HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-4-11, Page 81kik. tail; SS,u $ 1405'1' Arum 11, 1890. ---ROW TO— SAVE M ON, Y! You no doubt intend to Paper lour House this Spring and it is certainly a Saving to you in buy- ing where you can get the Cheap- est and Best, We never before had such values in Wall Papers, 1 have made selections from no less than EIGHT MANUFACTURERS. We can give you Lovely Papers at Prices that should Astonish you. Come and see them. G. El.. DEADMdN, Druggist and Fancy Goods Dealer. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. oOvTnraN narENsI,N w. 0, & D. Trains leave Brussels Station, North toed South, as follows: Gorse Seams. Go1Nli Norms. AIpi1 0:53 a.m. I Mixed 0:20 a,0,. 'Express 11:41 am. Mail 9'00 p.m. Mixed p,re. Express 0:45 p.m. Aral ,gib) 4tC111S. A ahiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll pront it. Hates re -shaped. Mus. TcnNnerz. 1'. hlagese. is at the street scraping. To mTU'o and clover cheap. Adam Good. OLoVER and Timothy seed at Afc- Craoken's. CLoran, Timothy and Garden Seeds at lhomson's. JosT received all kinds of garden and Meld seeds. Gso. B;Exsn. No. 9 Cook Stoves (complete) for 519 and upwards. B. GjrnY. A Naw awning has been put up at the Palace Dry Goods Store. Jose received 50 bushels choice clover and timothy seed. Gso. BEsnn. ONE new and one second-hand Lumber Wagon for sale cheap. B. GEnn%. Bear Hoaea Spring show will be held in Brussels an Friday of next week. RouTE bills printed on short notice at TIME Posr Publishing House, Brussels. Tim School Board did not meet Fri- day as there was not a quorum present. A rouse woman desires to do house- cleaning or washing. Apply at this Aloe. Ir Ecl. Drake didn't knock Will's -Brains out he struck a vacuum. A. R. Smith. Tan work of excavating for Wm. Bias - hill's new block commenced on Wednes- day morning. Mona Tinware for 91 than has ever been offered in Brussels before. Only a few left, B. GEan%. Amami HORATIO NELsox Joaairs has severed his connection with the St. Catharines Gazette. Jeer to hand a large stock of express and steel wagons, which will be sold cheap. I. C. Richards. Masses. FERDaso: & Gmsoe are putting in,s hot air furnace into the handsome briok residence of E. Dunford. Horror•,.—Having dissolved partnership we desire all outstanding accounts settled at once. Straohun Bros. AN old adage says : If rain falls on Easter Sanday it will rain for seven suc- oessive Sabbaths following. Buy an um. brans. THE shoe fitted. Do you see what I mean ? There are four of us to sell you new Spring goods—not rubbish. A. R, Smith. House and lot for sale or to rent, Centrally located. Good well, garden, stable, &o. Apply at Toe Posr Publish- ing House. Tau 24th of ?day comes on Saturday, and businessmen throughout the country are agitating to have Monday 20th ob. served as the holiday. Vivraiuona had a 940,000 Bre on Mon- day morning. Among the sufferers was H. R. Stale, formerly of Brussels. Ile had an insurance of 9500. Smvat: Cantu 1s the best preparation for cleaning silverware, mirrors, window .glass, &a., to be had at T. Fletcher's. 26 cents per bottle. Try it. THE Band turned out on Good Friday afternoon and played a number of selec- tions in good style. We think they broke an established rule that day. IT takes brains to win the prize in the competition of the word "carpets." No use in Will trying it, his brains were knocked out by Ed. Drake in a gambling expedition, A. R. Smith. SotiEBODY must be violating the prov- isions of the Crook's Adjudging by the actions of some youths on Good Friday. It would be well for the parente to look into this matter before it is too late. Tura week we send out our rig with geode to oar country customers. We have our license in our possession. We know of one man who sent out a peddler last year and was dishonest enough to not pay his license. Can you trust a man in bu3innse who will deadbeetthe county out of ite lawful rights ? W. Nighingale & Co. Tug PALACE STons.—On Thursday of Iasi week the brand new stock of milli- nery, dry goods, groceries, &o., of Mrs. F. C. Rogers was tbrown open to the public. Everything was in apple pie order and compliments were very fully bestowed on the entire staff for the order and good taste dieplaysd in the arrange. ened of the goods. The millinery show room, which by the way is a firet.claes one, was the magnetic point to the ladies and Miss Green's handiwork was very much admired by all, The display was very tastefully arranged and showed off to good advantage. There were bonnets, bate, ribbons, Sowere, &c., &a., in pro. :Edelen aid from the number of sales recede and orders taken the outlook is most hopeful and satisfectoryto both Miss Green and Mrs. Rogers, Tho lee. provemeots made in the store are im- provements indeed and a person would hardly believe that such a transforma- bion could be wrought in esob a short time. Mrs, Rogers hae taken great pleasure is welcoming se many of their old customore back and returns her thanks to the public for the very 5200055. fel opening. The familiar forme of F. d., and Gaorgb Rogers are to be seen behind the taunters, The estnblieh. moat flee been named "The Palate eito'rec", NEXT Sunday evening Rev, S. Sellery, B,A., B.D., will. take "Snbetituliou" ae tete enbjoot of hitt d eeourse. U, U, G al. Ba1.eD, nr T5ra, eapso,s to pay en olhoial visit to St, John's Lodge, A. F. & A. M„ of this 0900 on Tuesday evening of neat week. Oenrwra.—To the lady who forme the most worde out of the lettere composing the word "oarpeto," I will give as a preseut a beautiful dress, Competition opon till 20th April. A. R. Smith. NoricN,—A11 persons indebted to the firm of Stewart & Lowiok are requested to call and settle the sante before the let of May neat, as after that date we go out of business in Bruesels, S'i'awo T & Lowica. Tum Grand blaster of the Oddfellows of Outerio hae issued his anniversary proclamation, setting forth April 26th as a day of thanksgiving for the mercies and blossingli vouchsafed to the Order during the pact year, Two of our lacrosse players were hav- ing a praotioe throw on Turnberry Street on Good Friday when the ball found its way through one of the large panes of glase in J. Jones' jewelry store, Four dollars paid for the fun. Hoeg and lot for sale iu Brussels West. Good stable and well on the premises, also any quantity of small fruit and a few young fruit trees. A bargain if sold at once. For information apply at Tun Posr Publiabing House. Leone come and fetch your friends with you to see our grand city millinery opening on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 15th, 16th and 17th of April. We will show you the largest, cheapest and most fa,hionable stook in the county. W.11'igbtingele & Co, Tua item referring to Knox church Sabbath school review, in last week's issue, should have read as follows :—Mies Gizzie Ross reviewed the persona and plaoes mentioned in the lessons of the three months ; W. B. Dickson, the golden texts and titles ; Mrs. Howie, the word pictures ; and G. A. Deadman, the practical teaching of the leesens. WELL -DIGGING AND DRILLING.—George Birt hae all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terme eaeonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry st., Brussels. 48-tf E. R. Gautier has moved his Singer Sewing Machine business to Turnbull d: Ballantyne's stove and tinware shop where intending purchasers may inspect the famous New York Singer and where the proper needles and oils may be had at all times. Sewing machines of all kinde repaired on short notice and on most reasonable terms. E. R. Grundy. STILL ON THE WINS.—Does year organ or eewing machine trouble you ? Please let me hear from you. Organs cleaned, tuned and repaired. You can pack your maohine head in a basket and send it by stage or express and it will 0eeeive prompt attention and returned with a sample of its work in it. Some second hand ma. chines oh hand for sale or to exchange for others, T. Moon, Boa 122, B4Ossels. J. D. WAawrow, V. S., has taken Jos- eph Golley, who graduated last week at the Ontario Veterinary College, into partnership and the business will now be carried on under the name of Warwick & Golley. In addition to treating all die. eases of domesticated animals scientifi- cally they will make a specialty of et. 'ninety dentistry. The new firm will retain the same office. WE are bringing people to deal with ne who have been dealing in Mitchell, Seafortb, Wingham, Listowel, Ethel, Blyth, Wroxeter, and Gerrie. The hard- ware merchants, the hotelkeepers, black- smiths, shoemakers, tinsmiths, watch- makers, millers, harness.makers and printers all get the benefit of our shrewd business ability in fetching people from a distance to purchase our cheap goods. W. Nightingale & Co. ON Sunday night, about midnight, the vital spark of life fled from the body of Miss Catharine Wilson. She had been ailing for some years with Bright's dis- ease, but her end was not supposed to be so near. The deceased was in her 75th year. For a long time she has made her home with her brother, W. R. Wilson. The funeral took plaoe on Tuesday morning, Rev. Jno, Rose, B. A., taking charge of the service. Miss Wilson was a faithful member of the Presbyterian aural' for years. WHAT Wit MAY Exeter.—Spring mil. linery.—The weekly Band concerts.-- The oncerts.—The Council will take the annual trip around the town to see what improve- ments, repairs, &o., are necessary.— Base ball and laoroese.—Ploughing and other Spring work to Dome In with a rush.—House Cleaning to light mown on us like a thousand of brick.—Gardening, straw hate, and the hurdy-gurdy to take their innings.—The Inspector of the Board of Health to take a look at some of the dirty backyards. Haooxrea Soornre.—to Miesouri hug. ging eooietiee have been introduced to swell the church treaeuries and the fol. lowing is the scale of prices 1—Girls an - der 16 years of age, 25 cents for each hag of two minutes. From 16 to 20 years of age, 50 cents. From 20 to 26 years, 75 oente. Widows, according to looks, 10 cents to 92.00. School marine, 40 conte, Ministers are not charged, Editors pay in ads„ but are not allowed to participate until everybody else ie through. Guunra Doss ioniwon ExannlATroVe The examinations on the prescribed oouree of study for the probationers and candidates for the ministry, in the Guelph Conference, will (D,V,) take place in the Trafalgar et. Methodist church, Mitchell, commencing on Wed- nesday, April 150h, at 0 a.m. A public mooting will bo held in the church on Thursday at 7:30 p.m„ when addressee will be given by Rev, Tho Soott, M.A., on Methode of Steely," and by Rev, Jas. Hannon, D,D„ on "The Elements of a Successful Ministry. "Benno BeLes."—The service of song entitled "Easter Belle" was given in the Methodist church on Monday evening of thio week. The program oonsietod of cheering, responsive readings, solo by Miss L'. E. Bert, dolts by bliss I5dith Hill, Miss Kendall and Missee May and Eva Turnbull, and teoitatioue by Myrtle and Dora Nott, Lily Marsden, Nellie Ward, Percy Me arra, Thursa Gerry, Lizzie Roddick, Nellie Stacey and Mine Minnie Gerry, Mrs, Gilpin presided at the organ. A collection of over twelve dollars was taken, The service closed with the Doxology and .'Benediotion.l Two tables of beautiful hones p�ants %fere the Only dedetatione indulged in. • ON Friday of Hoot week the Taylor 11E3, AL ®r�� —Cardiff case will coma up for Hearing �.!■�� before •1 idgo Tome, at Godoriohele. O. Suss tutenus removing to 1 Ohio and will conduct service in the It, C. church in Brussels neat Sabbath morning for the last time. i "ue real estate advertised for hale , at the American Hotel by the Wester!? of Canada Loan Co., Net Tuseday, was, we understand, withdrawn. Is some people would only print the lies they tell you about us we would soon Note soother stock of geode at less' than Mir: on the dollar, with a good deal of ready-made clothing in it. W. Nightin- gale & Uo. GUN]) MILLINERY OOENINO,—A. R. Smith's grand millnery opening, under the management of Miss Brownlow, will take plane on Thursday, Friday and Sat. urday, 10th, 11th and 12011 of April. Every lady is invited to attend. A. R. Smith, WHEN we sell you goods for Ootober payments we do not send our clerks in a few days to get your note to raise money in the bank ou, like some merchants we know of. our terms are liberal and we always do as we say. V. Nightingale & Co. Nexr week Rev. S. 5 &tory, I3.5„B.D„ will be, away at Mitohell for several days attending tue examination of probatiou- ers in eonneetiun with the Methodist ministry, Guelph Conference. He is one of the examiners. IT is rumoured that Rev. G. 13. Howie, L. A., intends resigning his position as pastor of Knoa churoh in this plane shortly. The reverend gentleman will soon be two years in Brussels. What hie intentions are for the future we have not learned. IT is not our customers we make our money out of, it is the wholesale houses. We give you goods at wholesale prices and you get the benefit of their lose. Other storekeepers, like the bachelor, have to take their profit out of you. You see it is to your advantage to deal with UP instead of one-horse stores like his. W. Nightingale & Co. TiE western division of the Women's Foreign Missionary Society of the Pres. byterian church in Canada mob in an- nual eoesion in Hamilton Tuesday with about 600 delegates from all parte of the country. Mrs. Neil. McLaochlin repre- sented the Brussels Branch. SAMMY., if you send out your peddler this year we will see that you put np the elegant 925. Your advertisement of a few weeks age, the sum and substance of an old Jenkins local, will prove quite profitable to you eventually. Your ad- vertisements are always very cleverly worded and leaves nioe profitable i0,. pressisne that will eventually make you a millionaire. IV Nigbtingle & Co. VESTRY Menrcnn.—Last Monday the Easter Vestry meetiug in commotion with St. John's church, Brossele, was held. James Jones was oho.:en as Vee. t,y Clerk, owine to the removal of W. H. Moss from town, Thos. Maxwell, Peo- ple's Warden and H. Dennis, Miuister's Warden. The Sidesmen are James Car- diff and A, Beanie, A surplus was re- ported in the hands of the Treasurer at the close of the year. Ourr.—The stroke of paralysis which Samuel Pearson received last week re- sulted in his death on Tuesday afternoon. He never thoroughly aroused daring the time of his illness and paused quietly away. The deceased was an old resident of Brussels having resided here for up- wards of thirty years. He was honest as the day is long and was a very kind neighbor. In his earlier years he lived in Mitchell where he was engaged in the boot and shoe business. He worked at Ins trade for a number of years here. Mrs. Pearson and six daughters survive him, The daughters are Mrs. Shannon, Mrs. Fralick and Mrs. Hagyard, of Mani- toba ; Mrs. Holland and Mrs. Pelton, of Port Huron, and Mrs. Dennis, of Mc- Killop. The funeral of the deceased took place on Thursday afternoon, Rev. S. Sellery, B. A., B. D., conducting the service. Thus one by one our old rear• dents and pioneers are leaving ns, Mr. Pearson would have been 68 years of age had he lived until the 15th of next month. The family have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement. The Grand Trunk shape at Montreal and London have turned out over 1,500 new box cars during the winter. lire. Birchen, accompanied by her father, David Stevenson, and her sister, Mrs. West -Jones, left Niagara Tuesday for Woodstook. Mrs. Birched and her sister will remain at Woodaosk until after the trial of her husband. Mr. Stevenson will Bail on the White Star Line steamship Germanic for England. The Methodist Conferences will be held this year as follows :—Toronto Con- ference, at Elm Street Church, Toronto, June at ; London Conference, at Ohatham,June 5th ; Niagara Conference, at Centenary Church, Hamilton, Jane 4th ; Guelph Conference, at Central Church, Stratford, Tune 5th ; Bay of Quince Conference, at Division Street Church, Cobourg, June 5011; Montreal Conference, at Dominion Chueoh, Ottawa, June 4tli • Manitoba Conference, at Brandon, June 5th ; British Columbia, Conference, at Vancouver, May 2lst; Nova Soothe Conference, at Yarmouth, June 18th ; Now Brunswick and Prince Edward Island Conference, at Fred- oriokton, June 18th; Newfoundland Con- ference, at George Street Church, St. John's, nine 25th ; Japan Conference, at Azabn, Jane 4th. SIVCL.o it, --Irl Brussels, on April .3rd, Cho wife of Mr. W. M. Simi/lir of a daughter. Detnte---Doyee—At the residents of the bride's father, on the 2nd inst., by Rev. Wm. Torrance, 11fr. Albert Dundee, to Miss Susan Boyd, all of 11Io.Killop. =amen_ Wlr.soN.—In Brussels, on April Oth,1800, Catharine Wilson, aged 71 years, 7 months and 6 days. PE,uteoN,—In Brussels, on Tuesday, April Sth, Samuel H. Pearson, aged 67 years, 11 menthe and 8 days. WIUTN,—Iu Morris, on April 5th, Agnes White, aged 21 years, 3 menthe and 15 days. I:'rRIDAY, Aran, 11.--F arm, farm stook ?ttenlonts and household ternitnro at mp1 Eoirnee' hotel, Walton? at 1. o'eloek. Gee. Kirkby, ate., Win, l;3etrees, prep, }LATS.! The -Wholesale Stook of J, Goo,enleok & Co,, of Toronto, having gone into Liquidation, A. it. Smith was' the only man in town who bought part of the Stock. The Stock consists of Soft Pelts, Christy Stiffs and Straws and as we got t'r(tm 20 to 30 per cent. Discount I can sell at Less tha Wholesale Prices. Burn that in yl our memory, every Man, Youth and Boy, and when you want a Straw or Felt Hat call on A R. SMITH. Every Customer should see our Clothing, Cent's Furnishings, Hats and Cabs and if he does not buy lie will learn something. We are Thoroughly Abreast of the Times and the Requirements of the Day. The Demands of the I-Iour are our Constant Study. We leave no Stone Unturned in order to get New Goods at Rock Bottom Prices. WE SELL OUR GOODS AT CLOSE -CUT PRICES, ORDERED CLOTHING. A look at our Tweeds and Worsted Coatings and Pantings will prove to you we are Alive and mean Business. New, Tasty and Sparkling Goods are what we keep in Stock Our Millinery Departiie xt is already Open for Inspection, and, as Miss Brownlow is again employed for this season, we will, no doubt, see all our old Customers and many new ones. .111.Kinds of Farm Produce taken in Exchange. A. R. SMITH, Brussels. F.,PRIanni- SS30NXTS. East Huron, at Brussels, Friday, April 18th. Listowel, Wednesday, April 16th. East Wawanoeb, Belgrave, Tbureday, April 17th. Wellesley, Wednesday, April 10th, Stratford, Tuesday, April 15th. Elma, at Atwood, Tuesday, April 15. Milverton, Friday, April I1. South Heron, at Brucefield, Wednes- day, April 16. $P. rnimwr..m SEART_imTS. Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley Oats Peas Butter, tubs and rolls.... Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes ..............• Hay per ton Pork .... Hides per lb Salt per bbl„ retail.,,... Sheep skins, snob Wool, per lb. 75 88 75 83 40 45 27 28 52 58 14 15 8 00 4 25 00 80 35 600 650 600 fr 00 2 2fr 126 011 00 1 00 18 20 HARM FOR SALE.—TILE SUB. eonniEo offers hie valuable 100 acre farm, being lot 3, oou. 13, Grey Township, Huron Go., for sale. There aro about 00 noses cleared and to good heart. There 19 a log house, good hank barn bona in orchard, and all the necessary conveniences on the premises. For further partlenlars, as to prioe,tsrms, ate, apply to the Proprietor, LIiOS.IbISLOP,ClareP.O., N.37,'0,, or to 2-tf DOUGALD STRACFIAN, Brussels. FARM FOR SALE,—THE UN- fersiguod offers his 100 tore farm, being North half Lot 00 Con. 8, Morrie, for eels. There are about s'5 acres cleared and under cultivation, On the premises are a Brod frame houes,.bank bars, good orchard and other necessaries. Only 0* Hulce south of Brussels on the gravel road, For farther Particulars, s8 to price, &o., apply to the proprietor on the premises, 80.6x J. PYBUs, Box 100, Brussels P, 0. T1ARM FOR SALE, BEING LOT .L OS, son, 5, Grey, containing 100 acres, 15 acres oloarod, under grass, and the balance timbered. About 70acres of dry land and the balance 00000 and b%mk ash swamp. Theron' a log house ou the premi0oe. Will 1,0 sold on v ery reasonable terms as proprie- tor domenotrequire the lot. Per further pae- ticulars apply to ROBT. iMsLAl1O1a,IN, Crombroob, P,O, or ALEX. HUNTER, 2llrus- -B13E10IFF'S-- Sale - of - Lands, County of Ilurou to Wit: TeYvirtue of a vett of 1'i0r( I'aolas Woe out of Her Majesty's bounty Court of the County of Huron c,ncd to me directed and delivered against the Lands and Tunneleets of James Alemthon, at the suit of James MoLauehlin, 0 have eoized and talion in ex- ecution an the right, title, inderoot and wittily of redemption Width' the above nein od James Stemmer* hail in let 14, 001100501011 12, Township of Grey, in the County of Imran and Province of Ontario, which ewe 01511f, title, tetoroat and equity of rodnmption In lands and tonemonte I shall offer for gale at my o01ao. in the Court Boum, in the town of Godnrielr,an MONDAY, JULY .14th, 1800, at the hour of twelve 00 the clock, noon, 1150108113 GUIDONS, Sheriff, /10000. Sheri- 5891000, tlotderiee, Apr117,1000. COLONIST TRAINS TChrough Coal,Ch4,a+ KINCARDINE to TORONTO, -Thence Te - MANITOBA, BRITISH COLUMBIA, DAKOTA, ETC., APRIL Stix and 22nd TICKETS. TICKETS. TICKETS. eta C„.x,i; or C.P.R. -to any Point in - MANITOBA, IIBITISII COLUMBIA AND WASHINGTON T'E1rItITO1tT, -or your choice of routes- 'VS.A. Cx-tXC2_Cr0 and the GREAT AMERICAN RAILROADS To all Points WEST and EAST. T clz O amaI TSC i cTS -and your - Baggage Checked '1511150053915 from Bilin Peittel±:Lti AiTt3."IC'IO1j COMFORTABLE CHAIR CARS AND SLEEPERS OBTAINED Without Extra Charge. For foD information apply to T. 1!LETCHER, Toren Agent for G:TAL. at Telegraph Office 1'ARM FOR SALT. — BEING Lot 1e, Con, 10, township of Grey Huron CO. There are 100 aeras, 80 acres of whit% are cleared esu in good state of cult,. vation. On the farm 4s a stone house and flame barn and frame stables, a good bear- ing orchard and good well of water. Fpr further particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises.) 17-01 JOHN VINCENT, Brussels P. 0, 1ARM1 FOR SALE.—TETE UN• mnstoattn o0'ors for sale the north cast quarter of lot 28, concession 6, Morris, County of Huron, aontainln g 50 mos. The land is of first quality and in a high state of oultivatlon, well lnnoerl and uuder•dralned, 10 00100 cleared. Newframe house, 8 roma, mils house with concrete want, 2 India good barnsand thud, Oto, Hight anima fa , This desirable property Rejoinsthe corporation of Brussels. Suit- able 6t-ote will he given. Title p JAMES 0011EVE Owner Sioaforth P. 0, OTI Ei. in the Matter et Daiwo, MOLAacrosss, 05 the Township of Grey, in the County of ninon, an Insolvent, Crodiiors of the said Skate ate requeetod to Mu their claims with the understood by the 11th Day of April, 3800, as after that date the assets of the said ectato will be dtelib. tmted having ro itt donlyo snob. i v su 1 01 ms a ga 9 the hewillhe thee sib had totimi of, and id will not %e 07 )tart for the assets of said oerson orRto, or any pari, 19100 0 to any than not title bare boon Methersos whose eim or nialme 11f( A. 2105319/5 'bouesels, Mandl 20,10. for Tµog.Ai 1 a gn9e, J. T. PEPPER, TiG31ea*G A.g fir, 1v, It,. —Q -,O00 More WALL PAPER than Ever. BETTER, PBC /ER, CHEAPER Than any yet shown In Brussels. MIA. Ar1:$8 AHD lioannas ro MAaen. Corners anis Extanalon Borders to Match. Ceiling Decorations and Alba Border), COME, SEE AND 8E CONVINCED, PEPPER'S DRUG SPOR1, CittAl1A50'd ]BLOCK, • BRUSSELS. BANKING. M sINTOSH rb A7oTAGGART, BANKERS, - BRUSSELS, Trannact a (0exs,oral Mln,calninc. nuciar.etrp, NOTES DISCOUNTED. Osnndian and United States Drafts bought and Bold. /utmost allowed on Deposits, Colectiose Heade on favorable terms. Canadian Agaute—MEnru,Nr's BANE or CAN.tnA. Now York Agents—Ittrol,TEIle AND TOAD - Ens NATroNAL BANK. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. 17 L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, L gnlioitorand 0onveynnaor. Cnlloe. sots. ado. 011l¢o—Vasstoup's Block, Sons - 9019. 21.30,0 • 7 7 A2, SINCLAIR, • Soiteltor, Conveyancer ,NoWiry Pub- lic, &o, OtRoe—Graham's Bleak 1 door north of Pepper's Drug Store, Private Funds to Loan. T1 E. WADE, 11 a Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Pub- lic. Conveyancing, Collections and Loaning, Mr. Wade will attend In Gerrie every Wed• needay at two o'elook, DICKSON & HAYS (Late with Garrow & Prosdfoot, Godo. rlsb 1 ldarrleters, Solioitore, Conveyancers. &o, Oftioes—lrnssole and RSOCOOth. Bons sole Oalco, Rogers' Block, Main St, Stoney to Loan. 55. s. nAY6, 9.7.DInas0N. AM. TAYLOR, B. 0. L„ B • Barrieter, Solicitor, &c„ of the firm of Tayylor, tdsOallough & Runts, Barristers Soileitors, &e., Mauling Arcade, Toronto. Money to loan, ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, CD. 'Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and Insurnuoe Agent. Puuda invested and to loan. Oolieotlous made, Oliloo in Graham's Block, Brussels, MEDICAL CARDS. WY 141.1+. CALE, AL D., 0. M., Member of the College of Phyctofau and Surgeons of Ontario by examination Wilco mud Residence — Main street East, Ethel, Ontario. JWA. MoNAUGIITON, M. D. • 0.m., L.1t, 0. P., Edinburgh, Al. O. P Si Ont. At Popper's Drug Store from 0 to 11:30 a. m. and from 1:90 to 1 p, in, At other bouts may be found at hie residence, form- erly occupied by Dr. H utchinson, Alile 5t, DENTAL. 2:1sx.TTZSTM•s G. L. Ball, L. D. S. Nitres Oxide Gas ad- ministered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. 78 Gerrard Street East, Touoxre. 7:(321STT SST1 W. J. Four, L. D. S., Graduate of Toronto School of Dentletry. ALL operations guaranteed. f•-+`7-Artitlaial teeth, first quality, and a gnelan toad nt, for $12,00 poi' est. Ofa00-0AD1'5 BLOCH, SEA7onTn. 1.)3M rsi P 1 12_ .e.. MAR.TS1�7, z,. a, s„ Honor Graduate of the Royal College or Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Nitros Oxide Gay administered for the Painless Extraction of teeth. Ouiao-- L Own Aeon Nonni or DAns, Bna5OELs, BUSINESS CARDS. at h H. MoORAOICEN, Issurer ethfarriageLIcenaee. Moe Grocery, Puruborry street, Sruesols. N. BAIRRIETT, Tonsorial Artist Shop—Noxa door south of A. 1x1, Alciiay & 0o's hardware store. Ladies' and cbildrous hair cutting a spoolalty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INeullOxaa, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH• A MoNAI1I, Leveret of Marriage Licensee, by appointment of Lfettt,-Governor, Commis- sioner, Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent Piro Insurance Go, Office at the Cranbrook Poet Oinoe. MISSLILLA. O'CONNOR Is desirous of procuring puptils in Vocal Music. Prof, Warrington of Toronto Ie pleased to give hie testimonial as to Mies O'Connor's ability, the having been a pupil of his derive her stay in Guelph, enstru• mental Music on Piano, Organ and Guitar. Terms made known on application. 71105800 St„ Brussels. Mies O'Connor is opon for Concert Engagements, 56. AUCTIONEERS• RAY MANN, ..C71. • Auationaer, Is always 143ady to at- tend pales of farms, lama stock, &c, Tamilscheerfully given. Oranbroolt P. O. Sales may be arranged at 'Pae Pews Publishing ilolta0, 13rneeols. EOR(?E KIRKBY, V1 Licensed A.0:Miou ser. Saloe oonctltet- cdon reasonable tome. ?;'arms and farm Publishing Siouso,l0zuce0e or sent toWalton 1', 0„ will receive pr0nlpt attention, AVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN. en as an Auotl00o0r, I ani Igen/madto condi± sales of farts stock at reasonable mass. plowing the etanding of cooly 00007 person I am 3n a Deal—teen to sellfe good marks and got good sacttrity when gold on credit, Satisfaction ggaarantasd.. Give 106 a Dan. 82- F, 8, SCOTT. VETERINARY, ABWICK & GOLLEY, F V honer Oreduates t%0 OntaallVeof oso,are preierod Eo treason diseases of animals 3n a cosh Potent manner. Pa0ttoulat attention paid to Votorineryy dentistry . Calle prOmptt at- e d to. Oince end nitrtehree-vivo elobrb next)) of bridge, Tomtitrry et., brdsso lo,