HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-2-28, Page 8s • y• 4 against Wm. Anderson, of Wingbam,in NM .ze ,, ';Sou s i the latter town on Wednesday evening. Anderson won. The other two skated At the L'rMe8els P11,11 Show thio 201 utiles each. CAuhivAL. -.Circ first carnival of thio 1 season will be held on Friday evening Of this week (weather permitting) in the Maitland rink, Prizes aro offered for costume, racing, ,to. Tho Brunets Baud will be in attendance. Rev. S. SELIAMY, 13, A„ B. D., preset'. ed miesionary wantons in Wingham last Sunday. 11fr. Leatherland, of Seeforth, occupied the pulpit of the Methodiet churoh in this place and preached two thoroughgoing sermons. Horse and lot for sale in Brussels West. Good stable and well on the premises, also any quantity of small fruit and a few young fruit trees, A bargain if sold at once. For information apply at TBE Posx Publishing House, TUE"hay syndicate" (composed of A. J. Lowick, S. W. Laird and J. '1`, Roes) brought a load of bay to town last Mon- day from the Donald MoLanohlin farm that weighed three tons and fifty pounds. Th0y purohaeed 20 or 30 tons of hay at the solo at $4 per ton. BOB BnuDEPTE was a philosopher, a Christian and a friend of the down trod. den when he said :—"God wasted mud when he made a man so meas as to tell Mae postmaster to return his paper mark. e9 "Refused" when he owes two or three years subscription." Wetzel/mum AND Deneex .—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 43.tf Tunexe.—Will you kindly convey my sincere thanks to the kind friends who, through Miss Minnie Hart and Miss Annie Seal, made me a present of a. pretty high-ohair, which I neither ex- pected nor deserved. It was a pleasant surprise and I thank them most heartily and will thank you also if you pat this in TBE Pose. I remain, my dear sir, yours truly, LACE& ELMAsm Howie. Goon.—Last Wednesday's Toronto Globe says of a person well known in this locality :—A. M. Taylor has returned frum a six weeks' visit to New York and Boston. He succeeded in selling his new book, "Emerson : His Mestere and His Critics,' to Lovell & Co, for $3,000, retaining else a royalty. An edition will be published in London at the same time as the American edition. A OBN7'LEMAN called at Tum PosT Pub. liehing Hoose on Tuesday of this week and paid five subscriptions for 1890. Four of the above are going to his four sons, in Manitoba and Outeri°, respec- tively. A. few visitors like this would soon boom a newspaper. A friend in Flint, Mich., in remitting his subscrip- tion for TEE POST says "Please conbinna as we would be very lonely without it." )1ARK,E Wonme.—Messrs. Cochrane Johnston, of Durham, were in town last Wednesday. They have leased the stone building lately occupied by Chas. Hol- land as a carriage shop nod about April 1st will open up business as marble ent- ters. They will deal in monuments, tomb stones, &c., and ask intending pur. chasers to ascertain their figures before planing orders elsewhere. As both mem- bers of the firm are preotical men there is no doubt that they will do a large bud - noes. There is a good opening for a marble cutter here and TBs Pose iespeake a large share of patronage to Messrs. Cochrane & Johnston. TIE ORGAN QOEsrION.—As there has been considerable trouble hero lately about the Doherty Co'y holding liens on the organa tbat Mr. Veal sold here, and as the public might think that we all bay them the same way I have sent and got this certificate from D. W. Karn & Co., of Woodstook : Woodstock, Feb. 95111, 1893, "This la to certify that B. LEATEE19D.O5, or Brueeels, purchases 1315 Organs from as out madam and we hold no lets or claim on said icetrumente after being purobased by R, Leatherdale. Parties purchasing organs from him are perfeoti3 safe and we would recommend any person requiring an organ to purchase from him, as we consider him thoroughly reliable ,as we have proven to be the case, having done business with him for years. D. W. EARN dr CO." MIssio sex Mmes.—The Missionary report of the past year, for the Canada Methodiet church, shows that the follow- ing amounts contributed towards this fund were as follows : Goderich, North St., 3389, and Victoria 139., 378 ; Clinton, Rattenbnry St., 3451, and Ontario St., 3280 ; Seaforth, $282 ; Holmesville circuit $205 ; Bayfield circuit, 369 ; Varna cir- cuit, 3100 ; Hansell circuit, 377 ; Heneall North oircait, 3141 ; Dungannon, 3215 ; Nile, 3117 ; Benmiller, $182 ; Wingbam, 3144 ; Wroxeter oirouit, 2120 ; Enamels, $92 ; Walton circuit, 3131 ; Londeeboro' circuit, $188 ; Blyth circuit, $146 ; Aub- urn circuit, 3193 ; Belgrave circuit, $72 ; Bluevale, 376 ; Exeter, James St., 3868, and Main St., $211. MAOEerearee.—The boys interested in the racket at the Army settled with the officers and paid the oosts, They will not get off ae easily if the annoyance is repeated.—R. L, Taylor and M. M. Car diff appeared before A. Hunter, R. Gra- ham, Ino. McCrea and Wm. Spence J.P'e, in answer to information laid by F, S. Soott, bailiff of the 4th Division Court, for the unlawful removal of goods in bis possession at Ethel. The witnesses pall- ed wero F. S. Scott, J. Burton and son and James Ross. E. E. Wade conducted the case for the plaintiff and R. L. Tay- lor took charge of the defenoe. After hearing the evidence the bench decided thnt a naso was established and they will oonsequently have to appear at Goderich for trial. Tun 83ni Ilunoo.—The annual report of the Department of Militia has been distributed. In the report of Lieut. Col, Smith, for Military District No. 1, the strength of the 33rd Batt, in camp feet year is put at 29 officers and 808 men, these figures being exceeded in that camp only by the 30th Wellington Rifles. The following special mention is of particular interest: "The Infantry regimente turn. ed out fairly well, but in many CMOS the physique was defective. The 80th, under l,ieut,•Colonet Clarice, and the 33rd, under Lieu6,.Colonel Coleman, were relatively the beat Infantry corps, both as to num. hers and as to physique. Tide superior. My is, to a great extent, accounted for when it is atatod thee the counties from Which they are respectively drawn, Wel- lington and Huron, make an allowance of 25 conte a duty to each officer', N. 0. 0. and man, in addition to the Government pay. Thie local aid T entirely dieapprove of, on principle ; yet these examples ghees What may bo done by means ee a little additional amino." year 1 purpose again giving q)rizes for the Bost Oakes and Biscuits made with az amass BARING POWDER, if you have not used our Baking Powder ( would lite you to try it. We would caution yoi against using any of the *heap baking powders, which contain alum. Sf you get a cheaper powder than ours it is simply because it 13 made of some inferior material. Alum should never he used in articles of food, We aan 3Ol1 you uur l'otvder in any quantity ae we peep it always in bulk. Hanefactured and for Sale 111 Brussels --only by --- G. A. DEADMA.N, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. l.ut":)1L-3,5 1:xTENsioN W. u. R• 11. Trains 1,ece Brussels Station, North and South, as follows ; GOr5G 000111. (loom •NOR7n. Afaa........... 6:53 u.m, I Mined... _9:20 a.m. Express. _11:45 a.m. J Mall 800 pan. Mixed . ,.,... 8:55 p•m. Express ....,9:45 p.m. .Qfi1� Ii.thhS tem%. A ohiel'e amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll print it. Hous. Fair next Thursday. linemen cheap at MoCraoken's. Heuer Vele has gone to Ridgetown. Cormcn, meeting next Monday evening. Miss Maar Cana is visiting in Tor- onto. BAND concert on Friday evening of mixt week. Muse Elam HILT, spent Sunday in Wingbam. CLovEa and Timothy seed at Mc. °recken's. Rev. S. Joxss preaches at Belgrave next Sabbath. MRS. Amax. IIONTER went to Toronto on Wednesday. Mns. J. W. 'SEMI. is removing to To- ronto this week. J. T. PEPPER and wife were visiting in Bluevale last Friday. Tnos. Glee goes to Seattle, Washing- ton Territory, next week. A raw flour and feed store is one of the probabilities for Brussels. Wtr. H.tznrnee le visiting his sister, Mrs. Frank Uren, at St. Catharines. Rev. 11. Pere preaches at Teeswater next Sabbath for Rev. W. W. Sperling. Mns. A. PEINoir, of Bellfountains, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. J. Fair- field. Fon sale, cheap, two sets second hand single hainees at I. C. Richards' harness shop. ST. LkoN.— Fresh barrel received. Dozens are us- ing it. See testimonials. A. GOOD. Ox Friday evening of this week a Farmer's Ball is announced at the Town Hall, Brussels. Mas. HAneuEtr a and grand -daughter ba,ve gone to Toronto for a visit to rela- tives and friends. W. Courrs officiated us precentor in Melville church last Sunday. Ile is an applicant for the position. Sxancn9N Bees., merchants, have die. solved partnership. The business will be managed by A. Strachan. Mrs; MAar SAMPLE and Miee Lizzie Maunders are attending the millinery openings in London this week. BEV. F. Sw'Axy, of Monkton, will preach lathe Brussels Methodist church next 4unday morning and evening. Mas. Goan, of Mitchell, is in town visiting her daughter, Mrs. Konig, wlro has been sick for a week or two. Mogruir horse fair in Brussels on Thursday of next week. If you have horses to sell being them to thio fair. WM. BL.utmLL is asking for tenders for the erection of a brick block on Turn - berry street. That looks like business. A ascan smile lights up the counten- ance of N. F. Gerry since Tuesday night. He now speaks of "my wife and daught- er." D. McGILLxcuoT, of the Goderich Sig- nal, has been on the sick list for several weeks. We hops he is "on deck" by this time. Mns. E, E. Wens is prepared, to give instruction in Frenolr. Full particulars ratty be ascertained by applying to Mrs. Wade. Mies HOBOBrrves is visiting in Paisley. liar place as organist in St. John's aleurch was filled by Mime Abraham 'eat Sabbath. Rev. Jim. Roes, 13. A., was at Wing. time on Thursday and Friday evenings aeaisbing Rev. Mr. MoQnarrie in special gerfalcon. House and lot for sele or to rent. Centrally located. Good well, garden, stitble, &c. Apply at THE Pose Pnblish- iet House. Meerxone end Dakota is once more the sokjeot of conversation on our streets. A.number from this locality talk of emi. grating this Spring. Foua'rn Division Oourt was held in the Town Hall on Thursday of this week before Judge Doyle. A number of the cages were adjourned. W. A. Ouxntcx expects to leave Brus- sel') for British Columbia next week, He goes with relatives bone Clinton who purpose eettling there. J. J. Greeter has opened an office for his implement, organ and sewing machine business in Jno. Somerset's building, just south of the Town Hall. Bertem.is in trunks and valises. Just to hand a large stook of those articles. We carry the largest stock and sell the Chea)1emt in town. L 0. lttonAnns, I2 is stated that W. M. Sinclair hoe purchased the Vacant lot south of P. C. Rogers' from John Wynn and intents erecting aresidence next grimmer, It ie a Rue lactation. J. Drumm, m, of l'ortageda•l'rairie, Mau., was visitieti friends in town last week. It is said the prospective Mrs. Brown is a resident of Brussels. We expect to obroniolo tbt marriage before next fall. A Croditoti eorresponclent wr Des:— Rev. Brant Bowie, the blind lecturer, will deliver a eou18e of throe 10090108 on "I)itlsstine and the Mebrews," March 4th, 5t11 arid 6elr, in the'Germrtn ohttroh here. 1105,1', 't'I10518031of r3reesele, and (leo. Tv,.,,, of Givatorth, allot"dao mho vaso 1t3Fi ti 55,i", t,.S rQ5'1' LECTURE.' --A lecture will bo given in Melville choral), tinder the euspi058 of the Y. P. 0. A., on Monday evening of next week, Mareli 3rd, by the Rev. J. L MurrayM. A., of JCincardiuo, on "A recent European tour," The following ie a eummary of his lecture i—Tho At. lands voyage ; entry into Giaegow by the Clyde ; from Glasgow to London, the metropolie of the world; its prominent places and some of its famous speakers ; London to Paris ; the Exposition, Eiffel Tower end other sights; Prem Paris, through Switzerland, to Italy ; Mount Cenie Tunnel; home of the Waldenses ; Tourin ; Go11o5 ; 1'rea, with its wonderful loaning tower; Imperial hone, with the Vatican, St. Peter's, the Coliseum, the Appian 'Way, Pilate's Staircase, the Tiber, the ilL nnnorline Prison, dc. • Naples ; Mount Vesuvius ; Pompeii and its magnificent coins; Florence; Venice, with its streets of water, Ilgoudolos,Bridge of Sighs and horrible old prison ; Geneva, Milan, Como, &c., &c. Music will be furnished by the choir of the Association. La,.tere beeline at a (neuter to eight. Calved -1G Ncvvee- Solne thirty soul stole a barrel of whiskey from an Orwell farmer's wagon in the St. Thomas market, on Saturday. A child of Douglas Wilson, of Quebec, was killed by a fall of snow and ice from the top of a house while the child was Owing is a sleigh below. While chopping wood W. Walden, of St. Thomas, was Tait on the forehead by the axe which oanght in the clothes line. The wound required several stitohes. George Anderson, an employee of the Cochrane Rauch Go., of Fort McLeod, N.W,T., was the guest of Chas. Mudding at Belmont recently. He is now on his way home from Montreal, having brought 512 head of cattle from the ranoh, mak- ing two trains of 15 oars eaoh. The cat• tle was gold for $91.37 eaoh, netting the handsome sum of 346,781.44. Mr. And- erson gives a good account of the North- west. Saturday morning about 100'olook Mrs. George Evans. of Hamilton, was out shopping with her infant daughter. While in a grocery at the corner of Fer- guson avenue and Wilson street, she left the little one in the baby buggy on the sidewalk at the door. A Moet of wind started the buggy, and it rolled down the street until it oaree in contact 'with the grocer's delivery Horse, which was tied to a poet. The carriage upset and the little one was thrown out under the horse's feet. The frightened animal began to prance and kick, horribly mangling the child with its hoofs. The horse kicked away for nearly five minutes before the little one was rescued, all bruised and bleeding. Dr. Bingham sewed upa large gash in the child's head and bandaged the body, which was frightfully braised. He is doubtful if the child will recover. The father of tiro shill is Geo. Evans, son of ex -Alderman Evans. On Friday evening of last week at 6:30 the fire bell rang out the alarm, and at that moment smoke was seen Matting from the branoh book and stationary store of M. J. Beam, north side of Queen street, St, Marys. In a very few minutes the hand and steam fire brigades were on the scene and fought the flames manful- ly, but without effect, as the building, which was a frame one, was doomed. The flames soon spread into the adjoin- ing frame grocery store, occupied by J. W. Broderick, and in a very few minutes all hope of it wee abandoned. As the buildings on either side of the burning ones were brick and stone, the fire was confined to those two, which were soon consumed. Both parties will lose heav- ily, as they were only partly insured, A Lamp explosion was the cause of the fire. Whale the fire was in progress a teem of horses became unmanageable and ran against a plate glass window belonging to D. McLaren, merchant tailor. The win- dow is a total wreak. Loss partly cover. ed by insurance. 330RN. BEn9Ann.—In Morrie, on Feb. 24bh, the wife of Mr. Tbos. 13. Bernard, of a son, GRnar.—In Brussels, on February 25111, the wife of Mr. Noble F. Gerry of a daughter. WALxea. In Brussels, on February 209h, the wife of Mr. Joseph Walker of a daughter. MCDONALD.—Ab Strathdonald, Goderich, on Tuesday, Feb. 25th, the wife of Mr. D. McDonald, of a daughter. Hoor e--Genote—In Morris, on the 19th inst., by Rev. I. 13. Wallwin, Mr. Robert Hoover, of Wawanoeh, to Mise Mary Gibson, of Morrie. HAMILTON—FEaaoeoN.—On the 19th;net„ at the residenoe of the bride'a father, 803 Fourteenth street, Buffalo, N. Y. by Rev. J. L. Franklin, Mr. T. L. Hamilton, of Scott's Bank, Lis- towel, to Nellie, only daughter of Mr. Robt. Ferguson, formerly editor of the Listowel Banner. ATF i n. SoaDLErT.—In MoKillop, on Feb. 22nd, Samuel Scarlett, aged 72 years, 8 months and 12 days. Snonnrcz. —In Morris, on February 25th, Maggie, daughter of Wm. Sholdioe, aged 16 yeers and 12 days. A't7'CTIOST MONDAY, MAnou loan.—High grade stock, on lot 20, con. 14, MoKillop. Salo commences at 1 o'olook. John D. Selo. bens, prop. Geo, Kirkby, auct, FRIDAY, FED. 28Tu.—Farm stock, im- plements, 10., on 109 10, con. A., Turn. berry. Sale commences et 12 o'olook. Duncan McPherson, prop. Geo. Kirkby, auct. Wisinuseev, Merton nen.- Farm stock, implements, &c. lob 5, con. 11, Grey, Sale commences at 11 o'clock a. no, sharp, Lunch at noon, Wm. Bishop, prop, Geo. Kirkby, ane, $1T.T3•e80 m m S.2Ame=es Tm. Fall Wheat 711 80 Spring Wheat 75 80 Barley ........ 83 37 Oats 24 37 Peas 58 54 Butter, tube and rolls,. 14 15 Eggs( per dozen 12 00 Flour per barrel 5 0 00 Potatoes 30 85 May per 6 00 6 50 Pork „ ..., . 4 75 5 10 hides per ib., .. 2 2i Salt per bbl„ retail1 25 OU prines and terms apply t0. T1108. Ka30i3r, hoopekino,eaoh,....,GO 1 00 3rusroal0P.O1T34Vcro3: 1,;Ma;1n Tmd:n i, Is. 0 O„ n S ,. t 1 ' Whig, per lb. 18 20 le 0 eliddloGxCountr. IRE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. GI) BAY FOR SALE.-- Will deliver At gtmntitlae to suit pur. ohueer, T. PEPPER, Lot 5, Con. 0, Grey, ti OUAD LOT FOR m+ M13EarketNstreet, easy ferule, Por pertiaulers emill to ldree P, V. atsNTnottea3 33.1if or W. F. VANSTONE, Brunets, BOOK POS'L'ING WANTL+'D.— Businose tion, or ot''.em, requiring their books posted up !matte aud correctly aan have the,d done. Apply at this 011loo. F R E N 0is Ii va AfS forming n 111b aes for instructions in French, to bo boll twice a week et her reeltlduce. Terms made know u on upplloat:on. 55- L,i,TA&Iii rro GoJ 1 IE AJ Louvee Brussels every morethg instead el peening, as formerly, and returue from Genie in the evening. This rulo will bo ad- hered to until farther notice. S WALSH, Proprietor. J, OTIC10f 111 Notice is hereby given that the outstand- ing ancouuta due We Into firm of Hayorott & Turnbull, Brussels, must be settled by o110' ersoob or 0000 forthwith. The books are at Dickson & Hays' Office, and they are au. thorirod to giyo roeelpls for loonies lurid. 14- ri1ENDEB WANTED.— Tenders wanted for building a Two - Storey IS Dalt Hotel at .Ethel, Pians and specifications may be seen at 3, Burton's any time after March 1st. Lowest or any tender not nem:mm.1ly accepted, Ethel, Feb, 25, '00. 33.2 J. BURTON. NO1CXC.)L+' f TO DEBTORS. A11 parties indebted to the estate of the late Andrew Currie are requested to settle the same by tho 28th inn. After that date all unpaid olaims will be collected by pro. case of law. 13Y OR11E3 OF uxuot TUBS. Brussels, Oot.15,1889. 14-tf I ' RESSMAKING.— Tho undersigned desires to intimate to the ladles of Brussels and surrounding 001a9ry that who is prepared to attend to all erders intrusted to her. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop—Up-stairs, ono door north of Walter Jackson's hardware store, 90- MISS SAMPLE. f I IARTARIAN OATS FOR SALE. A. —Tho cubeorlbor offers ere bushels of Blank 9. arterial' Oats, grown from seed im. ported from Scotland, for We. They are perfectly pure and clean, and yielded over e0 bushels per acre. Also a quantity of °loan six -rowed Barley, and a lot of good Spring Wheat grown from the old lied Fife and from Manitoba Red Fife wheat. Prices moderate. 33- DAVID MILNE, Ethel. TENDERS WANTED 1 Tenders wanted for toe erection of a Brick Store en Turnberry St., Brussels, separately for atone work, brink work and wood work. Tho party tendering for wood work to furn- ish material for fronts, doors, frames and sash. Tenders recoiv ed up to April 100,1609. Plans and specifications and alt particulars needed may be seen or had at W. BLASH- ILL'S BButchsrrr Shop, Brussels. 31.1 PATE NTSCaveats, Re -issues and Trade Marks enured and all oth. er patent cansas in the Patent Ofliee and before tho Omuta promptly and carefully at- tended to. Upon receipt of model or sketch of invention, 1 make careful examination, and advise as to pateutobility free of charge. Fees moderate, and I make no charge anises patent is secured. Information advice and Ennio' references sent on application. J. R. LITTELL, Waehlugton, D.O., U,8, Patent Office. n5 REAL ESTATE. T..('IARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN• penme-ran has several good Farms for sale and to rent, ca87 terms, in Townships of Morris and Gray. F. S. SCUTT, Brussels. 87.01. 'WARM FOR SALE. ANY PER. 8014 wanting a good farm of 300 aaree in the township of Morris,3 miles from Bros. eels, on the moat reasonable terms, will get a bargain by applying at once to J. M. O'CONNOR, Fire Insurance dgeut, Brussels, or ebe proprietor, G. A. PERRAM,3Petrolea, n. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE in the Village of Ethel. Than is an acre and a quarter Oland and upon it is a good frame dwelling, stable, &o., the proper. ty of the late Mire. Walter 00,501ook. The lot Jewell situated on the bank of the Malt. land river. For price, terms and further par90ilats apply oute DAVIppD? HEIIto DERSON. FARM FOR SALE. — BEING Lot 12, Con. 10, towuehlp of Greq Huron Co. There aro100 acres, 95 acres of which are cleared and in good state of culti- vation. On the farm4s a stone house and frame bare and frame stables, a good bear- ing orchard and good wall of water. For furtherpartiaulers apply to the proprietor on the premises. 17-tf JOHN VINCENT, Brussels P. O. L1ARMFOR SALE.—TEIE SUB- -12 SCRUM offers his valuable 100 acro farm,bniuglot 3, eon. 13, Grey Township, Huron Co., for sale. There aro about 50 aereecleared Rodin good Dar& There is a log house, good bank barn bearing oi'ohard, and all the necessary oonvenienoee on the premises. For further particnlare, 60 to Drioe,terms, etc„ apply to the Proprietor, TH08.HISLOP, Clare P, 0., N.W.T.. or to 2-tf ,DOUGALD 8TRA0HAN. Brueeels. FARM FOR SALE,—THE UN. cloreigned offers bis 100 tare farm, being North half Lot 80, (Jon. 8, Morris, for sale, There aro about 75 mares cleared and under anitivation. On the premises are a geod frame house, bank barn, good orobard and other necessaries. Only 99 miles south of Brussels on the gravel road. For further partioulars, as to prise, 90., apply to the proprietor on the promisee, 30.6x J, PYBUS, Hex 190, Bruseels P, 0. j"ARM FOR SALE, BEING LOT 33, eon. 5, Grey, containing 100 acne, 13 mires cleared, under grave, and the balance tlmbored. About Macros of dry land and the balaoOo coaar and black ash swamp. There is a log house ou the promisee. Will be sold on cry reasonable terms aoproprie- tor does not require the lot. For furthertlar- ti0ulars apply to ROB'I', AioLAUGHLIN, Ordnbrook, P.O. or ALEX. HUNTER, Bros - eels. 12 1�.i1ARM FOR SALE.—TUE UN. JDEn8tGNmn offer; for sale the north coat quarter of 1o628, concession 5, Morris, County of Huron, containing 60 acres. Tho land is of first q9uality and In a high state of Cultivation, well fenced and uuder.tlrab)ed, :O acres cleared. New frame house, 8 rooms, milk house with eonaxet° walls, 'l voile, good barns end abed, orchard, etc. Bight scree of fall wheat. This desirable property °MMus the corporation of Bronchi, Suit- able to11110 will be given, Title perfect. ;JAMES GRRIEVE Owner, 3e. GRIEVE, P.O, N�••t(r•OOD FARM FOR SALE IN \Jt Morrie on reasonable terms. In order to Mom 9130 affairs of the estate of tiro late W. 0.filagatou,the executoreoffer the fol- lowing valuable lands for solo North half of Lot 30, Ooneesoiou 5 Township of Morrie containing 00 a0008. (1n tide lot is erected a good frame born with atone foun- dation,good orchard, well duel pnnnp. Near• le ail cleared, and 10 on the grave road aloesly adjoining t110 Village of Brna6oia. let !j 8 farm is avnluablo 0(10, f9 wall Mena and in a good state el oultivatlau. ler FBEBTJARY 28, ilk40, COLONIST TRAINS'Pe Pepper's �-- Alwttysask for ;:---• ,.a, F �PePsP erfect Pillet Through. Cott chore KINCARDINE to TORONTO, -Tlvemeee To. MANITOBA, BRITISH COLUMBIA. DAKOTA, ETG" IIIA tCII 1 Ith and 25th APRIL SIJI and 2211d TICKETS. TICKETS. TICKETS. ria C;r.T.R. or C7.1:'•IZ. -to any Point in - MANITOBA, BRITISH COLUMBIA AND 0Y,LSsslN(:TaN 'O'J1RIMITOR3', -or your choice of routes- -7=A. CxTMCR.C+C an,3 tiro GREAT AM ERIOAN RAILROADS To all Points WEST and EAST. TX3R0'VGI--I TIC=17TC -and your - Baggage Checked THROUGH[ from i31i,U4"410LPw le PATION COMFORTABLE CHAIR CARS AND SLEEPERS OBTAINED Wilhont Exlra Charge. For full information apply to T. r+LBTCFIER, Town Agent for D.T.U. at Telegraph Office ERSEY BULL FOR SERVICE. For terms and other particulars ask for circular at my Drug and Book Store. Should you Ito pay ah to s high finer 018oaccordinpre- mixedo milking qualities of their daces. 50.11mbe G. A. DEADMAN,Brusoels, EXECUTORS' NOTICE. IN THE SURROGATE COURT AU' THE COUNTY OF HURON. In the matter of the Estate of THOMAS CARDIFF, late of the Township Gf Grey, in the County of Huron, Fanner, DECEASED. Notice is hereby given Pursuant to the pro- visions Of the Revised Statutee of Ontario, chap 110, that all auditors andotbers having claims against the estate of Thomas Cardiff, late of tho Township of 00834, in the Couuty of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the nth day of January, A.D. 1890, in the township of Gros' aforesaid, are request- ed. to send by poet, prepaid, or to deliver to Mark E. Cardiff or to Hoary Mooney• the Executors of the bust wit and to8tamont of the said Thomas (lardlit, d000ased, at Bros. sets, or to the undersigned, on or before the ern day of March, A.D. 1800, their names and addresses with full particulars of their claims. A nil notice is hereby given that af- ter the said last mentioned date the said E xecutora will proceed to distribute the ae- sats of the said estate among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to oho claims of whioh they shall then have uotlee, end that the said Executors will not ha liable for the said agnate or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persona of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been given as atoroaaid. Dated. at Brussels February 10013, 1890. BOIST. L. TAYLOR, 31,3 Soliailor fol' said Executors, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of 'WILLIAM SUDDEN, Into of the Townehlp of Grey, in the County of Huron, Farm. el', !emend. Pursuant to Revised Statutes of Ontario 1880, chapter 110, notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands against the estate of William Sudgen, late of the Township of Grey, in the Couuty of Huron, and Province of Ontario, fawner, deceased, who died on Or about the 15th clay Of May A.D. 1897, are hereby requested W and by post, prepaid, or deliver to James L. Darling, Bonin, r, of the town of Lietovol, in the County of Porth, solicitor tor tiro Executors of the said deceased, ou or balm THURSDAY, the Oth day of MARCH, 1800, a statement in writing 1.f their names and addresses and the full particulars of their claims or demands and of tiro securitaoe, if any, held by them and further take notice that after the said 5th day of March A.D. 1890, the said noniron will proceed to die - tribute tbo snots of the said deceased amoug the parties entitled thereto, haying regard only to sun claims of which notes, bas been given as shoes required, and the said executors will not bo liable for the said anon, ar any ps rt thereof, so distributed to any portion of whose claim notice shall not have been received atthe time of the dig- tribntion of the said aseote, Dated at Listoweltbie 6th day of Febru- ary A.D. 1590. JAMES L. DARLING, 31-3 Solicitor for Exeoutore, MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY In the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron. Under and by virtue of the Power of Salo ooutaiued in a certain mortgage (which will be produced at the time of sale), there will he sold by Publio Auction, at the Antennae EoTat, in the said village of Bruesele, by F. S. Scott, Esquire, Auctioneer, on SATURDAY, the Sand day of HA55CII, A.D. 1890, at the hour of 1 o'clock In the Afternoon, the Mowing property viz t All and singular those certain parole or tracts of land end premises situate, Iylug and being in the village of Breesble, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, being composed of lobs numbers sixty-nine (89) and fifty -throe (58) in the said village of Brussels, ouch oontaiufng one-quarter of an ((aro of land, be the same Moro 00 loss, and 0,1130 being composed of the oast half of lot number sixty-eight (OB), in the said village of Breese's, and all that part of lot number ninety env() a (071,in the 0010 village of Brus- sels, lying to the ease aide of the westerly boundary lino of oho east half of lot sixty. eight (n5latoroeatd produced to the Southerly aisle oflot ninetyesyeu (07). On the pro 1potty is erected a comfortable largo frame 6.80011- fugwe1l- iugg hones, are and oue.half stories high, with good cellar underneath, also a flret- alaeo ram0 stable, almokt new, The house le nicely and conveniently laid out, with woodshed, a good well and cistern all under oover.'Bhere is about one-11.111aoro of ground gloated with Shade mud fruit trees, and also a mega lawn suitable for tennis and other games. The property will bo offered for solo Wiled to a 006 t0140 bin. Tonus.—efen per mut, of tho pure Ing° money to be paid at time of sale, and the balabce wltbin 19 diva thereafter, without interest. ;for further particulars and conditions of sale apply to Meredith, Clarke, Bowes & Minos, 008330herch Ste Toronto, Vendor's Solicit- ors; m' to W. At 31N GLAIR, of the said 5111 - are of Psuescle, la air.'evnt, us-,( Dated this rah dory of Vobreere, A.D. 18051 09,, 1 USE NO OTHER. ',r Shift Headache, Ulssiuese, Torpid 1,ivor Constipation, Sallow Skin and the Coinplexlon. Prepared only b1' . 'P. 1'°1I0V1011118, ambit u,i,1 Druggist, ort,tnA1t'M BLOCK, . 1055UN451(i. BANKING. i\l JNTOSI[ tC MaTAGGART, BANKERS, . BRUSSELS, Trasana.nt O. Geanaral 13cafz1el,ng 33ueis:oan, NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian nod Milted States Drafts bought and Bold. Interest allowed on Deposits, Oolleetions made on favorable ferias. Oanalian Agents—MERC,OANT's BANK OP OANA1)A. Now York Agonte—InrronTt:ne AND TRAD- ERS NATIONAL BANTN, _LE.rAi AND 4,ONYEYANCit p L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, £8. Solicitor and Conveyancer. Colin - Nous made. 011loo—Vanstouo's Block, Brus- sels. 51.5m• T/ M. SINCLAIR, Y v • Solicitor, Conveyancer, No tory Pub- lic, en. Office—Graham's Block,1 door north of Pepper's Drug Store. Prlvato Funds to Loau. LJE. WADE, • Barrister, Solicltor and Notary Pub. (lo. Conveyancing. Collections and Loaning. Mr. Wade will attend in Gerrie every Wed- nesday at two o'clock, DICKSON & HAYS, (Late with Garrow da Proudfoot, Gode- rloh,) Barristers, Solialtore. Conveyancers, .20. Olhoee—Brueeels and Soaforth. Brum sele Office, Rogers' Block, Maio St. Money to Loau. n, 9. Wore. W. S. DICER on. A. M. TAYLOR, B. 0. L, ^ Barrister, Solicitor, 00., of the Orn) of Taylor, McCullough d Burne, Barristers Solicitors, R°., Mean -lug Arcade, Toronto. Money to loan. A. HUNTRR Clark of the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron. COD veyauaor, Notary Public, Land, Loon and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to loan, Collections made. Unice in Graham's Block, Breseals. BUM ,4 SS CA ole DRESS,11.AKING OVER MRS. Kmi'e store. MOM.; L.,ti 131. Ale. NAUGHTON. '/ II. MoORACKEN, AAT • Isetuer of Marriage Licensee. Office at his Grocery, eurobor'ry street, Bruesol0. 7J . N. BARRETT, —.. 1L• '1'oolorinl Artist. Shop—Next door south of A. Af. MoKay-d; Co's hardware store Laches' and shildreu's hair cutting a t pooialty 1•sr4. choice stook of cigars kept. A MoNAIR, usurer of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commie - Wooer, &c, Q.B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insurance Co. Office at the 0ranbrook Poet Office. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM 1080110(3014, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH• NEW BARBER SHOP.—THE undersigned desires to intimate to the people of Brussels and ;surrounding country that has opened a shaving and hair out. Hug found ready to attend to the wantssof the public.91Gwork guaranteed. LAIRD. AUCT.ONELRS. A • RAYMANN, tend miles farms 15555 stook, ready Terme cheerfully given. Oranhrook P. 0. Sales may be arranged at TIL,] POST Publiebing House, Brussels. GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales eoaduet- edon reasonable terms. Farms and farm stook a specialty. Orden left at TILE Poste P ubliehing Hoose, Brussels, or gent to Welton P. 0., wlll.reeoivo prompt attention. HAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN- en as an Auctioneer, I am prepared to conduct sales of farm stock at reneouable prices. Knowing the standing of no0ly ear person I em inposition v y p security to sell 10 on c marks and geG good when Gold me a oath Suti32a0tion guaranteed. COT0 Give me o oNl. s2• 8, SCOTT. DENTAL. 9%1NTXS3TFa '5 0. L. Ball, L. D. S. Nitros Oxide Gag ad. minietered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth, 74 Gerrard Street Beat, ToltoNTo, F1 N'T 113 T1 W. J. Fear, L. D. S., Graduate of Toronto School of Dentistry. All operations guaranteed. SOr000ifisial tooth, arse quality, and a guaranteed at, for $12,00 per eat. Office-0Anm'e BLoca,SsAeonTn. Y3 NTXbe70! f1. A. MARTIN..TL, 9, P., Honor Graduate of the Royal Oollogo of Dental Burgeons, Toronto. Nitres Oxide Gall administared for the Painless Extraction of teeth. Oifioe-- I'0 cern DooIt Nolan cm BANK, BU MMEte, MEDICAL CARDS. WM. 3'. OALE, M.D., O. M.,T ar th 'gather of e College lby exaMioat,tn and 8urg(ops 5l Ontario try stamtn Neel, Nene aud Itosiilonae—A[alu street Easl, T!/thol, outarin, T A. MONATYGI-ITON, M, D. V • 0, M,,.Ta R. (LP., Edinburgh, nl, 0. 1' 8, Ont, At Pepper's Drug Store from 0 to 11080 a. m, and from 1A0 to 4 U, m, At other hours Maybe found at hie residence, form. Orly 008upied by Dr, 19 ntohiu5oo, Mill et. VETERINARY. NO. D. WAI1WIC1.{, V. S„ _- 8. SU00ESgoI TO 9'. W. O'BRIEN, V,S,) Graduate and HonoraryFelton, of Ontario` Veterinary College, \3111 bo pleased to ex. melee with the greatest onto and Irefee- Menai sk111 any 00000 entreated to his °barge. Office and fufirinart-O'ilriee ;, old xt,111 ,5 10031 north el bridge, 'urnbrsry Timis le, (1S r. r TT 11 b1 quail cla1,011n Our li. find tad u and tiro par 0310 this t! itaff it if 11'1'1 me+ 1101 lea' ha\ Thf fan: stet 1'S )cin hig 350 hig Ou the nhas we age s0 for eye al• Un in ani roe St, 50' of jus jud Do( bel a1 1 it ca' thf I1 lea etc 00' ire an 85 e T1 St ev 0 ad to of th fel 111 et, lel in 310 Pl st! 0f th tl al ar fo jn f P to tb eta N to tic in to re in Al Y to a ti 2: of tl 1 of tc tl it tt CI al it 01 Ill fl t+ 1 tl 1 1 1, 1