The Brussels Post, 1890-4-18, Page 44
T1 -4E, BHUS yE.LS POS'1
New Advertisements.
Locals—Adam Good.
Local—A. R. Smith,
For sale—j. W. Shaw.
Looal-Town Butobera,
Pasture—Bryden ,l Innoa,
To rent—Mrs, S, Pearson.
Wail 'Paper- •G, A, Deadman,
Luuala--W.lriiglttweale 1 Cu.
Tenders wanted—Joseph Leech.
Mortgage Sale—E. At Cbadwiek.
'Mortgage Sale—E. M. Chadwick.
Sale Farm Property—E. E. Wade.
Letterpress, eta. for sale—This Office,
(he t,rti se.'post
FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1890.
Tun Montreal Witness says :—Inter•
national Jealousy over waterways is in-
eree,sing between Canada and the United
States. Canada is digging a canal at
Sault Sta. Marie on the Canadian side,
Bo as to be iudependont of the American
Canal, which they have the use of, and
now the Americana talk of digging a
canal around Niagara Fall on their side
of the river, so as co make Americana in-
dependent of the Welland :,anal. The
existing canals are capable of accommo-
dating a greatly increased traffic, anti
could easily be enlarged, so that the mut-
ual jealousy of two kindred raoes causes
the waste of largo amounts of capital
which might be usefully employed in
developing the great resout°es of this
overwhelming dieneter, A year ago I
called attention to the undue speou-
latfcn in outside properbios ; ohne then
the boomer of suburban real °stat° has
aohieved still greater prominence and is
u -nig stall more unjnsuilable methods.
Torouto proper—that .is the incorporated
real estate which pays oily taxes—is
large enough to hold a million tneople. It
contains, 1 am informed, °ver six thous.
and vacum housse, many hundreds of
unoouupied stores, and thousand,' of
mores of property upou whioh nothing
bas been built, We have taken in all
the suburbs within a few miles radius,
taking thu city hall ae a center ; we have
made provietou for a population which it
W111 take thirty or forty years to obtain,
even if our pro•pertty continues at a
most unexampled rate. A couple of
years ago we were astonished at the
facility with which real estatespeoulatore
disposed of annexes and suburban Iota
Ma remote from that portion of the pity
which is necessarily valuable became of
the large population already living upon
it. Lots more than two miles from the
ooruer of Bing and Young streets were
thou bringing prices as great as could be
obtained for real estate on old, estab-
lished streets not more than fifteen mm•
utas' walk from the eity Hall."
Tun 1st of May will boon be here and
yet we have not beard of anything being
done by the Directors of the GreyBranch
Agricultural Society toward enlarging
and improving the grounds belonging to
them. The most careless observer can-
not fail to notice the dilapidated con-
dition of the fence, the uneven state of
the show ring and the necessity for alter -
°tions in the offices, cattle department,
oto. The busy season is here and unless
definite aotionis taken at once it will
not bean easy matter to have the work
attended to in time: There is very little
more talk required but work will
have to be substituted. There should be
uo dillydallying but an energetic 'hustle'
by every member of the Board so that
the show ground may be pat into such
order and convenience as will be a oredit
to Brussels.
THE Bill grouting a railway charter to
the Huron and OnterioRailway Company
was passed suocesafully through the
Local Legislature. The provisional
directors are W. J. R. Holmes, M. 0•
Cameron, Joseph N illiams, Horace Hor-
ton, I• P, Toms and J. T. Garrow, of
Godericl ; P. Hedy, of Blyth ; F. C.
Rogers, of Brus-els ; ,Vm. Milne, town-
ship of Grey ; J. C. Hay and S. Bricker,
of Listow.1. The 13111 says :
"The said company shall have full
power and authority to survey, lay out,
construct, complete, equip and operate a
single or double line of railway from a
point in the town of tioderioh, in the
county of Huron, through the villages of
Blyth and Brussels, in tate said county,
. and through the said town of Listowel,
in the couuty of Perth to the said oity
of Hamilton in the oounty
of Wentworth, or to some
intermediate point on any due of rail-
way running through either of the coun-
ties of Waterloo, Wellington, Wentwurth
and Halton into the said oily of Hamil-
GnAsIes I rxsao, 111. P., has made
rather an unenviable teputatiou for him-
self by "crooked" work while h, iding
Itis position in Parliament. lils ex.
ae:ivation before a Committee is the
House of Commons has convinoed the
majority who have followed that the said
Mr. Rykert's usefulness is, or should be,
at its end as a public man. A. little dif-
fiunity appears to exist in the minds of
some of the legal fraternity, however,
owing to the foot that them is no pre.
oedent for the course proposed to be fol-
lowed with the offender. If be is guilt),
and we guess there's not muob doubt
about it, it would not be a bad idea to
establish a precedent that now, bathe.
forth and forever man could be taught
that because they enjoy the confidence of
the electorate they are not at liberty to
overstep the bounds of law, order and
decency. Mr. Rykert is not the only one
who should have the "straight -jacket"
put on them, the fact of the platter is
the oorruption and jobbery brought
to light in some of the election trials ie a
burning disgrace to a civilized country.
An example should be made of the trans-
gressors instead of patting them on the
back and giving them a seat in the Sen-
ate or Bending them to fatten at the pub-
lio crib.
Is some of rue masculine gender had
their way the women of this country
would always occupy a back Beat, but an
old adage says •'A woman's sure to
have her way" and
"When she will, she will and you can
depend on it
And when she wont, she wont and there's
an end of it,"
and she won't stay in the bank seat, nor
should she. At the recent Convocation
ceremonies at Trinity University, To-
Vonto, no less than four ladies, Miss S. P.
Boyle, Toronto ; Miss J, Lynd, Rich -
Blond Hill ; Miss M. L. Ager, Chatham ;
Mise M. J. Hutton,•Forest, raspeotively,
received the degree of M. D., 0 It
is said the walls of old Trinity fairly
trembled with the applause as they
arose from before the Chancellor. In
the town of Edgerton, /tenses, the
woman's ticket was elected so that they
have full swing in that place, Wo don't
know but that this is giving the men the
office of rear guard but we do know that
the question of Prohibition and other
desirable enactments would be speedily
settled if the women of this land had the
opportunity of exercising the franchise.
St, Marys Methodists will build a new
Sunday school room.
Fall wheat in Ib'lonktonseobion is not
very promising at preeent, muolt of it
having the appearance of being winter.
The population of the county of Perth
has deoreaaed 2,885 ht nine years, The
figural are as follows : 1870, 82,719 ;
The retarn match of ubauker5 was
played at the Royal Hotel, Mitchell, be.
tween the Mibohell and Seaford* Checker
Clubs. The borne team won,
J. Treuamap who has been acting G.
T. R. Assistano.Superintendent at Strat-
ford during Mr. Tilhn's als'•roe, has re-
turned to Quebec, and Mr. Tiffin has re-
sumed charge,
An elderly man monad Kelly, engaged
as a farm band by Patrick Iia n'on, o1
the 4111 onllaessi°n, Ellice, had the mis.
fortune to have his skull badly fraotured
last week. He was lending a fractious
horse out to water, and twisted the halt-
er ab rut his w•rlet, the horse beanie
frightened and sin tad off, dragging Reify
over atones and loge. In addition to the
fracture the sealp wits torn off in several
Friday last wits the °losing meeting of
the Outvote Agriaulcnral College Literary
Society at Guelph,' vetch wits better Ott
tended this year than usual. Fo•lowing
the program tame the most entre fink
event of the evening, viz., the voting ea
the prize whish Prof. Panton offered to
the member of the society who was con-
sidered the best speaker. The compe-
tition was very (teen, bat reit lted fine ly
in favor of Nelson Monteith, eon of
Samuel Monteith, of Downie.
f•iettcsetbr Newer,.
'Janda has an iron ohsrelt.
Corn is surrettcy in Norway.
Stanley bus arrived at Rome.
Ovor seventy Indiana towns use natural
A great lire broke out in Madrid Mon•
day night,
Every Governor of Iowa since 1869 is
still living.
Not one of New York's 00,000 Hebrews
is a saloou•keoper.
Chioago has a population of 1,100,000
and has 450 churches.
Mr. Parnell's favorite diversion is said
to be running a scroll saw.
Death Palley, Invo alounty, California,
is 150 feet below sea level.
Hentuoky has two counties iu which
there is not a single ohnrsh.
Germany has 19,475 postoffioes, Eng-
land 17,587, and France only 7,846.
One Bangor man exoeote to make over
$60.000 on ice apeculalions this year.
Russian traders are said to have been
granted speoial privileges in Afgbanietau,
The Rossiau Government intends to
greatly increase the import duty on salt.
Prince Doge, who died in home a few
days ago, bequeathed $500,000 to char.
Wb th Custer messier° 000urred
Ties improvement of country roads is
one of the chief topics of discussion in
several of the Northern States. An ex-
haustive paper was reoently read before
the Pennsylvania State Board of Agri-
culture, containing estimates of the cost
of various kinds of atone roads. The
writer said : "When it is remembered
that through the greater part of the year
the country roads are in poor condition
some idea may be gained of the immense
lose in horse -power whioh they .cense to
the farmer. It is plain, therefore, that
when the roads are so improved that a
farmer can get over fifteen miles of good
road with no more trouble and expendi.
tura of horse -power than is required over
ten miles of bud road, that five miles
have b•_en added to the territory tribe•
tary to the city's market, and that the
advantage is, therefore, mutual between
town and country. Bat in the face of
*base facts it seems that the solution of
this question must in a great measure be
solved by long end constant agitation
and labored effort to show by mathemat-
ical demonstration that good roads are
advantageous and economical, This
method of moulding and eduoating pub-
lie opinion to such needed reform seems
inoonsisteet and reprehensible. But as
long as people are so willing to endure
the great'inoonveufenoe and loss which
they sustain from the mud• road the
prospect for road reform is not bright,
and eduoating the people upon this sub-
ject must continue. This ioexousable
and pernicious method of road making
and repairing from year to year without
a • particle of improvement is beyond
one's comprehension or reoollsotion, and
can only be explained at all upon the
erroneous principal of cheapness.—Ex.
Tis editor of the Toronto Saturday
Night sloes not view the Queen city
through the speotaclos of the boonister or
the real estate pusher, but gives his
opinion in an open-hearted manner that
should oommond it to every reader. It
evidently is not all gold that glitters in
Toronto. We subjoin a portion of the
ostiole referred to :
"Tho pride Torontoniens talcs in their
city is notorious throughout the prov.
thee and it is oertainiy merited and
commendable. The Toronto newspapers
have done tnuoh for tibia city beoanse of
their unalterable faith in its future, as
well as its present, greatnoss. I think I
can. safely claim to have been as faithful
to Toronto's intermits as any other writ -
se who has lad 000asion to speak of
tholes, and it is becalm I have unbodncl-
eta belief in ourpossibilitiee that I desire
to point out a condition of things which
is sero, temporarily at 'levet, to cripple
sue prosperity of it biome not bring &bout
ere e
but a few years since, is now a flourish-
ing city.
A pelican killed be California lately
had seven grain bags rolled into a stiff
wad in its pouch.
The two female baseball teams now
organizing at Rochester will organize a
Siatarhood League.
German blood rules the old world. All
the monarchs of Europe are blood rela-
tions of 3Iaieer Wilhelm.
One hundred and sixbynine members
of the present Congress have seen eervioe
in the war of the rebellion.
The reception to Henry M. Stanley in
London has been set for May 2ud. The
Prince of Wales will preside.
At Edgerton, Ran., in the mnnioipal
elections the woman's ticket was eleoted,
The town is now officered by woman.
• The Queen Regent of Spain gave a
grand reception an Sunday for the first
time since the death of King Alfonso.
At Denver, Col. on Sunday the saloons
and restaurants selling liquor on the sly
were raided and 70 arrests were made.
The total oost of the construction of
the Coohitnate water works of Boston to
January 1, 1890, has been $20,432,974.
In Russia only 12 per cent. of the pop-
ulation can read and write, in Bulgaria
7.5 per cant., and in Brazil 16 per cent.
Dr. Tanner's famous forty days' fast
is outdone 1 How 7 A Rentuoky men
bee gone forth -three days without whis-
The regatta of the National Assooia-
tion of Amateur Oarsmen is to be held
on Lake Quinsigimond on Aug. 12th and
It is supposed that in the next Europ-
ean war the artillery can effectually stay
advancing infantry at 4,000 yards dis-
Dover, Maine, hal an earthquake
shock Friday morning. Clocks were
stopped and small aaticles were thrown
from their places.
The Indian agent at the Tongue River
Reservation in Montana bus telegraphed
to Washington for troops to suppress a
threatened uprising.
There are 2,000,000 organized farmers
in the alliances, prinoipally in the South
and West. They run oo-operative stores,
mills, warehouses, etc.
A remarkable fall of a miner down 100
meters of shaft (say 838 feet) without be.
ing killed is recorded by M. Bsumeanx
in Malign de 1' Industrie Minerale.
Advices from Northern Teeas say that
seventy.flve per cent of the whole crop in
the counties of Cook, Grayson, Collin,
Denton, Wise and Montagne has been de.
stroyed by inaeats.
Some South American algae olaim a
very rapid growth, The oily of Mani-
zales, in Antioquoie, Columbia, which
has only been established forty years,
has now a population of 200,000,
Philadelphia, according to the Record,
eats in bhe comets of a year 200,000,000
eggs, of which coven -eights come from
Iowa, Kaneas, 'Minnesota and Nebraska,
poked in refrigerrtor cars holding 144,-
000 each.
Near Columbus, Ohio, Sunday, a lot of
hogs set upon a'heifer and a young calf
and devoured them. In an adjoining
pasture a herd of cattle became intn:iat-
ed at the email of blood and broke clown
the fence and charged upon the hogs,
killing ten of thaw and wounding many
Saturday a street car dashed head.
bong town a steep hill on Eleventh street,
Tacoma, "Wath., looped from the trach,
darted across ratan° avenue and plunged
three feet deep in a gravel boa on
Eleventh street neatly a bloolc moray.
The ear was fall of passengers, anti the
€, • eMeatiest in the oi
It wag a Sprague eloetrfo oar, +.Che brake
minted to work rend the reversal of mho
aeoident on the line inside of six weeks,
Among those injured are as unknown
man, whoes leu is broken ; Mrs, Dr,
Everett, nruisod and bath badly injured,
and Mrs. J, W, Hann, hurt about the
fa•o,bad eat on the ferrite id god kn e
dislocated The oondnotor and motor
man amok by their car during their fear-
ful ride,
i'Atnl'rslitr a '" as w -aa n..
There are indioatione of a real estate
boom in Brantford.
Gilmore's baud les started on a spring
tour, which will include Toronto,
0. H. Mackintosh has eoaepted the
Coneervetive nomination for Ottawa.
Olt Sunda, next Messrs, Cremate.. and
Hunter will begin a seems of svangelis•
do eerviuea at Oshawa.
Extensive railway building operations
in Myth ba and the \lortlnvest are
mapped out for the coming season.
Hamilton city is to have electric street
oars. St. Catharines t,as•bad that eye -
Minot operatl°u for five years, and it is
e•id to work well the e.
A lad named Ha•ry Preston found the
s+'eletuo of a m+,n on Sato day at the
base of the precipice, a fete rode below
Eh ou..tilever bri Ige,Niaga•aPalle.
Perth County.
J. W. Awty, of Mitchell, is now a full
fledged M. D.
Mitchell Connell had 76 copies of the
auditors' report printed.
The Newry postmaster's salary bas
been increased $18 per annum.
Sb. Marys butchers have raised the
pries of their choice outs of beef.
The Atwood and Mitchell stage
has run 0n sleighs only three days this
Stratford is endeavoring to secure the
"Queen's Own," Toronto, for the 24th of
Editor Race bas been appointed leader
of the Trafalgar street Methodist choir,
Mr, Wynn, of Newry, is talking about
selling out his hotel property and remov-
ing to St. Marys.
Jas. Pickard, Blaushard, oommonood
Seeding Wednesday, April 9th. He sowed
throe acres of Spring wheat of the French
Imperial variety,
St. Marys Ledge I,0.0.1`. have deoid,
ed to celebrate mho 70th anniversary of
Oddfellowsbip in America by holding an
"At Home" in the Opera house on Fri.
any evening, Apti126th,
Rev. 3. Caswell and family of Trow.
bridge, wore agreeably surprised by a
visit from the members of the Moles-
worth churnb, and made *richer by the
peo0antatfon to bIr. Caswell of a land- 0 p
sono they chair, and a pair of winter fade is one of th tl try and modidal old sn.mttronnd, bub the please, lint Alum was fond of imam rubs.
gauntlets, and to Mrs. Caswell a divot bullet could not be tonna and oily Chill ease hent Adam
being a romper flri man,
Wilde stand ; and meet valuable of all, 1 f th B 't' h hopes' of his recovery could bs enttiktain. 4
tl etetinal expression of their regard for current fettlter up the hill had no effort lMetri itenit. 310 hall no (donde hero so ed. Tie' still Hoe in a eritioai sotiditiois . :1055 nab talo; 8 FCntgllt'hap 011 1.510359.
liimsodf and fatally. 6 on the speed. This ie the senond bad far as known," • with,vob'ylittle hop's,
The moulders' strike in Galt is off,
The Welland canal opened on Tuesday.
Sending ie well under way in Mani-
There are twenty lepers in the lam.
Otto •,t at Trnoadia.
The Montreal police force is to be in.
or°°sod by fifty men,
There are about 30,000 bushels of grai frets, till ht process of time hs added to
in tae C. P. 12. Elevator at Owen Sound these early cid natural weapons the farther
Tho Northwest bonanza farms are persuasions of a club or shillalah. He also
being out up and sold to preotioal farm fought, as Darwin hag conclusively shown,
era. ht tltounain for the poasaseion of the indica
London, Ont., subscriptions to the To. of bis kind, against other i°embers of itis
route Uuivorsity library fund amount to own BOX and speoies. And if you fight you
$681. soon learn to protect the most exposed end
A steepen weighing about twenty-five vulnerable portion of your body, Or, if you
pounds was taken fu the nets off Gode- don't, natural selection managee it for you,
rich last Saturday. by killing you off as an immediate cone.
Lottie Magog, a six-year-old ohild in qucnce.
Brautfurd, swallowed a small square of To the boxer, wrestler or liaud-to•hand
paint and ft killed her, combatant, the meet vulnerable portion is
Judge Botsford fainted and fell out of undoubtedly the heart. A hard blow, well
an window at Moncton, N. B•, on Saturday delivered, on the left breast, will easily kill,
Bud died Prom the effects, or at any rate stun, even a strong nail.
The Liberals of North Essex nomin- Hence, from an early period men have used
abed Pranoie Cleary, barrisbor, to con- the gild band to fight with, and have em-
tosb the has be.ture election, ?mot
the left arm chiefly to cover the
Work has been r,sntnod in earnest on feat and to parry a blow aimed at that
the N. P. mammoth hotel, Winnipeg, special vulnerable region, And when
t11eco being 20n me„ un the building, weapons of offence and defence supersede
more fists and teeth, it is the right hand
that grasps the spear or sword, while the
left holds over the heart, for dofsnee, the
escape being cense o ca shield or buckler,
From this simple origin, *knit the whole
ship, was fined $8.00 'and costs before vast difference of right and left int 01N1 lee
Soni. o Jervis lately fee spearing fish at lits takes its beofnming. At first, u0 doubt,
Byron aonl"try to the fishery lams. the superiority of the right baud was only
Private a,iviuea from Calgary indicate ree- felt in tiro manner of ftghbing. Bat that
the 3•)00 Memnon is spring
are' the aloud gave it a distinct pull, and paved the
peatud from Utah this spring bn join the Bray at last for obs nct pull, a elsewhere.—
Muctnou colony at Lee's Creek, N. W. T. Journal of Health,
The fishfnf; bents nt Coderich remain- HIS FOOT OR HIS LIFE,
, d in harbor on Weida' and Saturday.
A foto of them attttled cut, but weigh. HIS
Afaster Sche•lltch Suirers a Fright -
or seeming unsettled they returned to fol .tmnututlon.
po t. Andrew Sclnviliolc, a baggage master on
A few days ago A, out
and Wenm. the Reading Railroad, had a thrilling ox.
Mul)ouakl, of Luoknow, out fourteen
cords of two -foot wood, maple and beech, perience at Schuylkill Haven.
in five hours and three-quarters with a He was crossing the railroad tracks of
lanae -tooth -aw. thatpoint when his toot got ought in a
.8. new rule has gone into force at the frog. He made an effort to free it, but only
lricbi •an Central station by which per. eutaeoded it still more firmly. At the
sons under the infiw•noe of drink will not
be permitted to get on board trains or
hang abontthe waiting room.
Tilbury East Council has paid E. R.
Shaw, of 'Lilbury East, $55, a portion of
mho $600 reward offered by that township
for hie evidence in aiding in the convic-
tion of the Holton murderers.
3 .hu Nieman, Quee•t's Printer for the
Ontario Legislative Assembly, who has
bean in ill health for some time has re -
1 , air, 18, 1890.
#'he ilei* Arm ens ltsod. to Protect the
Primitive 1000, being by nature a fight-
ing aointal, (aught for the most part at
first with his cenino toed*, his nails end hie
A Smith's Fade woman shoved a paok-
Dr..htuit.,mt, who was ; ell known 111 age of gunpowder, along with soma old
Port Lambtou, dropped dead the other papers, into her stove, and had a narrow
day in W,Iltespm•t, where he has been of b ' burned t death.
pecan..ick of late. He le•tves a wife and Joan Wesley Mandan of London Towu
four children.
The M. 0. R. will heron. ter Issas tit•la
ets to base ball clubs, thew rio 1 troupes,
two., at two cents per mile, and to local
excursion parties of eight or more at tt
fare and a third for the return trip.
Bev. Wm. Willoughby, batter Itnown
as Father Willoughby. of Brantford, died
Sunday 'nor ing Fehr Wi"ougeby
hoe ween in active service in connection
with the Methodist Chnroh for more that
50 tears,
The new C. P. R, line from London to
Windsor and Detroit will be opened for
freight trailio 011 May 1st, and the pas
senger business will begin about June
let. The track ie 'greedy finished, and
the transfer ferry •ill be reed' in about
a fortnight's time.
Richard Guthrie, of ('goose Lake, N. W.
T., to -t twenty fi'•e head of cattle up to
last week through of water. The
pond on which he depended gave out, and
the cattle, having bsoome accustomed to
bring watered, did not take to eating
euow, cud so perished. There was no
sca'oity of hay.
The Flesherton Advance tells of one
whom it calla time champion mean man.
He *vent into a store and a -ked for a•
quarter-of.a.poand .1 ten•ceut tea and
expected t0 gee it for two Cents. In most
plao••s tea at ten cents a pound would be
regarded ae worth a groat deal more if
only for its novelty.
The presoutatiou of the testimonial of
the Royal Humane Society of Englnnd to
Albert Ebeubeck, of Hospelar, Ont•, in
recognition of his brave and heroic act in
saving Miss Rebecca Beath, of Woodstock,
from drowning at Port Dover last summer,
was publicly made at Hespeler the other
evening. Adorn Drown, M. P., made the
There is war between Hiram Walker
& Sons and tLe Sell Telephone Company.
The latter want ';o nut poles through
Wallterville in oder to reach some of the
largo factories, but Mr. Walker objeots.
A gang of the telephone men went up to
work on Friday, but as fast as they dug
holes Walker's men would fill them up.
Tilbury Times :—"There arrived at
this station the other day a puny engine
and nine oars of light iron rails from
Ohio, for use on a projected new tram-
way in Romney. It will he used by Ed.
Smith, well•known here, in bringing
material to his new mill on the Dawson
sirneroad, and for shipping from hie dook
on lake Erie."
John, Cribbis, the colleotor for Amabel,
It is alleged, has skipped out, taking with
bim $2,000 of the township funds. He
has been collector for a number of years,
and the original bonds given by his
bondsmen have not been renewed. Hit
own property is said to be heavily
mortgaged and little can bo realized
from his estate,
A number of sportsmen in Hamilton,
who deplore the staraity of quail in that
vicinity, have determined to stook sev-
eral farms abort Hamilton with those
bird°, Some time ago an order was
placed in Chiang for fifty dozen hraoe of
quail, and the first consignment of twelve
dozen brace lately arrived. They wino
liberated on half a dozen farms near the
Fifteen years ago the first cotton mill
was established in Canada. There are
now 24 mills, oontaining 611,020 spindles.
In 1862, 1,266,208 pounds of cotton were
imported for home oonsamption ; in 1888,
28,727,625 pounds. The number of open.
atives employed has increased 80 per Dent,
in five years, and Canadian factories now
supply 168,000,030 yards of material to
meet the wants of the inhabitants of the
ft. O. Carrot has entered an action
against the corporation of Ingersoll,
through Beard & Nelles, of Woodstock,
for $500, the reward offered for inform-
ation leading to tae conviction of the
parties guilty of incendiarism at the
burning of the old Harmony Hall. Arden
laid information againat one Smith, alias
"Jack the Ripper," who was nrreoted
and oonvlobed of the crime andsentenoed.
same instant he heard the roar of an ap-
proaching train, and looking tip, saw one
thunderhig down upon flim at frightful
speed. He waved his arms aloft to the
engineer, who put on the air brakes, but
obviously to no purpose, as the train was
travelling too fast.
Schwilick took in the terrible situation at
a glance. He comprehended that there was
no possibility of freeing Ids foot nor of scop-
ing the tram before it should reach him.
Rion •d, and L. S. Cameron, of London, a determined if possible to save his life
has been 'Tainted to succeed him. he lost his foot. Ho throw himself at full
Mrs. 1'. Stizaker, Courtland, a lady length to ono side es far as the imprisoned
foot would permit, his body and tiro other
leg being beyond the reach of the wheels,
but, to prevent being struck by projecting
portions of the axles, and thus having Itis
body drawn under the wheels or crushed in
other ways, he laid down fiat.
Down upon him swept the locomotive.
The ponderous wheel caught his lag at the
ankle antl. crashed his foot to a jelly in a
jiffy. With almost suporhunnan nerve he
dragged Ms body and the released limb
beyond the reach of further mutilation, as
soon as the locomotive had passed, and was
soon assisted by onlookers to a neighboring
stare, where medical attendance was at once
summoned. His fortitude commanded the
admiration of the sympatbizers present, and
although he is ahnoab 55 years demi the
doctors have hopes of saving his life. --Phila-
delphia Enquirer.
Another cage of "didn't know it wag
loaded" 000nrred a day or two ago, when
a lad named Fisher very nearly caused
the death of his mother. The boy, aged
14, wag handling a revolver, and, being
continued by his mother to put it away,
pointed it at her, saying, "I'11 shoot you"
when the weapon wag discharged, the
bullet shriking ber on the forehead, glauo•
ing vetoes and inflicting an ugly and
painful wound. Had she nob turned
slightly on the instant, death must have
been instantaneous.
The Hamilton Spectator says:—"Poor
old Bouquet Benson, the man who has
been advertising for a wife, and whose
familiar form has bean ineemdering
around the streets for the past month or
two, died in the hospital Friday night.
Be lied boon seating from a lung trouble
for years. He entered mho hospital a
week ago, and singe then bas sunk rapid-
Ho was an old army pensioner, and
his brain was affected for sometime past,
and he wandered about too strode with a
bunch of flowers in land, a plug hat on
his hoed and carpet slippers on his feet,
an object, unfortunately, of muob yonbh•
fol ridlonio, 13is mania toolc the form of
a desitt, boot married and The spent hie
time in advertising fur a wife and look-
ing for
ook-ingfor anewero at the poatofiics, lie
t row a email.',Coition roos a British
67 ye tea of age, has recently made a
quilt s •ntaiuing 2460 pieces. The work
was accomplished in two weeks, and
Mrs. Stizaker att•,uded to her ordinary
household duties besides.
there will be ffteeu way stations be.
tween London and Windsor on the C. P.
R• They are at 11lmstead, Belle River,.
}Jaycraft,'lilbury, Rhiuegold, Chatham,
Rene Itridge, Louisville, Thamesville,
North Bothwell, North Newbury, North
G endue, Apple Crossing, Oerade° and
Mob ose.
A syndicate composed of W. H. Hut
chins, of Parkhill; ''eases. Fox and
Hodgins, of Lucan, and J. I. Carter, of
Court' ight, have purchased the Parkhill
salt wells, and will Lave it in running
order by the first of Jute. A large plant
is to be pun in, capab o of making 160
barrels of salt par day.
The two femme gees belonging to Mr.
Evans, near Wardsviils, whose eggs lust
season boat the reword for size and quan-
tity, have resumed operations at the old
stand, and are already giving additional
proof of ,heir remarkable laying mud.
ities. The moo d this season to date
is 27 eggs, one of which m �aaures 0x18
A farmer brought the barrel of a shot
gun to 0 inton the other day to have a
rusty and broken nipple removed. The
owner was positive the piece was not
loaded and the blaohsmith put the butt
of the be rel in the fire. In a moment
or two a thunderous "bang" was beard
and the contents' '1 the barrel discharged.
It was powder and wadding only and no
one was hart.
Rolling, of Preston, who lost his gold
watch through one Douglass getting it for
safe keeping, going to ltuelph and there
being relieved of it by one Runyon, who
pealed it over to another named Healy,
who in turn traded it to a youth named
Gibson. Gibson became unruly on a
train, was arrested, and the tvatoh found
on him and identified and ultimately
!tolling got it back.
Alexander Cameron, a wealthy Toronto
lawyer, who married a rich Detroit widow
named Ward, has returned from Europe,
but Mrs. Cameron and his stop -daughter,
Miss Ward, am Millie Paris, and it ia au
nounoad to friends of the young heiress
that she will iu June be wedded to Prince
do Benyon Oarsman, of France. Miss
Ward ia but seventeen. With his bride
the prince will receive an income of nearly
John Filmy, of East .1'ilamboro, sop.
turgid a swan an the north side of Ham-
ilton Bay. This is the first bird of thio
description osptured in this looality for
the past dozen years. This season seven
:wane have 'been seen in the same
section, and this ie the only ono so far
naught. It measuroa at least six feet
from tip to tip and weighs about fortv
pounds. Mr. Filtnan took the bird to
Hamilton to bave it eat up.
Tho Secret or Sarah's Grace.
The number of ladies who do not wear
corsets is increasing every year.
Sarah Bernhartlit, the actress, has never
fastened a pair of stays round her in her
life, which accounts for her sup^leness and
wonderful grace. When she goes to the
dressmakers she wears a stnooth, but not
tight waist of heavy white linen, which the
dreastndlter fills out in hollow places with a
few folds of cotton batting, fitting the waist
of the gown over it.
But this is only worn for smoothness, and
not to reduce her waist.
On the stage she does not even wear that,
which accounts for her long, smooth strides,
and the ease of ltor poses, they rather molt
and disolvs into each other than eliang°.
In the winter she wears do the theatre a
long, hill gown of heavy Chinese oeope, of
which the alcoves are tight -fitting, and come
only to the elbow, while it hangs loose from
throat to ankles. Over this chess she slips
ou her costume, never removing it unless
the toilet .is decoletbo. This China drone
gown keeps her warm, anti adds the i+oqut-
alto fulness to her figure without fn the
slightest degree impeding the freedom of
her movements.
It is this fact which permits that exqui-
site equipoise of bodily movement and the
long, sweeping *notion of her acme. Not
only actors, bttb artists and sculptors, sat
1n the front ram during the %rultartlt sem
son endeavoring to learn the secret of her
catlike, einem. co.. Much of it is
natural, of course. d would bo noticeable
in r.ty dress and tamer any tiramnatitnces,
bob much of it is itlso due to the fact that
the muscles of her back, hips and waist
have•neverbeen e»1eehled and stiffened by
the use of stays.—Time Family Doctor.
At Clifford the other clay Mee Maggie
Dolmago and Annie Beale went to Mr.
Tolton's house, collecting for the Bible
Society. Mrs. Tolbon sent them out to
Mr. Tolton, who was splitting wood in
the bath yard. When they asked bim
for some money he told Maggio he would
give her 91 if she would split a block
which he himself was unable to do.
Maggio took up the axe with right good
will and slid the blook up.
On Monday afbsruoon last Charlie
Vafr, a boy about 12 years of age, soh of
the Motion Agent, Durham, was emus.
himself by shooting with a small pular
rifle at verimuo marks around the bouae,
Ile took a notion to' fire at a letter on a
box oarwhen lfttlo Charlie Donaghy,
son of 'Thos, Donaghy, came running
Meng the top of the oar and the billet
sntsted hie left gide just below the heart,
and possibly lodged in his lung, The
little boy fell and sane other boyo young
Voir among them dame to bim and aekecl
hhn what 1715 the matte•. He said he
woe shob, He was thea carried home
Belated to Cho Dodo.
The insect house at thaLondon Zoological
Gardens :villains an interesting little bird
which might, a foreign writer relates, be
cagily p055011 over by the visitor on account
of its resemblance to an ordinary pigeon.
This resemblance is in no way , deceptive,
for it is a pigeon whioh has acquired a cer-
tain °menet, of fame, or rather notoriety,
on a000utit of its unposed near relation to
the Dodo. This kinship has not, however,
boon admitted by recent authorities and so
the name Didnnonlus has been got by false
pretences, although the alliance claimed for
the bird is by no moans a noble one. Bub
this little moon is interesting for the in-
genious way to width it has defeated the
ma?tinationo of that enemy of the bird
tribe, the cat, Didaaeuluslivoe in Samoa,
where there were, originally, of course, no
cats. These wore introduced, and made
I bort work with lino Maumee, as the natives
call the bird, ltillfug not only the adult, but
the ohioks in the nest. Owing to its liabit
of fleeting upon the ground the bird nearly
became armlet; suddenly, however, it toot*
to building its nests open the tree bops,
'whore it could bring up Ito young eves in
peace, and einem that time the bird has
again become fairly nlentifnl, ,
Boulanger ie still missing. Not oven e
Manifesto bogeys his whereabouts.
"Some of the hest people in the country
put up wifll Inc, said the pawnbroker,
The vogotari&us may say what they