HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-4-11, Page 5A=PRIL 11, MO THS BRUSSELS PO
r'x.0 Rtb3L, j vV, M, P, P„ is Kama again
Rev. T. G. Thompson delivered an able
diwee' ee In Knox (Theron had; f;.thbeth
fits text was St, John X71, a , "Yet a
little while is the light with you," The
preacher ie an earnest, impressive ex•
posher of the Truth,
Measles. Williams & Mitchell have nue•
Coded in ostabliahiag an oxoellenb busi•
nose hero. Their carriage roams and
blaekstnith shop are well eguipped.
They aro gonial obliginr( gentlemen. We
with the firm continued prosperity.
Litatia w o 1.
The Town Band intends giving a con.
cert in the Town Hall on Monday even.
ing, lath Met.
It is the intention of the Athletic As•
sedation to give a liberal program of
sports on their grounds on May 24th:
Dr. Burgess, who has been it resident
of this town for the past eleven years,
has purchased a drum business at Lake.
field, above Peterborouh, which he in.
tends to conduct in connection with his
Tho petition forwarded to Ottawa from
the eitizens, lawn Council and Board of
Trade, a -king for stn appropriation of
520,000 f•tr the motion of p .blio build
Inge in Listowel, vas presented to the
Hon, Minister of ?aline Werke on Mon-
day of last we'b by Mr. Hosson, H. P.
After several inontha illness William
B. Garrooh deed at the residence of his
mother, Shaftlekl, neer Galt, oil Sunday
of last week, Mr, Garrooh had been in
a low stem of health since having an
alaiek of le grippe, which settled 0n his
longe, ail from which vers lit(lo hope of
his recovery was entertained, Deceased
was a member of Knox church in this
town, and was also a member of the Lis.
towel A. 0. U. W. and Oddfellow lodges.
Spring Show here next Tuesday,
The new druggist, M. E. Heads, Mill.
bank, will open his drug eters in Atwood
on April 12th.
Lemuel Pelton has purchased the house
and lot of Wm. Stewart, Main dtlest.
Price, S45O.
Thirty.two carloads of grain were
shipped from our station daring the
month of March by the local buyer.
Rev. R. Paul, of Brussels, supplied tho
Methodist church pulpit last Sabbath in
the absence of the pastor, who was away
at Toronto.
Three hundred eoliths of the abstract
etatement of the Treasurer of the On.
tarn) Farmers' flax Mennfaoturing Co.
were printed and distributed among the
Tho following officers were appointed
in connection with nor fire deparbme,h:
Jas. Manna, Chief ; Henry Hoar, Captain;
Jas. Strnrhers, let Mate ; John Rogers,
end Mate ; Jas. Latin, Sec. Treas.
The oantraetfar the new agricultural
hall has been let to Jas. Strnthere, the
price being 8000. Ths building will be a
two•sturey ons, with upper storey finish-
ed so that it can be used for public meet-
ings. The building will be a substantial
cue, sot on stone foundation, and will be
a great improvement on the rickety ono
the Society has been using of late.
Rev. W. II. Havey, of Rockwood, a
former resident of Atwood, 000npied the
pulpit of the Norfolk street Methodist
ohurob, Guelph, in the absence of the
Paster, Rev. Dr, Willoughby, who was
preaching missionary sermons at Listowel.
Mr. Harvey's murning discourse, from
Matthew 18, 2.3, was excellent, while hie
emit* subject, let Corinthians, 13th
chap , was treated in a most Inspiring
manner, Mr. Harvey is a young man
wbo proeeches for the love of the Master's
cause. Ile gave up a position as teacher
in Upper Canada College, at 8800 per
year, to enter the probationary ranks of
the ministry.
Miss Billingsley has been very ill late-
ly. Those who are fond of music mise
her sadly.
The Literary Society met on Wednes-
day of last week and although there was
no debate still a very interesting pro-
gram was provided.
Rev. A. Y. Eertley was not able to fill
the pulpit last Sabbath on Ancona of a
very severe attack of neuralgia which
came on Saturday night.
N. C. Leech, who has been going to
school in Bluevale for some months past,
wont lest Saturday to Belleville Business
College to receive a further business
education. We wish him enocees.
The stone, sand and other material for
the new Methodist church aro fast col.
looting on tbo spot where it is to be
ereotnd and we expect soon to see orotvds
gathering for worship.
1YIies Brock and her brother from Mt.
Forest have been guests at the parsonage
for the last week, They are old friends
of Mr. and Mrs. Wallwin. Mise Brook
goes home on Friday. Her brother went
Iast week.
C. W. Leech left for his home in De-
troit on Tnesdny of last week, His
visits are few and far between when we
consider that the people of Bluevale
tall this his borne, but they brighten us
up enneidorably.
On Thursday of tide week Mr, and
Mre. Hartley left Bluevale bent on pleas•
are and business, They will teturd next
week, In Mr.' Hartley's absence, Rev.
1Ir. Magnarrie, of Wingham, will occupy
his pulpit. The service will be in the
afternoon at a quarter past two.
Mr. Herbert, the precentor in the
Presbyterian church, has been on the
side list for the last week or two and for
this reason was not able to be out for
two Sabbaths, aonsegnsntly the organ
sons need and was well liked by most of
the congregatiou. We are very glad to
be able to state that Mr. Herbert is got.
ting around again, though sorry to say
his little daughter, Aggie, is very ill with
la grippe,
P1111.0A Commw.--On Monday evening
01le' t neck a very pleasant time wag
spent ab the Parsonage. 'Tho onoasion
its that of a parlor. concert 11:118 talont
was sneered from far and near, Among
the performers were the Rev. A, 11,
Smith and Mrs, Smith, of Wroxeter,
Meagre, Spedrly, M.aOlten'/,io and Dtllfield,
of Wingham, all singers. The readers
and recital's were Mies Fulton, of Blno.
vale, Prise Brock and hoe brother, of Mt.
Forest, end Mr. Gracey, of 'Wingham,
whose rsadinge could not bo done with.
out at any literary entertainment. We
must not forgot onr oil friend C. IV.
1tmea11, who, with his r,0usin, 1, 0. Leach,
fevered go with a (Mott. The organist
was 11109 MelIartly, of Iateknow,
fron Toronto,
Andrew Taylor le studying telegraphy
with Jas. Fox, druggist.
',Miss Sanderson is opening up a mil-
• !finery shop float d.0r to Thee. Item.
patine hardware.
The public suhnol oonoerb hold lavt
friday evening Was a decided sueoees,
The 01111) swinging by the penes was
will done and heartily appreeabod by all.
The proceeds otn0unted to twenty dol.
lare and will be applied for school d000r-
An unusual occurrence' in the shape of
a runaway took plane here last week.
81r. Brother's horse took fright at otos.
Mg door, Miro loose and ran up Main
street, It was caught before much dam-
age was done exopptiug a bad sprain on
one of the horse's hind lege.
We utidedebaud that John Sandersoe
has dispelled of his good.., to his eon and
Thos. Miller, so that the bnsinese will be
managed under the atm name of San.
4lera0„ ik Miller. John Sanderson was
nue of the first morohauts of Wroxeter
turd has spent over thirty years in msr
motile life. Ilie dealings with the pub-
lic' were abrintly honest and his ninny
eustemrs wilt regret that he has thus
retiod from active bueiuese. Mr. 11111-
.,.., Int !:pent some time es an Ineilremee
agout, The new firm has opened out a
full lune of geode and offer 10 do a good
01 iest<ral,
Sulioot reopened on Tuesday.
111, Bafth leaves for the West this
1a1 angelist Booth is holding forth in
Pond's Hail to the Brethren this week.
Special services are being held in the
Baptist thumb ovary evening. Rev. Mr.
Priest, of Wingham, was with us on
Tue-day evening.
The Englisl. church was most bennbi.
fully decorated on Sunday for Buster.
Special singing was prepared by the
choir. Ruttenbury and Ontario Metho-
dist churches were also beautifully
decorated, l ervices of eong wore given
in both, with short addresses.
The officers for the current year in
connection with the base ball olub are :-
Icon. President, Mayor Doherty; Hon.
Vice•Ptes., John Wiseman; President,
Burchill; Vice -Pres, A. J. Holloway;
Seo.-Treas., Wm. McGee ; Manager, G.
V. Yann ; Captain, A. Sornion. Com.
mitt's.- T. Diamond, G. Armor, W.
One a1 the best conducted entertain-
menle held for a long time was given in
the Town Hall, under the auspices of the
Athletic Association. Tis stage was
tastefully decorated, and the club swing-
ing, funoy drill, sword exereises sparring
000teste and other performances wore
well worth seeing. The other part of the
program was good, sad it eoald not be
otherwise with si,eh names as Mies
Fisher and Mre. Prirtham, Goderiah ;
Misses Jackson and Hearne, Clinton ;
and Messrs. Coates, Brewer, Shearer,
Sibley, Jackson and goalie on the list.
i eatortet.
Ralph Cresswell has returned home
from the Ohatham Commercial college,
where he has graduated with honors.
A. number of the children of our 'own
farmed them,.elvesinto a company known
as the M, A. B. E. L. Society and gave a
eonuart in aid of the poor,
Rev. T. W. Maghay, a former incum•
bent in the English church in this town,
died at St. Marys last Friday. He was
buried at Luoau, an old pariah of his.
Inflammation of the bowels was theoouse
of his demise.
The following offiaete were eleoted fn
connection with the South Hurn Con
sorvative Association :-W. J. Shannon,
President, Seaforth ; Wm. Graham,
Vieo•President, Brucefeld ; George E.
Jackson, Secretary, Egmondville.
The many friends of Rev.Fatber Shea,
pastor of St. James' Catholic church in
this town, will regret to learn that he is
leaving here, after a ten years' residence
in onr midst. The revered gentleman is
going to Cincinnati, Ohio, where, we um
derstand, he will in futare reside, Lest
Sunday was his last service in Seaforth,
and nest Sabbath he will officiate in
Brussels for the last time, as he leaves
here on Monday, April 14811, for his new
field of labor. While regretting his de.
parbure irom Seaforth, which is velum
tary on hie part, as his relations with
his congregation here have always been
the most cordial and pleasant, we can
assure him that he will boar with him
the esteem and gond wishes not only of
his own people, but of our citizens gen-
erally. During his ten year's residence
here, by his kindly, eourteoa0 and gen-
tlemanly demeanor, he has won the re.
speot and esteem of people of all classes
and creeds and the affection of many.
He was ever a kind and generous friend
to the poor, especially of his own flock,
and by them hie removal will be specially
Private Carrick, of No. 2 Co„ 33rd
Batt., has entered for a course of milit-
ary instruction at the Infantry Barracks,
Sohn Hanna has nearly all the neater.
ia1 on the ground for his residence which
11e intends erecting this year on the oorn•
er of John and Leopold ebreots.
The Wingham Hortiauiteral Society,
last week, conveyed their grounds, near
the Canadine Pacific Railway station, to
John Hanna, reserving the use of the
grounds and buildings for the Spring and
Fall shows this year,
l8faedonald, of this town, son of
Dr. Macdonald, M. P., has passed hie
final examination in medicine at Trinity
University, Toronto, tatting honors. We
Congratulate Mr. Mao. on his success and
predict a foremost place for him in his
Some time since, Aire. J. J. Anderson
and Mee. Walter Taylor wore notified
that en nnele of theirs had died in Aus.
810110, leaving them considerable money.
The 001100nt tecia will 10011100 10 not yet
known, but, it is said, the deccasod uncle
was very wealthy. The 105(41 gentleman
who is looking up the /Dire, is expnoted
in Wingham shortly to have the nooes•
sary papers executed.
The following gentlemen were ohosen
as a oonmitoo to organize a joint stock
emptily for the pure/naso of eufflotont
grimed, suitably eituatotl in or near the
corporation, on which to obtain n, half
mile tra014, and with suitable buildings
tor holding of 1110 Northwestern Fair
x1111 any other entertainment that may
be hold thereon, vo-Chas. Ilemiorson,
'Phos. hell, 8l'm, Clegg, 13, Wilson, R.
.ltlolndoo, A. live and IT, W. C. Meyer.
Sergt, J nrko, of No, 2 Co,, 88rd Batt„
was presented with a handsome pin bya
few of his old orenrades, on Monay
evening of last week, at Capt. William's
office, he having resigned his position in
that company, after serving 14 years.
Tho folluwiut' officers were Chatted in
ounueetioli with the Methodist Sabbath
School :--Dr. Towler, Superintendent ;
Anson Robinson, Sooretary ; W, P, His -
cooks, Treasurer; Stanton Agnew and
W. Lloyd, Librarians, and all the old
staff of teachers, The annual report
showed a prosperous year, the average
attendance being larger than any pre-
vious year. The number of toaohers and
otfieers is 20 ; number of echo:ere on the
roll, 8.40, the total of school being 808.
The average attandanoe during the year
of officers, teachers and suholure was
287, There aro 800 volumes in the lib.
Next week Mr. Davis attends his min-
isterial examination at Mitchell.
In the abeoueo of Rev. D. B. Morino
last Sunday his pulpit was occupied by
Rev. Mr. Thomson.
Rev. T. G. Thomson bas accepted a
unanimous emit to Watsrdown and the
induction will take place on Tuesday of
next wrok, The Presbyterians of that
+own are to he noogratf'atod On their
David Milne's sale of stook, &a., last
week was a deehle.1 aimless. Although
the made ware desperately bad portions
came from near and far as Mr. Milua'e
reputation is eo Won known for keeping
nothing but the best.
()sing to having cart tiled our credit
business, and omitting only those who
are perfectly reliable, we are enabled bo
supply our friends with goods at lower
fignros than ever offered before. .During
the past week we have been marking
down our stock, and from this date we
will have but one pries for all, namely,
the Cash Price. No new credit co item.
ere asked for, The old reliables always
welcome to get goods at net prices. It
we can't sell goods cheaper than other
houses who do an almost unlimited cre-
dit business, we wont ask you to trade
with us, We invite yoc to examine our
stools and if goods and prices suit, we
solicit your patronage, If the credit
system is detrimental to the prosperity
of the oounlry, it mast also be to in-
dividuals, therefore we desire to help
ourselves, and at the same time be a
benefit to our patrons. Having already
made our fortune we are now in the field
simply to obtain the necessaries of life.
If our name appears ooeasionally in
these columns, and we are found in our
place of business, clothed and in our
right mind, let it be a sign unto you that
we aro succeeding without the aid of
those whose policy it is to purchase and
pay three months after convenience.
Time and space will nob perneib us 80
enumerate the change in our priced, but
we would suggest that you call on us at
once with your cash and trade and see
for yourselves. Cash paid for eggs and
choice one pound rens of butter. Yours,
Ro,poctfally, W. Simpson & Son.
Sheriff Sutton, of Walkerton, returned
horns having completed the sale of his
B. C. property. The price realized is
said to be 8116,000.
O' V vent Girl, at once. Apply to
17• MRS. S, 0, PEPPBIt.
on hfarket street, easy berms. For
particnlare apply to ALM 6. V'.Mor'rO031lxnr
19•tf or W, F. VANSTO:IH, Brussels,
('l 00D HAY FOR SALE.-
ALE-iJ' Will deliver in quantities to suit par -
(Maser. Six months credit w111 bo given bo
responsible parties:
T. PBPPER, Lot 0,05n, e, Grey.
t.--3 Leaves Brussels every morning instead
of eveuing, as formerly, and returns from
G0rrio in the evening. Th,s rule will bo ad-
hered to until further notice.
S. WALSB., Proprietor.
Th0 nudorsigssed ie desirous o1 se-
ourtughouee work, such ae hence oloanlug,
washing, ironing, &o. Washing or Ironing
done at my house if desired. Apply tsn
80.0 Paricar'e Terrane, 111{11 8t.
L pared to 310 Sewing is ah ire breneii-
se, 8ho trill let two 01 her little nine go out
as nurse girls should opportunity attar.
Enquire ab her home, opposite B. Gerry'a
residence, Milt at. 88-
The undersigned desires to intimate
to the ladies of Brussels and surrounding
counts'y that she is prepared to attend to
all orders intrusted to her. Satisfaction
guaranteed, Shop -Up -stairs, ono door north
of Walter Jackson's hardware store,
The undersigned desire to intimate to
the ladies of Brussels and vicinity that they
have opened a Dressmaking Shop over Air,
A,ox. Blraohan's Store, Brussels, where they
are prepared to attend to all Werk entreated
to them. 8atisfaotion gguaranteed.
nAT N TsMaaRudThe
er ant muses in the Patent eroe and-
beronthe Courts promptly and carefully at-
tended to, Upon receipt re modal or saetoh
of d advise
1 makebe careful examination,
and advu?o as to patentabiiibyfroe of ooarao,
Pees t is mound.
I make no charge outage
patent is eoourod, Information advice and
special mferon005 sent on application. 7
R, L1'rl'ELL, Washington, Dal„ U.B. Patent
010eo, nG
nrnaconun has several good Farms for
sato coed to rant, easy terms h1 Townships
Of Morris and they, F. S. SCOTT. BrassO s,
lJ Bohm South halt Lob 27, con. s, !deride,
100 norns, nattily nll oluared. Good buildings,
ohmage acres 1411 wheal; h1 ground, Easy
terms, Apply to W. hf. BINOLAII2,
tf Scheer, 40 Brawls.
'l711)zaints,01nrensonsbl0trnms. In calm.
to close the affairs of the estate of the late
W. O. liingnton, bio executors offer the fol.
lowing valuable lands for solo North
half of Lob se, Oonoossion3'L'ownshlp of
1J:orlls,00utainhng 00 apron. Ou dein lot is
emoted a good frame barn with stone torte.
dation, peed orchard, Well al:d pinup. Neal,
ly all cleared, and is on the grave road i
closely a1 cluingg the 0111,ge of Brussels,
01110 farm is a vi4litctbl0 atm, 19 well fenced
and in a gond stab, of cultivation. her
prle00 mid terms apply to '11I05 7 311 1 8',
Itruesclt P. 0., 114 nut 1191,130/, V1001'111
Senn re 1, 0., or 1Axtn. Stn rlr, 111011e Lodge
1', 0 Ali 1111,1('efm t0.
The Palace Store
RS. ROGERS begs to thank the Ladies of
Brussels and Vicinity for their Very Large Attend-
ance at the Millinery Opening, one and all declar-
ing it to be a Lovely Display, and at the salve
time passing high Encomiums on our Popular
Milliner, Miss GREEN, , for her Exquisite Good Taste,
in a word our Opening was a ;.!lost Unqualified
Success. During the week we have added sumo
more Very- Pretty Styles to our already Largo
Stock, which we will be happy to Show the Ladies
before they make their purchases.
We beg also to Draw Attention to our Large
and New Stock of Groceries, which wo are Selling
as Cheap, if not Cheaper, than any grocery house
in town.
t All kinds of Farm Produce taken, such as
Eggs, Lard, Butter, Tallow, tic., and the Highest
Market Price allowed.
New Stove and House Furnishing Business,
The Undersigned beg leave to announce to the. Public that they
have Purchased the Bankrupt Stock of Mr. W. 3'. Jackson,
Brussels, and will sell the whole out Regardless of Cost.
Look out for Bargains. They will also keep on hand
Cooking, Pavlov and Z3ox Stores
Of the Best Manufacturers, and will Sell them as Cheap as
anyone in the Trade.
Of the Best Quality and at Cheapest Prices Always on Hand or
Made to Order on Shortest Notice.
Eavetroughing and Roofing a Specialty.
Everything in Our Line Guaranteed First -Class.
We hope, by Good Work, Low Prices and Prompt Attention to
Business, to secure a Fair Share of Patronage.
Come, See and be Convinced.
Jr1c14son's Old Stand, Brussels.
Flour and Feed !
The attention of the Citizens of Brussels and Farmers of the Sur-
rounding Community is called to the
New :Flow and reed Stove, II:uteeals,
Opened in the Shop lately occupied by Mr. E. Grundy,
(Opposite Mr. Backer's Grocery)
Whore there will Always bo on hand a Full Supply of Flour,
Peed and Meal of A11 Kinds,
As this is cul' first location in Brussels wo trust you will give if you aro ,., „tar a.t intending to travel
us your Patronage, and in return w0 will endeavor to Supply yon Dennis' hi Headquarters- for
with Best Brands at Lowest figures. ( TRUNKS,
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty at
Private and Company Funds.,
Solicitors, tic,,
Maisons, 0000,
], • For . • C:E*nte:,
All Work from. toe$ul(Nlcet In Life ..ire
done in nret-4iaxe manner,
lEr X
01 lle,Nlrnee+, 111,'., al Reasoner.; tm
W. J'. Fairael(C.
General Biaoksmithing,
The undersigned desires
to intimate to the Public
generally that he has leased
the hunter Blacksmith Shop
in. Brussels, and is now pre-
pared to attend to all work
entrusted to trim.
GAVE: Al IC A. 0A.L]G..
oo Jas. 1Melii Cosh.
lVl Money to Loan on
Private and Company Floris
iA.i.2i'14Y TO
J.C.Hefernan, J.A.Young,
Valuator Agent.
Ethel P.O., Ont. .2011
License District.
The East Huron License Com-
missioners will meet at the
Friday, .Aril 18th, 0991,
AT 10 O'CLOCK A. an.,
To take into consideration the
the Applications for Tavern
Licenses for 1890-91.
Tho number of Hotel Licenses
granted last year in the Riding
were 26.
The number of Applications
this year are 26, Isaac Gill, Ethel,
and George Zilliax, Henfryn, be-
ing the only two applicants for
houses not holding License last
John R. Miller,
Jamestown, April 1st, 1800.
Is Prepared t0 supply you with a
Handsome Carriage
At a Slight Advance 0u Cost.
Caul in and :flake a Selection or
Leave your Order. •
SAl(.11K1.S to
. ? .I. :, .Large and Well'A3sorted
Yot[,t'.ti' .lit 3J7(,'el f7G�l titoeli to choose 1'10131.
KING- 80 HAE1TLE^,1,. , i a DENNIS,.