HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-3-14, Page 1TrTil 10.4,
Volume 17,.
Ta the Bettor of VIE POST.
Duan Snr,--As I have same ewe time
1 will try and pan a few ileon about this
part of Manitoba, Souris Plains. We
are Fettled twelve miles from Souris
(Plum creek.) This is a village with
about three huudrod inhabitants, situat-
ed on the banks of the Souris- river, It
is 0 very nice rite for a town. The C. P.
rune a branch off their main lino from
Brendon, and they intend to put it
through to the coed Ilolds this coming
Summer, we will then rave feel at a
very reasonable price. This is some-
thing that is needed badly in this part
as some of the settlere lrad to draw their
wood thirty miles, two good long day's
journey, for ono load. We have only
been here one season •o it would be quite
out (Apiece to begin to praise or con-
demn the country, I can only speak
from one yoar's experience. We arrived
here on the 20tH of Marah, 1889, and
people wore then busy seeding, but it
carne cold, bttokward weal her after that
and grain did not grow much for some
time. There was only ono shnwer of
rain from the tine it was sown ttll it
was harvested, that was the Lit of July,
too late to help the growth mnoh. The
drought did nob hurt the crop so much
es the gopin.re. It being such a dry
meson the ponds were all dried up and
the rem witheved eo Moser' little mischief
makers began to out down the grain for
the sap. Some farmers had nearly every-
thing destroyed with them while others
did not fare so badly. My crop was not
hurt at all but my neighbor suffered very
badly. Grain did not turn one very well,
only averaging about ton bnshole to the
acre. Some was ,'slaw as Ove and some
Its high as 20. Oats about twenty, barley
about the same, potatoes not very good
and hay very scarce. Feed of ell kinds
is very scarce at present. People did not
taste caro of it. I think when the
weather opens up a little more there will
bo plenty. Altogether this bus been a
hard year on most people, but everyone
is looking forward to a good harvest this
year. Time, however will tell. If there
are any of our friends coming to Mani-
toba tako a look at this part before
settling elsewhere. The Indians predict
a tremendous orop this year. I hope it
may bo true. This hoe been a cold,
rough winter, the thermometer going
dowu to 45 below zero. Of course "you
dont feel it." I hard often heard it re.
narked when in Ontario that it was
cold in Manitoba, but you did not feel it.
t have found out the reason we don't
feel it, There was a friend of mine,
who cattle to Manitoba, working at a
certain place near hero and there was a
man staying there who had been in the
country the winter of '89. They were
going to bed one night, about the deet of
April, when the man commenced to pull
off his shirt. My friend asked him if he
was only going to wear one shirt now.
He said "oh 1 no, there aro three there
yet." That is one reason when it is cold
wo don't feel it. I will Bay before aiming
that this is the country for a man with
a small capital. Hoping I have not
taken up too much of your space, I am,
Yours &o.,
Fairfax, March 5,'90. D. Domes.
Grey Council Meeting.
Council met et Burton's hotel, Ethel,
' March 750 1990, pursuant to adjourn-
ment. Members were all present, Reeve
in the chair. Minute; of last- meeting
read and approved. Moved by Walter
Oliver, emended by Edward Bryane that
the Reeve and Treasurer be authorized
to borrow of the Bank of Hamilton, Lis.
towel, the Burn of $1,500 for township
purposes for the current year. Carried.
The auditors' report and abstract of the
township account' for 1889 was laid on
the table, examined and finally audited
by the Council. Moved by W. Oliver,
seconded by Wm. Brown that rho
auditors' report as read, be adopted, and
the abstract published for bwo weeks in
TEE BaossEms POST. Carried. In the
matter of the ditch dug on road in front
of lots 0 and 7, 7th con., the Council
agreed to pay 25 Dents per red, and Rebt.
Inglis agrees to maintain said ditch at
his own cost. Moved by A. Hislop,
seconded by Wm. Brown that the bonus
of 25 cents per rod heretofore paid for
wire fenoing be reduced to 15 cents per
rod. Carried. Application of John Ma
Naught for 135 rode of wire fence at lot
30, con. 18. Moved by Walter Oliver,
seconded by Wm, Brown that the euro
of 15 cents per rod be granted. Carried.
John MoNaught also applied for a grant
to repair road on side road 0, con. 18.
Moved by Edward Bryans, seconded by
Aroh. Hislop that no action he talion at
present. Carried. Moved by Walter
Oliver, seconded by Arch. Hislop that all
the old members of the Board of Health
bo re -appointed for the current year.
Carried. Tho following potltinasters
wore appointed in the respective divi•
scone, viz :—Con, 1, boundary, div. 1,
Alex. Thompson ; No. 2,Jno. MoLenuan;
No. 8, Henry Granger ; No. 4, George
Sangster t No. 5, II, Cummings ; No. 0,
Jas. Scott ; cous, Ise and 2nd, John Outt,
John White, Malcolm Fraser, Thos. lefe.
lettrlano, Donald McDonald, Wu1. lllitoh-
ell, Wet, .50slnnn, Daniel Byars, John
Pollock ; cons. 8rd and 4th, Thome
Strnohtut, Wm. 13Mtes, Lorenzo Frain,
Joseph Maynard, John McCartney, A.
Brunner, Duniul Spillntt, Robt. Portio,
Jus. Bowes, Oliver Smith ; one 5t11
and Gth, 0, Malian, 33. Tang, Wrn.
Detefnan, John Bishop, 1Vm. Pollard,
Wm Elliot, Chas, luclson, Robe. Ben-
nett, Wm. Annett, Truman Smith ;
cone, 7th end 9th, Jes, 0ardiff, thigh
Lamont, .Tatum Forbes, Wm. Brewer,
Malcolm Lamont, Robt. McKelvey,
Devitt 1Slilnc llobt. Dilworth, H. Ir. Mt: -
Allister, Mcleod Rupp ; cons. 9t1r end
100), Henry Ball, John Cirorer, John
Vlncett, Jas. Knight jr.,Robt,MaLauoh,.
lin, 'Thos. Stevenson, ,7nhn Slommon,
Zahn 1L. Baster, Wm. Dark WOOS. lith
and 12th,Wm, ITar'el), Eliot; Dieltsou,
001)1) 3101,etithlin, Meg, Mo:lnir, John
1(nipht, Glacob Kreuter, Albert Whit.
field, Robt. Coutts, Jas. Mitchell ; cons,
18th and 14th, John Hislop,Jno, Whalm-
Neil Dunen,son, Pater Sinclair jr., Jno.
Sheila, peter McNeil, Luke Spciran,
Joaaph Whitfield, Robt. Bowon ; cons.
15th and 18th, Thos. Watson, Wm.
Turnbull, John Stewart, JAB. Cushy, Jno.
McTaggart, Hartwell Spoken, Geo, Me.
Kay, Jeff, Fulton ; cone. 17th and 18th,
John Bennotb, Alex. Buchanan, Arch.
Dunoanson, Beech Clark, John plc•
Naught, Robt. Meehan, Jno. Howitt ;
gravel roars, Jae, Simpson, Jae. Strachan,
Thos. McLendon!), Wm. Work, Junes
Kelly, John Hislop, Adam Sholdioe ;
Graham survey, Geo. Colvin ; Walton,
11. H. Ferguson. All the fango viowere
and pound keepere wore re•appoinbod for
the current year. The following ea
moots wore handed in and paid :—iIary
Steele, taxes remitted, 59.22 ; Mrs. D,
MoIntush, taxes remitted, 59.89: Win.
hIcKelvey, gravel, $8.40 ; 0. 0. Heffer-
nan, rag bolts, deo, for culverts, $0.13 ;
Levi Pothick, refund dog tax, 51 ; Wm.
Spence, expenses to Goderieh on town-
ship business, 55 ; Robt, Inglis, ditch at
lots 5 and 0, con, 7, $18.75 ; Alex.
Thompson, gravel, 51.98; Geo. Brown,
keeping Win. Mullin, an indigent, 8
months, 519.60 ; A. Stewart and J.
Kreuter, each 510 eatery as auditors ; J,
I+lokmier, repairing road scraper, $9 ; A.
McNair, salary as Treasurer, 580 ; II.
Stewart,keeping Miss McMartin, tun in.
digent, one-half month, $4. Council then
adjourned to moot again as Court of Re-
vision at Dames' Hotel, Cranbrook, on
Monday, the 30th day of May next.
War, SPENCE, Clerk,
During the past week the annual ex-
aminations of the Royal College of Deo•
tal Surgeons of Ontario have been in
progress at Toronto. The following ex -
aromas have been present : J. B. Will-
mott and H. T. Wood, Toronto ; C. A.
Martin, Ottawa ; G. 0. Davis, London
R. M. Fisher, Wiorton, J. G. Roberta,
Bramptom and Thos, Rowe, Cobourg.
Friday evening the result of the examin-
ation for license was announced as fol-
lows (names in the order of merit) :
M. C. Binkley, Carlisle.
W. H. Steele, Almonte.
A. W. Thornton, Dresden.
Sylvester Moyer, Galt.
Thos. Butler, Toronto.
Benjamin Gallop, Norval.
Wesley Richardson, Toronto.
W. R. Hamilton, Stratford.
Oliver Martin, Ottawa.
S. J. Wesser, Walkerton.
A. F. Pearson, Ottawa.
M. G. MoElhinney, Ottawa.
Milton Cavanagh, Toronto.
J. H. Johnston, Blanketed:.
Wm. Revell, Woodstook.
T. A. Armstrong, Ottawa.
G. F. Belden, Molesworth.
C. M. French, Fergus.
W. W. McPhee, Orillia.
F. W. Twaddle, Fergus.
Denton Dulneage, Brighton.
J. F. Simpson, Trenton.
Archibald Milloy, St. Thomas.
D. A. Block, Elora.
Wm. Mills, West Toronto Junction.
A. S. Bruns, Almonte.
0. F. Chittenden, Hamilton,
W. D. McLaren, Hamilton.
M. F. Sparrow, Toronto.
Ira Bowen, Ottawa.
G. P. Allen, Paisley.
W. J. Trotter, Galt.
0. P. Marshall, L. D. S., Shelburne,
was euoceseful in his examination for the
degree of master of dental surgery.
Thirty.nine candidates presented
themsolvea for the intermediate examin•
atioe, the results of which will not be
known for a week.
The college gold medal for practical
work was awarded to Oliver Martin,
Ottawa, and the silver model to D. A.
Black, Elora.
The Princeton Tragedy,
Detective Murray bus built up a strong
case against Burchell, the man in Cus-
tody on the charge of having murdered
a young man named Banwell near Prince.
ton in Oxford County. The deoeased
came with Bantle)! from England to
Canada, to outer into pertnerahip with
Burchell in a stook farm at Niagara Falls.
It eau be shown that Burchell represent-
ed this stook farm as being most expen-
sively equipped, whereas it had no exiet.
once in fact. Benwell journeyed with
the Borchelt party to Niagara Falls and
left that point with Burchell alone to go
up into the conntry to inspect a farm.
Borchelt and Benwell wore seen tu-
gethor on 0 train, were seen together on
a road neer Princeton by at least two
persona. Burchell was next seen along
at Eastwood, te station five miles from
Prinoeton, whence he took a ticket to
Iiatnilton. A short time afterwards a
dead body was found in a lonely place
near Princeton with bullet holes in the
head. Whoever shot too man had out
name and marks from deceased's oloth-
ing to hide identity, but he neglected to
remove a cigar case from the dead man's
pocket, and that cigar case born the
name of Benwell, tho man Who bad been
last soon in Burcholl's oonpauy. Some
Mom team the finding of the body Bute
obeli appease upon the mono and idents•
nes it, but excites sdspioion by his re••
plies to questions and is arrested, Then
it became known that he had appropriat.
ea a portion of Banwoll's baggage, that
he professed to have had instructions
from Banwell, whom he representod as
being in London, Ont., as to whore to
matins baggage, though at too time he
alleges he received such letter Benwell
tuns dead. :Tore ere other eirournstun-
OOa which point to Burchell asknowoug
moreaboutthe young man's death than
he ie willing 10 toll, It rimy be that
Borchelt did not murder Benwell, for
oironmstanlinl evidence is eoniotimee do.
captive, but, foe an inno0ont man the
Mae against him is exceedingly blast,
His safety dapende ttpun whet [nay come
out in the future in sus favor, but cor•
leanly Over• thing which has been brought
to light fel (05 tends to bring him 11e0rer
to the gallows,
Washington Letter,
(From ear Regular Uorrespondent.)
SVAsrnN0'ro1, Hardt 1.'00.
"One man may lead a horse to water,"
Pays Ott old proverb, bub eighty-two Sen-
ators caul nutlto hire drink. Suet now
the soma sossiol investigating commit.
tea of the Senate is beginning to realize
the force of the ancient saw, and, in its
tater helplessness, has appealed to tate
Senate to awake to too situation. For
more than a week Senator Dolph's little
aggregation of inquisitors hes been en.
deavoring to compel a few newspaper men
to divulge the morons from whence they
secured information as to Senate pro.
eeodinee in secret 'motion, and the com-
mittee has failed in every instance. It
has taken its complaint to the body
which merle it, end it asks for power to
confine rho contumacious 0110s in ammo of
the committee rooms at the Capitol.
Now the Senate is considering the gnus -
tion, "Is there a penalty for ooinumu-
ciou,ness7" and there aro very interest.
ing debate,' ou the subjerb, in which the
committee dolefully request its brethren
to listen to its tale of woe.
The efforts of the Senate to keep the
news out of the newspapers are much like
the famous struggle of Mrs. Partington
with the Atlantic ocean, wherein she
essayed to keep back the rising waters of
the sea with her kitchen broom. So long
as there is a public demand for news the
newspapers will caltinue to furnish it,
the Semler) to the contrary notwitbatand-
ing. It would be advisable, therefore,
for that body to throw open its floors
while transacting the public business.
What members choose to do privately in
the aeolusion of their committee rooms
does not greatly concern outsiders, but
when they are transacting or considering
matters which affect the country the
country will assert its right to know what
is being done.
There are evident in the Blair educe-
tioual bill so many defects and such
serious ubjeations—objeobions that would
of necessity neutralize whatever capa-
bility of usefulness it might possess—
that the people of the country will find
it extremely dilfloult to recognize any
compensating merits in it. It is of ques-
tionable constitutionality ; it is carrying
the paternal theory of the Government to
an offensive and dangerous extreme ; it
is not wanted by the South, and if nob
wanted its enforcement can never be
made effacionp. It proposes an expendi-
ture that, while it may in occasional in-
stances facilitate rho greater dissemina-
tion of educational privileges, is inreality
an expenditure that should belong to the
States themselves, and provisions for
which nearly all of them are making
with a liberality folly up to the stand -
cud of their moans. Mr. Blair is taking
a leap, nut wholly in the dark, of which
he cannot satisfactorily demonstrate the
benefits and tho dangers of which he
ignores. The surplus bad better remain
untouched than to be squandered.
The projected railroad down the book -
bone of the hemisphere ie the only pro-
position adopted by the iateruationalcon-
ference without amendment. The pro.
minenno given to the achene by the
speoial friends of the Secretary of State
indicates that Mr. Blaine is warmly en-
listed in behalf of the groat projeot and
the probabilities are that, whether the
Idea of subsides for steamship lines San
be carried into operation or not, the road
will solve to a large extent the problem
of intercommnniaation. Of course this
railway along the Cordilleras and Andes
would develop the Latin Americasmore
than anything that has been devised.
But it would extend our trade relations,
increasing the markets for our goods and
bringing to us the product; of far away
democracies --the guano of Peru, the
gntta.peraha of the Amazon, the coffee
of Maracaibo and innumerable articles
from every country south of the gulf.
The seating of Featherstone in the
House Wednesday in place of Cate was a
great disappointment to ex•Speeker Car.
little, who was personally interested in
the ease, and expected the Democrats to
rally at the finish. It was well under-
. stood that that was all that was nacos-
nary t0 secure Mr. Cate his seat. Their
failure to do eo annoyed hint greatly.
The greatest delinquency was among the
Democratic members from New York,
which caused the veteran assistant door.
sleeper, Col. Isaac Hill to remark after
the result had been tonnounoed 1 "It tastes
a New York Dnmoorat or an Indiana Re-
publioan to beat his own party."
There are now five women in this coun-
try who are entitled to represent their
clients in the Supreme Court of the
United States. Clara Shortridge Foltz,
of San Diego, Cal,, having boon admitted
to practice Wednesday. The first woman
admitted to practice wee Mrs. Belem
Lockwood, of tine city,
Postmaster General Wanamaker will
make te groat mistake if he proceeds on
the theatre that the Bead of the Western
Union Telograplt Company is a "pole
sickly goon." The doctor is not that
sort of tt stamp.
About the only way to preserve the
secrets of the oxeoutivo eosin is to
allow Senator Blair to do all the balk-
>l3ortilig News.
Simeon says ho will quit billiards,
professionally, after the Chicago tonna,
1'lte Toron'n alit has sent Hoover a
cheque for 575 as a gift, 'Phis was duo
to hie consenting to hie release to Kangas
Cholera has abated in Persia.
Intiuenrn is ravaging Eastern Syria.
The prevalence of drunitennees in Bus.
eia has become so great as to %street the
attention of all Bnrnpo. Tho 50000 '
meet refugee to Selte any active stalls 10.
warde eltecltst,g the evil, owing, it is
alleged, to fear of losing rho revenue front
the manufacture and sale of Mellon°
liquors. Thera have been 8,000 deaths in
Odosse alone during the peat year dirtotly
deo to the exceseir0 000 Of 5)1011 in.
feer.•massel,. Wee -sheet) l Boated.
RPa11At, 3tn1iTINa.
A epaulet meeting of tole Board was
held in the Council Chamber on Friday
evening, Feb. 21st. Members an present
oxuept A. Hunter, 15. Dennis, ohairnutn,
Minutes of last special meeting read
and confirmed,
Non resident foes received for lamed
half year 1889, from Stewart and Porrie,
smouuted to 51,20,
Moved by T. Fletcher, seconded by Pl.
I:. Wade, that Geo. Lott'o time for de.
livoring wood for school be extended to
March 15th, 1890. Carried.
Board then adjourned.
1114610.00 300,0.00011.
The regular meeting of this Dotted was
held in the usual place on Maruti (, 180o.
Members all present except le, ase. Wade.
H, Dennis, chairman.
Minutes of the last epeoial meeting
rend and adopted.
Moved by J. Denman, emended by T,
Fletcher, that the following accounts be
paid :
W. II. Moss, salary and account -57 (;0
W. 115, Sinclair, re Jackson estate.. 1 40
The resignation of Secrotary.Treasur-
er 10114 read and attempted.
Moved by A. Hunter, seconded by W.
B. Dickson, that this Board roluebantly
accepts the resignation of W. II. Moss as
Sea..Treas. of the Brtseela Board of
Public School Trustees and regret that
he finds it neoessary to sorer his connec-
tion with this hoard and that we hereby
tender to him the hearty thanks of the
Board for the effioient and courteous ser•
vices he has eo long rendered us and
trust that his contemplated removal from
Brussels may be attended with all pros-
perity, and we direct that a oopy of this
resolution be sent to Mr. Moss.
Sigtted by the entire Board.
Prinoipal Shaw presented report of
school attendance for past month :
Deps. 1 2 3 8 5
Rol,— 47 Si 4e 47 60
Avg.— 3317.90403.90 2010.90531.0 69 16.00
The Board then adjourned.
Fourth Division Court.
The sittings of this court was held on
Feb. 27th, before Judge Doyle.
The following was the docket:—hoes
Bros. vs. J. H. Alexander—an old suit
which had been adjourned to effect ser-
vice on defendant, who is out of jurie.
diction. Judgment of non suit.
Timmins vs. McLennan—action on
account. Adjourned till next Court.
Blackly vs. MoIay—garnishee caro.
Judgment for primary creditor.
Ainley vs. Veal—action for account.
Adjourned till next Court.
Dickson vs. Hannon. Judgment for
McIntosh vs. Connon, Haslam claim.
ant—interpleader issue. Adjourned.
Wilson vs. Nelson—motion ou note.
Judgment for plaintiff.
Took vs. Slsmmon & Shine—action on
note. Judgment for plaintiff.
Scott Bros. vs. Roddick, H. Buttery,
garnishee. Judgment for plaintiff
against primary debtor only.
Gerry ve. Booker, Shin garnishee.
Judgment against primary debtor and
;earn bah ee.
Smith vs. Veal, Mootgornery claimant
—interpleader suite ddjorrned till next
Perth County.
The Mitchell Advocate hes entered on
its thirtyfiret year.
The Atwood Presbyterian church is to
have an organ for the first time.
No less than amen tramps were pub-
licly accommodated at Mitchell on Mon-
day night,
Rev. D A. Moir, Woodham, has been
invited to be pastor of the Kintore oir-
ouit for next year.
The Royal Template of Temperance
initiated none persons into membership
at Se. Marys on Tuesday evening.
Elmo Agriouitnral Society have sold
their farm, lot 20. 12th con., Elms, tole.
Smith, of Listowel, the price being 5550.
The Parkhill Council eb its last meet-
ing appointed Noah Fried, of Stratford,
as superintendent of works, constable,
etc„ et a salary of 5440 a year.
Tho St. Mary's Argus Bays that the
unprecedont rate of taxation in the stone
town is driving the owners of land do.
voted to agriculture out of the plane.
A curling match for the Ben. Wyvis
trophy,played at St. Mary's on Thursday
afternoon between Galt and St. Mary's,
rsaultod in favor of Galt by ono shot.
Walloon township Council had 200
copies of auditors' detailed statement
publisboti, in pamphlet form, in addition
to publishing the auditors' abstract in
two newspapers.
David N. Hogg, of Stratford, dry
goods, who recently assigned, has deeid•
ed to leave for the Western State;, and
his stook invoiced et 515,023.''27, is advor.
bleed to be sold.
Eddie, youngest son of Geo. Morrison,
Nor011 ward, Se. Marys, inhaled the
steam from a boiling tea pee on Wednes-
day evening of lase week end suffered ex.
eruciatiug pain from a badly scalded
The debt on rho lino N ohnrch Property
at Mitchell has been completely wiped
ant. Since Rev. ilia. Tully beeanto pas-
tor of Cho church nearly 57,000 has been
Collected, bnahlos rho regular expanses of
the chnrnh. A now church edifice in to
bo built. '
Tho detth is mmonreod of Bomb
Dingman, father of A. Dingman, in.
epoetoe of Indian Ageucise, and vend.
father of the publishers of the Vbraeforrl
Herald, which occurred in the township
of Sombre, tvhoro the deceased Nettled
fifty yonrs ago, on Wednesday, •
The St. ]Marys ;Moretti nrges that its
"antiquated relic" of te town hall ehould
be re•uoatcd mud re•lightetl. The old
seats aro nob merely out of Mato but aro
rialcety and uucomfnrbrtble, some aro nob
even safe to sit on. They aro being
broken up ono by ono until at penitent.
there are not euongh remaining to seat
tWO-tixirds rho trn.
BIM n.ut 110 MANE 01nr.101101 &c. --The
Stratford Herald says : —A lady got off
the train fent the north. Friday after.
noon with a family of ton, the eldest
being not more than Ili years old. She
went eaves,' to the traht going west and
after getting settled down a count of
noses revealed the fact that one of the
number was missing. Closer investiga-
tion ,howod that it was one of the boys.
A eearah was instituted, the platform,
waiting room and even the care of the
north train were gone through, The
woman began to get excited, oonctaotors
and brakemen, anxious to got under way,
joined in the mane and finally the boy
was found in the onduotor's roarn danc-
ing a lively jig while be whistled ".Iohn•
toy gat your hair cut." Thorn was more
joy over the finding of the one than over
tate niue drat wandered not away.
brussels Council.
The regular meeting of the village
Council was held nn Monday evening,
Marsh 4550. There sero present the
Reeve, W. 15'. Stewart and D, Strachan.
Minutes of bust mooting road and puss -
The following amounts were passed on
motion of W. F. Stewnre and D.
W. Bateman, wood $ 15 00
Dr. McNaughton, medical attend.
muco 10 00
3. G. Skene, oil for street lamps11 00
E. W, 1T.elenn, Fire Department 1 50
Mrs. Blasbill, celerity 6 00
Mrs. Williams, charity 4 50
Hart & Co., stationery 2 89
An order wee granted to Jas. Ross, tax
collector, for 539.00, end Alex. Wilson
51.00, taxes remitted.
Moved by W. F. Stewart, seconded by
D, Strachan that the Clerk advertise for
gravel, plank and cedar. Carried.
Moved by W. F. Stewart, seconded by
D. Strachan that Council adjourn until
next Monday evening. Carried.
An adjourned meeting of;tbe Council was
held in the Council Chamber on Monday
evening of this week. Present, Reeve
Graham and Counoillors Molntosb,
Stewart, Ainley and Strachan.
Tho auditors' report atod abstract 9005
presented and on motion of 3. M. Mc
Intosh and W. F. Stewart was accepted,
adopted and the abstract to be published
for one week in Tau Pos'r. Carried.
The accounts were presented as fol.
love :—
Thos. Belly, Treasurer's salary5 40 00
Jas. Roes, Collector's salary40 00
13. Gerry, street lamp and fuel10 45
J. M. Kendall, Auditor's salary8 00
J. Y. S. Kirk, Auditor's salary8 00
H. James, lighting street lamps7 50
W. H. Kerr, printing 8 50
Moved by J. M. McIntosh, seconded
by W. Ainley that the foregoing accounts
belpaid. Carried,
Tenders were opened from Turnbull &
Ballantyne, and B. Gerry for supplyiug
oil for the street lamps, bat no deoided
action will be taken until next meeting.
Wm. Smith and A. Consley made ap-
plication for the annual Band grant. It
WHO moved by D. Strachan, seconded by
W. Ainley that the Band receive 5100
per annum, payable quarterly, on con.
ditions that they keep a teacher and give
weekly open air concerts daring the Sum.
mer months. Carried.
It was decided to ask for tenders for
scraping Turnberry street, the same to
be sent to the Clerk on or before April
Council then adjourned.
Huron County,
In Wingham last yeanhe town council
paid 3160 for printing and advertising.
Alex. McIntyre, general merchant,
Lnoknow, ltas assigned to C. B. Arm.
strong, of London.
The average attendance at the Clinton
Pubiie School for the month of Feb., was
4131 number enrolled, 475.
John Hannah, of Seaforth, is an ep-
plioant for the positiop recently vacated
by Prof. Robertson, of the Ontario
Agricultural College.
Some farmers near Clinton say that
the oontinued open weather has injured
the fall wheat, while others say it has
not been injured at all•
The number of hotel licenses granted
in this county loot year was; East Rid-
ing, 20; West and South Riding, 41 each ;
O total of 108. The number of shop
'images was 11. The number of hotel
licenses iseuocl in 1875 wat 151, and shop
licenses 37. The fines collected were as
follows : East Etoron,530 ; South Huron,
584 ; West Heron, 5410,
The Godsrioh Turf Association has
elected the following Minters for this son -
sou t Wnt, Proudfoot, President ; Dr.
It. Shannon, first Vice -President ; Goo.
111. Doe, second Vice.Preeideob ; Thomas
Dundry, Secretary ; W. L. Ilorton,
Treasurer ; managing committee, Dr. J.
13. Whitely, Dr. Aikethead, W. A. Col-
borne, John Knee:, John Yule, John Reid,
P. Farr and Wm. Loe, It was deoidod
to give 5(100 for purses at their meeting
on July 1st, and to push arrangements
for having first•class raves.
Tho officers cleated for the current
year 1u et:emotion with the Clinton
Bible Society were es follows :—Prod.
dent, Rev. W. Craig ; Vise President, D,
Tiplady mod roddont ministers; Deposit -
my. Dr. Worthington ; Sec,•Treas., 0. C.
Stevoneol ; Conittee, Ontario St.
clateo31, asort'. Wetly and Stevens;
Jtltttoubnry 5t., Masers. Taylor, T octet
01111 500110 ; Willis church, Meats. Tr.
'Turnbull 1011,1 Tedford • St. Paul's,
v ; Be
Monne. Plummer and Combo Flo i Itis
Messrs• Osbaldeston, (1010 and Robb,
Auditors Messrs. Irwin and Tedford.
Femmes' Leseerran.--A meeting of the
South Huron Farinas' Institute was
hold its Verne 0n Friday and Saturday
of tact week azul wee a must interesting
and suooessfnl gathering. The following
wee the program :-- Friday forenoon--
Presidnut 1 tiddlress ; Time, Mee/11111m
Ilallott, "Fettling steers for the •Ola
Country markette ' C, 1st. Simmons,
I,n5o, "Sheep brooding," :friday After•
moot L1, Mei"addon, 13rus'cla, "Hrexl•
leg and feeding the driving horse ;" John
C. Mur,ison, Maliillop, ' Dairying for
profit ;" C. M. Simmons, "Breeding
pedigree Shorthorns ;" Tbemaa Mo-
15illen, "Ensilage and fodder cern."
Friday evening --Instrumental selection,
A. McKenzie and Mise Proudfoot ; song,
II, Town, Seaforth ; address, Ines. Mr.
Hart ; song, Miss L. Waldese ; address,
"What ie a farmer," J. C. Morrison ; r,' -
citation, James Armstrong ; Hermontoa
duet, Mossrs. McCool and Taylor ; ad•
dress, C. M. Simntous ; duet, C. McDon-
ald and Miss M. McNaughton I address,
"Grumbler and smiler," U. Moh'adden
recitation, Miss Blair ; inetrernenlal sel-
ection, A. MOKenzie and Miss Pruudf"•,t ;
song, T. Dslgetty ; harmonica duet,
Messrs. McCool and Taylor ; address,
Thos. McMillan ; song, W, G. Duff, Sea -
forth. Saturday morning—"Progress of
Farmers' Institutes," by U. iiiclfadclen ;
0. M. Simmons, "Cern fodder versus
roots ;" Election of officers of the In-
stituto. Beturday afternoon—Thomas
McMillan, "Breeding and feeding heavy
draught horses ;" Joluo Torrance, "Pre•
paring heavy draaget horses for mar-
ket .," Robert McLean, Tockersmitb,
"Should statute labor be abolished."
.People We Know.
Mrs. James Cele is away at London.
Thos. Bradwell was in town this week.
Geo- Halliday was in the Queen city
last week.
F. W. Kelly was home last week from
T. G. McCracken was in Brussels on
Robt. Ross, of Listowel, was home for
a day last week.
C. R. Vanstono, of Southampton, was
in town this week.
Mrs. Jno. Cousley has been laid up
with la grippe this week.
Jno, F. McCrea, of Toronto, was home
for a short visit this week.
Mrs. Fletcher is away at Lucknow this
weak on a visit to her parents.
Mre. Carter, of Blytb, is visiting her
parents, Robt. Burns and wife,
Mrs. Cormack and Miss Kate are visit-
ing with old friends at Teeswater.
Miss Jessie Halliday, of Detroit, is
home on a short visit to her parents.
Mies Maggie Anderson, of Fordwich,
is visiting Mrs. John Sinclair this week.
J. W. Shaw and Miss Shaw arrived
home from Toronto last Saturday even.
Mrs. 0. Veal, of Wroxete3, was visit-
ing Mrs. Arthur Veal during the past
Miss Bella Aitoheson, of Exeter, and
Mre. Knight, of Ethel, were visiting in
town this week.
Joseph Walker, who cut his foot a
short time ago, is able to get about on
crutches now.
A. G. Dickson, wife and daughter, of
Walkerton, are visiting with relatives
and friends in Brussels.
Daniel Stewart was away this week at
Toronto end Hatnilton on business con-
nected with his saw sot.
S. B. Modes, of Wingham, formerly of
Brussels, was in town last week attend-
ing the funeral of his nice, Mrs. Adapt
Mies Brownlow, milliner at A. R.
Smith's, has returned to Brussels and is
prepared to push work in her depart-
Jno. MoBain and Allan ISioNaughton
drove over to Seaforth to hear the Bal-
moral choir sing. They were well pleas-
ed with the concert.
Miss F, E. Kerr has accepted of a
position an milliner in Wyoming, Lamb -
ton County, and will leave shortly to
prepare for the Spring opening.
Miss Lily Moss, Miss Neeeie Kay, Geo.
Halliday and Joe. Ballantyne Suudayed
in Harriston. They were the guests of
Mies Sturdy, formerly of Ibis town.
Rev. B. Sellsry, B. A„ B. D., was
away at Teoswater last Monday attend-
ing the funeral of his little mice. Rev.
F. Swann, of Monkton, accompanied
Miss Emma Walker has taken no situ-
ation as milliner in the town of B1en-
beim, Kent County. Few places send
out more milliners than,Brussols—good
ones too.
Stanley Anderson and wife aro home
from Toronto, where Mr. Anderson was
attending the Dental College. They will
reside here n0til he goes back to college
next Fall.
Mies Blakeman, who has been away
on a visit with relabivos in Manitoba and
Ontario for about a year, returned to
Brussels last week. Sloe will continue to
malts her home here.
Wnt. Bay sad wife, of Kincardine,
were in Brussels this week. Mr. Kay is
a half brother to Mrs. J. It. Grant's.
Ho is lighthouse keeper of the harbor
lights at rincardino.
Alex. Stbwart, Queen street, was away
last week at North Easihope assisting in
the settling up of his brother's affairs.
The Sarno has been sold and the family
will remove to Stratford,
Amos Thompson, cabinet maker, talks
of going to Toronto with the intention of
taking a situation. Ho is a tip-top
mechanic, having served his apprentice.
ship with R. Leatbertlale, of this piece.
Miss Lizzie Maunders, who has been
its A. 11. Smith's millinery rooms for tho
past two or throe seasons, has aucepted
of a situation at Zurich, linrou Co., anti
will go to it in the course of a few weeps.
Fred. Frey, of Mitchell, a former well
known resident of Brussels, was in town
last week on bnsmese connected with hitt
property 110'0, Mi. Trey is landlord of
the Royal .hotel in Mitchell. Ile has a
waren spot in his heart fir Brussels and
Wo would not bo meetly surprised to see
him once mora take up his reeideno
The Wingham Times says of te former
tvoll known Rresselito :•--Chas. Kneohtol
annonscas that he has purchased the
bermes malting business from J. 0,
Ilonutth 44 Soto, and will carry it ort fn
future in the bonding ono door moth of
T. A.. Mills' store, Mee hnochtel is well
and favorably known in Wingham as re
resiehlo man end to geed Meeltanio, loav
Mg worked at the boldness here for the
pest ai0 roars.