HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-2-21, Page 54' 1 F1tHBIIA.1LY 21, 1890, Fllfl) IY, F) nnudRY 21, 1890, til, Aagneaor McGill is en the Ova. -path, Daring Lent service will be hold each 41r1i, o,dav evening. Blyth monthly fair will be held m, '1'nesrlay, Maroh 4th. Livingston Bron. shipped a oar load of Hex front here last week. Tw,!0h ltivri: ^ r"non will hove 11,, sittings here on Monday of next week. Several oer loads of tinsel; wore fillip - ped h this week for Manitoba. Trt heywereincharge of Messrs, Limas, Smith and Taylor. Witt Son. Roe. Wm. Torrance' gave an Redress in the Methodist ehnroh, Brussels, last Sun- day evening. McDonald Broe, mill started on Tues- day of this week with a, somewhat limit. ed supply of legs, FooTAALL.—Last Friday evening the Leadbury foot•bell olnb came out to play the returu Match. The grounds were in e wretched oondition and prevented any chance for good play. At the end of the first half hour no goals hod been soared. Enda were then ahnn'ed, and but two minntoe had been played, when crank woe an more. Thin ended the game end the result is yet a tie. 1(;t.liel, Mrs. J. C. Ideffernan hos gone to Fey gns for a few days. 1%tr. oparling, of Seaforth, has been visiting at Dr. Code's. H. Gutteridge, of Mitchell, is visiting in our village Obis week. S. Nichol and bride have returned and re now settled in their now home. Mrs. J. S. McDonald, of Ripley, is visiting her daughter, AL's. J. A. Young, A free entertainment will be given by the Sons of Temperance in their Hall on the evening of Friday Maroh 1111'. The auction sales held at W. Tindall's and J. Whelptou'e this week were very well attended. The stock realized good prices but the implements were sold et a rather low figure. Geo. Kirkby, of Wal- ton, was the auctioneer. 'B el arttvo. W. J. Roe, dentist, of the ftrtn of Me. Donald fc Roo, Wingbam, woe in town last week. On Friday of last week Drs. Godfrey, Gunn and Sloan removed a °ether from. the tongue of Jno. Budge, er., of this place, and we are glad to hear that he is making rapid progress toward health. Another one of the Morris pioneers, Mra. Niokolson, diad at her residence near Belgrave on Monday, Toby. 10th. She had reaohed the good old age of 80 years and was loved and respected by 911 '•bo know her. That dread mdvsenger, death, came in the form of a paralysis, and surrounded by her family her life slowly ebbed away and peaoefully she went to loin that great majority. "One by one they fall around us," 9 nil evrale. W. 0. Hartley, teacher of No. 0, Cul. roes, was visiting at the manse last week. Miss G. Duncan, daughter of R. Dun- can, has been visiting here for the last few days. Last Saturday at 1 o'clook the funeral of Mr, Piper, an old resident of this lage, took place. Ho died on Friday. A of theta will be given in the Forest - era' Hail on Friday, Feb. 28th, to coa- sist of singing, speeches, recitations, readinge,c&o. Joseph McPherson found hie watob in th"'elueh where it bad lain for some tet days. It wee none the worse for its loue- ly experience. Our P. id., Mr. Timmins, has returned from Winchester whore be has been for eolne three weeks. Ho is looking well after his trip. We aro glad to learn that Mr. Messer's little daughter, the favorite of Bluevale, ie reoovering. She has been poorly most of the winter. John Harris has moved to Bluevale. Mr. Harris la held in high esteem by all who know him. He will be a welcome addition to our village, Wo are sorry to report that Mr. Balls' little girl is still very i11. She hag boon suffering over since the measles was here. We trust she may 5,0071 be quite well. Lona 7 Air, Querengeoeer hue etartod lige mill going again, however, and hats number of tnan under hie employ who are glad to get to work onto more. Mre, Wm, Willie etill rune the boarding- house for the han'le. A bachelor on the 8111 con. nppeere to b0 very much adored by the fair nos, for one evening recently, ao Inc was ponder. Mr; over past npportnnitiee, in walked nn lee.' than half n dozen hearty v'oun dem eels, Of acorea he wall taken by surprise, nsvertholese ore long they were all nom. fortably seated and were very goon coampering throngh the hone° until it was time for all to bo retiring. The young ladies wended their way home. ,' ward eurmioingeach one to herself who , the lucky ono would be. At a meeting in the school house, S. S. No, 8, on the evening of the 7th inet„ the 000traot for heeling the milk to Barr's factory, near Pthel, was lot to Peter SlnnIadr, jr. 1I0 is to take the name nate and receive the thine pay as he had lost year. One day last week Air. Sinclair got his foot hurt badly in the ewamp by a log rolling on his pedal ex- tremity. The ankle was greatly swollen, but is now much reduced in size and we are glad to notice that he is once more on his pins and again prosecuting his usual avocations, "Richard do himself age in." 1,1oeo9'0,--Ou Riley evening of next 105011, 28th inet., a public debate is ex - piloted to be held in Shine's school hones. The si1j ct 10 "Nos lved that A11110}.11, 11011 would be better for Canada than Independlence." For the aHlrntativo John. Bain in captain, e,pported by Councillor Ilielnp, .las, Bowman, Wm, Sloan and Jae, Roberteon, The negative will bo looked after by Wm. Boiler], Atilcoho Black, Wm. and A. Perrin and Jas. MoLnnchlin. The meeting will no doubt be interesting and the advent of new speakers will add vigor and froth - meet to the debate. (Cres'. Lublin McNeil has gone to Michigan for ; few weeks on a business trip. Mrs. Robt. Sweeney, of Merrill, Mioh., le making a visit with relatives and friends, Wm. Bishop is away this week to Woodstock locality where there is a pro. bahility of him making his home. Miss Mary McIntosh, who has been visiting her parents, Mr, and Mre. Peter McIntosh, of the 16th con. during the last 8 month,, returned to Grand Rapids, Mich., on Wednesday of last week. A resident of Grey, who recently held a sale and converted his stook, imple- ments, cbo. into something more easily removed, has gone to parts unknown, at least to hie creditors. Honesty ie the heat poliey. The corner farm of the Donald Mo- Laoohlin estate was sold to James Ire- land, 3rd line, Morrie, for the sum of $6,200, The tarn; ie a good one and Mr. Ireland is a good farmer so we expeot everything will move forward, Prof. Wm. Ooutts is calling a meeting of the young people of B, G. No, 8 on Tuesday evening of this week, to eco about organizing a tinging class. We undoretaud he ie also making arrange mento to have ono in Barrio's school house, Morrie township, On the afternoon of Friday, lith inet., a very enjoyable half -hoer wee spout in the sehool houeo, S. S. No, 8, 1011011 a ober of the pupils contributed mt 1 p c tlbuted a ahoios and varied collection of readings, rcoitations, inc.., together with vocal aiid instrumental mueio, Master Robb, Mo. Taggart was chairman and good order alai harmony prevailed throughout. Men and axon aro ekfdding logs in Matheson's( e1vanl1) for the Star saw. null, but no hauling out on sleighs can bo done, owing to the unusual soareity of snow this winter. Rola, Livingstone loin the contrant, mid this noutinual waiting for tlio beautiful" that theme nom going to 001115 insufficient quantity must be very trying (o him, 1011 we haven't heard of may "barrels of pro. fruity" all Mark 'Twain malls it, being wasls'l over the di en meth; tmon I. (.'5,l 4. v•ii Lrrsnenr.—The regular meeting of the Young Peoples' Literary Society 1009 held on Medley evening last. The fol- lowing pleasing program was presented ; —Recitation, Mise Jennie McNair; recit- ation, Mine Annie Memnon ; recitation, Miss Janet McNair ; readiug, James McNair ; reading, Arch. McNeil ; recita- tion, Miss Sarah McNair ; music, Mise Jane and Aroh. McNeil ; remtation, Mise Sinclair. These meetings are benefioiai to all attending and should bo generous- ly euoouraged. leleartorth. Archie Scott is home from Monitobe, The Seaforth curling club took third prize at the Stratford bonepiel. There wore fifteen clubs competing. The town Council is allowing A. ()wino 260 per antrum for the use of the town clock, he to keep it in repair. The anniversary of the Y. M. 0. A. was held in Cardno'e hall, on Wednesday oveeiue, 19th inst. Mr. Troneman, District Superintendent of the Grand Trunk Railway, and others delivered ad- dressee. A Bayfield correspondent says :.-•Rev. Mr. Hodgins will leave here in about n mouth, having received a call from St. Thomas church, Seaforth. The rev. gentleman has been a very industrious pastor, and both himself and family will be much missed here, and they will carry with them to Seaforth the beet winhes of our people. THE BRUSSELS POST Geo, and Henry Caldbiok ; silver napkin ring, D. Breokenridge ; half doe. knives and Yorke and silvor mustard spoon, Mr. and Miss Forrest ; half don, silver ton. spoone and pair Of dessert ;poops, Mr, and Mrs, IIukhes ; sofa pillow, Mr, anti Mre, Witten ; lainp, .1". Wood ; loop, J. Fell ; pair of vases, tlWoe Owen; I pre. oorve diel,, Mr, and Miss McKinney ; ohsese dish, W. Freed ; cream pitcher, Mr. ail blies ('nrtie ; butter dish, Mr. and Mies Moff(t ; dozen china fruit dishes, Misses Collie ; table cloth, Mrs. Pothook ; table cloth and hair =ugh, Mr. and Aliso Ramsay ; table cloth, Mian , M, Gibson ; } doz. table napkins, Miss 1 M. A. MuVerty; doz. table napkin;, Miss 33. Gibson ; pair towels, Mrs. W. Robb ; palm towels and half doz, goblets, Mr, and Mina Johnston ; tea pot, Mies Msllwain ; butter plate and cheese dceh, Mr. and Mrs, J. Breckenridge ; plush whisk holder and whisk, 3, ft Sellers , water pitcher, W. Messer ; "Pilgrim's Progress," Robb, Stewart ; two 011111a cups and saucers, biscuit barrel, lamp mat, cabinet photo holder, Mr. and the Misses Royce. loisttovvol. There are a fete cases of dipbher'ia in town, W. J. Rothwell is visiting relatives in :)enver, 001014(1o. Tiro firm of Sohii,bein ,t: Wildfang wan d iesolved on 1Pth of Feb. One hundred dollars will be invested iu 15)0 books for the Meoitanioe' Insticent library at 0110.0. Kidd Brod have sold their thorough. bred stallion, Baron Rothschild, to W, linshop, Now Hamburg. J. 13, Dinkel, Recorder, repreeeuts Listowel lodge, No. 100 A. 0. 13. W., at the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge in Toronto this week. At a regular meeting of the Fire Co., the following officers were elected : R. T, Kemp, Chief ; Joseph Wilson, Capt., H. Orr, Lieutenant; W. H. Jordan, Sec,• Treas. ; R. Seaman, J, Seaburger, M. Wright, R. Tremain, 1L. Bulmer, W. Welch, W. Pimm, Geo. Porter, Branch and Hose. 11. Rath, of the Listowel brewery, has succeeded in housing about 800 tons of ice, out from his own pond on the Malt. land and other ponds in the neighbor- hood. In addition to thio, Mr. Roth has purchased the ice off a thirteen -sore lake a short distance from Lucknow, and is erecting a large ice house there for stor- ing it. The foe house will be close to the G. T.R., andoouvenient for shipping. • The first apple tree planted in Ohio, they say, oan be seen alive and vigorous on Jerome Vincent's farm at Marlette. It was planted in 1780. Poereo.—The following are the salaries received by some of the postmasters in this county as shown by the report of Postmaster General for 1889: Auburn, $90 ; Bayfield, $216 ; Bluevale, 2170 ; Blyth, $460 ; Brussels, 2780 ; Clinton. $1,284 ; Dungannon, $192 ; Egmondville, $26 ; Fardwioh, 2230 ; Goderich, 21,700 ; Honsall, 2276 ; Kippen, $106 ; Seaforth, $1,240 ; Varna, $282 ; Wingbam, 21,000 ; Wroxeter, 2810 ; Zurich, $220, The groes postal revenue of the principal of- fices is as follows : Goderich, $6,608 ; Seaforth, 26,289 ; Clinton, 24,748 ; Wingbam, 24,010 ; Brussels, $2,601 ; Blyth, $1,629. 101 o r ri,-u. Jno. Hanna is getting out timber for a new barn. It is reported that John Wilkinson has disposed of his farin to his father.is. law. La grippe and measles aro still doing their work in some parte of the town- ship. Now that the 100 is fairly broken we expect a wedding every Wednesday for the next three or four weeks. The next prayer meeting is to be held at John Wilson 0, on the evening of Fri- day, 28th inst., and will be addreseed by Rev. G. B. Howie, of Brussels. Mr. and Mrs Pothook and Miss Poa- ooak, of Goderich township, have been visiting friends on the let con. They name to attend the wedding of John Pea- cock, Jas. Anderson and sister, from near Ohesley, wore visiting their mother and brother this week. The old lady is about 80 years of age and has been quite poor- ly this winter. Last Monday afternoon Auotioueer Kirkby disposed of the bulk of the Sun- shine property for Vanetone Bros., of Brussels. Richard Adams, of Londe;. boro', bought the mill site ; Geo. Hood, a house and lot. and Adam Scott, the saw mill building. A number of other small parcels were also sold. Sunshine got a bad set baok when the machinery was removed from the mill and factory a year or so ago. LITwRAR4,—On Wednesday evening Of lent week the Literary Society meeting in Barrie'; 60hool house had a spelling matob. W. Barrie and W. Brydon chose sides, supported by about 20 per. eons esoh. Mr. Brydon's side won. School master Sloan gave out the words. In addition to the above these songs were given by Prof. Coutts, oleo music by Thos. Bird and song by A. and D. Smith, Readings wore contributed by W. Barrio and S. Walker. Hvitnoenre—On Thursday of last week Jno. Robb, a young man well known in this locality, and Mies Dunne Boyd, of Seaforth, a former teaoher in Barrie's school house, were united in matrimony at the residence of the bride's father. The bride was attended by Miss Berlin Snell and Wm. Robbsnpported the groom. Tho wedding gifts bespoke the esteem in which Mrs. Robb ie hold, The happy couple arrived at their home on Friday morning and have settled down to the stern realities of houeo.keeping. May success and happiness always attend them. llttTRratocx.or —0n Wednesday after- noon of last vvook tato donne 01 Henry Robb, let eon„ was one of festivity. 'Up- wards of ono lmndred gnoste assembled to witnesss the marrinp"o of John Pothook I to Miss Maggio, 500011 ? daughter or the host and hostess. Tho .knot. was tied by 1 Rev. I. 13, Wcellwin, of illuovalo. Tho bride looltod superb in gariht satin and orange blossoms. The following is a I list of the promote received by thio ' brick; •-Pair or blankets, Mr. and lOire. 1 Bunston, Wroxeter; silver card rod Ivor, te(r, and Nth- %V'In. Peacoelc, silver' butter cooler, kir, and Afrs, Matilde stud j family ; silver Waldo cantor, allies Small A. 1-introrlt; t ilvot' pickle meter, Mr. and bliss ,lnhms,ton ' silver !'aril,. drool', General Blaoksmithing The undersigned desires to intimate to the Public generally that he has leased the Hunter l3lar'l.pmith Shop 111 tiru8tels, 1Llld is now pre- pared to attend to all. work entrusted to him. SATISFACTION (3f1ABANTEEn. XVI:: MX. A. tJALL. e2 Jas- ,71fai LtO,4%2. PHOTOS. TINT YPES of - For - 150 • center,, All {Poria from the Smalleel. to Life sire, done In a Ii rel -close milliner. lit icesidnneee, tele., 1rt. Reasonable Itatee. W. J. Fairfield, The "Scotch Collar," Heavy and Light Harness, BUFFALO ROBES, HoRSE BLANIrZTS, SLEIGH BELLS, RUBBER Roes, t&c. Always in Stock. A Handsome Range of Truul(a, Valises and Satchels to choose from and sold at Reasonable Prices. 1'''Special Attention given to Repairing. H. DENNIS, BANK MGNI:X TO LOAN. 1t1'olrey to Loan on. FARM PROPERTY -Itt- LOWEST RATES. Private and Company Funds. § Z=Y'Ly ro J,C,Hefernlln, J.A.Yotmg. Valuator. Agent. Ethel P.O., Ont. 2811 i Money to Loan, Alont'y to Loan on P'ttrm Pro- perty at LOW E T /a,.'JTJ rti Private and Company Funds. DICKSON &. DAYS, Solicitors, .BRUSSSI.B, ONT. Kincardine High School coopal -Ie now open, with the following excellent STAFF OF TEACHERS : 8. W. Perry, It. A., Ifeadmaster, Il000r Graduate and Gold Medallist of Viotoria University—Chimes and Modena. .0811004 (;ray, 11.A. IInnor Graduate of Toronto Cniv'rvity English and Sontree, -)mg 1;Ft 511,71tala. F. 1Y, E't'5,ch, ILA , '100 snbecribrra offnr for sato the tailnwing Ifonor Gt'aduato of Toronto Yniverreity well bred ntr,nlr' 1 llrocy Ilrengl,t 5,11110' %tiatln nY1,1e and (. l'.': ,•.r','lnl horao, 5 years old ; 2 heavy draught entire Branches. horses. rising years old; 1 carrlagi stallion 7 years 011 ; 1 stallion foal, heavy draught. Also a heavy draught more, 5 years aid, and another heavy draught mare, rising 3 years, supposed 10 bo In foal. They are all im- ported, pedigrees and nertincatee eau bo produced. Intending purchasers would 10 w011 to call and see the animate aid get prtoee, They oro good 01105. 81.8111 81100., Proprietors, 27.1f Brussels 0.0, 0134.11yaoasm,..12v.2e e11ee .fanet Burr. Iret Claes Provincial Certificate -• English and Moderne. Drill, under supervision of a Graduate of .Royal School of Infantry. London, Ontario, W. C. Loscuon m, Chair. B. of J. . 23.11 DEEWIT'T II. WATS-N.'I.D., See. ETHEL CRIST ANO FLOUH MILLS. The undersigned having completed the change from the stone to the celebraoed Hungarian System of Grinding, has now the Afili in First -Class Running Order and will be glad to see all his old customers and as many new 0n08 as possible. Flour aid Feed .always oi. Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good Grain. N�. MILK l-4. PT OF THE T. S. CAMPBELL 3E3 A.1\1" a BAT P T B'O'O► C K_ AIMINEMIONMESIMINNIE 31711111€03Egi Maims nu 25 Yards 36 -inch Factory Cotton for $1.00 ; 15 Yards Tweed Dress Goods for $1,00, worth 10c, per Yard ; 12'i Yards 24 -inch Melton Dress Goods for $1.00, regular price 15c. per yd, 17 Yards Fast Color'Ginghams for $1.00, worth 10c. per Yard ; 15 Yards of 12Ac. Shirting for $1.00; 15 Yards of 10c. Canton Flannel for x;1.00 ; 8 Yards 20c. Gray Flannel for $1.00 ; 21 Yards 60c. All Wool Tweed for $11.00 ; 8 Yards of 25c. All Wool Dress Goods for $1..00 ; 8 Gent's Linen Collars for $1.00, worth 20c. each ; 18 Yards of Print for $1,00, worth 12.1c, per Yard ; 5 Yards Military for $1.00, worth 30c. per Yard; 7 Pairs Gent's All. Wool Seamless Sox for $1.00, worth 25c, per Pair; 2 Gent's White Shirts for $1.00, worth $1,50 ; 5 Yards Table Linen for $L00, worth 25c. per Yard 6 Pairs Ladies' All Wool Seamless IIose for 2$1.00 ; 7 Pairs Ladies' All Wool Cashmere Gloves for $1.00, worth 20c. a pair ; 20 Skeins Fingering Yarn lin' $1,110, worth 8e. per Skein ; 0 Pairs Linen Towels for $1.00, worth 2,5c. per Pair ; 5 Yards. Collin:m(1c tin• $1 00, worth :We, per Yard : 121 Yards 40 -inch Cotton for yl.iltl, worth 121(', frr'r Yard. 91) FRG SON & .H ALL1.DAY,