HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-3-7, Page 3MARCII 7,1800 THE BRUSSELS POST, 11606.¢666,6nanana,,.6 'get the little.; itf Spani,J1 flom lln• A. WINTER REBORT IN THE DBT,': ST. MARY OF TIIE A -GELS , ,,,,.„,,.,„,1„.,,,,.„,„.., h,. 11111 IL store ilk it little town ; lie picked 111, t degratil v and . _ I .,- ,' - , ',..- '--- Invalids Col int 10 1Ite Vitae or the leitharn en ',defied tee treejoe, J 0 Sweating 19 . took eberee Of a Mil way station I Ile MeV° a .„ , I 1 IOC aliermal aittles end a rhatiate of abr. ?Shut tals sweetheti rt Told Mot. 1111I, IDS W.11111ST iale.ii) IASI LOVE g ' ' T • .. . . ty,14)c'eeping ine mind stirred by frequint,' The lateet nevelty iii North Afriat is a William P. Talbott, of Quincy, 'III., has li'r I'll OM AS A. J AN V.I E R. 1,, it 1,,,,,,„iing ii,„ia,„.}„,ly „,,,,, 0,,, put, . southern pert of Algeria, tm. the edge of tboy, and hia ean: in 0 -I (-:1‘11'11'ili:i'el."(1';611.1'1'41:ii11)/ etiouge ,•,,,a,1 h,, ate, himself from falliog hi.. winter retort at Matra, withal ii in the beite awe mail te tete y G1IAPrl.:1C,I, e'1.1.1 • , 414 ctime wern tenth f the bit. the Sta,ure desert. Unlil re,'Il(t.lY1%iak'''' w".I.ng .• .11 eoey,'Ilr"1"14 ,i1 it sawo. lin.,,tishad filled his igiel leo ly died11,10 04111:; bet a 1,1110', 111 1, ,ut, ,kv ,r.vi11 thn. '1',111011 1,h'ir toll iv Poo oot ,., ;, lk wits far from forgiving the 141411111) 11 artesian 11e111, it 1111:t 141.4)4Wilted „With a young Wolltaa in gnines, and it,t1041 111 t hat old, mil I huo When the viceroys of air ain't not hill' to )II 1. :'' King Philip ruled the Provinco of New Spain, Vet there oereuneletritalihropit•whosni,1 went.: , .. ' -• he I mined hie lin, for hint, 101 Ili" es Itialal,..m el slot, ei 1 10.00 m 1.1(0!,0 palm ler to n Itl ry hime wi . Sho willing. :tie 1 (setae in lady nem, Fr:mei:wall Brothers, vowed 1 hat ill.oultecli an 116. lic w 111, 1)'') e es 'St oli ro he ht, a t„, :et( 111,, gage when his only Pold,illei a largo t,r,t ef dates, 011, 110w neither of 011, loVern 1 11,111g1:1 1,1114 while 1,, to otel'e Herviim, Wen 1, far into the tet redo 1 laillbo's Wife's eonsill, Mid boarded 111 hi, feelin tow ,rd hey was ,L, 11,•1eo oteter t hat /tunnelling there. 11 ia found that the !her- ,,,11; her 1/0011,r, Thc.y went to t hi- Comity of (1141 Nuriji, 1111,1tipmt, their live, lionee, his views c, any:ming. her were not made him 1,11,4 fur rt•vetete, Thus Ott., lied 101414 4, brimght 11,111 gine 144 11.11111 feet 1 Jerk to wenn, a niarreace i mew". trade to soul ;dill 111(4,0114 lite sodAllc, arc elliraeion ha r• The gad Eti,1 nlic 110, 116. alul of course willinglY that lim soak of the 1 mlian A etrietly impartial : al14 who loll tea, 111,44,0,04, vooro won, by, 11,1,1do, ellen, ' dwellieg might la+ lenught to a bettor reeulte nouhl la, prodeeed in the lssiy that mom of his 144r11 work a4ei ids tain 41i1116,, of 111.1.611,16, Wet thal 111, /try, T011,011 ot1,000 to ;Jett 4,, 0 100, They were knowledge of 1 111.141)111 „oriteet and 111, 114. MY • 11,11001 Were (1141 tranHitio)1n I111 OW V.11 of the ro,wi, lifs had done nmeh to restore Warn) olilletto is 111:01 bonelieliel to 111,ny Wilt, 1111111041 11111 11114 thmo liair,,y days of loawy ea. Thug thore 0111110 to lw, to that. rotooto, 111141141 in the manegemeitt of ber eharaei iti. morel ego 1111,0ann, But. be Boll find it necessary le edam the National moon befere his mol bor 144 114)1 teamed of wild eegion, many little mission etnaitnis frien effusive itifeetiou to severe castigation eartaml his Ionia. wound will: him,1 her nee; dignity. MI' did not like it, atel his 1,1113. dear„ was tc cumulus 01:11! 11 wi'lAuer.railrotel :meth from Philippeville, on she mere 01,1 a warrant ho the arrevt. of where the brethren Of Saint Vowels youth- leg, sudden 11111 lesn frequent, ed conetantly the Word of Geil, telling or AS 10, matter of 0,1111110, most of the young drift ing exinenee inail a full forget hilliest( the Mmliterninealt 161116t, 1166 noW 11P,11 Ici,• the panto, 111,10 10,010e the girl was only 10 his infinite goodness and mercy, and of his Men of the town fell promptly in 1110 With dliotilll come. A11,1 till: 11114 !iii M liate when, I tended to 1)0 11inkra 111) 1 1Sm11 1 ile.. ie a g . years 01,1, and he most haVe perjured him- long.sunring 1000 for sinful men. And of the potty school -mistress. Some what more dill)) ug down to tho horelor in search of a t picturesque road, running a large put of the self to wont, a lieense. When he was thesofortalieesof the Faith thrietian, whence deliberately, but very earnestly, - 110 111,1 Way job, he tea:opted the ofhwed berth of elation. way through mountain ranges, and the itior- arreeted the ye1):14 wife mid he was not to plygituinin 111014 resolutely 10)414 101,41111011, Santa Was Liardy fell 111 1001 with her too. But him master at. Santa, hlaria de los Angled. That ney le made ill a few hours. A very erg. Ideme, She had told him she wan 18, and Maria do los Angeles Wile (1ne, qui"), method Walt Illialeading, I11111 It VON a the berth was a rough ono, and that enablishetent hue juet Innt built there 111- ilettloverwould doulAthe wordofthe women la The eourso of years, as the leaven 1.0011 Whying kneof it, ile before Mary real teed the ender. thore was a chance for lighting etemetac 1 1:110111)14i1:110111)14a 1101. -el, a el11100, 41111 a Wailing abemt to 111(101(111 1110 wife? Ile may ebau of righteonenese worked itself (yet never lge She called hie feeling to. with it, he considered to be 11114 011101144114 1101100 width is letili over an :irtialan well. 11),, mind afterward, but at that. moulted Tie e As a promenade and (drive from the mettle- wet11,1 H11'13)11' tint the m non WAS 'nude itf very thoroughly) Into the heathen lump, ward her "brotherly," and the ntahitained attractions, milt, the hotel it, now being Connected. with green cheese if he but 1141,1 so. 0. little chapel of adobe Naas builded here; this Main of brotherliness, even with lier. , (go no CoSTISPED) al aventle of palm trees with the little 00010 The law of this net, doen ,?.., t permit a and around the elmpel came to be a 1)11,0(01' o11, long after her bitable( ball assured. her of tulobe holism; and with water drawn poeitively thet it was nothing of thof Beni.alora, 14,11,1611 b0C1111111 11,1111,440011111117 0011: 1,t, testify in behalf of her husband, inn - e sort. being enlarged by the revivifying influence does ' it permit the lomband to put in mi. from the stream, on the lank whereof the .illid thin waS WA by any means a fair way A Lady Minister's Word to Mothers. donee anything that his wife may have 140.111chapel stood, 801110 part of the arid 1(4,1(1 wa.s of treating Hardy, ; for all the while that of subterranean Water/1. H01110 1110thet6 3y to me : "1 4100(311! like to to 1111,1, Therefore, Mr. Talbott was vont. fertilized; and 00 the falaretiching plain, she permitted him to make love to her 4111) *tinily enough to keep funn forgetting till 1 polled to Haeritiee himself. 0. nes proven mid the elopes of the 1,111.131)1)04roiled about., W1.40 engaged to be married to another man. mune to be a few scant (lecke and. herds. Of course, tia false a al taaliall SS this Was learned 1111111 I waS a girl • but I really can Golden Thoughts for Each Day. Monday-- Talbott had perjured himself in making that the girl wes not 1 8, and therefou, Mr. Everywhere, in this sunny, ,,,,,y,,,,,,,hig could. not endure, It laated for rather more not find the time. 1( 1)4 of 104 talc (011)411MU 16Wnf 000110111i6e ti1110 filen ViAits, Car,l-playillg, W11011 1111, feat ,, kintily (deep Null that She was of legal :toe. Hail the land, (0110 newel; 'timely. Over the town, than six months, and then the 00)1 came •) (1 of the Angels, t1111,1 Hcareely moved walks together, 011 the 10(1101' (thin pretex of 1,11000, lint 1 do my ewti work, and I inn 110 my last thought, how sweet to rest. porover on my Sal ot') l1(1'1,111't,limning-0 eeremony net been performed, the W1 0111111 might have lo -In able to dentenstrate g. I do almost malting of any My Wearied eyelids gently steep, i( toWn it cmild be tailed, of Saint Mary with a mush. They hail taken many (10,1,3,4 1,31011, at all, Therefore it was that when the that nerdy might lenan what little not very etrtmg, end I have 1 hie breed of her 1,,ve and :deo tin' man'a by taking. the Americalabuilt railroad, 1111111114 down she could touch hon of botany. But that little children to care for. Anil surely a Abide with me from morn till eve, For without Thee 1 ean not ire; fa itness to awl to relieve 111)11 of the bur. mother's first duty, is towels' her children." Abide with 1011 when night Is 11101, den ef rage 'mita lit y. front the North, reached Santa Maria, particular :lune 111101,1000 they made no Tit such a mother I would. Hay : 0 mother, Per without 'Met, 1 dart, cot die. But eke is his wife and must mit quiet in anti passed it, the whole of the town still pretense of 111111111111i4. They had walked a It is 7)111' duty towards your elliblren which die court ('43'101 end see him 0)41(111111311,was enly the 011(41,01 and the balf-dozon wool() of miles aoreee the meadow -lands, and should emilpel you to find time for the in. Come near and hlosA us when We Wake, ha no othc•r (gime than that, of believing or so of adobe house*, that the 1)10111,0114 heti then up a bit of the monntehasiale to ti ledge Ere 11(10111411 the world our way we take: buildeil there three ettaterleN and 1110143 be. of rooks that commanded ii far view up the tallectual life. I low 01111 you, tired out. Tin in (111 01431114 of Thy love implicitly what she told hint. fore. And in these many, yews.; the only valley. They had discovered this plaint, 1111(1 41111)0(1, pw, 8,moth" ),(1, taw 1,,L part of We Into ourselvet( In heaven above. - chapel had fallen almost into ruin, and Wet The day was a very perfect one. Thu sky what I woald do in your place 1 The ohildren Teestlay-The caterpillar, on bedn7belenn• change Mutt Ind (1)1111)1 to paws was that tho they regarded it as peculiarly their own- your children's mamas 1 May 1 toll 71)0 saotia1 , 1,iave no de 01'I - mice from year's end. verted into an inert, soaley mass, does not all memory of the 411411 Brothere 111401ul tif was a deep ,clear blue, with no fleck upon it 1 i to year's end; they should be etrangers to )1f114041 to be fitting itself for 1111 inhabitant blush' holy teachin,,,e Yeas buried in the demi nave ti bolt of low.lying clouds along the depths of a forgotten pant. horizon to the eastward ; and out of the make end emlnoidery ; they should wcar of the air, and eau have no consciousness of Half fare -a mulatto. 'pointed join' Hardy station -mentor at a warm wind, Mary had brought a volume rough.driedshoebs ; theyshoublgobare-footed masters of the earth, bid perhaps We areahe in.ulnattrsty string:- -The". rush for refresh- rongh-drled underclothing end sleep•between tho brillianoy of its future being. Wo are In point of fact, when the superintendent southeast Wag blotving gently, languorously, feenta Maria, he considered it necessary to 01 4011)00 with her, Dr. Holland's "Bitter. In summer and -yes- theyshould have holea slaves of some /neat and unknown being, prefect( the appointment with an apology. Sweet," 0.114 1111 a while John read to her. ht their stockings in yeinter, before I would The fly that we crush vvith our linger nr feedThe underta'aa's 14110(110 exercise is box - make their little minds and souls orphans with our '('1(10)114 has no knowledoe of man, 1014. "1 nifty /18 10(111 tell you, Hardy," he said, Then he 11,I down the book, 3110! there was " that Sante Maria's about tlie Mildest enema: between them, broken only by the while I was wearing my life and patience amino conscitotenees 01 1111, euperiority. Wt. The rejnettel suitor probably considers his Greaser toughs 66 have got together there tonne distant mine. It WM a,, unrestful child. is not merely " bone of yeur lame, flesh iggg That suppose that we aro acquainted with matter girl not.ty but nige. and all its elements ; yet We Can not even If a girl knows she is pretty it is not 4,11(4.1)011 on the whole line. Such a maned of low throbbing of a pump, heard faintly from 0 tt in eare for the outward th I've never come across in one lump before, silence, like the stillness that preemies aother girl told her .10,of your flesh." A living eon' looks out of guess at the cause of electricity or explain because any There's not ninny of 'ern ; but there (1)3(1 (1 storm. The steady beating of the pump those beautiful young eyea. Forget all elite, the laws of the formution (4stollen that fall men in the lot that's lit fol1 anything but to seemed. to come rimrer and to grow more but don't forget thet 1 What you do to from meteors. There may be 1 gangs, think- . brIli,H.n a ine•ker loses all his ninney, lleai be shot offlainti. All the men are horse- cloar. Mary fL•11 a shiver go through her, nurture that soul will be remembered long int, beings, near or surrounding 11s, 'Alai: dead broke 1 lint when he dive he's a dead after the kind of food lie ate and tho kind of we' do not perceive, W111011 We Can net im• eprinkling of murderers ; and till the wo- Al last, very simply, Hardy spoke: " Will clothes he woin arc forgotten. flirt rind egine. 1Ve know very little ; but, in iny Young Oak. -"You seem to be a. herd thieves or smiigglers, or both; with a fair yet the air Wee soft and warm. ilistweler are Mumma Mel (100)0I'13110104. opinion, we know enough to hope for the nut*" Old Hieltory--"Don't kick ; you're man -well, I guess we won't talk about the you marry me, Mary I' Wainen. She started violently and began to 017. Don't tolerate dirt or disorder. But as to inunortality, the individual immortality ef 0.414 K1" '1111310 to put yon there, and that's 11, Hardy drew toward her, but she unition- the niceties and daint ice, kt them go with- the better part of inan. -Vie Humphrey The Maiden -"Claude, dear, hold the fact; but unless I not get 1), decent num there ed him away. out a sigh, if that 1)4 11(0 only meausby which pa''''T• tenbrelley more 00411 MC, or else th' pool:bill the company'e property will all go the " Oh, John, please -I'm so very' sorry ! yon 011-11 gain leisure to be a Onto mother to NIre1niYthink we're married dickeos. '171terea a waterunketation at Sante I -I oughtto have told you. Haveu't I your child. But remember, youmust begin tN•aki\ wake " 1 Put on thy strength! Ethel -"You say when Charley, proposed Maria you know, and something's all wrong tohl you? Ini-Ian engaged to be married, withhe didn't get down on MS knees?" Evelyn yourself. You can not give what yon Thy Light b., mine to thee et length, h it. Berwood, who's in ha crgin 0 John.T e, " hen shell t feo ry cing again. linven't ,.ea. It 11111,08a developed, self. 1110 radiance on 11.1v brow cloth shine ; In slumbers thou should'st not 1'1(11(1)0.1'1(11(1)0. -.No : 1 "WaS on his witknees." mind hew ((nigh he, Wall if he'd only run his give me, John? Indeed, I'm sorry. Please tho ‚(1180 mother of a child. I don't mean Awake! Behold the glOW 1111.1110, t1,t a thing, is emelt of eize 01411)14 not tough if ever there WW1 0110, Bet I Willadn't After a, while site said, '' 11, (04 11 you -for- poised, thoughtful, studious woman to be that you must have large educational at. Awake; Awake 1 at yrni may scorn it, Setae insects have our empties a day there, as 11, s0101111)' thing, Ife 1Va3 Aiwa. tainments ; but I do mean that you must And all 1110 brightness shall be thine. a larger waist, but lift less than the hornet. f inimpight, But he doe't. We only water forgive ine !" aucl pumping two days in the week ought to "Have you nothing to Hey to eomfortnle?" he intellectually alive and ever growing,. Arian! Arise! tiland in thy strength! Agnes -"I should think theslong tunnel e thee at length, keep hie tank full easy. But he requieitions she asked at last, looking up et; him with And, remember, your duty to your child Thy 11(10 11,18 000111 041,01!uhl be very dangerous while traveling. enough firewood to 140411 his PuillO going all her Pretty blue eyes fell of team She was einumands y•ou to this. ale comes with help 10 01)1)' thy Coen. afabel-"They are, if you aro not engaged. tit? time. I want you to go te work and startled when she saw his face, his look wal laud thou shouldst not at ease repose, Arise! Arise: A nem may fill his head with booze filet out what Nia game is. He's a Ind man, so hard and stern. - The victory win aro clay shall close. And feel an aa•ful pain : for sure ; but 1 gum41 you mai manage to " Nothing," he answered. And presently NEWB FROM CENTRAL AMERICA. But kt him have a, little snooze clown Itini. Yon know how to shoot 1' he added, "We had better go home now, I Thursday -1 can not but think that the And. he'll repeat the do. -ie again. end Arizone and Texas for the last two 01' 11 You are very cruel," she said ; but she to 130 :101/ted to the Pantile by 31401. tettebers woula dwell on the duty of Impel- inn I cure my deer boy of his singular 11 11 been living around in New Mexico think." This Capitals of No ((,l00'03 111141 eosin Elea world would be better and brighter if our How nem, as well as on happiness of duty ; tor avereilm to the female sear queried an IYears," Hardy alisWered, with the put her hend upon the rocky ledge above ms that both Hondura as nd Costa we ought to be as cheerful 1161 'We can, if only anxious mother of an old bachelor brother. usually characterizes a good man on the feet. There yeas a curious rattling tunnel, Rica ere determined to have 1)11111104.1(11)11111104.1(11)11111104.1(1from 'bemuse to be happy ((00001008((00001008ven Ls ti most "Make a minister of him," was tho gruff moOest indirectness/in such metiers thet inn head and slowly 111154 hereelf to her it see "1 guess you'll do then. I hope there She gave a cry of terror, and Iderdyetarted The Honduras Government has decreed to others..--4Sir John Lubbock. rcPala.Y.i.vonotn writer says 1 "Women want frontier. that caused'her to turn her bead quickly. their capitals down to the Pacitio coast effectual contribution to the happiness of concede to Pablo Mendietti and Louis Gaubert comfort." And yet, offer a. woman the choice the right of preference to construct a railroad between a ton of coal and. 11 4111)' of French svonalie any shooting 1 but, 11 1(1 comes, just violently. Close beside ber hand 1011,8a ft•oin legucigalpa to tho port of Man Lorenzo. FT'ii cil:Yt g-11 old the thought and of t exprest, heel shoes and which do you suppnse she will will back you you take care of yourself and the company rettlesnake, just coiled to spring. It had up in it. I declare, I bate come out in the main rock to sun itself, Ms hiA rtL Wit who says it hest - to yen put attlantaalaria, Ido indeed. I don't and Mid been there, no doubt, all ttike? mina tolling you that I'ln Biel: Of this awful the while, close beside them, alertly may exereise this eight, the Government is "I.Vell," said a woman,' speaking of a In ardor that 'Messrs. Mend iota and Gaubert I'll try- iny fortune with the rest, country myself, and Pm going to pull out °aught her in his arms and snatched her Whereon molt One of us.may write nsighhor, "she's' tho greatest natural- liar I to present an outline of its requirements, Life is a leaf of paper white of it pretty soon, .and go Where there's white away. At the same instant the snake sprang smi- tits concessionaries gm to Ilis s•ord or two, and then comae night, ever saw, and I've often thought if she had men. Now, I toll you what 111 dos IA take --just missing her hand-antl so strongly "Lo, time and space enough," 11111 ery, only had a first-class education in her youth repreeentative at Tegucigalpa. The enter. place a. legal you along. that it went over the edge of the rock and prise is Famish. . ."ro write an epic!" 80 WO try what an anthor she'd have made before this." !if the Centeal Americait U111011 in Salvador emu fix it; so just you be readto y put disappeered among the undergrowth bolo* President Begran has decreed that in tem. 0310 wits upon the edge and. die. Jones -"Why, Pheobus, you surelyevil- , -mot have whitewashed that back room in so your hat on when I start. But while I'm Mary lay aveak almost fainting, 1,, his inemoration 01 1116 recent signing of the Pact Muse not, which way the pen to hold. here I must run things square for the arms. He carried her to a .sprins, near by, Luck hates tho slow and loves tho bold. snort a time. Yon 'Were to put on two coati Some Simple Puddings. company, and that's why I : waut you to 0.11(1 111(110 with the atlid water bathed her the Governors Of the 00,rious departments Soon comes the darkness and tho cold. of whitewash, you remember." Phoebus - take hold at Santa alarm a'nd straighten vrrists and temples. As she rested in his Greatly begin 1 though thou have time " Yes, salt I done put 'em on bole tog,ed- of Honduras shall cense to he constructed a A Sinew: PrnIntSli.--R-011 three crackers things out there. Bub comfort yourself by arms ho laid a curious feeling that the body park 011)('01330)101l0 ground at the capital of But for a line, be that sublime- dor." finely- 1 one pint of hot milk, the yolk of two Don Ramon Midence, a well-known Ali, department not already possessmg one. Not railer°, but low aim, is crime. "Is Mr, Smith a very religinuts man?" ot nntmeg and. One teaspoonful of butter. thinking that you won't have more than two that he thus hold was a coepse. Presently every egig, a Salt spoonful of salt, the same amount "1 never saw a more devoted man in all my Bake half an hour iii an earthen dish stand- . menthe 01 11. 'Then We'll light oat together the cold vrater revived hor. She stood up• with what lofty hope we Came I ' Y right to manufacture ice in that deptatment, And serawi, as I do here, a name life. He attends all the parish fairs, takes ing in seater. When clone boat the whites enti get into God's Country onco more -arid right and said tint She felt strong enough to Tettuoigalpan, has obtained the exclusive But wo forgot it enamel Of fame, more Greaser in mine 1 1 don't know whet went together slowly down the mountain- and will soon establish a hirge ice inanufae• ' Seturday-Our 'waking life is but a con. shares in all the raffles, and when it conies to : openinigen he is the very life of the of the eggs with twoteagpoonfuls of powder - after that you won't eateh me taking any walk. With his twin supporting her, the I'm not proud of myself, but 1 do tinult I'm eldllyroul was blowing otit ot the northeast. the union. Tho non -unionists count Upon 11 Whioll gives birth to ati infinite number of chlulten'le'd"ict (after Et corder" tifl)-"It's too unknowns by a fatality of its natant. brought you down into these parts ; hut 1 side. Thick clouds were coming np over all tory. oil sugar. Brown slowly ni the oven then d, l'Zioaragua continues dieided irt regard to fleeted dream. The self is an unknown, with 'bits of jelly and serve. know I came boottuse 1 Wag a big fool 1 the sky. Everything WaS Cold end gray. A a sight too .god for Mexico ; and un- Oaor all nature, as ' ()Yee Hardy's .lifo, h d -a- velnable ally in Costa Rica under the admits- Wel. bad a Man can't have a wife made to order." leas Ian badly ont, so aro you. I guess you're come a desolate ohange, istmtion of Senor Rodriguez. Itad Esquivel elm) is summed. up in tile 00110010nanaaa that Mrs, 11. --"Well, I think yon ought to be Room TarrOca. PUDDINO. -One half gap not the kind, 'my more than I t1,111, 111111110118 111 040000 they went On.111itiltheY 001110 tO been tile:Oct! there would have been no nothing gelds but conseiousness. III other satisfied, that's ell I seem to be good for to of tapioca picked. over and w.shad. ; cook ita stirring often with a ferk ; then add three made for the frontier." ' 'Squire'llemboal hone°, ancl in silenue he holding baok from the federation. Many 1000,111, the intelligent iSS1108 from the 1U1111' you." Ili. 12. -"What d'yo mean ?'' Mrs. one quart of milk until soft or transparent, eggs, well mixed with three-fourths of a, oup a antiognite strong resistance in Nicaragua, tho hi order to return to it, or lather B. -"Why, to order." of sugar, one-half teaspoonful of salt, one tea- - turned to leave her. "Yon aro not goine John nerdy certainly was not made for away like that -without a Won't?" She amid, finally, however to be overennie with fo-ree. the 1(011.0411, while in reality it is bet a the ego explains itself by the hypothesin of Now in the corner meet the pair spoonful of vanilla, one tablespoonful butter the frontier • though, to do him justioo, lie " What is there to say?" ho asked.. 'Phe Costarrieenee, who lofb thoir nImm. dream, dreaming itself.-Illema Frederic When golden day is done, Put into a buttered dish and bake standing had the "tuna " that enabled him to hold "That you forgive me. Oh, tell me that country on the daunt ef Don Asconeion Bs. Two forms with but one rocking -chair, in hot water. Bake until firm. Baking all his own -there pretty woll.. But then for the you forgive me, John 1 I'm so veiy, rimy quivol, /me still contented to remain in ("unto- Andel. paat three years, he had been. very much in sorry. Indeed I ant You will forgive me, nude. 41 10 not thought that Don Ascension Two hearts that beat as one F doubt ai to whether lie lied been made for won't you, dear John?" will return very soon, and his friends and • "Is Goa, Dead?" Pomptino-"These high hats have their custards and hot puddings in ilishes standing b°roilthlingti pieces anything useful at all. Fortune bed not Hardy looked at her keenly, and the ex- followers aro glad to remain With 111111. Alone he met in his great arm chair, 1160e. I set belthul one of them last night in in „.wEAatcetirrapsroevNenatsait,isi:u_froomut treated this young man well, and the instill. premien upon his face -was not a pleasant HIS study doer .ajar ; the theatre and raker enjoyed this sense. ftal slices °fatale bread 'boot two eggs 15,0 merit that Fortune had used. to his injury ono. '1'hen he spoke, slowly and steadily 5 Oen." De Baggs--"13ut I understood that easdodf tbarmeated,binlestplootennIftstloirlemilf- P("Pan°-- 8deilpIPthieilastleie, wea awoman. " You have spoiled 1ny life for Me, Mary, °median Chudle-Bong. His children played on the winding stair, you never taw tho stage ?" The mother sang a bar fry in sinoking hot fat like doughnuts ; 'drain end witheut any reason at all, 'I'hu hartii "That wits tho enjoyable part. It was an that you have done me .you could heed amateur performance of 'Hamlet. " Hardy was a fair specimen of the hard [111 the Orkney islands iive stories and Of mime love song they, together sting the juice from one Min of peaches and add in the Wyoming Valley, where he Wen born, milt Man, More than that, they ere tho orignals And joy in song and in chiliimirth rang Miss Minnie-" Mr. Figg, you really met for a seuee. Beat entshalf pint of thick avorking American, In the coal -mining town songs that belong to the time of the Nora- In happy daats, gene by 1 about one-half oup of sugar ; boat together spared mo if you had told me three mouths be bed gone to work when he was . sixteen ago what you have told 1ne to•timy. of some of °urines tpopuler music tied versa, With all wealth could supply. buy a ticket for our bell. It IS for the creem with an ogg beater 1 place onedsalf in the company% 'store as "boy;" and in the now that the harm is clone you want nie to The following specimen can be read with benefit of a ,poor eturving dressmaker." moll on melt oronton or crust, then a epoon- course of half a dozen yearn he had won his forgive you for doing it. Well, I tell yam Figg-" But is she really deserving, do you rid of cream anti in this a spoonful of jelly" plainly, I'll see you dead first. Is that little difliculty and tho difficulty Only ,And yet 1118 heart had a strange unrest This is an extremely handsome dish and does way to a responsible place at the books.heightens its charm. Trowies aro hada( ; Of •mingled fear and doubt ; think 1" alies Alinnie•-" I knew eh° ie. He was a steady, reeolute young fellovr, She has tlene iota of work fot• the girls of not take a long •titne in preparation and is. who did tot meddle with anybody's businese thing 1nore? Good-bye, Dr, going wag ffsseek a little lase.] aria means small ; pirrin is a little one ) His Noel had long Made a fruitless quest For things "past finding out." our set, and el -ways let us set our own not expensive. Sergenne with a little mace plain enough for you? Do you want any• die with his. Ho found it neoeshary to mash price." .... mul who insisted tight nobody should med. Pre going out of this altogether, so that 1 n Be, Ina bulimic ono, In seeptic wiles and hi scieneo lore poured round for eadheperson. never ley eyes on yeti again -rani I wish in Cuddle doon tao mamma); He'd hearched for so-oallad "truth," my heart rd novae kid oyes on you ot all. Trowles can na tak,' thee( Until ho longed for the peace once more, several heada, in his quiet, decisive way, bo- But, remember, you have brought a curse on Ilushie ha, lammie. LATER CABLEINGS. 'Under the Rose. fore his attitude toward the community in The simple faith of yonth. _ my life, and T leave a onrse on yours. Sooner am bonnie merle bird, Whieh ho liyal wee understood ; but when, "T'a.liiiitetrntentaM0inin(!foatN't9o8-:1'al, or litter you'll feel the. weight of it ; mark Wre maulta speak a word. afteeptu 10 01 o bone : A little heed of bright, golden hair by this simple and direct method -well my words." Peepecl through the door ith einteme ; An old man, mina Jeitte, fill years of tqe, understeod in a tnining.town, where the ;in lut partocl from her, and the next day Perrin 441100 sac made, A little angel elitnhod up his chair living at Wimhenut, Witte, ralg., married And woree-in tho Ovilight yeetereve I know milook in the garden old. 1)0011 him aulleing With Gortrodo Geer. 1 twileal of combet was a recogneced social 1111 10 nestled in hie arms, his . et tent girl of 20 immedintelal after hay - lie left the loWli. ila, let, peerloTIng, stitution-he had 1(10,40 1111) ponition clear This, then, was the oxperionee that; had 810en a bentile nappie ; "IS Clod (lead, papa?" A question new, ing br Hail 131) 111,1311 wife last Friday, where- .450431014. nook whore nobody goes, and himself respected, he was let alone. I driven Hardy down to the southwestern Thordll sloop, an' 1'11 sing, "No ; Ivity ask that?" he said. upon the neighbors arose in their wroth and III take the letters lle wrote (0 1)31. AIM bury them untie:the datnesk mac.. Thtla Ito 4°,114 mtablish°il hiqviell m a At0011. contier, and *that had made hint 13105,11(10001' eitinon who b uld maintain his own rights thgre„ lai•tider's fla1110"1' 111e sea, mekto' lasstiek happy, "Yoe don't talk wiv I tot, mobbe IDA dead," 111111 /111 701.1 used C cla ; avert, abellt to tepell (ho too :mole!, 1041010 a 1114111er lesson in potannal it iodoin of nation The wines 01 11111 morning dried her teen), , lev Mcalln of stleks, etence, till taw and oote And tilseed end tangled her muds of geld, I The grave of love -dr, the dusky mold. [ 'Being thus east out inte the wildernees, Caleb in' cod wr hereto', tuul -who respoi.1 cal the 110 11 0 others ;and She knelt and hollewed a tine grevt,, . 1 VA 0 good Meanest+ man w eouid Make 1116 life had no good in it for I i it, 11,1141 he valued nri twin' hatne his HA las thee - "A child shell 10414 1111'11,,'' he humbly sighed, belle, when the police 'oh:treed ma dispel -a - As nhe laid the letters them-dn. she heard ' way in the world. And them when he Nene it lightly ; and so was ready to take tho risks 'roe the solute bairn. And knoeling down in prayer, eti the huh 4 nant crowd, injuting several Tho wicket click in the garden alone. fortunes by, felling In love, I most neatly to safety, He Yves more than Cauldie dorm kw manumit:II AS he talked with hill Seviour there. 'rho cold hes been ao intense in Roumania 1 eople, t''''''"V'el're° l'0"1"kl, l'o 1-4ga" II".3 'ma' *lash, after ail, in that rough region lod Da, ha, lam-1Mo nen. Tho rottvg Rya doubts \yore all satisfied , A eweet goecbmerning to yam My love ; And what do you bury under the rime ?" thing unfertunate about it, He did thin t, ' Hardy did not think thet thtsre wee 1,01(- ready to fight anybody, end he WaS rather surprised -after engaging io m few passaget Trowlee ear tin i ak' theca Beside ba, Inuitnie, .--.-a•-• I lie little bands ni elevolion held Unclasped ; Hite raitted her httad, invaded the towne and villages, devonring that whole. peeks of starving wolves have "94.11unt ilIettil ftrnta;k1g1V41.1'.9-ftah; , '"Twae Trlx, t le terrier, lamed ewer , though --being a modest young follow-- att arms, in which he mono out on topa-by And 10001 110)' lipe, and Mello:let, there welled: till before them. In Ileneartibie a mail oat An lumr egn," with rt, gentle:4114h. that Mary Wade was a great hal 1(r finding how few people wanted to fight him. COMMendable Gantlet? ''I'm so glad Goaa not (had, ' was ell:melted and thepostanan alith 1(10 110050(4 crirar-laiitteLiilettrifget,),,"°'4 At fleet there was a etrong probability that Men. Dolliver go the Now GirIP--"No. _ wee eaten up by the ravenous wolvea Hunts "Itt,i1(.10'1Itirtitt'.1,14; enrol for him, Her people live( In . Wilkosbarre, and she eatno doWn to take Outage of the primary department of the I public school, A good demi of doubt II wen expectant' among the buena-folk as to her ability to manage that PriniarY that his morel llamas had Hustainedi sew the water go nil over an fine a "cattle. longm'l 11,40. Will You mareY Ine 1' ito would go to tho bad, and tint his ond roma, throw this water out of the window ; would. be a sudtlen one et the hands of a but be mire von look nut.. (Ton minutes vigilance cominittois or a sherilrs posse. Inter.) 1 Vieth+ the matter 1" But gradually, os ho rallied from the shock 1 Noreenoe--"I lookiel ont, Minn, and T, . . . Alfred. -" neap don t put mo off any Couvting in the Suburbs. ,: of the, wolves under the leadership of the Mg patio lieve organized for the ("entreat ion They are lettere lamed with a silken cord heir presumptive to the throne. Plizaboth Roberts, a oh ild of nyears, Ichose She bit her lip, and km milled her curls, I Aed silver crested under the rose." heati; r"delolls'entienr"hdiest:tdroillignii7golhtul 1114111,01.1e711150hw lio0(1 n "Yon wore jonlorie et Gertrude Gray,' I.i4 'Katie, ."Alfred, why will you ho AO persis. provolone interest in the Maybriek trial, led depaetinent ; bet, aceording to '814)11re his old inthits of stettilines5 end self man tte you'd care 10meet." Board, and who aim was a mine 011n01111. Itarnb", Who 'WW1 011411."1"11 of the 8011Mil control returned to him, and the danger- I ' etionoli er not, lichidre.-" 'I drama in mimic play', line beet: eententical to "Forgive Me, darling, but. yen were cold, , emit. Paid. ....tent 1 11011017 krnw whothorl love you well oor to (moot the part of the heroine of that : ons Corner Wile wifely Owned. Tte did I 'Sentient, She did menage it sueoossfullY., "I am hernothitie ..r ,1 wit, niradf, at Ahred (looking at his watch) -- '. Katie,' seven yearo' imprisonment for attempting to led on coquetted wi(l; rive) b • v " said 'Squire Itianbo, "but sho'H just it. Mt 8, is agy sn ow nue at, 1417 ma thiug, as a Inlght Man 1105 ad onetaional drill Yee or-" 'She ain't much to look 111 441))' stronf,' , honest work, nod ho worked hard ; hot he fnund that he oottld not work long time0,” said a etellid %,..• 1 i ' a Wag% '`thlht the last train 101110 In just three minutes, 1 poison it lady whotn her father, 6, widoteee, was g 14 . 10 y, , . • P Antihero they aisSed,. and he crowned 1(13110414) With the dewy Mots of tto damn sk reee, 1 -lAt'eatt.5, Illagenine 1 blue.eyed breakee tel go, and dols't you for.. Ile tried ranching for 11 while, and period,' VMS the reply 1 Katie --"Yes, Alfred." 1 proved of as a atemnothee. , A LESSON TO LOVERS. SMILES. LATE FOREIGN NEWS. Socialism in Germany Ala= Orea(1od. its Increased Vote Death of Biggar. the Irish Patriot- Ittore Facts About tit Siberian Outrages. I.:v4171,04) 11,141. aril 1114 7) Mg, may vari, 4)3)1 1) t. a 11111ilier of wiso 10011, the eill•ci that tt hen f1,, 1 ;etymon proletariat le,s onec de,id4 to relad hore Will be an itplelival compared m 1 lit 11 bid, the French ttlut ion Wan a mere Monti 1 :ram fentiVal, ecolle, ions of thie sinist pr,mhecy haVO been brought lip With short emptiest:I, by tho 11,31,; • awing in front the lietelietag elections. et, many vitelly impertent things haYe been throw again into the uneertain balance by these elet•I item that there is no flovern. meld, in Europe 60 5111/41 111111 remote as ;Wt. 1:0 le, ilieturbed by the tidings of their re- sult. 11 'Mkt sai11 that when Louis XVI. ens guillotine1 twiny other monarelt instine- tively felt of the buck of hie neck. In the same way the reports of the first Reichstag eleetion held under the reign of the presenb William makes every responeible ruler and in the 01,1 World sit erect. To begin with, William took OrolitninarY step.; 1,1 invest these elections with universal intte est, 1,y 10ning labor reecripte 113 haraligiling 1111 now and enlarged Cotuicil of Sotto et tbe theino that the labor question 14.116 n, 're imp! ',lain than all other itsuot conildot.11. Very good moor has come in suppert of what was then surmised, that in 11i1'- eour actin' at variance with ilanna counseL A 1; ,,11(1111 gentleman of position told your eory,,,,,,odent the other night something withal to his personal knowledge happened 41ei114 ago. A local magnate CaMe 16,11 11 0 public echeme which he pro - Sento,' to Bismarck. The Chancellor listened - to all the arguments ana finally Haiti: " You. had better take this to the Kaiser direot. Perhaps what ,von say will make an impose. 513411 011 Min. What 1 say no longer dom." Death haat re a -idly made a vacancy in North St. Penults, whioh is one of the °tw- eet and most representative of the London- constitueneitia It comprises the densely- poimlated distriet known as Kentishtown, Inhabited by artisan and tradesmen classen, ing year it gave 201 majority against home iTtaiyev.as Liberal by 443 in 885, but the follow - Ireland has been most painfully impressed by, the sudden death of Mr. 13igg,ar, -who, Fangio-handed. invented end began the poliey of Parliamentary obstruction from which the whole subsequent 5000088 of the home rule agitation tamely flowed, and whose untiring devetion of fortune, time, and strength to the team set the first example to the young 10011114)410 constituting the blalk of Parnell'a party. There was a ithiVereal, desire to give him a great. public funeral in 1)111,1111 an lay him to rest in Masnevin, near O'Connell; but his sister, a rigid Ulster Presbyterian, refused, and so he will be buried, in Belfast. Further information received enneern- ing the dreadful occurrence of last December at Kara, in eastern Siberia, confirms the re- port that the two ladies, Mesdames Situ& and Kovolivskole, who werebrutelly flogged by order of the prison director for resenting buleeent proposals made by him, poisoned themselves afterward.The flogging of political prisonars kin been deliberately ordered by the Siberian authorities anti not countermanded at St. Petersburg, It is known that an importent political priSoner haS Made his escape from Siberia, and is thought to be beyond the reach of the Rus- sian Gevernment. Thie refugee brings full - particulars ofsome of the most recent Siberian outrages, which will be published when he reauhes Paris in the form of e. direct appeal 18 Floquet, President of the Chamber of Deputies, who suffered imprisonment under the empire for expressing his sympathy with. Nihilists 'before the Czar in the Paints de Justice at Paris.