HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-4-18, Page 68 TIE J3. USS i.,$ P05'! tt1fgxa1ttC ` Crates, '!There are thirty temperauoe era `etat,dies iu the Hawaiian Islands. Liverpool, England, has a des wed dumb temperanoe league. The Armenian church at Berlin (lees started a total abstinence so. ,sae?y. Intoxicating liquors in India aro aca!ed by the natives, "Government Shame Water." Adelaide is regarded as the most weber of all the prosperous cities on the Australian continent. The census in England for 1687 ©haws one drinking place for every sera hundred and fifty people, Joe Hoes Zeas rotten egged by the rowdies of Davis, Ill., for making a Prohibition speech. The Brewers' Association oonven• Clam reported that 24,680,219 barrels • of beer were made in 1888. Ws estimated that there are about 50,000 teetotalers in Den nark, and tliexr cumber is daily in. .creasing. Prohibition operates thronghvut Greenland, the Dauish Government Slaving forbidden all import of in aoaieating drinks. A large number of E-glich Good Templar Ledges are holdings their weekly meetings in rooms connect• tail with coffee houses. A Woman's Total Abstinence Tion has been formed in Norway, where temperance !Ma made great 'stades during the last few years. 'there are at preseut 144 lei:: llieeneed houses in Belfast than there, were ,twelve years ago, when the population was 60,000 smaller than si es now. The increase of the drink bill of Great Britain in 1889 over 1888 is eaguivaleut to T87 for every letter in tea Bible. Its weight in gold is .equal to 1,085 tons. Itis said that liquor legislation is snore necessary to the social welfare of the masses in Russia than in any other country of Europe, and that is juet the kind of legislation wheal mo Russian Minister will hear or epenlc of. 0 nes* a uternrtataa Crow Ott itceord. Farmer Crowder had finished planting hie cum, lint We hear w heavy. He knew the crows were whetting their bills to pull up the f onrn as it appetite tl above Ali,• sur face. "1 con tell you how to get away with the oro,vsl" ,said Neighbor St, "okesHow ?" "Get you a gellion of mean whislty and soak some cora in it till it gets full of the stuff, Rud then net it broadcast in The field, The black rasonls will eat it and get drauk, and then you catch 'em and pull their heads off, 'That beats plzen or shootin'." In a few days Farmer Crowder met his friend Stokes. "Well, how's Gore ?" queried Stokes. "Illy corn's ruiot," replied Crow - dm:, dolefully. "I triad that 'er seheule o' yearn, and i'e a humbug I soaked the corn and seatteredit nue day, and next monied I went to the uew groan' to see how it'd autres." "Found nothiu', 1 hearu a great I fn•,s down nigh the branch, and went to see abut it was ; there wars 1 a hiatus(' old ci.,•=v what had gather ed up all the eleek ey cure an' liad it 012 a stump, an' :aud he was re tatilin' it put to the othore, givin' 'em one grain o' that sort fur three graine o' my planted corn, and thaw me up if they had'nt clewed up that field by seetione." SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. Paper as tough as wood is said to be made by mixing ebloride of zinc with the pulp lu course of manu- facture. Locomotives to be run by soda are to be iutrodcoed in Minneapolis, where steam engines are forbidden for street use. =Quartz is said to be very usefal as an insulator be eluetrostatio ap paratus, as the troublesome sulphur 10 acid can be dispensed with. Swedish journals stag that the valuable collections of eoientific models left by Capt. E rio •s ;u are to be presented to the Smithsonian Institutive. It has been f•a nd thee a enlist electrotype like glass is tt better con ductor of electricity when in a state of strain or torsion then ween fres trorn strain, The net work formed by the roots of the poppy has been foaud adneir• able for keeping railway embank menta in place. It is extensively sown in France for this purpose. A now artifioiel silk has been pre pared from a pure cellulose octoni• trate, having great elasticity and softness. It is more lustrous than the tulle of cocoons, and capable of being dyed by the ordinary process. A Srenetiau glass manufacturer is said to be making and selling bola nets by the thousand. The glass cloth of which they are made has the saute shimmering brilliancy of color as sills, and is impervious to water. It is alleged that almost all the turquoises that have been sold dur- ing the past ten years have been cheap imitationl. They aro said to have been manufactured by aPersian syndicate, which bee flooded the Nijid Nuvg'arud fairs with 100,000 I 118 flail, ul€et etonee. At a meeting of the ,-.inion Tetn- eperenoe Alliance held recently it was Strongly advoctted that the weott Aot be re -submitted to the electors of Halton at a9 early a data an the statute will allow. This 00 - tion is proposed cn account of 1110 srcoesa;n liquor drinking and crime sander the existing license law. 4, most iutereeting report hes just ,been furnished at the instance of the British Medical Temperance Asso• mistime. It has been ascertniued that itt during the last 25 years, name- ly, from 1866 to 1888, iu 104 hos- pitals, the inilk bill has increased 2100 per eeut., while there has, dur arm the same period, been a decrease ad 47 per cent. in the consumption arf alcohol. If the Association con - times to bring ouch facts to light, it will do itself infinite honor • SOIENTlFto TEktPEaAr1OE. 1. In what way is tobacco most rased '7 For smoking. 2. 01 what does tobacco smoke I Consist ? Of two poiseue, carbon and nice• lOOO, and a slit rp, Folli ; Pub stance called alt,..,. nia. et. Iluw do tl1ao puieoue enter the lady ? They ere iel1:1'.ol tl,rangh the ,nostrils, whiull ar0 like two little open gate.. 4. 1Iow milel1 ;acetate is there in; atroug cigar„ ? Two strong cigors'suntain enough adeatine to produoa death if taken Wattle stomach. But, of Genre° wetly a small part of it is inhaled. g, Does the small part iuhaled ado any real harm ? 'leg, it elowiy poisons the whole hotly. Many diseases are produced by smoking. 11. What diseases ca11 you men - aim as produced in this way ? Dyspepsia, elennleeenoes, randy. -a^is and sometimes cancer. 7, Efow does molting effect the -Need ? It injures the little red globules "as} the blood, and makes it thin and 'watery. 8. How • does ie affect the Weinrich ? It makes the stomach sic:, and larevonts the proper diges.ion of feed. 0, How the hea11 7 it weakens the heart's action, and 'cam produces dangerous diseases ,&,l'u're heart. , IN,. How the lunge ? imitates the sensitive sedan 1111150 l angs. 11. {:tib you name any other ars *bled produced by smoking 7 7rlxoeseivs smoking has produced meet of tlfe tengue and throat. It has. Made people blind aria iu. ' 1131: What, then, is the, only safe itlilalg tfr de regarding• tobsoco 7 To let It entirely and always Ifiie. A cur.:mate I eteo1 hoop has been itiveureci, ehieb is said to be (Matte sed firm, hugging a package tight. Four stud beeps will take the plane of tin wooden hoops on a flour barrel. They are cheaply produced by the aid of electricity, a Hoop being welded in two seconds. They are made at Worcester, :Naso. The fruit growers of California, finding that peach stones make an excellent fuel, are now 'selling them at the rate of $0 a ton. A sack of atones will weigh about 80 pounds, and is said to last as long as an equal number of pounds of coal, and give an even greater heat. This will forma very valuable supplement to the Income of the fruit raisers. Petrole is the name given to a manufactured substitute kr coal, made by a firm in hiiuneapolis, and is the direct outcome of the scarcity of fuel which has retarded the birth of m0nufLOturiug iuilusirios fo that city, and in feat the whole North- Weat, It is made from sawdust, the residuum of crude petroleum and a number of other ingrediente which are nob made known by the inventors. Opium is got by cutting the capsule of the poppy flower with a notched iron ivetrument at sunrise, and by the next morning a drop oe two of juice has oozed out. This is eerie/Ad off and saved by the grower, aud, after he has a vessel full 0111, it is strained and dried. It takes a great many poppies to make a pound of opium, and it goes through a num• bar of proceecee before it is ready for ruarli01. Denmark affords an excellent os. ample of the j1dicioue expenditure of public money for the dem/lop/nen of a special iuduatry, The Goema. tisane ttas.fot.yarar0spe,tt• titer t16t 000 yearly for the maintenance e dairy eebools. The result has bee er immense improvement in Bair Nt,uiuut.. and a lively demand fo Danish butter. SVithin twenty year Denmark's exports of butter have in areae: d trout Ifik,100,000 to $,18, 000,000. butter and sugar to a cream, then add the milk. Milt thoroughly the baking powder and finer, lastly the r whites of vgjd. 13tal,e in papered s jelly pans, and when cool spread jolly between. Whe.a 1 use reoipes that 09119 for the whiten of eggs only (as do the last two given)., T make custard of the yolks by usng et little oornstaroh, to do the work o,f the whites, and sweet mile, or simply scramble the yolks for the s next meal, taking care not to cook e too long, but keep juicy. s LADY CAKES. --Ingredients : Two cups of sugar, one cup butter, four s ounces blanched almonds out in strips, nue and a hall dozen eggs e (whites), one grated lemon, two eups Hour ; boat the sugar and butter to o a cream ; add the frothed white of 1 eggs; mix togotber with other in- gredients. Line jelly Dake pans e with greased paper ; put in batter, o sprinkle almonds over the top, dust. walla fine sugar and bake Orm Darner Wemmes.—Ingred lents : One quart milli, ono quart e Boer, two ("gate("gateone tablespoonful butter, o le•half yeast cake. Dim solve the yeast in a little warm water ; mix the flour and milk grad t tattle, then add the yeast ; heat the 1 eggs twat. o ely, suit let all rise from four to six hours. Elea the will irons, alai, greatme with melted teal Whit the nafiled aro baked dip in melted butter and hot water. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon, 111100 RV A. rtULL. Joseph Murray is a well-known farmer living over the Pennsylvania line in Tiogte county, N. Y. He i 70 years old and has been en feebl health for acme months. Preside the farm he lives on he elm,anotb er half a mile away, which he ha always used for keeping cattle on he being an extensive raiser anc buyer of stook. He had not visited this property for long time and on day recently he thought he felt wel enough to take a walk over to it and look around He remained at th farm until nearly (i o'clock, and, t shorten his wily back, struck on through the fields, one of whittle be longed to a ueighboriug farmer. Aa be was passing through Aho fielu h was alarmed by the actions of a ferocious bull that wan kept in the lut. litany was well acquainted wale the fierce nature of the bull, bu had forgotten about its being in the tut. Pum burl snared row tit„ up poolte side of the lot toward Murata, bello.tlug savagely. The alt facet• er knew that he could nut possibly escape by running, and he made fur a tree near by, the lower brauehes of which were not far from the ground. He succeeded in climbing the tree and getting beyond the reach of the bull just as it came tearing to the spot. i.Vlurray supposed that when the bull found that he was out of its reach it would go about its business, but the vioioue auimal showed no disposition to do auythiug of the kind, It remained under the tree, pawing the ground and gtviiig vent to its rage in loud bellowiuge. Murray called loudly for help, but be waa out of the hearing of any one about there. It grew so dark that he could see nothing, 1111;1 .,uly knew that the SAYINGS OF SAM JONES. Selfishness is tee bane of life. Christianity isthe science of life. I had rather associate with a hog than a man who drinks whisky, Being baptised amounts to noth ing unless it means something. Doing good to others and being uneelfish is the best evidence of a Christian, A preacher who does not hold family worship ain'tfit to he pastor of it litter of pups. Find me a man who ie not after money and I'ii swallow him whole without a bit of bread. bull was keepiug up the stage by the Some of you will go off and criti- noisa it mads. For three heart's the Giza• You blab mouthed fools, who bull kept the ill mile in the area. cares what you !balk, ltnrraq was nearly dead from Enid The penitent sinner is the man and exbanstion, and he felt that i' who falls clown, jttmpa up, rube his would be vuly a molder of a short shins and goon a rnnniug. time before he would bavo to Iet go The cousoi0ntuese of doing good his hold in the tree and fall to the to others is the happiest and most gruuta1 at Ibu anerey of 0)0 boll, oonsoliug feeling a man eau have. unless st,me fortunate cir0umstatuco I can pot 100 of these little infi- tnrued up to his rescan But the dels in my vest pocket and never animal at.la•�t grew weary of its um they tiro there except I feel availing siege of the farmer, and, for my toothpick. when Murray had made up his mind I don't ]snow of anything tot bad that his Limo ii>>d nems, be was over for you old mangy hounds who re• joyed to hear elle ugly beast walking fused to vote against file damnable whisky traffic. I bad rather associate with a dog than with a man who will swear. I never heard a dog swear—that is, a four -legged one. If I did not call you dog, what would I call you ? 11 has got so whenever you say dog, half a dozen o'r more fellows jump. The only difference between the Baptiste and the Methodists is the difference between the high-coek•a. lorum and low oock-a-highrem. The reflex influence of,a kind act has more of the power of religion in et than in any revival meeting you the old wan hones, but it was•:long over attended. time bci•,ro tie was able to explain If a merchant here keeps Spon . aivey Murrey waited n few minutes, ' until ho could hear the bull no more, and then lot himself down from the tree. Wbon it came dark and the old farmer had not returned home, his son James went in enroll of him. Ile went to the neighbor's farm and to many other places without find- ing any trace of leis father. He woe turning home to gel others to aid in the /march, when he stumbled over something in the road. Stooping dowu be discovered that it was hie (ether, lying there u000necione. It was then 11 o'clock. Tho eon got auvthiu,•. Liu gar:. Aho story of during these meetings it Will tc for his hide -and -tallow member of 5011.0 church. Yon can't run Boston society Bore, fur in the first place ,you have not got sense enough, cud in the second place you haven't got money enough, With a consecrated, good old mother, it is impossible for our ohildrou to be dragged into hell, God pity the child • that has a giddy, godless sooisty mother. '1'beatrei and..oard-rooms are the devil's rubbing posts, and when you see God's children at one of them, rubbing, they have got the devil's fleas on them. A. high license preacher won't be in hell ten minutes before the devil will have him saddled and bridled riding Wim aroma and exhibiting him as a curiosity. If any 'one Here don't believe what I say, and will tell nee so to my face, I will give him a hat and some dontiet a job of replacing his Meth from the wisdom tooth, down, A man may get politioally happy, but if a man is going to got politi- cally happy and sneak out of voting like you diouude did iu the Prohibi• time election, it don't amount t0 anything. I don't Dare whether people like my illustrations or not, 50 they come to hear me. The important point is to get them to take, the medicine, If I was a physician and a fellow came to mo with a coated tone mid a bilious appearance 1 would prescribe calomel, and he might say he had no more tea.dense init thatt chalk, but if ] could got about ton grains of it delta hint, day waned break early,fort hate first• nett tlirrrintag beim,b treed by the ball. He re - some little fifteen•cent skin a flea membered gettiug dont out of the tree, but haw he got to the read he had 110 relOileatiou. The shock to his enfeebled system has been such that no hope is entertained that ho will recover. latc)eeipoa . APPLE F DoT.—Ingredients : One pint stewed and strained apples, three eggs (whites), four tablespoon - Ns of sugar, beat eggs until stiff ; add sugar and beat again ; add apples and beat stiff enough to stand alone. Serve with boiled custard uicely flavored. APPLE 0usraan Pxe.—Ingredients: Three cups of stowed applee, one small cupful of white sugar, three eggs, one quart of milk, nutmeg to flavor. Lel the sweetened, apples cool, and add yolks of eggs beaten light. Add the nutmeg, thou gran - natty stir in the miler, beating AS you go. Add white last. Bake in one crust, 1111010:1 TIE W)Tn,lTJT CRUST.-- Split RUST,—Split and batter slightly six or Dight milk crackers, and arrange a por- tion of thorn around the sides of a pudding dish. Take the juice and soft pulp of two lemons and the grated rind of one, six heaping tablespoonfuls of sugar, throe well- beaten egge, and last of all a pint of sweet milk, Mix all together gently and pour ie the pudding dish ; lay the remaining crackers on the stir. face and babe. hate CAnc.—Ingredients : Two npfals of sugar, one -halts cupful of batter, throe•gnartors cupful of milk, one large tableapooOtul of baking potrder, two and what( enp. Ula. Near, eightsogge (white)); beat .AP1014 1,8, 1890. SCJ Lli e ' 1iI j AGM tiE "OM —FUlb— Mowers, Binders and Threshers, Very Heavy Body, Great Endurance, Perfectly Pure,. Does Not Gum. THE BEST •MACHINE OIL IN THE MARKET. —MARUPA.CTUB? D BY_ McMillan, — McMillan, Kittridge & Co., P EITROL'GA.—GRANGli AT STRATFORD. For Sale by A. ISI. McKayCo,, - Brussels, usselsr ,Cow Stove and House Furuis.I1ing Business, The Undersigned beg leave to announce to the Public that they have Purchased the Bankrupt Stock of Mr. W. J. Jackson, Brussels, and will sell the whole out Regardless of Cost. Look out for Bargains. They will also keep on hand Cooking, Parlor and Boz Stone Of the Best Manufacturers, and will Sell theta as Cheap as anyone in the Trade. T I N i7C7r' A R, Of the Best Quality and at Cheapest Prices Always on Hand or Made to Order on Shortest Notice. Eavetroughing and Roofing a Specialty. Everything in Our Lino atarantoocl First -Class. We hope, by Good Work, Low Prices and Prompt Attention to Business, to secure :t Fair Share of Patronage. Come, See and be Convinced. FERGUSON & GIA SO ff', Jackson's Olcl ,Stand, B7'z&ssels. The attention of the Citizens of Brussels and Farmers of the Sur- rounding Community is called to the New Ploys and Feed Store, = rands; Opened in the Shop lately occupied by Mr. E. Grundy, (Opposite Mr. Backer's Grocery) Where there will Always be on Hand a Full Supply of Flour,. Feed and Meal of All Rinds. As this is our first location in Brussels we trust you will give us your Patronage, and in return 100 Will endeavor to Supply you With Best Brands at Lowest Figures. Ca-IV•1I US A OADg..t. Y`oz.67w3 :Respectfully, KING & HARTLE _I.. . 'QST ETHEL ftLS. The undersigned having completed the change from the stone to 111e celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has now the Mill in First -Class Running Order andi will bo glad to. see all his old customers and as rattily new ones as possible. Flour aid Feed Always on Laid. Highest( Price paid, foie tiny quantity of Good Grain. • M. MIL E e I