HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-4-4, Page 4THE BMUSSELS POS'1
Nevv Advertisements,
Locale -13, Gerry.
Looa1-T. Fletcher,
Card Dr Phillips.
1Amato- - \ R. Smith.
Flax- -01,111000 Bros,
Lnoal Fl, 1L. Grundy.
Local -St enhan Bros.
Lioonses -.J. It Miller.
Local --Stewart & Lowiolt,
Baby carriages -ll. Dennis.
Locals --W. Nightingale & Co.
Tinware -Ferguson & Gibson.
Flour and feed --Kine & Hartley.
Ilow to save money -G. A Deadman.
brlni.5sek %I t,
I•li'.rl). •
I", APRIL 4, 1890.
TUE Hallos' Assooiation asked the
Government for an increase of 50 cents
per barrel duty on flour. They were
granted 21 cents. The question is who
pays the duty
d to The annual meeting of the North
Luoknow merchants have agree
*Arty closing front Ai&.l 1st to Nov let. Perth Reform Assooiatton tapes piaoe in
Tiro Goderiah Star says ;.--Last Sat. Milverton on Tuesday, April 11th.
antsy evening the 'hero Semoo Go. closed Tho Stratford Advertiser is dead and
their weelee entertainment by giving buried. Its late proprietors straggled
away a gold watch to the person holding hard to keep ire head above water, but
btu lucky ;lumber, tt iii „cL
Mean held foiled.
the winning number, 115:1, 1reand wee p. The directors of the Mitoholl
seated with the watch. Friday night :Mechanics' I u .l ahanlus' Tnar.ib tt' have added to the
silver watch was won by Mise Mirmio library over 100 volumes at it Duet of
McCullough ; both presents were splen. about $150.
A test gas well is to be sunk in the
eastern part of Romeo ward, Stratford.
The eontpnuy has over $6,000 in hand
for the purpose.
A petition lute been circulated in Ful.
larton and numerously signed, requesting
tate commissioners not to grant a Hoene°
to the premises known es the Foliation
North Perth Farmers' Institute per -
nose holding a pio.nic at Mil'erbon on
1)ontinion day. lion Mr, Drury, Minis-
ter of Agriculture, is expected to address
the gathering.
At the Stratford Art Exhibition a
piece t•0 oak exhumed from the tomb of
Jas. I1I. of Scotland, who wits buried in
Cutnbuskeoueth Abbey, Stirling, about
the year 1.188, was shown.
Patrick Shea, of Logan, went on Fri.
Ir alms of the mai and half grown I' 11 cents council and whether
clay, March 21a, to Bennowise's Mills
boss indulged le's in prufe.nity tine little 1 as at reeve merely or as the mace u•e for a loud or lumber, While in the. set
"cabs" on the sheets would trot break ' lic•,u of that oody showed no.Ntnendab'e of lifting a board the old emu fell to the
adnlllltatratly9 CAet itllcl Call] lehatliive gt'otlntt. Ile was at nine taken iitte a
that he cuuuut be put 10 the field as a t a to was a corpse. s
candidate for East Huron for tate On- 00 years of age, and was an obi and re
o Le islatute ? spceted citizen of Loudon
did material,
One day last week John McLoughlin,
of Summerhill, was drawing sawlogs
and when on the dump near the end of
the bridge one of his horses choked from
tate collar being vary tight and he fell
over breaking down the fence. The
sleighs However oanght on one of the
posts thus bringing things to a stand.
still with the Horses part way down the
side of the dump. With some difficulty
the horses were released and everything
put to rights.
One day last week ox -warden James
Hays was presented with two handsome
upholstered easy chairs, one each for the
guid man and his wife, by the people of
M1laliillop whom he baa long and intern.
gently represented. Mr. Hays wan for
twenty years a representative of Min
li op in the e
th++'Tid; commandment as frequdntly as I fairness. The Clinton Record wants to hou.e near by, and in 15 minutes front
they d.i. A lesson shottt l be taught know what's the stutter with DIr. Hays thefall I I b 1 b 1 \I 61,.. , ll
to WOO o serve( y ,- r. 1 e
O a :L. Alicia wa
some of chose gentlemen 1:') who have
rkff that would do then good all the ATnotantc bxrrtrcttas.--'!he latest
that the Mechanics' institute of Clinton
right. during that year received from balance
nes 5 , Legisla-
such a stock of eulphury adjectives to . ta•i
days of their life. There's law for it all otlioial statie+Jcs, those for 1888, show Canadian Ar eco f:.
Tat purchase of eine or tett fine new
street lamps was a step in the onward
march of progress characteristic of our
Canadian towns. The friendly light•
thrown up and down the streets on dark
nights is the one thing needful, without
doubt. So far so good. What do our
town daddies think about extending the
borders and securing a half dozen more
lamps to be placed at the principal corn-
ers of some of the book streets ? The
first cost is about all the expense worth
considering a- the additional charge for
takiug care of them would be a mere
bagatelle when divided over 1. a corpora-
tion. If light is good ou Turnberry
street it should be equally desirable on
Mill, Queen, Eliz beth or any other
street. The investment is a permanent
one so that the most economical should
not find room to grumble. Talk the
natter over anyhow, gentlemen.
1}17.79, members' f $131• 0
ti w»t $75,
les166_.,0, other
et grant 0210, ntunicina gr
ct•,ree ne l eute'tainmett
sources $121.41, total $081.70, assets
891.80, liabilities $129.30. Wingham
Library contains over 2000 books, crus.
sets over 1000, Clinton and Exeter and ,
Wroxeter over 1100 each, Goderich over
2000, Seaforth over 3000. The library
of the town of ]lora contains over L1000
volumes while those of London and
Stratford have less than 4000 each.
The number of convictions returned by
J. P's. of the county 'of Hawn for the
quarter ending llth. March is 61. Of
these 14 are for violations of the license
act, 11 for vagrancy, 9 for assault, 7 for
stealing, one being horse stealing, 9 for
assault, 3 insane, 3 breach of township
by-law, eto. 13 were taloa by Mayor
Butler, of Godericn, 12 by the Mayer or
magistrates of Seaforth, 7 by ;insatiate
Steep and 11IcGarva, of Clinton, 8 by C.
Snell and J. I'. Clark, of Exeter, 5 by
Mayor Molndoo, of Wingham, 1 by W.
Mallongb, of Duneaunon, 7 by Grahan},
Hunter did McCrae, of Brussels, 3 by
Foster and Gibson, of Howick and 2 by
Mayor L)nborty, of Clinton.
nSc i Thesob;,ol poputatnnl in Haron be•
The amendment to the School Low I (ween the ages of 5 and 21, fs 19,105.
proposed by Thos. Gibson, M.P.P., for In Huron nearly 7,000 of the pupils
this Riding, relative to the use of the are in the 3rd and 411 readers. 132 male
ballot at Trustee election- was very bad.
ly needed. As the law stood any muni.
cfpality ouce trying the ballot had to
oolttinee it. Now they may or may not.
atter a trial of three years. While we
most heartily approve of the nee of the
ballot for muuicipal and governmental
elections we are not so sure that the use
of the ballot for school trustees is an im-
provement, for this reason :---tn many
of the towns and villages municipal
and 82 female teacher's find employment
in this county, the average male salary
being $408, and the average female $270.
The total amount raised for public school
purposes in the county was $111,774, and
the average octet per pupil was $6 33. It
will be seen that Huron is third highest
in the number of school children within
ire borders, fifth in the number of teach-
ers employed, yet .there are 39 other
counties where the overage oost per pupil
is higher than it is hsro. For teachers'
eateries Goderich paid $3,775 ; Clinton,
$8,156 ; Wingham. $3,698, and Seaforth,
matters get, more or less, mixed with 62,846. There are 4 separate sohools in
politica and if the trustee election is held pupils, and the total amount reused for
Haron, with a total attendance of 246
at the same time this name epirit is al-
most sure to pervade M. While there
may be some relation between polities
and municipal elections the relationship
is very distant between polities and the
management of our public sohools. An.
other amendment allowing the use of the
ballot on some other day than the an-
nual municipal election would be a big
improvement we believe. Brussels,
Goderich and Wroxeter are the only
three planes in Huron County that use
the ballot in Trustee elections.
Huron County.
Dungannon is still progressing.
A new Town Hall is to be built at
Editor Bryan of tete Lucknow Sentinel
ie in very poor health this Spring,
W. Doherty has been offered $500 cash
for one of his fast mares -Maud Hunter.
Richard Reynolds, of Henault, has
purchased the livery business of Roland
Beatty, of Clinton.
The mother of J. W. and hi. Greet, of
'Parkhill, formerly of Gerrie, died at
Be.•peler the other day.
D. B. Oalbiok, of Goderich, has been
elected Guard of the Supreme Circle of
the Canadian Order of Home Circles.
Joe Hess, the noted ex.prize fighter
and ealoon-keoper delivered gospel tem-
peraneeleetures to Goderich on Wednes.
d. Dickson, postmaster at Seaforth,
bas purchased the 50 acres adjoining bis
farm on the 1211 con., MMnKillop. This
gives him a splendid 200 acre Inc.m
In response to an appeal from the
Grand Master Workman,. of Dakota, the
Godorioh brethren donated ten oents
per member or •$7.20 at the last meeting,
The Beaver lacrosse club, of Goderiah,
has reorganized for the season, The fol-
lowing officers were elected :--Captain,
B. Cot; Secretary, W, Jenkins ; Treas•
urer, W. Price.
Beverly F, Murray, who for the past
three years has boon employed in the
Luoknow Bank, left last week for Tor.
onto, where he has seemed a good posi-
tion in the Trader's Bank of Canada.
Archibald Nicholson and Wm. Mc.
Donald, of Kinloss, tagother out 14 cords
of wood in 8 hours. The wood was sawed
into 2 foot lengths on the premien of
Wm. :McDonald, lot 6, eon. 2, Kinloss,
On the charge of allowing gambling in
his hoose, the proprietor of the Grind
1mina was up before J.P's McGarva aid
Steep, of Clinton, aucl paid a fine of 8.10
and costs ; luepector Paisley was the
1 , Hannah, of Seaforth
,Jolt f offers Co
n operate a, creamery
equip and op a ,y in Code -
viola if rho council would grant hint tha
use of the book part of the market bongo,
free of reit fuel taxation for three years,
put lit a water 0005100 an I supply ]ern
wide water free, legal give ,nil/Meet 5001 t
pipe to make drainage eounectiol be•
i ween the creamery +tad the tonin sewer.
go System.
these school., was 82,105.
Dnaoanx Hansa Bnntnnns.-The regu-
lar quarterly meeting of the directors of
the Dominion Draught Home Breeders'
Society was held at Clinton on March
21st. A larga amount of ioubiue busi-
ness was transacted. Three oases of
false pedigrees, whish bad been present-
ed for registry, were discussed and the
Secretary instructed to prosecute the
panties under sea. 85, cap. 11, 46 Vio.
The executive Committee was instructed
to proceed with the printing of the eeo-
ond volume of the stud book as soon as
the entries now in could be revis-
ed and prepared for publication. It
was decided to attach an office record
number to all unregistered dams having
progeny in either the first or second
volumes, so that these dams might be
more easily traced. The standard for
the third volume requires the registry of
alt dams before their progeny can be
entered for registry. The society is in a
most flourishing oondition, having a bal-
arae to its credit in bank of over $2,000,
and a membership of between 200 and
300. The new stud book will probably
be issued by the end of July.
Perth County.
St. Marys base ball and lacrosse leains
have organised.
A oommerofal department may Ito
added to the Stratford public; school.
The Elma Cheeee Co. intend to start
tboir factory on Monday, April 14th,
There is room in this oonnty of Perth
for improvement in the country roads.
The average cost per day for each
prisoner in the Stratford gaol was 25.69,
Thos. Coppin, of Mitchell, was present-
ed with a gold headed cone by his
Stratford Junior arioket club have J.
W. Beegough lecturing for them on the
11th Met.
Jas. L. Rae, of Milverton, has removed
his family to Auburn, Huron Co., whore
he has rented a store.
Tho exportation of horsee from 01.
Marys neighborhood is becoming a most
important baaneb of trade.
The St. Marys Athletic Association is
nuking extensive preparations for a
grand time on the 24th of May.
W. R, Tiffin, Stratford, district sup-
orintendeut of the G.T.R., has returned
from a three months' leave of absence
to Germany.
The organ geostion was voted an in
the Monkton Presbyterian church and
resulted in favor of the organ by 32 to 10.
A choir is being organized.
Itis rumored that Ven. Archdeacon
Marsh, who officiated at St, John's
ebursit, Arm, is abont to retire and that
the Rev. Mr, Wright, late ofSt,
will talto his place,
The following is 0 shttenett of the
letters toad other matter potted at the Si.
;Marys office during the weep ending Davies ; li.S., Dliss 11. Holloway; A.11.0.,
Martel 15, I81)0: -Letter; of all kinds, l Miss A hoes: le. h , :Mrs. D. J.ckmior ;
1,35 post verde, ho4 , ira:1K411lt 110Wit. 1 Tit as., lira, 117, 1 o„al ; Chap„ Bro. C.
papers, 2110 ; books, eirrnittrs, samples, : Davies ; Conductor, Pro. A Fogel ; Aset.
peakete vied patterns'. 013 ; other matter, Cnn., bliss A. Holloway ; 1.S., Miss It.
06 : total postage, $117.11', wponer. ; 11.0 , Bro. 3'. Willie.
A,nherstburg has a truant officer.
Diphtheria is quite prevalent in Hali-
AttorneyGenoral Martin, of Manitoba,
has resigned.
A Company is proposed in Hamilton
to bore for natural gas.
The C. P. R. is adding a third of a
mile to its wharf at Owen Sound.
Parkhill is making a great effort to
have a sail well there put in operation.
The Conservatives of South Essex
have put Mos. Fox into the field for the
Legislator .
The Armstrong carpet works, Guelph,
have been damaged to the extent of $5,-
000 by fire.
Farmers in Middlesex County report
fall wheat in a bad condition, and newly.
seeded clover heaved.
The legal profession of Hustings Go.
have determined to eetabiish a law
library for the county.
Luther Caney, of Delaware, was ar-
rested ou Saturday for breaking into
Edgar Weld's collar and stealing a barrel
of cider.
John Davis, chief inspector of distil-
leries for Ontario, ]ars told It slice of his
farm at Windsor to a Mioltivan syndt.
Date for the handsome sum of $80,000.
The Queen's Birthday falba on Satur
day this year, and in several places an
agitation is already on foot to postpone
the formal celebration till Monday.
The grangers, according to the state-
ment of their manager, have lost $15,000
per year in the Kincardine salt works
purchased by them some few years ago.
The movement about tobacco raising
in Essex is likely to cause considerable
discussion, and the attention of the Gov-
ernment has been called to the matter.
Essex may soon bo growing hundreds of
acres of the weed.
The Ontario Government has passed a
law prohibiting magistrates sending
boys under the age of 18 to the reforma-
tories, At present children are at time
made con viots when 7 or 8 years -old.
The action brought against the City of
Kingston, by G. T. Driver, for $5,000
damages, for injuries reserved by falliug
into an open droll], has been settled.
The city will pay Driver $350, both
parties to pars their own costs.
The following is the result of the re-
oent examinations at the Royal College
of Dental Snrgeoue : Passed -H. J.
Stingle, J. H. Fell, A. H. Mabee, W. R.
Wilkinson, 0. Lillie, W. J. Corbett, E.
R. Howes, J. T. Wilmott, Wm. Richard.
eon, J. A. Black, J. E. Wilkinson, S. W.
Frith, M. A. Morrison, M. J. Sisley, II.
Hart, D• C. Smith, H. D. Boyos, S. An.
demon, H. Clarke, W. R. Winters, D.
Stirton, 0. W. Daly, 0. H. Lount, J. J.
Sinus, J. McBride, Thos. Coleman, F. B.
Ross, G. J. Musgrove, G. S. Martyn, C.
W. F. Lennox, Thos, Irish, C. D. Graeme,
J. E. Holmes, T. 0. Trigger. To take
supplemental examinations in October ;
F. R. Porter, W. H. Marrs, G. H. Hen-
derson and H. E. Harris, in physiology ;
F. R. Porter and T. D. Fawoet, in chem.
istry ; le. A. Lackner and W. H. Marrs,
in surgery ; T. D. Fawoet, in materia
medioa ; H, E. Harris, in operative den-
l7tltfel .
Have you seen the silver tea service at
Simpson & Sons7
Mrs, Wm, Spence was visiting at Har•
riston, last weak,
Simpson & Son are going to pnsb the
oath business. Trade with them_
Our school was olosed on Thursday as
our teachers were attending an examin-
ation held by 0. Bowerman, 1611 con.
M. Henry has decided to quit the saw
mill business. He moved on Wednesday
to the farm formerly occupied by T.
Reeve Milne 15 rushing things at the
eaw mill. Ho is running it half the night
as well as day in order that he may de-
vote a portion of his time to itis new
mill in Carrick.
When the news catno of the cyclone at
Louisville, Kentucky, fears were enter.
baited for it eon of Mr. Holloway's of
titre place who resides in that locality,
Ile is all right however.
Simpson & Son have their spring stook
complete. Each purchaser 0111 find it
to their advantage to trade with them.
Eggs and choice roll btitter taken as
cash. Soo the silver tea service to be
given away.
3, Jeffreys, of Indianopolis, in behalf
of the Plymouth Brethren, delivered a
lecture last T'hureclay evening in H, 1?,
McAllister's hall. He clearly stated
beliefs and explained Omni by mains of
a chart of the ages sauce the beginning
of the world.
Ethel Division Sone of Temperance is
prospering, and latterly every Friday
evening anew member is added to the
now ltngthy roll The following officers
have been eh:cited for the ensiling quarter;
W, 0. Melaggart ; W.A., Miss C.
Opening Mut on Thursday, April 3rd.
The whole of the Splendid New Stuck will be
completed by that date, tubed she Tropes to have. the
pleasure of seeing All her Old Friends and Lots of
New Uites.
It being her intention of carrying on a ,.Strictly
Cash Business, every article, in both Dry Goods and
Groceries, has been Marked Down to the Lowest Living
Profit. This system we consider far better for both
buyer and seller, and saves lots of disputes, compared
with the long-winded credit business.
t Milli er !
Our Millinery Show Rooms will be Opened on the
Same Day. As our Stock is Entirely New we would wish
Every Lacey to pay us a Visit. Miss Games, our Obliging
a;nd Popular Milliner, will be only too glace to Show
our Lovely Goods.
MIss Magian is always on hand and ready to take
any Orders in Mantles, Her Excellent Work and Fit,
being so well-known, needs no further comment.
We say, Coyne along Ladies, and it will well repay
you for your Visit. Recollect no compulsion to buy, but
we do wish every lady to see our Excellent Display.
Brussels, .March 28, 1890.
E. ROGE1>'S.
General Blacksmitlling1
The undersigned desires
to intimate to the Public
generally that he has leased
the Hunter Blacksmith Shop
in Brussels, and is now pre-
pared to attend to all work
entrusted to him.
gt Jas. McIntosh.
Fresh and
Salt Ileum of
the best qua'
Hy always on
band and de•
livered to
any part of
the Village
Free of
Fat Cattle Wanted
For which the highest market prion
will be paid. I also make a specialty of
buying Hides and Skins. Don't forget
the place, next door to Fletober's Jewel.
ry Stott. A. CURRIE.
Money to Loan on
Private and Company Funds
J,C.Heffernan, J.A.Youna,
Valuator. Agent.
Ethel P.O., Ont. zstf
Ally Amount of Money to Loan
all Farm or Village .Pro-
perty at
(3 & (5', Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when rocjnirod.
,Apply to
A. Hunter,
1)iris; on t'ot)rl Clerk, Brussels,
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty at
Private and Company Funds.
Solicitors, ccc.,
AI'1tW1, .1, 1890
•� z.ltV-TUB
LIl tnda 1 lb
undersigned will keep for service on
lots,am,.l ill.. T ems, Glop' bred be )lora
Gorham bill I. 'rearms 01.00 to ba Nall ab
time of service with privilege of returning if
necessary. O u n8. lto Z r; r. r,
:0.5 1'rspr•iotor.
Private Funds to Loan.
Have been placed in my hands
for Investment on real estate.
No Commission..
Borrowers can have loans com-
pleted in Three Days if title
Soliritol', Brussels.
1890. F , ,X® 1890.
Have a limited number of bushels of the
for Farmers in the vicinity of Brussels, who
intend raising flax during the coming season
which they are prepared to deliver in quan-
titiesto Kilt flasrowers. Una be got at
the Brussels FSU: Will. seed given oat at
$1.50 per bushel, and on the usual terms.
Order Early to Insure a Supply.
-For flax grown from this Seed -
if cf good growth ; harvested in proper seas-
on and delivered at the Flax Mill as soon as
et for threshing. We will also rent a num•
her of good nod Beide for Oho purpose of
growing flax. 83-
PropriotorsBrueeels Flax Hill.
E1.:v J 1 IS
Is Prepared to supply you with a
Handsome Carriage
At Slight Advance on Cost.
Call in and hake a Selection or
Leave your Order.
if you are intending to travel
Dennis' is Headquarters for
Tlil'. N10$,
ti i TCUELS &c
A Large and Well -Assorted
Steek to choose from.
l:• lrot••.-s0• Con -IR.
All Wo ell from the Smallest In 1,10e size
s done to a lirtil•rinss manner.
IF x Si
0f ICe,l,le»nes, Esc., at itelle51e31)10
W. J. Fairfield.
Ready for Business
I wish to intimate to the
public generally that I have
leased the blacksmith shop
at the bridge (o drA, d) and
am now in a position to at-
tend to all kinds of black-
smithiug in a workmanlike
manner and on very reason-
able terms. �OR8E-S 4O -
of the patronage of the pub-
lic is solicited. It will be
my aim to give the best of sat-
is.f ration 32-4
Practical TT"'catchrn.aker
and Jeweler.
Thanking the pnblio for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure
your patronage, wo aro opening
out Full Linos in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers,
fully warranted by us.
Clocks of the
Latest Desig ns,
WnnDtNo RINes,
Lanms Gan Rites,
Ramses, &a.
l 'Also a Full Line of VfonrNe and
Violin Strings, &s., in stook.
N. I1.-Issurcr of ltlorrlugo bicenees.
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.
Brilliant !
Durable !
Economical t
Diamond Dyes excel all others
in Strengths Purity and Fastness.
None other are just as good. Be-
ware of imitations, because they
are made of cheap and inferior
materials, and give poor, weak,
crocky colors. To be sure of
success, use only the DOAIOONn
DYES for coloring Dresses, Stock-
ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers,
Ribbons, &c., &e. We warrant
them to color more goods, pack-
age for package, than any other
dyes ever macre, and to give more
brilliant and durable colors. Ask
for the Diamond and take no other,
A Dress Dyed FOR
A Coat Colored
Ott/moots Renewed c� ne
A Child can use them!
At Druggists pad Bye hook fres.
Montreal, P. 11,