HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-4-11, Page 44
New Advertisements.
Locals—A. R. Smith.
Wall paper—J. T. Popper.
Lowder—W. Nightincalc 1 Co.
Salo of lauds—Rohn t (7ibbuus.
The Palace Store—Mrs. Rogers.
Sewing wanted—Mrs, Megarvio.
Horse work wanted --Mrs. J. Lott.
0, be "Brzl$SCI$
FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1890.
THE Toronto World predicts that a
Conservative candidate for the Local
House election iu East Huron will be
found outside of the Riding.
True week a protest was entered
against Dr. Montague, M. P., for Heidi.
mend County. He is charged with per-
sonal bribery. If another constituency
or two would chip in the election Courts
ooull be kept moving quite nicely. It
will be Coulter's turn next elootion.
Vita 17—Ort,,—sea Morris township
Councils purpose doing about putting
the gravel road into decoct repair ?
There is a rumnor that if they dont see
to it that a petition will be presented to
the next session of the County Council,
The open Winter has left the road in a
worse condition than it has been for
years. $500 at least should be appro.
pria' • d that the work may be porperly
Perth County.
There are now 206 members on the roll
106 active and 100 associate, in Strut.
ford Y.)4f.O.A.
While Peter Sinclair, of Brocksden
was cutting straw a few days ago he had
the misfortune of wetting off one of his
Mr.Ranton, the gentleman who has
edited the Stratford Advertiser for some
time past, goes on the staff of the St.
Thome,- Times.
Wm. McKee who teaches in the sohool
on the boundary west of Molesworth has
resigned. He purposes studying for a
higher certificate.
G. A. Graham, of St. Marys, was pre-
sented with a gold h, aded Dane on leaving
the! town for Galt. Mrs. Graham re.
ceived some jewelry.
A real esollaugo gazette, ¢entwining
list- of properties for sale, is now pub -
Belied monthly, by Mowat & Dow, real
estate agents, Statiord.
D. Wapeler, who has been G. T. R.
sta ion agent at Milverton for some time,
has been appointed ageut at Hanover at
an increased salary.
S'. Marys Lodge I.0.0.1'. have decided
to celebrate the 70th anniversary of odd -
fellowship in America by holding an "at
home" in the Opera House on Friday
eveu;D0, April 26th.
J. 0, Spence, St. Marys, attended the
anneal convention of the Equal Rights
Party, held in Toronto reoe,tly, and was
appointed a member of the committee on
miscellaneous resolutions.
The new firm of Hamilton & Powell
have relinquished their intenion to
establish a business on Market street, but
Lave, instead, amalgamated with the
well.kuowm andPoP alar
form of Macnair
& Co„ Stratford,
The Stratford G. T. R. shops are now
running fifty boors to the week, this
time having cone into effect on the 1st
of this month. Previously during the
winter the time has been forty.five and
forty-seven and °.helf hours.
Henry Wilson, 16th eon„ Elmo, has
a ewe which dropped triplet lambs re.
ceutly, being the second occurrence of
thie kind inside of twelve months. Six
lambs from one ewe in twelye months,
and all doing well, is prolific indeed,
A parry of boys arrived from England
at the Stratford Orphans' Home on Mon-
day of last week. There were fifty of
them, ranging in age from 12 to 21 years,
and seemed to be fine, healthy little fel.
lows. They came by the Polynesian,
John S. Coppin entered upon his 22nd I Masers, bettor and Pay have tendered Wes ltots.
year AO bailiff for Mitchell lest week. their resignation as members of the Auotion sale of horses, riga, &o„ at
A young eon of E. Riobardson, St. Clinton 5013001 Board, 0onseg00nt of Wm, Bternee' on Friday of this week.
Marys, ate wild parsnip and for some their removal from town, Mies Penlope MoDougall paid our town
time hie life was in danger. The Toronto World bad this on Sat- a short vielt while home from Goderiob
urday : John Brown, the woll.itnow n for her holiday •
agent of the New York Life lneuranee Last week 1larry Oughton left for
Company, segs he ie going to get into the Seaforth where he has a situation. Wo
Ontario Aseenlhly. This is how he pro- with bun seams,
poses to do 1t : He will face the mower in Mies Mary 111oPadzean, of Winthrop,
West lIuron against'Prinsur. r Ross and has opened unt a dreseinaking shop above
three or four other oandidates. Wm. Smith's stare,
4 Master ;litho and Miss F1oraMoDouald
C:aa llacitit 71 N e ase as. are ependinp their holidays with their
Ontario II. lloulee, a New Hamburg
boy, has giednatod with honors before
the Ohio Board of Pharmaoy, Cleveland.
At St. Marys Dr. Gunn'e favorite pug
swallowed thirty sinter -coated pills. The
rose of u0llree had a depressing divot on
the canine wbioh he feels to this day.
April 18th Is the dale fixed for Mise
Nora Clench's concert in Ottawa, The
concert is to be under the patronage of
Lady Macdonald, and Miss Clench will
be the guest of Hun. Sue,. Carling during
her etas 1n Ottawa.
In the Stratford lodging homier during
the month of Merrell there were aocam-
m"dated 285 tramps. The smallest
number taken in on any one night was
three, the largest 27. The janitor says
that as a role they were stout able-bodied
A genuine specimen of the lynx or
wild cat was shot by Mr. Livingstone, of
Milverton, in one of his nimrodic ex-
peditions a few days ago It is being
stuffed and will be placed in the Forest-
ers' beautiful and splendidly equipped
7nhn 91o'phy, a forty -year resident of
St. Marys, has left that place with his
life partner to reside in Omaha, Neb.
The members of the Baptist church
made them a presentation accompanied
by a feeling address, prior to their de-
Following aro the newly olooted officers
of the Stratford Itieroese club :--llon.
President, \V. R. Tide❑ ; President, W.
H. Griffin ; Vioe.President, A. T. Mc-
Donald ; Secretary, J. A. McFadden ;
Treasurer, W. Jeffrey, jr.; Captain, S.
The Stratford Herald says :—Sonne
idea of the advantage of having Victoria
lake in our midst may be gathered from
the fact that over 3,000 tons of ere were
taken off it this season. Of this about
half is stored here, the balance was sent
out of the city. For the ice shipped Win.
Gordon got about $2,500. He paid out
forplant and wages $2,200.
The following officers were elected for
the season of 1890 in connection with the
St. Marys /wicket club :—President, G.
H. MoIntyre, (re-elected) ; Viee.Presi.
dent, Jas. Maxwell ; Secretary, T. D.
Stanley ; Treasurer, Wm. Andrews ;
Executive and Ground Com., J. Chal-
mers, T. Butcher and F. W. Guernsey ;
Match Com., Jas. Maxwell, H. A. L.
White, J. Allbutt and E. M. Gamble.
REFORM CONVENTioN.—Not withstanding
the bad roads a large and thoroughly
representative gathering of the Liberals
of North Perth conve
mrd lit the annual
meeting of the Riding Association held at
Milverton on Tuesday. The prinoiple
business was the election of officers, the
re.orcanization of the Association and
the fixing of a date for a Convention to
select candidates for the Legislature and
Commons. The meeting was in a thor
ough working mood, and the prospects of
success in their work never were brighter.
The meeting was opened by an address
by the retiring President, Dr. Parke, of
Listowel, who made a short but effective
speech. The following officers were then
elected with unanimity and enthusiasm :
President, Jas. Mabee (barrister), Strat.
ford ; 1st Vioe-President, John A. Hack-
ing, Listowel ; Vice President for Wal-
lace, Ezra Weber, Gowanstown; for Elma,
Wm. Shearer; for Listowel, Adam Aus-
ti1, ; for Mornington, Henry Noereny; for
Milverton, Wm. Livingstone; for Ellice,
EdwardBrown • for Northeast Ho e
deo. Hyde ; for Logan, Jas. Pxendevrl e ;
for Stratford, Jiro. Brown i Secretary, W.
imie, Listowel. Avery important part
ui the business was the derision to call a
Convention to select candidates at the
Doming elections, and 10 was decided to
oell a Oonvention of two delegates from
Hach polifng sub.divisiou, to meet at Mil
v- ilea at 11 o'clock a. m on Thursday,
2453 of April. The feeling was to have
the candidates brought our without de-
lay, and the spirit of the meeting clearly
indicated that North Perth will soon be
redeemed to good government. The fol.
lowing reeolutions were then put to the
meeting and carried, amidst loud ap-
plause :—Moved by J. W. Scott, seconded
by Dr. Johnston, "That this meeting de-
sires to express its high appreciation of
the condnet of pnblio affairs by the Gov-
ernment of the Hon. Oliver Mowat, and
to tender their beer'•y and enthusiastic
support to that Government for their
honest, capable and efficient administra.
tion on the lines of special favors to no
olaes or creed, and else for their deter-
mined fight for the antonomy of the
Province." Moved by Dr. Parke, seo-
ooded by J. E Harding, "That this meet-
ing desires to express its confidence in the
Opposition in the House of Commons in
their gallant fight for good government'
�lurori Oounty.
R. 00, Walker, a Clinton grocer, has as-
signed, Liabilities $4,000, assets $8,000.
Rev. W. McDonagh, of London, will
preach for the Oddfellows of Clinton, in
the Town Hall, on the afternoon of the
27th inst. at 3,80,
The schooner, Gulnair, Capt. Skelton;
left Goderioh for Cleveland Saturday
evening with a cargo of ice, This ie the
fleet departure of the season,
The contract for the in terior fittings of
the New Government buildings at Gode-
rich has been awarded to Messrs, Tumb-
ling & Jones, of London, at 91,100.
Garth and Co., of Montreal, will put in
the hot water beating apparatus for $1,-
Wm, Roche has resigned his seat as
councillor in East Wawanosh, to which
he was elected last January, He has
sold his property and is leaving the
township. This causes another election,
and the nomination will be held on Sat.
urday, 12th inst.
At a meeting of the Mitchell football
olnb the following officers were elected
Hon. President, Mayor Nord ; Hon. Vico)
President, Reeve Hord ; President, Geo.
Malcolm ; Vice, W. Nueent ; Council, W.
Elliott, B. A., F. Thompson, W. Maud.
son, Frank Lynda and S. Brown. The
club intends to enter the Western Asso-
Perth county containe fourteen lodges
of the Independent Order of Good Temp
1ars. A convention was held in Stmt.
ford on Tuesday at which eight of these
lodges were represented. One of the
objects of the convention was to arrange
for a temperance plc-nic to be held dur-
ing the Doming summer. Stratford was
deoided upon as the most inviting field
for aggressive temperance work. The
pin-nic will therefore be bold in the
Classic city, in Victoria Park, on the
17th of June.
A special meeting was held by the
Logan municipal eonncil at the cal) of
the reeve, on Saturday, March 15th, to
fully inform the members of the council
of the fact that a writ hag been issued in
the High Court of Jnatiae, Chancery
Division, between the Canada Company,
plaintiffs, and the corporation of the
township of Logan, defendants; said
writ being in connection with the north-
west drainage works management. The
statement of claim made by the plaintiffs
wan read over, carefully deliberated and
discussed, and acommittee wag appoint.
ed in behalf of the council for the par
pose of looking after the interoete of the
township in regard to the suit now pend.
Rev. 7', W. Magalry, the newly ap-
pointed inoumbont of St. James' Epis.
copal church, St. Siar•ys, died on Friday
morning of last wank at 11 o clouts after a
short illness of five days. The eat affair
has cast a gloom over the entire sem.
mmlity. The rev. gentleman had moved
to St. Marys only a few weeks ego, but
before be was pre perly c(ettled two of his
children were tel en down with diph.
Farmers in many parts of ,Manitoba
are seeding.
Amherstburg colored people hold
"Donk, :y scroia's."
CaLadit wee dieenverecl on April 6, 1490,
just 391 years ago Sstnrday.
Donald Chisholm, M. P, for New West•
minster, died on Satnrday morning.
It is announced that the Provincial
elections will be hold within the next G0
The estate of the late Hugh McKay,
of Montreal, foots up to over a million
The closing exercises in counectiou
with Ontario Veierfuary College took
place en -atnrday.
Waterford Int, a hat seu%eiling Sion -
day morning. A muurber of business
planes were burned.
Lottie Marlatt, a six•year-old child in
Brantford, swallowed a small cake of
paint and it killed her.
The bee keeping business is an exten.
sive one iu tide province, some 25,000
persons being engaged in it.
tieGill University has be .n granted
$150,000 by W. C. Maednnald for the en
down,ent of the Law Faculty.
Efforts ere being put forth by the rest.
dents of Cayuga for )11e purpose of form-
ing a company to bore fo- gas,
The master plumbers and journeymen
of Chicago have reached an agreement
on a 98.511 per day scale of wages.
Chas. Footer, wood -sawyer, Belleville,
had the fingers of his left hand taken off
Friday morning by a circular saw
Elgin farmers report that ploughing
bas commended, and that seeding will be
begun this week if the weather is fine.
The new 0. P. R. transfer steamer will
be taten to Windsor next week from
Owen Sound and at once go into service.
A movement for the adoption of the
nine hour a day system will be inaugur-
ated at once by theg trades of
Charles L Lancaster, treasurer of the
Buffalo Press Club, is said to be a de.
tanker for $1.100. and is supposed to be
in Canada.
Col. G,Ilmor, Clerk of the Ontario
a lm-
was presented withc
Alimentary address and a handsome
bronze piece.
The strike in the building trades in To-
ronto is growing, and it threatens to
seriously interfere with building opera.
tions in the oily.
A meeting of the graduates and under-
graduates of Oxford County have organ
iz d to aseiet in the restoration of Toronto
University library.
An Indian on the Brokenhead River
Reserve, Manitoba, jealous of his wife,
attempted aneoide with a shotgun and
lost an arm as the result.
Over 2,600 applications for two rowed
barley have been received at the Experi-
mental Farm, and the staff is working
night and day in order to expedite die.
A Pullman oar porter on a C. P. R.
train, near Calgary, had an attaok of
delenum tremens,
and with 1 a razor
slashed a passenger who triedd to pacify
H. P. Wilson, of 8t. Catharines, says
there will be ocean. of peaches this year,
and that we may all reckon on eating
"peaches and cream" to oar heart's con-
The cyclone reported at Prophetstown,
Ill., •eas a terrific blow. One despatch
say fifty lives were loot, and another
says no lives were lost. Prophetstown is
a village with about 400 of a population.
The Chatham Harvester Manufactur-
ing Company have deoided to go into
liquidation, and their assignment may
follow. The liabilities are placed at
$98,000, of whioh $45,000 secured is due
to the company's bankers.
The Toronto University authorities
have reoeived a cable message from
Edinburgh stating that £600 sterling
has been contributed to the University
building fund in memory of the late Hon.
George Brown, The contribution was
an anonymous one.
Tho Newfoundland Government has
deoided to repeal the Bait Aet, and here-
after French, American and Canadian
fishermen will be permitted to freely
purchase bait in Newfoundland harbors
upon payment of tonnage and license
fees, but the exportation of bait to St.
Pierre and Miquelon will be prohibited.
Lieutenant -Governor Royal, of the
Northwest Territories, hae furnished a
return to the Department of the Interior
of the special permiseione for the impor-
tation of intoxicating liquors into the
Northwest Territories, which is under
prohibitory law. The total amount of
spirits taken to the territories in 1889,
under the permit system, was 11,060
gallons ; wine, 1,422 gallons ; boor, 25,-
627 ; porter, 571 ; 4 per pent., 112,448
gallons, or a total of 151,820.
The examinations of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College have just been concluded
at Toronto, and among the .graduates are
the following from the Western District :
Peter Cook, Clinton; Jae. Donoho,
Ridgetown ; J. (1. Elviage, Delaware ;
W. Evans, Coldstream ; Jae. Golley,
Wingham ; W. G. Jones, Strathroy ;,
J, Jupp, Pebrolee, ; W. W. Kennedy,
Woodstock ; Geo, Kerr, Mitchell ; Wm.
Lawson, Walkerton ; R, W. McCully,
St. Thomas ; Peter Malcolm, St. Marys;
W. A, Man», Strathroy ; Fraud( Morrow,
Strathroy ; J. L. 011ie, St. Thomas ; D.
F. Parker, London ; P. W. Philp,
Sparta ; Wm. Routledge, London ; 11.
0. Radley, Chatham ; J, 11, Spence, St.
Mary's ; J. N. Walton, Woodstock ; J.
II, Wilson, London.
A Wingham oorrosponrlent says ; A
very courageous lady is Mies Violet Field,
On Tuesday morning of last week elle sat
in the dental chair and had eight teeth
extracted, and returned the game after-
noon and had Dight more extracted. On
Monday last she again returned and had
five roots removed,
A thorough.brsd Jorge qq cow belonging
to John Hannah, of Tuakorsmeth, hae a
therms, and no sooner bad they recovered particularly good milk record. During
than he was suddenly taken ill himself I the past season she gave miler for nine
with inflammation of the bowels, and 1 and a -half months, and during tbitt timo
now, 00 8 wind up to the tragic affair, i she gave 9,400 pounds of milk, and fifteen
another of his ohdldr,ui Iles in It wear.
ions condition with diphtheria. This is
the saddest matter that hae occurred ht
the history of the town for many years,
pod the family and Monde of the de.
ceased have the sympathy of the entire
commit city,
and a.half 9001300 of mills produced e
9011110 of butter. She Clue produced 820
pounds of butter, which, at an average
price of 17 cents per pound, wound make
the yield of the mow in Dash frutt for the
swarms, besides the ekiln milk, whiner
would bo worth a clneiderable son,
father, LAMS MoDonald.
111 0,- via).
Quito a quantity of maple sugar hae
been made daring the pact week
Mr. Connelly, from Blaokhoree, is visit-
ing at Joe, Clegg's for a few days.
Treleaven Bros, 1.010 (,4:e1141 out a
large etockofgeneral gourde in the store
orooted last fall by Mrs. Tufts at lieu.
Wm. Dryden, stone mason, left on
Tuesday for Alletlf0rd whe4 a he has a
season's employment. He is a ferret class
A, Cole. of the Gth lino, heti s wood
bee .•n Saturday last to w11)01) there was
a good turnout anal at large amount of
Tho young people of the Methodist
church are oontomplating organizing a0
a branch of the Epworth League.
W. Potter buttressed successfully the
primary examination in his medical
course at Trinity University, Toronto.
Dr, Sloan has proteetod the elootion
for the office of president of the Medical
Council, on the grounds of franclulolt
Tho Rlisece Mill wore presented, pro.
0101ms to leaving, with a purse of $50 and
their tickets for Gu01ph, ae a slight re.
immolation for the work aecorpliehed
through their instrumentality.
ably filled it, Tho program, literary and
muioal, was pleasing, interesting and
entertaining, The part played by the
pupils was an honor to themgolves) and
toaoher, Goo. Format and wife delighted
the andionoe by singing a emwl0 of Soot
tisk songs. The parents nod teachers
present congratulated Mr. Bowerman on
hie 010000001. Me is an ornament t0 the
section, and adorns the hlph and noble
calling to whleh he Weep, Ile hue
done good work in S. S. No. 8 Two of
his ex.popile are in the teaching pro.
Pinion, and shine as beacon lights to
train and guide the young, Those who
have faithfully labored in training in.
tolligent and immortal minds for the
future duties of the preeent life and for
the higher duties of the life to oomo shall
be reiverdecd in heaven, All wished Mr.
and Mrs. and Ada W. Bowerman peaoo
and prosperity in S. 8. No. 8.
sound r 11
Last -at•,rday Agnes White, 7111 eon.,
died • f consumption, ausel 91 years, 3
mouths an, 1S clave. The funeral tool(
Piave on ,ondnv'.
1t re report, el aha' Wni. Wilkinson ban
pn chased the Rozell farm. containing
108 acre , for 111) 10 It meet 0111 ely be
n b -again at that lignre.
A man minuet Stith, reeitlieg near
Brun Is, had the misfortune to inflict
an ugly cut in hie foot . ith an axe the
other day while clumping
Ate taffy party iu this township on
Good Friday a B easels young lade bad
the misfortune to lose one of her teeth
while wrestling with a ohnuk of taffy.
The creditors of Wm. Clark met in
Wingham on Friday of last week and
agreed to wait until the lst of May to
see if Mr. Clare could settle, if not the
sale would roma ff about that time.
Had "Critic" held his pes0e he might
have been accounted wise I,nt we sup•
pose like ourselves be has his infirmities.
Of coerce it is presumption for as to
prescribe in such matters, hat Solomon
in Prov. 26113 chap. and 8rd verse rscorn
monde a remedy which wo may be oom•
pe to administer union 0110 re pected
friend iron shows e)gns of improvement.
Scums. Raronr.—The following is a re.
p,,rt of the standing of the pupils of
5 S. No. 3, Morris end Wawa,,osh, for
March :—Fourth class- Fred Canning,
Andrew Stewart, o,rry I-la'niutn ; Third
Claa —(i or io Remolding,Johann.. , Mo•
Connell, Willie Calming; Senior Seated
class—Clara Kracbling, Louisa Calder,
'Mamas Heal% ; Junior Second class --
Johanna Healy, Walter Petah, Ratio
Cuunieg; Senior Part Second olas--Ellis
Nethery, 30110 Petch, Mamie Liviugs-
tono; Junior Pat Second oleos—Mary
Harrison, Staeia Healy, Simon Hallahatn ;
Fanny Harrison, lama Living tone, Min-
nie Harrison. bliss 0. OALDEn, Teacher.
011 Wednesday last a go illy number
of the etmdy yeoin, a of this vioinits, not
fewer than eight individuals, assembled
at the woods of S. Irvin, lot 0, ton. 5,
whore a very lively tirue was spent, the
busy workmen employing themselves in
humbling the proud monamhs of the
forest, The axe was vigorously plied by
Professor Cole, of the 6011 line, assisted
by Professor Irwin, of the 5011. The
management of the saws was given into
the tan
hands of Professors Annstron
Baines, J. Cloaksy, Russell, A, Cle.akey
and Wightman, who proved themselves
the right persons in the right place. When
a ooneider,tble quantity of wood hed been
put up the industriooa toilers betook
themselves to the house, where a bouuti-
ful repast was prepared for them, after
partaking of which they wended their
way homeward. In other words, dear
afdioted reader, S. Irvin had a very suc-
cessful wood -bee last Wednesday, after-
noon, our reason for reporting et In the
former style being to call your attention
to the fact that we don't report in that
way. Of course, you know, that a wink
is as good as a nod to a blind horse.
Fresh andlivered 10
Sall 0 eats of 7:9 any part or
Ily II MU Ain. 1' i 31 Oreo of
1111.111 111111 dr- ('1. 11010 e.
f0'ett (-la (Wits AV sleeted
For which the highest market price
will be paid. I also snake a specialty - of
buying Aides and Skins. Don't forget
the place, next door to Fletcher's Jewel-
ry Store, A. CURRIE.
J. Stewart, of the Seaforth Collegiate
Institute, was visiting on the 18th con.
during the past week.
W. Simpson & Son, of Ethel, are mak-
ing finite a boom this spring. They are
tapering off on credit, except to reliable
parties, and are thus able t0 sell goods
et alone prises for the with.
Tho Exeter Advocate of last week
makee the following reference to a broth-
er of 0. Bowerman :—We are sorry to
learn of the illness of A. Bowerman, who
is at present in Chicago studying den-
tistry. He had just passed his first ex-
amination when taken ill, and little hopes
were entertained of his eeoovery, but up
to the time of writing he had slightly im-
proved He wee last rummer studying
under H. L. Billings, dentist, of this
SUOOns0FUL ExA1tINATION,—A very sn0-
easeful public examination was held in
S. S. No, 8, on Thursday of last week.
0. Bowerman, the popular and pains.
taking teacher, was highly honored by a
hoot of friends, Notwithstanding the
condition of the roade folly 00 offshore,
besides a number of ex -pupils, enjoyed
the pleasure of being present. The walls
wore hung with appropriate mottos
whish inspire the scholars to climb, rung
after rung, up the ladder of eu0cesa and
fame mail their achievements become
the admiration of friends and foes alike,
Tho teacher leas assisted by Misses
Ellen A. 11foNeil, Mary McNair, Cecelia
Calder, Mary Perris and W. 0, MoTag.
gale, Principal of Ethel, 11. Fowler, J. L.
Pickard, R. F. Cameron and J. M. Rob-
ertson. The several abases were ex-
amined by the above mentioned teachers
in a eearuhing and comprehensive man-
ner, The auawors received from the
pupils wore proof of On0Of11 and thorough
training by their instructor, The boys
and girls showed a wonderful ,power of
thought. This is the result of (vise train-
ing which tends to draw forth, to elevate,
and to ennoble their hinds, Tho boll
having chimed in the noon hour, the
ladies supplied all rho visitors and
Rebottles with delicious edibles, All par.
took freely, some thinking an hour too
short to empty the many well filled bag.
kohl. When work was resumed and the
olessee well tested a spelling match
changed the 00on0. Mies Mary McNair
gave out rho words. The spelling dole
by the tnrpils was good and loudly rip.
plant6010 by the people. Elien Dietz and
Daniel i0loNoii were last 00 fall before a
foul, 'Rev. C. Davies, minister at Ethel,
was o'hoseu to the chair, and lie admit'.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6,'z Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
0= 'S0r30NT'O,
1171 0d21(se nil
Cady's Block, Seaforth
Uudorsinnod w 11 esrsleo031
lot f. eon, 10, 0rev, a (herohea' bp rolil ar short horn
Gurham ball, '1'uri is 81.00 to be pall at
time of servioo with lrlvllege of returning If
heeessary, CMIAS.1tOZhi,1.,
105.8 Proprietor.
Where be can be Consulted on all Chronic
Diseases of both Sexes,
Consumption. Asihnut and Catarrh
treated successfully by Inhalation of Medi-
cated Vapors, the oily ratiouol treatment
for those diseases,
and all uiseaee0 of the Urinary Organs posi-
tively cured in a short time.
Cull or Address
21-t( DR. PHILLIPS, SE,u'onTn
P,s,—I will be at the Central Hotel, Brus-
sels, on April 0th. where i can be consulted
free the balance of the week.
Have a Limited Number of Bushels of
the Boar DuTcn SEED for Farmers in the
vicinity of Cranbrook who intend raising
Flax during the rowing season, which
they are prepared to deliver in quantities
to suit Flax Growers. Oah be got at the
CmmNermox Peru MILL. Seed given out
on the usual terms.
7�'Order Early to Insure a Supply.
Por Flax grown from this Seed $10 Uer Ton
33111 be Paid if of Good Growth ; Harvested
in Proper lll ase soon as St for thro hint g� Pias
We will Rent n number of Good Sod Fields
for the purpose of growth g Max.
88- Proprietors Cranbrook Flax Mill.
8t1 Leon Mineral Water.
For terms and other particulars ask for
circular at my Orug and Book Store, Should
you wish to ecll hie Iidfer mdvas I am pre-
uaroii to pay ae high ae 810, tteoordiug to
milking qualities of their claws.
20 -limits G. A. 011ADIDi85, rug eels.
undersigned will keep a Weil -Brod
Durham Bull, rising throe years 0111, for
servioo on North Half Lot 20, Con, 7, ,Norris.
Terms, 31,00, to be paid at time of eervios,
with 1211ilogp of returning If necessary.
.LIMR1'-13R1;) BULL. — THE
0ondorsigeed will keep the Thom' -lured
lbo thorn 31511"9arOn crawls nth," bred 1,y
F. IV, Stone, Guelph, for Servioe on Lot 10,
(len. e, alorris. 'Terms 01.00, to be paid at
time of service, with privilege of returning
if neoreoery. Pedigree may no seen on 110.
35.8 JAS, 8Pf•;IR, Proprietor.
The following speak for themselves :
Brussels, Ont., Jan. 8, 1890.
I have been using St. Leon water for
the past month or so and, have found it
very eftoacious in promoting good health.
After using it a week I found my appe-
tite much benefitted and can now oat Lie
muoh in one meal as used to soffice mo
for two. For any rheumatio affection I
believe it to be ahead of any drugs or
patent medicines, and think that per-
sons of a rheumatic tendanoy should use
it constantly,
Clerk 4111 Division Oourt,
County Huron,
Mn, ADA}( GOOD, Brussels.
Dear Sir,—The St. Leon Mineral Wet.
er that I have boon getting from you has
done lee so much good that I cheerfully
give my testimony in its favor and hope
others may be pereoaded to give it a
Wer. KNEOnTEL, Se,
Brussels, Jan, 7, 1800.
This water, the like of %vhicll is found
no whore else but at St. Leon, in the
Province of Quebec, resembles all nat-
ure's productions, an egg or grain of
wheat for inatemee. We can tell what
au egg or grain of wheat is composed of
but man is utterly unable to make a
grain of wheat or create an egg and he 1s
just as unable to counterfeit St. Leon
Mineral Wider. But kind nature line
(lone for us whet wo could not do for
Oursolvon---brougint the sixteen diilcrott
ingredieete of this water together in the
proper proportions, mixer them and
pours them forth in a copicu5 stream,
I am in a position te, supply Otis re-
markable water, absolutely pitta, straight
from the wells, at price that leaven
iittle after covering the cost of bringing
it dela far,
ADAM 000D,
The Toronto Grocery,
Private Funds to Loan.
Have been placed in lay hands
for Inretment on real estate.
No Commission.
Borrowers can have loans com-
pleted in Three Days if title
Solicitor, Brussels.
1390.; 1S90.
Have a limited number at bushels of the
forFaressrs in the vioinity of Rrneeole, who
intend raising flax duri..a the coming setwon
wbioh they are prepared to deliver In (luau-
titiesto snit flax growers. Can be got at
the nrnseele Flax 11111. Seed given out at
01.50 n
and on the usual terms.
per hug; e l, a
Order Laxly to Insure tt Supply.
—Por flax grown from this Seed -
if of good growth ; harvested to proper seas-
on and delivered at the t lax 115)1 as soon as
lit for threshing, We will also rent a num•
bar of gem„ sod fields (Ir the pnrp0se of
growing flax. 33-
Proprietors Brussels Flax Sf111.
Ready for Business !
1 wish to intimate to the
public generally that I have
leased the blacksmith shop
at the bridge (ZVn1i) and
am now in a position to at-
tend to all kinds of black-
smithing in a Workmanlike
manner and on very reason-
able terms. reason-
of the patronage of the pub-
lic is solicited. It will be
my aim to give the best of sat-
' isfaction 32-4
Practical Watchmaker
and Jeweler.
Thanking the public for past favors and
eupport and wishing still to secure
your patronage we are opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers,
fully warranted by 0e.
Clocks of the
Latest Designs.
WNomert Plano,
LADINH Gun Rotas,
Fotlinli ,te, &0,
Lee'Also a Full Lim of VinLixs and
Violin Strings, &c„ in stook,
N.13,. 3,01irer et.11nrringe IJcensrs,
'T', Fletcher, - Brussels,