HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-4-18, Page 1r tt s Volume 17 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1890 Number 4O: Wn.oihington Letter, ft, op. m itemila, corr. eimielento w ewer:mom, atoll 2100. '1 le Senate b 8 missed the hill :mound t oily nee vote, that of Mr. Bud 1 New Jereay, b. Mg recorded in the nem, tive. But the debate shows the few et the fifty-two Seiintore who voted for the bill were much hotter pleased with it than was the Semite,. from New Jersey, who vo ed solidly and singly and toimistetaly agaiost its As the tail wont to the Judiulary Committee its was a Marmite bill as le came out from the 1, thole ty Com tut Mee it 111(11 prinoipally a,. so. einem. Mil, Thu Ohio Sonetur do. 1.1 dm site Con wit,. 1110 host gene le ...mi.,. It. an. out er. eisely 11 hat ho 9.1, Hon tint limier the eirmunstanous he ehou it vot.• for it kir. Keegan struggled video,. I d it Ho lo nialso lie IL ible 10 the great body of thi pimple, and then bowed to the M. evi pad.. N r. Hoer Venue strar ed that this legislation was the entrance opon a ses, estredden fleet," ami :he Sen. at. shesh: go1 0... Mr. (1 ergo propos.. to, emenclinet t whereby etho Wr toh. ell Victims of these trusts might joie as cempleimoae in tie mends for the ,e vnvy 1mai.id nal damages, but this atm minima Ales od the saine fate as 111r. Refiganes, a, d the Senator from MM. eistitypt euteume. d. %the bill pronounee. "every 001draat, combination in the form of trine or otherwise, or wealth:icy, th. restraint of rade liming the sev- eral States or with foreign natiene," ille- gal, A, y pc son who shall be injured in WO business or property by any other person or corporation by reason of any- thing inhibited or declared unlawful by this not may, .ue for damages in any cir- cuit court of the United Stases in which the cl, lendunt euides or is found, and recovee kremfold with costs. All this made very well ou paper, but it is mr. UM to prove. as Mr. George sugges ed in the dine sten, "a disappointing measure to the people of the country." Ae all beam of business or trade, however, take to trusts, comhinations, compiraci. s or motiop lies in one form or :mother it. naturally as a cluck takes to water, and as nothiug 1.» so hard to prom it le not at all likely that the doc- kets of the circuit courts will soon he membered with :mite brought under mi act like this. But 80010 bort of 100090 re of tine kind bad been promised, and the promise had to be redeemed. The Sen- ate did not agree that it should bo en. fenced. Tho southern itinerary of the All American Congress will extend from April 18111 to May 10111 inulneivo, and from Washington to New °Ovens by sea- board and return be interior. It will give the tourists a pretty good view of the southern face of the eountry, and the people and their industries in their varied extent, They will see Virgiuittel tobacco, South Carolina's 130% island cotton, Georgia's and Alabama's menu. factures, Florida's alligators and bran - gas, New Orleans' eonitnerce and Creole society and the iron and coal enterprise,. of Birmingham. Chattanooga, and Roan. oke. The visit, though short, will with the previous tour, afford our guests some insight into the prosperity of our coun- tey. Only one day or less is passed in oaoh town visited except New Orleans, where two dela are to be spent. The Committee on Patents has report. ed a bill to the House appropriating $3,000,100 for the erection in tbie city of a building for the use of a Patent Office. In its report the Committee says the bureau of patents can readily to shown to have contributed in a larger nieasore than any other 'mom or department of the national government to the develop- ment of our industries, in enabling us to ettain our present unequaled prosperity in the field of the induatrial note and sciences. That the sums charged for the use of cortein inventions are extrationato is not doubted, the report says, but it is believed that the Committee will be able to formulate a bill whish will provide provide against such :theme while in no proper sense invading the domain of private right or in any appreciable de. goes imearing the meatiness of the patent syetesis The report also refers to the clelaye in the conne in seaming an adjudioation of (muses arising under, the patent hoes, and says it would seem to follow that. if practicable, a comb having epeoiel jurisdiction 031 this class of ea8e8 should be eetabliked. The Patetat Office has to -day to its email) 031 the Treasury 6301,670 over and shove al]. expenses, and this surplus to the credit of the Patent Fund is ample to provide a build. ing suitable for the,patent bureau. It begins to look as if the Republican Ways and Means.Clommittec will have to pleas 311 prohibibiee duty on Democratic eleotion returns to prevenb them from coming in. Alt interview with lqe.. Blaine on the McKinley tariff bill would be mighty in- teresting reading -about now. n la Mu Fl BMWS., (Mu Tun .001101900 33110.) Tho Mail has made an honest attempt to get ab the feats ormoorning the lin. ances of the province. During the pres- ent session the Government tind the op- positiou haVe hod more than ono die. cuseion on thie subject, the Government being disposed to magnify and. the Op- position to minimiee the aohievemente of the various treasurers since Mr. Hewitt took office in 1873. To the heat oE our belief the surplUS On December 31,187,3, amounted to nearly five milli• 018, 010000 up OS follows : 0881130. 03 Spacial deposits to haulm 0)11747,801) 1,0.17,729 (11stooks (torrent iniliincra in haul: 2700441 17 Drainage debentureas . .... 33,S111 22 Bout 0110.1.008 due hy munimpal- ities re drainage works 190,712 013 Municipal Loan Fowl debt% 133101,8110 ss Trust funds with the Dominion200,4,9 OR Valueof Library With nomMiou 10)0,011 00 Totes 00,30e801 49 LIABILITtaa. Railway rund—Balanee unpaid 81,100.572 00 /dank:Mal hOna Fund nistr•hu- tinn, (duo to innelemelitlow 1.115,741) (10 Collections re Oconinou Bohool , Fund, 4uebee's o11008 . 188807 18 Total 84,099,001 81 Incooss of Assets over Liabilities 84,800,808 25 Sinn 18713 the Government has spent a very liberal 0001 00 services of vital in• terest to the provinoe. The figures from January 1, 1874, to December 81, 1880, as fuilosve Public Buildings 03,000,234 41 New Parliament Buildings ...... 44807:400781 7907 Public, Works 1111 30 Railways 040,088 se lAlmaiolpalLeauFeuddistribation 13,1108,979 47 Laud Improvement rued, Special 214,814 00 Totale 015,785,610 18 The present surplus ie plaoed by treasurer Rosa at 56,427,000. A detail- ed account was published the other day. there can be no doubt that this is a am - mot statement of the surplus as it au. tuelly exists. At the same time Mr. Rom credits the province with items of lominion account which were not in• eluded in the surplue in 1872 or prior to 1873. He make1 the total amount doe ram the Dominion to the province 55,- 126,000, whereas 111 1870 all that wits seemed, inouding the valne of the ibrery, was e2,800,000. If this differ. once of 52,110,000 is deducted from the urplus of 56,427,000, we get 54,100,000 kik may bo regarded as tho existing se, plus according to the mode of calm- atiou pursued in 1873. Considerine tho urge payments on capital account that lave been made sinoe then, that is ery handsome nest egg. Tho Oppoei- ion knows its own basiaces best, but in our opinion it has nothing to gain by mailing the financial management of he province under Mr. Mowat. That s is not the weak spot in Isis armour. BrusseLs School Board. Two special meetings of the above Board wore helct as follows : Mark alst, '90. --Moved by J.J. Dell- nan, seconded by W. B. Dickson, that his Board be authorized to borrow the mn of tour bemired dollars from the Oouncil of the village of Brussels or the Bank of Hamilton, Wingliam. Carried. Moved by T. Fletoher, seconded by W. 13. Dickson, that the Treasurer's W. H. Mose) bond be returned. Car- ried, The Board then adjourned. April 111111, '90.-4.11 members present. Moved by J. 3. Denman, emended by W. B. Dickson, that P. Fletcher act as Secretary pro tem. Moved by T. Fleteher, seconded by E. E. Wade, bhat Mr. Hinds have the split. ting and piling of 00 cords of wood at 20 cantle per oord, the whole to be done before the first of 010110. Carried. Moved by 4.. Hunter, seconded by J. J. Denman, that the cipidioatieu of Rod- erick Boss for Secretary bo aucepted providing necessaey bends are furnished at 0 it:Way of 530 per minim. Carried. The following mamas wero road; F. Brewer for 15. cords of dry wood at 51.50 por mord. &loved by E. E. Wade, seoonded by A. Hunter, that the account be paid. -Carried. An account of George 00. Lott for 60 coeds of wood at 51.15 Poo cord, 560.00, Moved by J. j, Dem nrian, seconded by L. Eltinter„ that the amount of Mr. Leckie's garnishee and costs be paid and belanee of wood. no. count from Geo. Lott bo paid to McIn- tosh & MoTaggart, Caeried. The Board thou adjogened. tOsienadiasa New s. Woodstook'8 population is 9,800. Georgine Steele, Falls, aged 7 years, 000 repeat tho whole of die Short- er Catechism Without, 11511].). A funny story is told of Poterboro girl who 01113d 011005081108, and, wish- ing good luck placed it under her pillow in company with her f else tooth. In the 311001111114 111 the hurry 01 dressing she substituted the shoo for her teeth, and wore A HOMO tiMO 'Watt Hb0 mistake was discovered. Wtn. Hopkins, 0 roaidollt of Streets- ville, died on 'hearty mothing from diphtheria. It is said that in a foolish 11101110)11, 0,1100 15 00 act of brevado, ho perposely entered u, room where a child suffering with diphtheria was being cared for and rubbed the clothing worn by the ohild Over his tote in order to calk the Infection, and that 110 8100 other foolhardy acts to prnve that he feared not the torrible.scourge. He was taken ill and lived only It low days, ilio could not be prevailed upon to keep to his bed or room, ,and actually walked Mound until the larib.utoment, when he' .fell doWit end expired by ectital etrenge• baion complete . oellapse of the Yatem, Sporting News. O'Connor and Stanabury are to row on the Paramatta 031 lune 23rd. Over 100 amateur bell kers have al- ready organtred in New York city for the marling ransom The Buffalo Intermittent)," club will play their first Immo May 1 in Buffalo against the Londons. Patsy Hartnett, Toronto's ex•firet baseman, will play fleet base for Von Der Abees American Associati at team in St. Louis. The football olube entering for the Western Association cup are : Berlin Bangor% Seaf mtli. Galt, Ayr, Duthie, Toronto, Toronto Soottleh, Osgoode Ifii I and Normal Sohool, J. S. 9arr1man, tette la to walk 3,000 milee in 65 dive on a wager of 66,000, started from Wabiteli, ted., Thursday, for Sap Francieco. He was accompanied by a incanted guard. Cushman, 1st base, Stockford, 3ril base and. a heavy hitter, Cookman, phoher and Baker, cetcher, of the Galt olub, will all bo miseing this season, they hate ?waived effete from other places. A. scheme ie on foot to erg:prize a Y. M. C. A. base ball Mugu, composed of clubs in Hamilton, London, Brantford, Woodstock, Kingston and St. Thomas. A meeting will be held soon to organize 0 club in St. Thomas. The Toronto Mail offers a cash prize of 5190 to the successful guesser of the standing at the end of the championship emson of each uf the 8111 01158 in tlie 111- ternational League. If more than one correct guess is received the prize will be divided. Tne Toronto Empire 5075 1-01000110085 & Pepper's famous jumper Roseberry made a leap Monday afternoon at Slat. bory's which somewhat eclipsed his high jump performances. Two jumps, five feet high, were placed six feet apart, and Roseberrv, ridden by Tim Blong, cleared 'both obstacles in one leap. The international six days walking mak ab Pittsburg, Pa., closed on Sat- urday night. The attendance was large throughout the week, and the winner received several thousand dollars. The score at the Close was Herby, 553 mites 14 lips ; Moore, 530.9 ; fIn hes, 520,4 ; Noremao, 501; Howarth, 473.13; Reran, 476-7. Win. Creelman, of the Toronto cricket ulnb, at the next meeting of the Ontario Aesomation proposea to bring forward a reenhition which will be to the effect that hereafter the Internacional team of Canada, to play against the United States, be chosen by a committee of three, to be selected from the Associa- tion. A_ remarkable instance of patient and soientific batting is furnished in the case of an innings played by A. C. Ban- nerman in the tarot match between Vic- toria and New South Wales. In the game Pi question Bannerman was 01 the wickets for six hours. He went bo on a 'friday afternoon at 4:45, and tvas there It 6 o'olook whenthe stu.nps were drawn. Ole resumed at 12 o'clock the following day, retired for luncheon at 1130, ramm- ed at 2:15, retired for refreshment at 4 o'olook, and was finally rim out ab 5:15 for 11.7. When he retired 5 wickets were dowu Ocr 248 met the inninge olosed for 261. Bannerman is well.known as one of Australia's safest and most reliable batsmen. He has been in England with the Australians in 1878, 1880, 1882, 1884 and 1889. He was chosen to 000upy position On the present team on route for England, but could not make the neces- sary arrangements to underatke the journey. The 'Manitoba people complain of stupid railway mail service arrange. meets in that Province. It is said that a farmer neer Culloden 11,101 a very realistic case of nightmare eeuentiv. He dreamed that he was nuns derod, the assassin having etruolc him a fatal blow on the head. Bo awoke with 0 sense of pain in that region, and on putting his hand to hie forehead he:found it stielty as if with blood. He felt too ill to my for help, bob he finally alarmed the household, 'When 0 light was pe'1. cured the disoovory was mode that tome maple syrup ltd lea,koj from a dish on shelf above him and fid'on on his head in a sluggish steaaro.. The death of Mary Geodine, of Seger bland, Now Bronswialt, took plasm re- cently. Sho was known in a limited oirole Ma "1.130 girl who clewed With bet mouth." She was born of French pm, erne about fifty or fifty.five years ago, She had no halide or arms, legs or loot, or et least oone in any wily developed, those members mem heving growl after She was born. Her boily was of full eize and her sonsee gond. She wait a very in- telligent girl, conversing very freely in both French and English. Early in life she developed a fondness for :towing, and astonished her friends by the manner in 10111011 She could cut the material with soirmors, thread the noodle, eaud then do fine sowing, using only her mouth for all operations. A groat many people wit - nomad her porfotm this woncleefel tvOrit, end some people have in their pos80800011 equators of patoh.work done 1st hot,. To, el went me a of Clinton 51118,4103. They have only forty-two dogs ill that town, so the amessor's roll say% and they aro masculine gender, we have no doubt, Cameron, Holt & Cameron, of Gods. rich, presented the fire brigade with 520 in appreciation of the eervime rendered 111 etaying the spread of tho dos at their offloe recently. Chancellor Ferguson opened the Spring sitting of the Obanoory Division of the halt Court of Justice in the court room, Goderioh, on Monday afternoon, and the one case for' adjudication being complete ed the court olosed the llama day. A by-law %vita voted on et. Exeter nie Thmsday of ,atit week to !establish 0 butter and egg market at the Tow . Esetar. The by-law was (wrier] by a, mAjority of Q. The vote was very light, not imuth over half the votes being polled. On Friday lest, while John Healey, of Goderich, was chopping some branches of Metre, W111011 Ms seven-yeer•old son. Devid, was holding actross a block, the axe slipped and ,truck the boy's right heed, outting 5, piece off one of his ling. ere. John Go:el:ley, of Usborne, lits made already this EIHEVIalltiva hendred and fifty monde of maple sugar from one bneh, John Irwine, who has two bushes, has made eleven hundredweight. Aroh. Mc- Curdy bas also mule between five and six hundredweight. Tho wicked editor of the Toronto World says :—Whet is quoted as ..good aathority' etiyo loot Dag. ttloGilliouddy, of the Goderich Signal Will oppose the Hon. A. NE. Ross in the coming geueral eleobion. When Grit meets Grit, then comes the tug of seeing which is the most willing to be bought off. R. B. Smith, & OM, who have carried on an extensive dry goods trade at Gode- rich for thirty-five years, have assigned to Henry Barber & Co., of Toronto. The liabilities are between 512,000 and 515,000, owing ahnost entirely to Mon- treal houses, the creditors in Toronto bs. ing hardly worth mentioning. The as. sets nominally equal the liabilities. The Clinton Now Era says, in speak- ing of their base ball team :—It is ex- pected the club will enter the league now being formed, to consist of St. Marys, Heater, Clinton, Stratford and perhaps Soaforth and Mitchell. We nrelnrstand that the Mayor, who always bag the in• 1538418 of the town et heart has kindly &mood to secure it good. battery for the club if poseible. The annual meeting of the Clinton Driving Park Association 300(0 held at the Waverly House on Wednesday evening of last week, when tho following offieers were elected :—Preeident, 11.0. Doherty ; Vice-president, Leek :Kennedy ; Seo'y- Trees., N. Robson ; Directors—J, E. Bimetal', V. S„ Oliver Johnson, D. B. Kennedy, D. Diokiuson, R. S. Doan and J. Rattenbury. The report of Customs Officer Farrow for Alegi:actor ending March 31st, shows that the exports entered at the port at Goderioh naked 557,790. Amongst leaeing items are :—Horses, 158, valued at 51.7,464; oheese, 139,850 lbs., 513,143; eggs, 12,600 dozen, 51,900 ; barley, 11,545 bushels, $4,618 ; oats, 706 bushels, 5185 peas, 24,280 bushels, $13,889. The im. ports reached 510,681 dutiable goods, and free 548,410 ; the duty collected was $3,894.80. The committee- appointed to choose a ground for a Clamp Meeting in June have decided on Geo. Currey's grove near the Nile. The camp is to be held from June 1.6th to 23rd. Mies S. J. Williams, Misdes Lydia and Annie Hall have pro- mised to be present throughout the oamp, and Rev. Geo. Richardson, Distriot Chairmen, is to preside. The neighbor- ing oirouits and ministers will bo invited to participate. A, good time is expect- ed and preparations are already being made. The junior Sepoy Lacrosse Club, of Luoknow, was organized on Thursday, when the following officers were eleoted Hon. President, Jas. Bryan ; President, M. Campbell, je. ; Vice -President, D. R. Mointosh ; Captain, Jas. Kerr ; Seem. tory, D. N. Letvrenoe ; Treasnrer, John Berry i Field Captain, W. Grundy, jr. ; Managing Clommittee, Geo. Kerr, jr., A. Whitely, Wank Gordon and Dewitt Thompson. The olub has already a membership of fifty. They intend hold- ing a grand tournament on the 24111 of May for handsome medals, and would like to hear from junior olubs. An inoiderit of rather a peonlim nature took place on the premises of Elijah Joey, 2nd concession of Stephen, reoent- ly, it being a young calf which was being devoured alive by an old. sow. She had her victim seamed in a mud holo, and while there one of Mr. Joey's daughters was on her way to the barn for the par - pose of milking, when something came tuber notice in a Mud hole, and, on closer examinetion, found it was a poor calf, beside it the old sow, whioh wee feeding on its prey. She ab once summoned help and the pool: beast was freed from its captor, almost lifeline and minim its tail, wbioh was eaten off. No doubt the mill will male around all right. The loss of the fishing boat Parisian and her 00039, the three Matteson brothers, 00 Goderioh, is only too true. Hopes wero entertained tip to a labs hour Wednesday night that the beet might have drifted 0011000 bebween Goderich and Bayfield, but o despatch from there sale them aro no tidings of them. Tho 1100 boat orew and others heve been on the look -out, but so fee have failed to discover anythiug of the missing boat. The suppositiomis that the beet, whole was heavily laden with netts was atonia by a big sem filling her and fonntiored, 110 81.10 wos Melted by one of the other boater, Which was about a milo or more shoreward, hot on looking again she bad disappeared from view. bleoh sympathy is expreseed to Mr. Matheson, who is an old mon and is almost prostrated with grief at the terrible calamity that has Mertaken him. Tito rudder arid an oat belonging to the missing boat has since been 060115. TM M01111e:30 Cemeene—The following front 3, S. lideverde, 111. 1),,. dated April 110, 007110011)00 in the Lawton Free Press "The Mitred from thO Huron Huron County. Credieon has a veterinary sturgeon. Paul Reid, Ashfield, Inas 41 colonies of bses. The lionsallitel aro booming Equal BillIghxtest'er brass bend has added new hi- struments to their stook. Goderich let Clinton beat them at a. shooting match. Soore 51 to 52. Fifty-four graves were dug in the Winglaaan cemetery during the past winter. Pi:operations are in progress for the usual loyal oelebratiou of the Queen's Birthday at Exeter. The Goderich Signal threatens to show up the Town Council if they don't quit three "monkey work." A mooting was held to consider the advisability of bonusing a mill to be ereoted 111 Molestvorth, Mimeos Irwin, tato of Goderioh, and grendson of Mrs. Chas. McIntosh, is editor of an Idaho paper. The Exeter cheoker olub played a friendly game of checkers with the Ailsa Craig olub last Monday evening. Howick township Commit had 200 oopies of the auditors' report printed for distribution among the electors. Clinton town dads are giving 1$130 to aid in arranging preliminaries for the Orange demonstration next 12th of July. The grocery stook of the testate of H. Re Walker, Clinton, has boon sold to Mesas. Mottiumay & Wiltso for 67i mute on the Sohn Underworth, of Greenway, is the happy owner of a bon that lays eggs that weigh .loo. end measure 8104 in. in oiroumferenee. James Westuott, of Exeter, has made an assignmenb of his goods and °Matto% for the benefit of his oeeditors, and 1104 gone to California. NV, II. Bastinge, beerister, who has been practising ab Soeforth, for three or four year ,s intends removing to Grand Rapids, Mielligan, Charlie Shannon, of Moliienzio's herd. Were store, Goderioh, ehot a cram 4 feet 8 Moho in height, and 5 foot 8 inches from tip to tip of wieg. Tho Seeretaey of the Junior Huron Lames° Club, Umbria, bas received tho following Wiles: from Sir John Mao. 'donald 1— "Ii/tialseLorini, OTTAWA.. Sir John Macdonald promote hie compliments to the Hueem Laorosse 011111, and doeiresto theek theett 160 their ourteey in sending hint it MA of admissidll 10 their Wietolute (Or the year," Expositor, in reference to the Medioal Council ',Motion 1900 a quixotic fabri. oration. I carried ant the instructions of the Medical Council to the letter of the law, and counted all the ballots in the presence of the oandidabes and their 'emote, (my ovrn being among tne unM • bor,) exempt a few whiob were not legal. My action in sn doing was fully indorsed by both candidaies, and no protest made. After a count of the entire vote the eau. didates were equal at 100 each. I then es Returning Offieer, gave the casting vote, (being required to do ao by role of Com:toil,' in favor of the former member, Dr. McArthur, and declared him elected, It was not in my power to disfranchise any registered medical practitioner, who solemnly affirmed that be 09113 11 resident of this division, and had not previouslyveted in this eleetion. I ant only surprised that '31511 1111 artiole ever received publication. Thom preeent know the true p triisolv.re as to tho manner in which the election. wag non - ducted, and the Expositor man mnst have got his information from sonic one who was not present at the voting, ex- cept in his dreams." Dr. Sloan, of Blyth, who claims the seat has protestecl tho eleetion. smut -I slims. 110111. Last Tuesday afternoon the Rime Agricultural Society held its annual Spring Show at Newry. The. day was everything that oould be desired, and the attendance large, but the exhibit was small, possibly due to the deplorable dition of the roade, which prevented many from. bringing stock from. a dis- tance. The animals shown were first- class in every respeot and proved con elusively that our farmers understand the Emmet of raising stook that wilt command a high figure in any market. Following is the prize list: Hoses.'— Heavy Draught— Imported Clydesdale, 1st, L. McNeil's 'Challenger'; 2nd, J. L. Turnbull's 'Sir Petrick.' Canadian bred,8 years 00 110(150, 1st, Jae, MoKenzie's 'Sandy Scott.' English Shire stallion, ls„ Jno. Gray's 'Waverly.' General Purpose, 1st, Jno. Nelson's 'Ox- ford Kin'; 2n.t, R. Roes 'Young Beau- fort." Agricultural stallioo, lst, Edward Henry's 'Prime 0Thora'.hred blood, 1st, Kidd Bros."Tenbroeck.' Sweepstakes, Kidd Bros.' 'Tenbroeca.' Bilms.—Durham, three years and over, let, Robt. Ford's 'Primrose Ring.' Dur ham, two years or under, lot, Jno. Love's 'Prince of Cioverland'; 2nd, Jae, Currie's —. Holstein, one year old,. 1st, V. Tamer's 'Norman.' Sweepstakes, John Love's 'Peince of Cloverland.' Vr1.302101. The Spring Show was heldhere on Wednesday.of this sneak. The evaather was beautiful and the exhibit good. The following is the prize list Hose. --Heavy draught stallion. Wm. Wellwood's "Edmond." 1st ; jam. Ritch- ie's "Granite Rook." 2nd. Geueral pur- pose stallion, Wm. Crnioksbank's "King of the Ring," lab; Allan Spier's. "Earl Coachman Gottleib Benson blow out hie Mains in the parlor of Millionaire J. N. U. Putrtek's boss at Omaha the other clay in the presence of the servant girl, who had refused his offer of mar- riage. The moot monied mishap that ever betel a firs alights occurred recently at Toledo. The noise of an approaohing fire Apparatus startled e sixty.five.year- old countryman and his wife as they were making their way along the aide. walk. Ter grab his wife's green umbrella and rush into the middle of the street directly in tho path of the oncoming steede was the work of a, moment for the excited fernier. His gyrations and shouting brought the horses to a sudden stop. The fire teddies drove off' wear. iug but the csowd chimed the old fellow a ite returse4 to the sidewalk, matter- ing, "Tarn:Aim fools, lot 'em run away if they 300111 10. 1't never risk my Iife , gave their melte agein." A scene that for nearly an hour killed the blood of those who Witnessed it wart presented at Newark on Friday. One of the occupants of the tenement, 25 Belle - voile 0900 05. io George Arbuthnot, an ice MEW. While he Wan crazed with drinib he went up on the roof with a 2.year-old child in his arms. He then.bega,n appar- ently to show what be dared to do. He sprang from roof to roof of adjoining houses, Over the narrow alloywoys, like a oat. His friends tried in wan 'to coax him down, whirs some of the neighbors ran for the police. Several potioemen soon arrived. AA their first appearance Arbuthnot rushed to the edge 00 a roof, and, with a wildslook, threatened tojump. off. He changed bis mind, however, and renewed his perilous feat of springing from roof to roof.. A policeman went up. to the roof and, putting his head through the scuttle, tried. to coax the. men down. While be was thus engaged two other policemen got to the roof of the adjoining. home and, stealthily approaching Arbuth- not from behind, were upon him before. he was aware of their preeense. After a struggle be was overpowered. The child' was taken from him uninjerad, and he wag conducted down to terror firma and to the police station, where he was locked up. In Ms flight over the reefs before the arrival of the police he tripped once arid fell on a large skylight, crashing in the glass. He Clasped the ohild site, ev,wever, end neither were hurt. People. We Ben. Driver jr. as visiting aer Hamilton. Dave \Wilsom is bons from Port. 1111005. Miss Liiy Veal rich last week. D. B. Cathie], town this week. Mrs. Roderick Ross wasivisiting Listowel last week. R. 11. Patton and Miss Effamilton, of Atwood, were in town on Sunday. Barrister Taylor was oulpof town for several days lest week at London. An old resident of Brussele in the per - Sell of 3ca. Drewe, was in town lest week. Know. was visiting in Gode- of Godenk, was 131 Jno. Stratton., wife and children left Bread Alberta," 2nd. Roadster Mahlon, J. Lamoriby's "Young Leopard," 1st'- Brussels on Thursday of last week for Kamm John Gofton's "The Stuff," 270. Oar. Mrs. Frank Belly will leeve shortly riage stallion, D. A. Ferrier's "W. F. for Escanaba, Midi., whermher husband. Lambert." Sweepstakes for best stallion,. Wm. Wollwood's "Edmond." Junens.—Joseph Walker,. Brussels -3. Jas. Rogers, Gerrie, and James Damen,' Newry. BIILLa.—Durham, over two. years,. Richard Corley's "Lord Riche,' 1St ; 0. Henderson's "Waterloo Knightley," and. Holstein, John A. MoEwense "Huron Lad." Hereford., S. D. Web - wood's "Romulus." Sweepstakes, Rich- ard Corley's "Lord Eloho." Jrnees.--Wm. Anderson, Luoknow, and W. J. Johnston, Morris. teSeaneral TarT ewra. Edward Lloyd,. proprietor of the Lon. don Daily Chromate, is dead. Nineteen .prisoners have escaped from the county jail at Spokane Falls, 'Wash. A cyclone did much damage in. Ohio and Iliehigan Tuesday, A number of 11055 09800 lost. tire. Mary Banahan, the oldest person in northern New Jousey, has just died at Oxford Furnace, aged 102. Frenolt engineers propose to construct a bridge across the Boaphoruss It will reach from Ronmeli-Hissar to Anatoli. Eimer, and will be 2,100 feet long with a single arch. The oause of the moident to the City of Pals was found to be the breaking of oue of her propeller shafts, PM011 oc- casioned a stoppage of the steam and re - :suited 111 the collapse of the starboard iee is still solid in Thunder Bay and engine. A Port Arthur 00500700013 says that the navigation will not open before May 1st. Ton thousand tons of ore axe on the docks at Port Arthur awaiting shipment to litho Erie ports. The Minneapolis Journal places the newspaper world under many obligations. It offers a prize of 55 for tho hest poem on "Spring." It is to bo hopead that i will thus attract to itself all tho vorna poetry of the year. Marone 0. Stearns, of Chicago, 1.0110 01 Saturday last, in a, fit of depression caused by illness, fired four bullets into his own body, died Tuesday. HO leaver 3o1:10i0e8fl,y000remallia e5s410,0t0o0, ,ovocaolued a Ph alert) earettY Thom ie a Geoegia railroad that ha been in operabioti forty years withou over hewing run over e man or 0 beast BM it frequeptly has to melte thing scleare with citizens who walk on the track an a dark night, and who 31111 against a Moving train 6.11(1. hurt them selves, is working. Rev. R. Para goes to Harriston next Sunday to supply for Rev. W. Smyth,. formerly of &meets. Jno. Pelton, of Atwood, Sundayed in, town. We believe he has seine attraction in the carpet town. Berry Dickson intends, to take a trip. to Dakota where he expects to secure WI good position aS a druggiate Mimes Hill and Thompson and T. 01111 and A. Hood spent last Sunday in Wings harn, enjoying the mentos. air. Thos. Kelly will represent St, john's church, Brussels, at the meeting of the Synod of the Episcopalian cheek. Mrs. ;aims Sadler and son, oftPart Huron, Miele., were visiting her sister, Mrs. Chris. Seel, of Brussels, thin week. Miss Hemley, of Wharton, wee iiptown thio weak. She le an applicant for the position of organist imSt. John's ohurck here. John F. Meanie, rad estate dealer, of Toronto, Was in town on Monday and Tuesday. He talks of a trip to the Ohl Country next summers! Um. Hargremes, daughters end grand. daughter purpose removing to.Paislay next week. We don't keow whoa this: exodus will terminate. The Clifford Advanoe says Richardson, of Brussel?, formerly teach - e: ' here spent Sunday 00 town. WO are. pleasedto hear of Mies Richazdeon's cons tinned emcees 00,0 teacher. W. A. MoEwan and fenaily, of Thee - Beton, Algoma, have removed to Toronto whom Mr. Mao. has it good situotiOn. Mrs. MoEwan is 0 daughter of /rimers' . Oliver and a sister to Mem Jon, imokie. Barry jangle has seemed a position/is the Russell Boum, ()Hawn, and willre- move there this week. He is an eepert lacrosse player and will likely strengtheo the olub of that city.. W. D. Wiley has taken Harry's pluoe at the Amezioan Hotel. Samos Barris died in California on Monday of this week, of conatireption. Ho had gone west with the hope oe corn - batting the fell deetroyer but, as in two often the nese, the dirseaso was too deeply gelded, The &domed was a brother -m- inty of E. W. Meleon'a, of Bruesols, and lived in this plitoefor some tiroo. The Mitchell Advertiser saye :—This week Gus. Goebel diepostal of his fine carriage horse, ',Grey Eagle" for a baud. same sum of money, to a Berlin gentle. ream Otto, understands the horse bust - nese all 0. lc, Lie knows a good horse, and understands how to sell to advent. ago, Last Friday afternoon 4. Re. Smith hitched up his creion-drivee to a sulky and went south for an airing. Whoa e, couple of miles army hero town the ratihnal started kicking, striking lifts Smith on both limbs, neat the knee. lite pluekily held on to the reins, howevor, and was aeon out of his &aurorae; pesi. t300, 315 0000 laid aside 1 00371 wotk for several days owing to the solace% The Russians drink their tea withou milk or oroarn and generally With011 sugar, It is light in noloe, strong and 1 all flavored. They get their tett over. lame front China, an expensive transpor. tation whieh insures the superiority ot the tea, bonus() it would notpay to oarry Cheep tee overland, Thom too, by time moans the :Russians secure the inland grown tes, which is China's best.