The Brussels Post, 1890-4-25, Page 5APRIL 26, .890. tFI HRVSSELS POST iDistritt ttelvs, 13e1{l: reavo. Jolie Rom and D&Yid Robertson were nominated on Saturday, 12th inst., for the vaoant office of Councillor in the township of .East Wowanoeh. Voting took place Saturday, the 10th that., at the polling pieties whore the last muni. cipnl elootions were held. Mr, Robertoon was eleoted. 0 thee -vale. Mrs, Barkley, of Brussels, has been in Binevale for the poet week. Mrs, Jno. Messer and her son John aro visiting trienrls In l3ru.sels. OnrT.-We regret to announ09 the death of a very old resident of Bluevalo, in the person of Mr. McGee, who passed quietly away last .Friday evening. About three yoara ago he received a paralytic stroke whish oonfined him to his bed ever sines. Nevertheless his death was very sudden, hie friends not knowing he was any worse than usual. Wm Ihle•sor and wife and their little daughter, Cora, wore at Hamilton last week to see an oculist with regard to Cola's yo, which has been troablingg her over since she had the manatee lase winter. We are glad be say that, al- though it will be a long time before her eye will be (mite well, still the (looter says that the sight is not at all affected. bletx.,•iia. Miss Isabella Peacock was visiting friends at Newtridge, George Readman has leased tiro Broadfoot farm and has moved on it, Mrs. John Forrest and Mise Bella Cil, son, of Jnmee'own, ora away visiting :,r Maryboroagh. The farmers are burly seeding and the women busy house-cleaning in and around the vicinity of Jamestown. Mrs. R. Mothers, of the 2nd eon., who hoe been seriously indiepoeed for about a month, is getting somewhat better. David Breckenridge sr., of the lot Dom, is confined to his bed at present. Probab- ly the grippe is the cause of kis trouble. Mrs. R. Johnston and Master Wesley, of Newbridge, were down visiting friends and relatives on the lot oon., this week. Times aro beginning to mood, I think. for the lamb buyers, peddlers and tramps are out cheering and enlivening things up by their pleasant smiles and cheerful talks. Rev. John Scott, of Wiegham, preset'. ed the educational sermon in Johnston's church last Sunday to a pretty larg congregation, notwithstanding the absence of quite a number who were at Bluevalo attending the funeral of Mr. Magee. /Ethel . Seeding is amain occupying the atten- teution of the farmers in thio district. Rev. Da,id Rogers, of Atwood, will take charge of the services in the Meths. dist choroh Crest Sabbath. Mise Bessie Kays left on Moutlay of this week, to spend a few months with friends in Toronto and vicinity. Robert Wray is following his businres as blaokemitb in Auburn, where he in- tends moving his famiy shortly. C. Stubbs, who has been attending the Central Business College, Stratford, is spending a couple of weeks in our village. He pegged a very orediteble examination before leaving the oity. We came nearly having another serious fore in our village last Friday evening. Flamee were seen issuing from the roof of the residence of Alex. Cameron, but, as aur citizens aro nearly as prompt ae o fire compauy, it was but a short time be- fore the fire was under oontrol. The roof was damaged slightly. The Listowel Banner says :-"A lady from Ethel was visiting a friend in town last week, end returning on the evening train on Tuesday she found she hail lost her pocket book, containing $21 and the ticket. Bright and early next morning her husband name to town and walked from the station to the front door steps of tho home, lying on wbioh be discover- ed the purse with the ,entente untouch- ed. Of course he smiled. He was smil- ing all the time he told the story to e passer-by." Lioetovs, o1. A Lodge of Inetruotion, A. F. & A, M„ will be held here about May 28rd. It is intruded to celebrate Her Majes- ty's birthday in town in approved style. Mr. Reed, of the Congregational Col- lege of B. N. A., Montreal, has been en- gaged as pastor of the Congregational church for the summbr. A. F. MaoLereh, buyer for Messrs. Jae L. Crani & Oo., shipped six carloads of ' ahem, about 2,800 boxes, valved at over $15,000. Tie uhecee has been stored in town during the past winter, and is now being shipped for export. Will Bothwell, eldest son of 13. Both- well, Principal of the Listowel Publio school, has recently passed hie final ex. atnfnations at the Denver (Colorado) Medioal College with high honors, He has been ,.trending that 'Iustitution for about two years. Peter Lillie( a private banker in this town, who for several years past has had a branch office in Arthur, has been obliged to suspend payment. He was supposed to be possessed of considerable wealth, and the people of Arthur and vicinity had between $20,000 and $30,000 deposited in the agency there. The pros- ent embarrassment is raid to bees been aauded largely by getting teemed money looked up in real estate. The fo lowing offioors were elected for the present yeour.in eon rection with the Horticultural society :' President, '.Choc. E. Hay, Listowel ; Vice President, G. V. Poolo, Wallace ; 'Directors, John Riggs, H. Goddard, 1. S. Bowman, 11. T. Kemp, T. Malo, W. 0. Kidd, A. St. George Hateltins, H. B. Morphy. Audit- ors, B. B. Rothwell aid John C. lItty, At tho directors' meeting, hold immed- iately off elwor.ls, W. °limit, was made secretary, and II B. Morphy, treasurer, Tho annual mooting of the Rink and Park Company was held in the Queen's hotel rcoonr:y. The Sec. -Treasurer read m finanoi`', statement for the year, showing Hotel temente of $189.00 of whish $101..00 cavae from skating reeeipta, :Cho expense% outside of intend 00 mart• gage, taxes and invuronee boo year, were $150,(18, Tho yearly mortgage mimed le $108. The company therefore war, about $100 ahnrl;of paying the oxpeuaos of the year. The following board of di• rectors were thea oloeted by ballot : J, W. Scott l3, J,', Brook, W. Clituio, Or. Nidiol, J�, L,1)arlink, 17.:[1, 'Campbell, J.'A,Hocking, 1', Lillie(. Oenduotor Snider ooeupied thepulpit of the Mothodiat church lest Sabbath, morning and evening, At the annual meeting of the Agrioul. tural and Exhibition AeeooIation the direetnre were elegiac] by bailor JO fol- lows : R. T, Kemp, Geo, 7,'illiax, John Scott, Dr, Parke, W. J, Hay, 11, B. Morphy and Jno, Biggs, A dividend of twelve per Dent. has beau doelered on the Meas estate and a statement issued showing that a farther and final dividend of twelve per Dent. will probably bo paid in Juno. Tho re. oeipte were made up of sole of assets, $14,838, bills receivable $6,106 and Bricker Furniture $430. The principal items of disbursement were $0,184 for wages, legal and inspector's ooet,i $500, and assignee's o, mmiseion $1409,04, The total amount of claituo on whish the dividend is paid is $68,770.09. Wiaseritn100. The sow bylaw is not being very well ob-erved by the townspeople. Dr. Maudonald, M. P., is expected home from Ottawa abort the first of May. J, Mason, photographer, has returned from an extended trip through the Wast- es) States. liobt. Orr returned from his tri: t0 the tropical climes last week, much inn - proved in health. The English ohurch people have per - chased the property of B. 11. Talbot on corner of John end Centre Streets, nearly opposite the pareo0age. Thf, is whore the new uhuruh will be built. )Maitland Lodge, No. 119, Independent Order of Oddtellows, has decided to cele. brace the 71st anniversary of the found- ing of the Order, by attending Divine service in the Lavti•tohuroh, on Smutty, 27th host., at 8 o'cinek p. m. C" rel nb roo h;. A large number of farmers intend sowing flax for the Cranbrook mill Next tlonday evening a sacred concert will be held in the Methodist church of this place. In addition to vocal and in. atrumontal music several recitations will be give n. If you want to spend au en- joyable evening, attend. Dien Sia, -Will you please insert the following item in Toe Pose with regard to the Spring Show which was held in Brussele on Friday, the 18th fust. It has come to my hearing that certain parties have bald that I misrepresented the age of the stallion "Challenger" and gave the judges to understand that he was only four years of age, and that on aoconnt of his youth they awarded him the Fir t prise. Now, Mr, E•iitor, mud to any whom it may concern, I will now give that story a moat emphatio denial. I told the judge who asked me his age that he was seven years old and if my word is not sufficient I have one of the Sooiety'r Direotors, who was standing by at the time to prove what I said. Hop. ing this will be sufficient at the present time, I remain, Respectfully yours, Anna. McNErr.. QW :t.1 ton. A game of football between the'Hnroua' of Seaforth and a nuion team from Wel. ton, Bras els, ace., will bo played on the Brussels grounds on the 30th inst. Rev. Mr. Murray, of Kiumtrdine, ,will deliver a lecture in Duff's church ou the evening of Thursday, May 1st, under the auspices of the W. F. N. S. Tea served from 0:30 to 7:80 p. m. Omr.--The Clinton New Era of last week says :-All mourned, but few were surprised, at the announcement on Tues. day that the spirit of Chris. Dickson had taken its fight. Hie first introduction to this town woe several years ago, when, leaving the toaohing profession in Ma. Biller, he embarked in mercantile life by buying out the stationery stook of W. H. Raueford. Ho ooutinued in this line until a few weeks ago, when the busi- ness was purchased by Cooper & Co. His health has not been good for three or four years, and some time a,;o he went to the old country for the express pur- pose of oousultiug the beet ph eioiane there. Tie came bock apparently much better, and for a time seemed ae though ho would master his illnees, but fate was against him, and he gradually sank. On Friday last he was down town and seemed to be no worse than he had been hitherto. Ou Sunday he took his meals down stairs with the family, but ]rept his room all Tuesday, On the evening of that day, his father-in.law, Mr. Corbett sat talking with him, at whish time he was able to sit up and converse apparent- ly as well as usual. Mr. Corbett left him and went down stairs and shortly after- wards, when Mrs. Dickson went up into the room, she was startled to see him kneeling at the bedside, dead. Ire had got out of bed, and attempted to dress himself, but his strength failed, as his beset had ceased to aot. Ire was only a young man, not yet 81 years, and had not his health given way, would unques- tionably have been one of the most sue• oeoeful. His grit and pluck in fighting against the "grim monster" as he has done during the past few months, have been the subject of aommeut by many 111 town. In ,disposition he was obliging and gonial, and those wibh whom ho came in contact always found him courteous and affable to a degree. Scot- land was the land of his birth, but ho resided in flioKillop for several years, where his mother and other relatives reside. He was a Liberal iu polities, and when able to go out he usually attended the Methodist church. His wife and two ohildren survive him. The funetal took plane on Thursday of last week, Pansnxvevloot--Last Friday evening about fifty of the members of St, Goorgo'e church oasomblod at the rosidenee of John Hewitt and piesonted his daughter, Mise Alice, with the following address, which was read by Robb, Ferguson "Ever ebnto you were obliged by fllnose to resign the position of organist in St. Georgo'a ohurch the beembere have been waiting a favorable opportunity for mak- ing known to you their epprauiation of year sorviees as organist and loader. It was with deop regret wo learned that owing to illness you would bo compelled to relinquish those dudes which you had so faithfully performed and which no ppa__ronal end could lead yen to neglect. Wo' are happy now in being able to Is. joioe with you over symptoms of return- ing vigor and eve tenet that before long you may be restored to complete heal ill, Yon have won the relied and admit. (bion of all by your aonsietont life and devotion to the work in which you vol. unterily engaged, and our ot,joobhere this evening is to give emphasis to these fooiings, It is a ',league to us to pro- tsut--wt believe it will be a pleae lte to receive -.these mementoes of bappy hours spent together in the house of God to the enjoyment of whish you contributed 90 mock. Lot them ever remini you that you have made for yourself warm friends in the membere et St, George's 000900ga. Won. We trust Haat you will be long spared to enjoy them and may you ever meet the duties of Ole in bhe eamo spirit with whish you have so long labored among 00. So m"y you win the 00000. bation of Him who has favored with a speoial commendation 'Hie faithful ser. vast."' The address was aorompaoiod by a dinner set consisting of one hundred pi'•oee, silver sugar bowl, silver spoon holder, a dozen silver dessert apoona, silver Dream pitcher and a silver pickle cruet. Miss Hewitt being completely taken by surprise was unable to reply but roqu05ted Rev. Mr, Oluff to do 50. He responded in a manner whish only he can. The following program wee then carried ant: -Chorus; recitation, "Those men," Jennie Ferguson ; instrumental, Mina O'Connor ; dialogue, "A day of mi -fortune ," John Morrison, Willie Smith mid Joe Hamilton ; doett and bull oborus, Misses O'Connor, MuKibbio and a, meaty ; reeitatlon, "Tim Kalligan's pig," Jun, Morrison ; solo, "Rooif.a-bye- baby," Medici Ferguson ; ohures, "Polly. wolly-doodls." The company broke up about ha f pant eleven wishing Mr. Hewitt ttudfamily many happy years. By the wit, you might oak 13 —next time you got a chance what two persons were piuuud together. WrroRltl''0- Mr. Marks intends building a now aloe, to his grocery shot,, and enlarging the old one, in order to make loom for his inoreas.ng business. Thos. Gibson intends eroding a fine residence here this summer. These facts go to prove,that our village is in a pro -persue state. The lovers of masks in this villain have organized themselves in a Glee Club and have already had several practices. Dr. Brawn is lender and Mrs. Time. Gibson owlet, 0 er village is well supplied with goad musical talent and they will no doubt give the publio the benefit of theft united praotio`beforo long. a; re:v. Mrs. Campbell, son., of Henfryn, the other day slipped on the pump platform, breaking her right arm. Mrs. Luke Speran, 14th con., is ill with heart disease and dropsy. We hope to hear of her restelratiou to health. Richard Cox, 12th eon., has gond to Washington Territory on a proepeoting tour. las. Denman has rented his farm. And,ew Simpson has removed from his farm, near Jamestown, to Wawanosh township whore he recently purchased a 100 -acro lot. His son.in.law will work the farm in this township. The trustees of the school near the Molesworth cemetery have engaged Miss Murrison, from MoKillep, to succeed Mr. McKee, who ie now attending the Owen Sound Collegiate Iuathuta, On Tu. eday of this week Jno. Patter- son, of this township, left Brasile for Killarney, Men., where he goes seeking a eatable looatiou for a home. He par. chased his ticket from J. T. Pepper, 0. P. R. Agent, Brussels. Cu Friday e•eniug of thin week an eloeutionory oompetitisn will take place in Shine's school house between the pupils for a Demorest silver medal. The recitations are a'l on Tetuperance topics. There will be seven or eight competitors. Musical selections willlbe interspersed. silea.forth. The Seaforth Fairview Park Turf Club held a meeting Tuesday evening in the Queen's Hotel, and made arrange - meets for races on May 24th, giving prizes to the omouut of $800. The raoes and classes will he as follows :-Three minute class, two-thirty.flve oleos, free- for-all, open for pacers and trotters. The oommittee of the Huron District of the Western Football Association met hero on S.tturday of last week and ar- ranged their matches for the spring sea- son. Stretford, Walton, Mitchell, Sea - forth Hurons and'Seoforth Collegiate In stituto clubs entered for the distrioL championship. It was decided to ar- range a series schedule similar to that of the Weetern Association. Ten per cent. of gate i eceipte goes to the diatriot funds to pnrohase some suitable trophy for the winning team. The following schedule was adopted, the last mimed being the home team 80 -Hurons v. Wal- ton ; May 6 -Stratford v. Seaforth C. I.; May 10 -Walton v. Mitohell ; May 10- Seaforth Hurons vs. Stratford ; May 14 - Mitchell v. Seaforth Hurons ; May 17 - Stratford v. Walton ; May 21 -Seaforth 0. I. v. Mitchell ; May 28 -Walton v. Seaforth C. I. ; May 31 -Mitchell v, Stratford ; June 3-Seaforth C. I. v. Hurons.. Men' 1 lop. FATAi, A00IDEvx. It is with feelings of more than ordinary regret that we an. nounoe the death of Richard McKee, a prominent fartner and stock -breeder of this township, The deceased had been to Seaforth on Friday and having been deprived of sleep for several nights in suuoossion owing to ermine illness in his family, when returning Home he became drowsy and fell from his wagon, He was parried to the residence of Francis Modullooh, and a surgeon being Bent for fouud upon examination that ho had reooivod end serious injuries to the head and spine ae to ,also his death on the following morning. The deceased was born near Ballyehannon, oomnty Done. gal, Ireland, and was about 40 years of age at tho time of hie death. He emi- grated to Canada 28 years ago and settled 1 the township 0f McKillop where by industry and good management he had boodle comparatively wealthy, being the poaeossor of two hundred acres of ex- oclient land on the 12th con. HeA took groat interest iu agricultural matters Having ocenpiesi the position of director and ereeidont 1tt some of our local agri. oulbural societies and was It dirootol, of the itloliillop Mutual Fire Lneur roe Company for several yeora previous to his death. Ho was a member of the Oi Mtge Order, a Conservative and in re- ligion a Presbyterian. Ho leaves a or. rowing wife, who is held in. high esteem by all who have the pleasure of her aoguaintenco, and a family of five boys, the youngest boinigl six ,years of age, Who havo the sympathy of the entire cirri• utunity in their slid and sudden boreeve- nlent, IIie melancholy cloath lies motet gloom mew the neighborhood. Tlif Newel teak place rrain ilia late rosidoneb Holiday attepnoon, Roe: Maasi% itttoi• grave rtnd Forrest dictating, 1 Myles Young 1e somewhat improved In health. IThe regular sitting of the 12th Division Court is to be held in Industry Hall on 01» half insb, ilia Lordship the Biehup of Huron i0 to administer the rite of oonfirmation h, Trinity church here on July 11th, The members of the C. 0. F. hero in. tenet having their annual Hermon preach. ed to them in the new Methodiet death on Sunday, May 11th. Reeve Belly is rather at outs with the Conservative party on the question of the so called Equal Rights. Pat. can't see where the "equal' comes in. We have pleasure in stating that Rev, Mr, McLean, the highly respected Presbyterian minister of this place, .cas been eleoted Moderator of the Hamilton and London Synod, in Bargee this week et Sarnia. He deserves all he gets. On Sunday afternoon the members of the I, 0, G. T. and members of other lodges to the number of 100 marched to the Methodist church to listen to a speoial sermon preached to them by the Rev. A. W. Tonguewidth Wail an able and appropriate discourse and eagerly listen- ed to by the large congregation present. PC.til County. A city baseball league will be formed in Stratford. Measles are very prevalent on the 14111 and 113011 Guns. of Elma. James Adair, of {loukton, has gone to push his fortune in the city of Chicago. Wm. Keith, Alma, bad a owe which gave birth to four lambs one day this month. The North Perth Agricultural Sooioty bas decided to have the fall show on Oct. end and 3rd. The literary sooiety at Milverton eon- tinuea to prosper under its efficient and able president, D. 0. Mucro. Enn. S. 11. Blake will address the an- niversary meeting of the Y. M. 0. A. in Strafford some time in May. Matthew and Joseph Hamilton and A. Viae were fined for disturbing the Sal- vation Army meeting at St. Marys. The Stratford Collegiate Institute boye petitioned the board for a week of hell. d.ye et Easter but they didn't get it. J. W. Bengough, the cartoonist, will give an entertainment in the opera house in SI. Marys, on Tuesday, the 29th inst. North Perth Conservatives will meet in Convention on Thursday, gay 6th, at List mei, to nominate a candidate for the Ontario elections. There was buried recently in the Catholic cemetery at Mitchell, Patrick Reardon, of Logan, who died at the patriarohial age of 111. A subscription has been taken up for John Ried, of Burns, who had the mis- fortune to get his barn and entire stook burned a short time ago. Reform Convention at Milverton on Thursday of this week for the purpose of nominating a candidate to oppose Geo. Hess, M. P. P. for the Local Legislature. St. Marys girls chew gum while out walking. Exeter gii is choose to do dill- erently.-Times. Perhaps that accounts for the Exeter girls being eschewed. -St. Marys Arcus. W. E. Mann, of lfinnedosa, Man , is visiting his friends at Trowbridge. ivfr. Mann give. cheering reports of Manitoba, and he thinks that it is the pIioe for any man to go to who is willing to work and deolrous of sea uring a home, The executive of the Stratford lacrosse club has decided to enter a protest against playing with Seaforth thieseason. The Secretary was instructed to write to Bright, Listowel, St. Marys and Wood- stock and ask them to join with Strat- ford in forming a diatriot. The Presbyterians gave a Scotch soaial at St. Marys recently. Those present were served to Scotch dishes of all hinds, among whish were the renowned haggis, with potatoes, tripe, oatmeal cake, scone, 80otob short breed, Durrant bread and buns, bachelor's jelly cake eta.. A. Stratford Methodist clergyman has taker a new line in a sermon on the theatre. He does not condemn the drama or the players, bet he takes the ground that the stage is not a public teacher and shoed not be so regarded. And to that ,extant, at least, he is perfectly right. A meeting of the directors of the Elma [ire Insurance Company was held in At- wood, on the 10th inst. Members all prevent except Mr. Rothwell. Since last report applioationa for insurance receiv- ed and aoaepled amounting to the sum of $21,9'10. Next meeting to be held on the 27th Muy. A tank is to be purchased in Toronto by the Mitchell corporation, and the business mon on the street have signed an agreement to pay the expenese of the Sorge hire and driver. The cart will only be used when required, and the ex pence will thus be muoh lighter than former years. In driving home from Listowel at a late hour Alexander Sanderson and John Chapman, of Elma, managed to upset their buggy and themselves into a ditch ou the 4th concession, west of Britton, with the result that the former bad bis collar -bone fractured by the fall, and will likely be laid up some time. John Hamilton of tiro Elma boundary bad a horse die whish had attained the ripe horse age of 83 years. Mr. Hamil- ton bought him some ten years ago for 50 cents, and after fattening him up he took the place of another animal whish Mr. H. sold for $150, and has done faith- ful service ever since up to the very hour of his death. OIHners for the ensuing year were appointed in connection with the North Perth Rifle Assooiation as followe :- Patron, Thos, Ballantyne, M. P. P. ; Preeidont, Lt..Ool. McKnight ; Vico- President, Lt, -Col. Scott ; Soo..Troas, W. Lawrence ; Aseietant Sec., E. C. Sealey ; Connell, A. Hirst, J. 'Warden, 0. Windyatt. The annual meeting of the Stratford Whool Old was held it the Albion hotel there 00 Thursday evening, Mark Wade in the chain The ofiiaars gloated for the year aro:-Provident, Mark Wade; Vise. Pres., 0. E. Nasmyth; Sec.-Treas., C. J. Wade; Capt., N. A. hloofaslden 1 1st L iont., J. Pecbuognat ; Standard.liea'er, C. al. B. Lavronoo; Committee, J. Pequognot and A, T. Illaadonold. Between Monday night and Tnosday morning of last week the etore of J. Mo. Kenna, of Dab lin, wee entered by burg- lars and valise to the amount of $400 carrfed. away, An entrance' was ]Wade by bursting ,lnthe front door, and thee the store was tharo,ogltly ransacked, 'Cutlery, "silver plate, Silk haudlowebiefs and other ortioles- wore carried may, Mere is no eliteto the Snot, 00, At the annual meeting of the Stratford Jollier Cricket Club the following (lacers wore eleoted .-bion, Free„ W, R. Tiffin; Hon. Vice -Pres., J. E. Crolft; Prom., J. 8, Maafsdden 1 lot Vioe.Pres., W. 8. Watson; end Viuo Fros., W, li, Deacon; Oaptwin, 8. M. Johnson 1 Seo'y, F. W. Tiffin ; Trees„ R. H. Brotherhood; Man. aging Committee -H, L. Jeffrey, L. J. Deacon, L. H.,Crolit, E. E, Tiffin, 0. 0. Watson, J. 0. Scott, A Russian lady proposes that the woman of Russia and France Jllloald join in forming a corps of amazons to fight the amazons of Dabomey. A ruiner comes from Quebec city that the provincial elections wilt take place June 10111, and it if surmised that the Ontario eleations will be brought on the same day. Tenders Wanted! Tendon will be received by the undersigned up to 4 o'clock p. m. as MO0DAT, MAY 0th, 1870, for the creation of a 13IUCIS 110ET10DIST OSURCH, with Stone Basement, in the Village of Bacnver,n. Plane and specifications may be seen at the Office on Jn5opIl Leo01i, Bluevalo, 00 and after tho 1l i 92nd of April, or at ilia r 0 Listowel Tenders will be reooivod for the whole aoatrmot, or aeparetely, viz.: --d arpeu. ter work, pointing, grassing and titsmith work ; and for the brick and stone work and plastering. The lowest or airy tender ,. of necessarily accepted. Sutlsfa0tory security required for rho prover completion of the. work. J,lOi•:1'H 'LPI NCH, Seer"fiery of Trustee tloard. S11I•'RIPP'8- Sale - of - Lands, County of Huron to Wit : rex virtue of a writ of Fieri Facfas issued out of Her Majesty's County Court of the County of Huron and t0 me directed and delivered against tho Lands and Tenements otlames Slommoa, at the suit of James Af'Lauoniin,1 have Weed and taken lu ex. (mutton all the right. title, interest and equity of redemption which the abovenamed James Siomm en has to Int 14, concession 12, Township of Gray, in the County, of Huron and Province of Ontario, which samo right, title,intersat and equity of redemptlou iu lands and tenements I shall offer for mile at my office. iu the Court House, iu the town Of Goderich, on MONDAY, JULY 1419, 1800, at the hour of twelve of the clock, noon,. ROBERT GIBBONS, Sheriff, Enron. Sheriff's office Goderiub, Apr117,1000. 10.19 MORTGAGE SAL); Or A Valuable Farm In the Township of Grey in the County. of Huron. Cedar and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortg go made ey Joseph Whelpton to the Vendors hand which will be produced at the time of Bale) there will be offered for saleby Dabbs aucgon, at the American hotel, in the town of Brussels, on THD4t0DAY, the 8th Day of April, 1800, attbo hour of One o'clock in the afternoon, all that -parcel of land situ oto in tbo Town. ehipof Grey. containing one hundred acres more or loss, oompraed of lot number twentyin tho eighth concession, This clash, able property, situate on the loading road between Ethel and 33ru9leis, is 4 mile from Ethel village 14 miles item Ethel 5001100 and 0 pules from Brussels, and convenient to church and school. The sof, be of a play loam with about 70 acres under cultivation. Thorn are said to be a frame house and barn and other outbuildings.-•TEntre,-Ten par tient. of the puceliasa money at time of sale and balance according to conditions made known on day of sale, The property will be sold subject to a reserve bi 31. O'or further i,articulars apply to E, M. C3ADWICR, Vendors' Solicitor. Beatty, Chadwick ,Blank. stook & halt, 98 Wallington St., E., Toronto. Dated, Torouto, Apr. 12,1800, 40 .9 MORTGAGE SALE OF A VALUABLE Farm in the Township of Grey, in the County 0f Huron. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a ceita.in mortgage made by John W. Bateman to the Vandors(ana which will be produced at time of sale) there will be offered for sale by public auction at the Amnrioan Hotel, in the town of Brussels, on THURSDAY, tbo 8th day of May, 1800, at tho hour of Ono o'clock 10 the afternoon, all those certain parcels of land situate in the Township of Grey, 0ompoe9,1 of the north half of lot number nineteen in the seventh oouoesaion, excepting a strip eighteen feet wide off the southerly alio of the said lot and also part of the south half of the said lot beings etrlp eighteen Net wide off the westerly side of the said south half et the Int riming from the concession road to the north hal/ of fro said lot, and both said parcels being more particularly deem•ibed in said mortgage. The property, containing about fifty aures, is situate ¢ mile from Ethel village and two miles from the station, and is within a short distance of a church and school. The soil is chiefly of clay lo• m, and thirty-five acres aro under cultivation. TEu as: Ten per cent. of the purohaee-money at time of Bale, and balance awarding to conditions made known on day of sale. Tho Property will be sold millet to it reserve 11ia For further particulars apply to E. M, C1tADWIOB, Vendors' Solicitor. Beatty, Chadwick. Blaoketook & Galt, 68 Wellington Street least Toronto, 40.8 Dated at Toronto this 12th day April, 1800. 1890. xri x. 1890, 11,8s J-. LIVINCSTON Hays a limited number of bushels of the BEST DUTCH SEED for Farmers in tiro vicinity of Brussels, who intend raising ilex durt.,g the sainting season which they aro prepared to deliver rn quan- tities to suit iexrowers. Can be got at the Creosols Flax Mill. Seed given oat at $1,60 per bushel, andou rho usual terms. Order Early to Insure a Supply. -For flax grown front this Seod- $10 emit TON WILL 118; PAID, if of good growth; tntrvestedin proper seas- on and delivered at the blas Mill ae 5000 as st for threebing, We will alio rout a num- ber of good sad floldofir the purpose Of growing flax. s3� 4, et J. LIVINGSTON, Preerietoeellruesele Flax Mini. P HOTOS. TINTYPES, i - :C+ or • 430 • Ccaititte. All lT,,pic trent the Smallest 10 Lilo' 0100 atone lot a llrst•etass, tanner., et ,lirstdsntrea, loge., 00 lteasost4tb1$ )hila. W. S. Fairfield, FARMS FOR SALE. Trot 6, een.1, Sangoen, loo nem, Part of lots 1 and keen, 1, XIaloss, WI lot 1e, con, 1, Wewannob,100.acres. N¢ lot 20, con. e, West Wawaonsb,100aeron. Lot 14 ani Wi lot 15, son. 0, KIfneardfnee. 100 acres. E1 lots 8 and 0, 0on, 14, Peel, 400 aortia. 301101 8a:.4 W4lot0, 000.15, reel. 20o ooroq- s¢ lot0, we. A, Minto, 50 acres. Lot 14 oon.18, Mao. 103 agree. Lot 51, eon. 4, NOrmanby,100 &area. ' All the above are well improved farina On One loaalttes, are very cheap and Dan be boughton easy terms. Also a 50000 anal anollingln Brussels ter sale. Apply to JOHN 81000!, 410.8m TIA1nuiror1. Money to Loan, Money to Loan on Farm Pro pert? at LOP E'T 11,1TES. Private and Company funis. 0@CKSON & NAM Solicitors, dr., BnussEI.S,_OH,o7. MEAT d1ARKET, MAIN STREET, - BRTJSSI;LS, MPMai PURIM. Fresh and ?hilt Ileitis of the best goal 1ty always en hand and de- livered fa. any part•off the Village Free of . Cis & rge: TERMS VERY FAVORABLE Pat Cattle 'Wanted For which the bigbeet market price will be paid. I also make a specialty of, buying Hides and Skins, Don't forgot' the place, next door to Fletcher'§ Jewel, ry Store. , A. OYIRR1:11. :f.ONET TO LOA. L. Any Amount of Iiioney to Loa's on. Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & Glt Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to 4. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels-. FLAX ! FLAX r CAMERON BROS. Have a Limited Number of Bustiele o1 the BEST Dvxca SEED for Farmers in lam vicinity of Crlaabrook who intend raising Flax during the naming season, which they are prepared to deliver in quantities to nit Flax Growers. Can be got at than CneNnnooE Fres M1rm. Seed given out on the asset terms. rgt"Order Early to Insare a Supply. For I`lax grown frau, this Seed $810 IiEA Wine" will bo Paid if of flood Growth ; Barveated in Proper Season, and delivered. at the Flat >yiill as soon ea Otter threshing-.: We will Rant nnumber of Good Sod Ffehls: for the purpose of growing Flax. CAMERON BRCS., 38- Proprietors Oranbrook Flax Mill • $t. Leon Mineral Water. The following speak for themselves Brussels, Ont., Jan. 8, 1894 I have been using St. Leon water for the past month or so and have found:. it very efficaolous iu poomoting good1 health. After using ft n week I found my apps tiro much benefitted and can now eat es much in one meal as used to suffice me for two. For any rheumatic affection I believe it to be aiaead of any drugs or patent medicines, and think that pore sons of a rheumatic tendency should eye it constantly. A. Huxxan, Clerk 4th Division Court, County Unroll, Mn. ADAM G000, Brussele. Dear Sir, -The At. Leon Mineral Wes. er bloat I have been getting from yon 1140 done me so mush good that 1 ohoerfbhlet give my testimony in its favor and hope others may be persuaded to give it $v trial. Wsu, Mummy., Sr. Brttsaels, Jan. 7, 1890. This water, the like of whish is fonud no whore else but at St. Leon, in the Province 0f Quobeo, reeembleo all nat., inn's productions, an egg or grain sY wheat for instance. We can tell .wllat an egg or grain of wheat ie composed df bat man is utterly nimble to tnalto et grain of wheat or create an egg and he Bs just as tillable to counterfoil, St. :I Lem* Mineral Nater. But hind nature has 11.on0 lot us what we could not .do felt onrsalves--broaght the sixteen diflereott ingrsdiont8 of this water together in the proper proportions, mixed them aid,, puma them forth in a cepioue shoran. . I am in a position to simply tide res markable water, absolutely pure, straight, from the welts, at a Trico that 'kayo littib after covering cost of Winging g hmt+tS it this far, 'ADA.11I GOOD, ' The Toronto Grocer*.