HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-4-4, Page 5APRIL 4,1t 390 11 a str tt `!;l OLDS. Wittig.I,nm. Abeleony is being erected in front of the alma of Dr, llandonalcl, M, P. ;C1, ;4in/en, Roach r, h:.ss on the 0. R., near Winghaxi, has purohaaud L. Anderson's farm, sou. 0, Turnberry, for $6,0h'0. Tee Winhont Junior laorusoe club has organized with the following ofjleere: R. 11111, Pres. ; W. l9. Groves, Vice. Pres, ; T. 1)1. Cornyn, Sem-Treas. At a vestry meeting of St. Paul's eburoll nn :Thursday evening last it was deoidod to take no definite action in the mutter of the erection of a naw church until the regular Easter mo.:ting, when the reports of the hnilrling and other committees will be hoard. t1.Cwotntf. Tho twine factory is In abeyance for the meantime. A Unoktet fire brigade is being organin. ed for the village. It is a sensible move. R, M. Dallantyne is making motive pre. ;aerations for the erection of a new bleak blocic on hie premises, DLain street. The cemtlibations for the year for the ateood Branch of the -Upper Canada Bible Society wee:--Anumnt nu hand from ail sources, h0;3, divided. as follows' 5111 to Tram Society ; $10 to Quebec ; •.120 to Manitoba, ;Lod 1100 to the Upper (loam la Bible Smite ) Tho t,roo,lw' ton imp-m:menat to the Atwood school house were open' l and the contract awarded to !Sanford Dros., of Listowel, their tender being the low. ,1st. The figures wore : Bamford Bros., ti1,485 ; Jas. Hanna, $1,507 ; .1. .Largo, 111,0042, and Wm, dawltshais, $1,600. The trustees have also bought a furnace for heating. Crot sat broola. V. Gramm entered the service of Her Majesty as mail carrier between here and Brussels on Tuesday of this week. Mr. McNeil, who hal been doing the work for some tiros, was a most obliging man. SmunEN�rs Hoek.—R. F. Cameron and A. Payment; are home for their Laster holidays. The former is taking a class- ical. course in Kincardine High School prepfratory to entering Knox College. The latter is taking a commercial °ours° in Stratford Oollege. We have no doubt but that these young men will adorn the professions upon which they have entered. Teta Flax 111r.L.--Tho Cameron Bros. have decided to operate tho flax mill located in this village and with this nbjeot in view, have ordered a quantity of prime Dutch seed, to be given out for seed. Messrs. Cameron aro well known as reliable young men and a booming business will no doubt be done. The residents of Cranbrook are delighted to hear of the mill going to start again and the farmers appear to be quite unani- mous in expressing their intentions of patting in a large crop. $10 a ton is guaranteed for first-class flax. May sue - races attend the energetic proprietors. Young Puortas' Meenso.--The closing meeting of the Y:P.C.A. was held on Monday evening last. There was a good attendance of yoeg people present. The chief feataro of the evening was an essay on bt'e subject "Is undue prominence given to scientists by Christian apolo- gists,' by the pastor, Rev. D. B. McRae. Tile essay contained a mine of deep thought whioh was well calculated to awaken the research of the literary student. Alexander and Willinm Perrie Also contributed a reading each. After the treasury was replenished by a collec- tion the meeting was closed by the Benediction. Morrie. Miss McMurray, of Sunshine, has gone to Ilolmesville to spend a few menthe. Dere. Wm. Newcombe, of Sunshine, has goneto live at Newark with gar sons and daughter. There was no school in Barrio's sobool house last Friday as the storm prevent- ed the pupils getting there. George W. Wilkinson, of the 4th line, who has been spending the winter in Algona, has returned home for the summer. Wm. Russell, eon of James Rasrsli, of the nth line, has gone to Detroit to work at hie profession. Yon kuow Will is a tip-top book.keeper. Mrs. John Sommerville has a goose that is making a record by laying eggs, some of whioh measure 071x12 inches. Tho goose that beats that will require to stay up at night. . Mrs. Baines, sr., has, during the last three or four weeks, completed another handsome log cabin quilt of 8,240 pieces, whish she has presented to her daughter. in-law, Mrs. Frank Baines. Morrie correspondent's reply to "0ritie" in last week's issue is evidence of itself sufficient to show oonelueively, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that his meatal calibre is somewhat impaired. He cylla the attention of "Oritio" to two verses in the Bible found in ''Proverbs" and as those two verses are applicable to himself we can overlook it to some de. gree, We would advise correspondent to consult Pomo oabarrh specialist, where• by he might, probably, be somewhat benefitted. We trust the disease has not become ohronio, Crirxfa. Exnttnxedlou.—On Thursday of last week a very sucaeesful examination was held in S. S. No. 8. The highly esteem. ed ler cher., Malcolm Blank, was assisted by G. Blackwell, W. Smith and W. Sloan, brother pedagogues, and the result proved conclusively that the work done was nob superficial but thorough and practical. After the examination was concluded a melee' and literary pro. gram wag entered upon as follows Singing by school, "Spring is Doming" ; recitation, Clara Mitchell ; instrumental, violin and organ, T, Kirkoo hell and Thos, Lira ; recitation, Maggie Mahn - ray ; reading, Robbie Newcombe ; dia- logue, "Playing school," Lottie New. donnbe, Maggio Dtolfurray and Joh Gerrie ;• recitation, Carrie Wheeler ; singing by soingol, "Tho Groat Phyei. aian"; reeitatuon, Nancy Moore; hu- sirmnoutal, harmonica and organ, T. Ilircl and T. Kirlmonell ; song, James Sheen ; recitation, tiny, IleA.rtor ; dia- logue, "The auction," Robbie Newcombe, auctioneer •; rooitation, A.wy lfnndin; recitation, I'oeoy Mitoh"11 ; singing by segue!, "hero we stand" ; rooitation, •Inlnu Currie ; inntrnlneutal, dulcimee, T, Kirk/ion/all; sung, hisses A.Wheelar and 13. Stewart ; roottation, Herbert Wheeler ; clialogtto, "Thele Sam," Lottie New. c:ombc, Maggio McMurray and Jolulr Tierney ; recitation, Milton Currie; lociurn 0u Philosophy, W. Sloan ; reci- tation, Ida Burkholder; instrumental THE BRUSSELS POST violin and organ, D. Smith and T. Kirk. een011 , recitation, Lottie Newoophe ; song, Jae. Sheen ; dialogue, "'Phu colored witnese,' Jae, Cook, Thos illiller, Willie Love and Rob*. Newonmb° ; recitation, Herbert 1libohell ; Instrumental, Hiss Wheeler, Thos, Bird and Thos. Kirk - caroled ; reeittbieu] Ann Hpeir : melte- tion, Bassin Livingstone ; Kluging by /taboo!, "floneet and upright." Wm. 13rydon occupied the obatr in a capable manner and engineered the proceedings very eati.faetarily, Miss I!lttie 111o. Croatian presided at the organ. The at. tendancu was large and groat interesb was manifested in the entire program. Mr, Black is a successful Moeller and doe. his work well. Robb Brea,' auction sale of farm stook, implements, rbc., tapes place on Pridgy Of this week, llalno'e, 6th lions, S,,ffoll: sow pre. canted him with 10 young pigs. Fratuk thinks the Suffolk ie the kind. W. II. Cloakey boa been in Brussels this creek taking ohargs of Barrister Taylor's office during the hatter's absence at Detroit, 1". 11. should have followed this profession. Reim Ls'i'a'1's.—"o'. Ilel,lrew has lease,! Chas. 8ozell's farm Inc it turn, of years.- P. ears.P. Barr has purohasrd the Dumont Liv. iugsloue 100 acre farm, Joh Iia. , paying 112,800 for it, It was a bargain. 11r. Iilaoltwtll, toaaher at :3. S. No. 5, did rot think it advisable o hold an est. t a t amination ie the usual way this spring, so this wank he tines,/ r pe., the w:hool to visitors and gave a getter,' 100)1051tont to all interested in the school to attend its they could make it convenient. B,irsfo', 4-1 A Horticultural Society is on. the pro• gram. (1. 13. Ryan 0b Co„ ono of the largest dry goads houses of Guelph, have cleoid - ed to open a , tore in Listowel, and have secured the store in Campbell's blook. Phe eleotion ,d officers for the Board of Trade for the enmiug year resulted as follows :-13. F. Brook was unanimously elected President ; Dr. Nichol, Vice - President ; J. L. Darling, Secretary. Treasurer. The Citizens' petition, containing over 1,300 signatures, nearly all of whom are ratepayers of Listowel and the surround. ing townships, praying the Dominion Government to erect public buildings in this town, was forwarded to Ottawa last weep. 1 lytlr. °' The monthly cattle and horse fair was held on Tueaday. It was not as good as the last one. The revival services in the Methodist church have closed. Upwards of 70 profess souverson. The Standard has changed proprietors again. Mr. Cumor, late editor, has gone to Windsor. Mr. Irwin now takes the editorial chair. W. McBride, met with an accident on Monday morning while splitting wond, the axe catching on to a clothes Hue, re. bounded and almost out off one of bis ears. Ao1oyster social and lecture is to be held in the Presbyterian church on Good Friday evening, under the auspices of the Hopeful Gleaners of that church. Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Goderiob, is to lecture on "'Phe power of the pnluit." The following officers of theStyth Base Ball Club have been chosen for the en. suing year :—Hon. Pres., John B. Kelly ; Captain, Aloes Emigh ; Managing Com- mittee, P. Tanner, Geo. McElroy and Will Emigh ; Sec., W. Davis ; Treas., 0. J. Hodgins. (ires. Samuel Askin, photographer, of Tees - water, was home on a brief visit this week. Jas. Straohan ie on the sick list this week. Miss Isabel Straohan is also very poorly. The Star saw -mill has been buzzing away the last two or three weeks, and much fine lumber and shingles are being sawed up. Wm. Woods has returned from Nipis. sing Junction. He says snow is a great deal more plentiful up there than here and the weather is much colder. Quite a quantity of fire -wood was got out for Rev. D. B. McRae on Wednesday of last week at Duncan MaInnes'. There was a good turnout of hands to the bee. Archie Molntosh, jr., of rho 16th con., went to Dakota on Tuesday, 25th ult. "In the Spring the young man's fancy" generally turns to thoughts of the great and mighty West. The veteran horseman, Thee Caldor, has pnrohased the imported Clydesdale Stallion, "Standard Bearer," from Jas. Ritchie of Beimore. Re is said to be one of the best. Mr. Oaider purposes putting him on about the same route as his other horsed have usually gene. At a meeting in S. S. No. 2, last Thurs. day the petition to have an Engineer op - pointed and the work commenced of gearing the obstructions in Bushaw creek, niet with an unfavorable reception. Thera were no now signers, and many who signed it ab the formas meeting in S. 8. No. 8, were wanting to withdraw their names. Those in this township who aro interested in the clearing of the oreek, agreed to remove the obstructions from the river up to Clock's bridge on the Cranbrook sidsroad, hitt the Elma people wanted the members of the Grey Council, who were present, to promise that the work would be clone. This was not commuted to. The Councillors 're- fused to bind themselves in any way, and no definite plan has yet been agreed upon. Penstemerloa.-•Shwa Wm. Coutts came here last December he has been praetioing with the 'Strachan' choir. Last Tuesday a very pleasant evening was epont al the residence of Duncan Taylor, it being slndsretood that this was to be the last night's pro:Mica° for the present. During the evening l(obt. Cott read the following address and Miss Mary Stem:hen made tho presentation :--W11, Cuurrs, Da..-tn Sta,-In ,meeting with ,you to -night ab the closing op of our einging j eoaotico for this winter we have pleasure in present. ing you with this purse as a emelt token of out appreciation of the interest that you have taken in our welfare, and hope that yen may long ba spared tend ablo to instruct others with the same uniform kindness as yon have shown ora, End that tloo blessing of a kind l'rovideuoo may rest npou you end give you many of the bleesiltgs ell life, both temporal and spiritual, bo enjoy, is the wish of your singing close, Omicesei,ne :3 mud 1, Grey. tiig0ocl, in behalf of clow, host, l i rr, 111.1 eV i11'Itui'1I.s' Peter 11oDoogall is away at Goderieh this wools serving the Queen as a juror. pnbli0 school oxa,ninatinn is to lake p'aoe in S. S• No. 1, on Thursday of thin week, John Cardiff has purnhasad the 100 acre form recently nwnod by Donald '11u. I,aaehlin f:,r 11e 0,000 of $1,000. I. is a bargain al the price. This gives Mr, Cardiff 200 aortas of land now to nulti- Vete. There ss quite a little history in ounnectien with the property lately pur- chased. Mrs. Arch, MoLead disposed of the farm ,about twelve years ago to D•mald McLain10in for $7,000 and the Sarin property is now sold by private Oale for 84,600. This ie not the only instance Of depreciation in real estate on a whole- sale pattern, thirr.."4 1st week John and Dougald McTaggart were away at St, Thomas at- tending the funeral of their yoangest brother, 4faleel'n, who departed this life on !Friday, Alareh 21st, ager. 4.1 years. The funeral took plane on the Monday following. The deceased had been sick for about a month and a half with in. 0ammation of the lunge and this caused Tile death. Mr. 1foTitgga't was a vary highly respected member of thecnmmun- ity and woe an older in the Presbyterian church nt King -mill for many years. A wife and four children are haft to mourn Iia dop'nrhu'o. The interment wag made in th • fit, Thomas cemetery. A 0a00 of ennsid,a nhle interest to rho tesidi uts r,1 H 5, No. 2,1Iosa, took plane b four purl, Cornell, of Glower), recent - by, fcenn:log from the teacher severely flogging a pupil named Saheldriok. The teacher was lined j10 and Deets, and he has handed in hie resignation ao teacher of the section. THE PEOPLE'S CO1?9M %1. NAT ANTE D. --A GOOD SER- V want Girl, at once, Apply to 97. AIM, J. T. PTP PER. FT OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE on Market street. easy tonne. For portion lays apply to MISS F. F.Moxroosrnnv 99.16 or W, F. VAN STONE, Brussels. (100D IIAY FOR SALE. - 1I11 deliver in quantities to snit pur- chaser. Six months credit will be given to responsible on rtiee. T. PEPPER; Lot D,Con. 0, Grey. Q'a'A.G 1.D orto Goethe A 7 Loaves Rrnseels every morning instead of evening, no formerly, and returns from Gerrie In tho evening. Tae rule will be ad- hered to until further notice. S. WALSII, Proprietor. TIRE RSSMAKING.- The undersigned desires to intimate to the ladies of Brussels and surrounding country that she is prepared to attend to all orders intrusted to her. Satisfaction Runyan toed. -1hop—Up-stairs, ono door north of Walter Jackson's hardware store, MISS SA &PLR. DRESSMAKING.- no undersigned desire to intimate to the lollies of Brussels and vicinity that they have opened a Dreesmaldns Shop over Mr. Afex, Uranium's Store, Brussels, where they are prepared to attend to all work entrusted to them, Satisfaction guaranteed. 96.4• kilSSES ST19WAR'1' &BISLOP, PATH r-rQ Onvsats, Rodssu oeand Urade .Marksseeu"sd mud all nth. er patent causes in the Patent Onlee and before the Oourte promptly and carefully at- tended to. Upon reooipt of model or sketch of invention, 1 melte careful examination, and advise as to patentability free of charge. Fees moderate, and I make on charge unless patent is scoured. Information, Ravine and spaniel references sent on application. J. It. L1TTELL, Washington, D.C., U.S. Patent Office. 110 REAL ESTATE. --- tI ARMS FOR ERAIONED RSALE'-TReral good aErme N. f or sale and to rent, easy norma, in Townships of N orris and Grey. F. S. SO OTT. Bruesele, 97.tt. CHOIOE FARM FOR SALE.- J Being South half Lot 27 con. 6, 'Sothis, 100 acres, nearly ani cleared. Good buildings, about 20 acres Fall wheat in grossed. Easy terms, Apply to W. M. SIN CLAIN, tf- Solicitor, d&c., Brussels. 141A RM FOR SALE. -THE SUB mamma offers his valuable 100 acre farm, being lot g, eon, 19, Grey Township, Huron Co., for sale. There aro about 60 acres cleared and to good heart. There is a tog house, good hank barn boating orchard, and all the necessary conveniences on the premises. For further particulars, as to p1trioe,terme, eta„ apply to the Proprietor, THOS.BISLOROlare P. 0., N.W.T., or to 241 DOUGALD STRACBAN, Brussels. 1.iiARM FOR SALE -THE UN - A. offers his 10D a ore farm, being North halt Lot se, Oon. 8, Morris, for sale. There are about 7e acres cleared and ander cultivation. On the premises aro a ga od frame house, bank barn, good orchard and other necessaries. Ouly 21 rules south of Bruseele on the gravel road. For further particulars, ne to price, &c., apply to the proprietor on thepromises, 00.6x J. PIBO5, Box 196, Brussels P. 0, Ij1ARM FOR SALE, BEING LOT 02,0510.0, Grey, oontalniug 100 soros, 16 acres cleared under grass, and the balance timbered. About 'Macros of dry land and the balance cedar and blank ash swamp There ie a log house on rho promises, will be sold onvery reasonable terms asroprie- tor does not require the lot, Per further par- ticulars apply to ROBT. MoLAUCMLIN, eranbrook, P.O. or ALEX. BUNTERi2Brus- GOOD FARM FOR SALE IN Morrls, on reasonable terms. In order to close the affairs of Eno estate of the late W. G. Bingstou, the executors offer the fol- lowing valuable lands for solo North' half of Lot 90, Oonoessioh 0,Township of Morris containing 00 acres. n this lot. is created a good frame bars with stone foun- dation, good orchard, well and pump, Near- ly allaleared, and as on the grave road closely alliaining the Village of Brnessls. This fart, is a valuable one, is well fenced and in a good state of oulttvabion. For pprines and terms apply 00 T609. KELLY. Brunets P. 0., HNNns JENnNINGS, Victoria Square P. 0., or Ju>uas Stttmn,:Maple Lodge P, 0 Middlesex (Munk!. JERSEY BULL FOR SERVICI7, tree terms mud other na'ttoulars ask ter circular tot my Ortg and Book Store. Should you wish to sell his heifer delves I an pro. pared 00 pay as blah an 318, according to milkWg qualities of their dams, Sedlaubs (1, A, DISADMAN,Brossolo, T)i1LL FOR SERVICE.- TIIE undersigned will keep a Well•nred Durham Boll, rising bioses yoa•e old, Inc aervloe on North lI"If Lot 00, than, 7, Morris Terms, 91.00, to be paid at time of service, with privilege of retuning if non"ssaov, ai2m 8, WAI,N191t, Proprietor. rt1IIOI1,0'-I313TEi) .BULL. -- TIIL 'A. Nn,lnrsignedwillloop tho'rlforo'•ln•nd Shorthorn 17111"1laran Graaggo only" bred by b'. w, Stone, Gn, 11 b, for Ravine on Lot no, c'nn,0,7Viorrin. terms :+1.50, to be paid at time of eervinr, with privilege of returning if neee'snry, Pedigree may ba acus an nr plioottof. ;leoJAS.. SP Kilt, l'rop;lolor. New Move and House Furnishing Busiuessl The Lender^iglit'd beg 10 arc to anuuuucaa to 1111 Inulrlje that they have Purchased the Bankrupt St')ck of 11Ir. W. J. Jackson, J3russcols, and will sell the whole out Regardless of Cost. Look out for Bargains, They will also keep on Hand Cooking, Parlor and Box. Stoves Of this Best bIlinl;facturers, and will Sell them as Cheap as anyon.o in the Trade, TI N W ARS Of the Best Quality and at Cheapest Prices Always on Baud or Made to Order on Shortest Notice. Eavetroughing and Roofing a Specialty. Everything in Our Lino Guaranteed First -Clays. We hope, by Good Work, Low Prices and Prompt Attention to Business, to secure a Fair Share of Patronage. Conte, See and be Convinced, FERGUSON & GIBSON, Jackson'Old Stand, Br''usseZs. Flour and .m,"geed The attention of the Citizens of Brussels and Farmers of the Sur- rounding Community is called to the 1'Tew Flour and Feed Store, Brussels, Opened in the Shop lately occupier! by Mr. E. Grundy, (Opposite Mr. Backer's Grocery) Where (11cre will Always be on Hanel a Full Supply of Flour, Feed and Meal of All Kinds. As this is our first location in Brussels we trust you. will give us your Patronage, and in return we will endeavor to Supply you with Best Brands at Lowest Figures. GIVE US A CALL. Yours Respectfully, KING & HARTLEY. NEW__ SPRING GO Any Woman Can get a Good Idea of the New Spring Styles by Calling at SCARFF & FERGUSON'S —A8 WE HAVE JUST 11EC11tVED— A Well -assorted Stook of General Dry Goods, Such as cannot be seen outside the Cities. We have the Newest, Cheapest and Nobbiest Dress Goods ever offered to the Public in Brussels. It will Pay You to Call In and See what Bargains we have in Prints. OTT. LINEN DEPARTMENT IS ALSO COMPLETE, E, Searif & Fere°uson. FERGUSON 8.6 IIA. LIB.A.Y, S DR$ i 00='• TO1Z016'TC, yxtta. at 04311(1(>, Ire Cad Is Block6ea fort , Wherelbe can be Consulted on all Mimic Dlsoasoe of both Sexes, t'onsun,ptton. Asthma and ('alarrW' treated successfully by Inhalation of Shofi otatetl Vapors, the only rationel treatment for thetas dis°asos, NERVOUS DEBILITY and all diseases of the Urinary Organs 151ei•• tivoty cured in a short time. Call or Address 20.tf DR, PIIII,LIPS, Sr,waot'rr P,3.-1 will be at the C,uutral Betel, Brno - sell, ou April 8th. where I can be commiWd free the balance of the week, pi elk . Rave tjou, ah yodel 3Qa it is exp uI s tc5 FLAX! FLAX,! CAMERON QROS. Have a Limited Nmnber of Bushels of the BEET DUTCH Sewn for Farmers in lbs vicinity of Cranbrook who intend raising Flax during the Doming season, which they ate preps,' ed to deliver in quantities to snit flax Growers. Can be got at the Crax 1100E Fi.tx Mat. Seed given out on the usual terms. I "0rdnr Early to Insure a Supply. For Flax grown from this Seed Sit) per row welt be raid if of Good Growth ; nnrvested in Proper Season, and delivered at t110 B7nx Minas soon as fit for threshing. We will hent a number of Good Sod Fields for the purpose of growing Flax. CAMERON BROS., 38- Proprietors Cranbrook Flax Mill. E,IST .ITURO.N License District. The East Huron License Com- missioners will meet at the CENTRAL HOTEL, BRUSSELS', —ON— Friday, April 18th., '90v AT 10 O'CLOCK A. ,li., To take into consideration tiler the Applications for Tavern Licenses for 1890-91. The number of Hotel Licenses granted last year in the Riding wero 26. Tho number of Applications. this year are 26, Isaac Gill, Ethel'.. and George Zilliax, Henfryn, be- ing the only two applicants for houses not holding License ).1st. year. John R. Miller, INSPECTOIL... Jamestown, April 1st, 1890. St, Leon !Mineral Water. The following speak for themselves t Brussels, Ont., Jan. 8, 3870.• I have been using St. Leon water for the past month or so and have found it very efficacious in promoting good health. After using it a week I found my appe- tite much benefitted and can now eat an much in ono meal as used to suffice me for two. For any rhenmatio attention I believe it bo be ahead of any drugs or patent medicines, and think that per- • sons of a rheum/ilia tendanoy should nee it conetsntly. A. Hnorrn, Clerk 4th Division Coact, . County Huron.. Mn. Anti Goon, Brussels. Dear Sir,—The St. Loon Mineral Wet. er that I have been getting from yam bay, done me so mach good that I cheerfully give my testimony in its favor and hope others may be pot'snaded to give it a trial. WM. RtMeTirrn, Sn. Brussels, Jan. 7, 0800. This water, the like of which foiled no where else but at St. Leon, in the Province of Quebec., resmnblee all net- • ore's productions, an egg or grain of wheat for instance. Wo can tell what. an egg or grain of %a/bee/tie compnewl of batman is utterly unable io make a, grain of wheat or create an egg and he is Jost as nnabin to counterfeit St. Leo, !Mineral 'Water. Tint hind nature has clone for us what we cold not tlo for ourselves ---brought the sixteen dif:creot ingredients of this water tngcthc.r in the proper proportions, mixed Clain and pours them forth in 0 copious stream. 1 nun in 01 position to supply this ra- marliablewater,absalately pore, straight from the ,yells, at a price three, loaves ititlo crier covering the coat 1.f i•riugin;.; (10011, ���j p, �y } ; it this fat•, 111 u111tUg e,171 I l lin:\71The '!sit'• ;tn 1,11%m/try,