The Brussels Post, 1890-4-11, Page 7•
APRIL 11, 1800,
THE., BRUSSELS POST.,4ciseseannisseenseranoixarenionnanrivnsicanacxnerasonsiniusnx33.3.0interinninassuannissussmewsivansms03034044avannonexon
Pinny pens ago 1 was serving 104 a enplithl
In the One .11111111t'ed 011(1 E1to1h Hogim:::, .
At 4l, period of mystery we NVere(putrtereil
at 1) —,a fortress of onuoilerable size ,
the south 01 FaiglamL
In order that the eircuttistances of the mt.
venture 1 ism about to describe may be
derstood, 1 4)14(1 ux lohi 441 the risk a
tedious, that the citadel of the fortress In
which my reginueit lay is defended by two
cirelee of dry ditelies, each aloe% fifty feet
wide, The side walla of these ditchee, lu'h.
nictilly known aiteeeitilni and ond (iv -scarps,
are, =was 41311141 111 fortilleritione of that date,
riveted with 10140014(7 1141111 are perpendienlar.
The outer citrate ch1t1h is thirty feet deep,
the bottom being paved with fingstinies. The
inner ditch is forty feet deep, end is similarly
140 I need seareely env flint titan from
the edge would be idineet certainly fatal.
Tho regular approach to the fortress is
by a wide road of griultial Recent, so contriv.
ett as to he raked by fire 11 001 one or other Of
the haetions or outworks Girt/ugl:lit he
eourse, It erosites the ditches ova dratv-
to psi," said the pow: 1a.1 earnohtly, "Yon! THE PEEBLEE`TO BIG DOG,
111: hi op iny jUy over): Week, air. 1 Want .- ..
tIeXt t° 11"thiSg* I (I'S 1.1 dti" k 'tin Shall nod 44 et ulna dile Slap for 41 111111e.
and I ran caciiy get ell I need i ii 8111014c,
anti tile like 0 that. 1 will pay you latek,, \ \re ',Ivy" 10etern""11- !TRIO 10,1040) "141,"4
sir, hulip:1 I will ' the anapest P1ippol.14 1/1111 ever tallicil an
Well, to cat nly story Blunt, after Rome e vim eeeent I ups: w on the tiapplorc farm of
She wag called I
relleetion and not ft little intsgivieg no t., Nela11.110.
Whmlivr in respect of alseipline 1 wail dui
iii& _ It tell, and she Wan =My ('1181141114(1,,
, , " PPI'II,Is" ion toad weeks al inward, He wan \'04y
tor sos fond of doge, but he never had 400111400 00
right, 1 agreed to let him have the Immo,. 4400111 sloe 11" ecIfilistSsi 111,3"Is to any "I' rho Peerless. " A dog 1001 10 woman," he
1 could s.:ell alFord it, I liked the nem, and ' of „Iwo /"01108 ill 0,6 I,110 tradr, 141o' Is Wan Wmit 10 Hay, "Imre 110 Inleblinin &bead
hail been touched by Ido sad story not 0. Kilt afloat ?Dater a iess rotate fiernjall Adv." Lieut. Sliii lb elatornell thin 14401114
little. ,1111111t1, Mid Om sluggiehly between foreign mont,
" You ithrinhl bogie to save up your pay Porte: ro11s401 of 111" gluey "f 819' mil
10 the savinge bunk, Cameron," ,,s(d. 1, 0,ii welding sails that helped to ,)rive her The Well -Dressed
aey'I overboard eovie,r,,tin axi. felt eas eW'f o1 Vm.0 aine .
he thnked w ftenel,hrogh he
• (-Int
I,ai8l"neMSt1iit1"d,1t:o0int0e,t .e
t. 01'1111"Huilwri!(41)11(14"" timTeacultyftieking1010110'4 impureblood,nausea,andmanyother
.nlY it pow
Ode gun «lel turned unent the wine1. TeI Den% hed, hawk, blow, tout die -
Mato Ws thnc, ali be budby less limngelersimilV t 11 your oifeisit'e breath.half a tun), silled the trmor f the saile but use Dr. Sago'e l 0ar'lItlledy 1111 01141
and :ad the Peerlehn 00 her pn,pereotooit, (0 emits, lv duggists.
As we 1rpped the cacass of Beetewein.lml
igaSilri, 0LIHkIp 0rI1,laA inl lhes i
The 03440(1 111488" is derived fronttheinit.
iil letters el four poin144 of the osmium
North, Emit, West and South. '(lo all pointe
of the ('(4)(1p1021ei let the grel news go that for
flea//1W11 111er: coraiV
.1 had not the tenet bitention of repaying 1""01 """u"r"l'iu (1"T 111 ti"ilog"1 (1)40hhself open :11,,tarbances of the system that make men
any sul,j:•01. 114 ladtivntell by very few 11114(1 mournt
, here ill a remoly. 11141)141011 1, 11dfti.
1)1141411! he= hie hard-earned fall'ilign, and vroige.
or women. If instead of unquestioningly ty that Dr, Pieree'e Pleasant, Purgative Pel-
t.pdte looked upon the loan an a gift, lart, 1 ,LI.S,,',e a,vere bounding ithent• before a ten -knot
4,81 1 e ze , ,..,, accepting the domination of the ono, the lets time, theme tontblee. Small lint potent ;
judged It better not to say so expressly with "ell' 11tile t nfiVan"8 CnA,',,- ineny.weuld study the Remelt of that 4(101 14 0/10 1.1. &OW.
the ellfly manner of obtaining the money watt a 1101 1000010r (1(43' in toe year '''"" superiority, the world would be 111101 with
1,41,1. do harm miiih, 1 11.1101 it 44go„,i rim upper 841(41,8 vibrated Mtn the strings
new people In the matter of dress the
opportunity ))!03,001111113114g frugal 110,1410,
Catneron's gretitude was deep, 141111 3eoulil
not help feeling that expreseion of it was
sincere and heartfelt.
As he Wan Ravi ng the room he turned
lone ell f 111 tl f : ,,,,.),.,i.1 —
of 0 giant harp oralt:r the steady pressure of
the belging setts. Twin wayee varied int:
foamy being under our resistless prow, mid
rushed with caressing unhulenee aloug ont
counter, There Wile Little. to :10aloft for the
eitilere, but there wae bustle below, for a fol -
bridges, ,14-siI
eeebfuf :eau
5in c:ost ignorant dimly petree iv151e
111t0h11e spioawtearn
tev. Ifthe loviness of a Minion crea4-
1)110 enelinueed by 14(11' adornment, it is in
quicky notedas in the exquisite setting of
eneatil gem,
protecdby,pecalm,,ka getGodble1,Sr,Dt Your"01044 la lowing breeze makes Ito of work-notof 1 :ny1a5hI I810t1Malty,n
stren,d nms 1 I 34114411 not formt it' knl tied.Jck Mldly appreiates. A littleVreilki111 111411101: ana its influence 1(4
something the imignitude of which the world
is 41 )0141 beginning to realize. Awl beinty
10 eultiv(ited and often developed lin a know-
ledge of harmony and hygiene in the law of
dress, A wellgtreesed woman known 1140
les:titian of spirit whieh one ill Wflall and
shabby attire rftrely experiences 4 but to be
wellalreseed do= not necesearily imply that
one is apparplad in rave or costly clothing—
elegant 11 111(101 be, since the word suggests
that it is adapted to its wearer. The lovell-
linen of color in increased by its adaptability
to certain
The color most becoming to a, wontan'e
beauty is generally that which (8 101) Mince-
tiou of her character. Since a secret rela-
tionship exists between the moral tempera -
meet and the physical color of the eyes,
Mae and complexion, all involuntary har-
mony is at onoe established between the
attuned choice dictated by vanity and that
which resulte from the usual or 10 passing
state of mind. The incongruities h0 often
noted in dress are due to ignorance and in-
difference regarding its psychical and
physical possibilities. Want of taste is
ignorance of the subtleties of color and of
rtVIsgA41trathe sgnificance of material, WATCHES FBEE.02r7.,tz
0 °noncom Watch Co., Toronto, Can.
All the Conveniences.
Tourist—(inecoal mincoltarpassing around TOROZTrOn Swertific
eigars)--"Everything seems to be wet and ,ssilLT ps4seas.1(isYg El?ssinesss gssti; prsgeurstv
damp. Where r strike a match 1" Sind tel. circular. 8. CORBILIAN, Prop.,
rubber cloth often 114' powder keg 1"
Minor--"Roight here, son lift tho Adelaide St, West.
Won by Her Tongue,
Sowders—"How long did you know your
wife before you were 10441010(1 10 her?"
Riply—"Two days."
Sowders--"Wasn't that rather 0 short ao-
gnaintance ?"
Riply-•" If you had heard my wife talk
you wouldn't ask such questions. At the
end of those two deys 7i felt as though I had
known her for five eers.
In time ,,f Wilr these drawbridges would you, sir, $0 hole me,
be kept. and would only lo lowerol tow struck by the singular earnestneme
temporarily 011 Urgent DeCaniong, When of Om man, and when he left Ow room 1
misted, the fortress would be imiecessible said to tnyeelf, -
from without, unless sealing ladders were 1 "I may leive done right 00 weong, but
need to (mese the ditches. 111 time of ptinue, 1,1101 114 11, rciti good ft:111M, and 111()'O got a
however, the drawbridges aro rarely rained, firin friend, 1 verily believe."
44 strong guard, nevertheless, being invari- ! I arranged intittcre Next day. Cameron's
ably potted over them. brother WILE palmated te leave for lus home
For the convenience of the officere and almost immediately ; my part in the trane-
certain of the resithette in the citadel, therenotion was not suspected, and In few weeks
Wan a short ouh
t Which 1(113)11. be used. This the matter passed out of my mind. Cameo
was a footpath up the steep side of the cliff, on continued in his steady conduct, and
'The path led in zig-za fashion up to the a little sant to hie eredit in the regnnentill
counterscarps of the 111031108, which wore ettvings bank, I nevev, 110030(01', Minded
esossed by light plank bridges, so demigned 1,0 the occurrence again. About 111r80 10011115
all (0 be removable with great ease in a few afterward 1 went away on short leave. 1
minutes, None but ollicere quartered in the had accepted a yachting invitation from an
citadel, and a few persons with special per- acquaintanee, and spent a very pleasant
mite aliened by the officer vonininucling the three weeks eruising among the channel
garrison, wore allowed 03 ineke 1180 of this ' islands.
short out, the 801111011 and others whohad 1 returned to D—late one night, and
occasion to visit the citadel, being restricted leaving (1131 1(1400140' baggage ,oto hotel in the
to the main approach. I town, I started up to the barracks with a
At the time of which I write I had been 0101111 140141 beg. I Wilt slowly up the zig-
newly promoted to the rank of captain, and mg path, through the postern gate, crossed
Xerxes himself was not prouder of his VLSI/ the first or outer ditch, end was within a
through a strongly-gnarited posteen gate. each month I observed that he was pain)
army than 1 of my gallant, little company.
1 wits lucky so to the swomotion, end my
meal had not been so damped by long years
of subaltern life as to prevent my throwing
myeelf heart and soul into the work of sup-
erintendence. I WON ambitious to have my
company recognized as tho smartest in the
regiment and was eonvinceft 01 1110 hopeless -
nese of success unless I could inspire my men
with the same pride in the company that 1
had myself.
In order 10 80041014(1 I felt sure that I should
endeavor to become acquainted with the
character and disposition of every member of
the company 14.0 gain their respect by strict
attention to duty, and to earn their affection
by constant sympathy, and by affording such
help in their amusements or their troubles as
captain frequently has 11 11) his power to
give. Since my appointment I had tried to
work on this system, and though, of course,
I had occasional disappointments, on the
whole I had ne reason to complain.
For rin infantry captain I was tOlorably port.
well off, and being very fond of outdoor "Go bank ! Go back!" repeated the figure
sporte, I encouraged cricket and other games in (.110 8011144 hurried tones.
The night WON not se dank but that I could
make out the features of Private Adair
Cameron. For one 1110100111 I thought of
inquiring the reason of the road, which was
usually open, being eloseil, but, on second
thonght, I reflected that it was 0044000131
judieions to enter into an altercation with a
sentry whose orders were evidently string-
ent, so, very sulkily, I turned and began to
retrac) my steps, I had. one but a feW
yards when I heard behind me tho cry of
"Sentry go 1 ring through the night tur,
young fellow, Clean and soldierblee ap- The sound lingered in my emu till the
peal:atm°, smart ati drill, 140511 se4 np and echoes from the gray ramparts died away in
steady as a rock, he was a model of what a the still night, air and all was once more pro -
voting soldier should bo. A deadly bowler, foul:idly silent. In no very good humor I
he has one of the mainstays of our company's ; found 1140'0511 01 last, hot 01111 tired with my
few yards of the ismer one, whoa I was
startled by a sudden challenge,—
"Halt 1 Who goes there 1"
"Officer 1" I answered, feeling not a little
surprised, for there used not to be a sentry
over the plank bridge. It was ream. dark
and I could not Sea 0e17 distinctly. I 4(11-
04100041 0 ptice or two when I was again
"You can't pass here ! Go book I" I heard,
in sharp, distinct. tones.
Thin mennt a long round for me, 40111011, 80
late at night, and carrying us I was a heavy
bag, was very disagreeable.
"Not pase ?" 1 exclaimed, peevishly.
"Why riot? I am an offieer quartered (11 1110
citadel 1"
"You can't pass! Go bank !" repeated the
voice, hoarsely.
The tones seemed familiar, and rather ir-
ritated by the somewhat peremptory answer,
I advanced another pace and. seer close in
front of mo a sentry with his Alla at the
by presents rif bete, balls and ether materials
and spent much of my time in cricket
matches among (110 1(1011, It was not long
before 37 began to nequire considerable in-
sight into the character of the men, and
tearneil to distinguish my black sheep 3111480
and in poeee.
Among the youngee men of the company
was a lad of the name of Adair Cameron,
44110111-00 of favoritism, the bad effects
of which I had often sten, lrt, it Was impos-
sible not to feet a strong interest in this
°ticketing team, and, OS matches W000 fre-
quent, I saw much of him and nothing to
find fault with. Although I ettrefully avoid-
ed taking =due notice of Cameron, the natur-
al instinct which I think men have to find out
their friends and their enemies made me
aware that, while I liked him, he, on his
side, was warmly attached tome.
One day a batch of recruits arrived at
headquftrters. Tho aajntant, being away
on leave, had game to (10 1118 duties for him,
and Iwas busy all the afternoon drafting
Gm new arrivals into companies, and ar-
t:ringing for their rations and bedding.
About hen au hour before mess I 03I18 sit-
ting in my room in the citadel barracks,
feeling rather tired, when I heard a knock
burden, in the passage lending to rny guar -
tees. The room ocoupieil by my stabaltern
was next to inine; the door was open, and I
heard voices within.
"Those infernal sappers are always at
801110 grime 1 They 30 11)4(1 move bridge
for eome silly reason or other, and never
think of telling any one. I only heard about
it tan minutes ago, and DOW I'VO got to go
and post sentry 01100 11, or some poor devil
svill break his neek to a 11)01441 1"
"Yon may save yourself the trouble, all
boy I" I exclaimed, gayly, as I burst into
the loom. 'rho sonti•y's on already,
so I've saved my neek,'and Evetts there seen%
got his oompeny just yet."
The adjutant (for it was he that had been
at the door, end my color sergeant appeared. speaking) and Evetts, my subaltern, greeted
" Private Cameron 03i81188 to 11:11010 if he me with all the boisterous welcome of old
weld speak to you, sir " said he, 814101033. 0„nirssies,
" Certainly," relined. " Tell him to "Glad to see you back, old chap !" said
come in at once." Hawes, the adjutant, "But what do you
Cameron entered, saluted, and stood silent, mean about the sentry being posted ?"
looking ill at ease."hy, over the ditch on the short cut,
" ell, Cameron, what is it? " I inquiW
red, confound him 1" I replied . "He made
"Please, sir, I wished to speak about 1)10 30 book the whole beastly round I"
something private,""Over the bridge at the inner ditch I
"Well, what is it ?" asked again. asked Hawes, with inirprise.
Cameron hesitated, and looked at the "Yoe I" I answered,
color sergeant, who looked straight to his "Bub I hnven't posted ORO yet I" said
fro') t, Hawes, "I was just going to eee about
I know (1 03041 not regular for an officer to doing it when you came in. For they've
confer with private soldiers without non:. taken away the bridge."
commissioned officer being present, but I "Well, dear bov, there he is, any way pi
!MOW Cameron might be Dusted thoroughly. I anewcred, laughing,
I directed elle cola mergeent to wait in the 1' But not one of our Men 1" asked:Hawes,
passage, end, °losing the door, I asked Cam. in tones of greet surprise, 11 Surely 1101 0140
aeon to 11)11 11)0 his story. TM lal appeared of our men •I"
to be in great distress, and hesitated 030(441 " Yes I" replied, still laughing, " One
deal before he spoke,1 of our Men. I ought to know him, too, for
" my brother, sir I Ho's just wino in it wits private Adair Cameron, of iny coin -
with tho bat= of reeruits."
With some diffloulty he told me his tale, "11711;3"tavo officers looked at each other. A
which wee to the following ollbet 1— eurions expression came over their faces.
Private Cameron and a younger brother After a pause my subaltern said elowiy,—
WOO tile only ehildron of an old widow living " Prreato Adair 00110100 11101111 the :110.
In the north of 8001101111. P110 old woman spital lastnight I"
eould do little to support herself, and was
mainly dependene on tho labor of ono son
and such little help as Private Cameron
could semi her feom the savings of his pay.
It seemed that scene family quarrel had
taken place between the widow her
yonngost son, and that the latter 114 a mo-
ment of pique, had onlisted, but had when
too late, relented. Ho had been drafted to
the same regiment as hie elcler brother, whom
be had aquainted with these facts on his
(110131101 1)1 barracks that day, Private Cam-
eron told mo, with deep emotion, that noth•
1113 0014)1(1 save his mother from the work- figure opposite 1101' with a devoitring, paha-
liouse—at Wed Which seemed to fill him tie look that, showed how keenly alive she
with shame end haror---miless his brother Wan 10I:110 =moth% beauty of a beautiful
could be bought out of the service and sent body, The °bloat of the gem liegnn to grow
back home. uneasy under its 110,01101nm ftnel fixity, and
As his brother had not boon three menthe finally, looking the girl coldly in the face,
enlisted this could be effected by a pay,. she loaned partly =roes the aisle and said.
merit of ten pounds but anell 011111 0308 " Well, Miss Impertinence, if yen have
far beyond the means of either brother, looked at Inc long enough, will you be kind
Cameron, in despair, had 10)150 to me for 01140111111 to look 004105111010 eters I'm tired
hely), hardly daring, 118 140 told mo, to hopo of it." The poor 01(11)3 41010 first red and
that oottlil give it. Ito sail lio had been then 1401)110, A. look: of koon pain :came into
4111001111140(1 to seek my 00618101100 by my her oyes, and then tears, and az she tamed
-constant 1(11,1141088 to Min, &Way she said Belay "37,31148 only 111114)10
"37 woold pay you back sir I wear it lug hoW boautiful you are."
Beauty Only Skan Deep,
A few days ago a young girl, beautiful in
11,1011, feature 10)11 dvoss, sat in a Madison
avenue car, says the Nov "York Evening:San.
Directly opposite sat a poor child of about
the same 030, shabbily olotheil, with a
shambling hoc y, slightly deformed as to the111,,uldOrS,
thoulders, and an 00000d'0114131 plain face
which bore the 111100 of 1411137(0'! 13 and wind.
Tier eager eyes wore fixed on the face and
trimmIng and loractiig hece and there kept
the ship 01 fine slope for la 1: work. Four of
five men were I ntsy ,os the dock, trying ts
make them more inutateulate -a pretty
hard job on the peerless - with holystone.
Others were tarring the rigging, polishing
the brim work, aitil braiding rope roe.
Capt. Homan:, himself was 04. 0130 wheel, awl
familiar lL$ he was With
THE 018100 01, RN SHIP
with all her faieweather Inds on, lie could
501 1)1)1(3 noting an admiring eye alef t. DOW
and then. About ten foot from the skipper,
crimeliteg on cite deek, nets hie big New-
foundland clog, Boatswain, tho pet of the
ship'xi crew and the idol 01 14(1' conimander.
Iheitsavain was a softeyed, intelligent crea-
Ulm, pure blooded and superbly formed.
He had 011(119 110,11 0 dozen voyages in the
Peerless, and could pull on a halyard and
help to tend sheet like 4480110001011. Ho WILK
more like a shipmate than a dog to us. Ito
had distinguished himself while in port, and
got his name in the newspapers, by rescuing
two drunken men who had tumbled 0004--
11ou011. This was the lhnit, of his achieve.
ments as a hero.
While the skipper was looking up at the
trembling,sini-kiseed towers of clucko change
came over Boatswain's face. His head was
pilloweel between his extended forepaws and
Ito was panting, and had been panting for an
hour or so, from the excessive heat. His
eyes, usually, gentle, became tumatumlly
bright, and he sprang to his feet and ran
unsteadily forward. Tho Captain,who had
noted. the (log'e changed aspect, called the
mate'pn the wheel and went after 1118 81103431
"I3oats'n 1 Beaten !' called the skipper,
coaxingly. "Come here, good
(30030 hove !" But Boatswain ignored his
master's invitation, and charged a sailor
who Was holystonhsg forward. There 1111191
have been sotnething particularly ferocious
10 1110 Newfoundland's appearance to cause
the sailor's face to blanch and drive him on
a ran into the forerigging, The ((kipper got
a front view of Boatswain a mono= later.
The animal WU frothing at the month. He
=shell with a low growl at his muster, who
turned and made for the port rail, ,long
which he ran to the main rigging, climbing
into it just as the dog's teeth met, with the
clank of castanets, in the air 1101 111,0 inches
from tho bottom of his trousers. 13y this
time every man
end followed. the example of the Centel% The
mate aud the colored cook, Washington, were
tho 011131 141011 within reach of 1110 11)1(11 brute.
The cook :was 91 1(1114 at the door 31 1110 gaily.
Ho had yielded to the soporific influence of
the sunshine, and was nodding over a bowl
of half-cllt scouse. The Captain shouted to
him to go down into the cabin end got a shot:
gun. W ash didn't hear tho shouts until the
dog was within twenty feet of him. He was
emnewhat afraid of Boatswain anyhow, and
Boatswain mad, with flashing eyes and
foamy chops, filled him with terror. The
supercargo says the darky's face turned
almost white with fright, and his eyee
developed au uneuspected capacity for open-
ing, Ho was paralyzed for ii, second. Then
he got on his feet, upsetting the bowl of
scouse, and backed tremblingly and quickly
into the galley, slamming the door just in
Dine to shot out the dog, whose body struck
the lower panel with a thud that made the
cook shiver some more for his salvation.
Two sailors made a dash for the cabin to
get the shotgun when Boatswain went for
the cook ; but the =ming Nesvfoundland
intercepted them and drove them book in
the rigging. The mate mado himself =small
as poemble behind the wheel, but the mad
brute spiecl him and made a pbege at hint
The mate knew that 11 110 deserted 4118 0011001
the ship probably would broach to imme-
diately, and maybe becomea partial \week 4
he also knew that if Boatswain bit him he
would be a donined man. It didn't take
him long to make up his mind what to do.
He sprang to the rail 01)141 (003410(1 into the
mizzen rigging, and Boatswain
1111CAM11 .413e0LUTE MASTER,
of the Peerless, The gun of a privateer
031(101, 030 were not altogether sure of avoid-
ing mold not have mated snob a panic
aboard our ehip. The clog rushed from rail to
roil, aft, and made wild leaps up to ward the
rigging in vain attempts to got at the frigh.
timed men. How long the dear old ship was
without it helmsman tho 001-ain and 1118
supercargo W048 1100e1' able to tell. It my
have beat three minutes, and 11 111031 have
been ton ; but Capt. Holmes said he believed
it Wes about half an hour. Not 01100 diming
this critical thne did she threaten to broach
to, She held iter (nurse nobly, at if gnixliol
by 10(314011(0111 steersman. Tho dog seemed to
weary of his efforts to renes human flesh, and
began running to and fro before the =hie.
The skippee suggested to ono of the sailors,
who had Ventured down on doolt forwal.d, to
brain Boatswain with a, capstan bat. The
=Ala 'linnet =opt the euggestion with en:
thusiasm. The captain looked fearfully elofts
expecting momentarily to see the ship's
sane eat aback 0111 hear a ereolung 01 841010.
"For God's sake' 'Henderson," he shouted
to rt 111a11 10ESTILT11.: "Make ft diversion there
and Etot that clog away from tho cabin,"
The sailor mounted the topgallant fore
castle aild began laying 'about him With a
rope and yelling. The dog pricke3 up its
wire, looided the 11111)1)111), and. bounded for-
ward, Henderson clambere11 out on the
bowsptit, and Capt."Howiesis and 141r, Smith,
the sepercargo,leaped (0 41)0 (leek and dashed
down into the cabin, The dog seemed to real.
De thisthe MO he= trielted whom he got well
forward mid saw nobody to bite, Ile
ate:meted around 04111 ran aft' just as Capt.
Humans emerged from the cabin with a
elotdilc-havroited shotgun, fellow= by
young Mr, Smith with a revolver, They
were lean that live feet from the eat in
awe when Boatswain =dratted them,
Ho ,sprang nu his hind lege to bite tho bar -
eels of tho 11(10141011(113 13111), Throo rennet%
almost simultinieons, rang out, and Hooto..
Iwain fell en the dock with his breast torn
away. ,A. gentle fluttering of canvas i13,.
oreased the Captain's pallor, He dropped
A. P. 490.
Soul tor illuetrated Catalogue
0(411 thimuivertieentent witli your
order for our Nall' STAlit.gfanjeg,
and we will allow you
$10 PB,B1IIIII OTBO011tit
Oroelmax Bros., TI'rgre,
4:011 Want hot 11. go 10 Groat Palls. Hoe-
tana. and 11011 111:11,1 111u (trent Bair Million
) l(0ollar DIM) W•rum3 Missoitid. the Two
.141illien Dollar se, :: el the Three Now 1./111:11 OP Hallmlterr one
way Nieharl .1,i
1,10c, and Paci/le Coos/ Line. all being built by
141,, great Northern 1 &
ISMi.l0J0 of free fart tel rig land. 01:41.g Ile:11110s
Per Intrlicithirs scud 008101 card 10
J. M. ULICE.11,1%
can. PitSit let.,
) 1 Paine r 11,11014 /neck, Ti.i.rniTO
) in its First Stages.
Palatable as Milk.
Be sure you get the 401101100 111 Salmon
color wrapper; eold by all Druggists, et
eoc. and 5 1.0o.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville.
t -o less
• ....In.
Prom His Pen,
A Western editor met well-educated
farmer and informed him that lie would like
and TUMOR 83.041101: P0l'ff",
/losoltal. No knife. Berk free,
G. 11. 140Micumn., D„
Na 63 Maras Su. Bniflao.
0.00 A DAY.—tr,g
table woos
for 0(80 0011 women Aodreas T. 21.00504008(1
AnOlat0o Stroos 'wen. Torentia 1
The Great Ottoman Blood Remedy,
Guaranteed to cure an ()teens= of the blood
whether 111)050111 011 by indiscretion and excees
or arising front hereditary muses. Will remove
)1.1 pi es and blotches Peon) tho skin Mel 1131 ,1144
nvigoratinit action 00 the blood restores failing
Address Ottoman Medicine Co., Mail Building,
to have something from hie pen. Toronto.
'Ihe fanner sent him pig mei charged
him $9,73 for it. -114t. Louis 31agazine. THE
Invested a Dollar and Realized a Million.
13vonni and his friend Perkins were talk-
ing about investments.
" Once I invested $1,000 in real cstate,',
said Perkins, " and doubled ,ths less than
six months. That was the best investment
I ever made, Pretty good, wasn't it ?"
"I've (104)0 1)0(100 than that," said 13rown.
" Two years ago I NV= told by all my
Moods that I WEIA going, into consumption,
and I thought they were right about fr. I
had a dry, honking cough, no appetite,
my sleep came by fits and starts, and 800111ed
to do mo no good., and often there was a
dull, heavy pain in my chest, 1 kept
growing weaker and weaker, and at last (i
ASK FOR IT, AND 37,11111 1)0 OTHER
rrade Mark, 00800 (04' TREALIEIRT ToILETS0.1-4000,
0110051C0050 or rur MONTREAL.
W.N3R440-:O001nWNO: alrlio:o post:o coo.•
— run —
Chonyeat and
in 1020E1011 to buy
Band and Hanlon
gusto, &a
Pleaee mention this paper.
Their increasing popularity is a proof 01 115000'
superiority. Be sure and got a Conte), top on
your buggy.
A Friend We Need
What a friend is St.
Leon Mineral Water.
Brings such health and
streugth,• Invigorating to
such degree that even the.
toil, worry and fatigue of
every day life is robbed
of any unpleasantness,
Dyepepein =Oen kindrod.
disorders vanish when St.
Leonia freely used, which,
every family would do if
they lenow its surpassing
unequellea worth, as,
yetws' of experience havee
0011141110ed 1110,
MRS SNOSALL, T01:011t0.
'1'130 St. Loon Mineral
Witter Co., Ltd., Toronto,
night -sweats set in. I thought it was all e803
ttp with me them I had consulted two
doctors and taken quarts of the medicine,
and received no benefit from it, Ono day
I happened to read something about Dr.
Pieree's Golden Medical Discovery, and I
made up my mind to givo it a trial, but I
didn't ex.pect 03011111 help me. I invested
a, dollar a bottle of it, end it helped me
from the first dose. It helped and it
cured me, and when I compare my present
good health with the miserable health of
two 3101(10 1130 I think I am safe in allying
that my investment Wan a mu= bettor one
than yours. You can't reek= health by
any measure of dollars anti cents if you
could I should say that I realized at least a
million from my 41.00 investment." Tho
" Golden Medical Discovery" is guaranteed
to benefit or oure in all 113000408 101' which I
34 18 recommended or money paid for 11 win
be refunded.
Yellow jonquils and purple violets aro
favorite flowers for combination 10 00118530
bouquets just at the moment
Feietion Clutch 411111031 (41111 Cut odCupling
a specialty. New Patent, coinplete satisfae-
tion guaranteed, Address Watorous Engine
Works Co., Brantford. Mention this paper,
It is not strange that stove menufacturers
should bo fired by ardor from the grate !
All Men,
young, old, or inidille.agetl, Who find them-
solvee nervous, weak nue/ eshausted, who
nee Iwolten down from excess or overwork,
resulting in many of the fullosving symp-
toms 1 Menial depression, premature old
ago, loss of vitality, loss of nainnoey, bod
dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the
heart, onvissielln, lack of energy, pain in the
kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or
body, itching or peculiar sonsetin about tlie
scrotum, wasting of the orgesis, dizziness,
specks before the eyes, twitehing of the
muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashfulness,
deposits in the mine, loas of will power,
teinlornoss of tho scalp and spine, -weak asul
flabby muscles, denire to eleep, fentwo to be
rested by sloop, constipation, dullness of
hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, ex-
citability of temper, suuken oyes surround.
ed with sarssmor oruces„ oily looking skin,
etc), aro all symptoms of navous debility
that lead to insanity ruid death (tutees cured.
The miring a vital force having lost its
tension every function wanes in eonsequeneo
Those who through abuse oommitted lit
ignorance may be permanently °Urea. Senel
pine aticlrese for book nn all dieftees pectilitir
10'MAU. Address NI, V. LC BON. 50 Front
St, lit , Toronte, On. Books sent free liCalCd.
Heit ri.dzsease, thesymptonisof winch arcia1111,
spells, pueplcs lips, numbness, palpitation,
elcip boats, hot Rohm, rush 01 1,1011(3 to the
heed, dull pain hallo heart Withileata strong,
eitui1 mid irregular, the wend heart beat
quicker 4114111 the -first, peen about 1110 Invest
bone, etc., caupositively bo :cured, lie cure,
no pay. Send for book, Adaress M. V.
11131101-37, 50 111011411111011411 Street Bast, Termite,
Ny Iinrienntx dehri,h lornntioEiwios,anonaeiHu1110 at4,e
61percent noeordinKto
Toronto 10101111)08 111111 house property violding
7, S and 10 per c:ent, to investors and 1011 nor c.
3. leeriusit lesuft. Gumontut P. KLEIsEa.
4 King Street East, Toronto,
c 6=11 itstek B. llencroxit 84 Co. Office
1 1879, by Mr. S. Jallea.
Incronse in population Toronto 1600 0001) 1988
(assessors' returns) 20,000,
Nthill110 05 ‘,0°4
13337111374, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, al)
userntorneya,Externay. Pricageon,si,sia;
POND'S EXTRACT 00, NowHork &Lonam
TO THE EDITOB:—Plense inform your readers that I have a positive remedy fo: the
above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently erred.
I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who haw eon,
samption if they will send MO their Express and Post Office Address, Respectfully, T. A. iii4.01,0110Ay.
M.O., 880 West Adelaide:ate TofIONTO, ONTARIO.
Estate, Link Bolting. Best for elevitting and conveying. Send for new cetelogue oflXiIl
rerninItRigs, mul beat disconnts.
IliTaterous Engine Works Co., Ltd., Brantford-40am
tct ianusAmos OtITTLES
say thi.0446 'db bet teati
merely to qi:oe them for a tone, sad thou
1 IVO there reture again. 11 449 Lk etAlitAr.410Alt rill: • hay made the Pitease 04 Vass*
Epilepsy ow f 50154041104Sioltnen. lite -long study, li:341.4133:48 4104 rOltied54 114,144, t1'3
Worst caeca recause o1l,c, hove failed 30 110 ':Onaollfra. not now teCtil,V1hie AL :me sena at
Once for a treetite and a Popo toittio of my Iticip
eiiie iliintodE. Give _B/I;iferei_vaiiR
Pose Office, It tests you nothing for a trirlt it Will CM 5.00' Addret4.11 Simrsir
N1.0,1 Brittrotth °face IRE ?.'B*T ADELMakt fiTICEVra