HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-4-18, Page 5APRIL 1$, 1890. I HE sR1.JSSE S POST Vsivxlt Sews, K7 i'1t ue1)roti'It. Masters Hernhl and George Wnodlred, of Palmor.ttee, have be. n seendine a feW weeks with their aunt, Miae Annie Steele. Rev. D. 13. Moline preached in Water- down, near Hamilton, dining the heat two Sabbaths, Rev, M. Thor:wen 000upied the pulpit here. A.tweed. A sidewalk is talked of between here and Newry. It is a popular topic Mrs, .f. L, Mader was away ab Ham- burg lain week attending the funeral of Mr. eleder.'s nephew. Mrs. Calder repreeeuted the Atwood brauoh 1 the Woman's Foreign Mission ary Society at Hamilton last week Rumour has it that a wedding will take plana here before the mouth ends. We won't give it away thou 11, George. The auuual vestry meeting was held on Tuesday evening of last week. Jae. Longmire and Jas. Irwin :.ere appointed ward me Wm. Bair, D. Heenilb•m, J. A. Roo and R. K. Hall, sidesmen, and R. K. LLill lay delegate to the Synod. It Was decide(] Ir) ado t.the euvelope syetcm oil contributing to church feuds. tlu.•vtr 1i- 1ytr. t oPhereon'e brother is visiting him et present. Mr. aucl Mrs. Healey returned from their trip on Thursday of this week. David Bartley, of the w flour end feed stere, Brussels, wail in town last Sabbath. Messrs. elePher on, Grey and Jnokeon are improving their lots by building femme. Mr. Herbert, we are glad to any, is all right again, though looking rather pale. Aggie also ie fast improving. The Literary •tooiety closed lest week and their last meeting was a very in- teresting one and well attended although the night was very disagreeable. Rev. Mr. MoQjuterrie, of Wingham, preached a mist interacting and benefi- cial eermuu in the se amour, of last Bab - bath in the Presbyterian church. On Sunday last, in the absence of Rev. Mr. Wallwin, ear Young, local preacher, from Clinton, ooaupied his pulpit and delivered two good sermons, the subject of the one iu the evening being "The telegram from God," Sprmg, it seems, is really here. To see the boys with their fishing -rode over their shoulders is gnite cheery and their sport has not boon in vain. for already one trout. as well as many other filth, has been caught. The farmers are at their spring work and the land in and around Bluevttle begins to show signs of having seen the plow lately. Heat neve. & Co. have repleeed the Ay I r:ICes". Wheel which buret a tow weeks ago, with i Ploughing is all the go. now eller tend the factory is Mein in Fall wheat 10 looking well, especially full blest. The chair department line that on well drained land, been got in running order, and there are I Angus Shaw was laid up for a while now abnilt ninety hinds 0111003ad in the from a apt inflicted on one of hie feet by f totory an4 ail ,are working full' ten' an Nee while chopping in the Mere'ba„h. ure' time,. Quite a gmtntity of maple sugar and • mulossee was made during the past two 'll't i Is. weeks by the farmers on the 1411* and 10th acme. Mise Maggie MoNair is at home from the Queen Oily, We see glad to learn that her health is improving lately, though slowly. Ylise Hannah Ball arrived home from Toronto on 'Monday evening, where she has been prosecuting her musical studies for several months. Wm. Bishop, of Boeehvilln, was here last week. He has got quite comfortably settled in his new home and thinks he will like it very well. Russell Bishop thinks of taking a poeitioe on the Grand Trunk railroad. He ebould do well at that kind of work, The country roads which have been simply "fourth!” for a long time, (neatly all winter), are beginning to dry up nice- ly now wi it the ine0Ming of Ane Spring weather. Beautiful songs of spring are once more heard on every hand, on trees and bushes and fn the glen, and the native rural Canadian orchestras are mute more gratuitously rendering their usual melodies in the evenings, ou all the ponds and' streams in the land. All nature seems to rejoice with the advent of the waren, sunny, April days. The egg duty proposed by the Ameri. can is causing dismay here among the farmers' wives. Tore is eomo talk of a duty of five cents per dozen being levied on all Canadian eggs, but it hasn't passed the Senate y"t and as it is strong- ly opposed in the U. S. by nearly all cinemas except a few epeuulatore and grocers, who are already enjoying en- ormous profits in the egg trade, it is hoped and expected by the thoughtful ones that the measure will nob carry. If it dons, the best thing the liens oan do is to strike and cease laying. Hen fruit is down already to 7 and 8 cents, and if the proposed duty be put on, they will go down to less than 5 cents per doze n. Onr Connell have decided to send all tramps to Goderieh jail, 1t is a good idea for more reasons then One. Some little speculation is engaged in OA to who will emceed Rev. A. W. Tonge as pastor of the Methodist ehnroh here. The reverend gentleman referred to baa done good work in hie three years now closing. The names of Revs. Irvin, Smith, 'l'or,eneo and Campbell have been meltioeed but the questiomwill not be get led eti' Conference, which meets in June at Stratford. Vie alton. Ten miles a day in quite a tramp ? Why does she do it? Now that the roads are drying up biovoling will become popular. 'There to some tall* of building w now hall for the Foresters' Caaurthere. They are preeporin . 1), O. Cl, R. Bhtebill, of Brussels, paid us a visit lately. Onr Methodist friends wi•1 be losing their pastor this summer as bus three t'ar'e term will expi sin dello. If energy and ability are worthy of commendation ileo. Mr. Torrance deserves a good ap- pointment, "Thou say" a wedding is on the tapie in which Brussels will fernieh the bride. groom and Walton the bride, We will give you a hint of it again but the sago advice •'11 is not good for than to be alone" will likely give some person a job. At the vestry meeting bele in St. George's church on Easter Monday the following of8ee-bearers were elected :— Robert Ferguson, minister's warden ; Win. 111. 'mith, peoples' warden ; Sao. Hewitt and Adam Sholdioo, eideemen; R. Ferguson, vestry clerk and delegate to the Synod. Rev. W. T. Clulf presided at the meeting. He is deservedly popular in Walton. Wi>i �lrntu. Dr. J.11. ,lIacdonsld secured the sil- ver medal at Ms recent medical exam. , enation. The contractor for the new town hall 'has men and teams at work, excavating tor the foundation. W. F Dulmage left Toronto for Regina with two aur loads of horses Last week. Ile does not expect to return for a aonple of months. R. M. Robinson, councillor elect for Ward No. I, hes resigned his position on amount of oontinood ill -health. A new election will shortly bo held to fill the vacancy. Some person or persons' broke into the town band room sometime between Thursday and Monday of last week. An entrance was made by breasting the look on the door, the only damage done was the cutting of the big drum head. The Wiugham Fire Brigade have ar- ranged for the celebration of the Queen's Birthday in Wingham on Saturday, the 2401 of May, on a grand scale. The pro. gram will consist of a fireman's tocrna- *nent, hose reel races, oalithampian pro- cession, waterworks exhibition, fireman's fighb, games, races and sports. Liberal prizes will be given, the prizes for the hose reel races being $60, g80 and $20. Two bands will be in attendance. The Advance says : Tommy, eon of Chief Petbypieee, was badly bitten by a dog last Friday. From what we can learn the little fellow, who is only six or seven years of ago, was playing with the dog when it turned round and took hold of him by the cheek, =Hug a very, ugly wound. The dog, whish was owned by S. Renb, jr., was a very fine animal of the pointer breed and was well trained to drawing a °hiid on the hand -sleigh. The Chief ie satisfied that it will bite nobody else, he having sent a bullet into it from a revolver. teeetslorth. The cleotria light at present is not giv- ing satisfaction. John Bette ie purchased the Hogg farm in McKillop containing 100 acres for the sum of $7,600. F. J. Ewing is to be congratulated on the euooeesful examination he passed at Trinity medical college. The 000traatfor erecting the new fence in front of the agricultural grounds has been awarded to Mr. Little at $2.50 per rod. Dr. Scott has recently purchased a ver handsome Shetland pony, whieb is intended for the use of Master Hurry Scott. The football club is getting into shape. Footba1i and lacrosse are the only two games we can malts mush out of. We are "rourers" at these two, however. An lepworth League of the young people of the Methodist ohuroh has been organized here. Over fifty members were enrolled and the number it is ex• pouted will be increased. G. E. Cresswell, of Tuckersmith, recently sold to E. C. Coleman, of this town, a fourteen months' old colt for the sum of $225. This colt is from a Oloar Grit mare and was sired by Carlisle. Dr. Coleman will start to get This foundry into working order. He has secured the services of S. Iryiu, who has been"foreman of Gihiee cb Martin's agri- cultural works, Teeswater, for a n um or of years, to manage the business. The following officers ware eleoted in connection with the Seaforth Gun Club : Pres., E. 0. Coleman ; vice -Pres., A. J. Bright ; Sea., T. Stephens, jr. ; Treae., Ed. Hinckley. Committee, T. Stephens, Ed. Hinohley and Jas. Anacreon. F. Holmestead and J. Aird were eloated auditors for the current year in 000000 - tion with the • vestry meeting in the Episoopaitan church. As Wardens the people re-elected Geo, E. Jackson, and the rector reappointed 0. E. St. Clair - Simpson. The former delegates to the Synod, Messrs. Helmeted and St. Clair - Simpson wore re -appointed. Lirtow el. The first of May has been appointed • Arbor Day. About $80 worth of chemical and play - Weal apparatus has recently been added to our High School.. The Lutheran Synod was in session here two days last week. Some eight or • ton ministers werepreeenb. Rev. G. M. Franklin wag away last week attending the annual meeting of the Congregational Association. John Taylor, formerly resident in town, has passed the final esaminabion of the Philadelphia School of Medicine, and ie therefore now a full -pledged medico. Ile passed with high marks over 00a/e aver- age. John Donovan, a bartender of this place was arrested in Toronto on Wed- needay of last week on a charge of hav- ing obtained$40 worth of goods from a local tradesman here under false pre - teethe, On the evening of the 5th April, the =Inhere of L. O. L. No. 1370, met in their lodgeroom tend presented J. A. llnrgess, 111. D., with a beautiful Bible and an address. 'Thos. E. Hay made the presentation and toad the address. Adam Austin received last week a bee- ket of yegoteblee from his sot Thomas in New Orleans. There were full grown potatoes, cabbages, lettuce, bootie reddish, turnips and oranges, all grown in the open air, bought in Drew Orlsan's mar- ket. Andrew Aitchison, cheese buyer, who lett on his annual business trip, to. Eng, lend on the lab of February hist,:coach- ed Littowol again on' Tuesday night, the 8th Inst. I.le hada pleasant voyage over, hub the return trip on the S. S. State of Georgia occupied sixteen dove, and on - oogntering eteady heed gains all the way eerose, whiolt at times home very viol mit, He re sorts bio trip veryeatisfeatory from a'btleinteie point Of view'. Mor -ries. Miss Gray, of Hibbert, ie visiting at the residence of J. Bell, 5th line. Sugar making is about wound up in this vicinity end spring work is fairly bap n. J. Boss, of the St. Catharines Collegi- ate Inebitate, spent Wednesday with G. Blackwell. Thos Kirltconnell and Jos. Sharp went 10 Toledo, Ohio, this week. They pur- chased their tickets from J. T. Pepper, 0. P. R. agent, Brussels. Geo. Scott, of the 7th line had his leg broke,, just above the ankle, while un- loading logs at Calder's mill on April lst. It appears he had two logs on the Lott, and while attempting to pry off the one fag tbest from him, the nearer one rolled off dropping on his leg with the above result. It was no April fool for George. F.tnt Wemente.—Thera is in this town. ship a certain elderly gentleman who, some months ago, took a notion that he would b• better off if he were alone, and aoc:ordingly was left to hie choice, but finding afterwards that he had made a mistake, is now trying, by repeated visits, to encourage and win back to his dwelling those whom be previously considered were so much in the way. Rumor has ib that a ,,cat of tar and feathers are in store for you, old fellow, if yon persist in paying any more visits. Put it to him, 'Maodnff,' FJthel. Mre. Watt, of Dakota, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. Simpson. We have received news of rho safe ar- rival of A. Balmier and R. Carr iu Van- couver. J. McKelvey and R. Barr have placed neat fences in front of their rospeabive residences. Since the roads have dried again our village has assumed quite a lively ap- pearanoe. J. Knight, who has been sick for some time with inflammation of the lungs, is again convalescent.: Wm. McAllister, haviug disposed of his farm, will 000npy the house lately' vacated by J.' Elliott, Old Mr. Tompkins is real poorly this Spring. The old gentleman is over 8C years of age and has grown quite child. 1013, R. Lang, oontraotor for the new hotel, ie pushing his work. Tha cellar is ex- cavated and the masons are busy emot- ing the walls. W. Milne has arranged with T. David- son to take ohargo of his new mill in Carrick. He moved there on Weenies. day of this week. We were pleased to receive a short note from our mutual friend and former resident, Charles Dobson, of Solomon City, Kansas. He sive they have had an open winter too and a oold, backward Spring, but a fine shower of rain new putt a new face on everything, They aro ell well. Ono day recently three Dolts owned b David Milne gob on the railway track below the station a short time before the noon train was due. When the train tame al•mg one of then ran ahead of it and jumped over both cattle guards at Lake's oeossing and kept ahead to the next sideroad. For onerex anda half the honk at the Presbyterian church in Weterdown have been without a shepherd. Ruoently Rev, y, G. 'Thompson, of Vancouver, B. 0., wag called to the vacancy and he accepted. Timidity afternoon he was .inducted into his now' hereto. Rev. Dr. Laing, of Dun. des ; Rev. Mr. Cameron, of Strabatso ; Rev, S. W, Fisher, of West li'lamb0ro', and Rev. Mr. Abettlham, of Burlington, aesfetod at the pleasing eeromo:,i08. A tea and. ton00rt wee hell when tihe now mitietcr was woloamod 11 hie oangroge- ti0n, lorrospondent's reply to "Critio," fn the last issue of Tun POST is truly laughable. Correspondent has lately taken n the study of the Holy Scrip- tures. If be did not bring so mush Baripp- tore into his nonsensioal jargon he might possibly pass for having some wisdom. Corespondent has not, however, totally recovered as yet from that foul and loathsome di ease, catarrh in the head, canoed in many oases by night exposure. We a, a eertainiy sorry for him, and as for pre-umption he bas certainly Bemired a pretty largo amount. Too much oheok shows a deficiency of brains, for nature does not give lavishly of both. In oonalusion we would say the dog loves to bark, the hyena to yell, the ass also he brayath and we eau only liken Cerra spondent to the latter. Tbis is positive- ly our last reply until Correspondent re- oovere. Cerro, The Palace Stare There is a shrike of bricklayers and stonemasons at Vancouver. Thamesville ratepayers this month vote on a proposal to raise 08,000 for a town hall and 0 steam fire engine and appliances. The Mayor of Woodstock has called a public meeting for Tuesday, April 22nd, for the discussing of plans for the main- tenance of a public hospital. Newfoundland delegates will prooeed to England in May in connection with the fishery troubles. A. delegation will also visit Canada, setting out next week. At Belleville Tuesday Peter Davis was found guilty of the murder of Wm. Emory in Marmora, and was sentenced to be hanged on Juno 20th. Mrs. Emory tans acquitted. Wm. Young, aged 40, died in Toronto on Monday eight. Bruises were die- oovered en his head, and his brother Robert, with whom the deceased was not on the beet of terms, wan arrested on suspicion. Millet's great picture, the Angelus, which was sold for $120,000 in Parts, is now in the custody of the Bank of Mon- treal ab Montreal. The owners sent it there from the United States to avoid its seizure by the customs officials for some 080,000 of duty. A Convention of the Couser,atives of South Bruce was held at Vi ,.lkorton, Saturday iu RothwelPs full, The fol- lowing gentlemen were nominated Shaw, of Walkerton ; Messrs. Talton and It ilotid, of Brant ; Mr. Dieliison, , of (',arriok, and Dr, Tennant, of Luoltnow, The goutlsmei nominated consulted among thomeolves, and they agreed that the mmminetion should go to Dr. Ten- nant. rot' years back the gentlemen soloobed hnvo been froin thio looaliby, and thole mlinterrupted'levies of dime - Onus defea10 have doubtless forced a ohango in the program and a gentleman from Luoknow is 1110 lucky or unlucky ono. It is bolt at Walkstton that probably the primary mason for selecting the doctor is the hope that from his contiguity bo.Oinlose, a heavy Reform township, ho May be .able to Melte it1- roads iutd tlid Regime 'majority 111 that township. r- MILLINERY! VIES- ROGEI;S begs to thank the Ladies of Brussels and Vicinity for -their Very Large Attend- ance at the Millinery Opening, ono and all declar- ing it to be a Lovely Display, and at the same time passing Iiigll .Encomiums on our Popular Milliner, 111188 GREEx, for her Exquisite Good Taste, in a word our Opening was a Most Unqualified Success. During the week we hove added some more Very Pretty Styles to our already Largo Stock, which wo will be happy to Show the Ladies before they make their purchases. GROCERIES! We beg also to Draw Attention to our Large and New Stock of Groceries, which we are Selling as Cheap, if not Cheaper, than any grocery house in town. KS—All kinds of Farm Produce taken, such as Eggs, Lard, Butter, Tallow, tics., and the Highest Market Price allowed. 1-4 FARMSFOR SALE. Lot 0, oon.1, Saugeen, 100 acres. Part of lots 1 and 0, con.1, Kinloss . Ell lot 18, con. 1, Wawanoah,100 acres. NI let 25,00n. 8, West Wawanasb,100 aoros. Lot 14 and Wi lot 16, con, 0, Kincardine, MO aorea. 01 lots 8 and 0, con. 14,0001, 800 acres. 9t lot and Wt let0, con. 16, Peel, 200 acres, 54 1010,00n. A, mint°, 50 acres. Lot 11, don.18, Mintn,100 mores. Lot 21, eon. 4, Normauby, 100 aoros. All the above are well improved farms in due looalitee, are, very cheap and can be bought on easy terms. Also a store and dwelling in Brussels for sale. Apply to JOHN MoCOY, HAtat,TOI. 40-8m Tenders Wanted! Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 4 0 X1870, for he on of a Mex 5th, BRICK METHODIST CHURCH, with Stone Basement, in the Village of seen at the °Moo of Joseh Lecspecifications may be le, on and after the Send of April or at the office of the architect Mr. W. lo. Binuiug, Listowel Tenders will be received 'for the whole contract, or separately, viz. :-0arpan- ter work, painting, glassing ani tinsmith work ; and for the brick and stone work and plasteriuqq The lowest or any tender bot necessarily 00oep100. Satisfactory security required for the proper completion of the work. JOSEPH LEECH, Secretary of Trustee Board. MORTGAGE SALE OF A Valuable Farre In the Townshipof 1H Grvy in the County Under and by virtue el the power of sale contained in a canals m ertg• ge made by Joseph I,V1alpton to the Vondore (cud which will be produced at the time of sale) there will be od'o ed for saleby piddle auction, at the American Hotel, in the town of Brussels, on THURSDAY, the 8th• Day of April, 1800, at the hour of One o'clock in the afternoon, all that parcel of land situate in the Town - thin of 0700, containing ono hundred aeras mon or less, oompt sed of Ids number twenty in the eigbth concession This desir- able property, situate en the leading road between Ethel and Brussels, ie . mile from Ethel and• village,rein miles from Ltbel station an0 ds ratios irom itrussol6, and convenient to ehuroh and soltool. The Boit i0 ofa clay loam with about 00 acres tinder cultivatiell. There are said to he aframe house antihero and other outbuildings. Tnnars: Ton per cont. of the purchasnne � MOney at time of sale *1008 • balance Joy of dsole, toTheepropert made will be sold subioet to a rosorvo bid, For further AAartfoulnrs apply to E, M. CHADWICK, Vendors' Solieito•. Beatty, Obadwick ,Blank. stook & Galt, 88 Wellington St„ E,, 'Toronto, Dated, Toonto,Apr.1A 1000. 40 0 Money to Loan, Money to Loan on Farm Pro- perty at LOTT- ST . .1TES. Private and Company funds. • =SON HAYS iS'oh'tCiie)'S, tkn., , BIbuas1ats, On, MORTGAGE SALE 011' A VALUABLE Farm in the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron. 'Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a oettain mortgage made by John W. Batsmanto the Vendora(an d which will be produced at time of sale) there will be offered for sale by public auction at the Amariosn Hotel, in the town of Brussels, on THURSDAY, the 8th day of May, 1800, at the hour of Ona o'clock in the afternoon, all those certain parcels of laud situate in rho Township of Grey, composed of the north half of lot number nineteen In the seventh ooncessinu, excepting a strip eighteen feet wide off the southerly side of the said lot and anal part of the south half of the said lot being strip eighteen f -o1 wide off the westerly side of the said south half of the lot running from the concession road to the north half of tt, o said lot, and both said parcels, being more parttoularly described in said mortgage. no property, containing about fifty acres, is situate i mile from Ethel village at,d two miles from the station, and is within a short distance of a ohutolt and school 'Phe soil is chiefly of slay Ion in, and thirty-five acres are under cultivation. Tonus. -Ten per cent, of the purchase money at time of sale, ane balance eeoordl g to conditions made known on day of sale. The property will be sold subject to a reserve bid For further particulars apply t0 E. M. CHADIVICK, Vendors' solicitor. Beatty, Chadwick, Blackstock & Galt, 58 Wellington S treot Suet Toronto. 40.5 Dated at ]Toronto this 12th day April, 1800. JUDICIAL SALE 07' FARM PROPERTY Ts. - t)ao - Couruty - of - Z3uroac.- J ERSRY leULL• FOR SERVICE. For terms:and other ptrtlonial's ask for °iroalar at my Drug and Book Store, ,BAloulid you with Well ]tie heifer 'Ivno I no pre. - Pored t0 pay as tlgn ail 018,according to milting qualities of their dame.. 2t.11wbs G, A. DEADM'nN,Brussels. BULL FOR SLI.tVIO]+,.-.---'SHL uneersiguod will keep for eerviee ou, lot 5, oon.10, Grey, a thorn' bred Short Herta Terms, Durham bell. 01,00 to be paid at tams of service with privilege of retnkning if accessary. CHAS.180ZELL, 00.8 Proprietor. BULL roll SLEEVIOL.— TEE undersigned will keep a Well -Breda Durbam Bull, rising three veare Dido for service on North Half Lot 20, Con, 7, Stasis, Torras, l5.t 00, to be mild et time of service,. with pPrivilege of returning if necessary, 86.2m S. WALKER, Proprietor.. ' 1H0110' -BREI) J3ULL. -- TFIE undoreiguod will lceep the Thero'-bred' Shorthorn Bull".laron Crum Oth," bred by F, W. Stone, Guelph, for Service on Lot 80,. eon, 0, Morris. Tens 1.00, to be paid et time of service, with privilege of returniug. if necessary. Pedigree way be aeon ou sp. pliontinu, 1043 ' JAS. S1'EII, Prop-rietor., 1890. -)FL:,, 1890. J.& J. I„IVINHSTON Hare a limited number of bushels of the BEST DUTCH SEED ter F•trmors 1n the yiatnity of Brussels, who intend raising flax duri.,g the owning season which they are properod to deliver in quan- tities to suit tins growers. (tan be gut at the Granule Flax bili, Seed given out at 01.60 per bushel, and on the usual torus. Order Early to Insure a Supply. —For ilex grown from this Seed - 010 PER TON WILL RE 2810, if of gond g,owtb ; barveeted in proper tone - on and delivered atthe bInstill! as soon as. fit for threshing. We will also rent a num- ber of good sod fields far the purpose of growing data. 80- J. & J. LIVINGSTON, PropriotorsBruseele Flax Hill. PHOTOS. - For - 5® - Oen t.s.. All Work from the Smallest to Life situ done In a first-class uianuer. i of Residences, Itte., at Reasonable Rates. W. J. Fairfield.. Pursuant to a judgment for im mediate sale made in a oertain notion in Queen's Bench division of the British Canadian Loan and Invoatm one Company va, Tindall, there **111 be sold with the approbation of Neil Me - Lean, Esq„ OM0ial Referee, by Alexander Hunter, Auctioneer, at the Amerioan Hotel, in the Villege of Brussels in the County of Heron, on THURSDAY, bhe first day of May, 18x0 at twelve o'olook noon, the following lands mil premises situate in tie township of Grey, in the County of Huron, iu two panels, namely: Parcel one—Lot number eighteen in the eighth concession of the said township, containing 100 acres more or less. Parcel two—Lot number nineteen in the eighth concussion of the said township, tontaining 100 acres,mere or loss. 'Upon lot eight,,' u iso frame 10000, and a bank barn with stone foundation. 'Upon Sot nineteen Is a brick house and a bank barn with stone foundation. The properties are well folioed and the fences ere in a good stets of repair. The farms are situate about six miles from Brussels and about a mile and a•helf from the village of Ethel. The roads loading to both nhtOas aro good. ConnlTrowe oa SAnn The parcels will be sold separately, webfoot to a reserve bid inion oath lot to be fixed by the Official Referee. Tee per coat. of the purchase money for each parcel is to be PAM to rho Vendors' Solt:ltors at the time M Bain, and the balnuee in molt case into Count() the credit of this adieu within thirty days thereafter, withoutintsreet. Or nit the purchaser's option so much of the purchase moneyiu each arae as with the said ten per scut, shall make up ono half of the whole Purchase money for each parcel shall be paid lute Court as aforesaid within thirty days without interest and the balance may roman upon first mortgage on the property for Ave years et six and a -half per cont, T910 Vendors will not be bound to .furnislr any abetraob of Cillo other than a ltegistrai'sabstraet, and will not produce any title deeds or copies thereof or any cwt• donooa of title other than those in their poassosion. The purobaaore moat examine the title at their own. expense. Iu other re. spots the nonditious of sola shall be the standing aouditfans of tbo Oouri, l'or forth. or 11,0rtllculars apply to the Auctioneer, to le 7:, '4vrtde, llarrfator, Brussels, to Jolie lioskiii, ]use., Q.O. Toronto Street, 0010nt0, or to the Vendor's Solicitors, • bated etTorouie this loth lay April, 18110, K1NGS[OILle, SIMONS, SAt''k11I1118 tb 100101AN011, Vendors' Solloitbrs,17 Wnlling' ton Street West,Tilrnntn 40.2 NEIL a`ttcLleA:el• 'Malta Reath. • , . e re, - MONEY ONEY TO LOAN. Money to Loan on FARM PROPERTY -at- LOWEST RATES. Private and Company Funds; A.PPLIr TO J,C.Ileffernan, J.A.Young. Vahtator. Agent, Ethel P.O., Ont. 0811 MEAT MARKET, MAIN STREET, - BRUSSELS,. Fresh and livered to, Salt 15 eats of r*ny part of the best goal the Village or always .x Freey Y 1 . hued and de. tit n4•gn. TERMS VERY FAVORABLE Fat Cattle Mrameted For which the highest market price will be paid. I also make a specialty of buying Hides and Skins. Don't• forget ,. the plane, next door to Fletoher's Jewel- ry Store. A. CURRIE, ]L_ O' _ A ,. Is Prepared to Handsome supply you \viiih a C1- �01.�'�.ae At a Slight Advance 011 Cost.. Call in and Make a Selection ar_ Leaveour Order. y If you aro intending to travel Dennis' is lfcadq carters for TRUNKS, VALISES, SATGHSI,S eco A. Large and Well -Assorted Stock to choose from, -GSI,..DENNIS,