HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-2-21, Page 761,
P'B1I3. 14, 189P.
Whet poignant pain we eomotineee feel
When we have been minnnderato0d ;
How debit eal
When ill intent's affection's coinni oub ofth f good ?
How many bleeding haute there are
Whole greatest blies was doing good,
Yet for their love rogelv'd a soar
From dot reet iriond—relSUNPERSTO aP 1
When death bath oloe'd the gee of ono
Whoeo heart beat over for our good,
How std to knew their setting sun
'os dimen'd by ns-6USIINDEIISTOOP I
(Cie then we feel the pain we gave
A parent, friend, or neighbor good,
And grief o'erwhelms un like a wave,—
Too lobe I boo late I—MISUNDERSTOOD I
Oh I could we bub live o'er the peeb,
And weave our web of life oboe more,
Glad rays of ennehine would we caste
Where doubt and darkners relgn'd before 1
Hope le nob dead 1—the Present lives !—
Lob tie redeem it ea we should ;
The flower I h et's oraeh'd more fragrsuce gives
Than had ib lived— MISUNDERSTOOD I
Bet Ono there le who never fails
To read the heart of man aright,
Though toee'd on pie's tempestuous galea,
God will sustain us by Hie might !
Leb all our elms in life be pure—
gen may mie-judge—still oling to good ;
Ab last the victory shall be sure,
And we shell then be—nnDrtnsmooD 1
Tnun IMRIE, Toned=0.
The Rod.
A rod for bass end walleyed pike,
When over sandy shoals they throng,
Adapted both to "oast' or'' strike."
Of split bamboo and lithe and long ;
Wick pliant tip bhab wavers like
Some shivering aspen slim and strong.
And at the butt bhe clinking real
With braided silken line ie wound,
A miniature of fortune's wheel
When good fish the lure has found,
And in your nervous grip you feel
Its shining circle whirl around.
'e fair
A good plain rod by all that
like a throng,
he water li,
To whip bg
In northern lakes all lonely where
The muakalonge and bass belonging—
Supple and straight beyond compare,
And worthy of a better song.
Ohtiatianity in Afrioa.
A letter from B. M. Stanley, bho great
explorer, to Mr.Aloxandor L, Rruoe, son•in•
law of the late Dr, Livingston, gives an en-
couraging a000upb of the great progress of
Chrieb(anityy in Central Afrioa, and it shows
bhab Blehop Hanninggbon's murderer,
Mwanga, hoe mot ,with hie reward, The
persecuted native Christians have been
powerful enough, in alliance with the
Mabommedans, to drive him into exile, and
as he now verified the proverb about the
devil la eiolcneae by aunounoing hirnealf a
very pious Catholic. He had been received
in hie flight by the French missionaries, in
noble requital of charity and goodnese for
the brutality with which he had driven
them forth from his dominions.
What, continuos Mr. Stanley, would have
pleased Livingebons so muoh as that a body
of Christiana oan beoome fu twelve years so
numerous and formidable as to depose the
most absolute and powerful king la Africa,
and hold their own egaineb any number of
oombinetione hostile to bhom. What mon a
men wish better for a proof that Christianity
is possible in Afrioa? I forgot to say that
eaoh member of the deputation of the
Waganda which wafted upon me panned
a prayer -book and the Gospel of Matthew
printed in 'Uganda, end that as soon as
they retired from my presence they went to
study bheir prayerbooke. Five of their
following a000mpanied ne for the purpose of
pureeing their religious studies on the
I take this powerful body of native
Christiane in the hoarb of Afrioa—who pre-
fer exile for the sake of their 'faith bo serv-
ing a monarch indifferent or hostile to their
faith—as more substantial evidence of bhe
work of Mackay than any number of im•
peeing etructuree clustered together, and
called e mieeion straiten would be. Those
native Africans have endured the most dead.
ly persecutions—the shake and the fire, bhe
oord and the (flub, the sharp knife and the
rifle bullet have all been tried to Donee them
to reject the beaohlogs they have absorbed.
Stanch In their beliefs, firm in their con-
viobione, they have held together stoutly
and resolutely, and Mackay and Aehe may
point to then with a righteous pride as the
results of their labors to
bks good,
people ab home who trusted in bhero.
I suppose you do not know Maokay per-
sonally, Well, he la a Sootohman—the
toughest little fellow you could conceive.
Young, too—probably thirty-two years or
ea, and bears the climate splendidly—even
hie oomplee ion is unie j grad—nob Africani z-
ed yet by any means, despite twelve years'
continued residence. These mission scald -
lea aerbainly contrive to prodnoe extraordin-
ary men. Apropos of Sootohman, can you
tell me why they snowed oftener than other
people? Take Moffatt, Livingstone, Mac-
kay, real Sootohman with the burr. They
stand pre•eminenb above all other mission-
aries, no matter of what, nationality. ltle
nob bemuse they are Sootohman that they
succeed. Ib ie nob because they are better
men in any one way or the other, physically,
mentally, or morally—of that we may rest
assured—bub ib ie because they have been
more educated in one thing bhan all others,
While I Bay this I review mentally all
whom I know and have met, and I make the
statement confidently. That one thing is
Petty Grievances,
r It is appareably considered good policy
on the pare ot the monarchical government
of Portugal to show an ineenoe enmity
against the English, which, however, is
prudenbly aoufioed to pebby proceedings
that are nob likely to be made the subject
of a diplomatic explanabion, If bhe wife
of the Bribish minister ab Lisbon is boycotted
by the ladies of the ooure, the pr000eding
is one whioh may be carried on withoub fear
of having the British fleet ordered up the
Tagus fie an aob of retaliation. This, as we
say, is largely a matter of nabional policy,
for bhe reason that the representatives of
the mouarahioal government perceive that,
if they are in the lease lukewarm an this
enb;oob, their republican adversaries will
gab the advantage of them, and lead the
Portuguese people to believe that the
monarchy cannot voted the safety and
honor of Portugal in as effective a manner
as the said honor and safety might be pro.
tooted by a republican government. It re a
very pretty contest an fb Brassie. Both the
government and the republican leaders
realize that it would be terribly disesbroue
for Portugal to get involved in a war with
England ; bub both are trying to make it
appear, withoub doing anything danger-
ous,thab they are the special ahampione
of Porbugueee interests, and that pabriotio
citizens should turn bo them.
The Tramp Who Didn't Come Forth,
Ib was In an Ontario village, and among
the men in the aloe of the ipu after Rapper
wee over -wee a man who had Jug been
(fleeted oonebable. He waif naturally anxious
to display his vigor as an cifieer, and cg
when a boy game Ip and reported that he
had seen a tramp enter an old barn on one
of the bauk streobe the constable Invited us
to go along, tied eee him " jerk thunder,"
as be pub ie, out of the wayfarer. Hall e
dozen of ua aouompanied him, sad when we
reached the barn is was to find the interior
an blank as pitchand no lantern in the
crowd. We were for Bending for one but
the conebable protested,
"There le no 000aoion for a light, I Will
bail upon him to some out, and be will
He filmed in she open door, with the crowd
behind him, and called in a loud voice
"Bo 1 there, you villain; comp out and
surrender to bhe b it, and don'b be a minute
about it, either I"
There waa no antiwar, although all of uci
heard oome one moving about inside.
"In the name of the law I order you bo
oome oub 1" shouted the oonsbable, bub bhe
unknown didn't solo.
We again proposed to get a lantern and
then all go In to back the cffioer In collaring
the man, but his cliyoial dander load now
been aroused, and he replied :
"Everybody stand Sack against bbefenoe.
Now, then, I am going in alone, and I for-
bid any of you bo follow 1"
He disappeared in the midnight darkness
of the interior, and for some dale we oould
braes bis progress as be moved about. 13y
and by we heard a grunt, followed by a
stifled yell and a fall, and we uttered a
hurrah under the supposition that he had
gob hie man. Wo expected him to reap-
pear at once, but he didn't, and after wait-
ing a long five minutes, and shouting bo him
without receiving a reply, we sent fcr a
loiters, and used ib bo light our way he. We
found the oonsbeoble lying on his back on the
floor his faoe covered with blood and hie nose,
as big as hie fist, and just aa we bent over him
he opened hie eyes and eat up. Ib was ben
minutes later before he oould explain that
the tramp had streak him a knoak•down
blow with
his fist, and another er ten en top
of tLab before he discovered that his watch
and wallet and the tramp had left the barn
by the unguarded baok door. When this
fact was known it seemed as if he ought to
make a epeeah or something. and he hauled
c ff and kinked a fence board loose and growl•
"Dog•gone my, skin if I don't sell myself
for a yeller jaokaeo 1"
The Worm Will Turn.
"Has that yellow -haired dads been
around here bo -night i'
"Nob yet. Why papa, what in the world
the motor TDid
you miss year footing
on the train? or "—
"No I didn't mine my footing on the
brain. I undertook to gently remind that
dude of yours that he waan b wanted here
and tide is the result. When he mimeo
to -night tell him be can have you, and
he oan't have you any too quick to suit
mo. A man who oan de his hands like
that fellow is probeotion mow for a
duan women. If he asks for me tell
him I've gone to Afrioa or Hamilton and
won'b be bank until the marriage has blown
Little Clara's Ambition.
Mabel—Let's play house; I'll be the
George—Yes, and I'll be the father.
Clara—And I'll be the 000k.
Mabel and George (indignantly)—Tee,
that's just you. You always want to be boss
of sverybhing.
Little Pete's Diary,
Ab Ohrlsbmas loot year little Pebo had a
diary, says "Our Little Onee," Grandma
hang it for him on the Ohriebmae•tree, She
thought he was old enough to begin to set
down ail the small events wtiah happened to
him through the day, Besides it would give
him good lesions in writing, fie could vee
ab the end of the year bow much he had im-
pro•'od, not only in writing, but In his
diary, So she gave him a diary and a little
penult with an ivory head.
Pete was delighted with ft. He could
wcarely wait for the new year to begin.
Bub Ib Dame ab last and just as soon as it
was light enough to ase he eat up in bed,
lie web his penal' in hie mouth, tossed his
gnarly hair into the air and wrote :
"Goin' to be a good boy to-day—and ell
bhe days this year."
lie bit hie penal' and knit We brows,
Teat was all he could think of that morn -
inn, With hie teeth chattering so that he
bib bis tongue ho snuggled down among the
blankobs and slept bill Dolly, hie Astor,
shouted: "Happy new year 1" right in his
At night he could nob think of anything
good bo write ; yob he felt he meet tell
the truth.
"Aunt Dolly soolded me for hanging on
to the brindle (ralf's tell and bearing my
jaokeb. 'Twee my new one, with brawl
button, too. Gob angry with Billy Brown
'Deese hie sled beat mine at coasting, Didn't
go bn find grandmother's glasses when she
asked me, Pretended I did'nb hear,'
Jan,2—Presby oold. Am gain' bo try bo be
quite a good boy to -day. Night—Got stood
in the floor today for missing my spelling
lesson. Was tardy ab noon, and couldn't) go
out at reoeee. Ate an apple in sohooi. Hid
under the cart so at nobgto euro the grind•
shone for pa. Leb Polly do it He gave her
a cent, Oh, dear! This is a bard day,
Jan, 3—Awful oold 1 Don'b believe there
are any good boys, Guess I shan't keep a
diary any more. Shell give it to Polly. She's
a girl. Girls are bebber'n boys, Aunb Polly
says. She knows.
How Fashionable Women Tipple.
"Did yon notice that woman who just
went oub ?" asked the clerk in a Washington
street drag store of a Boston reporter re.
was the reply, " and is very pretty
woman she was, too."
Oh, as for that,' said the clerk, "she's
pretty enongh, but did you notice what she
Not particularly," was bhe reply " but
I thought it was cologne, or perfume of
some kind.'
So it was,' said the clerk," "bub she
does not buy the oologne for perfuming pur-
poses, although she buys much more of it
than any other half demi persons who trade
ab this shore."
" What then, does she do with it if she
does nob use it for perfuming purposes?
The Late Lord Napier's Nerve,
The death of .Lord Napier of Magdala recalls
a story of the old soldier's nerve as exhibited
once, in a time of peace, in India. The
Silkh warriors were famous ewordemen,and,
if any one was hardy enough to best their
ekill,they oould oub anapple, resting on the
palm of a man's hand, cleanly in two equal
pieaes,so that f ash piece dropped eeparacely
bo the ground, withoub fraying the skin of
the oubsbreched hand. Perieobabeadineea wag
required in the person holding the apple, for
if the hand Shrank, the consequences were
likely to be period, It is perbape needless
to say that bbe offer to perform this feat was
more often made than accepted.
For a long time Lord Napier refused to
believe that the wild eoldiere could do this
tithem invited him to
when and w oe of the apple and witness the exploit he
cemented, supposing that the swordsman
would flinch from the underbaking ; bub the
Sikh had entire confldenoe in hie own skill.
His eye, however, detected a little irregu-
larity on the Generale right palm as it was
held oub, and he asked him to present the
apple in his left hand. Lord Napier after-
ward said than, for the arse bfine in his life,
he was conscious of the seneabion of
fear, as the oonviobfon (lashed upon him
then the man was not going to " back eta."
However, firm as a rook, the hand, with
the apple upon f6, was extended, the
sword flashed down, and bhe fruib fell in
bwo segmenta to the earth. The akin was not
scratched bub ire owner said he felt the keen
blade touch it, as though a hair bad been
broken across it. He added that, though he
was ablest oonvinoed of the S kh owordc-
man's skill, he would never agabl allow one
of them to test it in that wsy ; and he ad-
vioBd his ulcers to make the same retrain.
Pretty High.
"See bhab house over there?" said one
bravellinman to another.
" Yee."
"Billion. the novelist, built that:"
"IS'e a fine building."
"He paid for ib with the proceeds of one
" Oh 1 its pretty high for a one story
An Experienoed Cook.
Mr. Wesonb (ab table)—"Soy, wife, how
does the new 000k pan oub that same yes.
.'W,—"Oh, she does some things sort
o' nice,"
Mr. W.—"Only sorb o' nice I I thought
you said that the had had experience in
Mrs. W.—"So she has. She need b
bend the ovens in her fabher'a brfokyard."o
Ha who ie false to present duby breaks
thread in the loom, and will see the en,:
when bbe weaving of a lifetime le unravell
is Good temper ie like a sunny day ; ib shed
a brighbneee over everything ; it is the
swoatener of boil and the soother of dis•
A German magician named Sohwsrza
Caught the Russian influenza.
It sob him bo emu zing
And coughing and wheezing,
So he couldn'teing a cadenza
Gone at a Good Old Age.
The father of the House of Common in
England bas jest gone rho way of the fab ter
of the House of Cocgreno in the United
States. The name of the Englishman was
Christopher Talbot, and he was a veritable
patriarch. He died at the age on 86 and he
ted sat continuously in Parliament for the
same Welsh county for 59 years. During
this extended period ho endeared himself to
the nation by never making a speech. He
was in Parliament before the reform bill ;
ho saw Cobden, Bright, Disraeli and the
root oome in us young man and disappear as
old ones, and yet he had the marvellous fedi
command never to say anything, though he
made very fair speeches outside. Beside
this great quality, he bad the distinction of
being the )argent landed commoner in Brib•
ain,owning 34,000 aorta in Glamorgan alone.
Three times ho wail offered a peerage, bub he
deolined it and so died a commoner. The
bible of father of the House of Gemmed now
deaaende to Charles Villiers, aged 87, who
haft been in Parliament continuously aline
Costly tree Sohools.
Immigrant (wlbh large (look of ohildren)—
" I same bo this country because I board that
eduoabion here Was free." ou were linin•
Native—"My poor man, y
formed. To aduoat° that family of children
in this country will bankrupt you."
"My goodness! Are the berme go high 1"
"Nothing ie oharged for the bombing ;
bubyou will have bo buy about half a ton of
new, standard, miffed, improved, and other•
wise mutilated wheel books every month or
Not Licking in Nerve.
Honoswife—W5 haven't any cold vituale
Tramp-Cold village 1 Who naked yon for
sold vibuale 7 1 Want broiled steak an fried
eggs en' hob flannel oakoe an' coffee. Cold
vituale? The idea 1
Koutowifo—Walk In, ploaae. My dough.
for will play for you while I'm getting them
r,, , r1
Ib io gaid that Mr. Gladstone, in view of
recent manifestation of public sentiment,
will not make hie promised abbaok on Lord
Saflsbury's policy toward Portugal. Mho
Premier's polf0y in a iietiabti
vely Britishitish
policy ; that is to say, it is a policy to pro•
toot and advance British intermits, and, to
the credit of Ltngliahmon, be it Midi bhab,
unlike Canadiano,they stand together when
the intorosbs of the nation are threatened.
Mr. Gladstone le a vigorous opponent of the
Conservative government, but he is aloe
Englishman from the ground up, and he will
moa faire ep at.., e. tee 1,.-
ventured the reporter.
" To get tipsy on," was the laconic answer.
r' To get tipsy on 1
"Yes, bhate what I said. You never
have heard of oologne inebriate then. Well,
that woman is a cologne inebriate, and one
of the worst of bhom, too. She buys from
one to two dozen of thine long slim bottles
of 471 1 cologne every week, and she bakes
it entirely herself."
"How does she take ib?"
...As a rale on lumps of sugar ; ab least I
suppose she does, for bhab is bhe usual custom
of noloBna
saturate a
number of
lumps of sugar with the fluid and carry them
about with them. When they feel as if they
needed a drink they will take one or two
lump' of sugar and, letting ib dissolve in the
mouth, they will gab a sort of an imitation
of periumed whisky and sugar and water.
You know, of course that the base of the
cologne is aloohol, and for most people aloha]
is altogebher too strong to be taken raw, and
this is one of the reason why the sugar is
Another reason, I suppnse, la because it is
easier to carry about, and oan be taken wiob•
out detection when on the sager. Some of
the cotegne users, and there are a great
many, gun drink their liquid raw, and them
who have arrived ab that stage can drink
pure alcohol or almost anything else exoepb,
perhaps, sulphuric or some kindred acid."
"Are many men addicted to the habib ?"
was naked.
"No. I have never beard of a single case
of a man taking cologne but there are many
women who make a regular practice of it,
and a great many of the drug stores have
regular ouetemers whom they supply with
different brands of cologne and perfume. By
far the greater portion of them, however,
nee this 4711, whioh Is made in Germany,
and has a very fragrant, refreshing, and
lasting odor."
All Men,
young old, or mlddie-aaod, who and bbsia-
seivee nervone, weak and oxbauebed, who
are urokon down from mese or overwork,
resulting in many of the following ern)).
home : Mental depression, premature old
age, loss of vitality, lose of memory, bad
dream!, dimness of eight, paipibatlon of the
heart, emiaalen look of energy, pain in the
kidneys, headaolie, pimples on the fame or
body, Milling or peoulbar sensation about that
eorotum, westing of the organs, diazines',
gecko beforethe eyes, bwltobing of the
mneolee, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness,
deposits in the urine, lose of will power,
bendernese Of the BOalp and spine, weak and
flabby mueoloo, desire to sleep, failure to be
rested by 'deep, c0netipabion, dullness of
bearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude,
excitability of temper, sunken eves sur•
rounded with LEADEN MOLE, oily looking
skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous
debility bhab lead to ineaniby and death an.
lees oured. The spring or vital foroe having
losb its benelou every funobfon wanes in con.
sequence. Thome who through abuoe oom-
mitted in ignoranoe may be permanently
cured. Send your addreae for book on all
diseases peculiar to man. Addreeo M. V.
LUBON, 50 Front Street East, Toronto,
Ont. Books sent free sealed.
the symptoms of which are einb spells,
purple lupe, numbness, palpitation, skip
beats, hot flashes, rush of blood to the head,
dull pain in the heart with beats strong,
rapid and irregular, the seoond hearb beat
quicker than the first, pain abed the treaot
bone, eta, can posibively be cured, No
care, nn pay. Send for book. Address M.
V. LUBON, 50 Trent Sorest Eat6, Toronto,
The Hessian government has determined
to plane restrictions upon the immigration
of Germane into southern Russia.
A.P. 489
The Little Seed.
little seed lay in the garter's
path :
A little ahoob bowed In the ebong wind's
wrath ;
A little shrub grew, by its roots held fast ;
Then a stout tree braved all the winter's
A little oongh obarted—'bwao only light ;
A little chill shivered the hours of night ;
.4. little pain (fame and began bo grow,
Then oonenmption laid all his brave strength
Be wise in time. Check the little cough,
cure rho little ohlll, dispel the litble pain,
ere the little ailment becomes the strong,
nnoocquerable giant of disease. Dr. Pieroe's
Golden Medical Discovery, taken in time,
is a remedy for bheee ills.
Mamma: "What are you taking your
doll's bedstead aparb for, pet ?" Little Dot :
"1'a lookin' for bugsl"—New York Weekly.
` Just Hear That Child doream 1"
said Mrs. Smith to her sister, Mre. Davis,
the sound of a ohlld'a shrieks came amen
Dont Box a Child's Ears,
The world bas learned a great deal of
physiology of later years, and that is why
no sensible parent will box a ohild's ear.
The human ear is a wonderful piece of
meohanism, and so sensitive and delfaate
that it is almost as dangerous to strike the
brain as the ear, No father or mother
would 'think of hitting a child in the eye,
and yet it would be a safer experiment.
Bob few people thoroughly realize what
a denote atructuro the human ear really ir.
That which we ordinarilly designate eo is,
after all, only the more outer porch of a
series of winding passages which, like the
lobbies of a great building, lead from the
world withoub to the world within.
Certain of these passages are full of
lfgaid and their membranes are stretched
like parohmenb ourbaine across bbe corridor
ab different places, and can be thrown into
vibrations, or made to tremble like the
head of a dram or the aurface of a tambour-
ine dose when struck with a stick or with
the fingers.
Between two of these parchment like oar -
tains a chain of very small bones extends,
the garden from a neighbor's house. "What
kind of a woman have you for a neighbor?
Does she abase her children"? "No indeed,"
replied Mrs. Davis. " She is one of the
most tender mothers in existence. Bub
you see sdo bColing. W the of child oned
I GDOD AGENTS WANTED. Send for illus•
styles of doctoring. When a gelid Heade tratod Catalogue and terms.
physic she ails &spoon with memo nauseous Ada MEYERs BR's 87 Onurah St Toronto
dose, aye e i e v
Address, 1 bh 1'661 victim art on
se 9s
Of Pure Cod
Liver Oil and
of Lime and
Scott's Emulsion s pr,:en(
ISnrafsEo,t. fl
is a toonrlc,yal Fleet, Producer. Pis lite
Beg Ernas7ii for CONSUMPTION,
Scrofula, Bronchitis,Wasting Dis-
eases, Chronic Coughs and Colds.
Scotts Emulsion in only pe t up fa nelmen 00105
wrapper. Avoid all I tnnations or eabst,tut,a"s.
S Sold by all Druggists at One, and $3.,nl.
SCOTT J: BOWSE, Belleville.
701101470 OIITTINel SCuI009r, Ooleatf00 ant
renege systema taught. whereby stplletr. Per..
MX4410104 garments are metered. Send for 'firms
sr S. CORRIGAN, Prop„ 4 Adelald° et Weet
00 A DA !a—
■ T. N. to worm
Aoal000street:gest, TuroutoT� N rzv
— 900 —
(iheapedt and
Ir EST /' LA(15
In Americo, to buy
Band and titmice
Mule, &0.
Address, WIIALity, 5507('5,0 (0.,Ii8 Loopy
Street, Toronto. Send. for Catalogue.
Is pleasant to use. ,
It heals the skin, and de.e.
stroys insects and germltt
on the hair Of mar. Ott
LADIEtry OLIVE BRANCH, the beet remedy
S known for til female complaints. Sat pie
free, J. 1601000, 5 Richmond St. W., ZOroato, Oao.
her lap "
ho Ida his nose till he is forded to open r'ANGER'
A 19os ruo No knife. Bwest `irro'
his mouth for breath, when down goes the i losiPi���
G. n. atCMtatiARc, At.
dreadful mese, Then comes the yells." "No �,� No, a,Niagara Sc., Dotalo,N.Y.
wander," said Mrs. Smith, "Why doesn't
she use Dr, Pierce's Pleased Purgative
Pellets ? They are effective without being
harsh, and are as easy to take as sugar
plume. I always give them to my child-
ren." "So do I," said Mrs. Davis.
Life's real heroes and heroines are there
whobear their own harden bravely and
a helping hand bo those around Chem.
Luoky Hamilton Ladies.
The "Times" received word to day that j[bnRO'/E -
Mr. John B. Young, of No, 33 Hannah fir' j'
street west, had been so fortunate as to hold PE iw�NSH I P
a winning ticket in The Louisiana State Book-keeping, Shorthand, Types Ming, Business
Lobbery. A.reporber called on Mr. Toulon, Education by attending (day or sventne) CANADIAN
and that gettleman was reticent aboutblla Library Bukdrag
ing any particulars of the affair. He, how-
, Men. ItE\GOUGrr, • President.
ever, told the "Times' representative that I (Official Rep,rter York Otlmty 0ourta,)
his wife had taken a change in the great 7t
lottery, the drawing taking place on Deo. The Great Ottoman Blood 1Lemed3
17th. The ticket which she held (In which
Mre. Young's deter bad a share) was a one- I Guaranteed to 01110 all diseases of the blood
fortieth of No. 91 455, which drew the first whother Monger on by tadisoreti,n and excess or
i arisingfmm hereditary 060800. W111 remove pial•
capital pr zi cf 8600,000. The share whioh pica aodbI01005e from the akin End by be Invigorat•
cornea to the Hamilton IT,.
adies ie 815,000. mg action as the blond reotOres t611180 powers .ud
Mr. Young told the reporter that he reoeiv diacasbuildee,p tPrlche ea Stuped bottlehose . Adtireram wae'lon
ed the money promptly from a New Orleans Medioine Co., Malt ButIchne, Toronto.
bank, - by draft through one of our leading
TEACOERS clan, make money aurmg venation
by canvassing tar one or more of our fast selling
Books and Bibles eeppeoial'y Hletory of Canada, by
W' H. Withrow, tD.D., latest and boat edition ver
published, prima low, terms liberal Write for
illustrated simulate and terms. WM. BRIGGS
Publisher, Toronto
EN60AUINC •`41,I.1210NES,r
T�3 E E . S
a Kf E
M $
h' I f G•+
" V T
t N
,. DA.
,b b T �
sEs. �' '� .i!1� i0, ... ,.
`'BUR P,Q t.
Send for Illustrated Catalogueasd:
this advertisement with your order
for our NEW JOBBER and we wilt
allow you
13 orro ars.
Malin/Large loans and church loans at very low
rates, and smaller oome at 61, 6, 61 %,
according to Sseurlty.I N 9 ESTORSTornnto bust•
nese and house property yielding 7, 8 and 1e 1 to la
vtetore and reK115515 1 SPECULATORS,.
J. LATUSOR IIoRR. Ortcsrttte P. 1{60,600.
4 King street East. Toronto.
Sommers to A. E. Mty Mr. S. H.
ed population bn oro9t 1
Increase In population Toronto . over 1886 (reaes-
eor'e returns) 96,314386.
OVTARI0 tanMERe desirous of piping o5 aria
ing high inteteet-bearing portages, or intending no
hold grain and Meek for better prices, can abseils
bBane, at y applying pereon0 ty or by letteerr Rates Interest
J. F. IC1E15, MAsemen-
Wanted Agents
For the for 10 C" BIIT5ON-
Suml,,e Card 1n 0,•.103, or teal
Bos or 1':0 , 0765 5617 ran,!;
1 rclaid. Also the Aapiria,t 14
Bet 1m eHOLDER
!west CABIll1liletu ieS.r
evor made for 011 afdies and all
furniture. Warily placed, bright
nod attmetive. Agents winnow:
erperience nutk0 mon1y. samples
pito. facia (TWA. nrnt 1,y mil.
Innatran:d c'ueniarsfee.
51 Victoria Street. - - Tomato,
And still to the front to regard to the provision made
for the safety and comfort of its customer&
Weekly Saltines Between. Llverp0ol, Gras -r
gem 27 Service Went London duringt. Lawrence .0 �4
Summer Months.
Mall Steamers
bittern Liverpool
col nn
d Portland
vfa.Halifaxderiugwinter. Glasgow steamers eau
the year to Boston and rh[lor'iyhia, !,L-
ine at Irish porta and Halifax en route,
For rates of passage and other Information apply to
H. ,lOURLtlR, nor. King and Tonga Sts., Toront, ;
H. is. A. ALLAN, Montreal, or to the looal agouti is
your o0unty.
Will be mailed tree to all intendingpurchasers upon
apulication. Tltelist of Vegetable,. Flower and Agn-
cultural Seeds is complete, and includes every Novelty
of merit. Sondlor itbefore ordodugaeuppiy of Seeds
W'lT, 18;5? 0510511:, 'g`lt,RO1sTT,m.,
banks here. Ib is needless to say that the -'
ladies are receiving oougratulations on
account of their good fortune. They would
nob have gone into the affair bub for a friend
who urged them to try tbeir look for onoe.—
[Hamilton (Oat) Times, January 4,
It is by his personal conduct that any
man of ordinary power will do the greatest
amount of good bhab is in him to do.
BucitmeHAM, Qoe„ Nov, 22, 1989.
GENTLEMEN,—I have pleasure in bearing
witness to the t xoellenoe of St. Leon Miner-
al Water 05 a curative agent. For a num-
ber of years life was rendered a burden to
me in cone( quads of frequent attacks of
piles, Ocher remedial+ gave me relief, bub
none woo permanent, In Q lobo' City I had
opportunities of testing the (Malang of ST.
LEON WATER ; the effect was most satiefao•
tory from the start, and in the course of time
my old enemy left me. I am now "in the
sear and yellow leo!" of life, bub in the en-
joymenb of good health, for which I feel
Blatt' owe muoh to the use ot SI.Loon Water.
S. L Jones, Printer, Address S6. Leon Min-
eral Water Co., Toronto.
There may be some doubt at to whether
faith euro really done ogre, but its killing
powers have never been questioned.
The Red !fiver Valley of Minnesota and
Han reaoted the front rank as the most
produobive grafn•raising region on the con-
tinent. Soil richer than the valley of the
Nilo. Single counties raise millions of
which oarvea bo tighten or relax these meth• buehele of grain yearly. Single stations
hence and to communicate vibrations to chip from 300,000 to 900,000 bushels of
them. In the innermost plane of all a row
of white threads, culled nerves, stretch like
the strings of a piano from the last point to
which the tremblings or bhrillings reach and
pass inward to the Praia.
• . For the. Year 1890
No bettor resolution can be made than to
midrib buying any of the eubatitutes offered
as "job as good' as the groat only ture•pop
corn ours—Putnam'e Paiulose Corn Pxbrac.
Or. It never fettle ho give satfefaobfon. Be.
it • , ' •yrair,
grain eaoh year. Abundant opportunities
atilt open to the home000kor. For further
information, maps, tato, alto,, apply to F. I,
'Witneyy,., 11♦, P, rb T. A., St, Paul, Minn.
J, M. HUouINs, 4 Palmer House Bloolt,
In Sunday enthrall: "Now, Rlohard, why
did the Israelites make a golden calf?
"Why, `cause they didn't have enough gold
to make a sow, I `spoon."—Time,
The 'leafing, antioaptio and healing quail--
uail-bion of Dr, Sago's Catarrh Remedy aro une-
* VVRF,,11
TO THIe 15DTTOB: Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the
above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently curet.
1 shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have con.
sumption if they will send me their Express and Post Office Address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOCYM,
M.C., 188 West Adolnido et., TORONTO, ONTARIO.
Ewarb Link Belting. Beet for Elevating at it Conveying. Send for New Caba1Ogne of
' Mill Furnishings, and beet dieeoeinbs.
as 'When I say Otago I do not meant
morely to stop them for a time, and then
have them return n ain. 0R001450AAA010AL0LiAAIt, !hove made the disease ofP184,
Epllopey or [yelling Sickness a 1 le -long study., I waerantremedy 00 4.-1."o tin
worst meas. Because others have failed 's no '•000551 for not now -ecowmy. ing a curs. Send at
Once fora treatise anti a Fran Bottle of � ely ieryeolgie tie Itomooly. Give Exprose 1110
Post Oflien. It 00580 you nothing -;05 a trial, will moo i.t wiro you. Address t --0l, 'Li. 00ID7ty
-.l,t• r.. . . - r' • I'," pbt l.MPeat;, g.4010.,a,Y, TOEONTO5