HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-3-14, Page 5MARCH 14, 1890. t THE BRUSSELS POST ABzstrItt ..C1135, FRIDAY, MARCH Li, 1800. John Wigbtmen, of Wnwanooh, hae purchased fi0 acres on the 0th line from Mr, Noble, of Petrone, for the eu n of $1250, Grand entertainment to be hold in Barne's echnol house on Pridey evening, 1. t ,> ItOlt. Mitalit 214. h rranpnwF :.' have hem, The ilex mill bnsinoss ie looking np. ntado to melte tiro concert a (Molded sue. popular aoinlo x t Ilm'mr's ul A. hie amp will be put in this year. gess, 1V. SI ono, 1 I Rev. Mr, Handelman, brother to Rev, singer, will bo present. Don't miss it, A liendereon, 115. A., of (hie piece, has Conte to whet promisee to bo the meet reeei;el a Gall to hayfield, Huron Emmental entertainment ever held in ti, (Jermy, Rev, David Rogers leotnrod in the Methodist ohnrah, Trowbridge on Mon. day ovsniug of this week, Ills subjnot was "Lights and Shadows." Ilfenfrvini 'Rev. 0, Deets, of Ethel, and Rev, d:r. Smith exchanged pulpits loot Sunday.. ,\ iella stock grist: mill is talked of to ho located hare. Stook lista are in air. uttlati ii and if the farmers support the echeuto liberally arrangements will be made nt onoo for building and fitting out the still. Tice hi££'rt:rn -The annual tea meet. ing woe held in the Methodiet obaroh hove on Wednesday evening of last week. Meer ten ad.lreee s were given by Bev. 11. Paul, of Brussels, and Rev. D. 'ton - ere, of Atwood ; reoitatinno, by Rom. Mr. David, and ,tustcel seeetiens by the ane gentleman and Miss Gale, of Ethel, A.limo:6y vote of thank(' was glean to the persons assie•hp in the program. The •titundanoe was not as largo as was an. Relented, Than, Miller ani8. Y, Taylor were tlei, ingfHondo at I 'rdwioh last Friday. 11•.v. Thos. Davidson was in Wingham this week attending 'e meeting t'f the Presbytery theta, Arrangements are being made to hold st t'nblic tomporanee meeting hare, and effonte 3.1'e beim; put forth to secttr0 a gond lecturer, 1Ve trust that they may Inert with the suooess which the impor- tance of the .object demands. Tho pupils of Gerrie public soltool played a game of font -ball with our pupils, on the baso ball grounds last Friday afternoon. Both teams were about evenly matched and no goals were scored. Principal Taylor acted as um- pire to the satisfaotion of all concerned. The return match will bo played in Gerrie next Saturday. Tho curling club of this village paid Walkerton a visit on Monday of this week and played a friendly game with them, but owing to some of the best players of the Wrovetet club being un- avoidably unable to attend, the Walker- ton club lied ase easy victory, winning by 10 points. The seem was 48 to ''0. The pla.yars complained very much about the state of the ice, and truly we have had very little weather severe enough to john' good clear ice. .Miss Johnston, of God'rish, is visiting at Rev.,lMr, Forest's. \ font,ball ante!l was played here on Wednesday evening between Leadbury and Walton school clubs. Score 0 to 0. There is a cause for everything. Dan. Campbell wears a broad smile. Now there is a cause ter the', mune it's a boy. Tat Mr,£Tlsa.--On Tuesday eroding of last week the tea meeting was hold in Duff's church as per announcement. After the wants of the inner-ntan had been attended to the following excellent program was carried out, Mr. Forrest occupying the chair :-Anthem, Sea. forth choir ; chairman's address ; anthem, choir ; reading, Miss Martha Smith ; quartette, members of choir ; reading, 1Li-e Johnston ; duett, Miss Jennie Ewing and Jas. Soott ; address, Jamas Smillie ; chorus, choir ; address, Rev. 13. Jones, Brussels; quartette, members of choir ; addre'o, Rev. Air. Musgrave, Winthrop ; duett, Mise J. Ewing and Jas. Scott ; recitation, Miss Lizzie Smil- lie ; chorus, choir. Proceeds something over $52 which will be applied to the schemes of the church. A social was held the next evening as some provisions had been left. township. Rigs will be sent to town for those wtabing to go. Ci-netbrt>olc. A social bop and supper will bo given in Zimmer's Hall on friday evening, 210 inet, Rev. D. B. \foga° wits away Cyt Whig hate on lesadoy attending the Maitland Presbytery. The hard times have worked up a larger knowledge of law this year thein nett people would get it hold of in a life. time raider ordinary olt'eunlotttnoes. The people of thin loo ility are ropy thankful for rho full report of Dr. Mac. donald's excellent address before the Dominiotl I'serlianteut, ovhioh appeared in last wo'k'e issue of Tun Pos'r, The Dr, is able to hold his own with any of them on the platform or 111,0 of the IL1d.•:., Mee Iliode, of London, is visiting her eonsin, hire, L. Colter. 11ou't 1' rget the tea meeting to he Oven by the Sone of Temperance on Friday eveniog of this week. The e 0. oert will begin at 8 o'clock. Mies E, W. Davis and A. W. Pane, bakerwent to Wingham on Tuesday, the former to attend it meeting of the Wanton's Foreign Missionary S.,aiotyaud the latter a meeting of the Presbytery. The new hotel to be ereotad by John Burton in tine place will be a 2 story solid brink with cottage roof. The main building will be OOxJO feet Sed the kitch- en, 18x21 feet. The foundation wall will be 21 inches wide, and the lower and upper storey's 13 and 0 inches, teepee. tively. Mr. Burton intends heating the houso with a furnace. Contract will no be let until after the 20th inst. It io ex- pected that the building will be coin plat- ed about the middle of July. Dior ripe. James Seale has sold lob 11, con. 6, containing 100 aores,to Alex. Nichol for the sum of $4.500. Jos. England, formerly of this town- ship, a brothor to Uncle Ready, ie visit. Mg among his old acquaintances. A special prayer meeting was held at Mr. Sheridon's last week as some of the family were unable to attend oburoh. John Hanes, of the 6011 lino, is going to erect a now barn next. summer, 40x110 feet. Jae. Newsome has the contract. Chris. Michie hoe rho contract of building the new fence around the school yard of S. S. No. 5, his being the only tender. Saturday of last week Goo. Hood moved his hot= that ho purchased from W. F. Vanstone, in Sunshine, down to his farm. The pupils of S. 0. No. 5 gave a chal- lenge to the pupils of S. S. No, 8 for a game of football. The match was played an Saturday and was very interesting, neither eine nearing a goal. HenryJobnston, a member of Bolgravo A.A. U. W., treated the members of that Order to the good things of that city in the line of candies, nuts, apples, toe. You know Harry was made happy last week. Tho trustees of S. S. No. 5 have raised the seats of the sohool and pat them closer so there would be more room and more convenient for the children. 111r, Blaokweli, their teacher, is putting new curtains up and decorating the wall with pictures. He is very tasty. Wbon John Oeddee, of the Ord line, was returning from Brussels horse fair, down the 415 line, a dog came running out of J. Little's) and caught tho horse by the nose. The horse beoamo frightened and ran away, breaking the amber and dragging Mr, Geddes quite a distance. The horse was (aught ill 1Vlr. Wateou field, on 5510 0th line. Win'hrttn. There is a Irick over the prop oral to grant the town Band $100. The town council made the usual grant of $100 to the Meehnnies' Llstitute. The Reliance Electric Light Co. is of- fering to supply 300 lights in the town for 20 cents each night for one year. The Emma Wells Comely Company will play in Wiogttam for one week, com- mencing Tuesday evening, March 25, Graham, of Fergus, defeated Anderson in a livo mile championship race on the rink here last Friday. night. 110 won easily by a lap. Robe. Orr, who has been in failing boalth Inc some time, left on Monday lase for South Carolina, with the hope of being benefitted. He is accompanied by Mrs. Ort'. The Wingham Fire Company are ar- ranging for a grand eolebratiou in town on the 24th of May. Amougeb other things on the program will he conteas between fire companies, base ball, le - crone matches, too. The Chesloy Enterprise says the now tannery being erected in that town by John Brennan, late of Wingham, is near- ing completion. Tho twain building is 72 feet in length by 24 in width and 26 poet high, with a wing 26 by 48 feet. There are fifteen vats. Theta is a very nnfnleasant tank before 1110 Lmanship Caun0o1 this week viz the engniriug into certain irrognlariLles of the Township Troasbrer an hie manage- ment of alp falls of the munioipaliby. Itis hinted that there is a shortage of abonnt $2,200. His bondsmen aro Thos. Wilkinson, J. Coulter and Wm. Now. rolnbo. Speohil vitriol -Aiwa of the Council were hold on Tuesday and Thursday of ;itis week. An expert accountant will likely go over the books and sift tho mailer thorou lily• wr abstain from giving 11uhliration to other particulars 1tnntysix Chinese Were among the itotil the: mom til,t,t some iinne definite passengers on the steamship Aleys:littie. shape. - arrived at Vancouver, 11, 1'.,'Monday. 'Re OAR FOR SRRVI(Th) -- Tar. 1.X nndrrnrgued hes pendia bed the .hero: bred Berkshire boor,Sir Robert Brunet' Moat Donald 11!01 eu(lelin, The plc was hrod by J (4. 811541 ,t• Jiro. Terms 05.00, to bo paid r L LIMN of twice, with Privilege of re. burnt 010 lit:weeny. (11A13. LA J 5, 18, a&4 Crnebrnolt. Private Funds to Loan. 20,000 Iiave boon placed in my hands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. No Commission. Borrowers can have loans com- pleted in Three Days if title satisfactory. 11 r. M. SINCL AIR, Solicitor, 3*5188els. ` E,AT' IIARIiET, MAIN STREET, - onus D.LS, Fresh soul '0 livered to Hatt leak 00 y. `'l, any pout or One best goal y1,t•1' , Inc Y'llloge Ily alt,eys on Free et'. lined and de. 't'°'. Cb a r K o. TERMS VERY FAVORABLE 17 Ccattl ee V1r alnted. For which the highest market price will bo paid. I also maks a specialty of buying Hides and skins. Don't forget the place, next door to l letcher's Jewel- ry Store. (are: v, See list of pathrnasters, iia in min- utes of township Connell. Miss Maggio Stewart, daughter of Alex. St -wart, of the 10th con. is seriously ill. T. W. Johnston is away this week visiting relatives in the locality of Scar- boro'. The Auditors' abstract ;may be read in thio week's issue. A large amount of money as handled by this municipality. Chas. Rozoll, of Mortis, has leased the Wm. Bishop tarn from Forgnson Bros, for a term of years and will move on bo it this month. Jacob Steins, who bought out the butchering business from Sam. Shinn, of .Ethel, lately, has sold out again and has bought the Molesworth hotel. Wm. Bishop's sale, on Wodnesdty of this week, went with unite a boom. He had a good quali.y of stook. Geo. Kirkby wielded the auctioneer's hammer. A lecture will be given in the Metho- dist churoh, Roe's appointment, on Thursday evening, March 20th, by Rev. D. Rogers, of Atwood, entitled, "A bottle of all torte." Vocal and instrumental music will bo given. Cornulanoiog at 7130. Succ£ssror, STDD£ttn.-Ib gives ne much pleasure to announce that J. M. McLachlan, of 12th con. of Grey town- ship has passed his final examination in the Philadelphia Dental College, very creditably to Itimsolf and his Ahem Mater. On this oxaminatinn Mr. Me - Lachlan line graduated taking the degree of "Doctor of Dental Surgery." 13y the unnteroue presents received by Dr. 115ao. at the "Commencement" (graduation night), one of them being a beautiful gold headed ebony cane. Tho Doctor meet have endeared himself bo some of its fair ones of the Quaker City. Dr. McLachlan is now putting fn a term learning the finer points of 'Drown and bridge" work. We have also been in- formed that R. J. Whitfield, of Neu - stoat, and J. D. Booth, who were attend- ing Oho same college, peeled their first year's examination very successfully also passing a epeoial oxatuination in'An- atomy which is really intended for Ined- boat students and which. is a fate thing for first year dental stouts to accomp- lish. Ont Canadian young men by their close attention and diligent application seen to talto a front stand in the Amari• can eollegee. Binoo passing their ex. Emanation, Messrs, 1Vhit;wld and Rooth have gone to Baltimore to tithe the Spring term in rho College there au mechanical and operative dentistry. By the marked snctl0ss of those two mon in the Philo - dolphin Dental Collego and their good judgment in visiting other colleges for the purpose of finding out and !corning Mime methods of work in the dental pee- fosgion shows Llutt they .Henn to boom.) eminent num in their bine of workman- ship. - A. CURRIE. MONET TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 64 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. 1890. `mea .t'F. X. 1890. J.&J.LIVINGSTON 13avo ma limited number of bushels of the BEST DUTCH SEED for Farmers in the vicinity. of Brussels, who intend raising flax dura"g the coming season whish they are prepared to deliver in wow - titles to suit flax growore, Otto be got at the Brussels Vim 5111E Beed gteon out at $1,10 per hush el, ancon the usual terms. Order Early to Insure a Ssspply. —For flax grown from this Seed— $10 PEIt 'VON WILL BE PAID, If of good growth ; harvested to proper seas- on and dolivorod at the Flax 50th es soon as at for threshing. w0 will also rent a num- ber of good sod fields f 3 the purpose of growing max. 99. J. di J..f,IVINGSTON, Praprietoresrussele Flax MM. AUDITORS' REPORT --OI' THE— T1OWNlSt1IP OE DIORRIS For the Year 1889, REOIEPTS. Balanoo at lest audit $ 2803 17 Thou. Robertson, rant for Town- ship Hall 3 00 Lucas, Tanner ,4 Gn., Int. R, R. up to Jan. 1st, '89 25 50 Interest on Mortgage No. 4536 up to Morel) 10th, '99 32 50 Geo. Skelton, teem for 1888, the N } lot 17, eon. 9 19 GO Intermit on Mortgage No. 38011 up to May 15th, '8n 54 00 Dungan Bing, amount of mort. gage in fell 850 00 Interest on mortgage 51 00 7. R. Miller, Ltoonse'Fund , $ 88 3. R. Millar, 40 00 Lnoae, Tanner L. Go., Blyth, int. on R. R. up to June 30, '89 25 50 Wm. Holmes, townlino grant for 1880 165 58 Treasurer of McKillop, Engin. ear's expenses 4 00 Interest on Mortgage No. 3778 up to March 10,'89 56 00 John Mooney, Collector 10781 09 Jahn 1(irkoonnoll, rent for Hall 8 00 Win.Holmes,uon.residout taxes 51 25 County grant, no lunatics - 70 50 Total Receipts $150.10 37 DISBURSEMENT. Charity- $ 20181 Borrel of health 51 50 Officers salaries 1167 50 Corporation of heron 3111 55 Railways - - 1353 50 Incidentals 113 50 DeatOogo 208 34 Investments 1850 00 rrtntiog 55 30 flohools :1511 39 Itontiaoion of taxes 7 00 toads and 130idges , , 1273 14 Uncollected taxes 22 (11 Total Expmtdittu'e 012502 1(1 R tlttuee ou limed 7 2547 04 • We . elm rnulurnigncd hoeing examined I ,ti • as 111. the foregoing Immo ts, with ...s3 and wouolters fhe1e0llto belonging, lilel the same cornet, lin 10. Jen )0i•nx,1 /talkers. WV. Luer,awv, 1latr'1 I'ob, 18111, 14111. NE STORE! GODUS! —ANI) --- T , OFTHE (t,"' ] RS. ROGERS begs to an- nounce her intention of alining out shortly iu Dry Goods and Groceries in the Store recently ce upied by .lir Willis, nest (lour to lit•. Gerry's Hardware Store; Brussels. The whole of the Stock will be entire- ly new (a eircuinstauce that has not oc- curred before for many years in Brus- sels) and the prices will be as low as you pay for old goods. - The Millinery, 'hale ?; Dress Goods Departments will be very attractive. Our Popular Milliner, MISS GREEN, is now in the markets buying and hunting up all the very newest styles for the - Spring trade. The Ladies of Brussels and vicinity can rest assured our stock will be composed of nothing but love's of Bonnets and hates. Our Millinery Opening will be announced as soon as the Stock Is Complete. Yours Truly, E. ROGERS. Keep Your Eyes an this Space Next Week. FE� LI OV1,114.1t.IVINEW.: 10.1•011.1 JSON {LID lP MANAGERS. �tttK'. Money to Loan. Money to Loan on Farm Pro- perty at LU [PEST i . iT1.t'. Private and Company Funds: DICKSON & NAYS, Solicitor's, BjicsaE1,S, 00'0,' Tho ralbsrsil,fro off. r ff,r rt ut1,r I :i i I (1. I ,tetra horse t 00,0 11; •L meets b nitre' horst, li.iing 3 }'ours old. 1 earl st,�lbnu 7 wears old ; 1 riallto':t fertile L: t. v 1,:.:.'g'r Ai -o a hoary tnvaria rn ro C c. rr I an l , n,thu• hetet e ;d.L sew- n.;.•. ars, tupnoael to 1, ur hod. lL, t• are alt 10.,• pram'd. I•n.li0ru,' rtifi,.•„<.n .,ss cin ser, 003t t -r w,,11 to call Itad era 1),; n1.11.;.11 41-4 pri .rs, Thty aro good ones. 81'008tt MUM., t'raprtetozv, Ready for Business t 1 wish to intimate to the public generally that 1 have leased the blacksmith shop at the bridge (rLcal'g) mkt trio' .�utnte and now in a position 5)2 at- tend to all kinds of black- smithing in a workmanlike manner and on very reason- able easonn • able terms. MORSE-SHQE- iNG A SPECIALTY. A. shay - of' the patronage of the pub- lic is solicited, It will b€ my aim to give the best is yat- islilction 3 SILAS1. JAa.?:7rr& TES, .I+LEPS;l1R, Practical Tratc1t1 Eke ` and Jeweler. Thanking the public for post fauns and support and wishing still to sanr1 your patronage, we are opening out Full Lines in GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES,. Silver Plated Ware from Established and Reliable lfakea,,, fully warranted by us. Clocks of the. Latest Desrfgns..., JEWELRY ! Wa;nDnie RIVae, LADLES Gast Tinos, Becomes, r.annn0ee, t$n r3Also a Full Line of Vrotres a ed Violin Strings, tee., in stook. N. I1.—Jaeunor or Man -toga Llocasr'ra, T. Fletcher, - Brtassel -• St, Leon Mineral Waters.. The following speak for themselves Brussels, Ont., Jan. 3, 1869. I have been using St. Leon water fee. the past month or so and have fonnd50•-•- Very efficaoious in promoting good health. After using it a week I found my. appe- tite much benefitted and can now•eat an mnoh in ono meal ea used to snaaco sprat for two. For any rheumatic affection 7 believe it to be ahead of any drugs o-0: patent medicines, and think that per, sans of a rhonmatie tendancy shotild nee it constantly. A.IIovnxn, Clerk 4th Division Court, ”. County 11 urea. Mn. Gnat 000n, Brussels. Dear Sir, --Tho at. Leon Mineral Woe,. er that I bavo been getting from yon hae; done me so much good that 1 clloarfadly glee my testimony in its favor and hop others may he persuaded to give it sr.. trial Wle. Rxncreran, 551... Brussels, Jan. 7, 1890. This water, the like of which is found no where ciao but at 8t. Leon, in the Provinoe of Quebec, resembles all nat- ure's productions, an egg cr grain eI • wheat forinstance. Wo can tell whalt • au egg or grain of wheat is composed (F Ind man is utterly unable to maka .^o grain of wheat or create an erg; and 11050 just as ullablo to connterfeit St. Leer) Mineral Water. But kind nature hail done for us what we could not da ibr onrst'ives---brought tho sixteen differci itlgrediento of this water ts"etlter ht tin proper proportions, mixed them ant) 150000 them forth in a r,.p1t ,a 0tret,n. I am in a position to surl,.y this ro- mailable water, absolutely to... traiglrr,' from tho wins at tt 111;n,, t 1 leaven little• aftt ontnrin,l tit n' ' ' . 1 51t1104110 ,1i1.vn 0110,1• 'iLlt Je r ..,e• (trove:Ye