HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-3-21, Page 7,21, isoo, THE BRUSSELS POST.
some Hints About Bedrooms,
gootl wine, and a fre811 lemon, ,111441 when
eweetening the erettni put hi it little litore
sugar time ne(aled tot Recount a the Imam
Jahn, 1,, be isitil(el.
'The tiara of a, leeliseen Is soloctimes neg. FitosTem Limos I'm The grated rind and
leeled lweause of the epparent simplicity juiet, of one lemon, one imp of brown segue,
of the work The style in wide!' it Is the yellts of two eg one-ludf cup of cold
neutully accompliehed is known to every water, and two ta ,lespoonfals eour or
cormettroh, Line the plate with paste and
tlitowieo themes,
Thin 18 one of tim firet props to be planted
in the garden or t melt patch, end a8 a great
deal depend:3 upon getting the erop in eliely,
one, care should be Laken to nude: the necieetary
Thu coverings aro thrown haat over the till, 1S'Iten belted, frost svith the willies of preparations in aileanee. They ean befreenvii
root 01 tho bod, permitting them l'o drag the eggs beaten to a stiff fratii with three from the seed or from buttons. If 1404331 in used
on the (Itudy floor, mei the window le 1:3ft leblespoonfejs of Huger, and, Mown lightly care mute be talteu to get thosie of the best
°pen flee or ten ininuten a length uf time in the oven, quality, an it does not pay to take the plans
popularly considered quite nulliment to air Immo Amax, Dnuritt snit .-One plat of nem,a,akry to twepare the NMI unles8 good Pend
the room, dried apples cut, one-half pint of sweet mills, is used. In par:limning lei ttone care must, be
'Thu laslinalter may poseibly turn the two wiwpoonfuls of 1,akilig powdee and one taken to get, the Hummer kind. NVinter eels
inattrese, but in seven eases 01.11 of toll the tablespoonful of butter or 10111, 'Um flour of buttons can be told by uniting acrose
bedelothee are 8pread up without going suilielem to make into smith imanatn, and them, when two or more centres or hearth
through this form, and tucked in seugly drop into boiling water and boil iptielsty till van be seen, white in the summer ltind there
id, the shles tool foot to pmeent, the freeli tlie apples are (Ione. Cut the apples into 18 11111 0110. If seed is used, the red Wetbera-
air getting in or the stale air me:eying. small bits with seissore, end soak in warn, 1101,1 and yellow 1 etnvers are both good Amid,
Thu right way of performing the, Work iS water before making, Eat with oream aril mortn. If it, 18 desire:1 to 1.11180 1/111/0118
not So dillicult that one need shrink from it. settee flavored with net meg. ninny of the new varieties, 800'11115 80011 when
Tho coverings should first be stripped bask , „, , the cherry is in. bloom, on a well prepared
L mail oTnw--- Cut two pounds of 1,110 1101111
ON'Or 11110 :hales set at the foot of the bed. bed, sowing the seed thick mid let ling them
Thu itiattreeses slenthl then be doubled, tio 01 "milt" 1'1 0 'mud! P10"03, Put it 1(11° a make small onions. Thee° eau be set out
the air luny ocit to ell parte of it, and left SO 110111U MI L0 """ "10" glim4 ""11 " 1"10"11 early in the spring andgivengood cultivation
for froin huff um hour to an hour. In very "f P°1 herb° "i"°13' dir°88°11. Str0"1" g0"1 tY wide), in the summer will preditee tu crop of
183 for ono hour, then add two tableepeon fills bottotm.
st,vere W111101. weather the time may
of rice, gnome' Len minutes, aehl two mtatoes
lessened. letieh pieee of bedelothing should. 01 growing imione it is very heir:Mut
cut into (bee, and while they are coo ting ton
be well shaken before it in rt:etored to its
place, und 41„., pinuws 11,,,,,,,,, .4,1 inatzd 04. minutes longer make your dumplings. l'ut
a, pint of flour into a bowl, add it teaspootif el
to ehape. The white spread, that ehouhl
of salt and ri, heaping teitspoonfal of linking
have been removed at bedtime the night be -
powder, moisten this -with about a, gill of
fete and neatly folded, 18 Ilow freell and
milk ; the (10111411 ntitst be soft, Fenn it
smooth. If pillow,elutuis are not wied the
lightly into 00118, drop them on top of the
crease:1 night-slipn may be exchanged for
rffew, (meet: the kettle, boil ten minutes,
fresh day eases, and the fortner laid aside
ScaSon, and sell's.
until neeileil in the evening,
The bed is not all that needs elose eare in AtartiND Puleinen----131anch One onnee 0
the sleepinwrooni. The dusting is far niore bitter and ono -quarter pound of sweet al
important them many pent1e seemed. Awe. mends anti pound them to a paste ht II, 11101'
111111111 10118 of flail' nod des', forin a far:wit:3 tar ; add ti, few drops of roev.water whih,
nesting place foe iliseaee germs and unsavory pounding. SUL: onegmarter pound abutter
smells. On OM, account many 01.1114010111 8 are and one -quarto peund et 811g111. to /1, et.i.010.
ma to be counnewle41 in a bedshamber. 0: at well the whitee of six eggs ; stir the
The bite of drapery, the botekete, the gay almonds and heitten 4:gm:alternately into the
Japanese fans, the phetegraphs, mild the butter and. st:tgar. Lim, a pie (11811 with. puff
pi( ces of brie -a -brae that ere mledeable in perite, pour m the pasture, and, barce 111 a
other parts of 'Hui Matsu are out of place here, moderate oven half an huur. Sprinkle with
Whatever furniture there is ehould be Care- sugar and servo.
fully wiped off ettell day with It soft cloth, Oeirsiesi., ( lernor.e. Cm:es-To IL pill1 Of
01111 1,100 81101tell 0111 of the window. 00141 oatmeal mush, :Air in ;theta half a imp
9'lie room should reecive a 1 borough SWOOP. hot water (use only enough to inoisten it and
ing 111 least once a Week, and tit this time beat menthe reld three eggs:, betden light ;
(were n rt icle in it should be moved. and no 1111(1 cold milk to make it thin batter, :me L00.-
114,011 nor corner 10ft unbrushed, li there are r4ponn of baking powder, oeu-half cup of
curtains at the whelowe they should lie At ell I thew ; if they break add more flour. 'Bake
shaken thut no duet may linger i',1 t/wir fohle. on a griddle.
The re:menu:les foe waste water should lle
witsleel out evere day and 800111011 1111111' 1 111108
it W001:, 111 hot weather the sealding should
take pile,' every day. and the uteneile be
etiene41 if possible. *Witsh.cloths should be
wrung out in lmiling water 3. very other dav. i Tae Extr"rlit""). g'n't Ilant"ds "rn: "en'
. ent to4versity Professor.
Without this they 803311 beeeme ollbueive, 1
Shoes and other artielee should uot be left ; A 111:381 remarkable deathbed scene took
lying about the .1.3,4,,n to gather dust and look I place 1,1 Vienna three N.001:8 ago. '1110 hero of
untidy, Soiled elethee elieuld never lw left i It wee it young pt.43133.4sor itt the University
in it sleoping.room. They eon taininate the !thew. lle was El Mall of geeat lwillituncyneul
atmeephere. : learning. I (is 11,1 111.0S come:ruing the inner
When n11 1.114 sr precam i3nr.: are closely fol. i life of the :end were faneme tunong the stu-
lowed there will be lie t renble with t le, ch,se, , dents, who attended them in crotyds, Hu
louden:rant :slur that one finds often in i'Vell 1 Wit' rr41111'llea by 10'3 fellmv 111."11'-'°,4 in Ow
hand, 1111: and spitirent1y well -kept hell- pluilo4ophical faculty as the cotnieg mon in
the department of payehology, 1,ocially,
also, he -was it man of eoneiderable 'im-
minence. Ito luel married hito a wealthy
family, and. tied; every opportunity to gel,
for his w I fen ra 1 ihroe elableen all t he pleasure
Whielt the ;_ity Austrian capital allbrIls. At
1110 theatre, on the promenade, tual at. the
^ ^
l'01.11155. 811011 111141t0101, LI...1114 only disagree.
able, but positiv, ly nitwl rept:tinily
for (lelice te peretets and children.
Launar,y Hint%
t ermillt roneve tarspots :one:times.
ovoid, (mart tolls he NraS one of the meet
Rinse in 30,111.,y 111,55,5„
A parte of ;oft atal starch will take 4.11111111r figures.
stains out 4,1 bed thiking. .Spread it ou the s new Seer, ego he fell ill 4,1 an ineureble
dieease, toed his physleinn '0131.110,1 him tied
spete, and whoi dry eerepo it, MI' and wash
only e. redwal change from hie gay 1114,410 of
with a damp sip:owe
life wield hinder fee a :short tine, Ow progress
of the malady. The young professor answered
quietly that. he W011151 5110 aa 4 philosopher
To remove gresee shuns freen 81111 hate use
ttupentine tool 1 hen aleohol.
'To iron a 01114 hat : 1 folding the hat in the should dui, without an elicit to defer Ins
left lipid, imee a warm iron guiekly around, last day, TIe ate, drank, studied, lectured
following the lay of the nap. and danced exactly as he did before the
To clean : the garment inust be nest death: warned bine A few weeks ago lie
ripped and brushed, Spread on a fiat board lay down on his deathbed He read, the
an old blanket, covered with an old sheet 1 same books and talked of the Mune frivolous
then eponge the silk nu both sides, rubbing muusementa as usual up toone evening alma
tiny dirty spots particularly with this mix- three weeks ago. At 8 o'clock the doctor
titre -one-half cup of gall, one-balf cup of then told him that he would die within a
ammonia, and one-half pint of tepid snit few bouts. The young professor discussed
water. Roll the silk on it stick -an old Many topics, entirely foreign to the subject
bromn handle will do -being eareful that no of his fast -approaching death, with Ms wife
wrinkles are left on it. Let it dry without till 01idnight
ironing. Woolen goods may be treeted in "1 feelwell, verywell,"hesaid bet:finally,
the same manner. " so well that I would like to drink a bottle
of chanipagne with you before Igo. Kiss
All fancy hosiery should he put into a,
me -for I rimy go while you are away-toul
strong solution of salt and cold water befove
then have the wine put 011 ice." l'Hs wife
wearing, well saturated, and dried without
wringing, either in the shade or in a warm obeyed. .A few minutes later he took the
bottle from the servanee hand, poured ord
To clean coats Take of ammonia two wine for his wife and lthnself, emptied his
ounces, 110011 one mince, snft water oue quart glass to 11013 health, flung it to the floor, and
and a teaspoonful of saltpeter ; shake well &elm 041 back on his pillow, :lead.
and lot the mixture stand 0. few days. Pour Thee:remota (leilies, which have a, constitu-
enough on a eons, tO (10V01. the grease spotti ; Hotta! prejudice against printing tho full
810 „.011 „a. with ok„1 001,1 miler. mune 0r any man of high social standing,
mention thchero of this strange scene only
Two ounces of common. tobacco boiled in 11 Rurr Prot - Re W110 an Infidel.
a gallon of water, rubbed on with 5 stiff a
brush, is lewd to renovate old clothes. It is
said to leave no smell, Tho French Pretendor,
'rho Mike of Orleens, who was reeently
Some TestoaPeoines, sentenced to two years' imprisonment for
rano A PPLES.-Reinovotheaore fromfour violaidn% the law of banishment from France
and fry until soft, and brown in plenty of that, 08 110011 1LS pulite; (sputum has had time
to subside, President Cernot will release laborious parte of the work and WO harm 11
hot lard ; cover with sugar and serve hot.
His 'Royal Highness and have 11110 quietly tho near 1 ntawe to avoid all of that work. by
This nitultes ct, nice eolith for lunch or supper.
ndintee3 to the frentier, Meantime Ale. the use of the butter extraetor. Unless we
Ovssma SANnwrOlts1S.-Takcs largo stew- ;envy s.abouchere has paid a visit to the got it thoroughly and evenly mixed and
ing oysters, pound them in a mortar (has, duke, who is only 11, all.. 111110 110,1,141)0 801.1r011 WO lose a, peel, of it. From sweet,
ing previously en 1 efftheir beauds) wi th a lit- 01w, 1 "Thu hope of the house of ammo 10 • cream nehled Met befotei churning we get
tle cayenne and lemon Mice. Speead this 1-1, ceoss between a little fool aim a smart, but little butter, 3111080 lutviug large (plan -
mixture on thin slices of brown breed and young oftwer of 0, crack re3.4ilneitt, without titles to ripen might use Boyd s proeese to
butter,ent into rounds the size of a silver :my Woe beyond : those subjects whieh are advantn.ge, though I think I get the same
dollar. disouseed at mess. Bo is tall, of frelfh mew res0118 by ripening in 1.1 small eloset, just
Lon:seem CROQUEITTES.-Chop the lobster 1 : i
ptexton, tuts neatfeatnrcs and (10111(1 not fail lar,so enough to admit two Iturg,e tin pails
vevy flno, and mix with pepper, salt, and as an (midge trooping culors to steal away that hold euffieient cream to make thirty
bread crumbs ; meason wolf with eelery s8,It tho hearte of nureery maids and romentic poino18, One of the pails site alewe the
neel moisten with melted butter ; make lei young ladiee, if they were mot physioemoi other mei oil very cold nighte we ROL 11 Len-
to cakes, dip them in beaten eggs, • 4,
mists onoligh 10 000 1110t t110 03108 01.0 1111.r11111 kettle of boiling WILi 01. 011 1110 011011' ha -W(5011
then in erneker or broad crumbs, ned unpleasant and dull, and that. although ho aim. 01, night., oot so cold we have the
fry brown in butter or lard. Croquettem Ilea lost the puddiug _contour whieh male wattle lees hot. lly having iu tight -Udine
may also be made of cold 11811, potiliTY or him 4-01 ugly boy, the flominatioe of etnumell doer the stvani 110111S 1110 tamper:atoms of tl
vent. over mind iit still ehown m hie cheeks, 1 1 is 431:341um (that Mei previously been warmed to
Mi germ llelesweee e ox Toesr.---A faver- it i i
eggtenown heir, of cl, dell 010001 iii -parted, 00\11111y and had MOW 01.011,111 rm. a 010,,,ar
ita a,a) wiilamt doubt the best Way 1,0 nee uutsher-like, in the middle, and is sligh t ly added) through the night se, that we seldom
eolti lied:dealt is to mince it finely and to curled. Ae to dress, it, Wall ierepronelertile Mid thet the cream iii the 11111101" ptlii 0111.400
semblastoo in the cut of Ins feature,: to the in the lower is not :mite as high, and all 18
been all (tried up by poundiug and overeoolt- 1 s .r, 1 11 il i
5110.0 L.0,L0 th. ,,r.00118, NIL 1,41,0 counts0/11100 easily re.titlitteil by making the tempera.
ing the lied (lay, 11,3141 to the gravy a geed WF4,4 110t 1110, ILIA 104111V0ii 14 Mind on very tare of 1.1,0 churn (1.y using cithor 11111 01' 00111
or live largo applee ; out them into thin !dem remains china the bars het ti is understood
that the soil iflunthl be rich, It
to get the soil too rich for there. The mew
uro ehould. bo well rotted and linell end
and worked thoroughly into the sueface.
Poultry manure is a good fertilizer foe onions;
it, is very 0011 and ifmroperly matutged is
easily 011011 and can in Ude way be easily
worked into the soil. It can be applied.
before er after the crop is planted, 0‘101. the
surface after the soil is propeely prepared
for the eyed. Wood. aslunt or commercial
fertilizere can be used in the same way with
benefit, if enough well -rotted etable manure
cannot readily- be scoured. As with all
garden ereps, it is quite an item to Mem the
prepased in the very beet, of tilth befinie
planting the sued. One advantage in using
the drill for sowing the seed es that the
plants will stand in 0 straighter line and the
need will be dietributed more evenly in the
drill, securing. a better sauna and at the
game time leseening the work of cultivating.
Lend that 18 foul :with weed. :wed should
111,01.51. be planted in onions, and in many
eases where tho stied is sown it will pay to
mix 41 few radish seed with 1110111 so that the
row8 can be seen more refulily.
Meek out the rows 0101 foot apart.
Neither the buttmis nor seed should be cov-
ered. deep. If butt mei 111.0 110011 they should
be set about. tWo bathes apart. dust 80 the
seed or buttons tire covered is ell that is
necessary. It is quite an item to seeure a
good, even stand, and it is better to thiu out
after the plants two up well than to bave
them too thin.
A sharp eteel rake is Olin of the best im-
plements to begin the cultivation With, and
it can be used any thou aftee the seed
planted. Weeds are much mere easily
destroyed when small, intel. 103 1111111y.of them
steel, up Very 0117.1). t110 SOrillg, 111 01.1101"
to keep them down the work of cultivation
must be 001111110110011 Very 0.11.1)1, 9,01
01,1111Vitti011 111111 it lootie, 11101100" SCSI are
important, Items in 80eltring 11, good growth
and yield. 14 the planting ie :lone early
etel the soff le rielt and well preearcd and
thoreugh cnItivation is given, 0 good crop
can be secured. The worst enemy (If the
crop is the maggot, nod the 13,1 „.„).,:dy
this is to pull up and burn every pIant that
is affected,
PoINTS lit -r1110, 141.11G NO.
Among the women 0'110 111100 Inn& FL SOO.
1088 of thy butter making. businette is AIL'S.
C. V. Pater, Viroqua., \, isconsin. She hae
suecesefully solved many of the 11111110110
problems conneeted with the busines8 awl
only advocates those which she has proven
priefficable, Venn a sniper read. by her td,
an Institute we nude, the following selec-
"After mauy yeard' experience, we still
use cane for setting our milk. We could
mit handle the milk of twenty or thirty
:rows in common tin pans, and we think the
011,118 1,011,111V ill 01'01.), way. We like them
eight and ono -half inehes in diameter and
seventeen inches in length. They last much
longer than the longer: ones that will strike
and drag on the ground and they axe 11111011
more Convenient, to lift around. We can
set three at a time in the wash boiler, where
with hot water around them they soon heat
np to the required temperature for feeding
calves. We found it a. great mistake having
a variety at ono time and hailed the day
when ours that were of all WSW end styles
were poor enough to emulenln and thns save
confueion in fitting covers, whieh handled
by hurried milkers got so bent in every co
eeirable slime/ that none fitted perfectly.
'We skim and get all the cream that arnomits
to anything in tweuty-four hours. That
named in twelve hcmrs longer makes quite a
showing, but hail 00 butter fat and is of 110
1•111110 111110S8 you can persuade the family te
use it on the table for genuine mane
Ono of my neighbors who gathered onongl
for it churning from the mocenul raising
found she got no butter when she came to
churn it.
Ripenlug the cream is one of the moot
put it to 8towing for fifteen minutes, with and CILVerilliy careless. I could treee 3.0.. lame them two ov three degreee, while that
quitc n, little wider. If the beef Imo not
eized lump ot nitter, a email cmloo, end it
teespoiniful of vim:gay:or catsup, 11101 (.0001.1 it
suiolting hotI on nicely broemed toast.,
stuallitattevn, it goo!! Leal 01 \ MOLY, 01111 14 .5yal 0.) to ,31511, 51, s t e ere 3,1,11g,e1 i 0 0,31,1313
t01111101. more ire feil do 1111111 11111111y. The at es high es eixeteeight dcgre:, at this limo
, eyes, to Whiolt .1 v0111,11'0 1"' l',uoul auo 1311101, of tho year. Nrections ler churning at
Cliocoteere Soliettea.---Soalt the ormites .
smangular end wasitmet in Ime expresemn, eles.e.two degree, on niost ilmrinometere
of it Prtmoh roll in milk, stmetrhe it net, beiti, mid, too chine 801, {ewe a umati character to are Toese,1,0 es, summer 1„,, 1 heard a lnely
it ttp till quite light, then bent hi two 01111008 flu., 1.1,...„.„. 5
Say, 1101, 11.11g 81111.0, 1 11111 Alio dreaded 111 have
of butter, three minces; of sugne, and the well OF the 4111114:',4 'Nato 1vionil the 'Dalt° do enything to do 11 11,11 1/10 charm elle htul Hil
Ivaco yolks of 113'0 eggit \ 111011 11111 1.117,7 1,i1.5,0500, 111v. 1 ,al katelici e ; sys : " This 11,31,,,h tr,.111,10 in nit i,...:: hinter, elturning an
eel, e(141 three 01111 eve et grated ehttoitht.t",81"1 1101510110141 IN 8i1Viri. 1.‘" 0 1.1i.10., 1,11. 1,kin 1001 hour aiol ',rotor. ;,, ta.e.c..ttial W-01.1111.1; 11511
1110 W011 W111811101 141111.08 Of t1111 Ogit,i, ,1,11 1 a 1;0;41.1)11.0,4Iva laiigii cram 1,eitig tho oxnet 01,01 1.) , ',..d ,..01.!:111, A h.,:i she 1.....1 r o more
till light, pony the 111Mort, lulu A 11""ll imago of our 1 he e i 3, len foie. fat het a, I oever 1 i,,,,,J,t,„ ,,,1,;, ,,,„,,,,, 1) ;Ng Leo eoki 1eod 111 a
buttered tin, and pig it 111 011CCI ill n, brick saw a cleaver vane of 1 ovi rsion to 11, 1111' 131101, itohl l'o. 510, 1011'01., illo 13-tipot.1nro s:o. nal
oven, Gu not Mum the oren door for rtf, ancestral typo, Tirit 100.11'a 1.10111 11 1.1.6011o4 ,li,g11 ,,,,. ...'5,,,,N. . 1, 1 1,..,.,. 5w 3. 1:11 1,, 35,,51511„,
Tenet tee minute:3. from ear to me, and hie 1,14,4, 11pfl 1051180 1111 ‘1.,,,, 'lime N.,..,..t, 151, and :1154. ..1,110". 0:: 00, of 1.5 ..!•
flYLL,‘ mit (Me quart or ria WW1,I0t mann, any new:end to 00 '5'01' OP i ft.' 100 110r 1'10111 urn 10, I lia 1 v ,, i'„1 ,,lie , 11.`.5.0 ', 5.5 Ieff, eiente
(me unable,. 3,r 1, iue, one lenton juice itsid end gilnis. flh1 forehead id yes lank from ,',.1,1,,l, ,,,,,,,!,?1, in, , , , lot ,:: 1,,tvIre,„ t,, 01.!.11.,;
rind, and Fingal. to your ietste Sweeten tho his brew at MI 011400 Of tilirt).-115.05 111...;r1.0r. „, '1„og i Intl the:, c..1;sil te 1 hs :34,,,de i , m
quart, of or cum 1014 15101ri111.1.1 it a largo tam• ittlammia mar Semites linse, 00 1'0'0'111 111 1 1,, 1101,1 ft. :,.. „g ,,,,, ,,r tsrec hot,. m.11
blorful a the bent tilterry or Madeira 101110 S fear the deed plugs. The 1)11110 of Isuyiene :mewl hove e, lielrelay. My eurioeity 11,1me
whip until the mom 18 stiff, Now add thotigh now fairly well strickee in yettre aud. to teeseoNsee, e.,,,,, 1 2,,,,eg ti,,,,/ wtwo tn..
the grated rind of a fresh lemon. mid the em ulent, continuos to (fresh tte a masher, ing 4.3., chum 5,.. 3,0 J., (5 5.,. 1,5111.11 5,0 .15(5,111),. f,fli
an, 01/111111 his gdwele hate parie31 in the there velem/ rosni ee: 011:4 Notation of the
middle, while intake of curling irons on the, eresin, 1 letve never 1 ,Mel 3.114,11 great lailp
tits, 'Ali nonrt attention," 1 se .1 have in buying 0. lugs churn. II 11008
row, which must he strained, Attt• t
ore3-41 setnewhat longer, and you may then
1 mwe erre ee,
not 5050111 10 11111. ft 11,1irt. rength to I
10111 it, but as hos (1, handle on teeth sede,
1 lake hold more for I he 14,4,Le of thing
titan anything I:bee Otii. girl awayn 013jeele
mid ilielste that it, 13,0138 luzy to nee I wo at
- -
FA111111f1t's 111 ma
The badness of whet i8 known an fill.11101.'ii
butter (101./1 1101 inhere (alit telt is loam
coneeneed cm the farmer's table hetween
cher:11111p ; fee if there le 31 nem on earth
who gets it fresh and sweet is the farmer t
for it is made and gone hefere 11 per:tide of
the little extra (.11,10(111,, mut ter there may bo
hi it, OM compered with est rtt dairy and fe.c.
tory butter, 11/18 had Lime to either ferment
or decay ; and hence he ie temly living ou the
butter -fat of the land, W11011 ill its most per -
foot aroma. and freshness. It is when the
farmer tenets ent to till the market with
what is not needed for home consumption,
and he trim, to get, his share from the sale
of the 1.100,000,WO tennel3i time le Intole ter
our population, other than the farmers, thet
he moist I118118troll8ly fili111 100111180 11,0
flumes, or 1111411). lltem do, that the excel-
lence of his table butter, meattly not, three
days from Gm churn, will attach itsolf to,
and go with, the little mucktuge he has to
stereo, above the family needs. Almost US
well might the buteher (Demme that the
freshnese end sw4.431110148 of hie meat on the
I:look, would be retained and go with it to
the 001110111101.8 hundreds of miles away, With-
out eomplying With 1110 eonditions for pre-
mervation tool transportation and marketing
the expert creamery man plumes his produce
At Female it'ittrIn Passenger Takes a Dose or
Laudanum 0101 pies.
Airs. Ida Ward, 4,f Leicester, England, a
cabin passenger on board the Anwriean
Um: steamer British Pritews33, ,11111i031 Froet 11,
:which arrive:1 at Philadelphia the other :ley,
committed seicide on the way over and 3111.8
buried at eon,.
When the 13ritish Princess left Liverpool
elte had ahem eteerage passengers and
one. cabin passenger an English W0111:111
W11000 name appeared. on the passenger list
aff Mrs, Ida Ward. Even if she leul 1101 been
the only saloon passenger aboard the (then-
tention of t'aptitin I. meth and his officers
ould. have teem drawn towards their tad -
its ry table companion, as MPS. Ward wae
14 'W0111101 10110 Wol11.1 1114015 11111.001011, notice 11 -
boatel a crowded tvamintlantin liner.
She was young, alenit twenty-fivo years
ohl, handsome end highly aecomplielted,
spenkiug severe] languages and WOH 0, finish-
ed inusicaut. The intonations of hcr VOici, 01111
intimate knowledge of all the convention-
alities of sock ty et rengt hotted tho belief the
elle was a, wen belouging to a cultured an41
relined eirele 3,1 society. She W118 0%1:Timely
reticent about herself. lint she Lehi Capt.
Freet het elle was /Nan Leicester, tied the t
her husband lived there, 80,1 that S110 Willi
on. 1101 11 ay to tanciona O., ill 811111). 10
1,0001110 11 15.15i0.815511,11 1.111,0
1"5.0111 01:11 l'etnarks the offieers
deeided hat her doini-al., eclations were not
I tappy, I he 03 Went depre,siou and
.11 1110 ler 0151011 8110 01/1/0111.051 10
.11111LI. 001.111'.10".5 ilWir 0151111051. :\ 1114. Ward
81111.01.1.11 greatly from sea.sickneis, which
tended to :Tell further di±press her and Capt.
Freeth grew anxious alrait her condiLion.
On the meriting of the 1 i th of the month
the stewardess li-nocketi at Ales. Ward's
state room, and reveiving.110 11118 Wel. opened
the :lone toel found her lying in. her bunk in
a nearly comatose condition.
One glance at the uneonscious woman
told the doctor that she hail token laudanum,
and he at once administered the regular
antidotee. She VALN welked up and down the
(leek and the stounich 11111111) Waii brought
into 1180, 1/111 1108pit0 On their efforte she
died a few hours after she was first dis-
That same day elle WILS buried at see
the presence of the Lwow and stemage pas-
senger8, Capt. Freeth reading the Church of
England burial services ovee her body before
it. waS consigned to the 00ean's bed.
No communication or letter of any kind
wee found to show what rea.son drove her to
lier death. It. is possible that, the unfortunate
woman did the deed in contemplation
before sho came aboard the l'rincess, as
three bottles of laudanum, two full tuul one
empty, weve found in her state room.
A Sagsoions Dog.
Napoleon has been engaged for the past
two and a half Years in helping his mester
run lotiontotive "No, 86. Iris apprentioeship
began tut the age of 6 months, and 110 can
OW go into the romullionse, where twenty-
eight engines are kept, single out and mount
his own machine, and, in the absence of his
master and the fireman, defeml it against all
intruders, lie rides 011 the lieeman's Hide of
the cab, with both hie front paws aml his
head hanging: out of the window, intently
watching the track.
lie often scents :Attie et n. long distance.
1.1'hen they appear in might Ito becomes
greatly excited, and looks fireb at them and
then his master, art though trying to make
the littler understand the gettrity of the
On a nearer appeorieli tn them Int giros 0
nry S111111141' 10 that of a. humtun being. if it
is 108111 necessney to come to a fell iitop he
bounde ant of the cab runs ahead, and 111'1008
the trespassers out of harm's way.
1Vlien it 10 desirable to communicate with
the pitinping-stations, frequently itt long
distances fieM) the track, a note 18 written
fr,iipti,3,10!iii4:4:8,04,,:,,,(1.1,Liem4.114iii.41,,,w3:111,41,11y4lolivers it, and
1 lo readily interprets sigunla sleet from
OWil 011td1111 but paye no mew r.ltuntion
to 'the whistles and belles of other locomo-
tives than tO 1110 W111011 Itl'S safely
grasing by the emelehle. riecillent ally t
nt oily of the stntione le, returns to Salida by cectled on its way OH if nothing haul happee- : aging the househohl. I here are mothers who
the next - Scienthio Alm:Henn, ed. lubiesitinie the news spread like 1 are more given to asking where on myth
Ilre among the peeemigere they eoligint.. , their children learned to talk and act as they
Tho Ono j'enney. Mat ed the parents on the happy event , and (lo, than to enquiring in what part of the
the latter wimely deehled to pocket their 1 1e1,4,1311,111.1(1,,,14;t11735111,,i14,111,i.ct:tittnntrameselit.eitsio,41,o
"When I was it young man " 80)04 1.1101nft, feeliuge and lool. pheteant.
Sir 31 anise etimpean "these li'ved 111011. ill MIT Ktill 111.51 r f01110r8 111111 10111110PS 11'11081"
table tall, le whelly bet ween themeelree, ex -
11041,111011.110501 Wili/ Wils 1111i V05'.',1111' 1'0.
3/5111 eil to be uncom..milly Was al in his deal. A Skull Per a Pitcher,
8.111,5 p1) 0 '110 11 1111 1011 . 1 \ tly '&00 1.
, 0.5111 118 1.110). 1111.11 1181110 occasionnlly, to say
ings. . hen he Teel anY of the 1",1:111"° "1 Ilea. tu terrible etory ;seen N„,.11,
Queeueland about a limn who wit,s had in the , You still. tddltIrcii, While ;your father
has its influonee 411 It. lends them
his farm to 411:41,4134e of he mete nu Meat:hada
atul mother a.re t r All 1 Ins table talk
rule to eive ,'411011 1803811M Or '11".* 1111811. lin np all his water, and then
regnired of him. One 1 dr,p1),,,i hh,
, to have less respeet, for their parentS,
Mere 0551,51 0.511111 110 "hilly" in the agony or 11-6: t 1111.1
Of his friends, olisert ing his frequently 413,11114 :3 ,
an41 by, f‘wtemittely, he NOM to 11 WittOr• ,
hi,"1 10./11., 11 10.11.0 he slacked his 11131111 and found. I ".188 inturu"t t hu hum" 111b1" "c"Pf,
for satiefying, their natural hanger.
so, :meet bawd him why he lid 11 i I
110 1411,V55 1.01 1,1111 sai it wont,' no, le .
1,110 road again. Ile had still ennui thirty P.'"11
las 'ids 1.1',ey meek tho atiewer ne (11,11.0, to
e however, end had not hing 'what •
Table (elk might le be snobs in every
lt is potent, evell thimigh it be not penfitable.
of thif 1 ' 41:1 live: 004'.0 "1" . iivee to eaves'. water in. Of oneso, it evou141 !
bet 3,:e: igiewee theweli the wad 1,„,„ „„,,,„1,„; 4,11.0 ao to Make the hour of helm meal
when g I ea meg. el aril 1'5 1'0 i 1111,5. , hi, 3, fo, ouo0o,o , time one a 1 1.,. (1„,:a us wen an
4, "1111111, Or I his, young frimid - bef Igg,1:„„„ ;111„„1 ate,. „imo„, !g1 Lb: 1,goa eee ei Ow most tem:eh:ha home, the 'ley
0 ell the chibilteni. But in 3,e3ler ;0 loses
1.111,1 00 1' Imo r ' 1111 01111i."1 o1,1110 ti1 Rid. lio 114:4e1
table talk veinal:le perm -es mnst 110,V0 00111t.
15111011, i115.51 000 11110k 10/ 1110
,„,, n wht, imray ta tan, alum, at. II, 1 10.,k, 1H,
Wi1i1"0.: 0 1 alk nbotit it here and eieet hove
"What nye the huh:conical for ,,,,e1,1Aig phiggeil up the eyrdados with clay, and 1illed tho uhrolmn 1"v3'• lidlad as iheY
One% life blamed on Ton; on I/101.1 1" 1101:011 ft 3V1111 WiLtOr. li 0 then 1 ra inpoil that thirty their t able 1 taking.
Stro, Therunleirres She mem.: to Oily Tontine. 3 miles on 1.110 water contained ill (110 1.11t1111
'" 1 1 t 1 1 1. " 1 ' Co, ' .1* t 't gine 11 1 to hostl and Smell bonnets are wain on dressyoenasions,
plied her linsb111111, RN 110 repressed a mile, I itagettul. idea, than this, for which we emu 1 Mul in the evening, larger ones and hats tor
"is that you got your boor for nothing." 1 vouch i•-rau Altai Gazette. ttreot wear.
Dcath of tho Star,
A stately sing, rii141086011 1 0 drink
Beeide 1001111111111 lilk01.5e8 brink 'I
Atound him 13,wering to I lie skies
The blown Sierras 51011111y ri8o,
11101 is the haunt of silence ; here '
DWells loneliness akin to fear,
And as the :dug with agile t read
rroeses that 'lugged M 15011.
Thr 3:areful putting of his Met.
But makes the stillness more complete.
l'Init 111011118 11118 utter dearth of sounds 1
Are these the !nippy hunting grounde?
Now gracefully the neck of 1/104
i•le beautiful, so sleek., so slim,
1301015 bowlike, till at last he sips
Thu erystid tide with velvet lips.
One moment, and I le, spell in pa.st !
1 lis antlered head on high is east ;
tile thin red nostrile eDiir the air,
As though 0 said to him " I leware 1"
it in for youth to enquire ; for ege to op,
I love men, not bcoanio• they are ne353,
Mit 18,0111010 they Are 110 W0111011.
The pdmantry feel no 1,43i I 05115" hatted
two. legonge to the upper 4.1aSH 1110110.
80111 1010 18 as needful 1.0 11115 finagiinti,c+.
as society is wholesome to the ehariteici,
'1110 heart of youth it, reached t liroefas
the 8010108 ; t110 senses of age through the
lieguery 15 thought by Seine to lie tun,
Dill* and laughable 11 15 110itiler L it ita
gnvemped In a eommon mist, WO 000114 te.1.
walk in dearness oursiilven, and behold only
the mist that inishroude othere. .
The unfaithful woman, if she be known
for :sloth by the person concerned. Hi 0111y
A metnen t thus, and then it (puck ese ; if she bought faithful Otto
A1111 110r10118 80111111, 11 "01410
14 1501 litli0111.1.
T110 10111. 111.4111 hoofs together met
Sharp as a Spaniel, castanet. Tido: all reasonable advantage of thet
Away ! away ! at every eying whieh the present May oder you. It is the
A shower ot pebbles round hlut ring. only dine whiell is really oure. Yesterday
is buried forever. To -morrow we may
11101.1. 5.500,
Ile faiht, rune eye). 1101,1 again
Is rattling down the rooky glen.
haw like a flash, and silenee now
etiftn down from eliff and 1040111tain brow.
'The silence grows. What ailed the stag?
No grizely Iseens againet y3a1 crag,
Ovine dummy, pondeems and. gaunt ;
lien, is 110 inonutain lion's haunt ;
N4, ty hunter and his heund
reeky fastness yet hue found.
Ali, 110110 of these ! -end yet the deer
thud sudden COMA' for direst fear;
For yon(ler, up the rough ravine,
A refuter conies, brown, lithe null lean 1
.A. perfect athlete, trained one
Who in Olympic gameere4311,1 run.
Stark naked, Have for witithtls tieil
Beneath his feet, thin strips of hide :
Unarmed, save Hutt his lingers elasp
A long, keen knife. in brute' grasp.
thele, what 14 runner ! Deep 1,f chest,
.And all hie muselee at their best -
Hee how above the richt they 1.180,
At1 every move their temper tries !
Bow free his action ! Slightly bent,
Ills eyes upon the gmund intent,
1 re 100008 along With 150,31 swing,
.4 el ereury who Heeds no wing ;
Yet, not toe fast, hut mere as ene
Whe wins the rave lseforo Ifs run.
If st.0 e4,11141 throw nueselves away, like.
brek4ei ehina, etery time we think wu have
spoiled 011r001 iM and all our stiwy, the back-
yards of creation would be full of broken,
'finders of us.
Dheis p 0.0.4:41 love makes the misery oi
put ; iliettppointed ambition that of man-
hood; met siteeeesful avarice that of old ags,..
Theee three attack us through life ; and it
is our duty to stand our guard.
Love-- that vast exeess of reason, the
stern and virile plettertre of great souls -
and enjoyment --the tmlgar liappinees sold
in the titri.01, nre two espeote Of the 80,11W
tLing. woman 0.110 0011 satiefy these
two cravings Of 110111.8 .1001510 nature, is OS
1.1111. in 1101.80X 105 the groat general, tlo• great
writer, tInt great artist, 1110 groat inventor
is among a people. The 111.111 of superiority.
equally with the vommon man, feels the nerd
of the ideal and of the material pleasure
both ; they all 8000 the myetericaus benne-
phrailite, ther are being who conies to them
es a general thing in two volumes,
This is the primal hunter, this 1 List of Strange Errors That owls, Crept
'1110 111101 W11080 1111.11410118 110Ver 1111/18-"-- 11100 Var10118 Translations.
The runner of New Mexico,
t 1th-dwelling neel(31arie. Although the greatest ears, hus been takers
i to make the varioue wlitions of the Bible
His half-starved deg before 1101 goes,
perfect translations. st,ill errors hare been
Leading the way with faithful nose.
, overlooked !rem time totime, and have given
Thu stag is donewd, for nevcr istek
rise to various names by which the.
Tarns Chntielario from 1 he inn+,
edition containing the errors has liovoute•
All day t hrough canyon dark end deep,
tootiougo pog.„,„ „togit, I Icemen. The following list of these eueions
' Bibles is extram :el from au article in the
Up walls; of roct, Wort' Witt 11.101 sheer
i.0", Hour by \ V. 'Wright, :
Than ever cloud: eiwiee inonetaineer ;
And moo plai!_s of scrub mesquite
He follow.: 35, 411 untiring feet.
Ile sic, in, mon t he trai at,,,night
Awl marts pecan M. grayest light.
But 4,114: euch ether bunter's mime
In all hie woi:141 known to fame,
Or e'er wit, humau breath,
And :fuel: a one, 1 ween, is Death.
He follows so each mortal wight,
So camps upon the trail at night,
Satre that his game, if slow or fast,
Must weary of the ilight at lest.
Three days are gene since fleet began
That r.tee between the deer and man,
A nolile C11111.00, and nobly run
'rite better maned has wen,
And now the stag, tired, hungry, W0111t,
llis hair no longer smooth and slick,
But trickling ewe:, t awl :lusted gray,
Stands gamely \rafting, bminght to bay.
antlered head 18 bonded low,
Awl near the moiled swinge to and fro ;
iris eyes, thongh shot with streaks of gore,
131aze tieree defiance all the more.
Not Mug he waits, for soon there glides
Into the opening where he bides
A naked runner, Inown end lean,
Clutching 111111110, long„ wicked, keen.
Then each the other pickle, spies,
And first they wage a war of eyes.
The hunter, bending at the hips,
With twitching hands and perted lipa,
Gbdes vettehfully around and round
The stag that turns, but holds his ground,
Disclitimng, though he often feels
The starved cur snapping tit his heels.
Some moments thus, mid then tut last
The snarling mongrel seizes fast
Uponthe deer'e book ; mad with pain,
The forest monarch leaps in vain ;
He leaps, he stairms, lie turns his head -
Swift its a shaft from bowstring sped,
'The smut:thy hunter forward springs,
His loft hand to nn antler clings,
right the gleaming weapon reields.
'The stag switys to rout fro, he yields,
He slowly shrinks to earth, his gore
Smokes on the ground, and all is o'er 1
And all is o'er, but who would cheek
'The Inclian'e joy, as on the neck
'Kneeling, Ins swings his knife on high,
Autl wakes the hills with one 'wild cry
-(G00114111 HORTON.
Harried in Haste.
A Cawman engine -driver had plightct, his
troth to a young lady whose parents wonld
not beer of the engagement, The lovers
couceeted. a scheme for the itttainment of
their wishes. lt, was arranged that she
should accompany her parents on m holiday
T110 111111110110,8 ntmm.
" Then 1110 0).015 of (111111 150t11 WETS Open -
ea, and they knew that they were naked,
and they setve,1 figge tree leased together
end mule tholes:eves Breeches," Clen.
7. Printed in 1:.61,1,
TI1E 10'11 11111L11.
•' 80 that thou shalt not node to be afraid'
for any lingges nighte, nor for the arrow
that. flyeth by day." Ps. xei. 5. Printed he
1.11 TO11.1,01,0 1111ILE.
" IS 001.0 110t treat:10 SI Gilead ? there
physiolan there ?" 'Tor. lilt 22. Print-
ed in 1508.
Win nosIN minx.
.18 there no rosin itt Gilead IS 0101'000
physician there 3" ,1 ere 22. Printed hx.
1 6110. •
nut ressee-ststsen's nuns&
"Bleac.1 are the place makers ; for they
shall be tailed the children of God." Mat..
v. 0. Printed in 1501-1.
T110 l'ES11.1.1:111 11101,0.
''T110 Parable of the Vinegar," instead'
of -The Parable of tho Vineyard," appears.
in the chapter -heading to letke xx. in an
Oxford edition of the autherieed version,
which 31115 published in 171 7.
lent WIVratt
This extraordinery name has been givers
to an edition date anthorized Bible, pruded
in London by Robert Barker and Martin
Lneas in 1031. The negative was left ont
of the Seventh Commandment, and William:
Kilburne, writingein 1050, says that,
to the zeal of Br, Usher, the mm101301110 fined.
482,000 or 0,000.
TI111. 0,MIS-TO•1LAR mime.
" Who hath 0,11r8 10 ear, tet hitn 1=1%7
MathOW xiti. 43, Printed in 183 0.
T110 0184.10,11100 01111,1.;.
"1 lliBellarg0 thee before God." Tine,
se 21. Printed in 1 800.
" If any mem come to me, 1111C1 llOtt1 110t
his father . . yea, inul OWn wife.
also," etc. Luke xiv. thi. Printed in 1810.
11.0110,K,k, 11'8.1.-1STELS 11101,E,
" And R01114011 /11.080, 11,1111 her OantelS."'
thinesie xxiv, 01. Printed in 1823.
Talking at Table,
T110111 iS mul to the modes of conduct-
ing table talk AS 0 ineans of child caticatione
eases the " Sunday School Times; and there
tri aud during the Mornay, she left the 18 no end to the miimmee of table talk in
this direction, however conducted. Indeed,
it may be eyed with tenth that, table talk is
quite ILS 111101y to be influential am a means
itt once lewked the rain Into a siding, um. of 0111141 Owning when the parents have no.
coupled the engine, and the lovers, together thought of using it to this end, as when they
with the stoker, ran on at frill speed to the meek to use it accordingly. At, every faintly
next tetation; where a clergyman, who hail table there 15 sure tole, talking; end the
been duly notified, married the pails and talk thitt 18 heard at the family table in sure
the met: eenple returned ae quickly as they to have its pert in a child's (mining,
had Co111515, to the NOS: 0'111.111 the lima:Mont whether the parents wish it to be so or not.
t layette:8 111.111 110011 111111111101, T110 00141110 There are father,: rehnee, table talk is chiefly
ii again coupled to tho train which pro- in eritielem of tlio mother'e method in man -
carriage under some pretext or other, and
made her wily to the engine where her
sweetheart was waiting for her. The driver