HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-4-4, Page 7APRIL 4, 1890. T Hp BRUSSELS FONT,
ROW ROD WAS LED, wee 1 efore,1 Hauls, to feel that 1 had helped
ewe'. the tenet blt. If pod .will only mempt.
110 KATE srll" lilt 1(.4'14;8.
111141 help 1. )cul 1 t ("
I 1 a want so" )
n tuhiu
1 1 1113,
Two Indies stood by Sou Ingrain a counter
vet iu4 fnrahnnge.
S\'hat delimit( dulnec•tingsWeal'/1(1)4 11141'' THE OVBELAND TRAIL
510s, Walker sold.
Indeed we are," responded \11•x. 1.'I
rier. " It does my heart good to ;lee t
young people 00 thoughtful turd etu'uest, !
item feeling su anxious all day about one
particular 1 Rod Carter,"
Sue gave a little siert as she caught 1
name, but neither lady wettest It..
" lie Used to be In my SO(l41v-st,ltuul class
you knots," enulhntec1 :IL's• (nu 10r, " bu
Ile has not, been nueh lately 1 he luta gotta;
in with 0. net who do not help 17110 (meth,
fancy. Home of nut' boys coaxed him le
oneof the meetings, hnw'evee, and he is reel
very much interested. 1 hoped le 30)11
(1(111410 the question last eight It • I could
h tl
1 6 t
he was just balling between two opinion
lett he was not quite ready to decide. T1
wo18t of it fa 11e (30(1(11 not route toatight,
as he had a previews engagement."
Sue started tlga111 at tins and looked
trifle committee,
"I'm so druid he will leo drawn back
site heard Mrs, Curvier say next. '"Soto
how 1 111N'e t1 fueling that if Ito wilful
8(0)38 away to -might, 1111(1 puts o!1' d4Vhli1
v'• the Slit•
until n mo •econvenient , naso 1
1 season, t
will cerise to strive tt•il b him --now, any Ica
1 m11 (0) 11n1ione 146001 it."
" Here's your change, madam," maid Su
just then.
'l'lwre were tea's in gentle 24118. Currier
eyes as (4115 turned to take"it.
My cleat'," site said, obeying ;t4 snide
impulse as she glanced let Sae's Raney, pial
ant face, "my dear, don't forget your r
sponsibility in influencing your friends an
as/Opiates. It will be a dreadfo1 thing a
that lest (ley to have any one say we le
then astray, away from the right; will i
Sue lad no enswer 'musty me this query
and the ladles passed out,
"So Red is interested in religion, is be ?" sit
thought, as she, put things to rights. "1S'on
der what Dlrx, (Jerrie'. would have Raid i
she had known his engagement was to tltk
me lathe theater, I suppose she would hay
beeo0g11t ale to let hint ell' and send him t
meeting. Perhaps I 1(ti,ght 1 But 1 don't ge
very nneth fun, and I (lon't.see why he calf
decide before or after just 418 well. Still,
and Sue fairly shuddered at the thought
"it would be awful if he should got ot'0
it at the play and then blame (00 for it,"
All day long Sue wits perplexed an
troubled, feed as unlike Iter usual merry
saucy self as possible.
"Whatever in the world tun I going t
do?" she thought Its slue started for home a
Might. "I wish Il rs. Currier had gone some
whore else shopping, I doe't tete what earthly
difference it makes; the meetings last a NAeek
1"u4e•, and Rod min go every evening for all
of me, lint if I give. up the theater to -night
the dear louses when L'11 get anetlerchance
to go. I guess if 11rs. Currier hal to work
as I do, and didn't have any more flus than
I (lo, she wouldn't t think is such a simple
natter to give it up. It'8 all nonsense, any
way. I'iu not responsible for Rod's not de-
ciding. He had them enough this week, but
he hasn't ((5(80ved 111, full very likely he
wouldn't to -night, even if he went to the
meeting. I'm not. going to give up my good
time utiles he asks me to."
And having conte to tidedecisi0( Sue has-
tened her steps and tried to think no more
about it. But in spit a of her best endeavors
she felt any thing but comfortable as she
made preparations to go. Shy av01 kept
Rod -waiting fully ten minutes while ahestood
in her 010(1 room, tat and jacket 01(, and
thought it all over ;gale. It ended, however,
in her 0nnniug down writhe half-recklessloek,
and they started en 1.
But Nue found her companion very sober
nod 111sent-minded, yet, while it increased
her own (Unquiet of mined, she apparently
did net notice it, but laughed and chatted
Iro'vo lost our ear and will have to w•aita
few minutes," said Rod, as they reached the
corner. " What got into you, Sue ? I never
knew you to ]seep 0,0y body waiting before,
especially when there was a good 118)0 on
1)idn't you? Well, there always has to be
a first time, you know," wens 800's only
reply ; and then for a few minutes neither of
then spoke.
tine 580011d to see \1143. Carrier's earnest
face, to hear her saying," I)oitforgot your
rospanslbility ; it will boa dreadful thing to
hear any ono say we led them away from the
Rod was trying in vain to quiet his tr001)•
led conscience.
" There's no use in my feeling so uncom-
fortable. I'll go to the meeting to -morrow •
night, and (Weide one way or the 011(00
nod bo done with it.''
lint, suggested 000101hing within, suppose
something should happen before then ; thnlgs '
do to people many times when they lets(
expect thous. What if it should be too late
to -morrow night 1
Rod shook himself impatiently.
" Here's the ear," he said, with a look of
relief ; but just then they both heard the
cin1(011 bell, " Don't forget," it said to Sue
" Coco now," it seemed to Rod to plead.
For an iustnut their eyes net, and Sue,
with quick intuition read the struggle in
Rod's face. " It will be a dreadful thing to
hear any one say aro led them astray," How
those words ralg in Sue's ears 1
Il'- 114.111111181.411'1.8 1(t' link .tourney Across t
hu ('oulilu'n1 Lt the tondos.
hu 11 has been 10)3004 beyond 11)0 eluldmv of
a doubt that after the Mormons located
Salt lecke they Ile111 all t111,11' energies t(1
Hemp -malting friends with tile India
and seeking to prevent white people not
their own faith front penetrating 11
that ('onnt3•y. 'they did 4a3(1 the gond t
1(l the several tribes of 1(1,110144 301111 Who
to 111ey,lune111centime to/telthdegree ueova
ly 11 safe for a Mormons to go anywhere. 1)n
ild ht a while one was killed beform ho 11011
(to identify hin0elf, last the man who prey
y o •o
himself n.foruno 1 need baro n fano f
x, Mormon
to 8a304es, w•hn had been trained from infamy
to hate a white man and take his:wal t w•1he1-
ever opportunity offered. J'Ilisdesi(deratum
a was aueomplished in ("triune ways. They
made coinll 810&11440 with the redskin against
" the rcnlnindcr of the white (ace, jlroteining
1)• hint all tllo scalps and plunder. 1 hey 1nad11
ly him presents, 0aus11(1 11101 to believe that
ig they were persecuted because they 8818)1180,1
1t his cause, and in other ways got snub. n limn
y. hold on his afteeti01ne that 11e 1)'entn 1 the
meet powerful ally they could have se-
e, loote(1. They made slim arrow heads and
lance betide, they provided bins with his
'8 first firearms and bust tomahawks, they fell
hien when 110 was hungry', and helped to out.
n tit hint 1011el he went to war,
1Vhen the California gold revel' began to
e. 4(1811 long wagon trains moose 1110 cm1111.1y
(1 the Mormons saw what the result would be
1, 111118811 they could stop the rush. Left tood themselves the savages would m, doubt hav
t attaeked ill every ease where there trn8 hope
of succuss, but not one person would lave
Leen killers where ten ac1ual1y yielded up
their lives, but for the 1188181ta11e0 of
believed (1 t t
I 1 ht Miele( is It
! lu tl s1 ,•n
I I JI t"
1 1 n ,
1, 1a los l The f
1 Thl' 11 Vat/woos 11th (` / Works ('1 f
I 1J401 ). of Bram
mdi, for 11a 1 heal 11eele Iwo uudrt'sband ford have just completed d ser Uuneen :11 ("Cos
111113 01'l151( 11111(00lalb'd 1(13,1 turned to Its mach of Montreal, 111 (a".+,hoot, (Mt., on
14 1 le rpU 1 \ of tite 101 ee11pInIe saw mills ill lea:dere (f you Nnnt both, go to
11'1(11('8 111 manor 1 Groat trails,
own,r1,,,, 0, couxt(l4 of u i ,burse pear, t . '(1!111. end Leap build to (Irma mt s the11(res,
1 1I(e (11(1111 luulta ,11((14' luwx," lnnsty(+ped gine fru latgr+ boilers eireuhu• soar iruun, 4)1(111(1• Ltun ueru�lr the 11ispuri, the res,
it 11 •
- --
''The route is n right, bring yuan wn4- With unprnvvil cur'nage, consisting of $v0 lug
\tii.ie,,f;,,••m(Il t fro;(' <4tLc •I'hrerrw
be 0118," seats with rope feed, heavy Utter• satl-dnuhl
11'hy (,111 we go to the left orright ?" I ed(,'m•, tlonl10 Lriuunels, Haring x11(, frieti1l
boliwlu'ol,xLh1410/medium,combined )lacer
and matcher, sew-du8t,(wrier, live rolls, Ike,
Their men aro now at w(rl1 cnnxtruetiag
a (4ilnflar u,111 ntLucllute,Quebec, fut•.Melier ,
\l1((-tiLhun & CO., which Will 11e started in a
few day8. In both o1 these 1)11118 01111 bi x'41(
at work their new friction grip 113th y, which
is sullicienbly sirolg to stop and shut with
(,use the hetn'iest circular or 4au4 1(1111 with-
out 011pping the power. This pulley will be
la great acquits (ion to cull men and free its
strength and a0cativ01008 is sure to have a
large sale. Sire would advise anyone ttvn•
bled with the old style of friction clutch pul-
ley, or who desires to stop and start heavy
machinery without in10rfe•elce with the
power, to write them for information. 7.'heir
friction g;ip earn be attached to old pulleys me
well as new,
Faults aro always thick where love is
L1.o,I, herr," he hognn, as he rods, hack,
at ']s this Mainz under my orders or yours r1(
WO "i'o10'8, 4)1'."
of yea be careful, If you attempt to
lto hit erferu with Inc 1 ill order yctt under arrest.
sill (!tliie on with the e turned and 'all ped forward
11( f end so I rade In (1 10 ('14111 ( • As he
and ,u coutpauipn
vo to rho left to ren'•11 a !4,011 when, the could
xee 11110 the ravines. t\'e both saw 1110 /111100
1(1 sight---tlu4 dry 111 (eh crowded with 0ed8kin8,
th(1 we both cried out togetImr•
"Shoot 111e villein 1 IIe has led us into an
an1Lus4arle 1"
.1 dn11't14(034' who killed him. Five or six of
us fired together jest as he 1001 4111.1(11111.01%e
71 a 4/11101, pail lie tppIl)4 from his saddle
nod fell to the earth. '171e ludians, seeing
that they were rlieeovered, 8prlmr' up and
told -made at dash at es 0m foot. Although
(011ho;t a lewder, we ,lid just the right thing.
Every mom rushed to the front, leeviog the
rear of the train to take ware of itself, told
we 41100 the 0(43)1418 0 volley which broke
them Ip 1uu1 ]eft 1111 te of then• number (lend
on. the ridge. The living sought rover, ran
flown the flitches behind t1 rise where their
ponies were concealed, and made oll' without
firing another shot, although tintee wore
eighty-four of then; in the band. Had w(1 gni
the train strung out on that ridge every soul
in the train would have been murdered with-
in ten minutes. Batter was, as I found
out several years later, an naive Damite, and
had led 11(01'O them one hundred emigrants
to slaughter.
1311).14'114111.11C1) 13.18)01419.
'I'heao wore the "good men and true" of th
Mormon C111 rch—the enth0slastet a11d fans
that who could be depended of to carry 011
any order and preeervo the secrets of 111
Church with then' last breath. They enc
the country, the 14)111(8, the streams, and Inv
ince, and 0adley8, from Connell L'lulii( or S1
Joseph to their own deers in Salt Lake City
They were 8lrttng out all along the overlent
t11111, and in 00118tallt communication will
the Indians. They acted es guides—wee
elected as captains of tlt4hns—so0ght every
position which would enable them to pithy
into the han,18 of their allies and work 111
(lestruethnn of trains. This was not 00018110
lauded, however, until they had w0rk0,
fearful sllulgltter among tie gold Seekers
No living maul will ewe' be able to give fig
tires of the train people muedered (lu1'it14
Ole yetars in which the overland trail Wna 111
daily use,
The first, train I went out with consisted of
eft eon wagons and lifty men, women, end
ehihlrel. Of these twenty-two were full-
41'oltn 1)011 and troll armed, and each ono
fully realire(lthe perils w'hicltheset the route.
IL world scent the height of folly for 0, hus-
band to invest his all1)1 a span of horses end
wagon and 801 out for Califorlliawillt a sickly
wife and three or four children, but plenty
of them did so. Indeed, there was no train
without its women and 0lpildrel, and their
preseneealways increasodtlle dangers. Provi-
ons to leaving St, Joe we hail to cleat a
Captain of the Hain, a " fess," whose word
should be law until we 001)0118(1 the emu of
0111• journey, This p081ti011 naturally fell to
some veteran --801(1, hunter, scout, er Indian
lhglllop, who was posted as to the route and
the way) of the Indians. Some such mai was
always .going out with a train. In our ease
the choce lay between two—one an old trap-
per of many years' experience, wllo looked
honest and scented to have lead plenty of
experience, and a than who was a granger
to all, but who (('4)8100111 in his boasts of how
man Indians he had stilled fuel what &bravo
careful man ho arae. disliked him a '
I 18 cod nm t t Inst
sight, 1(a 1 know he did ta0, but, though I
did all I could to defeat ham he was cleated
to lho position of Captain. Ile was a
fellow with
.1$ t'OT.Y, 8UL1C0' L001)
to his Mee ; eyes 30111011 were constantly
roving about and could never look y0usgsare
in the face, and in 1ny heart I believed he
meant ns ill. 1 found. two or three others
who entirely agreed with me, but the major-
ity were perfectly satisfied that ho was all
right, (4011 It would not bo prudent for us
to t(11y (anything till we hada better found-
ation than 1)10•e suspicion. It world have
been rebellion to speak against him or refuse
to obey his orders, and he had the power
to disarm 11s and 1)111 118 tinder guard. At
that date the train which progressed one
htulrod miles into Kansas was sere to thud
the advance guard of the Indians. On the
fourth clay out we sighted. some at, a di8t14nce,
and I narrowly watched our Captain. He
closed the train alp in good older, stationed
the defenders where they could do the most
good, and exhibited snob nerve and caution
that I began to feel (stemmed of myself for
laving suspected his loyalty. But for ono
circumstance I should have banished all
suspicion. \Vo saw the first 10(liau8 about
two flours before 81111dowt1. N01ne (1f 11,0111
came nearer than half a nlile,seenliug to be
content with au inspection of 1("r strength.
Au hour later, and when within two utiles
of the spot wh0'0 aro proposed to camp, tle
aptain, whose mono I have neglected to
(410 wa8 Baker, ('all 11) a gr000 flag 011
10 of the wagons, This flag, a8w•eaftel'lvatel
onoludcd, he must have haul 8ovrot4tl ahem
lis parson. Ho explained that (f inn rail
414 a flag the Indians would umalnd8 that
here aro soldiers with the train and haul oft',
amt no ole -110 one but 180—.questioned the
rota or policy of the proceeding. It struck
u) that he raised the flag for a signal, and
when I stated my 805(4 :honk to two others
f the band they agreed with 1110 that he
uld have no other object, From that time
WA't'C:IT)(D .1II8 11,V(1801T01']t3Tlt\T
"Yes," oho said to herself, "it would be
horrible, and I will not run the risk of it for o�
all the fins in the world; if Roil goes away
from the right it shall not bo 103' Melt." 1(
Tho oar was close to thein, and Rod put 1
010E his land to help Sue, but she drew t
" Wo won't go to the theatre tonight;
we •1vill go to the meeting, and if I were in
your Place, 13odney, I wouldn't hesitate
any longer. I'd make 1(p my mind for the
rigint to -night."
Rod turned and looked at Sue, too stir -
prised to speak.
"How did you know ("Ito askod,preseltly.
"0, I found it out," she answered, as w
they went 11p the church steps. It was all 01
intensely solemn mooting ; the text was in
Choose yo this day whom ye will serve." 111
It cattle to Rod like n command.
After the 0010101), when the minister c(4(110
(1011,17 from the pulpit, and, looking anxiously ,
into the f4008hefore hint, asked if there were 1
not conte who would choose now whom T.
they would servo, Rod was ono of the first to a
I have 51105011 Christ for my Magee," he 1
said, and there was 0, teal ring of joy in his o
voice, "(1111, (led helping ale, I will servo 0
hint faithfully all the rest of my life." 1'
'l11vo heads bolt suddenly an he a )01)0.
"Thank Clod," said Mrs. Currier, softly', to )'
herself ; but Silo mid never a word only a
811dd0n m811 01 tears blinded ler eyes, 118
"I can never 11114111) you enough, Sue, for 1I
WVyour lel) to -night," said heal as they 00,
alltedl 1101110 tc gather, "1 cannel; tell you he
hew happy and thankful I an) that I have 04
decided, 111
t"I ant 101.3' !},glad /1180 ; 1)111 yo1 need 1101 a
thank nuc, Rod, for I: think I helped myself 11
to decide, as well as you," answered Sue. 11
"1 did not duo anything worth mentioning a
'sr , e.: "set 't 1 )4, t . 1 ,a"lever e.: T ever t('
0th the eye of a fox, but ho -made no fur.
of 8i4n for many honr8. When we welt
to emlrp he took all the pre:mittens the
est 3)11111(1 could suggest, and do not b0 -
have Ito slept two hours between dark and
The night passed without an alarms, and
t was after moon next day before we SOW
radians again. We had boon travelling for
1(1 hour after the (loon halt whorl 0o cam
o a singular bit of ground. It was a ridge
bout fifty foot wide, with honey weshot x
(' (try ravines of each side of it, This place
001(111) avoided by turnin(a, to either the
igheor theleft,butliake',who was mounted,
$ most of thereat of us Were, led the t(V0y
1ght along this ridge. I was Watchinghint,
a11f1 10(130 that ((0 Wee farther 14110(1(1than
001 1 also 8113V 1111,1 111111(e (1 011110(18 011,11.
o raised his right turn on 11110 with Ids
r,bon the forearm n0'os los bead, U l f i s 1 I(1 and
l it, thus fee a '.few seconds with 1110 palm
encdand toward his il0rs0's beat. Look•
ahead (End to the left I thought 1 eaught
miefaqa1fmi180 of n (lark object—something
Ito a b'laelt head 100'1114 a(1000 the bank of
e ravine. I (007 0108010 kilo Road wagon, '
04 1 (seised the mal to halt and in twenty
ords made Ilia tundorstatt(i tllab X firmly
"I Knowed Them Eyes Wuz Ellen's."
They iris a ket•ridgeto the (100r,
An out of it a lady got,
All dressed insilksal' furbelows,
And walked right up to where I sat;
800 she 1 "I come from Obodstown,
I'm hnntin' for a1 Capin Bream,"
I looked, tan' when her face I see.
Thinks 1, \'o ma'nl, you kain't fool 010--
2 knowed them eyes wuz Ellen's."
My darter, merriod twenty year
11' gone 10 live in Idylto,
She growed and clanged, but the law Ina,
Queer of a mother wouldn't know—
Her hair was toched 0. bit with gray
An' webby site wnu't quite so gay,
A tootle stouter in her size,
Yit, as I looked in them blue eyes,
I 'snowed 1110(11 eyes 1000 Ellen's
An' so I riz right up at once
An' grabbed 1)04' close an' hilt her tight,
Ad' sire Seel " Mar !" an' I sez " Nell1"
An' then we hugged with all our might ;
Por time might I(otch me on sumo things,
1'on8id'rn all the change it brings,
But when I looked I knolyed her, shore,
I seen my baby's eyes once more—
I knotted then( eyes setts Ellen's.
ELL..( \:I'Ci.trryy.
Stmken rename,
The subject of sunken treasure reminds
one of the heaps of gold carried in the galleons
of rho past. In 170011sh14 of war from Lisbon
had of board 0,000,000 of crusades in dies
Mends and about .11)0,000 " crowns turlois"
in piasters, slaking the whole 20,050,000
Byres turnois.
In 1S
Spanish 774 two 1 p sh ships
from Vora Cruz and H11014118. arrived with
22,000,000 of crowns, exclusive of merchan-
dise, valued roundly at 27,000,000 crowns,
Of the cargo of (413)111(41(811 10410)311111 in 1771,
one item 81one—a diamond in the rough—
ness valued at £100,000.
Always So; Perplexing 1
I10 (and he really meant all he said)-"-" I
assure you 111 duo my 'best to make y0l( a
good husband." She (in the agitation of
the moment, perhaps, forgetting that "tile
woman who ]Hesitates is lost")—" 0111 -I've
no doubt your intention is excellent; bot
good husbands are not easily made. If you
could assure 1110—you lad—ever before made
one—" [.(Vote.—A8 he could not 0011-
s0ienti0asly give her the suggested assurance,
8110Hna11ycolsented to marry him on thocus-
tomary terms, that is to say, on speculation.]
Wonderful Popularity,
The feetthat the sale of Dr. Piorce'o
Pleasant Pur ativo Pellets ex000(1s that of
any outer pill the market, 1e it great or
small, isou aeeotult of rho fact that they 1400
tiny, little, sugar-coated granules, and that
in most eases one little "Pellet" is su1(3010nt
fora (lose ; that they are purely vegetable
and perfectly harmless; and for constipation,
biliousness, sick headache, and all diseases
arising (rim derangement of the liver, stem -
eels or bowels, they are absolutely a:speehfioe
A gentle laxative or active cathartic, 14000141
Mg to size of close.
' `What makes the Lea so weak,hli•8. Brown? '
asked Jones, the wa4 of our boarding-house.
" It's been li8teeing to your jokes about
the haeh,1 Nielson," replied Mrs,l3rown.
Use the great specific for "cold in heed"
and eatnrrlt—Dr, Segos Catarrh Remedy.
Mamie aro always agitated at the appear -
nem of a cyclone, and yet it is a sort of
trouble that soon 1)1ow8 over,
oz, 02.1-wizcz,
CAPITAL $1,0e®;1d01I,
Jlnr•, of I;uil u" y 41 h.,rt line, Let i in/1/1 �•e I Miter s4; l'anl Is, 2(1'I.01'011331 SI'., Toronto,
e Line. and 1(1,1110 nava Line all mane built o3' Plnesnd.xl', Ilirx, y. (1, Attu:.
i the tiro,!. Kora hero 1;(. est. j'., 11. & 241,) 'axe,
28,1sxtm(xt 01 free018)0) n 1und0 along the line, t Ylee.Preshh,111s1 ligx. S10 ADAM S\'rr;nx,1C01p
Nan pas; •d posted eu'd l0 1 !1011, R.J. ('411, ist.le p
,1. Irl, IIUOKrNS, Maxattku, - A. 1C, Mumma:,
Can. Pear. Ag 1., 'l'IdsC'am m1( ) t _..
---.-- (YaLm 1 11nu�e tiles!, Tuttn(eT1I , ' Pp(45( dibyotdvetI (bulli
1.lettf.•fiovatnur. cud fa /weep ten by t11e
High ('curt of Justice for 401110me• )1f such
Phis Conip4u1y 11(11; as Executor A(Iminis.
trator, Receiver, Guardian Liquidator.
Assignee, &r., Trustee under ))calx, Wills by
Appointment ur 11!Me ntntlon, land acts as Agent
Ina all lebeinetel business, leretment of Money,
collection of Rents, Intnrexl and income, and
Countersign. till Bonds, Securities, &e,
All Mon,
young, old, or middle-aged, who find them -
solves nervous, weak and exhausted, Who
are broken down from mamma or overwork,
resulting in many of 11)0 following symp-
toms : Mental depression, premature old
age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, had
(beams, dinuless of sight, palpitation of the
heart, 00111 Oiou4, lack of energy, pain in the
kidneys, headache, pimples 014 the face or.
body, itching o• peculiar 8m18atiett4bout the
scrotum, waste)(,, of the organs, dizziness,
specks before the eyes, twitching of the
medics, eye lids and elsewhere, bashfulness,
deposits in the urine, loss of will power,
tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak end
flabby muscles, desire to Bleep, failure to be
rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of
hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude,
excitability of temper, sunken eyes su1'rom)d-
ed with L1tAnitte cnwos, oily looking skin,
etc., are all symptoms of nervous debility
that lead to insanity and death unless cured.
The spriu4 or vital force having 1ostits
tension everyfun(:Lion wanes in consequence,
Those who through abuse committed 11(
ignorance may he permanently cured. Send
you, address for book en all diseases peculiar
to man. Address M. V. LiJBON, 50 Front
St, 1$., Toronto, Out, Books scut free sealed.
Heart disease, the symptom of which are
faint spells, purple lipx, numbness, palpdta-
tion, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blood
to the heal, (lull pain in the heart with boats
strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart
beat quicker then the first, pain about the
breast hone, oto., can positively bo mired.
No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address
1. V. LU13ON, 30 Front Street East, To-
ronto, Ont.
The professional politician who announces
that ho has ' • left the political arena" gener-
ally leaves beetiexe 110 got left.
..,. 401.
t 7:1 -leo;
For it yea no not 11 1103' 1300nm0 con.
sumptiro. For C0nxumtpMon, ticrrfut1,
Omura: 7)'Lility atm Ir"sbh(y Discuses,
there is nothing lik0
Of Pure Cod Liver 011 and
of x.ax.o® .,0.a 8803a 0,
Itis almost ns palatable on 101110• Far
bettor than other sounlled Emulsions.
A 100000r/01 flesh producer.
fs pd./pin re snit» nn 00101' wrapper. De
BUM and yet (!o' rysadne. Hold by all
Dealers at GO,. raid HL01).
SCS)0, a I;fl4ll'F, Tleilevtdlo.
W T6HES PflEE. 000(1(0143, 31 1'mdp ,00113,(,(.
0 Canadian Watch Co., Toronto, Can.
TEE SMITH !1',4414480.31 PACKAGE.
Bost thing out. Agents make Go per day,
Samples by mail, Ile. (110x4080 & CO., aa Bing
St. E., Toronto.
and TunlorSpecialist. Private
Tiosppltol. Ne knife.1300(1 free
(t. II. MralTichaoI,ll.D.,No. 11,9
>�•� Niagara 0110101, nuiralo, N.Y
Catalogue Wee! 0 Fell & Co
Name Stamps.PLATES 1 a
Steelatubber (STAMPS EA4Sl,
( 131'ugravin
0 & Menem o
1 g atr:nD1ES
For 92,000 Cash 111111 soil a ole-qualtcr inter.
081 hi an old-eatabhshe(t, profitable oily beet
tees. This 18 a rare chance. .hlvos1'.1galien 1n-
vited. Roferenees exchanged, Principals only,
lror porlieulats tub-lee/es
P.O. Box 280, Toronto P.O., Ont,
Tones ens n victim of task complaint, Aia—Busy
strm,g111 inns exhausted, his 11(180 and ® t +led
gentvn fol;G0 ■ rAddress T. M. oOlo w-or11
Ito had ulcers and (inners told all sorts o4 ; Ade!OWo Street WonW883, Toronto.
T. A�1 ,wtrrOm
And the ills that he 13041'01'01l would henry al
Polios oo4l that Jack Jenks 01001111 (10ver be
nut Jack said he w•o01(1-41st they might bo
Ptoreo's (1, M. Discovery wrought his recovery,
After all the poor follow so long hn(1 endured,
Suoli a multitude of 800(085, distressing
and often fatal maladies spring1, from a dis-
ordered liver. Or. Piano's (,olden Medical
Discovery ereat08 a 110811hy action of this
important organ, 141111 1110 ilia 117111 have their
Origin th0'e cam he oared by its prompt and
faithful es0. All druggists.
She sang "'Take .Rani( the heart that
Thou Gayest" very sweetly end oll'natively,
but 110 said he was a newspaper elan and
1(0001' took anything hack.
"ta3tripp4 again.--lteunivo'8alspread is
similar to 1110 unlimited practical application
of the Friction Club Pulley and Cot on
Couples (not patented by the Waterous
1'21141110 'Works Co., of Brentford, For the
him meted° stopping a0d starting of all klnd8
of me01ti11oly, it hes no cygnet It is eintpli-
BhLy itself and its work is fully gna'anLoe(1.
Write t.h .n
Sr e nat auicubw's, Oblige f j the
editor by mentioning this paper.
Vo es found written in the fly loaf of a
'Your( radios' Reade "I
.Ito lads that kiss and never toll
Are really not 14(0188,
But those I like not Tony well
Who 1011•-004 Never hies,
The Great Ottoman Blood Remedy.
(luarantoo1 to cure all111 eaeee of the blood
whether brought on bylnli eretion end excess
or arising boa, hury 1(lary eausea, Will ro0lovo
11derides and hlOtehusfrom the skin and by its
invigoratingseetion on the blood (meows falling
4p013'0rx alld builds up the t+y41501 4 these en na.
Ing1, from wasting disease. Pelee 91 -per bottle,
Address, Ottenan Medicine Co, Mail. Railing,
A ttt't ifCJAL 11118S
Dior Circular Address
J. ®OAN 84 SON,
1WortlleotoAive _ Toronto.
111e110 01ti0}i 010 paper,
THE P(0N11R CANADIAN LINE 0011 still to 1(111
,font tut rrgnrd M for 1n'ovtxcus madefor
tat, 10,13' 1141,1 (•1)014001)4 its cuslo0101'8,
Weekly sailings between Liverpool, Glasgow
and tau St, (011(rinee, and fortnightly ((('rico
front London during $nnun1r 111011lh0.
A1t81 Steamers run 1,e1w0e11 Liverpool and
Portland 0114 Ilalifax during winter, Glasgow
oendlhialpha,atIrishprtsa d
111111fax e1 route.
For rates of tn14(ag0 and other information
apldy to 1!. loil%10,11,11) eor (Ging and fang,
Sts„ I'nruulu 1 II. Kt A. ALLAN, Montreal or to
the lural agents In vac' counts
YOUR NAME on tits Pen and Teno r
Stamp, with bottle of ink and ease, tae• 03
t"{ 011184 lei d 2411 Poto.•Oim loan te0 n
TIII9('.,1114rn4Nltt1131)13nt3TA11r(b„ I
Adelaide st.l'1,Toronto. Motion nape,.
Delivered anywhere in ('(nada. Largest
Stook. Lowest Prices.
McCausland & Son,
72 to 76 King St. West, Toronto.
Beyond Comprehensloo
Tlet St. Lroo Water Co.
(iIoo'rv,—With re(ew•
ed strength laud a Ib•ea(1
enemy crushed, it gives
Sue pleasure to 11dr11'r08
you 1:11,1 I 40:41h('1ly 40-
el;wo end giro tut. Leon
Water praise above all
things nave ever tried
for kidney disease. I
found neeuret(llI drank
St. Leon Water, its ele-
vating, invigorating in-
fluence is luso beyond my
(;l',0. S. EASTMAN,
34 Teranley 141., Toronto.
BMW' ,cy, ®. A
rte evG4.;uC1."a M1R7.,. v.:, Qt:,pt Pi:?as
— 108—
(Moonset and
In America to any
Band nog Musical
Must,, &a. i
Address0lfAL118, 114114'3 .t ('e., Kai reug:o
Street. Toronto. Send fur Catalogue.
' Their inerensing popularity is a proof of then
superiority. Be sure and get a Conboy top on
0011r buggy.
has the largest se'.®'
BABY'S of any Toilet Soap,
ova in the country on
52AP 1 a.()count of ite uni—
formly excellent,
delicate and frau.
rant Qualities.
jL,acrn1:T�a°fl c1( �r
t(tta IteoaaurrltxnnawewMrrFA
reed Inisrnal'Yd'Rsf,,'1,34!J. Prices10c.$1,$1.71
135d9WS?¢Ashyd 4Zfa,
When I say Duro I do not meas,
merely to stop them fora time, and then
have theu, ret urn again.- id` F,^. • �. P. 121) l OA LOUR E. 1 have made the disease of Fite.
Epilepay or Falling f8icknoan , ilio -lung study. 1 warrant my remedy to Cure the
worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for nor now receiving a cure. Send at
once fora treaeist and. a «rc13 ,T1,1,ttlu of my infallible Rouledv. Give Express and.
Post Office. 1 t- 1-o1) •1'th,00; for a trial, and it will cure you. Address :-114. 11
. . ROOT,.
M.0., Sranch^00800) tae 4 011.ADELAIDE $TREE.., TORONTO.
Free from all restrictions as to residence, travel or occupation.
Paid-up Policy and ('ash Surrender Value G.uaraniecd In. mels Policy.
DOSECC -" Z®T3. vW .E2.nrnr-Srztnar30' 7E1:11kT379®'t8D 1WSir1F)8r° ' nE'®.iuxotores,
oma 0 ,411 ! ' -a ''.E (rte"
Provides an INCOME in old age, turd is a good INVESTMENT.
Policies aro non-f0rfeltable after the pta)810111 of two full annual Premiums,
.Profits. which aro unexcelled by tiny Company doing business in Canada, aro alloceted-every
five years from the issue of the pulley, 001(t longer periods as may be selected by the insured.
Profits 00 allocated arc absolute lied 1(3331 liable to be reduced or recalled at 24,11p
future 11ui 13151(01 2411 '('(em8lnnees.
Pm'lklpaltily P0!(!,414 000 001(11011 to 001.10130 than (IOper cent. of the profits 01(00114
in the Class, (0144 for the peat seven years ha Mod ea its 1'eeeit'r410( per 001,1, of f llo pr+flfx s0 ear)ex4
W. C. M.•SCI10\.1T.D, J. K. MACDONALD,
,c\CTUAnY, MAX/WINO Dinecir•ol(
Nal 1g Special Facilities for boiler work the aro lro_pares to tender for anything be
that lhlo—Tatics, Burners, etc. AUTOMATIC ENGINE new design,
and rep a • speedg0arnnteel, 1economy
Wntcrouis Eiiginc Works Co., Ltd
., Brantford, Canada.
.. "_014
:aH er �'tlr.
ty�,pkj � .�
P•Aar*' v. Jit gq� �pppg 113,1 �,��y�
N+S ttatw rz a•r zr i Iiw' =tzlco nTa°a[a,f7rt '7( `i,ell �H E A
1'o Tail '41)1'.1'()0;--Plaooa informour readers that 1
y t IAve a been positive re entbl forth,
above named disease. 80 i1 its tbnelyuoo thousands ofhopeless ) Issas 114104 1'150 par43 who
I shall be glad to send two bottles of lily remedy FREE to any of your readers who.. have emu
S•nm tion It thus/win send me their E ,,sand Post Office Address. Respectfelly, T. A. BLOCUAeI.,
NW., i13G Wept Adtelloido at, TORONTO, ONTARIO.