HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-3-7, Page 2Mus119.1111111,1! HORRIT E NIGHT. The village of 'Stomper ee (if illOved it sae he cedled, for it eonsiste of but an hill, a Ogeueral niereloant's," and some theca or lour cottages) is most pa:tem:emelt situated, beteg lanueled by a lake, a utassiVe 11101111. 14111 end a few trees which form the end ef an extensive plantation. Ithre it was that my friend le- and I arrivecl. nod footsore, towards the olose of an afternoon in the autumn of 1 , and here, hi the neigh- bourhood, at least, if not actually tlw vit. age itself, the strange drama was emoted, -the particulars of which am now about to _present to the reader. My narrative arc accannt of the night following our arriVal 111 thiS epent by es, not indeed from ehoiee, bat rather from necaesity. in an isolated deserted lemee, eitua•tet ahuut eouple of miles from it, whiel; wee enereutly reported and firmly lea te he haunted. The eirounistenees whieh led to our ten- antiug the: particular building were these :- We had received. ha cconeetion with one Vo. cation of civil migineeriug and land survey. Mg, a sudden awl unexpeetiel stinillione inveStigate a somewhat alarming lancletip wbieh threatened eeriously to interfere with ethe carrying out of one of our company's eon - tracts, and as this [M311111111131011 Was lif,1 eX. peeted to oeceepy us more than the one day, it had been suggested that on its emigre:tam, iestead of returnieg direet , whiehwould have been. ineuneenient, we should rather repair to Therpstone, the nearest. village (which, however, implied a walk of nearly eeven lace), and there pat up for the night. It was, therefore, after this walk, preceded by 01LT day's 11,131t, that we found onto -Ives, fatigued and pretty untell exhausted, at its outskirts, just as geey twilight was coming dew), Our first step was to call at the hen. At this establishment we were extremely atanoyed to find that, owing to extensive re- pairs peoeess, it was tangly impossible we wield be accommodated. The lamest they could do for us, they Noll, was to provide dinner, hnt even that, it Was hinted, utight Inn be eatiefacecory. However, as by this time ire decidedly felt the necessity for each ai meal, whether satisfactory or otherwise, we esavu the requisite ordure for it, eiel then set cal to inquire at thine of the ether villages, a the hope of obtaining whet we had failed to procure at the inn. I neeel not enter into details ; suffice it to say that our search was fruitless, and that it was only as a last, re- The position, too, agreed exactly with the source that we In:1de inquiry as to this lone. description given us : it steed, not far from V unoccupied lemse, of which. we aecertain. a clump of trees, *1111111 eixty yards back eel, one of the villagers had the keys, but frem the roadWity, was surrounded by a, eoneerning which we sheuld evidently have uegleeteil garden, and was accessible tlirough received no information had we mit taken a eoate which readily answered to our key. the initiative in questioning. Weever,: at deer rather at a loss how to act, "011es we evere mewed, "this house is be. but tinally decided upon kueelchig, and, if lieved to be haunted." 1meg:ism y, inquiring, the whereabouts of the " Haunted, told by ghosts we asked. other lumee, With this inteetion, therefere. "Well, that 1 cau t say, Wee the reply ; We entered the gloomy garden walk, and "there's said to be something queer about it; boldly and vigorously, tripped at the, it but come in, and I'll tell you all I know ; it's must be admitted, Homewhat uninviting rather a long story." doorway to whith it led. Accordiegly We heard the whole history, Onr attempts to gain ailmission by this which was certainly um extreordinary one, premiss 1 ciug eithee milliard. or rejected, we and would, I daresay, have deterred many had at last no alternative lint to produce from tenanting the building of which it treat. our keys. We therefore did so, aud their tel. As, however, there were but the two very first trial eerveil to heighten our sur- eine:See Open to US, either so to do (ir walk prise end. to confirm our cone=ietions, for ea ten miles to the next *Rage after dialler, we Saw that they fitted accurately, and with an deckled to adopt the former, and our in. ominous creaking the bolt turned, and We .formant at once placed the keys at our ilia; found ourselves testae. I should rather say ;meal. temarking something to the effect that I found myself so, for l'— was still on the the ens eine the proprietor • etamie. door step when I tweed Inin in a hoarse It was a slow, mensined treed, as if one was at the time athroacp " tveuld be very whieper say. pleased if We could, by a favourable. account 44 Leek out, whoever he is, is evidently war° waittnY' liaavilY' dragging inia001! "- next day, refute the extraordinary rumours canting down ; the light has disappeared," wards, alld all each fuotfall seemed Dearer eigtegeg we, „veined. him again, and than ite predecessor, 'We had agai the cur. -regarding his property." amity to count. -The keys, he explathed, had been entrust- ' sure enough the window tyldell We had bat 'PI • • f 1;1 ' 1 ' to 1 THE B.RUSSELS FOST. MARC Ft 7, 1890 siwairmoeteageeseeeeeseweenoweieseenseieweeeeieee=4,. egioweemeaweemew)=:seasearaseeeenasi tononem for the profeeeMnel riimiremente of I misdeed noon to renilee It thee, tbat, they simnel have praetical Illusit vet iorie of thia :eagle& ej. teeegeoyate. etre tne1 ewe New AN EPIDEMIC OP SUICIDE, kind ait. hand but WO 4411111 extremely itnuoy• onetime in leatee. ed that we shollld haVt. Made stielk dison, As, however, sills,e,tee"t inveatigatimi ecenhineil with the surrounding • • w es the sleek t herei y 81,11,111t),' 111 CIM IWO 111 1111111111'111. bat 173.11111 ojon011. Of uis linit life too hard to tear until we cee ne , greyed etineet eoneleet: ely that the oe, stances nats,,agy oeeteel to retell that trenquility, All around rue, .apauts muet . Ism, 1,,,,ft the 11,"aaa at an , voile agitation, whieh in spite of ottrsolyt‘s we here no Paris, is evidences cif tide clieteete eventh, movelal caaye, sc 011 1 Wee1311, prior to , real not for 1,41... Amite wt., at, the 5.011, time for life, this erevieg foe the reet of 1111, grave, tide, what ems then alleged to have been 4 we wished to he ,'•;speogis-3, g al cool eget eoweeg. .A» epidemic, of suielde hoe sprung up like as to this umweountahle remove:I, may 1411110st heard, ice place of thug wirercling ant :due I ed. VVe now left this horrible room in quest of at plague, taming no one 1•111111 8 Will Two. On ante: days the list =mute tip to ten le, :oda rather to hew- aided in heightening a , , suicides, evh de the a\ (Wage number is two or ow itairoieu we had been advice:11 to ceempsi, three. The city ie 1 This apartment, which hail lean leeoninieni - marked out for the the mystery by 11 Melt it Wee elirrOltildisl, I The pis 'porgy after tide remained uncieeta , 301 11, le, an heing the 0131y mem „thirii, „en. seourge, with 11.8 1108110nd ent populatee, lite pied for severel menths, wben it was again mined a fire vilely laid for lightime, c. fter many oolitary gelefs, mid ite uproar drown. let, shortly hobos. e -e vielted it. to a gentle - !some diflieulty 1Y0 1111100V0red, 1Ve. fennel it tug the sound of tio many sobs, Despairing elan end lee wife f.n. eminiter emulate), . to be ef moderate: size, carpeted, wad with a men came there to die, juet as they would • cpmet el a es gen 4 I 1 , 6 large bow window, f 1.11PM, has the contaglim of death 8301310;a spent but three niedits in it. allied at the . 1 After lighting the fire. which sooll blazed tht•ow then 'selves int o an ocean. But never, agent's, settled the taut in fell, and left; , up chec oily, we again sallied forth thorough- 114 e 1dol so 1114litY wi,olilles. , 8'41440 ill 1110-r nu 1)",,,•",' 011 eart41..he 01,d11, w"11141 l'ec"ne,"0 'i 13, to inveetigate the renlailling r001118, luisery or nuidneeic, throw toemeelvea from \ VI"' "'" I This investigation, which naturally (teem the bridges, noel theft; bodiee live found in his wife to remaining emetee. pia! ue scene tune, statue (aught undet; the beate, In:waled to neimunt for this extraordinary (I to be perfectly the Seine, 3'1,11433et 41,' gaV;',"3"33,",. Vag", 111VaLIStaa"VS iantlidnetory, fee we vould discover nothing Pthess prefer the rope ; a .1011, answer tenet 1118 wne's nor\ ow eenepera• !from which We 001114.1 Infer that, any olio "so7 iliemselvce in Boone peek ' in neat, and the Jena:lines:: of the eituation, i heames oto,g,g,es was witgda. ' the euburbs, : . 1 Meennes or Boit- . On its completion we once 11101•0 role:Deg l logne, but „. L, neer eumber spare t Whether the exenteen thus gie-en were . really the eauee of thie rime:Os emeilaf: mpe, 1 to our room, w,1 up for some time longer on I theillSelVes this journey by tyint; the rope to de not know ; but et all evente, efter havieg the alert 4 bat filielly, as all seemed to be ; the neatest beane Men loom hanged them. been bet three day.: tenanted, the house was selves bellied doers, in garrets, along covet. right, anal' as no sounds were to be heard, again deserted, 1211,1 11p tO that night when we lodged the door, jumped into bed, and, dors, nod latterly one lute been fonnd who, Is --- and I were in at Dimmer campelled to strange as it may eeem, after toseing rest- simply to avoid the trouble of ellinbieg five inhabit it, none had (sassed ite threshold lessly awl listening eagerly for, I should 1 flight: of staim to his lodging, suspended seem our infotheett, in hi; hurtled periodical ' himself from the railing (,f the staircase. Of funey, another hour or so, actually managed visits for the purposes ef ibteting awl venti. ; to fall fast asleep. I poisouing there itre fewer instauees ; only lating. I 1 could not hare been asleep long, wben I women still swallow Mitchel= or the plow. After receiving the keys. oeul effecting a aNT01(1.1 00111 end chilled, stud under the im- I Monis from a bundle of snatches, although ancl earne to Golunibus, where they rampage MAY 113 the glasa 'Not beteg quarrelsome, li few neeeseery purelewes, ineluiliug a couple preseion of some one moving about. the hitter is sometimes a successful means of their encounter with thie remarkable being, never tried to II .1 t tl 4 la a k • • I t .1., 1 it t• 1 ali,40 Ilion 4.), ill of good istieke, es the road was lenely, We i VItile I Wee deliberatin ,. as to the best suicide. Women. too, sometimes open the and organized a party of seventeen men t0 . d 1 h t h 1 4 ' was always trynig to e011,1K 111111 0111 to play. WILD PEOPLE CAPTUREE, • A Rensairliable licutacIty Tarn front Mc 10 i in11.11 11'111114). A party el gentlemen were paseing the Mayon do (lieu sealer; SN'ethicaday, and were little; tet to the 11aN'011 1111 11111'11 flit er mar by, by the eplaeliing of water, summa ing it to be a large iish in shallow 1, att.r. Upon approttalling the banks Dad 10441. Mg over they saw a man in swimming wheat body WaS 110311'11y eolded With hair. At hearing the video of the strangers the wild man looked up and tweeted very much frightened an he beheld the speetaters. seem as he taw the 311031 he diseppeared be- lie:1th the water end emerged. in a few timenele mem the oppesite bank, BLit LW.° Of the party, euspectiug Ile would onne out upon the opposite shore, load (nested the beat bridge end were there in advance, of When he lashed out of the water, there tWO Men made a dash for him, bet with a powerful blow lie sent One of the men into the tiver, while the other (companion grabbed him. The wild man, with the strength of an cm, burled his antagoniet to the greund. Ify this time the first party had rceovered himself, and with the assistance of thice other gentlemen, who had eroseeil the bridge, undertook to hold the wild man. The five men lona now undertaken to cap- JOONO'S LITTLE MIRROli, me (Nen on n corsmen n ii1111 nVietwe ' na Gruclee. Value's to the Zoologiral lar,1,41 at, Washing' no hero taken epecial note, Of a pretty Afriean mookoy with ere. mendowty Ione Intl and an hetes...et ing tittle shrivelled -up pink new. lie ie very I eiglit, and itinuoing, with uct Imil or vieions traits. If you 1(111 netleci elosely yon will see that the tip of hie tail has beau Dearly et:ripped of hair. The bancisiene white imekutoo, with the fiery eyee and eulphurene yellc»v erest, did Una, Ills big cage had been in1 top tif the onoukey'e one day, stud the little menkey lad owing his tad up until it. rested agehoit, the bars el the bird cage. The cecreitoo gradated it, and pulled it in with hie encirp berth, Then there 111111 a chattering and. screaming, yells, eroakings, mad a alioni• netive inferno foe about it minute, before the monkey got his tail louse by the heroic method of pulling it loose, The cockatoo epit out a inceithful of lath. and maid " To thie centempatousi remark the little monkey odd not hiug, hut ameked the lacerated end of his tail. Some one hail presented hirn with a pieue of edema It was the apple of hie eye and the prize of his collectioe. Ws little :store. Melee centained a couple of eiteetemts, seine hire this e•ild creature, spare peanuts, two or three bright, pebbles, ba't 130 11110(110,1 nal" , noel the mirror. 'Mai 1 it tle strip, Welly 41.0 th""gh th0Y WerD Mere '11)1111re"' 11° inches equare, he would hold and admit.. by had so campletely exhnosted the gentle. tau home e never Ural of tryiug to solve inen that they ;gave up trying to catch hum i 1,10 nerstory of thee other menkey whiti hurried batik to the inn, where we partoek Coarse to adopt, 1 hi:mud Saw a pale blue c , ef a badly -prepared and generally unsatis- t light, faintly resembling the human form them gently to sleep under the tepid tvnter. factiwy meal, and inaneatetely afteewards, standing by the doorway. I sprang np, but: A girl of sixteen years, driven mad by dis• neeempanical by a favourite little terrier it siewly faded and disappeared. sppointment in love, those last week to die which I always hail with me when engaged i I teas cat the point of vousing is-- When 10 this way. As to charcoal, it repaints the in inn outeloor wink, Started for 0111. louely 1 saw. with surprise, that he Wile already up solace of the poor, a cheap and ever ready lodging, the night being beautifully (dear and and ell hut dressed- he felt irresistibly olive 101' all the ills of life. \Whenever an odor We Lad been Well direeted LIS to its where. I various rooms. .11. wood du t Work, Ono day the elm slaw. down thrOugh the glees skylight and struck ties mirror. lt east a bright, burning hewn right into the mon hey's eye and nearly Minded hint. Rent was another innnense problem to ivreetle with. After a row Minutes he feinicl that lei Owning, the air shale) aud 110 seed, aga114 to examille of burning issues from under a door on the faubourgs inhabited by Lhe working -people, the first; cry is "Suicide !" They break 111 The party left Coltoinbus Wedneeday about LI o'clock and went ilireetly to where the wild man had been Peen. They could track hint pretty well by blood stains, caused by one of tho attneking party cutting him upon the left ann. Tim senreh enn• United until dark, when the party went into the loeking-glass in a dalerent thraceion Ile wimp few the eight, expecting to purene the .., i ei 1 : ,e. exam, initee “10 01 c.c. ki ray deuce over the %bouts, and necordingly, just about the tune The cloor, which the very last thing before chase the following morning, About P.1 the actor, noel sometimes arrive in tune to caoloeic thet night they Were awakened by t,...ne Nosy. wells and into fee 'other enges. Tie ! t hat Nrian. wo 011(.1111am' we ought to have come retiring to bed we had carefully locked, and The eockiitoo had been r,,e, ed, epee it. we 11 14 set, ahead of to( a building cif which the key was still lying where we save some poor wretch struggling in the what they thought the sereaming of a Ulan, „‘„,„,,„ 111, „isle mut me „I 1,1,„ 1,0,s 1,1,,,,,„ agonies of death. Suicide by the kniiii and all were meekly upon their feet, Upon which we at once cow:Ruled to be our mating- lind placed it, wits now etandieg widely him holm eve. Flo blielnel and nulled Ms lama. Oneee 0111. mtrprils.e. therefore, When., opened. ! 1 is more rare, for it, requiree tho kinaliug a fire iL wart notiewl that one of kathess. The 3,.,„nk,ey eaw, it, on llearinV 11, We pereeived uninistakable 1 1101V rapidly dreesed. As I NOW ilidell111,,, 1 11111eh eullrage tO plunge a gleam. the tinily, I'. Pearsom waa &Vent, ThiS , , , pai,11,3, lei pot.gible, and said IV • . • , . . . 1 1 ) 4 ' . 1 4 11 1 1 lftl•• etg ,I, re 1 lue blecle into the flesh. A more suitable put the men to thinking, and it was at last' 44 Vo'oneter if old. Coulcey doesn't Hue 1, ? 1 -To got the focue again and the csocketeee thickest and squawked. " Alia 1 I have yoll 1101.7, old C.wkey. 111 eign. u i e „ pistol ; it demande only a concluded that, the wild man had stolen to windows being brilliantly lighted up. 1 the 1.00111 NY0 had laat looked lit, and F.et Off i weaPtel is the slight movement of the finger-evou it nee. the camp, aud haul made away with air. We dal uot see' how We weld poseibly he to fetch it, Fide following at him heels. "earson T1 art could mit stet: ) the istaken, eur hetreetions had been so ox. 1 ire 1,11,1 scarcely reached this apartment, tents contraction of the mu:solos will suffice. 1 . io p y . 1 in enee the revolver is mai, tf remainder of the night, and sat no I ti pmlicit- -Moreover. we were both under the which was at the other end of the narrow pas. Moreover, 13-1a--ag teach you to pull the hair oil any tail ! the first shot miss lieu there are still four for the capture of the wild. num and the Again he f000000d the lth,d a, a th , 14E1 linpreSelon la 011 III 0 ' • ' tl : t r ' f rma iit bad distinetly sage,when flowing itge iu uttered a wail ing howl stated them was Ito 0ther Melding mar. I rushed after them, hut,F-- assured me he or fire balls ((seem lete the work. Last of rescue of their Neat At the the» of 0. • P • / jumped. Up, down, isicleways, and aeries had neither seen nor heard allething. Hardly all, the public 1110111inionts are no longer small stick from thine dead tree profound .1w, pursued the bird with thee blinding ray, used for this deadly purpose. Scarcely one silence would ensue, and all could be heard. hail he made this statenient, however, 101011 while the latter screamed and beat hie wings we lioth looked at each other ill blank aston. Or WO instances, each year, can be cited of saying S13.11.11-11 ! Wo endured the impleaet i and rat tled the cage in a whirlwind of rage. ailment. 1 on the pavement from the towers of Notre the peaty divided into two egliatle, with an; The my mid Monkey peraOnS WhO 1111're throWn themselves clown coolness of the night until daybreak, whop ashg 11 nett nooloss. A. footetep Wag on the stairs --one, two, llame or from the summit of the Column agreomeut to meet two milee :thorn the haul were inexossible. iind not until a cloud oh three -ewe counted every step to tho tenth, ; wined the RIM did the monkey cease it4 per Vendome, and *My the closest precaution bridge at 12 o'clock noon. when the sound began to grow fainter, has saved the Eiffel Tower from auental The party to which We helot) ed took the' seentione. fainter. fainter, and when at last it had woo populerity. It is a ficm death-thistremend- south bet tont of the river, erlit e the other ; -e- pletely .11ed away we rushed. out. intp, this leap into space-thas to mead •went north, Our party hail not. gene The clreary staircase wits ern it , the , ous .1c Observations from a Balloon. iiia„,ing lap„, wegeh ere carricat erne as 1 One W01111111, after eight days windy siient a thicket, and Ma Haile, whom we had The olwervations made by Sir, Claimber lunge into t atm ex o I ini y.. more than a mile -when we heard at noise in sombre gloom but poorly illumine( the P during night asceneions, or those whieli w -ere We emerged we felt a cold draught of air, as in seeking for -work, theateed on cm it a elected foreman, led usi to tho epee We eontinued into the eight, on temperatures at '1 la o ened the window of the , bushel of charcoal, to which she set fire, bedroom we had just left, in which we could ; still see the reflation of the fire blazing , Welt) • I'S— said he would shut it if I would be on the alert, hut ho retooled immediately ; saying it was not opened, hut that despite tl t 1 vi vin the room he had anitin . felt the curious cureent of air. ? While we were speculating as to i cause ; the weird footstep stemin sounded, t 4.1 we Bawled. attentively. and then lay down, clasping in her arms her two little children. The next day the three corpses were found, stiff and livid, and lock- ed in a close embrace. I wo old people of eighthy years, 'husband and wife, in their deapair refused to wait until death ehould eorne to them ; they were eget: to go and , they wanted to go together, so they nelheted horrible wounds mem themselves with a razor. ed to bina as he was emeenssioned to thaw all :applicants through the premises, and also that he might be enabled to attend to tiny eequffements hash they might stand in need of in the way of dueting and airing. Ile proprietor, be informed us, fully in- tended bringing to the test of .personal ex- perience the singuler reports which had been circulated respecting his property, anal it was only on accomit of prolongea and um avoidable absence abroad that he had not Ile yet clone so. Thun it wee Oat we nuty theu be saidrto 'have been ahnost preoluded from acting otherwise than as we did, with regard to our lodging for the night, I shall only give a haety outline of 'part of the story we Imard. space:not permitting more than a brief narration of oue or two of its epartieulars. 'J'he house, it would appear. woe of about tell years' stancliI. It had been occupied , some time t e propeietor, and then, after haring for long remained empty, had, ! about two years before, been let furniehed to 21 middle-aged gentleman supposed to have a -been a doctor of medicine. 'J'his tenant seems to hare been a man of uliar physiognomy and habits ;of life. I an well remember two facts as to hie per, - %One Upped/U.110e, one af which struck me particularly at the tione-that he lied a long flowing beard, tvhich evas just turning from grey to white ; and piercing, deep-set ey?s, whirl at times flushed with a strange, fascin- ating lustre, and 50300110w then seemed to endow him with the power of exercising an enaidious, subtle influence over all upon whom their gaze Wile directed. He brought all immense library with him, and else several boxes of very 00140118 ma. ohinery, the use of which it was impossible to conjecture, and a vast assortment of chemicals and costly apparatus. His collee. tion ef books certainly showed. him to be S‘ man of no ordinaey mind. It included vol- umes on the most miscellaneous subjeets, frcun abstruse works on electricity, galvan. ism, chemistry, teitronotny, and animal mag. netiam, down to the more popular literature ot biography and works of fiction. It WM only tweidentally that all Lids was discovered by Mr. 8—, the proprietor, Viten calling one day about some repairs. Tbe tehaat and his nunaseevant, who was the only other occupant, would S80311 10 1111We conducted themselves in an unaccouutahly eeticent manner, all their actions having apparently been shrooded in studied gmereey. The poptsler eurineity tints aroused re. garding this somewhat mysterious couple may be said to have reembed its height when it became known one day that they anal all their belongiegs had inexplicably clicappear. ;eel, Word, of eouree, eves immediately sent to the proprietor ; but althoufili the most aegorous tnquiries wore nature, y at once set on foot regaaling thia strange departure, nothing has 01,011,4313100 been elicited to clear up the mystery 'attending it, The only 'ammo -tetanus elneidate(1 whiolo at firet sight seemed to afford some clue to its solution • woe thee several ef the inhabitants of the next village, averred that, tele black and stormy midnight they were Awakened by an unusual Doise, 0,5 of n, large . tomato nail% driven at a rapid pace throngh the lonely street, tiecomptenet1 by a Hound of Videos, 01101 of thescs Yofeee, they fancied, baiting a eesetriblatoce to that of the object of ale ethaogely neeecesitated Searellt shortly later,. from the roadway seen Mil- 4 tenth, the sound gradual& began to wane, liantlyillmninated was 1101,1, dark and gloomy and when it had once more entirely ceased like the others. We waited some time for the unknown 1 we ventured 010 on to the gloomy staircase. oceupaut to make his appearance ; but as he 1 seem nothing Maher to be heard, only the It was as before-enmey ; nothizig to be I did not seem inclined to do so, and we Were stone cold current of air to be felt -now, nOW chilled and damp with the eight air hewever, so perceptibly as visibly to sway and limey clew, went laetlighted one of the the flames of the tapers which we held, candles we had brought with us, and ea11- which were nearly extinguialied by its viol- tionsly entered on our own reernsibility, eickly noembecone Whieh 110W faintly elan. We first of all examined the walls to see At this normient a, pneeing °hind eentieel Ore 51100' mei al above the horizon, mul their pale'lighi, tf there were uo concealed paseage leading to ante darkened. 801110 seeret chambea-but all Wail 0111111Stak- i The Melee was cold and gloomy in the nble masonry, and very substantial it seem- ' extreme, and the dull flame emitted by cme ed, too. I single taper seemed but to vendee the empty Having asaured ourselves on this point, staircase, which we 110W began tO mend, we determined again to search every room, 1 more cheerless than before. and in order that there might now be ne Wu decided first of all to sem/line the mistake, after thoroughly doi»g so, to look ' mysteriously -lighted. ehamber ; thia apart. the door and carry away the key with ris. ment we easily foued. It was a small room, We naturally first of all performed thie last and might have been used as ct study or operation on the outer door, and we had , library. It was unearpeted, Its furniture just flubbed it, when We both heard what I consieted of a plain oak table, two dans, a seemed to be a. stifled laugh in Ole room near haincloth footatool, and an empty book.ease, which eve were Blanding- which stood on a neat cheat of drawers, I Ve entered ealltiollslYi grasPing out' etickat We scanned all this at a glauce, but, feeling that, now we might be called on to strange to say, although we examined most use them -but no, theee was nothing here lei minutely, WO could detect no tmee of it indicate the preseDee of any one 1 all wale having been recently occupied. like the gloomy passage we had just quitted, We had perfeotly convinced ourselvee on void, cheerlees, dreary. this point, and were in the act of quitting It was a line apartment: erideotly the it, completely puzzled as to how to comment drawing -room of the house, and, considering for the light we hail seen when our dog, the then peculiar position of the property, who np till now had cet,taialy conducted Wal rather handsomely farniapd.. himself telietly enough, auddeuly startled Among the other ornaments cleeorating ih uti hy giving vent to a long wailing howl, (for it could only have been kept as an mem. which eves with difficulty pacified, nor could ment or curiosity uow) was a quaint old , we discover any cause for hie unusual out. harpsieloore, such WI might heere been in use, boost 1 M Hamden: time. There were also several' Again wo searched every hole and cooler, articles of vertu -relies of the past ; the pee - awl again pin 004104, wee in min, we even prietor evidently hatd antiquarian tastes). examined all the dmwers, except one, which After an unsucceesful search through this as yet wu laid failed to open ; lout nothing, room., dionly lighted by our tapers, we pro. 4 uot even it candlestiele, ontlicatiug that any ceeded to the other three on the ground one had recently been here ewes to to be ilia'a found. These were the kitellen, a hedellehlber, Our curiosity here, though, was excited, and a Closet which entered riff this atter, for this fast.elmied drawer evideutly contain- and seemed to be juet behind the drawing - ed somethino wbich fechiy rattled With the room. This closet; had apparently been used slight niotion eve imparted to it in our endea. as the letrither.rooni of the house, for it was vents to open it, arid we Were therefore (le. uticarpeted, and contuAned aevend pieces of termined, at all costs, to oseertain ;whether a401050 br0kaa funitme, and 001110 0111pty Or not our imprecision with regard to it was pidels, doubtleee part of the late tenant% 4 well grounded, or the reverse. chemical property, I For sometime it deflect every effort to open, While We were rapidly isenunimc its eon - the wood having teapot]. to snob an extent ; twits, ci fragment of paper fluttered ciswil to hut we ultimately 0140.1110d additional lever- the ground, and our dog put hatelc hie care ego ai: gneeeg elm ;eke,/ through ee handle% ;mil howled. Where it came fecito with a • and t len it Was dial a v Wi.olivhed it fent' atYet41sY 1 t Ilere we, 110 allelf Or in (sleet ing • 11 • baeklyards, and it fell With a 1.11,10111 Which ad, .Nleelianically I stooped clown for ie with such violence that we both stumbled 11 "1 ' " 1 "i"" 'a" .3""" ';`P He (somewhat suspiciously)- -" You Rai eehoed through the whole house, and. ono had the following :strange three 1. - dog, again howling dismally, fled from the " on all within this Melee. Vying or inim !male, ABOUT NirOMEN. When a woman gets cross she gets cross at everybody. How soon a eapilal I becomes a i after marriage ! Sinile at some W0111011 and they will tell you all the troubles they ever had. For that for which a woman should he con- soled she is most often ridiculed -her homeli. nese. When at tome. Ctin Wash flannels so that they will not .Shrink she knows enough to got married. A woman ie never so badly in lore that she does not try to find out the coat of her engagement -ring. The devil has 11 partieldarly hot flre for the mother who wants to send her datughter hushand-huntiug at mixteetz. As soon as a Inan gets the fire built and the Mona Warn), his wife conies Edging ancl wants to "air the house," One of your delicate W0111011 Will never admit that she is hungsy ; she will may that she is feeling a little faint. You occasionally find it woman who thiaks she is intelleutial because she has a large number of correspondents. There is only one thing that pleases a woman -more than to be referred to us a clove, and that is to hear a man eeferred as a hawk. A woman never becomes se intelligent that she learns that it is no pleasure to heat: her 0011.X 1101' children to speak a piece. DECULEIT SINGH'S FLUNG VISIT, An Indian Prince Who is Journeying From tits Native Leuti to Paris. Minkel) 81.41 . LIM Indian prime whose Lour of the wooed has been mach commented lope:novas a passenger on the French ateamer La Normandie the other morning when she salted from le ew ork. Prince 'Dhuleep, who is deseeibod as a small. Men of very medest, mien and a eery (leek skin, reached New York from Nova Scotia i» tho gray of the morning just font; hours be- fore La Normandie left. The Prince is said to hove started from Paris, where he Wt10 educated in the Parie Univereity, and his present voyage will there- fore nearly complete the eireeit of ehe earth He is a, native of Hindostan, thilay-three yams old and is am excellent linguise He ia Laid to speak five languages, including Eng. lish, fluently, and tO be very companion- ahle man and a good ooliversationalist. Ho b imphete or to injett, Singh, who was:made the eubject ef a well known song. A British chip is Denied after Dindeep Singh. The Canso of MS Uneasiness. bet My Influmwe heel its sway ; room. A it'll gh ted he all eaten,. dwellera herein, We were shocked to find that it For NVIthlti these Walla my 'Will etelll works 10: eontaine4--horrible 1-a, human :aka and power. foot and as the former roiled along the floor, Instantly, on remain these singular linee its month grimly distorted by the fall, we for else filet timelfeltan undefinableserwation Mulct not but both hitterly regret owe obe. ae of the presence of atone invisible agency ; time* deterinhatiou, whielthad thus bronght as if some ghastly exhalation were gradually us into contact:a with am% truly repulsive tool filling the tele with a powerful hostile ludo - hideous objects. 'once Which *OA (Ant tO match its strolgth \Ve were not longen replacing; the drawer with mine. with its gliaistly *contents, which we could It passed slowly before us, 110111111g as 1.1, only snrenise must have been left aceilleMally were: for its only motion seemed smooth, by the late tenant, who Wail stopposed to have effortless iolvaneetnent, and our eyee were teen a dootor of medieine. irresistibly rivets:a to itt IL reached the Rad we marleit discovery like this at any passage, where le remained stationary for a other time, we should probably have thought monient or two, and thou slowly faded, itiothieg (if it, as we believed it to be not 'Me. Vr0 ne oeseetenflata) 1 you never loved anybody but me ? Ha es that true, Maud t'' Bleti-" Harry, your looks terrify nle Attire been too bold in allowingyou to kiss irieftet;e.,,:nu eh this evening ?" He-" No, Maud, but you Ides like an old • P ; tiff 1 i t .sult chel relit f m whence came the sound, but Mr. 'Richardson erent te g n, gave „ s .e a ; ithout this time said : the theoriee eviously limo on tote subject. An inereata of the temperature with the " Boys, I believe here's a hole." height Wee UOtieed after sunset. Ile ride Upon closely examining it, we foam! that of decline of temperature with elm lithe,. it wee nmeli larger than a man's body, :ilia wi,„„ „go, tho gosh „twos/ te saisstsno our leader a courageous man, stooped deem Lae the sky was elear or cloudy. From au elevation ot three notes moans elencis were Melt apparently as far eliciee the observers as they seem when viewed from the earth, and that under 50011 conditions that it e as hero to believe A posse of four was sent to Mr, ',aloes s for that their presenee taw due a, moisture. picks, he., while ono of our craned Wile sent Thu mdibility of omM d, from 1. I m Not a d o. to inform the remainder of the party that .ahly on the 311110111a of mole- pended 001103101 Pearson had been found. Within an hour thre in the air. The noise of at railwae aide could be heard in cloude at fame mites high, but not when the clouds Were far 11010W. The dieellarge Of it gun was heard at MOM and exclaimed ; " l'earson, are you there ?" To this ieterrogittion ennui the answer : " Yee. Leave valets and proeure pieka, ehovels, lights, &e., and rescue me at once. the picks, shovels, &e., were at hand, and the entire party set to work excavating, the dirt. The hole was about seren foot deep, and at thie point grew larger and turned feet ; the barking of a dog at tWo Mlles ; but obliquely to the east, \ e e followed this the shoutieg of a multitude at not more than ehanuel far about twenty feet, whoa caw 4,000 feet.. Many difference.. in the results progress was impeded. by a heavy home door. t ei ooservations Wel% Slipposed 10 depend up - Orders WON given by tact leader to burst: the on atmospheric conditions, while thee, vary door open, and Wo set to work crushing it. 1 with the time of day and the seueon ef the Iafter we had torn it gloom/ a sight met us ye,. . ii„ timb a gmil MO„y 013„,,,,,hom that nob a 111a11 present will forget to his would be required to determine thetrue laws. dying day. A dot; mom about twelye feet Having followed to one of the obseevat ion square presented itself, and the inmates ef the room, the wild man, his wife and a little child. They saw that resistanee ;was useless, moil allowed us to go into their room nn - molested, Ropes were at once used in hand- ing the wild man and his wife, ivhile the g„„tee monthly. Child Wile given to Mr. Bole% to be cared for. Po our interregeteen 01 1\ here is your recorded above wit. captive balloon end , other means, Mr. (Masher declared to Om Iffeteorological Seviely, in 1 870, that the theory that the tempevattire is away% 1.0Wer 41.1 higher eleyetions hi not true.---SPopular prisoner?" mime a guttural sound like : k -i.11 -e -d. htion. 0-0 1.e -y laus, ha-n-ci bee h -e f -r -e -e." Upon promising the Wild man to release nein if ho would inform us where our companion WILS, he seemed. so elated that he jumped five or six feet in the air and pointed to one corner of the room con- taining a lot of far Skin& .A close inspecti- on of Mole Corner rerealed a very close - fitting trap door, and at tea opening one friend and companion could be heard talk- ing below. He WaS spoken to and mower.. ed. A rope 31,11,5 thrown down the hole and Mr. Pearson was retheeil from what might have been a terrible life. 1115 ex. perience with the wild mno Is too long for ublioation, so NY0 111. From this - The Importenoe of Oompation. There is nothing that adds more to the zest of life than en interesting occupation ; twee if it means herd work, there ism racoon - pause in the enjoyment of well earned rest. No tvork ought, however, to be overpower- ing, or so exhaustive that one'e energies fell below their aspiration°. 011 the other ha.nd, no life is so thoroughly wretched as one where the neees.sity and, deeire for work, is entirely wanting ; antl this is particularly true of pereons of edneaeion and intelligence who allow themselves to fall into that uneet. tied condition of mind whore nothing is of interest. It is difficult at first to force an interest, but when the firat step is made, the habit of regulate occupation, if only for one lame of the wthl faintly we retraced our 01. LIM 110111.8 a day, becomes veleable. Ae- sthete 1.0 Columbue with nue prizes, and tive rithols, ef not supplied with 001110 8111)- 01v can now be seen at the city lockup, (eat for fetid thought, will finally prey upon this room beving been obtained for them, themsclves 'and end by breaking down the The man is 5 feet dimities in height, weighs physical health. about 105 pounds, end haw a heavy uottt of hair upon his entire hotly. The woman is 5 feet 9 inches, weIghs Ido pound, and has a much homier coat of hair upon her hotly thIligitioi f11,101114nyiro.ushortil:ettpooTuhliellerliitiyld of 00 u1111,1 is paputation, 013. (Iv . Is "luirmtlY Ample from a ghettoes:8 who had hear( of his there arrived from 11,tesyliscad,rieti ileililanveurayunisupeollitkrolstef.mowlee‘svortilmb3ooni pugilist, Ho foun't1 the Soot, working in a London Lord D, le well-kuown amateur English, but his wife artioulatee en poorly field. "Friend," :said his lordship, after that it is impossible to understand Ilea 1;Protilei the hest information we ean get from 0 Without a wool the farmer first tyiug his horse to ft thee, "I have come 0 Ione way to sou which of us is the best men (whom wo Mom uheistened V1,1111 '.I cent, 8w0,1,0,801,11 Ti,iitn, eelted the middle, pitalted him eve learn thee he and lois cousin, then mere ever the hedge, and resumed hie work. children, ran away from their permits thirty - His lotelship sheerly gathered himself to - eight years ago, and 11,aravoorieseniltlehdayien botlt,,11s, 'feller, wherc•opon this fanner said, "Well, MVO eInee elate time, lave you anything 1,101.0 1.0 Say to 1110 ?" , 10,x001,,I,lprt01,11,04:1113,1011(11'011, all 411 whom lime° died, „Ne,... 01100 Lova D., "het t juphars 4,,,ull He Saw the Wrestler. ..............-.........---.0.-.......--.. '$110100111, lie &tell day 131.11 the dame to be I done and tho triale to lei midmost No man is stem% enough to successfully carry to. dey's duties and toonorrow's anxielicia piled on top, (Irand temples ;we built of small stones and great lives made of trilling events; little, 'deeds of kindness, little words of lave make np the Sum of home happiness, i Effigies of Xing& n secluded epee in Westminster Abbey, in tsitecifel keeping, etre preserved thine ot the effigies of our Binge and (anomie that, aceording to old custom, fermad part of the pagetmtry of their State fuuerals. Some of the very ohlost, perhaps of Plantagenet times, nre stripped of them robes ; hut some others that; are riot 101101 more than bwo linnOred yenie old are dal invested. meth the alitique clothing with which they were made to re resent. 111c forms of tho ro dead to the r ilOrrOWIng lieges. As it Ilia N- 11,1,1011 of lthitory, teeming 11.14 0111` 341111011ti therehee are with teetimony, thee° relics meet be regarded with surpassing interest. They aro memorials of seasons in which tho land Wee etrioken with a great WW0, nacho) man knew what the day might bring forth, There Wile ones a Scotch fernier tamed for his strength, who was ;often challen ed by be so good. 11.0 LO thrONY 1110 111y 110110.1. The Mahtlre Sueoeseor Not Dead, Lettees received. in Loudon from ellatin bey, the Egyptian governor, who has been a orisoner in the hands or the Alahdists since See eau of fehartouna contradict the wide- spread rumor that the KludifeAlnlullah, the snecessor, is (lead, .1.1:e repOrte that on amount of an unusual (twilight of fowl the 8011(1013, the mortality has been one - Womble, and as the Tealualifit eould not, eeriest at Oinderman stillcient fond foe hie so (hers he was a alga(' to let them scetter mid forage foe themselvee, 8ome women Make whieperal tale °Hove, lett a belle prefers a declaration made ringing ton%