HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-3-7, Page 4d► THE BktUSSELS POST New Advertisements, Local—Geo. Thomson, New Store --E. Rogers, Spring Goode -•A. R. Smith L;ynor Lioensew-- J. R Mi.lpr. Auction Sala --T, er W. Morphy. Spring Goods—Scarff s. Ferguson:neon, harm to Rent Dunoan MoLnue hlin. Autfitors' Report --Township of Morris. A.irnniatratoi''s Notioe—R. L. Taylor. Conservative Convention, --,I. J. Den - roan. 6 -be I►irusseis ;lost. The world's felr hes ceased to be a topics of conversation on the floor of the House, Most of the membere seemed rather weeriedof the subject. The gon• erel diepoeition ie to regard the decision it thn Holsc as final, W101011 eppeeligg to the Senate to change ft, The idea on the Senate side is that the verdict of the HMO ill be accepted ai d the billwill Towoehfp Connell will be held on Fri- day of thio week et Ethel, Wm, Mitchell jr. and John Book, tow. yore, "f 'Logan township, have . gone to Seettlo, in the State of Washington, U. S., to look for employment there, Srttruel .Brown, who reoentry sold Ills 100 aore term, lot eon. l;lma, to 1111000 t John Greyfar 6,000 hes m•ohaxad the 8 p t odor bo passed with Chicago ea the Dire. Armstrong (arm on the Orey boundary Local Legislature. Mr Gibson (Huron) spoke from the etendpoint of a man who was it total eh. jstainer for fifty yeas. Ile was quite oertain that a greet set back would be given to temperance be giving county councils the power to appoint License Commissioners. He was stttiefied the 111•esent temperitee0 sentiment wits to be att.. ed te the L'ro'•Is'e Att. If tit re is a violatio4 or the haw now it is done on the sly, -hawing that it is discreditable. It should be considered dist county councils have not the executive authority to carry out these Acts 'poseessed by the P•oviuoial Legielattire. That itself would he an objection to the pa posal ovule by Mr. Meredith. '1'he whsle Conservative party is responsible for the passage' f the McCarthy License Law, and it would not de for hon ertlemeu nppn it. to dis- claim a11v contectietl with the reaeone actnatfne the effort pat fo th to (laprfve ' the Provinces of the right to control the liquor truffle with reap-ot to license rem. mi•aionera It was not claimed that they were '111 porfeut, but knowing as he (Dir. Giusou) nisi the lfeeil00 eotnmissior• ere of live onuuties, ha was bound to say that no charge could be brought againet ' them of wrmng•doing. The law was im. l''X.UD.4Y, 3fiulcur 7, 1800. I Ton Orange Incorporation 8111 nnsved Its third reading on Monday, the vete standing 80 to (11. Dr. !Macdonald, of lust Huron, voted for the metsure. An amendment to do away with party p•o- cessions by lir. Curr,n was v'.ted down as well as an amendment to give the tali a sit mouths' hoist. We. regret 11' hear of the ineiepositese of A. II. Muecrove, of Whirechurch, who AVMS the nominee of the Enid Huron Con- servative Convention. The trouble is an eulaegement of the moon: mem• brine of the throat and it, of course, in- eapnciteteshim from public speaking. Mr. Musgrove is both a clever and popu her young man and we hops the treat meat he is receiving from a specialist fe Toronto witl•produce favorable results. A Convention will be he'd on Friday, lith inst., in Brussels, to arrange for another candidate. Washington Letter. t Prnm our Itegular Correspondent.) WAwitneestl, Feb. 28, '90, Under the new set of rules adopted by the Senate Wednesday regarding the press gallery, the uewapaper man will be asked out of his den b•• hind the gallery whenever the Senate thinks a dark Jantorn seerion i. the proper thing. Heretofore it was regarded as sufficient to shut and lock the two door» %limb separate the rear of th:- press gallery and the press lobby, where the workers do moat of their writing. What the Senate expects to pant by this change 110 one seem}, to know. Report, re are generally not dull of bealit'g, but it was never charged that one of them could hear through four feet of solid wall or catoli the eaves of sound which might float through two heavy d ors. In the future the Senate wing will be emptied Of all save Senaors and Ousted employees, so that it will be impossible for the anxious newsp=•per men to attack Senators as they go in and out of the chamber. This oust do was a very embarrassing one, for it laid Senators open to suspicion that they were giving something away which should be kept secret. Now the reporters and correspondents will have to call et the Senatorial homes—as many of them have done for years—and there in the privacy of an inner room receive the executive information often so freely given. Seated in s big wicker chair a1 the Arlington last eveoilrit, Hon B.F. donee, who in 186.1 was chairman of t e N'rtiou• •al Republican executive committee, puff. •ed µ fragrant Havanna and touched a little on politics. "If President Barri. eon had been preceded by a Republican," rennuked Mr. Jones, "his task world now be a comparatively easy one, but be emitted giro eatiefaotion to alt the office se,,kere, at once any more beau 811' Glave. land could in 1885. So far a• the next campaign is concerned there is no mar. in the Demootatic party who can ever rank with Dur. Cleveland, and he wil, undoubtedly be the nominee of hie party 151 1892. All that will be necessary for the Republicsne to win again is to etand up to their protective principled, and 'Cleveland will be defeated as easily a. 'Inc was iu 1888. His platform had been repeatedly proclaimed, and it wi,l again Abe an issue between protection and free :trade. It is a little early to talk Strout the Republican nominee, but there is an .abundauue of gond and available timber .,in the old party yet. Speaker Reed has .proved himself to be the pessessar of grit, which is a very desirab a quality iu e leader, and bis spank and back -bone .commend him favorably to all bravo, fe,rrless men." Vice President Morton ie one of the •moot unostentatious men at the Capitol, .and y t he is prosing tinily to be one of the , est presiding officers who ever wield. ed the Pavel in the United States Satiate. Heated in the Senate Lunch -room 'ester. day with Senator Gorman be was din - lousing bis proposed trip to Florida. All around the gentlemen moved were bun• gry statesmen, some of them dining on terrapin, weshed down with champagne, white others indulged in more substanti- al food. Some curiosity wee manifested to tee what the Vies President wound take for his luncheon, and some of the et•icureeprerent were visibly shocked at what was set before him, 1t proved to b'• a cold piekeled pig's foot, and for a bet merge the Preeideirt of the Senate took a b..ttle of beer. This simple repast seemed to please him, and despite the foot that while he was enjoying it he was engaged in a conversation regarding the famous Ponce as Loon Hotel et Saint Augustine, Florida, A greater contrast cannot be imagined than le presented itt the vehicles used by Speaker Recti, of the house of Repro. eeetativee and Sorgeant at.Arms Cann. day, of the Monate, Every rooming about ton o'c;ockt a haneom cab stands in Poet of the Shoreham, and the driver is 1111 expcotation until the big framed, good not tired Mein repreeftO11 livo netee0 Isis appearance. There is nob m Itch room left in tido vehicle after he deposits in it his 225 p0tlntle of humanity, And 1 he duet. 'iee; direction to le fs)nBl l� L r b 0 taken to the Capitol. Colonel Gormley is 1l,o piund po come of a high etepl ung, mettlesome bay roaih;toe, which- he drives himaclf to a Into top buggy, and the outfit tonally etti lots considerable ddre:tion Reit tlin appr,rnlitly redklass ,nnnnel•;n tnir',t the Nestle (,taeliuian leieter tlrvn; nil,. s r•riv IIt, r-,mt4tr of the 1, t 1 r r 11 lerlir ie ltoldn 11p 1'11,1)01r4, „r , ,iia fn( 0 tory diffrreet replete/en fermi that of Spotter Ref d, an he le nts upon 95111:. t telae.,, teeter t, teeth's!. two•:11,4'1'1'. end is removing to 1.. Mrs. John MAaggert, of the 10th con., has been very ill lately, and eho Is still very weak, not having recovered from the effects of la grippe whioh was the r • o llnes prima r crus of her s, Donald MoLauohlin his daughter, Mise B.•ila. and eon Thomas Miss McNabb, of Moll;illop, and R. Openers left Brnseide for the West lost Tuesday. They pur chased their ticket, from T. Fletcher, Bruesees. Mise Maggie 1I °Nair, of Toronto, whose parents reside on th 16th cone of this township, lure been very seriously ill late ly, but we hear she is getting bettor, and will robably soon rogahi her mai go d hotetb and spirit. The debate At 0hine's school houeo Iasi Pride} evening was decided in favor of "Annexation " It aryl ono of the best debates of the year and was very olose as to points. IT. M,Paddon pre. steel as chairmen. Edward, the 3.year•old sun of Peter McNeil, of the 14th con has been for ammo few weeks past very ill with Le grippe and bronohito , his parents fear- ing at one time last week that he wonld not recover, but lately ho nem to he a little better. Last Friday Mrs, Robe Cow, 3rd eon„ died after a comparatively brief illness, pernauyaanul:teserr,a. leaving en infant .rely a few weeks o'd. •• Mr. Gibson presented the 22nd The body was taken to the 4t. Paul's amine' report of the inspector on jells, pri nus end relortnatories for the year ending Sept. 30, 1889. Theinspector is entitled to observe that while there hes ` heel; a alight increase in the number of commitments to jail of adel, males there has been a n arked decreltse in the num- ber of f••malee and boys committed, The commitments for 1888.9 were : Men over 15 years, 10,060 and 10,649 ; boys ander 15, 551 er..1 451 ; vnmen over 16, 1778 and 1685 ; yids under 10, 65 and 46 ; total 12,454 and 12,531, shoving an iu• crease of 77 commitments as compared with 1888. The commitments for the crime of murder were 31 as compared with 37 in 1888, ane drunk and disorder - lies 4,777 a- compared with 4,451 in 1888 en increase of 325. Of the commit manta 2,906 were acquitted time 1,066 discharged by order of judges or magistrate.; 6,260 gave their natiourelity as Canadian, 2,142 English, 2,370 Irish, 644 Scotch. 840 nAtives of the United etotes ; 4,544 were Boman Catho ics ; Church of England 3,876, Presbyterian 1,010, Melodist 1,- 082 ; total 7,108. t ]:t tearllrt It ri t•%. Mr. Corbett, of Clinton, has entered suit againatthe meanie claiming a year's salary, as assessor. John Jeffrey, manager of the Poisons' Iron works, died at Owen S 'end Tee.. day, after a short illness, of congestion of the lungs. ,tae. Merton, the colored hay who s ebbed Davis last week, was Tuesday, at Owen Sound, s ntenoed to one year in the Centra Prison. There were turned out at the Doherty organ factory, last week, 50 completed organs, being one '•rgan 'fur every work. ing hour of the week. Thos. Donating, who pleaded guilty to placing obstruction» on the M. 0, R. track, was sentenced by Jae. Robb, County Judge of Norfolk, at Waterford, Tuesday afternoon, to five years in Eingeton Penitentiary. A petition ie in oirnuletion in Goderinh township, to be p'seonted to the council at ite next mestine, asking, that no tax collector be appointed for this year, but iur.tead, the taxes be made payable at the treaeurer'e office. It is being very gen. eraily signed. On 11icFerlane's Lake, about ten miles north of Luoknow, fu Ilielose townshi p, two young men, named Murray and Hetherington. were removing snow pre. peratory to cutting•ice, wiien they fell into a hole left by some prior les -nutters. Hetherington was drowned. The body was recovered. James Tovell, who has been visiting friends in Walkerton recently, having oo- (m.ion to go to Wingham on business, when on entering the hotel he noticed rine of his feet feeling damp, and on takine off hie shoe he discovered that his foot was all covered with bio'rd. A dootor nos summoned, the foot bandaged and he'nforrind Mr. Tovell that had he gone to bed and to Bleep be would probably have bled to death before morning. He lost about a quart of blood before it could bo stopped. There was no wound on the foot, which makes the 005140111 all the more eiugular. A tonrhmg epiaode oconrred on the ex. press on the Port Dover railway the other morning at Iisnever. A young man and woman got on, The women, when they were seated, pot her arms around the young man's neck and kissed hfnt. 17e encircled her with his arms and talked to her in endearing terms. Some of the passengers thought they were a newly. married (couple, and made them the butt for great deal of"ridicule. The sondue. tor knew the facts of tbo naso, however, and when he made them known the ridi. oalo was nhauged to sympathy. The girl had her•n driven crazy by trouble. The gentleman was her brother and ;vas taking her to the asylum at London. (It ro'-. Mien Bella Stewart has gone to Mani. thea on a stitch. Adam Lucas is giving up far ming, hie health havingfailed. Robs. Vodeu is preparing to build a 5no barn this slimmer, on lot 28, con, 3. Thee, Baylis has been invited to de. liter an atidrege le fore the Swine Breed- er's Association, which mete in London en the 12th of March. Chief of Pollen Duncan, wife and rieter.in.law left Inc Brandon, M nitoba, this week after a pleasant vielt hero with r, !fifteen mid frlends. l'rof. Wm, Cotte id aekiug for the preccntorship of linos church, Creel brook, promising choir practice if he gets the positieu, ft le not: expected that x sing. 11111 elms will be fr.rinetl in S. It, No, 8, r however, At n meeting in tbr.wheal. 1cct1 n Immdin en :1 et clay evening, -ti, tilt., only o, 1 wear' une"h.01y u,e ui' .., to heel e ll tteatly rer in produce the eependullitee end enter 'mml 0 term with the lit ,ft+,,,d• tide V lt.v" _ burying ground, near Stratfo•d, on Mon. day's noon train. Mr. Carr and nine ohsldreu are left to mourn her demise. Mrs and Mrs. 1'. C. Duncan, of Bran- don, Manitoba, will conclude their visit to their friends in Ontario this week, it being their intention to return to the prairie time on Wednesday, 5th inst. They will be accompanied by Mise Mag- gie Stewart, daughter of John Stewart of the 15th con. On Monday of het week, tomato by the dozen, hauling grain and wood to market, were making good use of the eleiglnng while it lasted, and the sight must have cheered the hearts of the villagers im- mensely. But sleighing seems to be the exception rather than the ruse this phe- nomenally mild winter season, and we have almost ever since been floundering in rend and slush. DIED.—On Thursday of last week Apne-, the eldest deuahtorof ,hlo. '4mith, con. 0, di. d after a brief flumes, in her twelfth year. She had had la grippe but had about recovered when sine was attacked by something after the form of diphtheria which resul ori iu her death. Agnea gave the mostundoubted testimony of lira hope of heaven and expressed her desire of being relieved from pain and go home to her departed mother. The funeral wee en Saturday afternoon. Mr. Smith has both the prayers and syr. pathies of the community in his loss. BABE BALL.— A. match game of base- ball between the boyo attending school in S. S. No. 8 and those in S. S. No 2, was to have been played on the grounds of the former last Friday afternoon, but the affair did not come off although the teams met, and for a very good reason. The No. 2 team, not having the courage to play school agaiuet Bohol], resorted to the expedient of introducing into their ranks, two old veterans whose school. days have vanished forever into the misty past. This scheme being naturally ob. meted to by the boyo of No 8, all of whom are •bona /ide pupils in regular at. tendons, the match was dm:tared off. As it stands now, No, 8 Bent a challenge to No. •2, school etainet school, and No. 2 sent one to No. 8 to play 'motion against section ; .but it is not among the pro- babilities that either will be accepted. Ws; Item. Last Friday evening one of our boys, who hie lately devolopedi mea school teacher, undertook to escort a young lsdv home. Eventing went smoothly u ,til the gate was reached when lot the young lady's bin; brother put in an a ppearanee, It is not nec- essary to add that the escort left suddenly WHOM/A, the customary good night. TEA MnoriNet.—haat Tuesday evening the antenl toa meeting of the Pre•b••toriwa church sinusoid. After a good sappel' was iishensed Nu intereSting program was en. tared 0500 consisting of recitations, read- ings, snowshoe by Rex. H Totes, of Brussels, ;ley. ter. (engrave, of Winthron, 3Aules Smillie and the pastor, (200d maven was soppier' by the Seaforth Presbyterian ohne. , The metoing did not se.de to a close it tial nbenf midnight. The proceode amounted to 681.00. A number of !mune people drove to a friend's house on the 10th 0511.. McKitioo, alt Wednosdvy evening and had a pleasant thno. Among the number were leveed knights of the"birch;' One of the number, while mating seine of his tbrildsag school adventures, became consamns that he wan ulnas a bat. Tbea the eesreh beton, end with the aid OR lantern and a few neigh - hors t11 hat was found about 10 rods away but not before our friend had onnght a eovore cold, CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION. The annual snootiest of the 00rleervn.tive Aesoeistinn of Flash Huron will behold in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Friday March 14111, commencing at 11a.nr, sharp, for the elan• tion of officers and eeleetien of a candidate for the Loon) Legislature, 51r. Mangrove bra- in(: compelled to resign through illness, sfr. (treiqhten M.PP., and n;ditnr of the Empire, will ins pr,sent 1n mamas end mnoting. AS this with hs the 65,1 mooting before the oleos Mon a furl attendance is requested P. KELLY, ,7,J.DENaf3N, President. 84 2 Secretary. IN THE 13unnnnAre COnnT OF TIM COUNTY Dir HURON ADMINISTRATOR'S NOfItF. In the matter of the Estate of M,tnn,nne Dvn rs, Deaeaeed. Pursuant to the provisions of the Revised statutes of Ontario, Oh triter Ila, none° is hereby given that all p0re01ia apving any sisims or dmnrnite ageloet the leetote of MARGARET Dorf, tarn of the Township 01 Oro. , in toe Waal, of EInron, dee rssod, who diem 011 of theta tie 24th day of Math A. 11, Nein, aro, on or before the 21st day of Unroll, A. lt, then, to deliver or send by rest (ore - 1 1.1) to !Whorl. I„ rnylor, et Brussels, Rn• 11 ilex or AVillein, /mho, typo Administrator of the 1,11 deceased, their names, eedeetsee and ((tore pu,me. with fait partic0hus of their alalias. And notice is further given that alta' the mild 27et xray of March, 1000, the tn.i.1 Adnhi 1tater Will proceed 10 rias. tribute the ,,.;o,s among tiro pardons en - (Ailed t,tcreto, burinl regent only to tiro disiuttf whi••l, rntlr, 1,11.» peon rliVolt un 010,0 ,r (i.rr t stir Eire n1d A111,15rtlotr'lttOr lIllli.05 . 1i1, tio,s, id e'.:. 1- or any port 1415 t dittriltited et tOU'e s rid, (11 +1vd sm<Pv . Oho ua (01500 et ,il Not 1rvt1e04 n, tri ti.r,ntimeof11501,Rfs- i.it.rl,u.,, 11013T, L. TAYAoiq r, for Admiu,stuttor. .'tc.i ..i.;,r. iib. Drip , (1, 1. MARCII 7, 1800 E1V STORE! NEW GUUBS! ---AN'D— LOTS F THE A RS. ROGERS begs to an - I' not111ee her intention of opening '150 out shortly in Dry Goods and Groceries in the Store recently cccupied by Mr Willis, next do'r to Mr. Gerry's Hardware :;tore, Brussels. The whole of the Stook will be entire- ly new (a circumstance that has not oc- curred before for many years in Brus- sels) and the prices will be as low as you pay for old goods. The Millinery, Mantle Dress Goods Departments will be very attractive. Our Popular Milliner. MiSS GREEN, is now in the markets buying and hunting up all the very newest styles for the Spring trade. The Ladies of Brussels and vicinity can rest assured our stock will be composed of nothing but love's of Bonnets and Hats. Our Millinery Opening will be announced as soon as the Stock Is Complete. Yours Truly, E. ROGERS. mis ,Arrival of - SPRING 'oo»s, 173OAn FOB SERVICE -- Til], LLQ) ttuderelgucd 111.11 einem} see Zhu thorn•' bred Ilerkabire boor, Sir Robert llruee,' from old Mebambini.'Ph r f n G. 8u i was bra by J, G. Snell.Brn 'Perms, pig to bo ppall tit tune of service with privilege of ru• turning 0 ueeossary. C1iAB. DA rU;B, 551.4 OPAL brook, Private Funds to Loan. $20,000 Have been placed in my hands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. No Commission. Borrowers 0mu have loans com- pleted in Three Days if title satisfactory. W. M. SINCLAII1, Solirilor, Brussels. PHOTOS TINTYPES' 4...F ser • e5.0 • Cosset-. Al, Worn front the Smallest to 1.12'0 slep done 110 n 11rat.eh,sx manner, of Ncnldenere, lite., 115 Iteaeotleble urates. W. J. Fairfield. 1} NONE/ TO LOAN. Any Amount, of looney to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required.. Apply to A. Hunter, Division ('olt1't ('lark, Brussels. DP PFULUP S OS TC'=ZON'TO, 2 fa.t art Of leo In Cady's Block, 8eafortli Where he eon be Consulted on all Chronic Diseases 0f is All Sores. Cansomptioh. Asthma and Catarrh treated successfully by Inbulatiou of Medi- ated Vapors, the only rational treatment for those diseases NERVOUS CESILITY and all diseases of the Urinary Organs nest. Healy cured in asliort time. oallor Address 51•tf DIt. PIII4LIPS, 3EAPOSTn MEAT MARKET, MAIN STREET, - BRUSSELS, ,* AMP ; CVHM ;110111/311 Fresh and a. Salt 41.111K of the beat quill Ily alwayson Maud undde•/••.' livered to any part of the. St liege Free or Charge. TERMS VERY FAVORABLE Feet Co ti to Wanted For which the highest market pries will be paid. I also make a aped Ity of buying Hideo and Akins. Don't forget the place, next door to Fletoher's Jewel- ry Store, A. CURRIE. 0 NNW • r PAINE'S 1 CELERY CO1�IP.OU,ND Keep Your Eyes on this Space Next Week. 0 FEkGJ8tJh �dA"3 L ANAGERS . V AY7 4 k. ACTS AT THE SAME TIM[ QN THE NERVES, THE LIVER, THE BOWELS, andthe KIDNEYS This combined action gives it won- derful power to core All diseases. Why Are We Siek ? Because we nlloty the nerves to remain weakened and irritated, and these great organs to become clogged or torpid, end poisonous humors are therefore forced into the blood that should be expellee naturally, arm's CELERY COMPOUND WILL CURE 0 08 R DTLI V SN S PILES CONSTIPATION,Tt>atrxY ooM: FLAINTS, U151NA15Y 1)1500008, R14MA1.1 wetamnss,d1IIEUMA. TI8)1, NEURALGIA, AND ALL 1(01550.06 1IBo0DE1t8, l'y quieting end strengthening the nerves, and rousing free Action of the liver, hovel ;and kldntys, And restor- ing their (ower (0 throw oil' disease, Why i.e.,.Ililious Pains and Ashes) Why 1nrment54 01th Piles, Constipation; 7011 frii•h6mod evcrIlicordororhiidneyst Why endure nervone or bolt headaches) Why base sleepless eigided dips PAYE, Cru,r.v entironnn end rsio:rc in health. - It in en ',barely vegeta- 8;1.5f). er5,. 1'f 91,1. (10114,: i) 0 .;1)„I'etr,t.,1G, Atte:; I'ItL'071, P. (d, ae t iNNnt 4