HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-3-21, Page 44 THE FR-WSSELS POS'! MA11c11 2
New Advertisements
Local—T. F letoiter.
Locals—Jas. Walker.
Leong• Mis, Turnbull,
Locals --George 'ac" or.
Card—Miss Lille, O'Connor.
Wall paper --G. A. Deelman.
New treatment— Prof. Wilcox.
Sale by tender— S. Maln'nson,
Farm for colo--W.M. Sinclair.
Notice to creditors—Geo. Backer.
Spring goods—Scarff & Ferguson.
Dressmaking--Aliseos Stewart & Hislop
Auction sale--Crerer, :.rerar &'lankier
t1 be 1?r1155el5 Vast,
I''IIII):11", IiAR("ZI 21. 1890.
Tun Toronto World professes to hate
information to the effect that tate On-
tario elections will he held abort the
middle of Juoe. In Lot Tuesday, June
17th is named no the rvenufill day. If
correct thie will likly prole a very
suitable time for an election campaign.
Txt: Lnend I,egisln'nre among other
itnprovemeuts has introduced a , good
measure regarding exemptions. After
tht' let 01 Januar, next. mistletoes sal.
arses and parsonage, will be taxed the
ammo s anything else, cluuch grounds
and buildings may be exempt or subject
to a local improvement tax, just as muni.
eipalities see fit.
Tmt President'of the C. P. R., W C.
Van /dome, advised de ,utations re the
Guelph and Goderiah extension to remain
subsidy waslike) to be
home as obs(
et no
granted at the present ses•don of the Do.
minion Parliament. It occurs to ue that
Mr. Van Horne assured a farmer deputa-
tion that he would go over the proposed
bysurveyor route accompanied a sur y r durin g
the past year. He is a good while "get.
ting a move on."
it will be a matter of surprise to a
great mnny to hear that between $50,000
and $60,000 aro paid annually in Ontario
as compensation to sheep owners for
damage done by dogs to their (looks. It
is not much wonder that legislation of a
more stringent chareoter is before the
Local Legislature. The Toronto World
says : lir. Dryden's dog bill is in the
nature of a needed reform. The average
resident of Ontario has about as muoh
real need of a dog as he has of an Arm.
strong gun or a double-J' inted nese.
Mouront. legislators appear to mean
business. They have not only the Sep
crate Schools, and Frenoh language on
their string but AttorneyGeueral Martin
;Ave notice that he would move the fol-
lowing resolution :
Be it resolved, that a humble petition
be presented by this House to the Par-
liament of the Dominion of Canada,
praying that steps be taken by the said
Dominion Parliament to negotiate with
the Government of the United Staten of
America, with a view of arriving at some
agreement by which there should bo nn•
restricted reciprocity in trade between
the two countries ; and, Mao, that an
humble address be presented to his Ex-
cellency the Governor-General•in•Coun-
nil, praying that he will take the state of
province into ooneideration, and will
take snob steps as may be necessary to
facilitate the bringing about of nurestrict•
ad reoiprooity in trade between the Do-
minion of Canada and the United States
of America.
We understand that the people of At-
wood are endeavoring to arrange for a
binding twine factory to bo ran in con-
nection with their flax mill. The matter
is in the hands of an energetic committee
who are sending a man to Doon, Water-
loo County, to make full investigation
and asoertain full particulars from men
in the business. Could not Brussels take
a leaf out of the Atwood book and see
what could be done in the same line.
The binding twine trade is a large one
and is largely in the hands of combines
and syndicates. If the binding machines
can be manufactured to do the work well,
with twine made from flax, we see no
reason why the project would not pay
and farmers thug save a good many
dollars in the year. Onr flax mill pro-
prietors would no doubt work in heartily
with a move of this kind. Onr towns-
people shonld make an effort to help
Brussels and locality but there 10 some-
thing more required than talk. It is
better to wear out than rust out.
"Nellie Bly'e latest rival is Miss Re.
gina Rothschild, a young woman of Port
Townsend, Nash., who started March 17
on a tour of the globe in an attempt to
beat all previous reoords. Citizens of
Port Townsend have eubsoribed $8,000
toward the trip. Miss Rothschild will
travel eastward over the Canadian Pa-
cific, and expects to leave the same day
George Francs Train is annoaneed to
soil from Tacoma westward: Miss Roths-
child expecte to make the trip fn61 days."
The above news (tom le going the
rounds of the prone. Tho public may
well ask what is this nineteenth century
coming to? What good is going to be
a000mplished by adventnrons young ladies
tearing round the world, 26,000'mileo, in
40 or 70 days 7 It can't be for ploasuro,
and the are positive it is not the way to
neon after Oho promotion of health. Tho
nitizens of fort Townaond must havo
more money titan gond enn8e, tbalteiet in
any such aky.larking ceprrlition. if
Nellie end Regina mold (alto our mitico
we Would oay, (girls, don't be (.illy, stay I
home and darn tiro hales in your stoclt-
•11 t t ' hutt and ,rel nod,
in s and wa. 1 1 3 din IL 1 so
rub, Y
is needed, field ill.
• .rl br CxOrelAe77 e1,
if oX,t o
"old man" do the ohoroe. "
TILE Toronto 'World and News were
brought to book for publishing en edver•
Oisemont of the Louisiana Lottory, They
were Hued $20,00 eaob. A prep who
was °riling 'iakoie was similarly dealt
with. Tide Is one of the most effective
ways of shutting off Oho supplies of this
gigantic swindle that so many thousands
of people, old and yoang, have been
bolstering up with their dollars.
Woo aro the probable candidates in
Huron County for parliamentary honors
in connection with the forthoomiug
elections for the Local and Dominion
Hottsee ? L] Easy Huron Thos. Gibson,
the present M. 2. 1'., is 0000 more the
standard bear:r, seal, of. 'L'o p,reoi't, it
looks toe if he would be Mooted by aoola-
motion owing to the withdrawal of A.
Musgrove and the Corvottion going by
without naming another person to take
hie place, Dr. Macdonald, M. P., will,
without doubt, be the standard bearer
for the Commons. The names of H. W.
Heyer, Wm. Clegg and A. H. Musgrove
are mentioned et- oolong thy most likely
to oppose hint, A. Bishop and John Me
-ilium will hold the fort in the South
Riding, and as that co„tituency is a
"hive" there will, probably, be no op.
pusitiou. In West Huron IIon, A, kI.
,Ross, D. McGillicuddy and A. H, Man-
ning are spoken of in the Loons House
contest on the ]le£orm side. The Con-
servatives have not yet put a candidate
iu toe field. Robt. Porter, M. P„ will
very likely get the nomination again and
it is said be will be opposed by either M.
C. Caunerou of Goderdch, M. G. Cameron,
of Toronto, or A. kicMurohio, of Clio.
Tare week we haus devoted consider-
able space to tho ba'lev question for the
purpose of plaeiug the information be-
fore the farmers of this section. The
article will, we believe, prove interesting
to those engaged in agriculture. We
have another object, viz. this : There
does not appear any likelihood of any-
thing in the shape of c.mmercial reci-
procity between this Dotninion and the
United States being brought about at
present, rather the cont. ary, and if the
U. S. inoroase the tariff from 10 to 80
cents per bushel as is proposed, the
barley market will have to be
with Great Britain. The following from a
gentleman in the U.S. apelike for itself :
"It may be 01 litterret for you to know
that the sub -committee on "Ways and
Means" lave recently reported to our
Congress to increase duty on Canadian
farm products, and the soberhrle is: On
bay, from $2 to 84 per ton; on peas, from
ten to twenty per cent.; beans, about the
same ratio, and on barley from ten cents
per bushel to thirty cants por bushel. As
our western barley really controls the
price at nhioh barley is sold here, it world
seem that this additional duty would
either prohibit shipments of Canadian
barley altogether, o•, at least, if the ruliug
price of grain hers was sufficient to war.
rant shipments of Canadian barloy, the
excess in duty would have to come out of
the Canadian producer, We would state
that a vigorous effort will probably be
made to defeat this measure, and we hope
it will succeed."
If this measure becomes law at this
sitting of Congress, Ontario farmers
would be wise to grow peas or oats, in•
stood of barley, this year, unless they
aeoure grain suitable for the English
Duron County.
S. C. Datior, of Clinton, has, we under.
stand, deoidod on removing to North Bay,
on Lake Nippissing.
The Huron Uniform Promotion Ex.
aminations for the Publio Schools will
bo held on Friday, March 28th.
John Hannah, of Seaforthl will run
four oreameriea during the coming season,
Seaforth, Lohdesboro, Goderioh and
W. W. Farran, of Clinton, has sold his
colt, Bell Bird, 22 months old, to D. J.
Downing, of St. Charles, Mich,, for the
sum of $1,700 cash.
A, M. Todd,oditor of the Clinton News -
Record, has been elected one of the offic-
ers of the Royal Black Chapter, in
session at Brampton last week,
Thos. Horn, of No. 6 volunteer Com.
pany, Exeter, made the largest score in
shooting of any man in the 83rd Bat.
tallion of Huron while at London loot
Harland Broe., Clinton, have secured a
patent in the United States for their lm•
proved Oil and Varnish can, and now
have it patented in both Canada and the
United States.
Throe farmers from the township of
Stephen drew to Verity's foundry Exe-
ter, on Saturday, seven cords of wood at
one load. One of them had three cords
in his load which was hardwood.
One evening recently an elderly gen-
Osman of Exeter was found holping him-
self to hio neighbor's choice wood pile,
and while in the act the owner happoned
to spy him and took him to task He
pleaded to be pardoned and stated it was
the first be had taken and begged not to
be exposed.
The following offimero were cleated in
connection with the Clinton Laorosss
Club :--Hort. President, T. V. Yann ;
Vice -Pros., T,. Keunody ; Pres., Will
Robertson ; Vico.Pres., Jos. Monaghan ;
Sect. Treas., Den Glbbingo ; Cap., Geo.
Howson ; Managing Com,, B. Rerr, A.
Morrish and A. Carter.
ri1c1Ci11op loads tiro vita in a sonsfbla
matter, viz., planing before the public
the names and addresses of their town -
ohm ofloors no follows: --John Benno•
wise, Reeve, Dublin: John 1Fforrieot,
Dep. -Reeve, Ward 3, Winthrop; Daniel
Manley, Councillor, Ward 1, Beeoliwoad;
Jae. Evans, Cunucillor, Ward 2, Beech-
wood ; Mug, Dodds Comcilbot', Ward
d, Se•tufnrth : Jno. (1, Morrison, Clerk,
Winthrop ; S, T. ;Shannon, Trcosurer,
Winthrop ; Robt. G. Ross, Aseo..sor,
Winthrop, Adam Hays, Cl1eatnr Sea.
forth : in Smiths Medical Health
(115031', NnaforOh ; Witt. Arultibal1, Said.
tory Thr+peace., Leadbnry.
Wm. Diokeon, county gaoler of Ht)ron,
is the proud poe0osaor'of a brood of
obiokone which were hetohod nn Fobr'u.
ary 24th. The brood numbered nine,
seven are still living.
The annual meeting of the Viotorht
U3'rohet Club, of t ,13,roil, ,vee held and
the following officers elected :.—Uon.
President, 7.'lVhuman ; Ilan. Vico. i'res.,
Wm. Coats 1 President, II, E. Hodgono ;
Vice -President, N. Mei,. Fair ; Sea.
Teas., 7. W. Chidgey ; Captain, Jas, Mo
Morelos ; Committee of Management,
kf. D. hitTaggart, F. R. Hodgano, F. T.
Roane, R.1. Mononold and A, T, Coop-
John Stafford, of the 13th con, of Mc•
Killop, is a farmer who dsvotts a good
deal of attention to gat dolling, and Oho
maturer in which he makes it pay may
bo puttied from the following : Last year
he sold 200 !umbels of onions, at 75 (lents
per bushel ; 8,000 heads of cabbage at
80 per hundred, and 1,700 heads of multi -
'dower for $30, Ali this stuff woe grown
off one and three.eights of an acre of
land, and as will be seen realized $360,
and Mr. Stafford did all the walk him-
self besides attending to other farm
worst. This pays better than {mowing
fall wheat, Mr. Staffo,d also grow 170
bags of potatoes from an acre and It
quarter of laud. Two years ago ire plant -
cd la lbs. of wool of the Empire State
variety of potatoe.., from which he grew
60 lbs. 1.`111s product he planratl again
last year and realized tai bushels, which
ho is now selling out for seed at 53 per
bushel. Two years ago 31r. Stafford
cleared over 9300 on the sale of garden
vrgotables, and for last year bo expects
his profits will be a good deal larger,
Abram Bails Wallace has lost three
b y of v ails c
children from diphtheria,
Wm. Bottiuson, of Gowanatown, Erol
laoo township, has invented and eon•
strnoted a new machine for drilling wells
which bids fair to knock out all other
machines of the kind, so those say who
have seen it at work. The machine is
roughly constructed, but it bores with
cote four feet an hour throngh rook, and
the inventor calculates that a nicely -eon•
strnoted machine with improved drills
will bore faster than that. The machine
is so made that the piping in forced into
the earth while the drill is it operation.
Mr. Bettinson has made a movo to get
out a patent for the machine.
t+ r(5 '.
Last week J. E. Webb, contractor, of
Toronto, was ftp for a few days, visiting
his brother -in -lacy, C. Bowerman,teaober
of S. S. No. 8.
Urs. Forsyth, who was visiting for
some mouths with her parents, (RobertInglis and Nolte) has returned to her
home in the west.
John Stewort, mason, and Johnny loee
Intosit, of the 10th eon. are on the sick
list, but Hiss Maggio Stewart, we are
glad to hes r, is convaleseett.
Last Wednesday James Hogg, 3rd
con., disposed of a driving mare rising
three years old, "Kontuolty Star" breed,
to Seale and Hoover, of St. Marys, for
the sum of 5175. She is a fine beast,
in foot the old gentleman steeps nothing
Wm. Woods, eon of Henry Woods, of
the 16th son., is still working at Nipis•
sing dunotion for E. Garrow, getting out
poplar for the manufeotnre of paper.
He is gotting 518 a month but is expect-
ed home pretty soon to help his father
on the farm.
Lo'rEnsttr.—Tha closing meeting of the
season for the Literary Society at Shine's
school will be held en Monday evening,
24th inst. The subjeot for debate is "Re-
solved that we learn moro from reading
than observation." Tbo captains are
D. Robertson and Alex. Perrin, A large
attendance expected.
Miss Kate Johnston, novae in the Gen-
eral Hospital, Toronto, who has been
home on a two week's holiday, retnrnod
to the oity on Friday, lith inst. Mies
Johnston is a daughter of Thos. John•
Ston, of the 18th con. She has been
very succosaful en far, and likes the pro-
fessiou she hasohosen very malt.
llmtnxEAL.--On Wednesday afternoon
the marriage ceremony was performed,
by Rev. Mr. Forrest, of Walton, between
Arch. Clark, 17th con , Grey, and Miss I.
Coulter, of Maiillop. Mica E. William-
son, of this township, was the brides-
maid, and Enoch Clark the groomsman,
The bridal party went to Brussels for a
drive. A party was given in the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark have the good wishes
of their many friends.
The auction sale of Wm. Bishop's
stock, &o. was an unprecedented one in
this locality. The cattle sold at good
prices, cows from $40 to 550 and young
cattle equally as well, one pair of steers
bringing $40, The sheep were sold for
$30 a pair for exportation to Wisconsin.
The horses sold well considering, one for
$160 and two colts for 8130 and $140 re-
epeotively, The implements Bold better
than they usually de at a sale. Alto-
gether the sale was a good one and was
well attended, the crowd being simply
enormous. The verdict of all was that
the stook showed signs of good Care and
management. The proceeds of the sale
totalled about $2,300.
Upwards of 40 residents of Grey and
Elmo townships assembled in the eohool
houeo, S. S. No. 8, on Tneadey of last
weak, to see if some arrangement could
be made for Mooring the willows, float -
wood, sand -bars and other obstructions
in Bushow creek, so as to give an outlot
to the water lying 00 net Iain • farms in
171ma and its this township. The Rooves
of the two townships and one of the
Councillors from Elmo wore present.
A petition, asking the Reeve and town.
ship council of Elmo, to appoint an en-
gineer and proceed with the work was
signed by the moat of those present
wlloeo farms are lying on or noer the
oreek. Another meeting will probably be
called in Oho sobool house, S. S. No. 2,
sono day ilia weep, so that others in.
torooted will have en opportunity of hoar•
ing the question disonsser.
l(t't mvom.—Tule vveek WM. Bishop
and family removed to their new homo
at Boochvillo, Oxford County. ikir.
Bishop has bean a resident of this town-
ship for It good many years and was al.
ways known as a num of Oho highest in.
togrity. For some twolvo 10000 he wag
assessor and was pronounced by to cow -
potent judge to be ono of the best in Otto
County, in the East Huron Farmers'
Institute he took a great interest and a
groat deal of the suocee0 of 1131e Assceia-
tion 10 due to him. ITo wits Sacretary-
'Pt•eaenror from the 110)0 of its inoeptlon,
Iris rmnoval is a lose 10 Oho township.
I" Russell, who Inas put hi
T 1 oaf o f ass I Ma
His non, ll
(omnia of harms o.0 the' Ontario Agricul-
tural (lollop, Ottelph, ao:onpanicd the
fatally, -hut will, b8t all probability, atop
into some other lino than farthing. He
is n level hooded young man of consider. '
able ability and will, no doubt, matte his I
(nark in the world, Mr. Bishop and
family Barry with thew 1110 best wishes
of a host of frtondo and Otto poopto of '
13srclp ilte nod 'toothy will and 1110111
well worthy of tiloir eonlldenee,
ou Market street, 0(10y terms, For
particulars apply to hiss P. 1r. Afox0oo:uOnr
80.01 or N. 0', VANSTONE, Brussels.
(-4001) IIAY FOR SALE.—
win deliver deliver in quantities to suit por.
°baser, Six months credit sill be given to
responsible p.,rtte,,
T. PUNTA, Lot 0, Coll. 0, Orey,
'WRENCH CLASS.•-• 4j10
WAnu is desirous 01 forming a Chose
for instructions lu French, to be held twlee
a week at her reoidd3loo, 'lst'nle made
knosn on applieatleo, 80-
'.1A_Cr1a. TO GO 1lSX
al Loaves Brussels 0000p nlovtug Instead
of 0100180, us felvne rly, and returns hent
°Orrin iu the ov00htg. rots rugs will be ad-
hered to until further notice
5 1VALSHi irupriota', _^
t..Tenders will 0a received by the under-
signed, up to April 1st, fur tlu, .:.waning of
Turnherry street, from the north end of the
bridge to rte south aide of the Town 11011,
and the removal of the scrapings. The low-
est or any ttttdtr not necessarily accepted,
80.8 F. 0. SCOTT,'-illogo Clerk,
'17to anderongued desires to Intimate
to Otto ladies of Brussels cunt surrounding
on tlltbat oho is prepared to at
all orore intrusted toher. Satisfaction
o ter 3bop—, a door north
of Walter Juckson'o hardware store,
;.o- 3010
Tim undersigned desire tointimate.
71 u dors! ed s eto
tan I B • l � andvicinity thn th
lads nu lures Se e
e b
have oponod a Dressmaking Brussels,
Shop over Ata.
Alex. ato Store, to all work
ante tentrusted oy
grapreparedem.Sto action guaranteed. 0word entrusted
to 0004. 310158 08 0n:WAT5
DEn0I01ED has several good Farms [Or
Bala sod to rent, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey. 10. S. S00TT. Brussels.
Being South half Lot 227, eon. 0, Morris,
100 aoree, nearly all cleared. Good buildings,
about 20 acres Fall wheat in ground, Easy
terms. Apply to W. M. SINCLAIR,
tt. Sobcitor, ,Oda., Brussels.
8, eon, 0, Grey, 83 acres cleared, "i of
which is )flowed ready for seeding. Good
]rouse, barn, orehnrd, fio. 100001,00i0 010013
April lat. For further ,,aftioubn•s as 00 1.900
tonus, dm„ apply to DUNCAN AfcLATICH-
L1N, let 1, eon, 0, Groy, Brussels P.O. 04.4
Lot 1:1, Con. 10, township of Grey,
Huron Co. There gra 100 sores, 50 acres of
which are dearer] ane in goods state of 001ri-
vation, On the farm 40 a atone house and
frame barn and frame stabl0e, a good bear-
ing orchard and goods wall of wator. For
furtberparticulare apply to the proprietor
00 Otto premises
1713 JOAN VINCENT, Brussels P.O.
senl1En offers hie valuable 100 sera
farm,beinglot8, Don. 11, Groy Township
Huron Co., for sole. There are about ad
acres cleared and In good boort. There is a
log house, good bank barn boat big orchard,
and all the necessary oonyontenoos on Oho
promises, For further particulars, as to
pride terms, eta„ apply to tho Proprietor,
T -01 $ DOIIGALD STOlaro RAO2AWN, firueeels
dersigned offers Ifs 100 ere farm,
being North half Lot 00, Con. 8, Morris, for
sale. There are about 70 acres cleared and
under cultivation. On Oho premises are a
0. od from house, hash barn, good orchard
and other necossnrleo. Only i1 miles south
of Brussels on the gravel road. For further
particulars, as to prico, ,C'a„ apply to the
proprietor on the )remises,
30.(3xJ, PYI300, Box 100, Brussels P.O.
39, con. 0,. Grey, containing MO. acres, 10
aaros cleared. under grans, and tho balance
tlmbored. About 70 acres of dry laud and
the balance ceoar and black ash swamp
There is a log bonito on the premises, Will
be sold onvcry reasonable terms aeproprie-
tor does not require the lot. For further par-
ttoulars apply to RUT. MaLAIIOHLIN,
0ranbrook, P.0, or ALEN. HUNTER, Brus-
sels. 12
'ti-IARM F+013 SAL 1'.—TRE uN-
LL uar ter of l odors for sale Oho, north
east quarter of lot 28, concession 0, Morrie,
County of Huron, containing 80 acres. The
land is of meet quality 000 I n a high stats of
cultivation, well Mooed andraiuod,
,ii acres cleared. New frame house, onsa, 8 8 rooms,
1101100 with concrete walla, 9 wills,.
goodbarns and clod, orchard ,eta Eight
acres o1 fall wheat. This desirable property
ad olnB the corporation of Brume's. Suit-
utt•ab o terms will be given. TIOIo por10ot.
88- Seaforth P. 0.
-1, Morrie, on reasonable torma, In order
to close the affairs of the eotato of the late
W. 0, Hip eton, the emooutors offer tho fol-
lowing valuable laude for Bale North
half of Lot 80, Conoosafoo G Township of
Morris, containing 00 acres. On this lot le
erector' a good frame baro with stone foun-
dation, good orchard, well and pomp. Near-
ly all cleared, and is on the grave road
closely adjoining the vlllago of BruBBels.
This farms a valuable ono, 19 well fenced
and In a good stato of oultivstion, For
grinds and terms apply to THOS. KELLY,
Brussels P. 0., Huxnr JEunraa0, Victoria
Square P. 0., or JAarEo Salem, ;Maplo Lodgo
P. 0 Midfllosox County,
Valuable Store Property,
tinder andby vit'6no of a Powor of Salo
contained in a mortgapo made by john N.
Wright, default haying been ina(lo in pa3-
men1thereof thorn will bo sold by Public
Auction, on tlrePr¢ntfse0, in the Village of
Brussels, on Sattirdaby, March 8901, 1890,
at 0315 0 olOek p.m„ the following property
That portion of Village Lot No. 0, on TO rn-
bol'ryStreet, inthe Vtlla a of Arossels,whtob
may bo d0seribod as :01100 1-0onm00oing
on the pastern boundary of said Lot at Otto
distance of One Hundred and Two L'oet and
Threo Inobos from UM Strout, thence nor-
therly along Oho said outrun boundary
and Havoc 3 ches, hoiog to l e aoiitr cot 000
hall or building now 01001od 011 th0 Janda
har0ln d0soribod, tlienoo waster/y, at right
soar oftsgaidland,et1 unoo a utitoth rby, lents
with'J'ttruborry trout. Twonty-ono�foot and
toren inoboa, thonoo nodally, at tight; 0.ngtoh
toTomb= yKnot, to Oho place of bogie-
nlr1g, tbgethor with a right of way through
Oho said lion and hall, 'Mentors --'Tho pan
,,1taser0110.11 pay' ,t deposit of 81.;0 at the
time of cele, the balance of ono -third of Oho
ttorohano money in Iln•oo weeks thereafter ;
the 1.omalnh,g two-thirds 00 he paid in ca,11
or r'ncurod hY a hn11 �•abro
meld. !Min oc
is five yours, mttu5rthe purchaser,
l'or imburlrtfoulnrs applyto
The above brigh nod benevolent flue is
PROP. \1`11. WILCOX.
of St. Thomas, 1 lit., the :.Beat Catarrh
Specitoliet. Asa rule Catarrh Oa ed
by Ono Treatntont,
Atii 1f-' TU.E.'17'31 .Y7'
It a 'a, a•tl.ti
Skin Diseases
Tho Great Catarrh Specialist of Amorlon,
guarantees a ;T'ormaneul Care for Catarrh,
Bleeding and Ithing,Iiles Solt itlloum
all skin ees. Tro 1relhullo testi.
m001a0 of his w,,t00 from numbotof 000.
in Ontario, widen may he Well nt any
time, Refon•ing to the work and °Ilicney of
Prof. Wilcox's remedies, Air. W. sI, snarling,
a gentlemen wait-la.own in Dnnvillo. Ont.,
00,3,01—"t nave boob a solism [tom Catarrh
for the past nue or six years. I doctored
withmon n Dr. which cost o i0 but was ler six
wh n the, 010 oast 0 eta but was the same
when I quit 00 whoa 1 start. ' I than be.
came ¢equaiuted with Prof, Wilcox, of St.
Thomas, the Greet Gahm) Specialist, and
for the small 0n.n of 3 i ho oared ma fu cue
troatmnnt. Any parson angering from
Catarrh and w tinting any r0(eren*O may call
0u me and 1 will give them a statement of
my own exp000enc0, Furthcrmore,I nave a
friend who has been tronblod with Blooding
and, having obtained one box or Prof.
Wilcox's Pile Miro, the warty is perfectly sat -
of a complete cure. W. 10. 80,001.1140,
Cutter for F. J, Ramsay, Importer of Dry
Goods, Dunvtllo, Ont."
Tho following testhnony as 01 the value of
Prof. ,i iloox'e treatment spooks for itself:—
' Wo, the undersigned, do believe, and have
reason to believe, that Prof, Wilcox, of 01.
Thomas, is alto Catarrh Specialist of Amer-
ica, ho being the only man so have over
known to cute ()starlit at ono treatment,
nitho(t causing pain.
(8lguodl 0,C. Jon, M, D.,
F. A, Anemot,
1', W. Gaol:mr,
J. 11. Mol'uta.v,
(Cotte British army.)
1.(5(00 elLEtro.
March 15013,1383.
(Bailiff 9r4 U1 All l of Dnnvilon lo.
"Myself and mother ..0th cured of Catarrh
at one Ornatmeut by 14,1,1, Wilcox'o Catarrh
Coro, in January, 1880.
W. T. JAnves,
Operator, Cayuga, Ont.
"I was ourod of Catarrh of six y0ara stand-
ing at ono tru:ttmeut by Prof. Wilcox's
Catarrh Coro,
CI ArtA Bnewrotr,
Dangbtor of Or. Brenton, Leamington, Ont
FLonEtocu, Tao, 2, 1800.
Prof. Wm. Wlbeox,
Stn,—Ptosso allow Ono the extreme privi-
lege of thanking you through the silent
medium of the 01011 for that bottle of Catarrh •
ltomedy you mut to rue. I doctored with the
most eminent pbysloiana in ()anode, also
Dr. Kergan, of Detroit, and cin truthfully
say l have derived moro benodt from one
applicutlon of your modtotne than all the
r et, and feel satisfied my disease will he a
perfect euro 01100 I use Oho remaining part
of the bottle.
Tome, with many thanks,
ME6. JE\'Nnt Moltoonnr,
3$'op'ress of McRobert House, Florence, 0 nt.
W eLnEnran, Deo, 18,1880.
Prof. Wilcox,
nun Stn,—I was in Owen Sound on the
11tH ineO. and saw my stator, whole a Manlier
in the Owen Sound Public school, probably
You will remember bot'. She asked me to
convoy 11n thanks to yea, and Bay's half the
bottle has cured her of Catarrh of throe or
four years 000001ing, and has also made some
Wouderiul owes a.nolg score intimate
friends of bare, who also convoy their thanks.
She says if you come bank thnro will be a
groat many more to try your splendid
remedy. Yours,
3. D. AfAONenn, P.L,S„ &e,
Furthermore, the Professor holds testi-
monials in writing from the following awned
Gentlemen 1n Ontario:—Dr. Branton, Lou1h-
ington ; Dr. Wilaol, London ; Dr. Carson,
St. Thomas; Allan Crawford, M. A., M, D4 M.
13, Molauelaad, M, D., M.11,O.'',S.
Thee0 aro only a few of the many precis
in Prof. Wilcox's possession as to the re-
markable aures affooted by bis remedy.
At the American Hotel, Rrnasets, from
M0ND1r Morning, MAno0 94th, until Saturday
'livening, Murch 20th. Office hours from 0
a. no. to 8;80 p. m.
Advico Free of Charge.
Undersigned hoe purchased the thoro'-
bred Berkshire boar, "Sir Robort Brim,"
from Donald Malomohiin, The pis was bred
hyJ. (1. Snell & Ism. Terms, 01,00, to be
paid at time of service, with privilege of re-
turning 1f neeeeoao, CHAS. Dad DS,
1(2.4 Orabbrook,
For tering and other particulars ask 1or
oiroular at my Drug and Book Store, Should
you wish to soli his heifer oalVoe T am pre-
pared to pay as high as S18, according to
minting qualities of their dams,
08.1112110 G. A, DEADMAN,Bruseols,
undersignod will keep a Well-13rnd
Durham Bull, ruing throe yearn olds, for
eerviee on North Ralf Lot 20, Con, 7, Morris,
Tonna, 81.00, to be paid at &m o of servieo,
with privilege of roturning if n0aoenaryy.
38.2m 8. WAL1(E10, Pr3prietbr,
undersigned will )seep the Thorn' -bred
Shorthorn 23ni1 "Harut Ornggs 001,," broil by
h'. W. 51000 Gnolph, for ;limbic on .Got 80,
Cot, O,otrin, Worms 01.10, to bo paid at
Limo of aorVloo, with rrivtio o of roturnitg
if necessary. Pefigroontey ae soon on ap-
50.1 JAS. SPEIB, Propri0tor.
gttO"f'uIt' Caveats,ItoloorlesatlTrain,
w"01 6 is 0) e blln soar ad nand all ntiz-
er patotte 0011200 in tiro Patent (Mee and
hof oro the Courts promptly and nm'ofztity:00-
tet'lod to. Upon r000ipt of model or oitetoh
of invention,0 Inaba earafn) oxnrnihation,
nd a.r d 00 t n .on 3 h111t r�
l a o I tt octet r
V1 f e charge,
Y 1(
linos0,00 moderato and I make no charge unless
tan B seminal,a r f ri at
n tlTta n Imo avian d
Patent and
sponlnl n('forenco¢ Hent on n 1pifrntton. J.
011,105.110, (111111AR 41 115111U1010, it. Lt'.X"Pt1LL, Washington, D.11., 17,$, Patent
:2.3 Vendors' Soli .Bm•%..thmullion. titltoe, - u3
Private Funds
((u''��n /�d�'s�/^^t o Loan.
Have been 911000d in my ]lands
for Investment on rt•ul estnto.
:1'o Canon iTsion
Borrowers can slave loans com-
pleted in Three Days if title
Solicitor, Brussels.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on 1t'arm or \ illlage Pro-
pt3rty 110
6 & 6A Per Ctill., Yetarly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
nowt vi lg when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
7ldrisian Court Clerk, Brussels.
'A eu� °tis
�1 �
Tho subscribers offer for sale the fallowing•
wolf bred Stock: 1 Hoary ltr..ught entire
horse, 1 years old ; 2 heavy draught entire
horses. risings years old; L earring' stallion
7 years old ; 1 stallion foal, heavy draught.
Also a boevy draught glare, 0 years old, and
another heavy draught mare, rislog 8 years,
supposed to bo in teal. Thos aro all in -
ported. I'aduggroes and o, rtitentos can be
prudueod. Intending purchasers oenlha do
well to call and see the ammals and get
prices. They tiro good ones,
Sl'1011t !MOS., Proprietors,
27•(1 Brae±ors P.O:
1890. r,&tea 1890.
Hayo a limited number of busbols of the
for Farman in Oho vicinity of Bruseo's, who
intend raising liax durl.,e the earning season
which they are prepared to deliver in quan-
tities to sutt flax growure, Dan bo got et
the 130000000 Flax Atilt: Seed givon ant at
81.00 per bushel, and on the usual tonna,
Order Early to Insure a Supply.
—For flan grown from this Saud—
$10 PEE 'PON WILL 1119 PAID,
if of good growth ; harvested in proper Boas -
nn and delivered at the ('lax 11I111 as soon as
11t for threshing. We will also root a num -
borof good sod Holds for tho pm•po00 of
growing flex. 08-
Proprietors Brussels Flax Mill.
Sts Leon Mineral Water,
Tbo following speak for themselves :
Brussels, Ont., Jan. 8, 1800.
I have been using St. Leon water for
the past month or eo and have found it
very officaoioue in promoting good health,
After using it a week I found my appe-
tite mach benefittod and oan now eat as
much in ono moal as used to attnioo on
for two. For any rheumatic affection I
believe it to bo ahead of any drugs or
patent medicines, and think that por.
eons of a rhonmatio tondancy should ueo
it constantly.
A. Enolsnn,
Clerk 4th Division Court,
County Huron.
Mn. &DAM Goon, Brussels,
Dear Sir,—Tbo St. Loon Minora! Wat-
er that I have been getting from you has
done me so much good that I cheerfully
give my testimony it its favor and hope
others may be persuaded to give it to
WAL Kummer, So.Brussels, Jan• 7, 1800,
This wator, Otto like of which is found
no where else but at St. Loon, in the
Province of Quebec, resembles all nat-
ure's productions, an egg or grain of
wheat for inatenct. We can toll what
an egg or grain of wheat is composed of
but man i0 utterly unable to motto a
grain of whoa( or create an egg and he fs
ins( as lmabl0 to eotut0rfeit St, Leon
Mino:al Wates', But kind nature hoe
done for us what 01'O could not do tor
ourselves --brought the sixteen differout
in„ rodiolts of Witt waist together in the
proper prepnrtione, hiked thorn and
pours thele forth in it copious groom.
T. am in a position to supply this re-
ntarittthlo water, absolutely Duro, straight
from Oho wells, at a prico that 100000
libtle after n a
g tho cosi, of bein
it t.lifK far.
tt ABAM (1001),
:rho '.1'Ol'011t,, G1'ooer,l'.