas ad-
ministered for the Prdnleos Extraction of
Teeth. 74 Gerrard Street East, Tononmo.
7::13:7 TTISTI
W. 3. Fear, L. D. S., Graduate of
Toronto School of Dentistry. All
operation, guaranteed. !Orli rb1llolal
teeth, first quality, and a gnuAanteed
at, for $12.00 per set. OIBse—OAD8's
Erman, 8HAYOnxn.
1) E N T I r+ T t
70..d. M.A.- TnS7'. z, a, S.,
Honor Graduate of the Royal College of
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Nitres Oxide Gni
adm iaieterod for the Paulen Extraatlon of
teeth. Olgao—
f30on Coon N08Tn co? BANE, BBII008La,
• Insurer qt Marriage Licenses. Moe
at his Grocery, Turnborry street, Brussels.
1W• Tonsorial Artist, Shop—Next door
south of A. M. McKay dt Co's hardware store.
Ladies' and obildrens hair orating a opeolalte
• Isearer of Marriage Llooneeo, by
appointment of Liont; Governor, Commis-
sioner, &o„ Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent
Fire Insurance Co. Office at the Oranbrook
Post OMee,
Ie desirous of procuring po ile in
Vocal Music. Prof. Warrington of Toronto
is pleased to give hie testimonial as to Miee
O'Connor's ability, she having been a pupil
ed his duriog her stay in Guelph. 'intro.
mental Music on Piano, Organand Guitar,
Terme made knownoh application. Penmen
80,, Brunets, Miee O'Connor is open for
Concert Engagements. 80-
• Auctioneer, is always rowdy to at -
to ud limes of farms, farm stook, deo. Tomo
cheerfully given. Oranbrook P. 0. Salon
may be awaited at Tun Po0T Publishing
House, Brussels.
Licensed Auctioneer. Wes oonduet-
ea on reasonable terms. Farms and farm
stooks epegialty. Orders left at Tun Poem
Publlehhagf'onso,Bru000lo, or eentto Walton
P. 0., will reecho prompt attention,
sn as an Anattonoer, I am propend
t0 amldllct Haden of farm stock at roaoeuable
prices. Snowing the standing of nearly
every por0ou I am in a position to eon to
good marks and gqt good som'iby when gold
on credit. Satiefaatfon guaranteed, Give
moa call, 32• F, 8, SCOTT,
,Honor Gradnatos of the Ontario
Veterinary College. aro prepared to tract all
diseases of dometeleated animals in to cont.
potent mann0r, I artmnlar attoutloa paid
to veterinary deutatry. Cells promptly at•
tended 00..bffioe and,fuermary—Tlvo doom
earth of bridge, Turabotty bt„ Bruaielt