HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-3-28, Page 8Over 2,(QO nous NNW ::7..02.:.,1 PAPER Beeeived Already and Moro to Follow Shortly. 'The larger part has been .bought from 34autiifaoturet's in the States, and, not. withstanding the heavy duty, we can give you Cheaper and, of course, Nicer Papers than oan generally be had from Canadian makers. Our Borders and 'Ceiling Decoration(' are Extra Fine. I have selected from no less than Night Manufacturers. If you etre wanting Wall Papers I be- ileve 1t will be to your interest to give me your Order. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist and Palmy Goods Dealer. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. cO0OU1.RN EXTENSION w. 0. & n. Trains learn Brussels Station, North and South. as follows : GoINo 80a'ri . Como Non? H. s1fl.,.. ... 5:50 a.m. I Mixed 900 san. San. 11:45 Mail .... .,S:Nl p.m. Mixed 5:551',ln. Express 9:45 p.m. rexa1 Raps (*tents. A chiel's among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. MAPLE sugar weather. EGGS have taken a drop. Mus. Kt2sra ie convaleseing. HERRIdes cheap at McCracken's. Hags re -shaped. MRs. TuRNRrLL• Tr -sorra and mover cheap. Adam flood. Cr.,ovas and Timothy send at Mc. Cracken's. CLOVER, Timothy and Garden Seeds at Thomeon'e. Nan Tuesday will usher in the 1st of April. Look out, jun received all kinds of garden and held seeds. GEC. B1saER. Mute Bull, from Prince Edward Co., is visiting at I. C. Riohard'e, WANTED, -A good smart boy to learn cabinet making. R. LEATHERDALE, Fon painting, trimming, &o., go to Walker's carriage works, Brussels. Jver received 50 bushels choice clover and timothy seed. Geo. BIERE% MISS MIRA Raxe&r, of Bluevale, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jno. Pugh. MRs. W. Gnsmue has gone to Guelph to visit old friends for a few weeks. Mee. Rosner BURNS has been confined to the house for some time with illness. Isua FITZPATRICK expects to go to Den. Ter, Colorado, next week. He has a brother there. Piny. A. W. TONGS, the popular pastor of the Blyth Methodist church, was in town last Saturday. MESSRS. SHIT/I & MALCOLIs have the contract of the furnishings for Wm. Blasbitl's new block. W. B. AND HARRY DICKSON attended the funeral of their cousin iu Seaforth last Wednesday afternoon. JUST to hand a large stock of express and steel wagons, which will be Bold cheap. 1.0. Richards. MRs. STACEY and family expect to move to Denver, Colorado, next week. Three nf,111rs• Stacey's daughters are married there. OH Thursday of last wesk Florence E., infant daughter of D. Roberts died. The funeral took place on Saturday after- noon. HOUSE and lot for sale or to rent. Cgntrally located. Good well, garden, stable, &o. Apply at THE P055 Publish. ink House. D. L. Crew, Canadian Passenger Agent for the Chicago and Rook Island railroads, was in town this week looking up the passenger business. aloes RAtoAOE, daughter of A. Ramage, Dud Miss Elliott, daughter of J. H. Elliott, banker, of Chesley, are visiting Mrs. 0. Smith this week. THE days on which the next entrance examination will be held has been al- ready fixed by the Educational Depart- ment, viz., July 3rd, 4th and 5th. THE property sold last Saturday, on Mill street, was purchased by Mrs. John Broadfoot. The price paid was 8350. It is a desirable location for a good house. "Dn." Loaass, a Moraviantown Indian, wee at the Army barracks on Wednesday and Thursday evenings oflast week. In the march he appeared with his head- gear of feathers, &o. THE plate glass for the fronts of Dr. Holmes' and W. It, Wilson's stores was put in place last Friday morning. The glass for Wm. Blashlli's block came with that mentioned above. DY a typographical error, in last week's issue, the amount handed over by the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society to the General Society was given as $80,- 000, instead of $80,000. We ire busy moving the Rogers' stook to our store in the Garfield block, (next door to the printing office.) It will be packed full of bargains for you for the aea.t six months to come. W. Nightin- gale & Co. Maximum is still the magnetic point of the Dominion. On Tuesday Mrs. Tiernan and daughters, left for Deloraine ; Geo. Gordon, for Neopawa ; Oas. Campbell, for Moosomin ; and Geo. Campbell, for Killarney. They wore ticketed by T. Fletcher, of Brussels. Tuns has been a hard winter on wagon wheels. James Walker is prepared to repair them, having an extra stools of spokes and rime, on hand. Special bar- gaine in wheels. A lot of new bnggios on the way. Shops opposite (Queen's .Hotel stables, Brussels. The people hevo been pleased with the , good bargains we have been giving them for tits peat ttvo months, but remember out sale has just begun. Wo have yet over120,000 worth of goods to sell you, nil at prices that other merchants are paying for them. They sell at retail prices, we sell at wholesale prices. W. Nightingale& Co. Rev, f3, Scaor,RY, B. A., B. D., will preach to the etembere of the Sabbath tlobuol next Sunday morning. Hie alb. jest will be °"The best robe." In the afternoon instead of taking the review an open esosicn of the sobool will be held in the body of the ohuroh. Addressee, reoitatiane and music, ail bearing ou the 'an'bjeet ,.1 Temperance will bo given. The visor will preach a 80PITIon Oil the 95000 topic in the oyening. .Ione Fair next Thursday. MRS CLAat CouoxdrlroN went to Watford ....... Saunas. B. SHALE, of Ripley, was i towu last Sunday. Mose Afanv Sowoos has gone to Gonda to 011 R millinery ettoetio't. WAHosn, in trade for harness, one good milch cow. I. 0, Richards, Mies LIM' VaNSTONS is home after a visit of two months at Southampton.. Messes, Cnaseweir. and Baldwin, of Seafortb, were visiting in town on There• day of last week, Onset merchants are advertising their pointe at retail prices, We 9811 ours at wholesale prices. W. Nightingale it Co. rc't'Ctteep Fare.•-Iiriieeels to Dakota ani). Mirrncsela. H'articulars from 9'. Iletehir. C. T. ,t. 0. T. Coos was bothered last week with ono of his oyes into which had got sparks from the emery wheel, IIe's all right again now. 11E2. Ma. Maniere, of Millbank, oc- cupied the pulpit of Knox ohuroh last Sunday, preaching two interesting die, oouraee. 30 yards of cotton for $1.00 at W. Nightingale & Co.'s cheap store. Better goods than is advertiser) by some mor• ohante in this town at 254 for 51..00. Jas. Dein: has gone to Detroit to take a position withthe Singer dewing Machine Company. Ile hes worked for them before in this and ether counties. PERSONA ar'., warned agidn.t prutliug shade tries on the streets. A competent Hand will attend to the work at the pro- per time. In this way there will be una- formity as all the trees will be looked aver. 1'. Tuosu'eow, of Toronto, has been dangerously ill during the past week with inflammation of the lunge but is improving now For a time hie life was despaired of. H. J. Whitley went to To. ronto on Monday morning. House and lot for sale in Brussels West. Good stable and well on the premises, also any quantity of small fruit and a few young fruit trees. A bargain if Bold at once. For information apply at TICK POST Publishing House. Mies Dnssaatz, the evangelist, is again prostrated and it is thought will not be able to engage in evangelistic work for some time. She felt strong some time ago and began work in Toronto, but after three days she broke down and is now an invalid, Tin stock of tinware shelf goods, &a., belonging formerly to Walter Jackson was sold last week to Thos. Ferguson. We understand that be purposes forming a co -partnership with a SIr. Gibson, of Brampton, and they intend opening up business in Brussels as soots as they can get things in shape. CusAP 1311rtn,—Stewart & Low- ick will sell, until disposed of, One `Thousand Barrels of First- class frtlnily Flour at Four Dol- lars ($4,001 per barrel, barrel in- cluded, for Cash only. First come first served. STILL ON EHE Wtao.-Does your organ or sewing machine trouble you ? Please let me hear from you. Organs cleaned, tuned and repaired. You can pack your machine head in a basket and send it by stage or express and it will receive prompt attention and returned with a sample of its work in it. Some second hand ma chines on hand for sale or to exchange for others. T. MooRE, Box 122, Brussels. THERE is just as much truth in the ad- vertisement of one of our business men advertising that he oan buy goods at wholesale prices and sell as cheap as we can at 59j• cents on the wholesale prices, as there is in some of hie other fake ad- vertisements. Customers reason this matter in your own minds and do not let men with not enough of brains to see it themselves allow yourself to be mislead by such numb -skulls. W. Nightingale & Co. Mlsssooant.-Last Monday evening the Young Peoples' Assooiation of the Methodist church gave a missionary pro- gram in oonuection witn their meeting as follows :-After the opening exercises Rev. S. Seilery, B. A., 33. D., gave a brief address ; Miss Minnie Moore read an essay prepared by Miss Humbly ; read- ings by Miss Thompson and W. Roddick, and magical salecticus by the choir, and congregation. Adam Good gave a short address in response to an invitation from the President. A vote of thanks was d pass ' to Miss Humbly for her essay coupled with the request that she allow it to be published. The ohair was oo- cepied by Geo, Rogers, President of the Association. After a short disouesion ou the question of supporting missiouary enterprises this interesting meeting was closed by the Benediction. 1 I , . !3M L SSE LS kr'US'1' MAI2011 28, 1890, 1 Nen, Sunday will be Palm Su nday. A enorm s of Samuel F ear's was visit.RI °1 lean this ,'a'ab, n iy eaes ; Mae. Salton Buntings has been on the • siok list for the isnot few weeks. n MMumHHamm, of Afonkton, was visiting I lino enter, Mrs. Ball, in Brus.els, during the past week, Wn are not advertising that we are going to the Northwest or trying to hum. bug you by advertising lies. Wn print the truth end do as we say, W. Nightin- gale .t Co, ;Igo. McKean?, of Guelph, has gowned the appointment of motion boss for Brueeel's section G. T. 19. He is an ex. perienaod railroad man and is a brother to K. McKenzie who is retiring for the purpose of going into farming, Timm is a man in this town doing business by false advertising. He em, pioyee one boy to do all his selling, We employ six first-class hands and then we cannot wait on all the customer's. Strange difference. W. Nightingale & 00, Muses, SnALe & Homebn, marble dealer's, of St. Marys, disposed of tt beautiful granite mounment,ll feet high, to peeve Kelly, of Blyth, this week to be placed over Mrs. Kelly's grave. It is to cost 8280. Jas. Settle is the agent in this locality, We observe by the illituhell Advertiser that W. II, Willis, formerly of Brussels, has been appointed President of the Mustesl and Literary Department of an Epwo'th Dengue established in connec- tion with the Main street Methodist church. Barry should 1111 the position in A 1 style. PI1"rr years ago Iaet Tuesday Samuel Smith commenced hie apprenticeship as tailor, draper, &d., in the County of Corn- wall, England. 1 -Ie was bound for. 8 years and had to pay 4155 for the instruc- tion besides. His brother served 10 years as an apprentice. Mr. Sinai° bas his in- dentures yet with Beals, &c., attached. It is quite a novelty in these days when so many youths imagine they oan learn all about a trade in three months. BABE Sant. --We think it is about time the Brussels Baseball Club was re -organ• izing for the Beason. We notice that a number of the County clubs have already organized. We wish to make a sugges- tion, and it is this. That a County League be formed, consisting of the following clubs :-Winghatn, "The Unions," Bras. sole, Listowel, Seaforth, Clinton and Exeter. This would maize a league of seven clubs. Bach club playing one game in each town making in all four- teen games, quite enough for amateur olubs. Also that local umpires be ap- pointed to officiate at games not played In their own towns. Each club would be expected to subscribe as a fee $5.00, which could be used as a fund to pur- chase a suitable trophy to be presented to the club winning the most games in the series. 01 would be 'necessary to make a provision for the signing of piny ers so that no "ringers" could be brought in. We would suggest that a list of each olub's players be furnished the General Secretary and that 11 days notice be given for the signing of any new men. This would prevent all trouble regarding players. After our local club organizes a general meeting should be called when fail arrangements could be made and a schedule of games made out. We made the above suggestions hoping the Brus- sels club will set the ball rolling. "U:loaowxai, Roses." -On Wednesday evening Rev. Robt. R. Maitland, of Ln- gersull, delivered a most interesting lec- ture in the Methodist church on the sub. foot of "Uncrowned Kings." For up. ards of an hour the reverend gentleman tv dealt pleasantly and very practically with the subject in hand. Ho sketched the leading incidents in the reign of Qneen Victoria and proved to a demonstration that the people are the Ilinge to-cls.y and the Kings moat represent the rights of the people. The dignity of manhood was very eloquently depicted, showing the fallacy of the Darwinian theory of evolution and proving that true manhood or Kingship did not consist in physical strength ; nor in seeking large rewards for little labor ; nor in following fashion or oustom at the expense of oharaotef but by snaking proper use of all our powers and taking a fair, square share of the world's wont. The dude, tramp and idler cams in for a just criticism at this point. Tho lecturer concluded by urging on young people, partivalarly, the neces- sity of understanding their position and by honesty, industry and perseverance keeping pane with this vont progressive age. He advised all to 'nolo their' man* 12000 a necessity to the community and the county at large. A hearty vote of thanks was passe,) to Rev. lir. Maitland for his ('haste, practical and elognent lecture on motion of Rev, J. L, Kerr end George Rogers, AIr. Maitland niacin ro. fereuee to his former acquaintance with Brussels (then Ainlyville) 3-1 years ago and his later experience of 15 yeare ago, when he was assooiate pastor with Rev, O. Id. Stafford in oonnettion with the Methodist church, Me. 8lsitland lune been invited to Victoria, British Colvin - bis, for the next pastoral term. He is at present the chairman of the Woodetook District- Iles many friends in and aronncl Brussels are watching his course with interest and pleasure said their best wishes are that Ire may Aeenre what hti deeorves olio df the butt places in tiro gift of the charelr, MORN_ C.tnrsn.-In Grey, on the 20th inst., the wife of Mr. D. Carter, of a son. FArarreem.-In Brussels, on the 24th inst., the wife of HIr. W. J. Fairfield, of a daughter. MAM.RIED, WALKER-WAL1sER.-In Morrie, on March 20th, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev, Samuel Jones, Mr. Wm. J. Walker to Miss Jennie Walker, both of Morrie township. CoATEs-Anxorr.-In Morris, on March With, by Rev. S. Jones, of Brussels, Mr. Francis Coates, of Ethel, to Miss Mary Jane Arnott, of Morris. STAMP-SNIGHT.-At the residence of the bride's father, township of klorris, by Rev. D. Forrest, Walton, on Mar. 17th. Mr. Wul. Stamp, of Marlette, Mich., to Mies Jennie eldest daughter of Mr. David Knight. =xaa_ SnoLDICE.--In Morris, on March 21st, Robert Sholdice, aged 15 years and 3 months. RonErtrs.-In Brussels, on the 20t1 inst., Florence Elva, infant daughter of D. Roberts, aged 7 weeps and 2 slays. Dscicsoos,-In Sett£orib, on the 240h inst., James T., eldest son of Samuel Dick- son, aged 20 years, 1 month and 10 days. A't7'07.IO2be• SA5.f76_ TUESDAY, APRIL -IBC -Farm stools, im- plements, sec., on lot 11, eon. 18, Grey, at 1 o'clock p. m. Thos. W. Johnstone; prop„ Geo. Kirkby, auot. WEDNESDAY, APRIL SND. --Thorough. bred ND:-Thorough- bred and Grade cattle, horses, sheep. &c., at Ethel. Sale to comneuoe at 1 o'clock. Thos, B. Hay, auctioneer. David Milne, proprietor. Fmnor, Alter!. 4th. -Postponed sale of farm stools and implements, at North Half Lot 20, Con. 7, Morris, to imminence at 10 o'clock n. m, sharp. Robb Bros., props„ Geo. Kirkby, amt. S�'R.27.v G reZZOWS, East Huron, at Brussels, Friday, April 18th. Listowel, Wednesday, April 16th. Nast Wawanoah, Bolgrave, Thursday, April 17th. Mitchell, Wednesday, April 0111. Fullerton, Friday, April 401. Wellesley, Wednesday, April 10111. Stratford. Tuesday, April 1515. Enna, at Atwood, Tno.day, April 15, (Exeter, Tuesday, April Htll. Milverton, Friday, April 11. South Limey at Bruoe.fielrl, Wednes- day, April 1(1, =1.,- L m-zia0I.m A 32=TS, Pall Wheat 75 80 Spring Wheat , 75 80 Barley 33 87 Oats 2:1 20 Peas ,. 5e 53 Butter, tubs and rolls, .. Id 15 Eggs per dozen 10 00 Flour per barrel..,,,...., 5 0 00 rotatoos •., 80 85 Hay per. ton 0 00 Il 50 Pork , • ... • 5 00 5 50 )lidos per Ib 2 2i Stilt per bbl., Oetei).,,.,, 1 25 01) Sheep ekius, each 5(3 3. 00 Wool, per l8. ....... ,18 20 H T The Wholesale Stock of J. Gouenlock & Co,, of Toronto, having gone into Liquidation, A. 11, Smith was the only lean in town who bought part of the Stock. The Stock consists of !oft rats, Christy Stiffs and, Straws and as we got from 20 to 30 per cent. Discount 1 can sell at Less than, Wholesale Prices. Burn that in your memory, every Man, Youth and Boy, and when you want a Straw or Felt Hat call on A R. SMITil, Every Customer should See our Clothing, Gent's Fnmishinas, flats and Caps, and if he does not buy he will learn something. We are Thoroughly Abreast of the Times and the Requirements of the Day. The DeInands of the hour- are our Constant Study. We leave no Stone Unturned in order to get New Goods at Rock Bottom Prices. WE SELL OUR GOODS AT CLOSE -CUT PRICES. ORDERED CLOTHING. A. look at our' Tweeds and Worsted. Coatings and Pantings Will prove to you we are Alive and mean Business. New, Tasty and Sparkling Goocls are what we keep in Stock Our Millinery Department is already Open for Inspection, and, as Miss Brownlow is again employed for this season, we will, iio doubt, see all our old Customers and many new ones ,111.Ktnds of .ai'in _Produce taken in, -Exchange. A. R. SMITH, Brussels. U..O._l..-o tl1ST Sl _..._1_ l i I N S POSTPONED AUCTION SALE —OF—_ grgA K: tvv-04010Valuable Property - M. � :1 .. sill r��� Through Costch(ri KINCARDINE to TORONTO, -Theace To - MANITOBA, BRITISH COLUMBIA, DAKOTA, ETC.. APRIL 8th and 22nd TICKETS. TICKETS. TICKETS. ria (G•.T.I[;c,. or C.P.11. -to any Point in- HANITO7tA, BRITISH ('OLERIBS 4 AND WASHINGTON 'pER1LITOI[`L', -or your choice of routes - VIA CHICAGO and the GREAT AMERICAN RAILROADS To all Points WEST and EAST, TS ,F,O'rTGi3 TICS::r_,TS -and your - Baggage ('heelred TAA5L01'0ll from 1E211U. aMa-AS F C^�TICDI\T COMFORTABLE CHAIR OARS AND SLEEPERS OBTAINED «fillet ttt Extra, Charge. For full information apply to T. FLETCHEIR, Town Agent for G.T.H. :it Tes ,graph O pine S,/JLE BY TEJv DER -•-0P A— Vainablo 50 -Aero Fars. In the High Coml. of Jusilee, Queen's Benda Division, SHINE 1's. SHINS';. 'renders will heioeoorivndoekby(0000) 0f the ntldsralgued '1'atrada,y. the Het tiny 04'April, 18110, for the purchase of the following valuable Property, vis.: -'111,0 South-latf of Lob num- ber 20, In the 0111 Cessessinn of the Tawi:- altip of Oreo, in the County of lion(',, con - Mining, by admeasurement, )?Ifty acres of land, more er lore. Tho hard is all elear01 end in a rood stato of unitivati0u. Tho soil is a clay lotni, and there is no waste lend, novo is a large orchard on the premises and 1.1,0 trees are is a good bearing condition. There is it leg honeob,ardadoval, ani, oleo a frame barn erected 1: the premises. The land is stiff, abed about nee mile loom 1'111181 station, on the W. (4. ca1i, Railway, and about six mike from elle village of llovssole, THE T1TLlt1 IS Pl'ntirno'r. '11001,5 ea SA1.ta.--10 per tout. to lite Von. dot's 001lettarR within one week of the n0• (sentence of bowler and the holmium, without hltsreet, within ono ra0nt1, thereafter, when the parchment, will 1,e euttttod to a convey shoe and 10 be lot into peeseeslon, The highest he any tender not necossei ily accepted, Lror further partinnim's apply to the Von- eer'S H oltelturs 01 to the Uadtl'elgllee, s, MMAI,CGM$ON, 'meal Mester 115 Gndnrieb, Dlogeele ,t Nxrs, Veudeep Selieitere. Under and by vtt'ttto of prnvora of sale con- tained in a oortaxu Mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sole, there will be sold on TUESDAY, rho Sth nay of APRT it, '90 At Twelve O'otnals (Noon), at the ANRmroav HOTEL. in the Village Ol BnpeBELe, the f0)- lowiug Valuable Property, vis.: Lot No, 2211 and the Easterly Ten Foot thronahont of Lot 50,291,0n William Street, iu the Village of Brussels, h1 the Comity or Huron. TEnsta-One-tenth of the purchase money to b e paid down at 41:0 time of pale. L iberel terms forbalane° will be made known at the ,tine of sale. For further part [Wars apply to ROBINSON, O'BRIEN & 0(050N, Veudors' Solicitors, 74 Church Street, Toronto. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Matter of VVALENTINE SIEHON, of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, Farmer. Notice is hereby given that the above named Valentina Stamen hoe made an 00. signment to ale, under the provisions of Chapter 20, 0148 Via. Ontario Statutes, of all his estate and elloots for the benefit of all his 005611ors. A Meeting of the Creditors is hereby convened and will be held at the Office of R. L. Taylor, liorrister,Brussats, on Framer, the 28th flay of Mencn, A.D, 1090, at Four o'clock p• m., for the purpose of ap- pointing inspectors sed giving direottons for the disposal of the estate. All Creditors are hereby rsquirodto ale their claims with the said ILL. Taylor, at Brussels, au or before the said 2811i Day of March, A. D. 1090, after whish date 1 eltslt prno0ad to distribute the said estate, )raving regard only to such claims as T shall have notice of, and I Ninth not be ieepolteible for the assets of the send estate, or nue part thereof, to any person 0r pereo05 whose claim or claims shall not then baro been tiled. GEORGE BARRE1t, II, L. 'TAYLOR Assignee, Solicitor for Assignee, S3!2 A 1:CTION SALE; 01 ka Tn the Township of Grey. "'oder and 1 virtue or power of sale con- tnieod 1u a certain ntotgege, which will In 1,1 sinew{ et the time of sato, there will be offered by sale by publi, auction en if ATl'4IDAY, the Fifth day of April, 1000, 01 'Tucks lintel in the Village or oranbroak, 10 the Cosnty of Haven, by Anthony m050 ,1i Ltio ser, at two o sleek in the art- erneoe, that yahutble farm as present cc• eupiod by Valentine Stamm and being cert. posed of the northwest corner of rot No. 20, he nerthwoet part of lob No, 10 and the oast pert of lot No.10,all in the 14th ronoessiou 151100 Town tldp of Grey, 01 the Comity or Huron, oebtuinlug 10)1 aures of Iaud, wow e' lass, 'llo•me cosy and made known on day of salu� For fortberpartieclaro apply to Anthony ltaynlaun, Arintiolnar,.0ranbrnok P,O.,orto J. T. PEPPER, JTh(10o o,0 ej ltu4 {i. ,E". .it. Always ask for .--' Pepper's Perfect Pills, USE NO OTHER. ilor Rick Rnn4naha, Dleelneee, Torpid Livor Constipation, Sallow Skin aur) the Complexion. Prspaoel Only b y ..r. T. PLI-'l0Ejti., Chamisb and Druggist (:OAGLUON 8504 50, I r',i;..4111,4. BANKING. M UINTOSII & MCTAGGART, BANKERS, . BRUSSELS, Txaaa•atact a Gose©sal nanlcSaa,C• D,aosnaso. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Cnuarlinn mud Milted Statue Drafts bought and 0010. Interest allowed 011 Dopoelts, Collections made Olt,far'oratlr term-. Canudtsn Agents-AfEoonesr'e BANK 01' CANADA, Now Yorls Agoltn-INIPORT,ne AND MAD - IND, NATIONAL BANE. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, Solicitor and Convoynnot r. Collor• Nous made. Of)lee-Vanstouo'o Iilnek, virus • sole. 21 3u, -silA7M. SINCLAIR, • Solicitor, Conveyancer, No tory Pub - lie, Ruh Office-Grahtun'e 131ock,1 door north of rapper's Dreg Store, Private Funds to Loan, E. WADE, • Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Pub- lic. Oonveyaaolug, Oolloatlons and Loaning, Mr, Wade will attmrtl in Garvie every Wed- nesday at two o'o look, DIOKSON & HAYS (Late with Garrow ieHAYS, Code- rich,) Barristers, eollaltors, Oouveyancer.. Rc. Oftloos-brussels and Senfortb. Brus eels WHao, Bogeys' Block, Main St, Money to Loan. 11, CHATS. w, B.D10ESON. AA M. TAYLOR B. 0. L. • Barrister, Ralicltor, Rs„ of the arm oflayler, MsOnllough R Burns, Barristers Solicitors, &c„ Manning Arcade, Toronto. Money to loan, ALEX. FIUNT11Il, Clark of the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron, C0nveyanesr, Notary Public, Laudoan toloan. u 4ulctik1,jinvestedarid n.[alons uao. (Mice in Graham's Stook, Brneeols. MEDICAL CARDS. V Y F. CALE, b1. D., 0. M., r v Member of the College ofPllyineinn and Surgeons of Ontario by examination Wilco and Residence -Main street East, Ethel, On tarso. T A. MCNAUGHTON, M. D. • C.M., r,, R. c, P„ Edinburgh, Ar. 0, S. Ont. At Popper's Drug Store from 9 to 11:30 a. in. and from 1:00 to 4 0. 19. At other hours maybe found ab his residence, form• Orly occupied by Dr. I1 utohinson, MIL at. DEP,TAL. f710 TISTR 1 1 G, L. Ball, L. D.S. Nitros Oxide Gas ail. ministered for the Pafulette Extraction of Teeth. 74 0 orrard Street East, TORONTO. 2:1ENTIST1 W. 0. Fear, L. D. 8., Graduate of Toronto School of Deutlsbry. All operations guaranteed. ISPArtlfloial teeth, Melt quality, an d a gaaran teed fit, for $12.00 per sot, Ofloe-OAD0's BLOCK, SueroiTIL ___.. `Pe TI`.CTr... a, Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, Nitres Oxide Gas ado iuistsred for the Painless Extraction of teeth, Oaloe-- 1=�c'ONn Doom NooTn or Banc, llnoesnns, BUSINESS CARDS. NAT H. bIoORACKEN, • Deemer of MarriageLloenees. Omee at his Grocery, 1'uruberry street, Brussels. N. BARRETT, . Tonsorial Artist' Shop -Noxa door eolith of A. 31. McKay R Oo's hardware store, Ladies' and children's hair ou thug n 1 peed ally 1..."A choice stook of cigars kept. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INeune cos, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. . /sourer MONATE., Isourer of 1,1soriago Liconaes, by a nohntnlont of Lieut, -Governor, Commis- sioner, Ro, Q. B. Conveyancer and Agoet Fire Insurance Co. °thee at the Ornnbrools Post 011loe. ��/'ISS LILLA O'OONNOId Is clsah'oue of pro0u Hug pupils in Vocal Migio. Prof, Torsi ngton, of T'nrouto, 15 pleased toive his teet :lonbtl at to nils, O'Oonno"s nbg111ty she having been a pupil of his during her stay 3n Guelph. Ioetru• ereladujll,Tsesownon apobln, Princess 8t„ Brussels, 101155 O'(unuor ie open for Concert Engagements, ea - AUC 6'6ONti ERS. BAYb Aiv, • Auctioneer, is always ready to at. tend aides of faring, farm steals, ,4 n. Terme cheerfully given. Crau1rook P.O. Halos may be arranged at 'TU14 Pon' Biddle/mg Mum, Brussels.. ('1 EOII.GE KIRKBY, Linnnenil Atatlminel'. Sales °mutual - ed on reasonable terms, Farms and fern: etoeisa speatalty. Orders left 1.tPose. Publishing Rouse,Bruesei0, or font to Welton P. O., will reedy(' prompt attention, jjT� AVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN- .iL05 as sn Anc ,[unser, t tun asonable to 0inidttot titles g Lbs (.leis i, reasonable D00100, knowing NIO standing of Dearly every portant Iant ino position to 0011 to Hoot) rod markt' and gob good temerity when sold 0norod1 t, HatreltteLion 66ntrau tone, Odvo mast call 02- F', S. suovr, VETERINARY. TNO. D. WARWICK, V. S , . 1l SVCCESSOI't 10 S. 31, O'filtlliN, V.s,l Gradun,te and Honorary fellow o1 Ontario Veterinary College, will be pleased to profits. ex- a',R'V.1tfiliPlil aminnwith the grnatea, este ant? elo,nl Hit lll any eketie 010.11181,0,1 le hie uhntr:w. OI11aO and Iriltrmar St.t,na 2 doors .)>ntod.Alnt•ult 7111,1890. Iit'itwphun, s„ 13runsuir.. 54 9 Vendor's So)faaorA, v -O' 3 1 rime R 010 d, is north of bridge, 1b''urnberry