HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-3-7, Page 6TELE BRUSSELS POST. MARCH 7, 1890
From Forest to Buzz Saw ' Staple is Western piwk, with+, is hauled to the Silent Woods, and there is prolably net TROOFER$ MADE LUDICROUS, HEALTI-1.
_. ..... or eight hears i. 111,,t4ary, Eight hours'
eleep will pr.‘veet. moreRiervons itorange•
moms in u•outril than any niedirine van eine.
• . t he woods in litu;rele, They take molasses in a Frenchman or Iseetie in all t hese eitiOXSAllat
their tele , 1 does ma firmly believe. that the iipoits ef
Called Ou t I it Tile; r Malligowlis oil 41 sea f, A Daugeretts Drug, During growth there meet be ample sleep
., . .
. Anti what appetites these choppers letve t he dead voila, Upon the earth in various . . .
terce lit the Potsdam cutters.
RietIV03 of Life .8,Meng the Pines , ana etlan. they retent to the shanties, in the ithapes, The Mete; still believe that the Cotstine, ile it, now Well knoll 11, is 0 Very 1‘ ,", s."" ,
,Strearusi 'Where' the lainiblenan wings desk ! There is neatly idways h silvan& hard Mighty 0100Seeall lieslioder the greet hills. Tho pia,ph, a hit.idaiii, neap 1,,eiiii, ;ince valuable Itut an exceediegly thmee.rens dt•eg, atm tile moro nervous. oieltellie or Jirissiciiiii
IiiS 4.,Xe oil Wields His Fike, by, ,tud. to this they go and have a wesh voiveleee anti pewerlt.se forevermore. If to• reeently betel stirred up by a .10110,1 1.1 mill. awl M. Dufeurnite• has lately published in 111.1:1i'11111"1:.iiie,‘.11•11111yrillillgo;11'1,":1.4"i'sT1"111311altl,11,1,.(1,tintl,e1,,, 11f,
1 1n...telling their letiy up with the erowu of wards t he spring, lie t he itunlierman goee to
tatty high links. The garrison there hen the "A rellivt•s th, eledieine" the renettleil.lt•
his iiivi.isi im.iiiiiiie ;010 ife ii.„. preuetture ettuidetill, or ite life tett short, at
• __,_, i hie work he should :tee oile Mow, then his been called knit at all times of the day end results of
their sott lials or ,•ups, .
k is readV ft r tl ei i Ile . t heat sinks for he belieVee thht. i4oniu vale.
111.0gfellia and Ittilffitag in Cautoilci• 1 Thl' 'nu- ' - ' ' ' 1 ' ha ' . ' . 1 ' 1 night le Make :Mani assaults. start sham 1 !itses whore aceitlente las is, tteete•red ere 0" "elle' "ge.
, huge pot ,d led tea, eletuthiete; ttf lutt breatl mite' ha. illtiMened to a fejelln- 01 mil". If elsirinishee, toul to premed to eepture ivory numerous, and there is hartily 0 sur. Kut ,111 ,sdd fissl flom ly. Digestion will
The valve of the o' p010 of timber from anti fried perk 01 11(1101011 in lane Some. two ortge$ ehould fly beetre him be will all Hens el ieolitted 1 mil:lino, from earetes te mem esing naafi it: who 1a.1 0;0 liad tieeosion not beide till 1 he temperat iite of the flied has
Vantula :intinelly ie tilemt setieente),000, 1;111 Hine, ito luts an entii•inolis ^'hatt or eake," \Ingot, a plug ef black jaele with Jean thist ei,ese,,,le. Ito it i i ness them. As early as in I ese, lir, been IL:t i- -.I Ity the heat ttf the etteetteli to
the produetioe is beginithig to nal .gf, owing. nwi.t with iara and ettntainieg bit:: of lewk thoro is a wedding among his follte. Late one Weibiestley evening 0 :short time Mattis:el ptiblielied the :detail:I of forty mull itinety!eleht deitteee. Hence the mere heat
to th :.colistant raiding by .1.xe and lieu, Woe en!, up sinall mixed through it, Hadniati , 1 C IL eli•eper in tho shanty Austail walzett in ago the retiring Potsdamere were thrown hist anees, and the roll ef el:dime who hey • that est: he imparted te it by slow emstit a.
to New Brunewick, and even to Nova Soot to . takes a tin dish, in which he mit0 his bread the night and hear the hooting ttf an awl te• intt a stele ttf high exeitemeet by some heti their 1, 001 from atlese efootediteltatt now time the better. The precipitation ttf a hago
evhen 110 More revenue eau ,be drawn from :toil pork, pouring a quantity ef molaesee the erying of the 1a1tweltet," then he draws
, military t ., .ilatioue of a rather unexpected reached Ili illttll 118 111110, 111 0 lege quantity oi veld food into the ittwitueli by
the trees. ' t o,.er both. He then fills his pint tin with 1tis _tantet (t 1 I 1 I
.imer about him. shiliblelMi
,, ni ,011,1 11„11,„,,,,i,,,,i,,a k i it], The roginumt of numbor of cas,s it hasgiven rise te It speelve Ma 01' tiug may, tied often don:, cause ills.
The only nources of reveilles left to eiteli i tea, and taking hie el:um knife or . heavy believes thet etene calamity threatens lien. the Cartles dli Corps get the order at 111 of poisoniug, from which 1 he patient ustuilly comfert and intligeetIon, mid every ocichedon
province tinder the Confederation act are metal knife provided hi the vamp sits I.,,v self or steno ono belonging to him, Ally teeleek to take the imperiel Stutitschlese "recovers. Among the phottementi clutractee. of Ode keel results ilia measurable injury to
lees on lei:tends, on lantoon
tle ld timber ! to the roaring tire. lie pours plenty of mol. strangeu
sond her
ad at night iS ititriloited by etorin, in the wildest haste every soldier :fah% this form of poisoning, One institute) the digeetive functitne .fee miter drunk with
belonging to the Crown at the tines of tlw ; 1toes int(' MA tea. Everything goes tei n ith to 0 supernataral t,ause, and there is hardly jumped hap the elothee nearest to his bed, lolnierred ill a patient of Dr. it, 'Studley is cold food of course inervititee the miechief.
Union ; also au allowanee from the central the beet neture and aftt•r supper the pipes a bluff on the river, chid with its spnwe and tumbled llOW11 IA/ 1110 parade ground within worthy of mention, This patina watt talon: Dot drinks—hot water, weak tea, coffee,
'government of eighty cents per heed of thc altligi.t1tt hitt 1itti'1 'I, tito •1 »ere Pine, that lute not revealed to :tome man ice the bunsteks, and letiped to the saddle of , with lentil paralysis, from which he am not chocolate, ele.,.—Will, tili the contrary, help
population yearly. go .11111grind their axes for the morrow, and turning to camp as night settles down the Ills waiting horse. 'Then clime a crazy 'recover for siX Months. Other Symptoms are to preveet it.. 13tit cat slowly, ally way.
'-'---' el seremble for the Stadtsehle.s. At the first , hall neinations, great excitement and navies.] Eczema -- tweent on the iisst Byllahle —
The great winter oceupation• of the lima.. the rest Btretch around in their hunke telling outlines cif tt. huge and awful thing, I lic t
'lug yeenutury of Canada is lumbering. Some stories or singing stings, They go to bed III is nothing that the superstitions eye Will dash 11, horse and its rider went down in agitation, and, finally, Dr. Leslie Celloglian 10 One ef she men), seepage diseases of eIt.
lumber trams are held by companiee, lint nine o'clock. convert so quiekly into ti ghost it$ m tree seen rounding the corner 11001. the 'leveller gatein ono epee BMW the entire body cover- sem. The blootbveesols of the perts Minded
! the greater arm belongs to the pyovinehil Ili TITS SUANTIES 01, VIZ FABN011 1,V11131i11. in the dusk, The horns of a dozen other cavalrymen Id by a ecarletiniform rash, are ie a state of congestion, accompaeled by
cluee behind were instantly, upon the Dr Szumnan, 'wishing to remove it large ;telling, mutating, and exudation of serum°
governments. A. timber 800111111 is either . WILD ANIKAIA IN Tile wocins,
pro:arta° animal and flow sprawling in all t\ net situated. at the base of the thumb of a or watery portion of the. blood, The diseese
L auctioned off at lease, the higheet bidder The camp life just deseribed refers chiefly There is ;nothing that will bring a Sunday
getting the preference, or the operator ob. to the English speaking:Canadiansdirections, Spears end. tweetitt;ements gm young girl of twenty, injected undo' 1110 varies greatly in seventy and extent, ae
. The camp to its feet so quickly es the prospect,
t congaed up with the horses, and two of the skin, ulese to the Wart, one OUhte centillieter well as in Its course and chamber, 1 ta
' tains the land under licenee. No sane gen, lumber.111511 who come from Quebec and of digging out a bear from his den in the
; orainent sells its tbehur lima out and out,animals were so badly wounded that, they of a. one -in -ten Helaine of cocaine. The eimpleet ham ie a 11101.0 redness, perhaps on
patient felt no pain, Ina tie the little the eyelide or behind the ears, or near the
operate along the Ottawa River are not so hallow et a tree. When the lakes and rivere
had to Ito :hot on the spot.
I though New Brunswick and Nova Seetia aia comfortably situated, but they are more become frozen over in the early winter and
While theanhorsed men were straighteniug wound ivas being sewed together, she end. haute. Sometimes there are pininlea, either
: this till they nearly ruined themselves. picturesque. They like red scarfs, and Seine 811010' Caren; the grolind the Canadian bear
themselves out for another dash, a little dandy lost colorand fainted, her pulettleatione 011 1 110 affected spots, or itround them, 01.
cornea 00 TIIN WOW'S. of them go iu a costume like the trappers of begins to prowl about and look for a spot iu
sctutul which hull got ahead of them collided weak filid slow, end Ina hands and feet Alf' more or less diffused over tho body, Some-
, When the Canadian hikes begin to COSI old Canada, They get little but pork and which to pass the winter.
111111 e peas:meet mien and big covered felled. Water Wm dashed le Iter face tinws vesieles--water-bladders—are formed
( over with ice and cold. 14110W ffakes come bread to eat and their.weges run as low 1 MS The chopper sometimos comes upon Mr.
wagon fell of vegetables for the Berlin nutr- and she recovered 00118010118110SS, Init she aid hy the exudation of serum beneath the skin,
( spitting out tif the Northeast the floating from $12 to $1 6 m month. But how polite Bruin, doubled up and in a sort of comatose
hot. The peasent Arils tossed from Iiis Patti, not regain at 01100hersense ef feeling. as mho the special Heat being the lack of the hand
1 yeomanry begin to make ready for the they are, even in their rude shanty in the state. The poor brute ie 'nettled ma end
into the gutter, where lie lay unconseitels kept asking \viler° her halide were. By this or the front anti metes of the fingers, 111 e
1 woods. Solid- farmer:), with sturdy teams, Weeds 1 The will receive the wandeting speedily done to death. In spring they
also make ready for departure,. etranger with •ell the eourtessaand grace of eoustruct pitfalls and allure the hear to the while the horses ran down the street and the tittle the stiffening 1 AmI -, extended to the few daye the serum. may be absorbed; the
cavalrymen were It lying to got 1110.11' horses Whole of her parson, :tut these alarming se elling subsides, the cuticle dries up and
I The task' of gettleg, to the distant timber old times seigneurs. spot by placing a pieeo of meat on the cover -
loose from the wreck of the wagon mama A. symptoms quieted down little 1.:,'little, and come$ tilt', and the skin either returns to 11,4
A hada is not en eet:y one, for ell the apple. The belated sportsman paseing through lug of the pit. Bruin goes lu hetollong and
dozen miner accidente delayed the members Ly half an hour's time they all came te a noi•ned condition, ,,t'the eutiele i$ thrown
t -
, AlleeS tor the winter's operation 11111011 be tho woods at night, where this Freueli shanty is despatched. with guns tie pike poloe. titter
j brought along; 110' pa•ties twist lie provided is, will hear sounds that are most pleasing and beaver are sometimes caught, red and of the regiment in other parte of the city, so happy end. 'I hie case reyresents the 11111.1- tal ni scales. In another variety there is
II • with plenty of provisions and the heroes canto his ear, He will hear the musie of a silver hair foxes go scampering by and sonic- that all eave one arrived at the titteltsehless est form of cocaine pobluiling. 1
30tW"11 this intense redness, profuse exudation, and the
not go with ten proper feed. concertina or the straina of to fiddle, uthile times a wooden= will run iu terror and tell fee beheld time. g he one prompt :whiter form and the ('140115 ill Whiell death ensiled formation of ti thick ernst, through fissures
Before the loresin•• parties set out they lusty voicee sing some stirring chanson du his comrades that he hats seen au "Indian WEIS /1, tett. 1.0(11.1111, WI10 had seen but two collie in a S lrieS of 8000I'&'f01111S, ill Whi011 ill Which a worms put: exudes. The thud
receive the reports tif explorers who know bois. Certain songs of the ohl voyageers devil" in a neighboring tree. days of servive, and he got a reward of $2.411 the alarming syntptems hist. three hours 1)411,11 11 eczema, tvlien chronic, may be
for his nimblenese. characterized by EL coming off of the cuticle
where operations ought to commence and the are always popular, and every evening Is to Moose abound, and when the snow is deep
The cavalrymen were only half dressed. to flee or six days.
facilities for getting tale timber one when the be heard ''A la claire fontaine rmging the hunbermen bind on their snow shoes and in thin, tine antes, or by atentlency of
Many wont only their drawer* and under. A Social Reform From the Hitolien, the skin to chap and crack ; some•
smelting snow and the spring rains fill the throngh the shanty. It is a rare thing 10 1011080 the animals, who sink in the snow and
shirts • a few luid on trousers, while three times the mere steetching of the fingers will
streams to their banks. find a body of French Canadians together on soon got tired out. Then the woodsmen
were 0'101110(1 only in nightehirts, overcoats, It is 0 welbaseertained fact that, with cause it to break, In some cases the itkin
In New Brunswick the chief lumber a raft, in a boat or in a, camp without hear- despatch the noel; brutes,
and helmets. The only person Beverly ill- respect to about ninety per cente of the becomes as herd and tough as leather, . with
egione are the Natiliwask, the upper St. ing them singing one of the old chansons --
WATT/ND FOR sore 013100, lured in the whole helter-skelter scramble connimnity, the price paid for food comes to an inclination to itch and throw off dry
'John and its tributarie.s, and the northwest dear to theirlwarts because their forefathers
As soon es the snow begins te melt in the WaS the puissant with the market wagon, 110 oneelialf the income ot• more. After thie food and scaly semi 1 more rarely it is reugh
, Is.nd 'southwest branthee of the Miramielle sang them through the same wildernesses. of it, is coated in bad
woods and you can hear the merry drippigg haa his left leg brokeu aral has brought a is bought how much like an ohl Wart, in which case the itching
' The distanee from the mouth of the St. John How often has not this stanza neon through cooking ? How much human force is wasted Is generally very severe. As a rule, the
of every tree, open spaces begin to appear in seit for damages.
in eonsequenee of bed cooking 1 How nitiell eczema. Occars in limited patches, but
River to the coulinee of MAine, where much the night out of the woods or resounded
the streams, Sometimes a heavy ram storm
tinieer ie cut, is not lose than 400 miles. upon the Ottawa and the French rivers while does dyspepsia or imligestion, caused by hail oveasionally it Spreads over a large part a
oomes, Querying the ieo out of the rivers and
1Vle.n the timber men sot oat they bid their sturdy arms handled paddle or Oar :— cooking, impair the Working eapaeity of the the trunk or limb. There iH hardly any
streams, making the way clear for the drivers,
wives and sweethearts gootlby till after the Le filo an nil s'en VA ehassant, Wrote a Telegram and How people of the United States and diminish part of the body which it may not attack.
.rains of the next eprmg. En mutant ma bettle, Then everrman except those who lutve to How a Woman
It Went, their product 1 Can live cents' worth per 11 le not committee. The diseese they re.
Avec son grand fusil d'argent take home theeteams sizes his " peevy," a
Their clothing is mostly made of heavy Reale mutant Ma b01110 milling ; pole with an iron pike in the end, and a ditty be Boxed 1 le not that a smrs, insulli• Belt from a condition of the bodyes-from
cloth woven on hand looms by their wives, En mutant Ina boule roulent, " I want to send a telegram to my hes. chnit ineas111.0 Of the fillforenco br tweet; (1 constitutional debility, or temporary de.
" scant doe arrangement. band," said an excited young woman, who pow! wasteful (took and a good, econoilliCal raligement of the nervous or digeStive
000011008, and sisters, their socks are as 11007 Ell roulant rim bottle.
as woollen threads can make them and their These chasseurs end woodsmen wIS milk STIMASI. ill sing came hurrying into a telegeaph ofiiee the one ? If live cents a day can be seved on organs, ta eyen from unsuitable et. instali•
" iarrigens " keep the feet warm in thee:Ad- no 3.1001' S011gl. The older the song and tho The first duty is tO get the logs into tho other meaning. food 11110 fuel, while at the sitillu me tithat cient feed, or it may have an external
-est Weather. Their blankets are !heavy se tune the better they like it, stream, which iS done by feeding them at " Very well," replied the operator in at- which is bought and cookeelmaybe converted exciting cause—cold er heat in excites, in -
:horse eugs and their fecal is strong but '13111 SINT/S, the brow, when they go, thousands of them, tendance. " There are some blenice, and. of into more eutritious mud appetieiug food, the solicited elothing, or garments that irritate
with a plunge into the foaming stream. In 14 ceuree the briefer it is the less it will uost to difference in each community of 11,000 people the skin. 'elie treatment must be first obit.
"wholesome. Macy of the lumbeemen along the Ottawa short space ef time there is not a log that is send it."
Pork is brought there in barrels andthere would be $1011,000 0 year, or about nine per ecteil against that which eanses the contlitien
,,,s.„.0 and on the Quebec streams etre Meths That not in the stream, bulging, rolling and tum. " Oh, Tinton, that,' she replied., and then cent, of the total product of the typind con.- a whiuh t110 OCZelltO is only a symptom. At
is abundance of its Sometimes they .1
is to Say, their ancesture, who were elms- bliug onward over level stretches and head- she wrote :
an unopened barrel of it after them when
stens, roving the northern part of the contin- long down roaring falls. There is little DEAR Gnonun--I've something too dread. enmity, whieli we: hen; assumed to Ite the eamt• time careful kind treatment will let
they come out in the spring, and the huegry 11,200,000 a year in groee. When the necessary. But no general thee:alone eau be
ent from the groat lakes to the shores of difficulty in stream driving if there is plenty fel to tell you, but please don't g 2t exulted, atteuteon of the labor refte•mer itt brought giVeli silited to so Vari
?ware prowling about in the early summer able a disease, L A
Hudson Bay not finding white women of water. Now and again a log will get for it can't lie helped now, and baby and down Sewn grand schemes for altering the skilled vivid:Attu should have charge of the
will somethaes scent ont the prize and knock '
enough among the habitants, often married
the head into the barrel by striking it with ashore, but the "sacker" comes along with I are perfectly safe. I don't know tout cook whole conetitution of society, by act of Con.
squaws. A noted French baron set them his "peevy" and sets it adrift again. sus she don't know, and none of us eau ac- case.
their paws. gress or of the State Legislature, to the
this example. 'The Metis is hettyy Limed There may be Inc. or three operators count for it, but the house caught lire lest
InIII,1)IN0 sHANTIES AND 0,1011110. and is duller than ti. pure Frenchman, but he along the same stream, no the logs of each night and burned to the grouucl. Just think stmple question of how each perste), each
The place seleeted 101' operations by those is skillful in the woods. The French anti bear a mark by which they can be assorted of it I 1S11d you ever hear of anything so family, or each community may better itself Deathof English Kings,
brawny fellowsis often a piece of primeval Metes are all Roman Catholics, and as they when they reach the boom. perfootly dreadful in all your life 1 I am under existing conditions, great Progress 1Villiam the First got a. bruise from hi,
forest allowing no siguthat man hasever 'teen go te the woods before Clo;istmas end stay But the floty of waters is not always half wild over it. 111(1 please keep cern, will have been made in solving ttli the prob.
lente which are now pending.-- [Edward A random shot arrow made Rufus 14 COMO',
there before. The trees,which ere spruee,pine, there till lifter Easter, a, priest, well used to sufficient and the loge ground in hundreds dear. Baby and 1 ma safe and moet of the
lifireli maple or beech, grew cleanly from the the woods, visits them in their shanties, in the shallow parts of the strewn. This is things are saved, and you mustn't think of Atkiuson in the Auril "Forum," Henry the Clever en fish too well fed ;
ground. to a height of twenty or thirty or hears their confessions and gives them the the most laborious time for the drivers anything but how much worse it might have ---- Stephen of Blois tiled quietly in bed;
1 I miry the Second of grief broke his heata;
forty feet, and horses with bob sleds 0011sacrament. They must be kept floating while it is poesi. been, What if baby had been burned 1 Olt, How.and When to DrCo
ink Water, eur tie Leon got kill -ed by it dart ;
"2310V0 about easily. But winter and sum- It is hapressive in the gray dawn of a ble to float them, else the winter's work will George ! don't it make you eleulder to think John by the fever, and nobody sighed;
*ler 'those giant evergreeue retain their Winter's morning to see the preast with arms have been ail for !naught. When the waters of it ? But the dear little darling iS perfect- Ancording to Dr, Leuf, when venter is
boughs, and these areso thick that the rays outstretched before the rude altar, the fk
all very W the logs stop and are then sold
•of the stm can hardle struggle through candles revealing the reverential faces of to be "hung up." If the weather should be- ly safe, and of course we went right straight 1,110011into t he full or partlyjull stomach, it Henry of Winchester naturay died ;
Edward the First died marching to tight I
them. You hear only tlie whirring of grouse, those hardy men. to manures's and you can't think how fright. does not mingle with the food, as we, are
Edward the Second was murdered at night ;
along quickly between
come very warm and bring intieh water from oiled she was until 1311e know WO were safe, taught, ha passes
the " cheep, cheep" of pays or the crying of They come to his feet meekly as children the melting 5110W ill tho woods off they float The warrior &Ward passed calmly away ;
And I know just how shocked you'll be, you the food and lesser cure:Alva toward the „„ „
acoarti, ucposed, was starved out bf tile
the saw -whet if there is a storm at hand. confessing their sins, and with the simple again or another rainstorm sets them
But the report of a minor the shout of tionan fttith of children kneel, towel in hand, as poor, dear boy, but as beby and I itee safe pylorus, through which it passes into the
jogging. you oughtn't to mind anything else. I can't intestines. 'Phe seeretion of mucus by the way ;
Henry the Fourth died of fits,to excess;
L will rouse a tumult of echoes everywhere in they receive the consecrated wafer. Of The distance to he driven is soinetimes not imagine how the fire started. Can you? Do lining membrane is constant, and during the
Henry the Fifth in the 310011 of SUOCCKS 1
• the wood. course the good priest usually leaves the less than a hundred miles, and for days and
Arrivedat theirdestinationthemen at once wilderness with his tvallet well lined. weeks the drivers may not know what it you suppose 801110 one eat the house on fire? night a considerable amount aocumulates in
some of its liquid portion ie
Oh, WS too dreadfUl tO think Of. Come right the stomaell
Henry the Sixth died of grief In the tower;
- set to work. to build two shanties, one for The men sleep late in the camps on Sun- is to have to roof over them, A boat hOme.
weenie absorbed, and that which reelable is thick 'Twits lust brought Edward the Fourth his
themselves and another for their horses, Logs day, except the teamsters. But when theylast hour;
follows them -with food. Their skill is P. S. —Remember that baby and I are and tenacious. If food is taken into the
are cut and notched at the end, then dove. do arise there are a score of things to be at the highest when "riding" the logs, safe. M. stomaoh when in this condition it becomes Edward the Fifth in the tower too was
; tailed together, forming when put together done. Some wash their shirts and socks One Man can manage a large number by " There," she said, as she handed the coted with 11,18 11100008, and the secretion
delayed. By Richard the Third, slaiultat Bosworth
quadrangular enclosure. On the top and and others seat themselves darning, sewing killed,
jumping front one to the other with his pike seven blanks she had written to the opera- of the gastric juice and its action are
, Tanning parallel from end to end are two tears in their clothes or putting on buttons. pOle an his hand. He has iron spikes in his tor, " I suppose it nitwit ee eoneensed a These facts show the Vallie of a goblet of
, eierge timbers placed several feet from the The -washed ()lathes are hung up outside till boots, which are necessary in ;mite! to stand a little." water before breakfast. This washes out Henry the Seventh owed death to the gout ;
Disorders untold put Ids namesake to rout ;
. ',oentre. The roof rests along theec and on they freeze, and then they are taken in and field ;
Len the log. Sometimes the logstrilzes a rock " Yes, I think it might," be replied, as he the tonacious mucous, and stimulates thu
the walls. One wall is higher than the hunae np 011 linesin the shanty'and begme to turn. Here the unskilled took a fresh blank and wrote; gastric glands to secretion. In old and Edward the Sixth died a natural death;
ether, and the roof pieces, each of which is Others set out with guns 1310000 hunting, Mary in quietness exhaled her last breath;
driver will go into the stream, but the expert Our house burned to the ground last night, feeble persons water should not be taken
hollowed out, are fitted togotlier concavely some set traps for beaver or martens and will spring up fella) the log, again strike it All safe. Come home. Katie, cold, but it may be with great advanQueen Bess closed in anguish an ill-spenttage
and eouvexly. They project beyond the some lay snares for rabbits. In the after- with his feet and So on till the stick .stops taken warm or hot This removal of the reign;
wall oft the lower side and carry off the noon the concertina and the fiddle are turning. mammulated Mucous from the stomach is Scotch James the First passed away without
• pain;
seater, brought ont, and then you will see enure of I have often seen a men cross a stream, He Dame Out a Winner, probably pne of the mesons why taking soup
The First King Charles died u der the
Is the middle of the old-fashioned shanty men dancing 00 the solid floor, where to fall in would he exceedingly at the beginning of it meal has been found so
A COUple of old salts met atter a long ab
1)011636ml knife;
'.:..5 the ileeplase, built of stone eull capable of dangerous, on a log, anti I have IltWOr 800/1 Bence and the folio wing an Matted conversation
-- Charles, his son, passed off without strife;
his throne ;
col:aims/erne oe "OANIX-1,
holding nearly a ;era of wood. There 10 no him lose hie balance. Should he got into the His scuond son, Jam esdied all exile from
• elainmey, but ft hole iu the reof with a .A. gang consists of forty to fifty men as a
water he must wino to the end of the log to (melted:
Diseases From a Book.
;wooden frameirork outside draws the smoke. rule, and about four men are allowed te each , . . . .
it by the middle it A —" Well, old 111511, hOw 010 31011 getting
on'!" William th0 Third broke his right collar.
'The Bestir are stuffed With moss or hay, and i te;un of horses One of those is the driver,' "
t us round and roUnd, and. he never can get In 11340, a boy ttf eight years, the brother
B—"First rate; I have taken a Wie."
tlto rude dwelling is quite emnfortable. The , tinother chops clown the trees, another ie
uplon it, .. ,,. ,., .
It 0" "Sam, for seizing .,
of the narrator's wife, WIOI taken clown with
Queen Ann very suddenly went to her thmin;
,,,,,, 1 io in ;mid" around ems can eee tee 1 " sled tender," that is to say, he rolls the A—" A very sensible idea."
scarlet fever and died. Once of the principal
Apopleetieal tits sent king George to the
he tit IN in 50110011 US One of much interest 11- -" Not a bit of it; she's a regular Tar -
stars though the dreat opening above. log out of the snow to Avhere the team can . "
In the Comedian provinces, and the period amusements of his illness haa been looking
reach it, and helps the driver te put it on tar !"
over ti large picture book. After his death
King George the Second turned out in rage,
Two huge cranes are heed at each side of lasts through the wet weather of the spring. A.—"Then I'm sorry for you, mate."
the sleds ; the fourth is the " ewemper," or this, with several other useful playthings,
-the fireplace upon NVhiCil tile cook can hang , AT IMF. 000M. His long.reigned successor slipped off in old
B—"There's no neea; she brought. me a
his differentepots. A capable cook is about . num who in Is
a....ee the roads for tile teitill. When the logs reach the main river lilc was peeked away in a trunk. '1'wenty-six
as : He is obliged to fill dangerous holeslarge vessel as her marriage portion,"
The Yol•uctti King George and William, his
the best paid man in the camp, getting the St. John, the Mirinnichi or the Osttiter: ears later, in 1872, the sister -is -law al the
- ' h $30 ' month.Ho hag a "eookee ' to and out trees out of the way. At an they can care for themselves:m(1 float leisure. all e l
A—"Then you made a good bargain after Y
editor took this trunk with her on a journey
assist him. And these sturdy wood chop. i ordinary haul, of say a mile, one axe eail
ly down till intercepted by the booms placed which she Made to Engltind, where he Wee
With an osseous heart loft thia life for an.
keep a iman of horses going. Twenty logs B—" Nothing to boast of, I can tell you;
vers put windows in their eude theellings, 1 at some desirable spot Here are 501115 the ship turned. out a worthless old tinder then residing. The trenk was opened the
and it is a cheerful sight for the! trapper on ef from thirteen to fourteen inches in dia.. , hundreds nf thousands of logs, con- second day after its arrival, and the pieture
'Victoria reigns, so geed and so wise,
a frosty night as he trudges through the! meter at the butt and from ten to thirteen
tributed by half a hundredstroants and or:Table hoe "
book was taken out and presented to the
And she'll be greatly missed whenever she
inches at the top would be a heavy dny's . .11.—" Then I'm sorry I spoke."
! forest; to see the ruddy light stt•etuning out ; of yielding millions upon millions of foot of editor's two-year-old son, During the next
13—"Bah! you can speak as mueh as you
—[Londen Notes aud Qiieries.
fortnight the little follow was attacked by
upon the snow and see the apaeks and smoke work for one chopper. boards, et:waling and deals. The logs like I The old tub WaS well insured and
scarlet foyer. It was &wonder to the doctor»
ascend into the clear bitter am, There is usually a foreman or reprenenta- r ,e gathered together in the booms.
tive of the employer present, and is directs went down on her first voyage."
TUB 000K. 8 MIMS. 1 l'1.10 these booms come hundreds of mon who were called in eonsultation how the
the choppers and keeps a general super. , A "e3o you get; the pull there, anyhow?"
disease had been contracted, as there had
.As 1 have said, the cook is about the most each with a poevy ot pike pole, picking out
The Evil Habit of Kissing.
vision over the Operations. 11—"Net SO 11111011, Mate; I only got five
a been no scarlet fever in the town for years
and puttiog together all the logs of like
Itt is said that the nursing sisterhood at St
important man in the camp. But he has to I noon to men ga let to some spot t
1 At 0 0 • thousands dollars outof the job as myshare,
At last it occurred to the editor that the
. • ki e; Aft WS '61 don raftin 00111.,
Vincent, in France, have not suffered. front
i g 1 ' ! where a Me has been lighted and sit, down n n , had " picture hook might have transmitted the
the wintry stars begin to pale in the dawn 1 0 OeS, and in auo time the logs arc taken
the influenea, owing to certain sago rules of
to lunch, The knell is brought out in the 13 —" Too bad 1 Nothing of the tort 1
disonse, and the medical leen in attendance,
to get breakfast. If the shanty is Within away to their respective Mils, whore the
the founder, lie discouraged asceticism,
1 1 1 I I • II/ ,
y Wife was on boarcl and wont down with the
on being told' the facts connected. with it,
Teasonable distance of elvilization he Will ate sawed and prepared for market.
enjoined warm elothes and envy reasonable
should reword
the eoOlcee brings it out: It consists of agreed that it llad rotatnecl the poison fel
have such delic,acies now and egain as fresh broad and bathe and cold pork but many A WORD DV WATININO.
beef and potatoes, whish he cooks in aline, But let !no say now for my last words on. rest,"
twenty-six years and communicateda to the comfort, because the sisters
themselves es fighting against the eon
of the choppers tortst tho pork' before the Omit Of Ictental Delusions.
r widehotteined pot. His pans, drinking fire wh' !h I al ! 't ! I tabl
it 1 ley say in c‘s i mole pa a, e, this subject that unleee the general govern. ohild.—ilioston Post.
pie noiples which cause suffering in the world
I basins, pots and kettles have all been clean. 1 ' / ment of Canada, and the provincial govern. Mind•Oure Doctor—The prisoner, your —
and the combat with which needs bodily
od in hot water before he retires at night, Tun "BROW," monis as well, take active MOMS 1:0 preserve i Honor, ordered Inc out of the house, :and
strength, They Omit in good beds front 0 at
; and. everybhiug is ready at his hand hi the their thither lands from free and riltklOSS 1)00\410 .f did not go quickly enough to suit Typhoid rarer.
nioht te 5 in the nionnug, had pod, elle-
Alllumbering operations areconduetednear .
', morning. . steipping it will not be p),:aible twenty , him,, he kicked tne, inflicting upon me ex.
needed that nothing iS nig
diet, were free from care unless te
' I the benks of Et stream These streams are a, It is generally co
Some time before breakfaat is ready the
feetlere of inc)lti.i•ge 1.1 \Tr like the 'Ottawa ,7 .. f ; ft , a i lien to write an , oreendan , in
0 uo Weir ,euty, and wore !not to seltite
teamsters get up and feed their horses, which the St. John, the !testi oliehe or tit ', artiele on logging in (knacks that would be ; His Honor—Prieoner cub the bar, have you more discreditable to the civilization of the , , , ,
nineteenth cent tolp ttlner
any one by the way when outside
are provided with a warm shanty. The mi„snifebi. As ,,.s , g
WI logo are cut toe): aro ,
( c worth half e column of Space.' , anything to say in your defames?
of the oenVent nu their errands of
,meal is liastiky made, tin! 111011 light their ' kiek typhoid fever. 'P 1 1 1 fet'vheer leicIttiliciileet!
hauled on bobsleds to the sido of the river, q i Prisoztee---Yes, your Honor; didn't
mercy. Salutations in cold weather were,
!pipes, shoulder their axes, and felh»ved by bus atmosphere, it never arises de novo, 'Ile
00, its it is called, the brow, where they arc Within the. past tow (1.17y1.1 tWo--poWeri have Min, I merely pointed within), font thoway1
disettee, in .01.(101' of their fr said the reverend inothee, one of the
the totansters leed the way to the chopping- Truson t cm to
heaped lip to nevait the opening of the idretun . d g t' the ne Republic of I wanted him togo, 'Ile pain he speaks of 0°11808 of the
queney, ere as followsi First, infected Water; 'Meet fertile sources of throat and pub
wound. Usually there ate a couple of guns
of time and took
Ono men called a " land tender" 13 '''''21' eX .(9) " . I'
ra'r'-'41.7 he Ulan States A was all linaginaey: Indeed, the complainant
mouary disease, In flue weather they
211 the party, and these woOdsmen arc tolor. !" '1" resolution ot the :senate run; es follows : told iny wire that very day that what we ,'f"°V1' Init,ecitil Ilk 1. thh;d,f.. Pire, "tPdf hie 1
. is 1 I . 1 • •
.ablefiliots, Sometimes animate i$ killed mut The f.1,00s 00, __
' "That tho Unite,' States of Alliellea ciongra- tall pain is a, mental delusion,
'meat Dr, Edson atates that with th the nand 1 voni the objeet on which
D and hauled to this brow were a oust, of loss
,banded over to the eoolt, who makes it into
9iMipriSe Sprilee and pine, lett if the gang „'„
tell tes the eople ef Brazil on their just and His Amor—And yott ;naive him?
!observations of the ordinary obvious precau. it should be set, Th, oll„fgt,pt sivs
I glad to note the 011814110A Ull the
the most savory of dishes. Frequently a
s engaged at square timber it will also ""4""
ar• •ft 1 essi)miption of the powers, dutiee, 1 Prisonere-Yet, your Honor.
tione su gested by these conclusionsf tho 11
.g000 sportsman will go out and got BiX 10 1 0., I... 1. el s i. 3 g
habit of kissing, a habit in whieh women
birch anti beech, 11, ti
flity'ci,n,,,,, You disease s Ionia not exist.
eight brace of grOnse nr .1 spruce partridge' °Lig ,!'"e° n'aPlc.
No untiound logo are out and none of an ' A cl . 1
011 t110 tree consent a the 00Verninelit lulu illt0 1,10 county trails
indulge in 0 peefectly eenselese matins
as tho woodsmen cell them, a101 these the
undersize. lly not destroying the send f f , a
i. en their recent, adoption of a Republican vron't tided it. The pain of paetig with
cook pinch% cleans, hangs foe a fow days end t
roes, which hardlyymy to out, the groun,1 orm o eon; tunent," Ilow that the ice is one's money is only a matter of bnagmation, Tho Domestio Doctor.
* ,
' Well Acquainted with Hiram.
thou sums with onions awl sitvory--for if he 111711c:flea iwt Is probable that the other civilized you know,
041 ./30 Ftg9,111 Olt t m er in front eight to tali
young gn sal sa
Por a cough, roast a lemon without burn.
in a thoughtful Oa, f h.: will have crane pro. atm ea y t Me 10 co.anip e 0 , in • ' ,
ytalis,. ,!it soole.ot the lumber. regions there iti i ' ing, and Irlien hot enough cubit mid squeeze ,esee ukase ;. said the • ,I 1 1
vided with the two latter thing. --the erenet tee American t•epublice. Perhaps the notion thing 1
I cannot m your wife. We are too oinn.
deltr0 111 the Shantie out the iniee whioh can be sweetened to ;; ` ' i '
iroto the inviting ewes phi eg en the ttie and 'IV! ' clv ',:'•"!'"'t -Li 4 g • . .
w ion tice rani are eating them in the ..0
' of the United Stave is the roost expedient Ibis Hottor—Olt, you have the pleaeure of
,Oompatible 1" he exclaimed, "Ien't that
.. adolighting the netttrile of the hungry men tte '
. spring, for to many a huntsmen or trapper •
u der the eliounistanees though their be imaginiftg that the fifty dolhas comes to yott beet°. Dose, it t essertspoonfu when a cough
- ' 1 1 patible,"
. they return from work. • 1..., . --m-• -1•1 .4nnty boen a voilsend on
minty in all lends who, tifilese exculpating Pleasure as well as pain, I presume, is Windy , hi treuhle'icon".
! The Finglish speaking woodo,..ei, get puttee . . • '
bitter nights), faida zth.ilbo trwi,,lit t,o liv111„ will not Lime a delusion. .
'Up to the fiftoeiith year meet young yeo. the very reason why.-.."
. plc require ton hours' sleep, and mull the "Hot in our 01180. I should probably .in.
L "grub" then the 'Preneh Canadians, if they In regard the action of thoie who instigateel,,
uta year nine 1101115, After ilea age shit front motiees of 0001101031 on diepeneing
StIrke.,VITIONS 01." VIE WOonsl.
are working on the conii,vi of Maine they the revolution es at once ungrateful end un• 1 11 To vino violins " doesn't al nap Come Wen 4LI
get luscions beans, and those hove plenty of There is no place more fruitful of super. just to the aged ruler who had devoted Millie nut right mm
t Soa en lie dw
rtad,:ully hen fouls
everyone out hsv nin
oeh 'tits .1' e re. WW1 a summit anti doing my housework, tua
abter d somotimeg beef, Ilut the great lithm iuand Days of the supernatural titan to aJolting to promote kis country's goed, they ars drunk, quires, though as a general rule, at least nix you rould probably let ine do itairatti."