HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-3-21, Page 88 CTPC4!" 20 000 s!'f 9'1 I Ant wool tweed at 300, worth SOa A. «�l .t,f, Tt, Rmith. 15 Garda new Ze her Gingham for $1.005 A,. B. Smith.p 6 Rennie in harnese and Dollars very ohoap, 10, Riohards. Jur received all kinds of garden and 0eld seeds. Gro. avert:, A team im Stook of Cooper & Smith's booth and shoes at Straohan's. 7)n. Houma purohaaod a Jersey cow from G. A. Deadman last week. Neo Sabbath ltev, Samuel ,zones will take Rev, Mr. Law's work et lielgra'e, 071 yards of black shit mem going at 7$e. per yard, worth $1,16 A, R. Smith. Seem assizes for Huron County com- mence on Monday, 31st inst., at Gode. Holt. 1=a'('llt•ap Fere.--lernsaels to Ihtkont end M a ltncmg0, 1'ardhnlat•a from T. Fletcher. G. T. 1t, Tiii finest range of gents' ties, collars, mule, shirts, fine under wear and braces at A. R. Smith's. ^,•'.ASTER Bells," the song service being prepared by the choir and Sabbath Sobool of tho Methodist church, will bo Given on Baster Monday evening in the church. Hoten and lot for sale in Brussels West. Good stable and well on the premises; also any quantity of email fruit and a few young fruit trees. A bargain if acdd at once. For information apply nt Tun Pose Publishing House, Pnoe. Wrncoe, of St. Thomas, the catarrh specialist of America, will be nt the American Hotel, Brussels, until Sat- urday evening, March 290h. The Prof. comes well rocotnmeud,ld and under g rod report. See advt. in another column. Give him a call, advice free. "t'Nrllowteei $rias." -This is the sub- ject of a lecture to be delivered by Rev. lt. R. Maitland, of Ingersoll, formerly of Brussels, in the Methodist oburob of this place on Wedneeday evening, 20th inst. It will, no doubt, be well worth hearing as the reverend gentleman never does anything by halves. ICrLL-I)rr.OrNc AND DRH.LINs.--George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillln walls and is prepar- ed to attend to ell work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells oleaned out and pot in proper share. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry st„ Brussels. 43-tf Tug Amherstburg "Echo" in speaking of a Bra there recently saes: The Ron- ald engine did its work beautifully. En- gineer Barlow started her about 12,30, and for nearly two hours she never "slipped a stitch," (The water in the tank gavo out) and after being taken to the river she worked till 7 a. m. without stopping, throwing in good steady stream of water through 1450 feet of ,rose. CHARTERED BANE.—Last Tu't:day 3, Aird, manager of the Seaforth branch of the Beek of Commerce, came to Brus- sole to consult with some of the business men as to the advisability of establish- ing a Bank hare. From what the hear he thought favorably of the project and the matter will be laid before the Gener- al Manager at Toronto. There appears to be a strong desire on the pert of the townspeople for a chartered Bank so that it is likely to materialize. THE London advertiser of last Toes clay Bays :-Bev. John Ross, B. A., of Brussels, preached in the First Presby- terian church Sunday, to large 0ongre• gations. Tho topic of the evening's dis- course was taken from the marriage feast, as related in Matthew, xxii„ the words being, "All things nre ready." Mr. Ross is a vigorous preaaber. His sermons demonstrated him to be a man of culture and of diecrimination, and they were illustrated from everyday events in an attractive manner. More- over, they leaned to the side of brevity rather then to that of prolixity. EAST HURON FARMERS' INSTITUTE.—The Directors of this body met on Saturday afternoon fn Brussels, President Mo. Fadden occupied the chair. Jno. Mo- Crae, A. Gardiner, T. Mosgrove, S. Walker. P. Edgar and W. Bishop were also present. The resignation of the latter as SecretaryTreasarer, owing to his contemplated removal, was rend and motion of A. Gardiner and R. Edgar was accepted. It was moved by John Mo• Crae, seconded by A. Gardiner that Arch. Hislop, of Grey township, be ap- pointed to fill the vacancy. Carried. The following resolution was unanimous- ly passed by the meeting t --Moved by R. Edgar, seconded by Jno. McCrae that the sincere thanks of the Directors of the East Huron Farmers' Institute be ten- dered to Wm. Bishop for his faithful services as Secretary•Treasurer for the past four years, and we desire to express, our regret at Mr. Bishop's removal but our best wishes will acnompany himeelf and family to their new home. Mr. Bishop replied in a few appropriate words, The meeting then adjourned to moot at the call of the President. NEW Vi ALL PAPER Re0eived Already itnd Moie tG F0110w Shortly. The larger part has beats bought from Manufacturers in the States, and, not. witbetanding the peaty duty, we can give you Cheaper and, of course, Nicer Papers than can generally be had from Canadian mnl:ers. Ont. 'Borders aur[ Ceiling Dog:tations are Extra Fine. f hove selected from eo loss than Eight Manufacturers. 1f you tae w,u:ting Wall Papers I he. lieve it will be to your intermit to give me your titer. G. A. I)EADMAN, Drrryp'.•1 and Panel/ Goods Drole%, GRANA TRUNK RAILWAY, sorTrtl'l,a rxt'RNarucr 11. 0. dr n. Trains PeFre Brussel'; Station, North and Soutle. as follows: (it.mNrr SO want. 00100 Norm n. ]rail.... AAA A a:fie eau. t Nixed 9:10 a.m. t ai,nrts 11:45 a.w. I ,[tail 3 00 p.m, dirsed AAAA..... 0010 p.um, Express 0:45 p.to, 1?.,ox It Lltrirts. A retiel's amotmg ye talcin' notes, An' faith he'll ,:rant it. Iteelt:ics cheap at McCracken's. Havre re -shared. lf.r,s. TM:EDE ,L. CALL at Straeliau's for cheap goods. tincssrLa lior'ee Pair Thursday, April :tree TtsswTUY :Mitt clever, cheap. Adam Good. Lnntss' kid gloves at half price. A. I:. fiztiitb• Crovrs and Timothy seed at Mc- Cracken's. CLOVER, Timothy and Garden Seeds at .ihemson'e. 214 yards grey cotton for 51.00 nt A. L. Smith's. Brev'r no, range of new prints at Strachen's. 20 yards bleached cotton for 51.00 nt k. R. Smith's. AT rest, trunks aid valises, for 30 days. T. C. Richards. ALE•.x. $rseCHAN begs to announce fresh arrivals of Spring goods. Fon painting, trimming, die., go to Walker's carriage works, Brussels. 'f Tile mild weather is very favorable to Iallygnagiug" over the front gate. A wnonrxc party was In to.vu on Wed. nesrlay. A. Clark was the happy groom. Rev. Me. MeliluexN will ocoupy Knox church pulpit next Sabbath In the ab- reure of the pastor. As the first of May approaches, the long•headed hotel keeper waxes strictly observant of the Crook's Act. ADeet Goon will commence next Sat- urday a series of Saturdry sales of boots and shoes at about wholesale price. House and lot for sale or to rent, Centrally located. Good well, garden, -etab'e, etc. Apply at Tun Pose Publish- ing House. Lan week we chronicled the arrival of :['daughter at Jae. Cooper's home. It turnsout that; tvo inade a mistake the "girl" is a boy. Ix is reported that Capt. Stratton talks of ereoting a brick block oil the vacant 130 south of the Queen's Hotel. It is an 141 1 betiding lot. A, trANrA for shaving off monetaches has struok the. town. It utast surely be the :girls who are to blame for this un0xpect- -ed turn in affairs. Tug new front in Dr. Holmes' store is Wheat ready for the pieta glass. The al- teratione make a wonderful improve- •tnent in the place. NEM! Sabbath Rev. S. Sellery, B. A., B. D., win proaob from "Servants of Jesus Christ" in the morning and "Ile- -generation" at the evening Service. Le enure caused a 'double-header" Mr the members of the A. 0. U. W. for the month of March, to pay 20 deathe-- roany of them directly caused by la grippe. Messrs STnw.n1T AND Hiotor have open- ed a dresemaking shop over A. Strachan's store. They Milt for a sharp of public patronage and guarantee eatie- faetion. THE village auditors omitted the 51,- 003 investment on farm mortgage in the :Assets of Brussole in their r'pott last week. It was given in the expenditure, however, W. NMIITEmieLr•. d; Co. have disposed of e. pile of goods during the past two mouths, ).'boy are intending to remove the balance of the Rogers stook to the Garfield house. To the lady who forms the most words nut of the letters composing the word "carpets," I will give as 5present a beautiful dress, competition open till 20tH April. A. 11. smith. levcnossli ---Next Tuesday evening a meeting will be held at the Amen con Saturday night, about 0 o'clock, the cry of lire was raised end people were soon hurrying down Mill street to the residence of Jno, Broadfoot, It was quite plain to he seen that the building was doomed as the fire was in the attic and before water could be got. although the engine was speedily at work, the fames shot through the roof and burned with great fury. Cho efforts of Flute, for the purpose of organizing the the Fire Brigade kept the fire unapt con- Lotelelo Lherosse club for 1890, A lar e I trot and prevented it from spreading, r.ttussels L requested. g 7hebtinlding was a total that , All the furniture was got out that was down- I''oun hotels were burned in East Huron stairs, some of it badly damaged, how. during the past year, one each at Gorrio, ever, but the most of what was upstairs Cra.nbreok, Kimburn and Ethel, The fell a prey to the devouring element, as Granbrook one hue boon replaced and t the emote and fire at the head of the the ono at Ethel will be rc.built. stairs prevented any person from work-, Ler Monday evuuing Rev. S. 001151y, fug, The fire was not entirely ex. B. A., B. D., gave an iutereating address tingnisltetl until after midnight as it got to the Bung 1 eoplee' Association of the between the double boarded walla where i.icthodi-t church or "Methodism," Tho it was almost impossible to get water. reverend gentleman occupied about an '/'hero was an insurance of $1,000 on the hour. home in the Western Insurance Co., wo n present has been a bad winter for uederetand, held by Dr, Hutchinson, of 0011 nen, fishermen, fur dealers, gnaw Montreal, who formerly owned the Shoveilers, Sleigh ntauufneturerg, tobog- property, and 11,'. Broadfoot hails -100 on stns, sleeting r)ulme and ice packers. But the fatnitm'c. The fire in said to have very good winter for doctors, under- origilrmatn',t from the tmxp10stot1 0f a lam L taken, bmlders, la grippe, druggists and Wm. Iennchtel, er. wee at ilfr.. Broad- mnleoie of McGinty johue, vagi and burg. foot's at the time and when the fire wart 'Ohs former classes aro now getting discovered they drowned it out, its they in their best licks, hotvover,supposed, and wont bank to the kitchen CIGo: A e LrT.- 4Vtn, Blaehill lies lot to net and chat. The =outdating the o tt of for his naw brink block as sparks lir particles or Are rekindled and foBotts :-Brick work and excavating, getting into the partition soon set them D, Lowery stone work, Alf. Lowery ; nt dr0anee. The cry of fire was raised ocrponto,' stork on budding, Relit. Arm• but leo lute to Save the dwelling. Mr, litru0g. The job of fitting up inside has gnathic, injured his side slightly by fall. net been 1efyet. The building will be 25 (ng down tate stairs In his purr after foot slide by 40 feet deep and will bo the water. It is about two years sine0 the 'erne height as the p0eto(1100 block. last fire in Brussels (D. llaiate'n) and ie There will he a plate glass front for r'aoh fete be (loped a good many :owe will r. 13 3 two . Thn nostaira will pre. roll by before we aro aloin visited, be le blye t utilized for IA Hall or 1,11141,:, t5 firing the Are two lengths of knee horst, morn, The ,proprietor is sup; osed to '.I'Imt r ngulo truck l slsbntdfdly and, throw ' have lfrb1tere by Septauthoe 1st. tree powerful streams alt the tialti 51, 1 kit, I HLSSJ L$ MUST Nommiimmiik A.R 20 . Snr(tyards nowho, dress muslin for 31,00 53 JUST received GO husllols oboiae olot'or l and timothy send. Geo. B, Erin, AprI%Ir'r IT is stated that J Y. S. Kirk will likely receive the appointment of Scare. I ="=- "9 tery'.lrelaeuror of the Brudeals School Booed as successor to W. 11. Moss who ' suriam. IR, Et 0 'VIM is removing from town, Mr, )Birk wilt f111 the bill to a nicety, LAST Frimiay the ilex mill employees (� completed their work of manttfaoturimm the crop of 18130. They report more dresoed flax than the previous year al- though the crop harvested did not reach that of 1380. The machinery will be overhauled so as to be in readiness for operations next Fall. Brussels has no better induetry than tho flax mill. STILL ON rel. WINO. --Does your organ or sowing nmaobine trouble yon ? Please let me hear from you. Organs cleaned, tuned and repaired. You can pack your machine head in a basket and send it by stage or express and it will reeelve prompt attention and returned with a sample of its work in it. Some second ]rand ma- chines on hand for sale or to nxollange for others, T. 'loom, Box 122, B tuese's, THE Y. P. C. A. held their regular Temperance meeting on Mondayeveniog, March 17th. Tempev0nne readings were given be Miss Janet Richardson lupi Geo. Smith, A recitation by Miss dory MnLanoblin. An essay on Temperance by Mrs. J. Herr ; two pieces of musio by the choir, vis : "Sweet the moments" and "I will sing," Eighteen Band of Hope children, principally belonging to Melville Sunday School, sang "We am a little temperance band" and "Ring the Bans." The next meeting is to be an Easter servioo of song. TIER roan who wrote the following had a level head. Don't expect an advertise. mont to bear fruit in one night. You can't eat enough in a week to lost you a year, and you can't advertise on that plan Dither. People who advertise only 01100 in three months forget that most fn)lrs cannot m•emnentber anything louver than seven days, If you ORD arouse cur- iosity by an advertisement, it is a groat point gained. The fair sox don't hold all the Curiosity in the world. Quitting advertising in dull times le like tearing out a darn because the water is low. BORN. Gnn3rorner.-In Brussels, on the 17th inet., the wife of Mr. T. E. Grimold- by, of a son. MA.TL•RSfrD. CLARE—COULTEn.—On the 19th inst., by Rev. Mr. Forrest, of Walton, Mr, Arch. Clark, of Grey township, to Miss Isabel Coulter, of McKillop. Asueoi.-In Morrie, on the 14th inat., Marion Ashton, aged 20 years, 4 months and 9 days. Y--� East Huron, at Brussels, friday, April 18th. Listowel, Wednesday, April 10th. East Wawanosh, Belgrave, Thursday, April 1701. Mitchell, Wednesday, April 911.1. fullarton, Friday, April 4th. Wellesley, Wednesday, April 10th. Stratford, Tuesday, April 15th. Elma, at Atwood, Tneeday, April 15, Exeter, Tuesday, April 8th. Milverton, Friday, April 11. South Huron, at Brimfield, Wednes- day, April 16. A17'c7r, SOST SAS,79s. Firmer, Menne alst.-Auction sale of farm stook, &a., lot 19, con. 10, Grey township, at 1 o'clock. Thos. Treaedale, mortgagee. A. Reymann, auctioneer. TUESDAY, MARCH 96TH.—Farm stock and implements, on lot 26, comm. 7, Morrie, at 10 o'clock a. m. Robb Bros., propria. tore. Geo. Kirkby, anotioneer, TDESDAY, Aram 1st. -Farm stook, im• ploments, &o.,'00 lot 11, Don, 18, Grey, at 1 o'clock p. in. Thos. W. Johnstone, prop., Geo. Kirkby, soot. 731Z77SS2E17-+S SIC.A.RKDT3, Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley Oats Peas Butter, tubs and rolls Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes Hay per ton .. Pork .. , . Hides per lb Salt per bbl., Shoop skins, each Wool, per It 76 75 31 24 a 52 14 12 5 0 30 6 00 5 00 2 1 25 00 18 80 80 37 .2G 63 15 00 00 35 (h 50 5 00 .O} 3. 00 20 • COI,QNUST TRAINS he'. Tleroangla Cos.ehr,al KINCARDINE to TORONTO, -Tlaosaco To - MANITOBA, BRITISH COLUMBIA, DAKOTA, ETC., 111A11011 nth and 25th APRIL SLII and 22nd TICKETS. TICKETS, TICKETS. e'(1 C -,'1 .J72,, ox 4 .]C9.ILi -to any Point it) - 1,030 r'rOgt Mellen COLUMBIA ASO ll'A0ISINGTOy 0cult i1ORS, -or your nboioo'of routes- '""`-^. C2ZSC''.0.G•O end rho GREAT AMERICAN RAILROADS To all Points WEST and EAST. TS-S+`"vOT?GS3 '11x03•:112,0 -6110 yout- Fnggnge checked 'rf sitl1(11f frim 1131Z,ILISteakileeeel terrAzAriOr'sj. COMFORTABLE CIIAIR CAIS AND SLIIIOPERS OBTAINED 6Vtthoitt Extra O11arge. Per fill fnfotvoni1>11 al'bly to f', z tJ 1' flE1, 'r(lµ'tt Agent NI, G.'1 3t, RI'ref rgi•apla 0(11ry iEl v ;, 1n.{ Consignment of SPRING GOODS Ever at the Brussels Stiction. It has always been. our motto to buy the very best class of Goods, and to buy at as early a date as possible, so that every intending purchaser may have -ample time to inspect before needing to purchase and to show you that we Can, and will, sell you new and stylish goods at a less figure than ally 59L cent man can sell you rubbish at. What the people want are Solid Facts, Good Common Sense Arguments and Good Goods Cheap This we are prepared to do and to prove to you our contention just call and see and you will be convinced We do not run a 19,1 Side Show or a Gambling den to entice you in, but if low prices, square dealing and lots of A 1 Goods is of any con- sequence to you, Drop In, Our Stock is composed of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and Ready -Made Clothing. Persons requiring Ordered Clothing will do well to examine our Worsted coatings and Pantings,as we have over 55 dif- ferent Patterns in NEW Pantings, also our shelves groaning under the weight of our English, Scotch, Irish, Canadian, French and German Tweeds. Our Tailor is Second to .N'one i•• 277 - r' > l ter % ;* ,,tS. .r And we will warrant a Good Fit. Our MILLINERY is al- ready open for inspection and, as ./14i88Br'ozu12Zow is again employed for this season, we will no doubt see all our old Customers and many new ones. All Kinds of Farm Produce Taken in Exchange, A. R. SMITH, Brussels. S„QLE BY TE.N'DER —Ole A— Valuable 50 -Acre Farm In the Flig1e Court of Justice, Queen's Berutle Division. SHINE v3. SHINE. Tenders will be received by the n0deraigaed up tole o'clock (noon) of Tuesday, the fat bey of April, 1690, for the purchase of the following valuable property, yls.:-Tho South -half of Lot num- ber 25, in the flu Concession of tho Town- ship of Grey, in the County of Huron, con- taining, by admeasurement, Fifty acres of land, more or less. The land le all oleare4 and in a good state of cultivation. The soli is n clay loam, and there is no waste land. There 1e a large orchard ou the promises and the trees are i5 a good bearing condition, There is a log house boarded over and also a frame barn emoted on the promisee. The laud is situ- ated about ono mile tram Ethel station, on the W. G. 0 B. Railway, and about six milds from tho village of Brussels, THB TITLE IS PERFECT. TEnsme oa' SALE. -20 per cont. to 110 Van. dom''o Solicitors within one week of the no. °opt:woo of tenderbahavee, without Interest, within one month thoreaftor, when the purchaser will bo entitled to a convey- ance and to be let into possession. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Forfurtherparticularsapply to tho Von- dor'o Solicitors or to tip undersigned. 8. DIAL00a18ON, Looal,Mmster nt Gothor(oh. DrraaoN d; HAYS, Voudor'o Solicitors. MORTGAGE SALE OF NADU MOLD MUSTY IN 'IHE VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS, 1N THE COUNTY OF HURON. Under and by virtue of the Power of Salo eomteined in a certain mortgage (which will be medium/Int the timeofsale), thorn will be solei by Puhlia Auction, at the A3InximAN Health, in the said village of Brussels, by F. 0, Scott, Esquire. Auctioneer, on SATI3It11AV, The. 22nd day or.1L(It('ue, A,lt 1.890, at Tho floor of'1 o'clock Lr the .tll.ernoon, the, following proilerfy viz r All and ohngnler those aerials percale or tracts Of land and premien situate, lying and being in the vilitage of ))rusoels, in the County of Boron and Province of Ontario, being oomupoeed of lots mnnboro sixty-nine (1)11 nod illty-timreo (00),fn the said village of 5imeaele, ouch containing ono.gnartor of an acro co land, be the sumo 101010 or less. and also being Omm1po00 1 of the Oast ['elf 1,1 lot number sl. tv.ei ht 0H in. a k g ( ), the o said 'Village of etnety.s, maul! that part of lot onrnbom mtuclying he en the 0 sade of ,theage leis, lying 05 the east side half 01westerlysity Id n t (Bio tiro Of the oust half of 201 sixty. side idiot nfot produ7(, to the property lair tittles u comfortable e1la o the property is erected a ne nits. 0lm lam'go frame dwelt, fug house, one and underneath, ARO a high, rvillsframmm oiler lstne aZaa n drat. s Mealy stable, enieat new. Tho haute to uiaoly and conveniently well and laid out, with co cover. Thee 105 well and ofatorn all under plant. Thoth is about and fruit t Ore of grummd 11, )planted11,1with shade amorrtot tr0aa, dudten. games, TIMawn property for loads and other eeleltu Dot o aroser wilt bo offered for sale aubioat to a reserve aid, 550,00x, -•Ten par cont, al the purehaso wormy t0 be paid at time of gale, Land rho belatloewithin .l0 Soya thereafter, without Intermit. Por furtherimm•tioulars 11114 conditions of sale apply t0 Meredithy Clarke, Iloiveo a* !Minn, Of01Cbtn•ab St, Ttmluto, Vesnne', 001iott- ors; or to W. 34.011)0100110 of the acid vile. u{io r,t Brusxeta, thole ngort. :13.4 DatN1 thh,rith day of Febloary, .1,1. 1510 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Matter of VALENTINE SrEnoN, of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, Farmer, Notice In hereby given that the above named Veleetr"ne Simon has made an aa. eigqumont to me, titular the provisions of aaet�d8otfeSeoflt'oahsattane,orthbnf ell his creditors, A Meatiug of the Creditors is hereby convened and will be bold at the Office of B. L. Taylor, Barrister, Brussuu5, on Fntpmy, the 28th hay of M,mnan, A,D.1580, at Four o'eloak p. n1., for the purpose of sp. notating inepeetore and giving direetloua for the disposal of the estate, All Creditors aro hereby reguiredto Ale their claim, with the said 18. L. Taylor, at Br'ugse's, on or before the said 28th Day of ?Sarah, 0. D. 1890, after which date I obeli proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard only to midi °loupe Hsi shall have natio° of, and I ebal not be reopousiblo for the emits of time said estate, or any part thereof, to any person or persons whose claim or claims eball not then have boon filed. R. L. TAYLOR GEORGERAFEER, Assignee. Solicitor lot Assignoo. 00.2 IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE Goy or Hnoox. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE In the natter of the Estate of MARGARET DERE, Deceased. Pursuant to the rn'ovisions of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 110, notice is borx,by given that all persons having any clolmo or domande [against .the Eet,eto of MARGARET DuRE, tato of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, deceased who 00 or about tthisaSallday of May, aw, D. 1889, are, on or before the 210 day of Unroll, A, 1).1890,to deliver Or scud by post (1.110 - paid) to Robert L. Taylor, at Iii'tlenels, So - Reiter forWilliam Duke, the Administrator of the said doaoaeed, their mamas, addressee and deeoriptlons, with full particulars of their claims. And notion 1s further given Hutt after the mild 21st day of* Merck 1850, the amid Administrator will. proceed to dis- tribute the assets among tho persons on. titled thereto, having regard only to the aboveesiequired lanri the rias., i Administrator will Lot be liable for the said assets, or any part thereof, so distributed as aforesaid, to any person of whose °lain notice shall not have boon racoiyod at the tine of suoh tribut(on, 10051T. L. TAYLOR, Solicitor for A elm inistrn tor. Dated 10ar0h 411. Brussels, Ont ... AtJOTiON BALI. 01' In the Township of Grey. Under and by virtue of lower of :tele o . twined in a o0rntiu mortgai e, which will bo prodv0OA at the time of gale, there will be droved by style by 1111141i auutlou on ATUlt1AY, talo Fifth day of April, 2(15, nt leteles lintel, in the Village of Craubrook, in. the Oolmty 01 Huron, by Anthony Ray. Auctioneer, at two o` cloak in the eft. 5010on, that valuable falynt at present no. copied by Y"dontlwr tiletnott and being oom• posed of tho northwest corner of lot No. 20, the northwest part of lot No. 19 and the east part of let Na. 13, loll in tb0 10031 00110054lom in ilio Town gill) of Croy, In the County of }Milton, containing 101) nom] 01 le llmi, mora or lean, Toarma'o. a55 and Marie knows on day of Nol 110' fnrther)martla'llars a7lply to aethrfuy Baymmno, Anotta0uvr, (hunbroO: P,O:rer to Zee W. Stoltl•tt v, 7118 Vendor's Solicitors, tated March 11,11,180e, • 7iramplon, MAnCn 21, 1890. J. T. PEPPER, — . Always asic for 3 : --- ' Pepper's Perfect Pills, USE NO OTHER. For Sick iloadaoeo, Dixshmse,m Torpid 1,11ur Constipation, Hallow Akin and the Ooa)mlexlon, Prepared only by PICPP.G R, 00001160 and Druggist, CRAMk1I'S 011341(8[, • ItRa1S0B69, BANKING- - �jI uTNTUb'II & I11cTAGOAItT, BANKERS, • BRUSSELS, Tranaa.ot 0, General eel evacino ' eetatiiraoma. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Canadian and United States Drafts bought and sold. fa Wrest) 5115500 on Deposits. Collections made on frtrorabir terms. Canadian Agents—MERCHANT'S BAN1t OF CANADA. New Yo'lc AGeote—ITfeonTr:lls AND Tinn- Ens NATIONAL 13ANit. LEGAL ANE CONVEYANCING, 'L L TAYLOR, BATtitISTEI!„ Solicitor nun (,ouvoyaneo,, dollen. Cons outdo. OBlou-l'uneloin'& lilook, Brus- auto, :1-3m+ 101M. SINCLAIR, • Solicitor, Coovoyaneer,Noturyreb- Ilc, ,to. QAloo-Grahatu's Block, 1 door north of popper's Drug Store. Private Puede to Loon. E. WADE, it Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Pub- lic. Wade will ttend inoGerrieaeveryaWecel- nesday at two o'clock, DICKSON & HAYS, /Late with Garrow at; Proudfoot, Goda- rich,) larristrs, Solicitors, Conveyauoer•, 60, 011icee-hrueaolo and Seaforth. Brus sole Mao, Rogers' Nook, Mein St. Money to Loan. R. 5.1.000. W. R. DICKSON, A M. TAYLOR B. C. L. Ilerrietor, 8ollettor, &o., of the firm of Taylor, Malin/lough de Barna, Barristers Holloitors, &a, Manning Arcade, Toronto, Money to loam, .ALEX. HUNTER, clerk at the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron. gonveyanaer, Notary Pueno, Land, Loan and Inearanee Agent. Puede invested and to loan. Collections made. 011loe in Graham's Woolf, Brussole. MEDICAL CARD:. LXTlv1-1+'. OA.LE, M. D,, C. hi,, 1 Y member of the College of Physician mud Surgeons of Ontario by exnmivation Ulnae and Residence -Main street Ertel, Ethel, Ontario. T A. MCNAU'GL-ITON, M. D. • 0, Ar., L. R. c. P„ Edinburgh, M. C. I' 8.Ont. At Popper's Drug Store from 0 to I1:10 a. m. mud from 1:30 to 4 p. to, At other hours maybe found at hie residence, form- erly occupied by Dr. B u tchtuoon, 1ltili st. DEI4TAt. 70Er1V'TSNTRYl -- Ball, the ,Pal,loestExtractionad- ministeredf Teeth.- 71 Gerrard Street East, TonovTo, 77 E1•7'T Z1 T 1 W. J. Pear, L. D. S„ Graduate of Toronto. School of Dentistry, All operations guaranteed. BSi'Artifaial tooth, drat quality, and a guaranteed fit, for $12.00 per set, Ottlee-Omir's BLoog, ONAFonTi. hsECi ktioT: F.A .B.- 32ASvTSN• 7r, b, p„ Honer Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Burgeons, Toronto, Nitros Oxide Gas ads' inietered for the Pniulees Extraction of teeth. Office-- IrA ONn Dorm NORTH OF BANS, I5RmeoF,Lo, BUSINESS CARDS. 11. AloORAOKEN, • Usurer efMarriage Licenses, Office. at his Grocery, Puroborry Street, Brussels. �. N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist' Shop Next [loo,' south of A. 117.MaIOay,b Co's hardware store, Ladles' and Milluron's hair cuttings m pealsity rxA choice stook of cigars inept. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM I149f11010E, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH._ • MoNATRR, -� Issiiror of Merriam: Lioennoe, b3' imtpoilttment of Lieut,-tiovernor, Commis. sionor, d:o., Q, B. Conveyancer and Agonr Fire .fnsur'nncu Co. Oilloo at the 0ranbtmotc Post Ogle°. 1 ISS L' ILLA O'CONNOR Ie desirous of procuring pipits in Vomit Music, Prof, Torrington, of Toronto, is pploaood to give Oslo testimonial as to ,Mise O'Connor's ability, eho having boon it pupal made kiiowng 0)1 0(' lioattommm, 1'rtuoess ht,,. Brussels, Aliso O'Connor is open for consort etrgngemenio, 30. AUCTIONEERS. ARAYMANN, Xi e Anetioneer, Is ahvays ready to at. tend odes of fence, farm stock, Co, ''Perils olmaar3uliy given, Cranbrnok P. 0. Solos may he arranned at Tme Posr Publishing House, Brussole EORGEKIRKBY, LiOonsorl Auctioneer, Sales coudnot- od on ren8Onahlo tome. Parma and farm stock a epoaimlty, Orders left at Toe Foto: 1' nbliabing House, Brussels, or ammo Wel tot, 1 0„ will m'AWWiyo prompt tittonttos, 'll'w'1gf'AVTN& TAKEN OUT LIOEN- 1...a. ail a9 an Amm0lionenr, 1 a. t m psonarett ble 10 000, soles g Yarm Meek nt reasonable sleety � 50 I MU the standing of nearly every person Z !am in m poaleon to Boll Co goon marks and got good souurfty when sold 011 areal t. Satisfaction guaranteed, GiV5 rue a call, 82 F. 8, SCOTT. VETERINARY., tJLS O D. WARWvIOE,'V. S._ . . . 118U00tiSl01t TO V. W. p'BISIl'IN, Gruluato and Iloncrery /Fallow of Ontario VeterinaryCollege, will bo pleased to sets 5 Milia wit, the greatest °nre and protea. Menai x1,01 any .assail 01111)0)01 !n iris charge, 'Office and lhprmarv-O'.lh'i,q,'s eta 4o,0 10iue ct' o north of bridge,.Ttieeberry 111 fo id re L w tit bm hi et ac T dl t)0 In an St, t0 ho tb 1'1 ag tie 511 bei an gin la all 101 con hot tilt 110 tloi m: the tin the loft Go of zee the ha me 11, of tint 1)11 000 110 Sit silt all tell of ter