HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-3-21, Page 6+= TRE BRUSSELS POST. MA TWIT 21, 1890, -411====1110F=.31.=11=1,21=miNtenlaxisicimegersgo114.4112‘,===.01.1,11.0.IMM474....=1"..A102,==lre.M0i17.0.44..xiXemnaggammoolt nestes.ressessenacla,====.111......102CastsdairdrUSSZZU=Senr . . ST, MARY OF THE ANGELS ; 011tallit4 VIRST AND Lin LoVEn. . _.... - By 'nit )).; AS A. JANVIEll. ..... . • . CHA 101'1,1 II III - of Worse, 011 ivorse, an' 11,110. an' then I'd go 7-Rardy walked back through iittn''bIL.Ing °Jr with 1 11' 'HT' 101' trY t' fare,"."1 What a 'IittUtt to the station awl after taking" a look e""'"al mea" !time 1 w"" kt"1"'"t 1"""e• Ske didn't like dna, ate ww; downright ugly ,at his revolver to see tin,. it was iii good when I'd emits Ilene, a little sewed up, At zeta -king enter and test all the 01,110,0%4 last site i.,,lain1, I was a ,trunken brute ale elle aivera lowled. -metaled himself with a pipe to awe eerre- she'd matvitel me, 'spe,•ially as she :await Harwood's coming. This was the time ig oav witen the nut could ',1' got a better nIell. She Meant )"011, I guees. Well, we didn't have a, pleasant '1Pat Most la/weal:I awl wilen ell lutture time that tiny, for 1 just got inad an' talked raceme," to 1,0 crushed. bite still,•,!es 1 ty t he equate up te her. Aftet• that things WaS a ;iteavy weight of heat. Not a eien ,,t' :mined afsfe, anywhere wil6 to be semi. 1 he flools 0 '""a1 de"t aa!".'0. 1 t""k t' g"ill' with 1 11' tains oefohe houses were elait tight, and within I"',"(" 1"''''' " e`'''' "". l'r,"",Y.,,'"'"! 1„f",""a, , them, to tutuitteuu ;ma ,1:t01:0;,., their ,evnera ',"•)!'"!!'ll 11"'d l'ut ''f liq l"". -"u'rer a"M $1"'''' °Veil ON11001111' 11 1 11.11 I t,Ild lier titat th' one lay eletelemieg„ 'pie, eery .b,gs had betaken • sehatimae,,, t„ „etch eleet„. te.„tt, the eat., ea meet. 1 ' thone ea. 't WaS herself --an' that • . ,, wa,e; jugt tie 0-tale:stile tt•uth. _they! ,..outa rt..: in 1 is. ottplaotai ..r. twoss,.; .ilie.. 1.thar. apd 01,,,:.,, ,,i,,,,,I,,.,,i.,,!4 t,.. Th, m ell, we milhel mit ,,f Forth Worth, at, 1 10,..,,,1 up on' 1 ;.;ot ;mother job -down -,:pate boards of the sae ion ,...“nit ort1 It i'e,i11111/3 11 8.1411 Anton that NV:is. 'alien it was pretty -.amen. The iten, el Uhl railway a as 1,Ii-ter *.1:1K.; het. Not a tweet li ie! air etirr,,.I. Ove "'eh LII• "3""! tki"a1 "v"' "g'II". The" we wma 11li to 'Waco, ale then across to Haab !aim great plain hung :, alannwring lie st, mode son, alt then dOwn t' Paleetine, an' to Ilons. up ,...4 the dieeta 1/11.1 I.V...1‘,1..,1 ray, of heat. , na them m," pn,„;!!„ 01, .;!;;;0.;;;;;„ lg., ...; Lou, an' to t.;talvemon. 1 luta good joie, in ' " . a ' I !:, t C • el - t !aor over 00 1110 i'.001,- hill:: 1/1 '..1.0 '..V111111V inas of ' FY ra"!;,`'1 laan tawaa' aa 1,,, tt, on .dast, r. mai sos, ttlr,,,,ly r,,,,t, b„,;,,,,,Ing 1,, oi on nu. An' at la,t I got tide jta, here, I guess you van see for yourself what a fertit -the edema, :mead of the itaeh, eeol d• --ti mean jel, this leeks like, an' van ! -evin,1 that would sweep down from i he moult. geese it must 'a' been• pretty odd steadier 7,:a...14,1 001100 1110 eettling of the 01111;1,1 I. , for me when. 1 agyetel t' take it. But in aawartg to an end the 1..m,t. hot lay. sena, wat,s-that may be we'll talk nbout - Hardy did ii,•,t notice tile heat. Ile WaS litter • it's turned out better than 1 eized it tbinking, ,,f Mary, awl great. sorrow fer up to. For one thing, there ain't nuy boys Iter had taken peeeesei, el of his W•art. Nili4- here for me t' tear 'retina with, au' when.' •esry elte certainly had 1,,,ougla into his life 1 Aivt. set up on int .scal there ain't anybody t' . lzeit nothieg in menparison \vitt) the milert; rt•port Ine-an' it slosn't make no difference lthat Mut etalie 11110 Ion. 00711. it was om, ,eatenglialw thwaght, that she should have t.,',,ifinyleely, either, a long as I keep my tank easels married to barwotel at lee eat-sm ett- " Now. that's Ili' whole busimese. I; . -.weer that might hetes beam -but that she • abotild be tied. to Harwseel wet ammed alue 0,1111110;1 t' t;,,t1k things mit equate with you, au alayhe note tam know what eaather horeiinle. .1.0 the pieturt• ,,f the Mesa. t'Y'-' ''"" a" kind ‘,1 a life limy s lea me you're not as • •-ettat girl Standing la the doorway camebefere , .: sorry as you was that when We Walt was ! bit! mind lie gnaw,' out a 0111•00 bet -IV -00n 1113 onapphi at her elle hung tire with you an teeth. Aullthe vewst of it was that he did went off with me. -net see what he :sell," do •-uuless he sled "What I want t' say now is : I'm ready Harwood etaliand-to nelae her twee bet. t` try t' make things as good 43 1 C1111 for :ter. She 000.0 right, he preseived, in wan- you here, 1.mt 1 want you la play equate Mg him not to fall to wateglieg with her with me. If I happen t' get up sometimes, Itiesband. Thia was a matter in which half- Oun't yen run yourself into a shootin' match • -tvay measures would, be worse than ueeless. -for that's what it'll come to, an' d -----d Between the extremes ef killing liarwood and quieg; gme_by tepettia. me ; an, magt yea •gf keeping up a show of ftimelly relathms believe tit' whole of tit' path. ,,f lies about "4 1 11 him there was no safe course. Mum as me that Mary's loaded up with, an' is gain' tegme was tempting Minot the more stelleal t' tire off at youas seem as eltegets tit' chance. elf theee liues of conduct, he deckled that for Let's fix things up t' run along easy this aim present Mary's interests would be best way, au' after a while, when I 'mole you -served by not adopting it. For some reasen better. main: I can slum- you some things :that he tlid. not at all understand Ilav- :theta Santa Aiaria tleall nntke you think -teem' eviilently was disposed to ittanal a rep' 'toilet 110 bad. as it looks. It ain't always 'ante with hint : all that was neeessary, there - hi tie best lookhe places that there's tie most !fore, •was that he should hold. hinmelf money to be made. What do you say 1 Is :well in hand and not atekt, taw mail he it a go PC !could make one that would be decisive 1 Hardy's pipe was out. Ito lighted it and end final. The wietWin of present temporiz- smoked a while before ensweting. earag- was enforcetl, further, by the fact that i al den% see that you am' I need have matil he eould see Mary alone awl talk freely any row in partheilar,'' he ;mid at last. "I milth her he could. not arrange any certain won't snake any promiees until 1 Molt talon for her relief. Yes, he must wait. - :mound a little and see how things are. While he was working the matter ever ia -, Out you neeOn't worry about my report - 'Ws mind he sat on the oue ehair that the, he, you as long its ytal keep your tank full , :stationed pOssesseil, tipping leak oo its hind :mil tlon't let anything get wrote, witit the !1°P, !Ids hand° °1°.°C°"1 11"Idlld hi" 1"""4, pump. If. yon don't di) your worle'111 report -teaneking slowly. It an abeent, half -seeing yeu, dead etre ; awl if you etme areund • •wey his eyes ranged over the green r,f made, Itfter el:eating niatellee Ill give you all you hunees, thegreat sunny plain beyond, the want, :tad some to spare, stbout the size gray -blue meuntaina whiell formed the hori• of it Le, that latices you make a mw there ! seon on the east. It WaS Oda, he thoeght, won't be one. Does that suit you 1" ,tiat all his wentlerings should have mule." in ,, y.e.c.,..• Harwood answered, "that's ! !awinging Ulu to the very woman whom he fair enough t' stert with. I guess yon an' , • lead tried to get. furthest away from. He moll get along ludas Mary menet het us. , 'trace,' heel; in his mind the eliain tif ate.i.lents, eat, any way. NOW, I must ; very trifling most of them, width had neesol 111 de My 1 ilo ,1011.11 1' ill' pump. TIC 4. 10, the freight. • atim from place to place in At•izonri, atul NOW I1 be here prelly 30011, There's some ore ! • Mexico, and which filially fro led him to i wain' thou:. t' day from tian tlahriel, but . • this little town of Santa Maria, whet.° . it don't go up on tle freight. It goes up 1 Mary was. Was there. such a thing as Fate? in th, This bit of ! express -car to -night. ke thOught. i sheltie: eoca on tie fretglit. Here's the After a while he saw Harwood come out ', wayae.,,af ;Ate just tell Sunders, will you, : alone of the adobe lionees -not his own- 1 a tea ward; ta send down my spare con - end walk timer,' the station. Hardy Indy- 1 nectinared. Tell Min there'll be tie devil ! • el his *heir to the other door. He (11,1 not •t' pay here at tit' pump some Oita, if he don't 1 sena it." Heady stood at the door of the station I and watched Barwornl as he walked up 1 the track to the tank, end so beyond it ! down into tho valley of tbe dream. Pro- ' Hardy answered. , , sently the steady throbbing. of the , "How abeut things? Can I do anythin 'I, pump sounded titrough the hot still- I staeettle you ?" 11050. Harclyas mind was so full of other l -"alco, things are all right. III get along ; thinge that it did not oceur to him that since ! muelt obliged." i the awls \vas full there was 110 rellS011 fOr j Barwootl seate.1 hunaelt on en empty nail- ; keepiett the pump going. He seated linia i lang--the one other piece of furnittire, except- self noun en the rickety chair and smoireel : Mer tbe table on which was plamel the tele- ' slowly Whitt 1 1 trwood had tohl and he did ; „Graph inetrumunt that thcatation pessesse,1 not doubt thet la it genera way Boxwood. 1 e -anti rolled a eigarito. ITe dal this deftly, loul Spoken the truth, enabled him to pretty I !and. Hardy noticed that the •thumb and Mre- .clearly wilia had hatmeneitt how Mary, stung : Anger of his right hand were as yellew from , by anger, ;ma no doubt also stirred by the ! seemoke as a Mexican's, He drew a paper box ! thought that she had uot treated her first ! eef dottble-head WaX M4101103 front hispocleet, lover featly, had urged the hasty marriage ! ssitruck one, lighted his eigarito, carefully re- as ti, awt of reparationaind in the hope that , ' 1.trirned. the unused end of the nuttch to the . such decisive action weuld bring her calm- . 'box, and then smoked fa a while in silence. I miss alid rest. Aud he could see how the i •At last he seal, looking away from Hardy I 1141110 wealtneas of na•turtt thathael broughther : as he spoke, and shifting hie lege a little un- • into snch falsereletionswith 11in:et:lame' that ! ,easily : "I gam, Mr, Hardy, you an' meal ; had hurried her into this atonement, had . better have a talk." i :prevented her from aeeepting as final the! " Yes," Ilady answered, "maybe we , thittlity that she herself hall brought about. I , heel." I !Harwood certainly 11101 a gootl deal to answer ' "Abota-about Mary, you know, Alary ; for ; but Hardy 10110 format to the couviction ! . -tells, me that you rattly are the men she that Mary Wile largely reeponsible for the ' samok, Intuit in the States. 'sized it up that mnelition that Heywood was redoeua to, !evay, mat know, on sight. I guess sho played atel, eoneertuently, for her 0004 unhappiness. It pretty low down on you," , ..' ' r'te I It WAS entioue, he thought, that this woneill ' " NOVer mind abeut that,. It's all over. It . ellonld have succeeiled through &cot. folly -was ever three yeere ago. 1 0040 IL good deal , M wrecking the lives of two men. af a eml tnyeell about that, time. I ought te I Yet even in the awe of •the Wet that Mary :ewe Inegun by asking her if she was free." I had mainly hersc,ff to lhone ew the evil fate " Exeuee 7/1f', she ought to have hegira" thitt hail overtaken bet, his pity for her 1,11.3 IT 1o111/1' you that elte had mealier 10411 00; most keenly aroused. 111 hie taliel Wise 'aer taring. Ial bettee tell you just bow ; frank talk Baramed had net touched upou, thines lattrzwn me an' Mavy beanie Yon : the Mexican girl- gt he ertieleet wroug that ewe, I was Manion to th' lanetin' !citable out : Maiy liad 01111erea. Hardy 110.1 tefrained est Sugar Noteheeat Wilkeeletrre, you know from forcing the talk in this direction, for - ....-1111' Mary tees livin' with lier etepanetlier he hell:tot We ability, SlIonlrl this etiajeet ale 'Wet a:eta:min' ia teeeti eelteol, 1 gneee 1i0 anielie,1 mem, to wai,rol Ille rap, -and Ate had a next.11 timo ef it :tt brene, Her le, wee Mealy determinel te etort: otr 4 faller 00111 deed, P.11' free valat 1 sow ,.r her (wish, until he 01011,1 wa deeisive12,•ro,.:or.A.y..4 .•steiranotber I 111,10'1'14k° tuaeh emelt in her. 1 good '17hat 11, ttriNiA Ity.ist come , al:t1 m wit She tvtc ;t lom.11 rifio, ;,.n.' no 11113tnkl. 00 1,1:111, he 111113 r.r111'1, 71'he eItes, . am ve • Metes ryes inmean gled ;,' 1111,o op W1111 111O. el together tno 0,310,11 lo 1., luetiag; luel I :41wee: ehe del le„,e 10,, I leved her, I knew, ' 1 le, eamie es eeental le la s I renely el lat,., t'io 1 tom ha P.1 em, kVeet :tn' ineke S91110 of ite iladieg. au appropriately et:Lee:mit, einem, ; iin' j not then ,...115 got that taaehin' : eulminetime That there a an1,1 he s:me: ,job Omen lawn, an' was :deo t' get away ' :duetting in it itt reek Hardy as highly pa,. from her step -mother. Mo things sort ef . !bailie, awl ha Mewl tide prolmbility :moth- n uited all round. tio 1 001110 out to -Fort ing, lie he hie hew' deep to lae hip pleket! -.Worth an' got a pretty geed job 43 engineee and wondered who vanial emne rea on t!! m, -Pa learned m'etty well hove to run an lle was incline:1 to believe that it W011111 be .saitginceame things la plated looked pro. I himself. misne. 'VW arrival of the np train cid abort his : "Well, Alary kep' writhe reglat, telthe !• reveele, A little while after it bad gone 1110 she was all tight, an' makin' fun (,1 tie ' tm the nue two wagons, heeled with (ems bort built' in love with lier. athe used 't , of ore from the mita, ot Man Gabriel. 0110'0 :write a gotta deal about you sayile you wee ; slowly iter:ree 10 1.110 Static/11. The !Mame- like a brother to her, Then her letter • ttw,s lelearely unherieweed their mules awl !Javan. t' ;set sort of queer ; 011' then, all of it '; Orove them down to the 011'011.111 hit water, r‘indtlen, I got ,nte ftskin' me if I'd marry her i hobbled. theta, and then in the email leis. ✓ igbt off if she'd twine out t' me, I straek , nrely feshion, sot about in, oaring thoir My 1MS0 for MOre PLY, an' pi/ i t, I f MU tetenter netO making themeolvea eomforts ent wrote back I woual an' glad to. able for tam night, Ibe head ‘,1 the out. "So mit ehe came, an' we got unwriod, She fit was stu Almtrical11, Who Wallusl illt0 tbo .1001Cad mis'rable. an' said alio'," ban ;dela 1 etation awl molted a frimelly Mtw With S omehow elle Isvitee't like hereel 1, an' the new etationaurodet, while Ono wotk ,elidti a, get aloag very wal, She sat of mop- '1 W113 1010g 011. 4.111y. like 4,3 if 11110 1111,11 tle toothache, ad' ! "Mad to see somebody here who looks -was kind of high-strung ien' tali:ill, int if I like a -white man,' he eaul., "NVitat'e gone •vasn't good enough for her. Things got sort with Barwood `1 Fired out I" want boxwood to know drat be had seen lum memo out of that other house. "Hot enough for you?" Harwood asked tes he entered the station. "Yee, I guess it'll du for the present," ,,No, he's at the pultip.. 'EVe got the station, and general charge. "Pity the cenTany didn't. bounce him clean. Ile's a bat lot," "What'a the matter with 11110.e. "Well, if you've got general aflame and are going 1,, etay here, you'll ont 41,0111 hint before long, so I needn't tell you, But keep yeur (mos ()pen, and heti; out 'Nue:Wily fa his Creaeer friends, They ell titand. 1St with him, inel he stande in with them 1 Mat got the Alauldeat sieter .101. /1. sort of extra wifo, I blieve, and things ate pretty rotten generally. Dorat you trust tut), id 'en) 1 and keep your gun when, you enn get at it eitet, all the time. net mane from the States?" !..No- at least onlay from l'exas," "Olt, that all? I traa ill hOpos you was fresh from the latittes and had melte news, A man gets a wt 1,1 houwaelt for mete !tout the Sta tee tinsel) in thee° ungodly pat•ts. Pm Penneylvitninn nty01,11, born 111 Lancaster. Whitt part are twit from ?" in as such a hele van be at tele. linen, see tian tatbriel °MM.,' got down, NV hen you eend their slid off en, tie night train, make 'on load it theireelvee, en' devilielt mire- ftll that t litoetapt 0'0 '0111 an' th' way. bill agree. They're it earelees bff, an' like as uot heyal have a reevipt nettle ont for nene, liege then they've sent down, It het1 be Met like 'mu, There'e Mary eallina Let's go in." !lardy notiteel, 1111 he entered the room, that it haul neeter air 111411 at dinnerainte. l'he change in Maya oppearance woe ,11111 more etriking, ethe leul Pat on a print gown, fresh and E..01.100kIng 1 there WAN 11, 1301V Of 131.00 ribbon at her 111.ek anti another in her beautiful hair arrauged in the pretty way that he remembered so -well: her eyes had lost their tired Melt anti shrine brightly, tool in her cheeke was a deliente color, She NV110 altimet her old self again. sea Hardy ...aught eight tif her he 00111.1 1101 represS a etart of surmise, 11 he liad felt tin hem bef,,re Indy that his awe for her was not deed, he felt 110W 111111 11 WAR meet vigottniely alive, She "Ian Pennsylvituiltn, too-bovn alone forwent 1111,1 eleenk halals with him 1111kesbarre," Tbere wan aenethiug very thrilling in the "The la -I yon say Why, it, Minh of liet• wenn hand. eitztke that s too good Mr anything. one ,,,, glad y,aive eonie, !Mr. Hardy," Drink, I won't aten aiel the ammeter en- She said. "1 00011.10 1plito like old tinws," ergetioaily shook Hardy's hand, and thin ..fin soma! you didn't let toe know 011, eXtlaelea 1.110 110e1,1011 tle 11101 protr101(4.1 NV110 ha V111' a petty," Harwond :emelt in he. commieuraisly from bie coat pocket, and fere Hardy answer, "i'd 'a' pet on a 0111 ere, it wit 1 warty gots -011 . " a arta, 0;111 1111' 1111,1 my hair curled. Yee hot 11 only ni,,oril," he said, apologetically. leek a, tine that I don't know \ vlwther " You ean't bay anything ill to drink better set to table with you. alataw bet - down here without paying inoreat your. t et go ale get Nemeth in' t' eat where 1 he folk:, life's worth for it. But for seal this ain't :Mei allaired deessed up. I guess I had." And, to do him juetiee, when his wouldn't have t' ge a great way la IMO a web turn at the bottle mone, he Intektel his Nene. neither," opinion in 101 eminently praetical way. . The tone in which that wee Enid, antl the " tit) you're a, Wilkesleirre num, eh 7 ender -meaning of the worth; -width Hardy Harwood 0011103 from there 1.00. DM you did um understand for a moment 11001 - know him at home?" tened the telor ,ni alitryal cheeks and drove "No ; I only lived in Wilkeebarre while the light filen her eyes, I 'was 0 hey, I livedelown the river a way, sen!te Willa' she add, "I didn't never litid (les on Harwood until I saw know him here to-tlay. you'd. whet, 'You meal to like me in this dress. Hon% you 11.11111.111- " Well, re00.011 yon naven't miseed her ?" ntuell. 1 don't mind telling you -mow I final " Yes, aid ; but it was good while tve come from the sante old State, yott and age," Barwooll answered, dryly. " Bill nw -that he's Mena the d -dst dirtiest dog I'll eat iny supper, all tle same, even if that ever I've come across, lie's runo in I ain't dreseed up in store clothes. Set with the tiveasers, tind 1 guese counts 'his- Omni, alit ;Tardy. Don't mind my way melf Creaser now than white man : if of makin' fun. We don't go io much for he don't he ought te, for that's what he is, fixin' up down here, an' mean' you all' Maybe you don't know that this is about Mary-- specially Alery-slineein so much the worse, sinugglhe hole there is on the style sort of got away wi ill me. Looka whole frontier Well, it is. Hitrwood.'e MK 11 itraryal got up o party sup- goue into sniuggliie deep. He awl the Al- per, too, winch is a way of eelebrathe ealde liciss things between 'elm reckon, this joyous occasion that I tie to, for and do a big -business. They're in the sure. tie let's 4ail in an' have good horse ;Intl cattle line, too --running off stook time." from one side of the river and sellin' it on But the celebration of the joyous octet. the other, you know. And unless I'm a einn was not a success. Mary had been good deal further out than I'm apt to be, doing her best all the afternoon to foeter that party that raided the Ltts Animas a foolish fancy that slw WAS back in the Lunch hoot month- -when old laon Manuel Wyoming Valley and that Hardy was coin - Salazar mot one of his sees was killed in Mg to Hopper with her at 'tiquire Ram. cold ldood, and all the steck stampeded be s, ns he used to in tho <Ad times. She and everythim, about the place worth had made a Tinge cake -and had stewed steatite eleanerout• -came right from hero, some tuna., with a flavoring (if lemon juice, and Harwood 004.0 1110111, 101111 11. 10 t/1110 the place of his favotite ttpple sauce. " _Now youlanow about Wm, thilegs stand Aud orer her cooking, and the thought awl what you've got to look out for. I "1 who the 00"kiiIg was for, she 'lad judge you t'o be, frem tents looks, e meg grawn so light-hearted that the darkness that can take pretty geod t•are of Itieeelf of the present for a little epttee 00110 coo- l:ad I just tell you that to keep tip your end littered by the light of the petit. All this in this hell -hole of a Sante :Marie yea need to ; light went rna es her Intel:end spole ; his be that kind I Don't you take no chances ; threat to go for his supper where lie wou1.1 at all. Keep your gun ready and keep your 11 1 nt a -welcome brought the darknees of ! the present down open her again like a eyes all around you all the time. Anarbest a white men, and you come from Feousyl- jolt pan. she had hmked when he gave ha the thing y011 01111 11.0 10 to give up your There's not enough money in 1111111111g 11113 liartly, lass qua:My, compreheaded statam to pet, for the all -day and all-eiglit the moivaing of this thveet and the pro- ! onetteineem 1 hut you've teken enutrase foe digions insoletwe of it, Obi hands elinehol -to saynothin' of Malin' yourselfsame morn- awl be set 1111: teeth hard, Per him al- ! ing' laid out etiti, with inife-horee all 00.01. SO the past had come again at night of , yea, midmost of your head blown off, Ymere ' Mary, fresh sea hsantitla, leeking al venal, mu' you're a 1,1g eight too good! love that 11""' ka"". 11"‘Ta he'd bea" to be killed off by kreesers. tio just you . revelled, The sudden fereing home upen tithe my whit*, and quit." ! him by her Ithoband's woids of what her " I don't calculate cm being here ' present state was ; the outrageous Meek long," Hardy answered. 44 tooy the job ; that those words almost (gently conveyea, very nearly mestere,' his power of self. for a menth thole+ and I guess I 11 inane", 311111: it 011t. heed around !, control. But be did control himself, and the relief in violence that he so eagerly some hard places in my time, and I've i ionised for beim, impossible, he fell into miummul so far, you. meta to keep my hair, I'm 1100111 obliged to you, all th siillen rage. same, for what you've told me. Sometimes ! I -laving precipitated tlds condition of af- you ean manage better when you know just : fairs: Haywood got over his grumpiness and how things stand. aYlutt's your 1nine up the was extriuirdinarily cheerful. But for Mary 8101 tlabriel amount to 7 How does yen, and liaiely the supper was a meal of worm - mill -run 7 And what sort of rt, streak have ! w00d, and over 11 seemed to hang risibly Y ." ti me ow o c ca al y 170.8 C 0 at- tained to force erisis gtockly. _Very Anil then they drifted off into milling talk, and the teamster expatiated with a minion- only felt vaguely that a, crisis must ceme, able pride upon the brilliant prospecte- Anal in the samo way tho one knew whith seemed to be rather at reale u•ith the end the other nuneutively felt that whet' preaunt condition-. of the anal tabroa. mine. neer 1 11 1 11 • A.t o'clock Hardy locked up the station Wo.c1 11, It wae not in Mimeo maim/ and walked ovti, to letrwoonl'e house to sup- !Hutt conditions such as those they were per. Half laughiug at himself while he did • 10 11% 111 C 111 Wol 011 0 4113 1111. 111 It, he made 40 111110.11 of a toilet as tho air- " 011111state:0e of the ease would permit. IDA • tae 8111)Per Ondea, reeourees were limited, but he felt rather wood cheerfully naketl afartly to :day pleatied with the result. ,IIis trouoers were . and sineke a, pipe ; but he isnewered °Mettle of his beam insteml of being tucked t! I - • 1, 1 d 1 • into them ; wove, it coat ; a meek ;gig to the station and turn in at once, so handkerchief Wee knotted under the rolling us t° Bat some solid slooP beige tho collar of his 114111101 Shirt ; hancle and face ; night train came up the lino. were OS 010411 as 00111) 0.11(1 Water entila make they rose from the table Mary said, them, awl his cram black hear 00115 quickly, the sound of her voice being brushed to a degree of preternatural ; lost in the scraping of the elmirs upon smoothness. And there came ovee him the clay floor, must fspeak to you." thus groomed. hinewlf, that he He nodded, to show that ho underatood, might be pleasing in Mary's oyes, eomethine ! and then he went away. of the old.time feeling that hadpoeeeeeeq Healy was in far too excitetl a state him as he made himeolf really. in Ina timidity ! of mind and body to carry out his meowed beet, for those Sunday stance duriug thee, • intention of turning in awl sleeping until happy summer thet seemed. 110W so vary, 1 the night train :Mould arrive, Ile open - very long ago. Hew bright, how fresh, she 00 both of the statien, and the had looked, he thought ; how free , window t)f the little inner zoom, HO that ; been from sorrow 05E1 11.0111 Care. 1S.1111 then 11110 01101 night wind 11111;111 mega freely ; the sharp coetrast between her carelessly I through the building 01111 carry off the , glad paat life awl the life that elle now Wfts 11001 accumulated in the pine boartle, -lame emugglers, thievee, 'While this process was going on lie murderers, very likely, with even tier , tit; 1 the chair outsicle on the plat - I of ownership in her :monody:1 of a husband , form and seated himself there, ; openly defiled- astruelt Mtn with the Meet, 1 lt is net murptieing that he couhl not 1 of a pliyeited blow, For a moment the ; :deep. In tha past few hours he had I piespoau came into his 'Med of brio/elm; tet livol over itgain M his thoughts the , :thooting match with Harwood right away, portion of hts life that had staged him , and a, 111 :sae Sort righting meet deeply 1 he fonall hinteelf 'Wing wa,,,g, lie glees a lung slgb ;1,4 hi, .11 ; 111111111 ilit0 1110 entengletneet mit of which laseem itelit. lel f. and ea./L.410d him to admit ilo saw n° elm- Way saVU CIA of killing the lie .1,111,1 the 1111111 01'10 Wit0 1110 11111111 el111110 Of 11 ; 110 ,o1 110,1 be.,1111 to come Orme mid he had been etartled ley the tae et +eat eine, eell'tiemet tee eia wee tetieg hi Leer's of a love that he bad f,•.on its hot letittrgy. .A.s tioa.:4'at wai clead forever, 1 :eily medlted threogli the a AV11 the The revival of his loro fOr Mary doors of the ',Sete 11,,u,ea epee it good no eimpri, e to I 'Feely, Mit he WAS 111011 lo'.111;;.,11, 01110k111g, 111 010 1100r. ; 1101 01111,0)3011 to reliant 11 11,11' tO 0111311 way 1 heal caees they looked, for the it down. Ou thu emit very he gave it °eery meet inlet ; 000111071 0011V11 bending over encomagemeni, lie had a better to little lireo, preparing the eveuitig mud 1 be teemed, thee tied, poseeeettl lier brute of it husband. If, as 00011111d OX11130101y 111`011111110, 110 aloadd end by shoothig Harwood, then everything would go smoothly and he would. bo able to comfort himeelf with the reflection that he bad Keyed a sheriff or a vigilant 0010. 1111.1100 111(1 11'01111111 of a hangiag mate% lf Ilartymd should succeed in gating away !without being Ant, then •-he thought of Mary's d licatm fair 81:in and red lit,tle mouth- well then he would have her jest tho seine, Awl he would deserve to have her, 'Mr be worth' lie 111113 to her and tender, and would do hie beet, to make her for- got the bitter sorrow she had endured. III: felt that from the etandpoint of public: mentintent on the frontier Ito heel abetata right and inetito on hie gide-and he meant to go in awl a (To 011 LI:INV:ME%) children frisked about mid neouveged the fIghtis among tile dogs herds of go1110 0111110 11p 111.00017 .11'0111 1110 river, to be penned for the night m the corral:1, Wag- ging their hetule eagely, as the custom of mate 1,1, There wee an ail' of calm, of paetorel simplieity, 01,0111 the town that "Wray IV:04 keenewitted enougb to reeog. 11100 was in tetlwr deoll emarat with its real charitotor. He found Harwood seated in fond of his bone°, on it chair tipped beck against tho will, smoking ono of his favorite citeeitoe, "'Cake a :mat nee set dime" he bald, prattling to aenam-hox etailding 011 01111 011 the other iiirle of. Ow doorway, "Stip pei' '11 be ready in a minute or two, 1 I temsa. Thia is th' thno o' day the, Sankt I Mariit'e fit to live itt-eurt least ae fit t' live LATE FOREIGN NEN. The ,0 Sick " Groa..15tofti; (mined for Dues. • - THE ZARIS MURDERESS LIONIZED BY TOOLISII WOMEN, An Old Luend Destroyed, FElitli 9' 13.011, AT tl'ONSTANTINOP11.1l. 44hastly Ilnelilt..nt of the Nice 9'09401111. rolopult is motv cdeven years old, and it is a,,,erted that smootanf porsous are able to use it. The Ereneli ptpers lutvo started 0 cry foe elteerit, lights in the museums (,1 Parte, now that they have einewsefully been inetalled ht the british ...Inseam. Th., Froom; newspapers clutdar0 that the &two ns a social joy ie deemed, gang ent of hellion at tin, colninand of the Wo111011 wle, leant len•leinit moiety, A. eign of the times 13 the inereasing number of oldie illustrated French works ,,I the t•ighteenth emitury wheal 11010 find their way int, the le wle sales, The sameer of Afgliailistan, it ii, said, is about te begin grape vulture tin an ex. tensive stale, mid has sent a) Europe for experts to iustruet him in the arto. An athlete ef it lunatic asylum in Bresein, Italy, wee released on Fele I, after a mode- s 011 of forty years. During thie period his ,;,get to the Methadon footed up newe than , '7- 0011 'The Empress (,1 1 lermanv lias melertaken ' the protecterate el' the Berlin seep kitehene, the late Fatima's Auguste. having for a, ona eiderable waniber of yeam I emu et the head of t Iteee institutions. The Czar, atteortling 0, .1 reeent etatieti- l;t elan's colenlatrit, is the trg1_,,,,1 "private" owner a land 111 1110 worb . ri he total is about lifty million acres, ahout the eize ,if the whole of France. tiliaree in the llt one 1113 Ih itx ;Womb 0, which paid five per cent. divid,,,1 in 15.10, ' are now returning s. prolit of 130 iwr cent, ; por year, making the journal ,cle of the , most profitable publicatious in the werld, ; An officer of the Her011111 army is to be ' sent to tenistantinople with a preseut of ! he:lay-four kettledrums fc», the army (31 • the Sultan, to width such iniplemente of I wmfare have heretofore been unknown. I Tt is tilleged that the Turkish manailawar Erzegroul, hearing a 1100011a 1011 for 1110 .011- . Mule ef .11man, is detained at tiingapore be- cause hew Captain has not money enough to pee the port charges tn. to buy coal with . wiiiela to continue the journey. 1 A curious eharaeter in l'arie is a man wilts . makes hie living; by strolling along the Bout- , evin•de mitt making wagers with men at the eafes that he e1111 answer correctly any gnus. i tion that relates to the history of Pawnee, ! Ile alWilys Wink; the 'bet, it is said. Tho Will of the late Due de Moutpensier i tlieptems of S40,0110010, to be divided lee . tween his m ffe and his son (old daughter. • It is said, however, that the Oneliess intends toga into it convent :01d leave the whole fortune to be enjoyed by the two child- ; reu. Bernharil Pollak of tieent-Awlras, If un- gary. recently vole) waled his niuot ictli birth- drty by giving a party to the 1,13 members c f hie family. there Wer0 preecut his twenty- seven sons and daught eta. twenty-seveu sone. in aim- end daughtereatalaw, fifty-four grand- chilaten, ;old forty-six great -mum' ehildren. • In. hely, it is asserted, the opera has lee come simply m fashionable gathering place for etiviely, and social calls and similar en- joyment:I implying, the free tow of the tongue render the house so noisy that the music is • 1 , 1 'I" ' f •t ' Ile m 1 to a •co nt for wlett is ealled the decline of opent in Italy 1 ot late years. The Sttnitary C01111111601011 et Constar tie nople relieves the fetus of those 'who have waited for au epidemic of cholera to follow tht, grip by nunonneing tha reeent alleged discovery (11 the disease in an epidemic form in Meeepotanda is unfounded, awl that there is ua trace 01 the disease anywhere in the Turkieh empite. Hysterical Iftenell women aro going into fite OVOr tiabriello Hompard, tho accomplice of Illyntud M the murder nf Marshal (Metre. l'hey mend her flowers and other prOc1011th with eympathizing letters, thud recently, when she 00113 being taken from Paris to Lyons, they crowded about lia at the rail- emul station, and soma of them 00'011 Itiseed her halide. After a delay of neatly five yenta the committee of thePalestine laxplomtion Fluid have received Omit Minim granting per- mission to excavete on a site premonely approved 1,y the late Porte. It is understood that all olsieets (except duplicates) found hi the course of the exeavations shall be for. warded to the tutu:elm at Constitntinciple ; Ma that the committee's tweets shall have the right, of making squeezes, sketches, models, photographs, and copies of 101 each objeets. During the height of tbe anti-Taiglish excitement in Portage' a Ilea, hat styled the "Serpa Pinto" appeared in the shops, and the Portugune adopted the style at onee end botight the hats by the thotheuld to weer in honer of their. hero and as a tacon (if defiance of the langliele After a while it 011111e out that tho hats were Inannfautured by an English firm, who, had reaped a rich harvest from the Portuguese Mated of the country. An extensive :moiety in Vienna, devoted. to mtualernianiem, 18 el:posed in dillasing the Itaman langunge 4111011g the opposing natienalit t,1 the Aluti thin Elamite. Itit of- foris aro tit present being coneentvated egainet the Kates of Boheinie, Moravie, and Styria a:, it wee found 1111e(V1411y to alnoulon the attempt, to vindicate the Italian language thoeu ot the empirea priivineee where ite vitality luts alwaeu been etrong and is inerea11ng. 111 .Prituce, duriug 1886', figuree ;how that the uninatriet1 epreeented fifty. two per cat, of the entire poimlatine, Celi- bacy eortiiime under the republic, tte under the empire, the etrongost Mater in the pro- grussive diminntion of the population, trace- able oleo to intense selfishness nod penurious - neat, Schemes to tax the munitreied have been dimetinsea by French legielittore the rovolutimi of 1 780, with thereeulting est. whether that such taxation would be 1111101- 10111 Una remedy or stimulta to marriage end °framing. A Innmlat in Bondy, France, got into the rooms of two men while they were abant, and, kelt:ping the dila from the ineide, prevented them from gettiog In when they emno back unexpectedly. The police smut he, the village locksmith, but he very strangely couldn't 'be found, mo they buret (men Ow door Met as the lintglat• pet upon the roof of the' Imiltling, He Wall 1:0011 mid pursued down to the street and into a canal, The shoek ()1 the void letth Intide him 1111000- Me10110, tuul he died in a short time, Whets tiwy luta moatt.a rm., hi, ewe the Mack math rehab lie had tho riddle of the village loeksinithal where:amulet was eolval, wife borgiar Ignawf 1, Dr. NaliSell, 1 110 Aretie explorer, in a lees ture before the leogralieke tielskith Christi:oil:a explaining Ids Maio; for a North l',,It• ,alsarot.111, 11° employment, 01.1 ship built. with a special view to strength, end havieg ite sitlee mewl rthautl et ouch an angle that, instead. of being twit:died by the iee, the vessel Will be 111.11-1011 by it, The route propoied by 1)r. Naimoli le through the Bell - ring Stains, where advantage im to be taken of tho favorable earrent to entry taw wand northward end thus uttonipt, to reach the New tiiherian lelands es soon ne possible. Here the veeeel would. telt et• the fee floes awl tv0111.1 prommil towards the north itoW, 11/ 1W,111„1,"3,,hi,11,11.001/1.111 the 0111TOIlt would probably 'Choy lots leme a terrific fuss at Coustanti. mode temempielwe of A 14'11111111 1111010. gritplwr ha ing raehly at unite ed to take 110 instantaneous photograph cd the Sultan its h majesty tva. proceeding on hoi.eelawit to the 11,,,,,put The guar,' rushed umm him, suutelle,1 all his inetrumente, and dragged hint off to pl 10011, The Kor1111 forbids the olepieting tla• fornt, Una his VA. tempt to Mem:eat:eh the sultan was evened - 0,1 as high 10, -teen peouliorly diabolical kind. 1 he linel not been 0 foreigner he would peohal.ty have been quietly :strangled or otherwise got rid of 1 hut, thanks to tho enorget infowpotion a his ambassador, ho was! released after n month's imprisonment on ts nalition that he quit Turkey once mid forever. !Cite Battle of Flowers, a Hort of 011111101a 13,101111111011, took phtee la 'ciao just before Lent began. The otempante of more than 200 varriages pelted Nob ,ither and the by - standees with flowere. Minnie ilault hut' 2,0011 lenimiets in and upon her tarriage. Col, North, the •• Nit vale King," was alio conerictious in the Istrade. After it W1.13 fifer there W11.0 101111,1 1n1 a lonely toad just (misfile the 0,wit tho dead body ef a num eeet tuned as herrot, who had been stabbed to death. Not. ati• away la); two l'ierrot cos. mines awl a hat. It is supposed tlmt the dead man 11,01 been one tif the mammal, in the parade, awl that lie was either murdered for money er that lo• fell in n Moll with some of his fellow merry-in:there, His idontity is unknown. According to -Father Cited, peculiar math% environ the eprewling ,,f the 1 loepal in 'Conking. .1 vieitor itt his elmael, eently asked him Why he had nothing lint 0 W0011011 1,11,10 for All 11.1111r, WAS told that may day pirates might titan& end yel, the mission etation, and so all the einirch furni- ture WAS 110010 With 11. V1010 10 carrying it Irway awl hiding it at a moment's notice. Ile added that the Christian:: td 'Peaking mid Annam, who number idenit Onteteei souls, build their thine:hes so that they ean easily be taken itteu•t and carried ,,11'. in thaea of perseention, therefore, the shuttles sud- denay disappear, and the Iwittlion, who col. lee) it force 1,, profane the 'loam hut temples, are apt to find trace of thum. Outside 01 the port Saddam', at Pompeii. in a stratum. of vilifiers, have just been 1,0111,1 impreeeions of three lw,1105 mid a tree. Caete tal:eii 11wm eltow the three liodia to have been those of two men and a woman, /Le of the men 0003 111 a kneeling poeithai end the. other etretched flat on his Leek. The weinan lay faet• (hammer:1, w i It her arms si rot eitml ottt. The tree t,1 which mists ,,f foliage, as well as of the trunk, Wt.00 fouud, Wert' of the species ',Here?? leHOWII 10 114V0 pro. dnem1 a rounnbeimptel fruit that ripened toward the end autumn, ttnd, free, the form and sly, of Ow fruit, it WAS eVidelltly ripe Whell Imo was buried gov.i 10 0o11111.111 the theory that the great eatastrephe . took plitee in Nevember of the year all B.C., ! and not in August, us has been suppostel. A correspmelent of the tem.am I thus destroys the old legend ef the Devil's Bridge in the Pyrenees : popular i legend about the bridge, which spites e mount,un torrent called the I 1100r the ,! immll town of Ceret, 00113 that it heel 130E511 I built during oni, night by tiatan and his myrmidons, width° Met tit:attic pertieulas I as to its coustruction had. never been found , in any of the local toe:hives gave addition:1J strength to tine legetul. But the registrar of a neighboring 100011 0111.1011 Pr41.11 du alollo, close to the tipanish frontier, has just un. earthed a. nutituseript, dal ed I Mal, which relatee how the notables of that town aontrdmted ten golden cro \ ens of liarce• lona toward the building of the bridge at Curet open condition that the inhabitants of Prias do Mello were exempteil from paying In a Tiger's Sawa. Rnssittn hunters two snarl to look upon a coming, single -hamlet' with a bear its only an ortlinetv experience. lt doubt fel, ho waver, if many instances of a man attack - n tiger, armed with a sword only, 0101 vouched for, but Colouel Seaton relatee the following 1 (Me morning, just as we were leeving the parade ground, a num came rushing up breethless, looking as seared as if his life were in danger, " (101 your guns, mon," Ile said in teri,ov, "there ts a tiger in the hollow by the fultira, hut tool no (tee dares go by?" This was an intimation not to be alighted, im in all haete we got our guns and two elephants awl hurried to the spot, where, in ttuth, et tenth's! statue preheated itaelf. 'rile tiger, bleediug from 0, M tho head, was oil the edge of the hollow, growling' fiercely, with a man mangled and apparently dead lying beneath his pews, 'lleunfoston- itto 111411 Was 1110 111,111r Bon, a fine sworda. man and first-rate wrestler, ono of late cham- pions of las regiment. He had coma home only that morning. mnne p,e,ple who went tn dram, water at the well hail di.;tort,od tin.; tiger and on hie tieing they fled in terror, The bravo but reel) eeldiee, W110 happened to be nem! the moment, on 1 mulling the uttose of the comium tion, immediately advanced to attack the tiger, 101.1 with Ins sword gat t• him a trenten• tattle (nit over the head, welch, however, dal net mai aialty injure the pomace' lame, The tiget• ruelled at the man, etrippol the arm (Meal to the elbow and, datathig him to the menued, held him beneath hle paws, N4lion we came up me were at first et a loss 110111 to act, for the nom was as Intoth exposed to our lire as thu tiger, However, it wits not, 11 time for lengthened considera. tioll--WO 111011 and a Nulty shot finished the A Hard Question. " Altmann," seed Johnny,. " eau anybody hear with their Mollth 1" "No, child, I don't, think they aim," re- plied tho ungrammatical mother. " Thom mamma, what (mule Mr. J01100 1011 0101,13r 141 W11131011 10 toll her enmething, and ma his line to bet mouth, intead of her ?" The mother (ballet queetion Johnny, Init turned hur attention to Mr. .101100, and that worthy made it all right by the nt ono. ex. planations,