HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-3-7, Page 8]Mir i;MLSSI4L4S MUST
MAEou 7, 1890.
Prize Biscuits ! 1
At the Brussels Vail Show this
year I purpose again giving
prizes for the Best Cakes
and Biscuits made with
LE you have not used tom Baking Powder
I would like you to try it. We would
caution you against using any of the
uiwap baking powders, which contain
alum. If you get a oheaper powder than
ours it is simply beoauso it is made of
some inferior material. Alum should
unbar be used in articles of food. Wo
can sell you our Powder in any quantity
as we keep it always in bulk.
Manufactured and for Sale in Brussels
.---only by ---
sovTIIP.er EXTEN5IGN W. G. & n.
Trains learn Brussels Station, North
autl South, as follows:
GOLVG Soorn. CoINO 1.01% n.
fl:6.1 'Lao, ,:llised 9:20 a.m.
1Zpress 1045 a.m:
Mixed 8•56 p.m. i Exproes 9:45 p.m.
COLO1�rT 1.,'.I.AI
.lull 3.00 pan,
Through C'soacIt ewe
..Th,onco To -
MARCH. 11th and 25th
APRIL S1b and 22nd
rf,t. C .T ..R, or C .P .11..
-to auy Polutin-
-or your choice of routes-
ST�- Cf-ZC ..C.Q and the
To all Points WEST and EAST.
---- SC.+•'0 TICS'STS
-sed your •
Baggnge (:beektd THROUGH from f•aTATION
gp,f`clt alith3S gelitS. Wt.:tunas E.vra Charge..
Tor lull ttformatluu apply to
Town Agent for G.T.M. at Telegraph Ofiiee
A citiel's among ye taken' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Hsnmsce cheap at McCracken's.
ItORT. KNECIITEL is home from Teton -
CiLovac and Timothy seed at Mc-
CLOVER, Timothy and Garden Seeds at
Smoot. Board meeting on Friday even-
ing of this week.
BAND concert thio (Friday) evening.
The program is a good one.
Jens Wyss bas been quite poorly for
several weeks with la grippe.
AETaos HLvosToo, formerly of Erns -
sale bas removed to Kansas.
]lines L. JormeroN, of London, is visit-
ing her sister, Mrs. J. Walker.
LAST Sunday H. L. Jackson conduoted
the singing in Melville church.
ROBSELn FLEToaEn was rusticating in
Morrie township for the past week.
ME. men Mae. ADAus, of Innerkip, were
visiting nt R. G. Wilson's last week.
D. MCKnxem was called to Teeswater
last week to attend the funeral of a rola.
J. B. reneusos and wife, of Wingham,
spent Sunday in town with relatives and
Foe sale, cheap. two sets second hand
Angle liminess at I. C. Richards' harness
gr. LEON. -
Fresh barrel received. Dozens are us.
ing it. See testimonials. A. Goon.
Mandan Presbytery will meet in
Wingham on Tuesday of next week, llth
int., at 11 a. in.
EAST Huron License Commissioners
met at the Queen's hotel, Brussels, on
Tuesday of this week.
Mn. AND Mas. SIIousuOos, and Mrs.
Cole, of Londeatioro', are visiting their
brother, Jos. Walker.
Ammon week or so will complete the
manufaoture of last season's crop of flax
at the Brussels flax mill.
THE village auditors, J, Y. S. Kirk and
J. N. Kendall, are at work this week at
the village accounts for 1880.
Rev. I. B. WALLwON and bride, of
Blcevale, were in town on Monday.
They were the guests of J. T. and Mrs.
IT is stated that there is some prob.
ability of A. Veal returning to Brussels
and making a settlement with his
Homo+ and lot for sale or to rent.
Centrally located. Good well, garden,
stable, &c. Apply at TEE Posr Publish-
ing House.
Garr has issued a special spring num-
ber that contains several good cartoons,
It is bound in a now cover and is twice
the usual size.
BARGAINS in trunks and valises. Just
to hand a large stock of those arbioles.
We carry the largest stack and sell the
uheapestin town. L C. Ricusnms.
JNo. Sora and wife were in Lucknow
over Sunday. Their son-in-law, Reeve
Bryan, has been seriously ill for the past
few weeieo but is on the mend now.
T. FLnronsR and J. T. Pepper attended
a meeting at Soaforth on Thursday after-
noon of last week in oonnection with pro.
posed Manitoba and Dakota exoursions.
MARE M. OARDraA removed on Tues-
day of this week to his farm in Morrie,
about i3 miles from Brussels. Mr. Car-
diff will continue in the implement busi-
Ir is said that a brother of Dr. Cole-
man's will manage the Enterprise Salt
Works in this place. lila will, in all
probability, become a permanent resi-
Tits vacant store in Dr. Holmes' black
is being refitted, improved and put in
readiness for the reception of the new
Spring and Summer stock of Mrs. F. C.
Muss Mrsols Snow has accepted et situ-
ation as milliner at Brigden, Lambton
county. Miss Minnie should make an A
1 rnilliner. She left for her now position
this week.
Moss hinny KELLY, of Dundas, is visit-
ing at Mrs. J. R. Granb'e for a few
weelte. Miss .Kelly was a former resi-
dent of Brussels having lived here with
her sister, Mrs. A. H. Kay.
$1.30, in advance, will secure Tnn
POST for the balance of 1800. Now is
the time to take advantage Of this offer.
Boca along your money and secure the
Sorel and district news.
P. D. 0. M. Dimon, of Tara, was ex-
pected to pay an oMeial visit to St.
Jolrn'e Lodge, A. F. 8 A. M., Bru:nels,
on Tuosnay evening of this week but
was detained through illness.
Alms LIvitineroN hen been re.engagod
as milliner ab W. Nightingale & Co's tor
the coining gesso». This is a good testi.
irtonittl to her ability in filling this very
important department of the business,
lt' you enjoy goad music attend the
Rand concoct on Iftidey etfoning of this
Week. The adnusoion fee is low to- etlit
trio lased times. Tho orchestra magic
will be well Werth the cnt3'anco money.
NEXT Nabbath Bev. R. Paul supplies
for Rev. David Rogers at Atwood. We
propose that both he and Rev. Samuel
Jones be reotored to the active ministry
us the are at work about half the time
ALEX. Slow -Aar officiates as precentor
at Melville church next Sabbath. Tho
vote of the congregation to decide be-
tween the four applicants will probably
be taken in the course of a Sunday or
NOTitING was done at the Council meet.
ing last Monday evening except the pass-
ing of some vocounts and deciding to ask
for tenders for gravel, plank and cedar.
A special meeting will be held next Men.
day evening.
NAIL RIOIIASesos, local agent fo the
Patterson Agricultural implement Co.,
bag opened a wareroom and of8ioo on
Mill street, opposite P. Scott's black.
omithehep. Mr. Richardson did a good
bueinoss last year.
House and lot for sale in Brussels
west. Good stable and well on the
premises, also any quantity of small
fruit and it few young fruit trees. A
bargain if sold at once. For information
apply at T.nE Posr Publishing House.
1fRa. Pun was called to Paisley this
week owing to the illness of her oonsin,
Mr. Gordon, who was visiting here a
short time ago. Ile bad gone to .tee some
relatives at Paisley ou hie way home
when he was taken down with inflam-
mation or congestion of the lungs.
wE understand that Councillor Stew-
art has porobaeed tire comfortable reei-
denoe of W. H. Moss, King et., opposite
the Methodist church. Mr. Moss and
family will likely remove from Brussels
this Spring. He has been a resident of
this place for nearly seventeen years.
A oxen was received by T. Fletcher
from W. A. Calbiok on Thursday morn
ing. It was written at London on Wed-
nesday and said "Arrived mere all right,
no 'trouble. An agent is with us and
will go as far as Detroit. Am about the
same in health." "W. A. GAMMA."
Ting second of the series of sermons on
the leading doctrines of the Bible will be
preached in the Methodist church next
Sunday evening by the pastor, subject:
"Justification." Mr. Sellery will also
address the Young Peoples' Association
on Monday evening. His topic is "Metho-
LAST Sabbath Rev. F. Swann, of
Monkton, preaohed two interesting die-
oourses in the Methodist church here.
In the morning his text was "Canting all
your care upon Him, fur he oareth for
you," and at the evening service he chose
"Thanks be to God for His unspeakable
gift," Rev, Mr. Sellery took Mr.
Swann's work.
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to fill work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terms reasonable. Reeidsnoe
sewed door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnburry st., Brussels. 43.11
Os Thursday forenoon of last week
Joseph Walker had the miefortnne to in.
flict an ugly gash in bis left foot while
chopping in Joseph Webster's bush. As
he was alone at tho time he had to walk
to Mr. Webster's house and was very
weak from loss of blood before he reach-
ed home. A doctor was called in and
tho.wound sewed up and dressed. It has
been very painful but Mr. Walker is
progressing as favorably as could be ex-
pected under the circumstances.
Os Tuesday aftornocn of this week W.
'A, Calbiok, of this place, started for
British Columbia. He went to Olinton
where be joined relatives westward
bound, Mr. Calbiok has boon in poor
health for some time and has not been
able to work singe last November. He
gore to the Pacific coast with the hope
that the change of air will prove benefi-
cial. The family will remain in Brus
sole until it is ascertained how the
climate will agree with Mr. Calbiok,
They have been residents of this place
for about Dight years and enjoy the
esteem of all who aro acquainted with
Trim OnoAN Qrssriox.-As there has
been considerable trouble here lately
about the Doherty Co'y holding liens on
tho organs that Mr, Veal sold hero, and
as the pnblio might think that wo all buy
them the sumo way I have sent and got
thin certificate from D. W. Earn & Go.,
of Woodstock:
Woadetoak, Fob. 25th, 1890.
"Thie is to certify that 10. Lrtomuiimnac,
of Brussels, parobasos hie °.sane from tie
mut and out anti we 11,4d no loin or claim on
said instruments alter Laing purabasod by
R. Leatberd:de. Perbtes purchasing organa
from him Fre perfuctil este and we would
eeoomtnandany person requiring to Organ
to parches° from him, fie wo consider him
thoroughly rail/MI(1. a we have proven to be
the ease, having done, Montego teitn blur
for ]'ears. D. W, EARN & 010,.
VAST HORS CeneereatiVO GGe eenfaoa
will meet in the ttowin Hall, Uruurtls, on
Friday of next week, 14th twit, The an• I .ae.' 'x'z xT M
final election of offleers will take place T0000AT, When 11.-. Farm ahrek n'• t
SAW a candidate wilt bo srleoted for the ( implemente on lot 18, couoossion 13, Grey
at 1 o'olock p.m. A. Reymtutn, and.,
Local Legislature to oppose the present n
member, Thee, Gibson, M.P.P., owing to
the reslguation of A. H. Musgrove, wboeo I
thr,'et is troublieg him to such au ex
tent that he is unable to Materna the'
responsibilities of an election cam sign,
D. Creighton, of Toronto, M, P. 7., for
North Grey, and manager of the Empire
newspaper, is expeoted to attend the
L'onveution and deliver an address. Its
not our place to nominate a oandidnto
but the names of B. Gerry, J. Perkins,
Wm. Clegg, P. KO)! and T. E. Hays are
mentioned as likely to come before the
VITAL Sr.vrlsTlcs.-The returns of
births, mnrriagee and deaths, for the
Province, for the year 1888, have just
been issued, and the following particulars
are gathered therefrom. Number of
births in Huron in 1888, 1,476, a decrease
of 05 less than the previous year. The
number of marriages, 440, an iher0ase of
52. Tho number of deaths, 032, a do•
crease of 47. Tho death rate per 1000 of
population, was 7.5 in Huron, there beiug
only four counties in the provinoo with a
lower rate. ]'our pair of twirls were
burn in Huron, and March claims the
largest number of births, there being 134
iu that mouth. In marriages the relig-
ious deu.,ntinatione represented were :-
Methodists, 805 ; Presbyterians, 277 ;
Episcopalians, 106; Roman Ctttltolios,
60 ; Baptists, 20. Of the deaths, 800
were females, and 320 male.
Bo:Ixsss called us to the Ronald Fire
Eugiue Works last Friday and Mr.
Ronald very kindly showed us through
the shops. They have five or six ongiues
in various stages of completion and are
pushing work along so as to be ready for
orders now awaiting them and others to
be closed shortly. Fireman Watt ap-
pears to be the right man in the right
place and manages bis work in an intelli-
gent and painstaking manner. Few
scope arebettereupp.ied with machinery,
apoltaueea, &o., and as a result nothing
but first-class work is turned out. The
Ronald Fire Engines never take a second
place when it comes to an open competi-
tion as nu part of the work is slighted in
their manufacture. Handsome photo-
graphs of the engine, and the Marton
waterworks (which were put in by Mr.
Ronald) have been secured to exhibit to
intending purchasers.
attronrmn BARLEY. - The Dominion
Government has made arrangements to
purchase quantity of primo seed barlsy
in the Old Country, which will be sold to
farmers at cost price in Canada. Min-
ister of Agriculture Carling has written
Postmaster Farrow, Brussels, asking
about what quantity would be taken in
the locality of Brussels. Mr. Farrow has
pieced the matter in Reeve Graham's
hands ,cid responsible parties, with clean
land, may make application to hire at
once, so that the orders may be forward-
ed as early ae possible. As the supply is
limited first come, first served. This
burley has been tested at the Experi-
mental Farm at Ottawa and has been
found to be first-class as to yield, and
quality and farmers should avail them-
selves of this opportunity of securing
good seed. The barley will be put up in
two bushel bags. See Mr. Graham for
further particulars.
CAnsovAL.-The first carnival of the
season was held on the Maitland skating
rink in this place on Tuesday evening of
this week. The carnival was billed for
last Friday but the thaw spoiled the ice.
The attendauue was not as large as usual
but an enjoyable time was put in, it is
said, by tbo skaters. The prizes were
awarded as follows ; Best dressed lady,
Miss Mabel Smith ; best dressed gent, T.
Ferguson, Seafortb, 2nd, Harry Cress-
well, Seafortb ; comic costume, A. Smith
and 0. Growar, 2nd, Ed. Mohan. In the
race for boys under 14 years of age, Colin
Shaw won. There were two other entries.
The ladies' race and obstacle rano did
not come off. The event of the evening
was the 40 lap race open to all. Five
skaters started viz : Dorsey, Baldwin,
Town and another whose name we did
not learn, all of Seafortb, and Anderson,
of Wingham. The latter was too swift
for his opponents and won easily by 4
laps. Anderson is a good skater and in
a fair field will snake it interesting for a
good many professionals. The judges
were I. Hewitt, R. Al. Dickson and J. B.
Stratton. A social a few miles iu the
country militated against the attendance.
TItE monthly horse fair is in pi ogress
as we go to press. A large number of
horses are being offered for sale.
We have been asked to correct a state-
ment being circulated concerning a party
being given by Mrs. MoGarva., The
facts of the case aro several children of
neighboring families went to Mrs. Ale-
Garva's for a few hours froliok, it being
the birthday of one of her little girls.
The vieitore supplied the refreshments.
MEsans. SEALE ,Si Hoovers, of St. Marys,
talk of opening a blanch shop in Brus-
sels for the sale of tombstones, monu-
ments, &o. They are well posted in
their work and will sell at the lowest
living prices. They have a grazing farm
in Morris, convenient to Brussels, and
will be prepared to take stock in exchange
for work. Jas. Seale will aot as agent
having commenced work already. He is
well and favorably known in this locality.
Lneroos.-A gond sired audience
listened witn no email degree of pleasure
to the lecture delivered in Melville
°hutch, lust Monday evening, by Rev. J.
L. Murray, M. A., of Kincardine, on "A
recent European tour." The reverend
lecturer gave an intereeting description
and account of the eights he saw, the
places visised and the information ac.
mired. Special reference was made to
Boma. The lecture occupied about two
hours. A. hearty vote of thanks was
given Aar. Murray ou motion of Presi•
dent McKay and A. Good, Rev. John
Ross, B. A., occupied the chair. Musi-
cal selections were given by the choir of
the Aseooiation.
The body of 1t. Siftotr, of St. Jaime,
who disappeared so mysteriously, has
beats found in a cinch near that village
without any mark of violence on it.
Eighteen yearn ago George Young,
jeweller, of Ottawa, marked a 60 cent
pieta with his name and the date when
put in circulation. It came back to him
in the course of business on Thursday.
RRIo.-In Morels on and inst., Isabel I3.,
beloved wife of Allam Reid, aged 61
years and 5 months.
Slnt'n.-In any, on rob. 1117th, Agnes,
eldest daughter o4 John :Snaith, aged
11 yeara, 0 tnoflthe and .18 days.
I 01 .It USIA, SiU , U 01
and Bergamo; of ofthe
by u1J 01 tfon
Jacob Stehle, prop. 0111th cud 1tesideuee-Stale street Neat,
MONDAY, dtanott Ulm -High grade Athel,ontario.
stook, ou lot 20, can. 14, IUOKillep, Sale
commences at 1 o'olsck, John ll. Seb•
jr A.
bene, prop. Geo. Kirkby, aunt,
WEDNRapav, Mann 12ru,- Farm stock,
implements, do' lot 5, con. 11, Grey.
Sale oammOnoee at 11 o'clock a. in. sharp.
Leech at n0011. Wm. Bishop, prop,
Geo. Kirkby, auo.
Fall Wheat .
Spring Wheat
Peas .
Butter, tube and rolls
Bggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Hay per ton.
Pork .. ... ............
Hides per lb
Salt per bbl., retail,,.,.,
Sheep seine, oath
Wool, per lb.
75 80
7511 80
313 37
24 20
53 54
14 15
12 00
5 0 00
30 85
0 00 6 50
4 75 G 10
1 25 0k
60 1 00
18 20
li ARMb 10R SALE—'1'I]E UN-
»snslGmsn bas several good Farms for
safe sad to rout, easy terms, in Townships
01 Morris tied 0000. F. 0. SCOTT. Brussels.
s, eon, 6, Grey. 85 aorta cleared. 25 of
which is plowed ready for reeding. Good
bouse, barn, orchard, &e. Possoesion given
April 1st. For further particulars as to rent
terns,&o., apply to DUNCAN McLAUUH-
LIN, lot 1, eon. 0, Grey, Brueaols P.O. 34.4
A' BON wanting a good farm of 100 acres in
the township of Morrle,6 miles from Brus-
sels, en tLo moat reaeontble terms will got
a bargain by applying at once to J. al.
O'CONNOR, Fire Ineuronee Agent, Brussels,
or the proprietor, p, A. PERHAM', Potrolea,
Ont. 31.45
Lot 12, Con. 10, township of Grey
Huron Co, There aro 100 acres, S6 acres of
which are cleared ants in good state of culti-
vation. On the farms a stone house and
frame baro and frame stables, a good bear-
ing orchard and good well of water. For
further particulate apply to the proprietor
on the premises.
17.0 JOHN VINCENT, Brussels P. O.
sow= offers hie valuable 100 acre
farm,being lot 3, ton. 13, Grey Towrabip,
Huron Cn., for sale. There are about 00
acres cleared and In good heart. There is
log house, good hank barn boating oretard,
and all the necessary aonyeniences on the
promises. For further particulars, ae to
price, terms, otc„ apply to the Proprietor,
TH08.HISLOP,Clare P. O.N.W.T.• or to
241 p0DGALD STEC,ORAN, Brussels.
dersigned offers his 100 , ere farm,
being North half Lot 30, Oon. 8, Morris, for
sale. There are about 76 acres cleared and
under cultivation. On the premises are a
ttr od frame house, bank barn, good orchard
and other oseessariea. Only 21 miles south
of Brussels on the gt avel road. For further
partioulare, as to pride, B:c., amply to the
proprietor on tlto premises,
80 -ex J. FMCS, Bax 19a Brussels P. O.
. 38, con. 0, Grey, contaioing 100 aorta, 15
acme cleared, under grass, and the balance
timbered. About 70 aeras of dry land and
the balance ceaar and blaok ash swamp
There is a tog house on the premises. Will
bo cold on v ery reasonable terms as proptie-
tor does not require the lot. For further epar-
tloulers apply to ROBT. M0LA170HLIN,
Cronbroolt, P.O. or ALEX. HUNTER, Brus-
sels. 12
lL altne1Os1D offers for sale the north
east quarter of lot 28, concession e, Morris,
County of Huron ,containing 50 nems, The
land is of first quality and in a high state of
cultivation, wall Yenned and uuderdrained,
.6 cares cleared. Now frame house, 8 rooms,
milk house with concrete walls, 2 wells,
good barna and shod, orchard, etc. Eight
soros of fall wheat. This desirable property
adjoins the corporation of Brussels. Suit-
able toms will ho given. Titleperf oat.
00. Soaforth P. O.
\Morris, on reasonable terms. In order
to close the affairs of the estate of the late
W. G. Megaton, the executors offer the fol-
lowing valuable lands for sale North
half of Lot 80, Concession 0, Township of
Morris,00ntainlug 95 acres, On this lot is
erected a good frame barn with atone foun-
dation, good orchard, well and pump. Near-
ly uncleared, and 1s on the grave road
closely adjoining the village of Brussels.
This farm is a valuable one, is well fenced
and in a good state of cultivation. For
priors and terms apply to THOS. KELLY,
13ruasele P. 0., HEN100 Jmocncos, Victoria
Square P.O., or JAMES SMITE, ,Staple Lodge
P.0 Mt 0dieeex County.
For terms and other partioulare ask for
circular at my Drug and Book Store, Should
you wish to 8011 his heifer calves I am pre-
pared to pay as high as 638, according to
milking qualities of their dams.
20.11mhe G. A, DEADMAN, Brussels.
a Auctioneer, to always ready to at-
tend Wes offarms, farm stook, &o, Terms
obenrfully given. Craubrook P. 0. Sales
may be arranged at Tot POST Publishing
House, Breesels.
lJf Liooneed Auctioneer. Sales conduct-
ed on reasonable terms. 2arme and farm
stock a specialty. Orders left at Tun Poem
Publishing Houee,Bru awls, or sent to Walton
P. 0., will receive prompt attention.
on Ma an Auctioneer, I and prepared
to conduct sales of farm stools at reasonable
mien, Knowing the standing of nearly
ovary pexeee Smut in rt position to sell 50
good ninths and get good security when sold
on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give
mea Mall. 32- F. S. SCOTT.
1 1' Usurer of Marriage Licensee. Oglme
at hie Oloacry,'1'uxttbory street, Brussel%
1.11.10 Tonsorial Artist' Shen -Next door
eontli of A. hi. )fief{ay't Go's hardware stere.
Lalli es' and children's lair cutting eine elalty
l:•�'i•A oitnfoo stook of cigars kept.
MoNAIR,..._,._ _-
e Ioenrer of Marrloga Lioensaa, by
ePPOlittlnent of Liettt,.Gavornor, Commis.
Motor, Rea 4 .78. Conveynuceo and Meat
Fire 700 ranee (.•. (Vice at the Orafibreek
Past °Moo.
• C. Mf., L. It, C. P„ Edinburgh, ld. C. p
S. Ont. At Pepper's Drug stere front 0 to
111:80 a, ul, and from 1:80 to 4 p. m, At other
bouts may bo found at iia reeidepee, form.
ally sopisd by Dr, 11 utobiuson, 5110 at,
3D STT TT S T R'2'1
G. L. Rail, 0)18,L. Vitro,. Oxide Gas ad-
ministered for the Pcinlesa Extraotloa of
']'esti. 71 0 errant Street lomat, Ton ONTO,
aSTT T ZS 'S'1
W, J. veer, Ie 1), S., Graduate of
Toronto Bohool of Dentlabry. All
oparaticne guaranteed. I.A4"Arttflaial
teeth, tlrst quality, and m gnaiantead
et, for 832.00 per sot. 011loo-OAny's
130005, Suave:ern.
H..'.CC' IL -!T!
am. ,A.. MAxZTZ�T, Z,, Tn. S,,
Honor Graduate of the Royal College of
Dental Surge°us, Torou to, Nitres Oxide Gae
ado. for the Paiulese ltxtraotios of
tooth, 011360--
t "('tNn noon NOttTE of Iitun. Bll0aeors.
In the Village of Brussels,
in the County of Huron.
Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale
contained in a certain mortgage (which will
be pt'0uoedat the time of saJe), there will
be sold by Public Auction, at the Ann:am or
HOTEL, lu the said village of Brussels, by F.
S. (Mott,ibqufre, Auctioneer, ou
SATURDAY, the "2nd day of MARCH, A.D
1800, at the hour of f o'clock in the
Afternoon, the .following property viz:.
All mid singnlitr those certain unreels or
tract,. of laud auo premises situate, lying
and beiug in the village of Brussels, in the
County of Huron and Provhiee of Ontario,
being composed of lots numbers eixty.nine
100) and fifty-three (68),1n the said visage of
Brunele, anon ooutaloiog ono.quarter of an
acre o, laud, be the same more or less, and
also bo.uc 00111) /080‘1 of the east half of lot
number sixty-eight (08), in the said village o1
Brussels, and all that part of lot number
ninety -level 0,7),in the said village of Brus-
sels, lying to the east side o1 the westerly
boundary line of the east halt of lot slit y -
eight (e8)efo• amid produced to the southerly
side 01105 ninety.seven (07). On the 0000.0rty
18 erected a comlortabie large frame dwell-
ing house, one and ono half stories high,
with good cellar underneath. oleo a first-
cleasframe stable, ellnneb naw. The house
le Wooly and conveniently hid out, with
woodetad,a good well and cistern all under
cover. There 10 about one-halfacre of ground
pla-.ted with shade ttnd fruit trees, nud also
a large lawn suitable for tennis nud other
games, The property,- will bo offered for
sate subject to areeerve bid.
TRna18.-Ten per cont. of 1110 purchase
mat.ay to be paid at time of sale, and the
balance within 16 days thereafter, without
For further particulars and couditione of
sale apply to
Meredith, nitrite, times & uiltuu,
0f 32 Charsb Bt., Toronto, Vendor's Bolioit-
ors; or to W. M. SINCLAIR, of the avid vill-
age ,11 Brussels, their agent. 83-1
Dated this 1701 day of February, A.D. 1670.
--;;IA Always ask for ; ---
Pepper's Perfect Pills.
For Sink Heudaclre, Dizziness, Torpid Liver
Constipation, Sallow Skin and
the Complexion.
Proparod only b y
Chemist and Druggist,
(:I[A11.A 1r'8 1810015, • RRUg8Et9.
Transact a C#enesol iSax1.1ti ig-
Canadian and United Status Drafts bought
and sold.
Ie tercet allowed on Deposits.
Collections made out favorable terms.
Canadian Agents -'Z,litcuusr's BAN] av
Now York Agents-lnrr,nrens AND Tnnn-
solicitor and Conveyancer. Oollee-
ttnes made. O(tice-Vauotono a Block, lirue-
5018, 21.3m•
1' 1' • Solloitcr, ConvoyBloor,NoturyPub-
Ilo, Sc, 011loe Drug
Graham's Block, 1 door north
of Popper's DuStore. Private Funds to
L • Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Pub-
lic, Convoyanotug. Collections end ),oaniug.
Mr. Wade will attend in Gordo every Wed-
nesday ut two o'clock,
(Late with Garrott & Prondfoot, °ode.
rich,) Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers,
Bcc. Omces-Brussels and Boalorth, ilrus
sols OIDce, Rogers' Block, Main 8t. Money
to Loan.
1. 5. IIAYM. w, 0.010100x.
• Sarrister,Solicltor,&o., of the arm
of Taylor, Maluliough Bc Burne. Barri atemo
Solicitors, &o., Manning Arcade, Toronto.
Money to loam.
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court,
Co, Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public.
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds
invested and to luau. Colleetiols made.
Office to Graham's Block, Brussels.
Graduate and Honorary Fellow of Ontario
Veterinary College, will be pleased to ex-
amine with the greatest caro and profes-
sional skill nay oseoa entrusted to his.
charge. Office and inermary-O'ilrlon'e old
ate ud,2 doors north of bridge, Tux:Merry
st., Brussels.
,—� Consignment of
Ever at the Brussels Station. It has always been our
motto to buy the very best class of Goods, and to buy at as
early a date as possible, so that every intending purchaser
may have ample time to inspect before needing to purchase
and to show you that we can, and will, sell you new and
stylish goods at a less figure than auy 59,1 cent lean can
sell you rubbish at. What the people want are Solid
Facts, Good Common Sense Arguments and Good Goody
Cheap This we are prepared to do and to prove to you
our contention just call and see and you will be convinced.
We do not run a
Side Show or a Gambling den to entice you in, but if low
prices, square dealing and lots of A 1 Goods is of any con-
on-sequence to you, Drop In. Our Stock is composed of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots,
Shoes, Hats, Caps, and Ready -Made Clothing.
Persons requiring Ordered Clothing will do well to examine
our Worsted Coatings and Pantings, as we have over 55 d if-
ferent Patterns in NEW Pantings, also our shelves
groaning under the weight of our English, Scotell, Irish,
Canadian, French and German Tweeds. Our Tailor is
Second .to None
And the will Warrant a Good Fit. Our
roady open for inspection and, as . i.98 Brownlow xII
again employed for this season we will no doubt see all
our old Customers and many new ones,
All Kids of Farm Produce Take. n in .
A. R. SMITH, Brussels,