HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-3-21, Page 5MAR= 21, 1b90.
i.istriti aims.
10,1aD AY, .111412C11 21, 1890,
rola rook.
Mtn. Coal :nee. -Valentine (111lIENII
O/110 formerly carried the malI between
here and Bruesels, has been awarded the
oontraot for the next four year's. tie
commences on April let. Me. Maslen,
the preeent carrier, Is Rillug out the
time of Peter MoDonald,
riAtinsmosu,--Tho seorament of the
Lorder Supper will bo didpeneed in Knox
ehnrch (DN.) on Sabbath next. There
will be services ho d on Friday at 2:80
p. m., Saturday ti,t 10;30 a. in., Sunday
all 11 11, 0). and 030 p. m. Rev.
And rson, of St. Helens, will conduot
the preparatory services.
Over fifty car loads cif ice left Wing -
ham during the present month, per G.
T. R.
The Bret of a Series of monthly home
fairs will be hold in Wingham, onThura-
day Mareh 27th.
E. 0. Sperling has 'mot -mod Walter
Scott's flue residue() in town, Tho price
paid was abort 59,500.
Tho lernme, \Valle Comedy Company,
under the auspices of tho Tem; Bend, in
the Town Hall from March 25th to 8181.
Thee. II. Miller was the reelpient of a
gold ring and addleee and wan treated
to au oyster trapper by his many friends
in town, he being about to Hottle in
Seattle, Washington Territory.
The Timer; bays :—"Wo undorstand
that J. G. Holmes, barrister, of Toronto,
eon of Thos. Holmes, of thio town, has
been offered tho defence of Buchan, the
man under merest for shooting young
Banwell M a swamp near Princeton.
Weawactetea 37.
Mrs. Johnson is still in a very oritioal
condition and her life is still despaired
Miss Aggio Sanderson, who has been
engaged in hospital work for somo time,
left hero a few days ago to resume her
Jas. Paulin'e many friends are glad to
see his smiling face once more in their
midst. He has during the pest few years
travelled through the greater part of the
A. meeting of the Wroxetor Drench
Bible Satiety was held at T. W. Gibson's
reeidenee last Tuesday eveuing. We
have not yet loathed the particulars of
the meeting.
Owing to the scarcity of snow this
winter a number of the people of this
vilLge have been unable to get in their
summer's supply of wood. A few are
alreedy forced to buy slabs from the New -
mill which can be had at fifty wets a
John Bone has disposed of his shop
and house to Mr. Rae, merchant. Lie
moved lost Wednesday to Sault Sta.
Mario where he iotencls following his
trade of blacksinithiug. Both he and
hie wife will be much missed here as
they were popular with old and young,
and hie many friends join in wishing him
every success in his now home.
Lail, Fridey afternoon the pupils of
our school had a debate taking for their
anbjem eResolved that the cow is more
useful to man than the horse." John
Morrison and Thos. Ryan took the
affirmative, while Jno. Onghton and Pat.
Ryan upheld the negative, Each side
scoring the same number of points the
debate was declared to bo a draw.
A. 0.17. W.—The following aro the
officers of the A. 0; U. W. Lodge here
for the °arrant year :—Rev. 'W. Tor-
rance, Master Workman ; Bob). Blair,
Past Master Workman ; Alex. Gardner,
Foreman ; Dan. Campbell, Recorder;
W. Neal, Finanoier ; Richard Pollard,
Overseer; Jno. Lawson, Guido ; J. S.
Welsh, Receiver ; Thos. Grieve, Inside
Watchman ; Wm. Holmes, Outside
Watchman; 'Win. Graham, M. D., and
Dr. Stnith, Examining Physioians.
Now that the balmy days of Spring
Lath come, the little birds that we ell
welcome, have come also. These little
birds will soon take unto themeolves
rendes, but it seems that some of the
birds of the hurnim family, who are yet
without mates, aro to be ahead of them.
The boys, knowing that Spring brings
work and that they will not have much
time to see their fair ones, havo resolved
to have these fair ones by them always,
and to commit matrimony. The first
young man to seek a mate was Mr.
Stampe, who found one in Miss Jane
Knight. The happy oouple took the 4
o'clock train from Blyth for Woodatook
and passed through here on their way.
Next Mr. Clark and Alin Coulter were
united at the Presbyterian Manse on the
eame day, Wednesday. Next—well we
wont tell, but from tho happy looks of
some in the party wo expect more to fol-
$12.40 per tan; theme whose flex graded
first-class, however, Ware paid $12.67 per
ton. This, considering the disadvantages
which the Company had to face this
year, was considered a very good price.
The.prospeets of the Ceinpany for the
onnune year aro certainly good, Tho
President gave some peel reivele 111 re
gard to the shape in which hate should be
delivered, particularly to p111 It elenh,
keep straight and tie well. If all flax.
growern do tide it, alll make quite tr, dlr.
fermate in the price obtained. As an ex-
ample rif the orefit of flax growing ho
!stated Mutt ono shareholder had sowed
di Unseals of seed and drew ream the
Company $110.
P•4testa rare h.
A now dentist is among the probabil.
Sixteen electric) lights are now in 088
Cal our streets,
The South Huron Fall show will bo
hold at Seaforth this year.
A. tooth teacher Is mooted for the
public Reboot. P1ey Lave 534 pupils on
the roll,
The :Presbyterian church of this town
has decided to have an assistant to Rev.
McDonald for et tenet eix ri.ontlis of
Ili' year. TE proponed to enlarge the
chuvell. The improvements it ie calcu-
lated will 0031 brkWelni Sli,0110 1 $‘4,•
Fo011 BAIA, - At a large and enthunias-
unteting of the foot ball club heti on
Saturde y evening, tho fotowing millers
11Ire, Ashton, who earl been Rick for ifriEd AIARKE;2",
somo tins, died on Friday of bat week.
The funeral 10110 011 Saturday afternoon,
the interment being made at Jewitt's
chnrch, near Bluevale. Reeds. Messrs.
&fiery and Paul conducted the servioe,
notion in the it. our last
Waa't 11(1 "jallrlal formerly of
this township a trailer to 'Uncle RoadV.
rte." The Morris cerrempondent is evid•
ently off his hese or is suffering Ratite
nein from having the iimer coating or
membrane which covers the brain net.
ing too heavily on that organ. Elie head,
we are lied to believe, is very round and
considerably flattened at tho polla, hence
the merlon for minalling. There are
not many people, who having their oran-
lums shaped like oro this correspondent
but suffer in the same way, henceforth
mil people 1 y their proper namo no that
all ales read your jargon can to ROM de.
gree interpret what you mean. You
might as woll call a, wart an enlargemen
of the vasteilar moan, as to make use of
the nnme "Ready." Rodolphus is a pro-
per substitnto. Omen%
There ran said DO 1)0 8, number of easel
of diphtheria in town.
A bill has passed in the °uteri° Legis.
Tatum consolidating the debt of the town
of Listowel at 900,000.
11 18 currently reported that J. E.
Terlinne. litteristor, has been appointed
Pollee :Regis' rate for tide town.
Stanley Rigret and W. Knox. Climie,
were eleetad President, D. D. two well known young moo of the; town,
Wileou ; let Hon. Vice, 11 Wilton ; 2nd left for British Columbia last week,
Hon. Vice, 3. Aird ; President, W. 1V. Surt,i3roe. & Co. have dissolved part -
Meredith ; Vice•Preslieut, Geo. Ander- nership, C. K. Burt and M. O. Fry re-
tiring, J. C. Burt will continuo iu the
old stand.
The annual meeting of tho North
Perth Farmers' I ,atitrite will be held in
the town hall here on Saturday, 22nd
ma)., at 2 p.
Kidd Bros. hare bought a fine largo
Meteor saddle horse, f•orn a Rothschild
mare. He stands 10.2 heeds high and
has both the spirit and sinew to take the
hurdles in good style.
Mrs. johu Robson received last week
a telegram giving the startling news of
her husband's death in Aspen, Colorado.
A. letter had been received not ninny
days before saying he was in good health,
and the oauso of his midden death is yet
unknown. Mr. Robson was in the 65th
year r•tf his age.
Young Charley Smith went out after
a ball floating on the loose ice near the
sidiog bridge and failed to get it. He
got instead an ioe water bath. His criee
soon chew the attention of people pa•s-
ing, one of whom went out on a plank
and fished the lad out. Expressing bis
grateful thanks by exclaiming to his
rescuer "you're the stuff. you're my
chummie," he struck a two minute gait
for home.
son ; Se. -Treasurer, W. McDonald ;
Captain, G. A. Dewar ; Count:Mors, W.
Willis, D. McDonald and J. Livingstone.
It was doubled to clump the name of the
club from the &auroral to the Thron
Football Club. Tho prospects for the
eroming season are very good. One or
two of the beet players who have left will
be replaced by the beginoing of the sea.
son. The International Association
match if held hero this spring will no
doubt awaken the people to au interest
in this grand genie.
Geo. Balmier has been vieitiug for a
fow clays in Kincardine and Ripley.
There will be 110 eorvioe in the Pres-
byterian church next Sunday as Com-
munion service will be held at the Oren -
brook appointment.
Sinner lionss.—David Milne, our well
known brooder of thorough bracts, sold
last week a short horn bull to James
Smith, of Blyth, and a short horn heifer
to Win. Young, Latignicle, 13ruce Co.
Good prices were realized, in feat Mr.
Milne's name has become provincial as a
breeder of the best.
A correspondent sari -"John Jury
met with a strange aceident recently. Ho
MS going along smoking where SOIrle
boys were playing football, when one of
the boys kiolted the ball an i it struck
jury on the month, breaking his pipe,
driving a piece of the stem into the roof
of his month, knocking out ono of his teeth
and ntisetting him on the ground."
While John Elliott was pursuing his
usual occupation in the saw mill one day
Mat week his clothee got caught in a
shaft around which ho was wound sever.
al times before ho could bo extricated
from his dangerous position. Eo had a
lucky weep° as he only sustained a few
bruises from which he has so far reoov-
ored ns to be able to attend to his duties.
Robert McKelvey will resume farming
again, having arranged with David
Milne, who had the McKelvey farm
leased for live years, only ono of which
had expired. Mr. Milne received 035
and takes ell the fall wheat crop for his
withdrawal. On account of giving up
this farm 130 will have an auction sale of
grade Meek, Shorthorns,horsee and sheep,
about the end of the month.
31 18 a pity that our village cannot af-
ford a larger Hall for the purpose of
giving publio entertainments. Tho need
of such a building was truly felt last
Friday evening when such a large mud.
thrice greeted the entertainment given by
the Sons of Temperance. Tho building
was orowded to its utmost capireity and
vet several persons were unable to get
Inside. The program VMS lengthy and
well saluted. Those present pronounc-
ed it es one of the best concerts ever
given by the Sons.
Our Spring Show will be held on Tues.
day, April 15th.
The Elma Agrioulteral Society intend
erecting a Hall on their Show grounds
here. Next Saturday the tenders will
be opened.
Wo aro not going to be behind, and to
bold our own we purpose holding a
monthly fair, for the sale of horses and
cattle, on Tuesday, April lat. It won't
be an April fool, either.
Last Senclay the new Dominion organ
was used in the Presbyterian Miura here,
Some of the old folk think the church is
retrograding, but as the familiae form of
Geordie Hamilton may still bo 800n in
the preeentor's chair things aro not so
bad as they might bo.
Iffatet XEMINCI.—Tho Bee says; Tho
annual mooting of the Ontario Farmers'
Flax Manufneturing Co, was held in the
Atwood school house on Saturday, 8111
MSC, at 2 o'clock p. 01. Theft was Lb
large attendenco. 'into reesident, Sae,
Irwin, on Miting Jim cheir, grwo n, vory
Inil report of the business of the Ooto•
pally for the pest year. On the stock
account ho reported that all tho proporey
of the Company was paid for and a small
balance of cash on hand. Tho bueinoss
for the year had been very successful.
Tho stock of flax receiveli bad been a very
email ono—ouly 322, This WES owing to
thar among the farinere and flax.gr OW0111
that the besinose 'would not bo 0, enthuse.
The flax, when manufactured, aold for
'07,880. The cost of ninatufacture and
the 1(1100(1 on stook and borrowed money
1100011'1 l0 I:3,300, leaving abont 1.1,000
to be divided among' the flax growers.
Tide gave them an avenge prim Of about
Miss Forsythe and Miss McDonald aro
visiting friends in and around Gwillnys-
Thos. Wilkinson, of the 4th line, has
leased the Aitchison farm for a number
of years.
A. wedding is on the tapis. Yon may
just as well toll us, John, as we will find
out anyhow.
M. Clarke, formerly of this township
but now of Chicago, is visiting under the'
parental roof.
Moses Olark. who moved last fall to
Chicago, came over last Setarday. Ile
will return on Friday.
The revival services at the Jackson
olturoh have been fruitful, some thirty or
more pereons having expreased their de.
sire to lead better
Miss Mary Olark, who has been Visit-
ing with relatives and friends MC:hien,*
returned on Thursday last. City ear
seems to agree with her.
Next Sabbath the 11110510 11203 services
will be held in Sunshine church.
Rev. Mr, Tongs will be assisted by the
Mimes Hall, who aro at present labo ring
in Blyth. A fall house is asked for.
T. 8. Brandon has been appointed
Township Treasurer in the room and
stead of Jas. Nowoombo. Messrs. Mc,
Cleland and Laidlaw were appointed
by the Council to audit the Treasurer'a
books and report as rthon SU possible.
Pnitxv.—On Friday night last, a goodly
number of yeteng people, not fewer than
twenty couples, assembled at the real.
denoo of S. Irvine, lot 6, eon, 13, whore
Very pleasant time wag epone. The
yonng people amused therneolvee by
tripping the light fantastic to the strains
of the violins played by Pinfeaaor P1011"
low, el Goderich, weeded by Profesaort
Davis, of Belgreve. The management
the floor ma given into tho Nadia of Pro
teethe leenegoson, of St. Holoug, who
showed clearly that ho was the proper
parson io tho right place. Abont three
o'clook 11 tho movning the faie assent.
Wage wended their way 11(1)011 id,
after wishing 7,11', and Mrs. 'Irvine long
life and prosperity. Mr. Irvine and 111'
eetimablo lady thoroughly understand
how to receive caller, and after 100012.
Ing aro fully te,vare of the proper melee
of how in make them feel at 11(41117, Stet.
eerte 10 them.
Tho number of immigrants who came
by the St. Lawrence route to the Do-
minion in 11389 wits e7,571, against 37,700
in the previous year, a falling off of about
Money to Loan on
Private and Company Funds
J.C,lleffernan, J.A.Young,
Valuator. Agent.
Ethel P.O., Ont. ,2)3br
Ready for Business!
Prodt ttad - 112 reed to
tow tlents , •1. ,6 0.7 pori or
the nest (rum O0J0 the (11 (10)
III. a 'Ways an ,f Free of
hand ((((Ide. 01. a r e.
Vat Cattllo Wanted
For which the highest) market price
will be paid. I also make a specialty of
buying Hides and Skine, Don't forget
tho place, next door to Flotcher's Jewel-
ry Store.
I wish to intimate to the
public generally that I have
leased the blacksmith shop
at the bridge (0ir„) and
am now in a position to at-
tend to all kinds of black-
smithing in a workmanlike'
manner and on very reason-
able terms. HORSE -SHOE -
of the patronage of the pub-
lic is solicited. It will be
my aim to give the best of sat-
isfaction , 32-4
The "Scotch Collar,"
CZ' 7-",0=QT7,X,O.,
heats on 011ie° la
Gady's Block, Seaforth
Whore he can be Conaolted on an Chronic
Diana ma of both Sexes.
.018ma and Catarrh
treated enema aefully by Inhalation of Medi.
(latet Venom the only rational treatment
for Ulm° 111800am
ram all tlIgeason3 of the Urinary ()rpm noel.
tIvely pared 1 1 alior‘ Clam
Call 00 .1110805
31 -If 1,11114,11'S, rrarontrn
For the Year 1889.
jfeiquie, Treaerrrer, 11 ae0on01 with qv, Munieipal 0,,j fro/,;p
Balance on hand last artalt$ 053 03
J. II. 19.111er, balance of license
money for 1888 15 30
J. 11. Millar, license looney, '80 120 00
Bank of Ilanfilten, for note 5
months 1000 00
Wm. Holmes, Co. Treasurer,
boundary line grant 333 HO
W. Mimes, Co. Treasurer,
collections to April 80, '89 33 30
l3ank of Hamilton, for note
3 months 500 00
Wm- Spence, Engineer exp. , 128 00
Bunk of Hamilton, Winghnm,
interest on deposit, $7,000 24.6 25
E. Bryan, sale of old bridge3 00
Wm. Clark, Clerk of Morris,
Eng. espouses re McLaughlin
drain 14 00
Wm. Spence, Eng. certificate964 88
Wm. Spume, 1, 19 tO
Wm. Spence, note for 4 months 159 00
Moees Harvey, drainage tea,
lot 1, cons. 5 and 0, Elme,.., . 5 51
Thos. Kelly, Treas., Brussels,
R. B,. award 127 81
13. McLanchlin, taxes collected, 11102 30
Oon'd Micheal, " 860 443
Con'd Micheal, uncollected tax, 78 34
0. Micheal, nnoolleoted dog tax 5 00
Government school grant 501 00
flaunty school grant 60100
Heavy and Light liarild3SS,
Burrai,o Bons,
rtill313EIL Roos, &c.
Always in Stock.
lianclsomm Range or Trunks,
Valises and Satchels to choose
go.i. a. ..n.easonahlo
from an 1 1
ta'Special Attention given to
Total Receipts 516501 011
_ •
Roads and bridgov $ 2169 1111
Gravel 100 10
Salaries 171 80
Charity 168 30
Printing 57 00
Postage and stationery 33 01
Engineer'w salary 271 50
Ditohing,, under Watercouriem
Act 1341 10
R. R. Coupous 420 84
Money borrowed 1300 00
Interest and commiesion 34 69
Governmentdrain, cons.16 de 18 507 34
Clearing out Government drain,
con. 18 14 50
Side drain, con. 30 40 00
Drain, con. 5 and 6 130 00
Drain, con. 1 25 54
County rate 2700 00
Refund of dog tax 1 00
Uncollected dox taxes 5 00
Registering marriages, births
and deaths 14 50
Uncollected tax 78 34
Non-resident and emus of
taxes 0 52
Board of Health 40 00
Refund of drain tax, con. 1,21 1/
Error in school tax 4 86
Brussels Corporation, Hall rent
Division Court 48 00
Miscellaneous 50 48
Trustees school tax 5103 43
Government school grant 501 00
Total Expenditure $160113 81
Balance on hand $ 400 28
13012100 on hand at audit $ 400 '28
Collet:toes shortage, secured by
sare'ios 649 05
1312011 of Hamilton, Wingham,
reoeipt, $7,000 7000 00
R. R. award, Brussels 328 67
Township of Elmo., drain 28 00
Nomresidont taxes uncollected, 749 95
Amount of non-reeident roll, '89 106 20
Engineer's certificate, to be col-
leoted in 1889 762 29
II. R. debentures 5 7000 00
Government drain, 00(1.16.1:17,
134 years to run
Drain, con. 11 and 6
Side drain, con. 18
flowlok drain
Collector's salary
Balance of Go. rates, 1880
County Reboot grant
Money borrowed
Treasurer's salary
507 84
500 00
800 00
03 00
100 00
820 43
601 00
159 00
80 00
the undersigned Auditors for the Township of Grey, certify that we have
examined the Treasureee accounts for the past year, and the vouchers be-
longing thereto, and find the same correct. ALEX. STEWART, 1 .
TREAStatElt'S Orme, JACOB KRAUTER, ) an -
Cranbrook, Feb'y 21st, 1889.
Any Woman can get a Good Idea of' the New Spring
Styles by Calling at
A Well -Assorted Stock of General Dry Goods,
Such qs cannot be seen outside the Cities,
We have the Newest, Cheapest and Nobbiest
Dress Goods ever offered to the
Public in Brussels.
It will Pay You to Call In and See what
Bargains we have in Prints.
Scarf): & Ferguson.
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan 00 Farm Pro-
perty at
Private and Company Funds.
13aussm,s, OM'.
General Blacksnuthing.
The undersigned deSires
to inthnate to the Public
generally that he has leased
the Hunter Blaoksmith Shop
in Brussels, and is now pre-
pared to Rae Ilti to 11.11 work
entrusted to him. -
Galii'V.1 8bD3
Jas. McIntosh.
Liquor Licenses,
All applications for
For the ensuing year must be filed with
the Inspector, on or before the
Patties wishing blank applice tithe
Ellraild apply to the Inepector.
John R. Miller,
34 4 Jamestuwe P.O.
Morris, March ith, 18110.
Practical Watchmaker
and Jeweler.
Thanking the public for past favors and
support and wishing etill to secure
your patronage, we aro opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Platea Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers,
fully warranted by no.
Clocks of the
Latest Design.s.
ra'Also a Pull Line of Vim= and
Violin Strings, &c., in stock.
N.B.-Insurer of Marrtago Unmans.,
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.
Durable I
Diamond Dyes excel all others
in Strength, Purity and Fastness.
None other are Just as good. Be-
ware of imitations, because they'
are made of cheap and inferior
materials, and give poor, weak,
crocky colors. To he sure of
success, use only the DIAMOND
DIT.s. for coloring Dresses, Stock-
ings, It'aps, Carpets, Feathers,
Ribbons, &c., &c. \\"4.1 warrant
them to color more ,goeittS, 1..detk-
0.9'0 for package, than any other
dyes ever made, and to give more
brilliant 1011 durable colors. Ask
for the_Dia Nona' and 'LAC. DO other.
A Dress Pyod t FOR
A Coat Colorod
Garments Renewed p oz,N,Ts.
A Child can use them 1
138000110 (1 Ilya 1 1ate.
Montreal, P. GI