HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-3-14, Page 7V 0 MAR CH 14, 18;1() lows r,acnss av-,-•Rarcaonroawc � r>;musrme.matugutosac4Gc LATE B p '�1 i i i,Ti it m41, ry hit he•en 81413 l ill .Irllan nt I in,r. +1,+l PJ' f� ) r 1 Tho 6ltllt of It I 1 n -ht f: , 3Hti lid. per ton; lint same single /deems went for t Laiglisla Au9)IIoa'itle„ still ill pill'- 1,a MI. for l,4 pI 1 fo.t bedv h :(8131n 1 nit then betel. Stilt or Jack ilia Rapper. 6 The l I lac, of N airs H pnUvof anon 6iuct- ! 11818111 fall' and military atllb'(Ie exhibition ENGLISH BONDS E ti COUNTERFEITING]. 1 ar tt L 7 .. . Jitney In iced nu b nH -13 Uc , for 18 180411 nail ' THE BRUSSELS POST. commi rr a.?r+ee arcs awmatuaamnc enter r: air • mmen m:numcr ,4 O1N( t oLKs+ il'+rnuatdw•td )1 uilh lath It., 1 + • tar+• i +i1,4 -- , t , 1 4 S. 1/413..041114' ll 91110114 our sweet est memories, 1'Ito 4114 3(J8Ol43ioest,. WREN I WAS A BOY, !b, will neter know how nmr-11 hie eller. weirs' helped to tnm11(1 mine, (•It 819. 1 r a T� P'OUN'DS '7 4.., a...._ t .;..F,,..,; HE `RUSTS CORfP(fIfA�IQN Who'll is to 1 leld 111 31,3 f n• th path 1st' The :nodi interesting thing about its of +inblr8bin at the - posts of the lir(tish K . ion r ts1 r tl i s , m w, I + d Ip nee alms 3ht+ t i+ I,"""" nH ill (l:a' y in flung whore 1 heed. St was not a1, tot for, a 'cl 1 believed +++ t tau. til( wlu 1, It 11 1 l will (really 1} 8110 ;, quell l a,Ivet•1)ool, ' prove the social +iundiltop. of 41141 rant on, uulc.. hili (n nt;fh when the drifts e 1 snow — il:le, t cncereil'the fences on either side of rim T'lle Southwestern 1 all ,d of d nglat l SW4'1d(S1 114TI('.L1 ('.ar1E aN has nen up its bs11lr a 1161 the tipping 1:171,`,`,1,',,,!;',',1,‘,11, nut, taut Jho llu18 1(lntel lonit a re'• 1,0311)06. I system, :toil order•'., d 15311 181„1,1 it"1.8,8'.ImIH ,If uuw:u• l of 111' ll e l"U3'' tl11,1 Io 0933 41 _'. - ! phusun4 11 tat :uuua'nn,•d tLat eu,13oy,•(,H ll, could not lurlr.11•.+l1 i1, the buil. The 4,11 WI Home of 1'optuua:l, i; iunv 1ti in forbidden i1, accept, ti,;,. Jul spite of Ln•n Ihcu ns,1i,1 pretty nett gone.: to 1 1. I 11 Helton', Intl, to issue home' 1lbout. d1 ];, lighted 1 y Shari lei,' light for 1lie firs, time, . the e pinlal L:, the !sorters are said to have fa1n1l;( Lie wind 110 a; e,'n(0 frr-L fl nut the 1l, is said the, fho nuau .;e of ,,,,,,i h,,,, uvula , 11 ..)finale of as inlltll tL th(•ir 1'l•g141ti1' ,,1131, 1',113', 11-111 no ll;'mel wl'a , 1111' 418' (humidor of ihn Trines of 11 +dee her. l vol pay fiuu1 tip.+, I • ! err 913„ed, and that it will be, pn1liely tut- 1sll.lil11 n3ott,l and n r.'1s ore I'io•_. (v.. o1•erona3 , Was not all fon, nor 81 ly r•1,,.}!est n•te, to 11,,'3 ye'tlnul Irmo England tall i1, iv,. 81.4 .8 4 (+nrth of .4 iI pi,•Ilic. I nounc0d in April. i! I Still fora little fc•113111 Hill motto 111.11, A Swiss ie4 41, per ii1 [ 83 3 that the age numbers 1 , kill off 341'.' rabbits, and Jho fol a ith One or 8wo .tier boys, 1 1, 1 my vs,grand prize of 111” l'nris b;:;pusi?lou lntte,,y, 1111 much lith been food l t rt• tit. el.uaty turn of a le•.lean.. 4 11im1 a kite) and hes heel. neo b•; au 1' ;,.41!,11 y,num lady who :w l t ) :'1:+ 8(181.1iml a increasing 'Sun'- 11.„81 08111(111 tt 1141' (3",113' aldrin Clete/331.A is an art studenta4 1I+MVO,. 1 m 311,1.9 in smile it riel 1 le re k talk of 1t war minus,( froren nodes from ton 5411111p a . 111005:1113.111 10 prevent 1110 (xper1/4Ue11 of any . )itch fie,' d.1,•h Itust. ScUt0lulnen bu11gn01 ilit(in Loudon are now nt n o Jut. d,•.a, ... . I snit. of 3Sgy9ttan 8innnallse d Vat., In b i I lunit .otmt re 11 1 l, t A a'Q:l'l' CUM entertained 111411 .038.!1' of tun uorthc,•u be,g- pipes played into a phono„taph umi Malt i The 1;iglll li 11 u+cars of I he -Brit army down 10 Loudon by cspr3ari. have a gnz0ll . f chit i of the regiment.” Ilia llierr. 10159 is groat advantage i1, lltn•- 111;4 9.1001 1-38 fill' (('01(1 11m313 1111, 3 w,' c10151 1101, he (.X13001/4541 to go hope] 141 dinU0r, Thal It nuengn,ulns no 11.,'51.14.ad: acyl;ynhcre, gore 1181 the ill r t 1,P the hour for play. 1'3••y The nueee9s of 14311 pastel evhibitim :1 tit Hurl is tall r:Tu ,•;1114 oatila•cuous li,• un fat? 1«11111, . 113'.1. oc.upi0d i1, 1 . posits of ros3'r•un• (1.411(1• • lids Ipd to the 1331.111111 1191 Cl y thr 313(1(4 euro•, h phut., whets a euxlem- of the '1 may of 1(111,h Pastelists, tof 811'11(11 ponies tha ban 1, leading the lies with a Sir (:ontt9 Lindsay f3' I'resldeltt. !stately, trawl, apparently imitated ft•ont 11 19 proposed to ¢.11(1' Mr, Stanley a life 'that of the drunk ajor. member of the Savage Club in London, a I 'Cllr, iignor bill at the Lewisham Union, diet inn that 1(11 Will share with only tier. , tl W1,1itllottse 1(0113• Loudon, lust year 139118: 1'rinee of 1Vales and a few others. Ale and porter, •17, 7tlllpin ts 1 wine, 84 bottles; A bill has been introdue^ed to enable I1ng- pili, 159 bottles ; brandy, 9.18 bottles ; min. Balt peel•s to alaaulon their )hums in the oral waters, 11,10.2, bottles. Sang' esridng House of Lord.( if they wish ami be elected . r'1•lt1ce intimate that there 111(1111 Lave been 10 1.110 Hous( of Com010ns if they urn. fraud about it ; others insist 1hitt tilt drink The 1111+13)11 crimiulal nutitnrltles t„,3' 1('l(p'le•it5 of the ,.1,+;.;e workhouse official sctioush dlsnrr::.il:gtica•I3'isahility0fadod• fully 90000111:+ for thecom;mnp1011. 1 ltlg the French system of identifying Crnmt(- The London papers say that the minima Ms by, enthropoml'triclal neasuretue1Is. of Ilei Ei '.11-11 Government with Lied, London is talking about n ublio sol scrl r- 'La13n41(3 3:1 not for the 4urellas1' Of puolUmth' No 11(111115 111111 .Ver been Wil9ted 1(1(3131 th' P I 0111/491110 r 'I , r 9ie 3'c ' e s .1m f .11411.8141 r t o I 1 41 e Full Lot for the( u • the (,uuvv • e I lit a The right for 1 ultn nt tion for th(:relief(t ,g '4 F, k tie inn • •' 1 many 1 English h olerlts 3.1141 11.',•41 lust their duces hi Pnr4igal to make the guns itself, and us0. thein in the two ornaments 10411'9 la bag lex sine: 100,11 :03 through the anti -Engin: i agitation 1 here. 11, is said that the English ant limit are 514.14! 3.11 purs111t of dnok the 1 Ipp:. •, and Hutt „.tut 1Lats u o there wus oat ono hangs one, of the best known of their detective i1,. I a (thee (slum r f tweed and let tor, and Iwo or tire'e doughnuts, and an apple or tvs,, '!'Ile schoolhouse, as 1 remember it, was not built. for olmauu•at: Peu1111uiy 11.94 cots• sld01.,d both a virtue and a the, first plane, it 13'1114 bu111 114een In11d, or either stews, foe the staves and 8413, 0(111 were about ill 1.110 proportion of briolc and pewter ill to ordinary chimney. Ass the lot could grow little more than 1nr 11 ea, and its these 111141 been cut, the site could cost het little. 'Pilon it was not, thought 1v19do01toput numb mulerpitalin„inthe 11c,uce that might interfere with 141(1 circulation of the air under the floor, twiny tion navy. ',York on lb,. guns lilts about as 110ar 1,1.c 03111313/1' of the room es mg could gum, and a .Ing pilo of 10414111 piled "high and dry” in the "entry." These were what I most admired for they contributed neat 141 my 35111(11031., 1 sappos41 this estimate is upon the Principle of •'IIaud- s(ne Is that handsome does,'' I have not drawn a very pleasing picture of this seat of learning. 1110 Hanle is a ppeo- printo, for there was :lard earnest studying done those, and good foundations of educa- tion) were there laid in litany minds. I do not, say that more and better work might not have beou done with better helps, Int the tools and the time ave had were made the :most of, 1 know of one boy at least who was often op by four o'clock on many mornings, studying bythe dim light of a tal- low caudle, or by firelight. Bot it was 1101 all dull work and hard study. We had our fun, and a great deal of it. I cannot speak for the gills. I thiuk they must have ]ted (.lull times, The boys dict not remain in the house at " intermis- sion," to see what they did. Our sports were of the kind that hearty, hard-working boys enjoy after sitting upon hard benches for tluoe hours. Thorn was a greet (Jeal of 'rnnning anti wrestling, and 3mnping and snowballing, and sometimes, would you believe it? 100 exceVC1ICd our lungs, and oracle a little noise, But isn't it queer? Dile if he had only thought about it, could have p4elted out the num who were to grow from these boys. That is, one Wright 110500 judged pretty well what kind of men the boys would make, All enjoyed the sports, but all did not en- joy good, honest apph0ation to study. The troy who would cheat in his recitation—well, he certainly was not cultivating conscience by it. If afterwards, as a business mon, he 10((01101081, his pra0tdee of cheating in school slid not make it easier to do just right in 1110 shop or store. The best time for a true to secure a good straight trunk is when It 1s small 8111d grow- ing. already been be;un attl(o W',ohieh arsenal, Fifty or sixty are to be made tat epee. Hand in the iah'ution Army. It was coul- speetore devotes ids whole time to the ease, y 1Vaterloo lions., i1, Leitrim, that ]las 413sn,1 of a father itu(1 his son. Since then inn' ••toad meant, is to be chin: e i into s 8,550 other bands have green formed. 'They 6 " have been mostly 1•ee1R1i(ed from the taproom (says the Wet Cry), land have sought out the them and practice of ntnsio for themselves. A few days 811130 a deputation of the Almay bondsmen paid n visit to 141rs. Booth. The men were addressed by the " General's," dying wife, and the scone was a most affect- ing one, grand hotel and to be called The Presi- dent," presumably to catch American travel- lers. The revenue of Cape Colony far the six months which ended in December last was £2,480,108, 7'he increase of a quarter of a million was chiefly from Customs ((3131 rail- ways. In the villages of Northamptonshire a fund has been started from which to pay four - pence per dozen for the heads of sparrows, whose damage to the crops has become un- bearable. The last time Stanley' lectured at 13irmiIlg- ham he received fifteen guineas for his fee. :This time the Birmingham lecture manager o0ars 300 guineas, and is afraid lie can't get him at that. Steam surface cars, or dummies, aro used by the street railroad companies of Birming- ham, land lust year they carried 141,(100,000 passengers with only two fatal and forty-one minor accidents. It having comic ort that most of the survivors of ]3alaklava are now paupers, a will cast about 1.30,000. 'I'I13s fence starts groat bonifit performance is being arranged from the Murray at Chowilla, and runs to PI London, for the purpose of getting them out of the workhouses. Tho latest fact in England is for the col. lection of the Victoria 0108800 given by the military authorities to soldiers for especial stets of bravery. The fact that such collec- tions w0r0 being made came out through the indignation of the holder of one, who receiv- ed a letter asking hint what 11( 3vould sell 3t for, and saying that the writer had already secure several. The man, like the good Englishman he was, sat right [101810 anti 103(34.0 to the " Times" all about it. The rabbit -proof fences erected by New South Wales told Queensland 10311, when the one itt present being erecter: on the South Australian boundary' line has boon com- pleted, lie 887 utiles 3n length. It is esti- mated that the one in coarse of erection J. Williams, a well-known amateur boxer in London, 133as knaoked 0111, in rho third found of a contest tit a club the other night, lul(1 remained Unconscious until the next mm•ning, when he died. During the lost seven years the land under tillage in Victoria, Australia, has increased by 1,000,000 acres, and the ratable value of country lands has increased from 155,000,• 000 to 905,000,000 sterling. A largo English railway company has in- creased its pay roll between nine and ten thousand pounds per year, because it believ- ed that the increased traffic of the line justi- fied the paymrint of higher wages to the mon. The sudden -appearance of a m oso on the floor of the English House of Commons a few nights ago upset the dignity of the eminent gentleman near it and led to a little panic Qat made it necessary to strop business for a While. Itis alleged that the falsification of English emus by 011pping and conte:feiting has gone Moro titan two thousand years ago the to a greater extent during the last few ears Gaols woro combining th • rho ashes of the than for long time before, and that things have got to mush a pass that it isn't safe to accept certain coil's at all. Complaint is made that the craze for 0 natural flowers, ferns, and idle plants gen- erally is leading to the destruotion of the British hedge rows, and a law is proposed to make it a misdemeanor to steal flowers Or twigs, Tho_Br11)811 miliary authorities aIn10111100 as the sullied for the p)'1ze essay of the humble shop of a soapmtltee, and in United Service Institution for 1890 "The several othtll' eke of Italy the hushtess tactical 0pol114110((5 of the future as affected had even then 0, footing. In the eighth by the introduction of magazine rifles and mutiny thorn were many'soap nuuu1taetories nnhe1111no and quick firing guns and smoke. in Italy and Spain, and fifty years later the less powder," Phoenicians carried the business into Demme, The service bullet for the new English and established the first factories in Mar. 0011103, Prior to the invention of soap, solderede rifle is, it f1- said, to bo to compound , fuller's earth wee largely used for cleansing disolminished huller, ion advantage ncs of whole is i 11,• )08033, and tho (1100 of certain plants heating of ebarrn, and consequent showing loss 0030ed a 011111lat' pnl'pose. TIw earth was heating of the barrel, ss afte twee _s spread upon cloth, stomped in will( tie feet 1113. to )(ton degrees loss after twelve rounds and subsequently remove by scouring. 71; had boon fired. wa8 181100 08011 in Maths, and las late (von las Dr. linger Williams of St.. LW' 10lenow'f ; tho eighteenth century W188 employed by the Hospital, London, Inas found that out of Romans in that way. the northeast. oorner of this colony, a dis- tance of 3411 miles. :filo completion of the sohomo being carried out by the two Govern- ments will embrace 887 miles of fencing, of which 027 utiles will have been erected by New South Wales and 200 by Queensland, The Tiigltbut•y Place Strict Baptist Church in London admitted to membership without regular immersion a lady afflicted with deformity, which made it ahnostnnpo0sililo for her to 'undergo the ceremony of immor• sion. For this the church was expelled from the organization of Strict Baptist Churches, and::aftor a long fight, the con- gregation and elders have just acknowledged their mistake iii " having been too ready to accept the plea of impossibility," and the matter has been settled by the 4ninorsion of the lady seated in a specially constructed chair and wearing a dress specially designed for the occasion. Upon tins rho churoh has been restored to membership, .Early Use of Soap. beech tree with goat's tat laid making soap. When Marius Claudius Maroolhis was has- tening 1 lamuuan t•ag tenlr southward over the 1 e g e y, 9 -wrested d fro, the Lauds laden with ail. 181108 0 ''t d b Of viridlnYllal', and Collie king lying tg tea y the blanks of the Po, his followers were bringing with them a knowledge of tho method of making soap. The awful rain of burning: ashes wl(ic11 fell npon Pompeii in 70, buyout (with palaao0 and statues) the 12,308 eases in which chloroform had there boon used during the past ten years, ton had rea(llted fatally, while there had boon only three deaths ort of 12,591 cases in which Importanoo of Canadian Cattle. I can look back, and hi my memory see the dignity of my classmate, the doctor to bo, and the faithful application and manly bearing of the editor to be, and the promise of leadership in the characters of others. and the prophecy of future eulturo and quoenli- n0ns in the gentle, diligent modest sister It was character which told, quite as nmc11 as talent. Tres, utero is a (lifierenco do git•Is as 1ye11 as in boys. My te1(013Ore 1391. not many nor were they all great, or 3vise, or skilled, and I fear that 6,11100re 1101 strictly conscientious, but this I remember, there was 11.0 teacher of the number from whom the student could not et 1101 44 he himself as faith g p, a w fol. 18110111311ik:e to tell you of some mo of [hent Ono,1 remember, was beige o e \ , a it all Of 3130 age f fifty or mare. 1 think ho was born to bo a teacher, for while he had not great learning he had good. learning, so far as it went. Ile had boys ftt11 grown, but none so largo as h0, 130:' (lid any student bring so largo to dinner as his, or enjoy it more, He understood boys ; knew just hew to get the work out of them in school ]tours, and to 11.113 them to have a goo(1 time at noon intermission. Six or eight average boys (mulct put biro into a snowdrift daring the play hour, hot forty would not have undertaken it in the tittle of 8011001, or anytlliugelse which would frame tasted his right to commend:. Yet I do not now recall any, punishing of even the kinds then 0001111011 in the country schools. Wo 111(3,11him, almost 1000dh3)n, and great- ly respected 114:1. After all, them WW1 int (1010 of tho number who really captured my heart, and: le Ives the only one wiltrlll 1 over heard piny. ITO would 40111111- freely in our spurts, and outdo the lithost of the number ; bot there ether had been used, In the In1Pcriad House of Commons the x118 something in his eye which was, atm, over theItionulburial ts 13pl(00 of the English, French, aske(l whether the dther day J ohn epartment of agriculturmember of e 1 suggestion tofttpown er,look It seemed 1,0authority. kwith into and Italian troops killed in ilio Mimeo was :ready to grant the demand of the S0oteh 1 tho lioart, and say, "I and your friend i .I love during the war of 1854-5, 5 40sia'6 mono- farmers for equal facilities with others for ' you and wont to help ,sot all .I cam." rials over her fallen soldiers itMilsesamoplains nittpCningiaeattle (10131 titth . United States Sowolovoclhim, as hatter of course, are on a grander seek, as she eentionee to I and tried to please hint. Yes, we oftol for - hold the fort, Sebastopol, 1 dation of American cattle Justified the rein- • g,>t for we were;;theugltle80 and careless, Somewhere in the 14)411, Indies on English- lation providing for their 01t4nghtot at Lhc' and did not quite understand how totell 1un1 13 port where they wore landed. 0f our regrets ; but some way he could seem man claims to have discovered wh(4t ho calls . Henry Cllnplru replied that the American the whistling tree," 1'l, has, 110 says:It'gov(normottwttenetwolplyingNeltlithecnn- peenliarly shaped leaf and split pods opened, (lltions of the Act of 1878, 0.11d that, there - the motion of: the bronze through. which fore, the present restrictions could not be (muses a peculiar whistling sound that enol , ,.,,laved, ,in 1880, lie said, +l,7 cattle from to road boy.' Mewls, and to understand what 101(5 (11l8pOk00. This num wile the only ole of my old teaohers Dvlent 1: was able to Iln(1 on my bate visit 1,41 rho 0111 house, I went to sou him in )e heard ata g1eat distance' Amm•bm, all'oetcd with pleure-pnetunonia, l+.1- )lyre of business, for he fills an import. Thereis a movement ill Hoglund to bet had 1(0110031 in 1.1 iglan 48 ,l1- ('1cnl1tly 11,ti antt,(11eo, in which his skill as a penmn is the condition of the barmaids by mein. lg Feltenery 11I n boll •nt f3reng trnnl rho 1tau0 (1501'1, 141 1119..181'0,11385;;11, 41,11(1 1.0 t1e connfert of thorn within[ the provisions of the stet rey,m+ disenane hod: been leaded et Deptford fronn ninny "Blur. 1113;'91'ork111g women in (54.08 es It 18 said New till l,. C:onl)nnnl(at11,118 fn 1.011(11(1 to Forty yams hie not passed without letty- ilia' t now t,lle have ( work o provisions of the c • t) r la 1 Ohnl• ( vnvl s ticrl t ins; 1 L eau/1y cod 6l, but from �i t?b to . Lis will t a Were n ou6udiu with aha United w ern the g F , � of 147 1l, i g sono eyes, apmakm; 114 the samo tender 4111..) loardl m c 1,o: lodging. O Its tofthr mil 110Lm(tt y N the f I r Innf 4 s t 1 thin tl 3 k l tat tl 1 tl 1 n 1 p odgi lg. ;States government. 1 heart 1 and I w.t8 1m "118,1 to know 1 had a The London C{a011,11nt and Coke Company Min figured out that the additional expense Nuw 511114, do } on supposo nn<ltad those entailed by the increased Newsof the work- t 1 verything is twice as largo, 111011441111111 011 a as tie 1 u1c.lo mal mod[? 10911len will amount to 1(0,1,000 per year, a 7.441.81 0424 0 3.1'aet scala tat on m 3(t.yuar- 31t was not the review of an of rho' and ar6preparingto introlduco rho a, stale olds 0 -feet scale. --10. W. llohnes• Y part 1011500533811.133 as to rbnrnet r, u551111y, raid genet, - ',8 y s hi0toty of either of ,111 ; it was :not the lie- til 3e41(13 height and age. 181,1,+1'H n43d 10 1,113,11 of mixing water las 81813th the ordinary gas '111 It is said that the 1,mpreslt Augusto, loft mors of any 0>remit, but the fact. that h]s e11l ere n.ri','te gi(,101111,o e. ,1rteiit to Meet rca- t0 mato up for this 1n000118od oxponso very full and1 careful: Written 10etle1r8 i11 01(1 n )11 teas a (Ruistian and a minis er f'seeable living ex 301mms for unmarried) leen, y Y, j 13p1. '..," t o t A '03'second consignment of nolo tons of ' which a'°loar account is given 01 trot dlffor• the Cdosp6l. "+rDekr(t ,,,P t / e n' • 1, "••• '• - 17»yrifen eat ' anoos with Prince Bismarck, I x1 ~vasa short vi4i'1 that ive had, but if lie The 1. C. gurney Co., Toronto, Ont. _ plmec 111 31. yrs, Bill Opportunity, 1Ve quarreled a (r a t, Wong belie/ .lust nth u I tlualghll I unu Jae, My 181 ndc *'s r t wish, fossil ( ) 7 f 1,1 l fht fact t Of winning had tandem, nu. My 111,11' Lely rose in n (.4,18 Her 'till 11 brain she -1%;shed i1, 1s,L,•, 1. !uta "1'181 brd. ,,. 'is n 1 !'+ tt r t I. 1 tilalt 1,1 never wished it ? 1'01, 8111.1-0 Ill 1111,1 :3d, f (he Lo110, 013 y., yon 1111 the 4' nl,ent' And 111,11, the was yon pu11' l ! (ilio, For thane, 11hu'o you wet,. 3rosg....t.; "You 011.11 arc horrid, 11.31'101 things, 1 1 u et you 11345,3311 3') 1,' n•."' .11, 111.,'11 my 11tH. lady 1ool1t0 (:m1, Ip,el eaell,'4 to eat mc. "I 11.4.' to 1.1(818(13.ru'11 never 101 ') h-. 101.11 111 a 1 nt 111.1.1.ata 111134 1" A, 111 fitIty. ,, IJwn theh 11, '11.;:1 11!;.•1, ls,sin wort se, h o . And then 3 :Mot e 1 (r 13,•,1 :.o, toa, 3in1 t.(1 If1 1f.01.11 114113'•4 1 1,1,111.1o% 1/4i in, 40'', 1%1 Rn+ 80.''•d Cad 1 miubt win her? Ali. wa131y awl well, for that 1 l wait•••1 101w. had I fished! She melted, d, to 6113' murmured, "Why, You wrrte11. that ':,hist what f wlolu•rl?'' Tho Unlbrolla Question, .1 traveller, 4a11iug ata 141,4 left his U01- :11/411., 40 the 11811,1 with ,4label It 1 •hall, on 11113eli we written in bold diameters, '•'1'1453 i., lhr,•119 1,11•. 34,1 10 3, Men w!O3 01111 (Ie.)! It I,I,w 11'3311 In 16: t of the force of '2511130und,1, l'111111ina look in tett minutes." 11.1 in„ ennplishe 1 Liu errand, lie '(vont to leo:: for his n,llhreila, but funnel in its 1pl(400 a card in•'e:'31 tea a.; follows I'ld; elu•d ,elollg8 to a man who cad 1m1 hftrell 1,141053 1111 110111', Isn't con(iug1,118111." .1Pio u'i'18, Great Little Men, Some of the greatest mon (lull ('ver lived were of mall ht.:dupe and in, ig3l1 'tut 15p- pem'anw. The (.11,081 trill Venally' mean many i1, rt tau r•. Very 811,-11 are DI'. Pierce's 1 k,1. alt Purgative Pellets, but they are more olf,letive than the huge, old. fashioned 1(!1181 which are so difficult to swallow and so hal's11113 their action. 'The " Pellets " are gentle and never cause con- stipation, Por liver, stomach and bowel derangements they have no equal. "That man is viol, 38111. is contented with what he has." Jay 00111 is steeped iii poverty, then. The Common Lot, Thom is a 1:Inco 110 love can reach, Utero Is a time no voice can teach, 'l'hor° is a chain no power tau: break, There Is a sleep 1,o sound can wake. Sooner or later that time 11111 arrive, that place will wait for ,your w1ing, that Cltaln must lied 011 in helpless death that sleep 1 Y p must fall on your senses. But' thousands every year go untimely to their fate, and thousands more Lengthen out their days by 1100,1101, timely caro. For the failing strength the weakening organs, the wasting blood, 1)r. Pierce's ()olden Medical Discovery is a wonderful restorative and a 1)101mlger of strength and life. It purifies the blood and invigorates the system, thereby fortifying it against disease, Of druggists. A member of the War association—A Rocky Mountain grizzly. Famous Women. It is a significant Met that most women who have achieved fame in art, literature, of "11{11411'8," have enjoyed vigorous health. 11'llis shows that the mind is 310001' capable of 1110 000016 and c011ti11110t1 t pplicatiotl 000080ar • to creative work, unless tho body is at its best. The woman 10110 110pi1806 10 till an exalted place among her [associates, mist bo free from nervous debility and female weakness. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescripton will banish those, awl it is warranted to restore those functional harm- onies which are indispensable to health. As a speoifie for all those chronic weakness lend sibilants peculiar to women it is mlequalod. It may be a stationary hells° dna yet have a circulating literary. ' A11 Men, youmg, old, or middle-aged, who find them - elves nervous, weak and exhausted, 10110 we broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following sytnpp- oms 1 Mental depression, premature Old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad cheanls, 31111m055 of sight, palpitation of the least, 0)1110sio118, lack of energy, pain 331 the cicheys, headache, pimples on tie face or 1 b the 1,d itchin • 681 peculiar sensation about Y+ 6 p otrotnnl, wasting of the organs dizziness, peeks before the eyes, twitching of the ua8ele0, eye lids and elsewhere, bashfulness, (leposita in the urine, loss of will power oudorneos of the scalp and spine, week aitd lobby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to he ost011 by sleep, constipation, dullness of easing, loss of voice, demo for solitude, ex- itability of temper', sunken eyes surromnd- 11 with IBAM>N 011e0hR, oily looking skin, to., arc all symptoms of 11010ona (nobility hat lead to insanity and death unless cued. Ile spring or vital force having lost its elision every fanetion wanes in consegne)ee 'hose who through abuse committed in gnorence may bo permanently cured. Send our address fur book on all (110(8ses pecllaie l,0 man, Address M. V. LUSON, 50 Front t, II•, Toronto, On. Books Belt freo sealed. Ta•tdieease,thosytnptonlaofwhicln (are faint kpelts, potq)le lips, numbness, Palpitation, cip beats, bet flashes, 1'0811 of blood to the cad, dull pain in the heart withbeats strong, rapid and irregular, the seeen1 heart beat nicker than the first, pai11 0.111111t the breast one, eta, canpositivcly he cued. No cure, c ftlay Send for hook. Address 111. V. U:UON, 5O Front Shoot gust, Toronto, nt, A. P. 402, 1 3 b r h 0 t t y 11 11 b IL 0 nSxIO� 0:•:Y,a'C,m.-SA.?LH•.l[ir46T39,:r G9 119941311100 00171 lam anl,1010lyn(0 to nit(00000 l(0 (:113 S+tA 41, nurt(o0,15. 11(ito and to rm(1•mend. 0 Otana8tnn Watch 00., Toronto, 0Han. Good1fYeats WANTED.Send for Illna(rated fi Catlogu> and tern) Address, )IEYI:i(N BROS., 81 Crewels St, Toronto, IADJL') 11,,V 011V11 n(t4NclI, 1110 110991, 1.0)10(17 1, LiB known for all female cenpl8n>tst Sample time. J, .t'1atr1•rne, 6 Richmond St. W„ 'reroute, Can, 4 fend Apprentes Warded. 'TWr1C\Tl 11VI. 30On1t U Int who bavc Ind one or more stars nMle i e (o 111. (tan 1`vioulding p 1',81 .•: . , i country 111(14( f: a (it e w n, i1, . 1,1' ,\ ,ted y mat bo iron. nt. nor„ by Iuuil, rt +rolujuin3ed by - ( 7�2 , .11381 THINK OF IT!Y \ P MO f TI I!' . Producer 11,1 n Mesh _rod e tt 0 there C 0 r dub. Ile question 1lC tIOR fent that 9 4) Y,t;y 1a' f Of Pure Om Liver Miami iiypcphespilifoc 1©f Limo and SOCIO is withart a rival, ""auy have) >rranol. a pound o. day by the use 'O riii, 1181 cures s'•tr",r" a iSU v�11 P DON, SCROFULA, 3l'9P 3'1 i 3S, CO 'J 0 }' S AND COLDS, 8010 ALL , if S OF 1d SII3(: RIS'. CA5B5, :?:1 1-. I..':,' 1LF, f AS .tlil.h. Gen i1, rankt,SeOltl Er vsn B:i! vii linon' 1}ta1 r I , r, lid $1.18.t. TOlt(>\ il3 ('r"1•l 'i1 3 1low,..'•'i ufibl• 9 I1Ud r' 11141181 ',teoe; taught, whereby nty1i•h tier f 1-ntlu gunman are -rr, 1.1.141. Send Y- circular. 8, C0111110.1N, Prop., 1 AdeLed -: 4. West. s��{�tna 0111'1,i:,x ' 211;1 Tina(. ' T n t,) l(,00l30, n 3. t nook arca . ,..y Rj ;� C, II. 1F ant, 4nL 414 i)., wm..-a.-.a,iau, „„, r .- r:.x.4cW4 L, n,•'xIq N. Y. ^—W:,1:.F.P1F.IE33)ENI e IQ;4.._� 83,181„Oo8113 \,t1,;,' Back 17, pc. for - :4, - S „ ',ll( ., it I S Idml,n.eq 18.lil. . 81 t .toy' .11111 Gllt ISee++ 1to:le. ).,01, witba01 (till Itenter le, ) *1,1, Mendtwo „,-. •• tamp- for :11.1(13311', 1.11 F. II, 1'31(Y, :ME 111.'1 Street, providence, 11.1. WANTk,33-A PAEtTNE1(., For82,0:0 I:h 118(11 (ll r nor (Lits Int 14 9 1. u, ( 1 b l 1 1,l r profitable t. 4 i 1 I ,1 l, 1 Inv.' 110 1 f,. 1 nuc ••b hn, a.,,,. inn 1arttrd, particulars 1 3'1 'r, ll r 1l, 6;10 e��i, Yrin irala only. For pa tical u P.O. Bo:: 2E0, Toronto P.0„ Ont. yitpp i -Ern” 14 •d • dna CI " 6 �9.Y m 80111 lvor. 8[K10 8 ao(Men010 dna reef w Aoronto.r, H..icon-1x)lala d daollntla street won. Toronto. The Great Ottoman Blood Remedy. Guaranteed to nitre all diseases of the blood whether brought on by Indiscretion and excess or arising; from hereditary 011383308. Will remove Mendes and blotches fano the skin and by (1s invigorating 011110, on the blood restores failing powers and bn lids 1113th° system of those suffer- ing from westing disease. Price 31 ler bottle. Address Ottomuu Modikin° Co„ Mail. Building, Toronto. IMPROVE pusnua ore, Book-1oeping�, Shorthand, Typo -writing, Bust. nese Education by attt' nding (day or Canadian - Business - University,. 'Public, Library Building, Toronto. 1`180,1 Ren.Oough, President. (011101al Reporter York County Courts.) L rl f O 7-7.1:::0.17..8.OA9'XTAIL, $l tlt•9,C'tsa;,, S'h(F9it,l.l•,ba«l4itntrrlti:vI Tl-1rcy1111114 i 1181 .L.J,c1,911�a,.4 l,,1 111,.51:;141'ls )n, -A11, 11e,1, 1 repo11! ..,3(11 .a 11 O7 1 nr n iiiof4. n.d1191 w t.,nul( , p(4fn l,1 ,.,tisI C`iial'i ,,: dusll I r pn:'P I s m ,9 E i J. ! i+ 1 , nl,,fiat +I'lo ilr 4,zer11ter,ALtt .-10- P- 1t,•ntor Ed788,, 1)1 Y.turcnn ,,.x3,481 YoA(s' 0. •r L 191 uf(!1 d aiby111 onmoatt talo.' -, 4 n 1011 •i ,-AGoht 11, alt m.lu1): I i, • s i ^u ni ,, 31.,0.4„ 1', 1!1 1of 1 , ,-,tat, , 1 , ,f1,,•+.nn•.mltEtaanr 1>:,,tn•, .,O lSond.. �e •url(it=, Sr, Eiubeertnecl Ca ay 9 .4 ..., 111111(ir'. i aserze oils viii-i'i d 8111 n Vktts7ert',/,.'"gn 1101 THE WONDER OF HEALING'! 01111E3 G.:'fl? •'tar $1:^ :.T 1Igh1,131447- 1',411,1is,,$31i1' .11d5AT.4ILE,WOUNDS, BO 314, F4.,I ,8 COMPLAINTS, ANS 4.-1013133111�[33 011 ALL BINDS, 7'3'-I�rtc lc.'•gefE'rte:•.naP1'.Pr'ta_'r50e.$].$3.,)1 4'OND'SBv'11AOT 00, 'Mew York 84 London. LLAN .p -. T 'atlll - THE IOICEEII O;ti lROlR tdllNE and to 9l,. t l 1At•ont 411 regard to III, l,rov,.+ion n: s,s1e for the safety 50,51 5,330forlf tto MIA eo Ors. W-el.111 "10ut, 1,1. seep i n rp0ol, 114.1-181x' 9111111'. 441. Lauren'., end 1ml ,ighily 0er14011 1113111 London daring Fn1nni 1 :lima 1m. 31x31 iraners run beta 10 Liverpool erpool and Portland vim Halifax during winter, GI1tsgew• steamers :;ail th1•0Ug1eut the 30)11' 141 1(8010131 and Philadelphia, calling at 1(1:'11 potty mid Il: lifax en route, For rates of passage and other Information a11p1)' to 1I, BOCCtL11:I1, (sir, Bing and Team:. Toronto • Il. A. ALLAN, Montreal, or 10 the 1oea1agent. in, your county. Borrowers MONEY Largo Lams and e,huroh Loans at iia LI1 vary 1011.18(81800, 3)11(1 smnllnr snmsa4 31, 6, 01 per cunt. n1,ordingl, to security. I1iT'PEEhouse property r . Toronto business and operty yielding 7.8 and 10 per 01. 10 111000101.8, and 100 per at. to 4IECULA'IOI1$, IKER14. S ELE0Shit, S. LATntoo 3Cann. GRLNVILLE I . KL14istra,. 4 Mug Street Bast, Toronlo. Successors to IS MIVI(LL•'it C Co. OlneOestlab- lished 1818 by Mr 8. II. Janes, Increase in population Toronto 1880 over1558 (assessors' roturns)20,380. THE CONEOl CARRIAGE TOPS, AVM T13E BEST KNOWN Cheapest and DEBT PLACE In Amorioo to buy Band and Boehm It strumento, Musk, Ste. SY. THE AL ERT TOILET SOAP COY'S TRANSPARENT CARBOLIC ACID TOILET SOLI Is pleasant:10 use. It heals the skin, and de. on the halr or man sh Their increasing popularity is m proOr of their superiority. Bo SUIT and. get a Cowboy top on your buggy. KNITTING 'IfMOINE Son([ for Illustrated Catalogue end this advertisement with your order for our NEW 1t1E11E1t and we will callow yO11 PREMIUM DISCOUNT 10 R ADDRESS Oreelman Bros., Mtfgrs,. GICOR 1ETol1'N, 04'1' Ronald Fro Engine Works, •Brussels,. To Willie elle;ander, 211, --. ronto: • D1,ut Stu; — Myself and family have all been using St, Leon Mineral Water. Think it is a delightful sanitary beverage. Better than, barrels of drugs. I have - great faith in Its general efficiency. For the stom- ach, or, indeed, when in any • ty fee • feeling 191 ill out of saris, a few glasses of St. t. Leon is 0111't s and -b . y L (D. RONALD. TO Tux EIDITOIS:-Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy Co, tho above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently ;mud. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who haw con- sumption if they will sendme their Express and Post Office Address. Respectfully, T, A. SIAfdLI1V4, M.O., 186 Wont Acdelatipo St., TORONTO, ONTARIO. :'N'i�'1zut.etrn4.i3 u Ewnu't Link *kit g :Best for elevating and conveying. Send for new catalogue of 14111' Furnishings, :L:l, best •o 1 Ills( ilnt a. Waterous Engine Works Co.,Ltd., t L. Brantford,, Ikg`4( i1 .t�NOSAMOS tW BOTTLES GWEN AWAY YEARLY. l' Wh.,, 3 sal Nato f 1.0 105t +feali j d -n rely tc• 3.r..v.. 1118181 for e. time, Sana thud have them:etn•• a 111, i 3,1ti.thI0 ARA01etAft UAra, 131 av+,madethediseaseni4'11tsy .00100(1y ore (a11Rr(g Sickness a nilc4na study, ! 0Seteett a' m :eme. • to wn7au the worst eases. teeaus0 -others have filled is no -.eason tor net new receiving acute. Sona at Once fora treatise and a Fro° 4ottlo of a>y 11(f tr4ST',n) 1(14rrnodii, Give 13xprerc aid Post Office It costs you nothing for a trim, 'atd 1t will mire you. Address:-f'l. Si. f1OD11y.. l L0.1 9iah41I 04T1co, (1346 4N3S4` ADM./VIDE: b'l'1SEtfs ,enuONy0.