HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-2-7, Page 8EJR HONE' !
If you will ask children which they
prefer,butter or honey, you will find
ffet nine out of every Mn will say honey.
Children crave for sweets and a certain
italount fa required by them, so why not
give them honey, which is the permit
affil best sweet known. By all means
a e they prefer it give them their
choice, for you can get fi the of pure honey
of the beet quality for 5 lbs of goodbut-
ter or will give you
9 Lbs.. fur rg',Y.00
eels " feeltee,^S O
Let us have more variety in our diet, es-
pecielly when it costa no more,
Druggist, Bookseller, Fancy -goods Dealer.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows :
Genre Seem, GOING Non70,
?Spit 0:53 a.m. Mixed 9:20 a.m.
Uaprene ._,..I145 a.m. Mail 0:00 p.m.
Mixed &56 p.m. Express 9:45 P.m.
luta' getvs ytems.
A okiel's amara ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
GBonaa HENRY is visiting in Toronto.
IT has rained for the last five Sundays.
Mass Brdina►N is expected home
Soaoor Board meets this (Friday)
Mas. Jed Beene returned to Toronto'
last Monday.
Weexaaa prophets predict snow about
the 15th inst.
MOO LINT VANBToBa is visiting at
STOvawoon for sale for oath only. W.
H. McCracken.
Taos. Baanwam. was in town on Tues.
deg of this week.,
P. Toe/segos, of Toronto, was home
this week on a visit,
Env. W. K. Saone will preach in Knox
church next Sabbath at both services.
REY. Mn. MARTm, of Exeter, will
officiate id Melville church next Sunday.
Rev. Jere. Ross will conduct anniver-
sary services at Exeter next Bab -
Davis. Wmscs is filling a situation at
F.ort Gratiot, Mich., in the G. T. R. car
Si. LEON. -
Fresh barrel received. Dozens are toe -
it. See testimonials. A. Goon.
ME. WooD.IAN, of Londesboro', was
visiting hia daughter, Mrs, D. Roberts,
this week.
JOBBER CLaao and A.O. Dames shipped
two oars of Bottle eastward on Thursday
of,this week.
• Fklmo. SWALLOW, of Galt, is making a
villat to relatives and friends in Brussels
and locality.
Ma. ane Miss Goatloie, of Orangeville,
were the guests of Rev. R. Paul and wife
for a few days.
A Beian concert is mooted, The pro-
grenrwill have a good share of aeleetions
from the new orchestra.
Mae. hams BELL was called home to
Monkton owing to the dangerous illness
other brotherand.sieter.
Marl ELL& Bairn has been engaged as
ttaleslady at A. R.Smith'e store. She is
cotapetent for the position..
Mum naillO a has gone on a hoI iday
vjgit among old friends, She will be
away for two or three weeks.
WE are pleased to state that Mrs. Geo.
Seeyoroft rs coneiderably improved in
health during the past two weeks.
We are indebted to the Gsderich
STgna1 . for the report of the County
Council which appears in this issue.
Seen and lot for sale or to rent.
Centrally located. Good well, garden,
s rte, etre Apply at Tag Pon Pubiish.
Ix ie reported that J. D. Ronald may
erect two brick resideneee during the
coming season. Wp hope the rumour is
founded on fact. •
Wet. AND ROSo, T!' okraoN- are putting
the Maitland rink in ebbpe, and . if the
cold weather centinties:skating and curl-
ing will soon be in Oiler.
Is. aamra has or has bed' David Roes,
sfee Wm. Boss, Alex, Bose, Thee. Moore,
Thee, Kelly, A. Veal and a number of
othere in its grasp Ibis week,
Too boreeleit.on. Thursday of this
ween Wee largely Attended by both buyere
aild edilers. A gooi 13' number of .horses
tfidtigod banes at goodd figures.
Tan editor of Tire Peer acknowledges
rife teeeippt of wedding oarde from Rev.
I B, Wallwin and, bride, of Blnevale.
Our eengratulations are extended to
Lxeov. MaCoa ouoa, whose home is in
Barrie, is assisting Capt. Ogilvie in con.
ducting the services, &c., in connection
with the Brussels corps of the Salvation
Tete salt works wore opened up in fall
bleet thin week and it Will be boomed
right along, espeofally.in the dairy salt.
Mr, Purcell, of Seafortli, is in charge
of the block.
Tut semi-annual meeeting'of the Can
adhere Prose A50Odiation will be held in
the City Council Chamber. Toronto, on
lrriday of next week, 14th Met. A good
program is atrenged for the gathering.
Line Sabbath morning Rev. S. Jones
preached an interesting discourse in
112oivi1le church from And Enoch walk•
eii with God &c. The pastor was s me.
Whatindieposed but took kis work in the
Anthem Veer. has dieposed of hie hand,
pored little pony to ,Tomos Irwin, not.
ohne, of -Atwood. 1t Will be a clifOcnit
mala bo find a bettor piece of horse•'
iitxdt than "Minnie" for either speed or
end leanoe.
TAU • Bible Society Collectors etbo
hs.Vb not handed in their hooka to the
a eeeetsty.Treamerer will kindly do so
tlurieg the coming week, if Convenient,
00 that tt,e repot may he prepero11 and
the ,sones ,omitted,
1 H W L, SSL1..,S
Barter Tuoedey ergging the room l A DEtrvin (Colorado) ptiper ea ye of a
above my office will be open for Bible; former 33reeeeiita and family --,-Rev,
study, leeterea, Bible ' readings,. &o., John Fergusen, of the Ilighlend Prettily,
eommcnoiugee o'olooit. .11 weleoine.
Bring yam Bibles, Next door to the
bank, E. A. Martin.
AN interesting paper on "Intermift.
oration of Agrioultaro," read by W. Rue-
asil Bishop before the East Huron
Farmers' Institute at Wroxeter, rainy be
found on page 3 of this issue. eThe
Diamond Button" appease on page 7,
Houseand lot for sale in Brussels
West, Good stable and woll on the
premium, also any quantity of small
fruit and a few young frust trees. A
bargain if sold at once. For information
apply at TEE PosT Publishing House.
IP you come fifty mike by the oars to
attend our great sale and are not perfect-
ly satisfied with the bargains we offer
you we will pay your fare both ways and
you need not buy one dollar's worth of
goods. W. NIoE'1'INGALa & Go., Brussels.
A. Nuunen of persona in this locality
spent a very enjoyable time at the social
held at Bugh Lamont's comfortable
residence, Grey, last Monday evening.
Tho program consisted of literary and
musical seleotions. Proceeds about
NEXT Sabbath evening Rev. S. Sellery,
B.A.,B.D., will commence a series of
sermons on the fundamental doctrines
of the Christian religion taking "Re-
pentance" as the first subject. Mr. Sat-
iny is a forcible, practical expounder of
the Truth.
W. Nrenerneer & Co. will run off
their bankrupt stock in their two stores
till further notice. They will take but-
ter, eggs, lard, tallow and 3,000 cords of
long soft end hard wood at cash value
ear goods. Eight months' credit will be
given to good reliable men.
S. Patna and D. Roberts have formed
a co -partnership 'in the blacksmithing
business and the former has moved from
his old stand at the bridge to Mr.
Robert's shop. As they are both steady
going, industrious men and good work-
men they will snake a strong team.
MRs. (Da.) Greene received word that
her mother, who resides in Manitoba,
was seriously ill. A telegram was sent
in reply, as Mrs. Graham intended start-
ing at once, but an answer came back
en Wednesday that the message could
not be delivered owing to a snow blockade
in the West.
PANORAMA. -pro(. Chapman will give a
grand lime light panorama of beautiful
scenes in connection with the British poi
008810ne and other plans of note in• the
Town Hall, Bruesela, on Treader evening
of next week. Everybody should go and
see the views as they are said to be the
best of the kind.
"Time Home TEE TnjNas You Bona
Row." -This is the title of a lecture to be
delivered in the Methodist church next
Monday evening, under the auspices of
the Young Peoples' Association, by Rev.
J. Edge, of Clinton. It is said to be well
worth hearing and will. no doubt, at-
tract a Large audience.
"EA8TEn BELLS," -The choir of the
Methodist church, assisted by members
of the Sabbath school, will prepare a
eervics of song (or Easter entitled
"Easter Bells:" It is a very suitable
collection of music, recitations and re-
sponsive Bible readings bearing on the
resurrection of the Saviour.
AT a meeting of the creditors of
Donald McLaughlin, held in A. Hunter's
office last Friday afternoon, J. M. Mc.
Intosh, Joseph Clegg and F. S. Scott
wore appointed Inspeotore. It was de-
oided to sell the stock, chattels, &c., by
credit auotion sale on Wednesday, 12th
Leeman thumb, on aoouunt of failing
health, has decided to sever bis °onnoo.
tion with the churn. As a mark of
osteon the people of his church tendered
hin'1 a farewell reception at hie residence
the other evening. Mr. Mills was the
speaker of the evening and reviewed the
work of the past two years. He stated
that Mr. Ferguson had found the church
in a most deplorable condition, with
scarcely twenty active members, in debt,
dependent ou the Mission Board and
divided in purpose. That in two yeare
the membership had inoreased a full
hundred. The church is now free from
debt and self supporting, and will be able
to support one of the best ministers in
the city, Mr. Mills oouo]udee his speech
by presenting to Mr. Ferguson a gold -
headed Dane, to Airs. Ferguson ttvo silver
service plates and to Mise Fannie Mo.
,Cannell a very handsome plush Ininature
case. Refreshments were served and
regrets arid kind wishes were mutually,
and profusely extended.
its thirty-fourth volume with the New
Year, which means that this brave
little journal has oelebrated its seven-
teenth birthday. When we say -as we
ran without hesitation -that its ability,
both literary and artistic, has been kept
up to a uniformly high standard through-
out this long period, and that to -day it is
es bright as ever, we mention a fact
exceedingly creditable, tot only to the
conductors of Grip, but ateo to the
Canadian' people, without whose appre-
ciation and support thia phenomenon of
journalism would have been impoe.
Bible. We call it a phenomenon advised-
ly, for so far as we a aware, there is not
-another country of Canada's age-oer-
tain-lynp"Co1ony that awn .lrcatst :eta"
sixteen -year-old• Comic Journal. Grip
bas well deserved its noose. It to not
merely a clover and amusing paper. it Is.
also a recognized power in Canadian pub-
lic life, and a power wbioh, we are glad
to say, is always on the right side where
questions of moral prinople are coaaern-
ed, It ought to be a pleasure to every
Canadian to contribute to the success of
en0h a journal, -and elle most practical
way of doing this is by subscribing., The
price is only Two Dollars per year, or if
taken in connection with 'Tam POST the
price for both will be $3.10. Subsorip.
tions may be sent direct to Grip, Toron-
to, or to this office.
bridge, $22 ; Wm. Mitchell, repairs to
bridge on Bowick and Turnberry bound-
ary, 31.50; Richard Tichbonrne, laying
floor at Maitland bridge, 351.46 ; James
Yates, spikes used at same, 323,55 ; town-
ship of Stephen, repairing approaches t0
Mud Creek bridge, Huron's half, $15 ;
H. Juno,, repairing stonework at Clinton
bridge, 328.60; Robert Sharman, extras
at County registry office, 357 ; James
Moffat, repairing approaches to Murris-
bank bridge, e7 ; John A. Mitchell, fenc-
ing approaches to Warren's Creek bridge;
39.46 ; Alex. alder, flooring Blyth
bridge, $38.20 ; Jolla E. Sparrow, re-
pairing approaches to Tether's bridge,
325.10 ; Wm. Aunett, approaohee to
Benfryn bridge, Huron's half, 37.50 ;
Wm. Steep, repairs to Rathwell'e bridge,
35.78 ; Jos. Neagle, repairing stonework
of Manchester bridge, 326 ; village of
Brussels, repairing bridge; 333,61 ; Robt.
l Jamieson, repairing Day's bridge, 318 ;
Inst. The liabilities are placed at about 1 Mark Cassels, filling washout on Wing•
$5,000 anteide of the mortgages.
Wars -Dreams, len Demense.-George
Birt has all the necessary maohinery for
digging and drillih wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
fa a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in doper
shape. Terme reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry 59., Bruesela. 4341.:
The stook of F. C. Rogers, eoneisting
of fifteen thousand dollars worth of dry
goods, boots and chose, clothing, bats
and caps, millinery, groceries, acs., was
purchased by W. Nightingale de Co„ last
Friday, in Londop, at 5941 cerate on the
dollar. The hew proprietor is making, a
big push in the way of bargains. Huhu
leased the store occupied, by Mr. Rogers.
Iv you ate foolen0ugh to think that
other merobante, buying their geode at
1.00 cents on the dollar, man sell ea cheap
as we can at 39e cents on the dollar, do
not bother us for the next three menthe
fie we will not have time to tell yon that
if you run your own business on the
same basis yon will soon be wearing
patched pants and will not have enough
money to buy another pair with.
W. Nlonzntotift & Co.
IT was an admitted fact that W. Night-
ingale & Co. was the cheapest store in
the county to buy any lines of goods
they handle. But the fact of them mak-
ing such a large pnrohsse of general
goods as the Stook of F. C. Rogers was
amounting to the gum of over 316,000.00
will give them greater advantages over
any other store, having madethe pur,
chase at 59e cents. on the dollar. 80
T1103.' McGmLIOUDDY, of Toronto, for-
merly one of the proprietors of TI1E
POST, was last week presented with
eleven volumes of Carlyle a works by the
students ofthe shorthand olase in son.
notion with the Y. M. C. A. of that pity,
which he has taught during the past
term. Mr. McGillionddy is acknowledg.
ed to be one of the most competent short -
band teachers in Canada, and some time
ago was offered the principalship of one
of the; leading shorthand inatitutious of
America, which, however, he declined.
ON aomount of the wholesale Wee press.
ing F, C. Rogers for what he owed them,
his stook has been thrown on the market.
Ws have bought this large and Well as-
sorted stock, amounting to over $15,000,
at 59e cents on the wholesale prices and
Will offer the people in and around about
Brueeele'the host value in all lines of
genres dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes,
carpets, ready-made clothing, hate, caps,
tweeds, millinery, &c„ at about half the
price they have been paying ler them in
other stores. W. NIsInTINuAt,E & (10.
June 12en.- .Aa will be seen by report
elsewhere in the columns of TEE Pose
the Orangemon of North Hato have do,
sided to hold their annual colobratioa of
the 12011 of July to Beassols this year.
The matter has been entrusted largely to
the caro of 5, Garry and he has formula
floe hie plane so that the outlook 19 very
avorelble. 01 course it is too' early ie
year to fottcast wheedle day a pre,
ooedfngs will: he liko hat the ]tope Ole.
'citizens will lend any emeietetice requited
an that elle eolebratiot, wilt he a suoce54-
lid pee,
ham prairie, 515 ; Jae. Dunn,' planking
Bain's bridge, Aseeeld, $8 ; Martin
Whitty, repairing approaches to Bentail
bridge, $5 ; Chas, O'Connor, ditto 'at
Port Albert bridge, 36 „William Walter,
repairing Buckley's' bridge, Ashfletd, $15 ;
Charles Barber, 'gravelling approaohee to
bridges dear Wingham; $45 , D. Mee
Quaig, repairs to Clinton •bridge, 35.50 ;
Wm. Moore, gravelling on bridge on
Wingham graygl road, $8.12 ; John Mole,
cleaning drain, etc., Manchester bridge
$5; Goderioh township, on amount of
bridge at Holmes' flats, $100 ; Wm. Glen,
approaches and fence to Salable bridge,
35 ; Alex. Fraser, Huron's half of ap.
proaohes to Henfryn bridge, 528.50 ;
Benj. Blair, approaohee to Kippen and
Mill road bridges, $4.50 ; James Pauifn,
flooring Mitchell's bridge, and repairs to
Wroxeter bridge, $17.14 ; Thos. Stewart,
repairing Blnevale bridge, $2.05 ; Wm.
Dixon, repairing Grey's bridge, Tuckob
smith, 36.50 ; R. ed. Robinson, repairing
ploughs broken in County work, .37; Win.
Wren, snow fences at two bridges hear
Chiselhurat, Huron's half, 318.50 ; Wm.
Mitchell, flooring bridge north of Sea.
forth, $21.45 ; John Barker, graveling at
Yonng'e and Allan's bridges, 332.75 ;
McLean &.Son, refiooring and repairing
bridges eonth of Wingham, $22.24 ; Jas.
Young, reftooriag Manchester bridge,
338.25 ; 1amee Gillespie, gravel at Blyth
bridge, 013.06 ; Joseph Allinson, ap-
proaches to Clinton bridge, 56.
The total amount or orders issued
from Jan. lst, 1889 to January 1890, is
$4,972.99. 1 have received and paid to
County Treasurer for sales of old mater-
leis 341.
The following bridges should bo re.
built matey in summer of 1890: Grey's
bridge, east of Brncef sld, and Bnckley's
bridge on L. S. road in Aehfieid, as they
aro old and not quite safe for heavy
Mame. They are not more than 22 feet
long each, and should be built of cedar
throughout, The south span of Clinton
bridge should.' be rebuilt, and a stone
wing wall added to the north. I also
recommend that inside shutters be put
on tiro vault windows of the registry
office, to give greater security teethe re.
cords. Jona ANSLEY,
0. A. Smith, a Galt artist, now in
France, has sold a painting, "The Pat.
riots of 1837,e to Ald. Prefontaine, M,
P. and Mr. Drolet, of Montreal, for
Grey, on the 1st inst., the
wife of Mr, Robert Carr of a daugh-
ALnultsoN.--ill Grey, on the 2nd inet„the
wifler5 of Mr. Wm. Alderson ofa dangll-
eameoN.-In Morris, on the 5th inst.,
the wife of Mr, Peter Jaekson, of a
Or'follr-t,AUE.-At the btotfiodiet par-
se/tame Listowel, on the 29th of
Jan., by the Itov. W,. 0. Elendoreon,
13, D., 181r. George Oxtoby;- 00 Mise
1,IiraEllen Lalte, lotlhei the tOtvli.
fillip of Grey.
INIIRVAWSe, , 7. 7890,
.$vomecp ' n * x.emas----.J.-.-..
TffIIneAAx, ran, 13, 1800, -Farm stock„ Lan
1J, Oen. 10, township of Groy
imrTh,t,et;a, uurou Le, There eau 100 Goren, so pares ,
honaehold fm'aittlrC, &o: ou
whet aare cloamdaii in good mato et eels!,!-
lot 26, ooh. e, Morrie, at 1 o'oleek p,m, yawn. On the farm 4e a stone Posse bud
Jas, 1,4obortxon, prop„ Goo. Kirkby, nae..
WEnyEseey, Ben. 12, 1890.: Aeelgttee'a
sale of farm stook and implements on
rano barn and frame stables, a good hoar.'
Jagolcberd and geed well of water, For
further pined/edam apply to the Proprietor
on the promisee
lot 1, con, 7, Grey, at 12:30 p.m, sharp- 1741 earth VIACANT, Brussels P. 0,
Thomas Kelly, Assignee, F. 8, Scott,
Teener/es, Fen, 201st, 1890. -Ferny
etocll, &o., Lot 14, eon, 6, Groy. Sale at
1 o'clock p, tn. John Bishop, proprietor,
00o. Kirkby, auctioneer.
TO1teDAY, FEBY. 18th, -Farm 000011,
implements, &e., Lot 19, con. 8, Groy,
Sale at 10 o'olodk a. m, Lunch at noon.
Wm, Tindall, proprietor. Geo. Birkby,
33RVS3aPlT,ry Z6Al2S: >r. -,TS.
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Butter, tubs and rolls....
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel..
Bay per ton
Pork ... ,
Hides per lb
Salt per bbl., retail
75 82
78 82
33 37
24 20
33 54
14 15
14 00
5 50 00
35 40
7 00 00
4 75 5 00
2 2i
1 25 00
Sheep skine,each......., 60 1 00
Wool, per Ib 18 20
Fall Wheat 75 82
Spring Wheat 78 82
Oats 24 26
Peas 511 54
Harley 33 37
Potatoes 35 40
Butter, per lb 14 15
Eggs, per dozen 14 00
Apples, per bushel 30 35
Hogs, dressed .4 75 5 00
Beef 450 5 50
May 000 7 00
Wood, per cord 2 60 4 50
Sheepskins, each 40 57
Will deliver in quantiliee to suit pun.
chaser. T. PEPPER, Lot 6,Oon. 9,0rey..
k...) am any person or persons cuttingor
ronloyiug any, timber off Lot 4, Con. 2, roy
township. 28.8 THOMAS MaQUEEN.
1.7 Loaves Brussels every morning instead
of evening, as formerly, and returns from
Gorrle•in the evening. This rule will be ad-
hered to until further notice.
S. WALSH, Prupriotur.
Notice is hereby given that rho outatand-
lugaocounta due the late firm of afayoroft &
Turnbull, Brussels, must be settled by eith-
er cash or note forthwith. The books aro
at Dickson & Rave' Office, and they aro au-
thorized to giye teoeipta for monies paid. 14-
Applications will be received up till
March 100,1890, for the position of Precentor
In Melville Church Brussels. Applicants to
state salary desired and address -
Canna Or finanos,
Box 140, B0085518.
All parties indebted to the estate of the
late Andrew Currin are requested to settle
the same by the 28th inet. After that date
all unpaid olaim0 will be ooilooted by p00 -
els of law, BY ORDER OF ESEOUTOR8,
Brussels, 001.17,1559, • 14-01
of the undersigned, lot 30, con, 17,
Grey, on or about Jnnelet, a yearling heifer
and a yearling steer,'botb red in color. The
heifer hoe some gray baize, Tho steer has
some white on hind quarters. The owner is
requested to prove property, pay expenses
and take them away. 23-3 BORT. BERRY.
Dnae1GNEn has several good Farms for
sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townshipps
of- Morrie ;and Grey. F.8. SCOTT. Brussels,
soroferm (known -as the Bishop farm.)
Sot 5, con, IO and Lot 6, eon. 11. Grey, will be
routed for a term of yeare. It is in an ex
callentstateofealtivation. Possession given
on or before A Hl 1st. For further partiou-
Iare- apply to JAMES FERGUSON, Brussels,
27-tf or FERGIJSON BROS., Teeewater.
In the Village of Ethel. There is an
aoro and a quarter of land and oboe it is a
good frame dwellibe, stable, &s., the proper-
of the late Mrs. Walter Govenloo&k e
lot tetra situated on the bank of the Matte
land river.705 price, terms and further
partloolare 951110" on the promises to
dereigned offers his 100 tore farm,
being North half Lel 50, Con. 8, Morrie, for.
sale. There ere about 75 acres cleared and
under cultivation. On the prod:Ikea are a
good frame bonnie, bank barn, good orchard
and other neeesearlee.. Only ee tullessouth
of Bmaselq on the gravel road.. For further
particulars,. 'et to price, &c., apply to the.
proprietor on thepromises,
30.6x J, PYBUs, Box 190, Bruesela P.O.
28, con. 8, Grey, containing 100 sores, 15
sores cleared, under grass, and the balance
timbered, About 70 acme of dry. land and
the balenc5 cedar and bleak ash swamp
Tbere is a log Milneonthe premises. Will
be gold onvery reasonable terms as proprie-
tor dooe not rogmre the lot, For further par-
tionlaro apply to ROBT, MoLAU0HLIN,
Oranbrook, P.O. or ALEX, BUNTER, Brea -
sole. , - 12
1bunerailab chore for sale the north
oast quarter of lot 2s, cOneeseion 0, Morrie,
County of Huron, containing 50 Mores. The
land is of first quality andira a high state of
cultivation, well fenced and under-drabied,
e5 fierce cleared, Now frame house, 8 rooms,
Milk house with aonorete walla, 2 wells,
good barns mud shod orchard, oto, Eight
aoroe of fall wheat. shod.,
dooirable property
ad'oine the oorporetioll of $ruseole, Suit.
rano tonne will be gown. Titleperfoct,.
1031205 GRIEVE, Owner,
36- Seafer'th P. 0,
Morrie oil seas nab IN
o ttering. I
4 b t o
to otoso
the tee, affairs of tho estate of the late
Wlo lu velna n, the (xeau010 sayer the fol-
lowing valuable lands for sale North
half of Lot 30, Concession 5On To this 15 bleo e ofis
Morrie eon'taining80 .eros,
erected' a good frame bare with atone two -
dation, geed orehord, well and mewl, . Near•
lWs.11ldi oe ed, bard18
On the grave k'oa11
11 p grl of Brttroele.
This farm is a valuable one, 10 well 10846d
and in a geed state .of cultivation, For
prince and tomes apply to THOS. 10101)1,17,
7lrn0eole P, (1,, Deaner ,7E, V1Na8,. Victoria
8gnara 0„ et.)Alkes Strutt, :Malek' Ledge
O. jdlbaeio doenevi
eonrnnn offers lila valuable 100 aoro
farm, being lot 8, con. 1a, Grey Townshipp
Huron Co„ 10r Bale, 'There are about Id
441'05 Bleared and in good hart, There is 4
log Mouse, good bank barn bunting orchard,
and all the noc0seory oonvotilonoes on the
premises. For further partioulare, as to
pprice,torms, eto, apply to 'the Proprietor,
L'HOS.HISLCP, Clare P. 0., N.W. T.. or to
Pepper's Drug Store,
Pepper's Dru
Pepper's s D>. ug Stun.
Pepper's s
. Store,
GRAHAM'S 080,101{, • 851113SSE LS
For tonne and other pai'tiealare ask for
circular at my Grog and Book Store. Should
you wish to 0511 Ina heifer calves I um prn-
paral to pay as high as 818, according to
mincing qualities of their darns,
20-Ilmhs G. A, DEADMAN,Btinsels,
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of DONALD MCLADOIIOAN, of
the Township of Grev, in the County
of Huron, Farmer, Insolvent.
The Insolvent has made an Assignment to
mo for the benefit of Ila creditors under
R. 8. 00887, 0hapEer 131. A meeting of the
creditors will be hold at the Office of
A, flouter, Brusso,e, on Fnrnex, the 91st Day
of January, 189e, at 2 o'clock p, in., for the
appointment of insects tors and the giving of
directions for the disposal of the estate.
B00000ie,Jen'y 22,1890, Assignee.
N. B.-Oreditore ebauld file their claims,
with vouchers, at ones, to faeilitato the
speedy winding tip of the 00Eate.
Under and by virtue of powers of sale con-
tained in certain Mortgagee, wbioh will be
produced et the time of sale,. there will be
sold on Tuesday, 96th Day of February,
1890. at Twelve O'clock, Noontt pt the Anuem-
eAN HOTEL, In the Village of BRUSSELS, the
following Valuable Properties:
Parcel 1, -Lots Nos. 31 and 12, 1n the lath
Concession of the Towu ship of Grey, in the
County of Huron, containing 200 soros more
or loan.
Parcel 2. -Lot ho.225 and the easterly ten
featthroughout of Lot No.50000 WlBiam
Street, in the Village of Brussels.
TERMS. -Ona -tenth of the purchase m cney
to be paid down at the time 01 sale. Terms
for balance liberal, and will be made known
at the time of sale.
Fdr further particulars apply to
Vendors' Sodcitors,
30.3 75 Ohurob Strout, Toronto.
Valuable Real Estate
IIn4er power of sale contained 18 a certain
registered mortgage made by David Lamb
to the vendors will be sold by Public Auc-
tion, by A. Hunter Auotionoer, at the
QvL'EN'e Emma, in the Village Of Brasesls.
Tuesday, February Ilth, 1890,
At 1:30 O'Oloak, p.m.,
The following freehold property, viz., The
North half of Lot No. Fourteen, in the Sixth
concession of the Township of Morris ofore-
eaid,00ntaining One Hundred acres, more
or lees. About SO abree are cleared, the bal-
ance is bush ; the soil 10 a clay loam with
good drainage. The buildings are a log
house, frame barn and frame shed. About
22 eons bearing Orchard; a good well and
abundance of water; the Maitland river
31108 amens • this lot; good roads, good local.
ity, and distant from Bruesela about 9 miles,
Ono -tenth of the purchase money' to be
paid down, further particulars will' be made
known at time of sale, ormay be ameertaiaed
on application to A. HUNTER, Auctioneer,
Brunetti, or to
29-3 Vendors' Solicitor, London, Ont.
Valuable Property
--1N THE--'
Village of Brussels.
Under and by virtue of the power of rade
contained in a curtain mortgage, which will
be produced at the time of sale, there will
be sold by Public Auotion, on
Friday, Feb'y 7th, '90,
at the American Hotel, in the Village of
Ilrassele,at2o'olookin the afternoon the
following valuable property, viz, :-.Village
Lot number Fifteen, in the Village of
Bre mole. On the lot is a frame building,
now need as a livery stable and there ie oleo
ample room for the creation of any other
buildings. This is one of the most eligible
bnainese atas in the village,
Tonka, -Fifteen per cent. of the purobsee
money to be paid et the time of Salo. Bal -
a1100 of terns andoonditions will be made
known at male.
For further partioulare timely to
Vendors' Agent,
23.8 Brussels.
Notice to Creditors.
lit the]]fitter of the Estate of rillfbEll10
guNeroese, late of the Toaonehvp of '
Grey, in the County of Harron,
Yeoman, Deceased,
Pennant to Section Thirt .xis Of Ohavto
Ono Hundred and Ten of the Revised et
Rites of Ontario, we hereby give notice the
n11 creditors and other persons having olefins
against the estate of Frederick Hunsickeb
late of the said Township of Groy, yeoman
who died on or about the 22nd da of August
A.D.1889, aro hereby required to send
poet (prepaid) or to deliver to Messrs. Die
sou & Hays of the Village of Brhssolo, in the
County of Huron, Solicitors for Susan .Jane
Hunsicker, Widow, the Administtatrix o
the real. and mama! estate and effect
rights and credits, of the said Frederic
Huuolaker, deceased, en or before the -1s
day of February now 'nest ending, a state
wont of their names, Maros sea, and ds0Orip
tions and the 1011 particulars and proofs of
their clsims or demande upon the said
e5teto mid the securities (if any) held by
them, aid that after the said let day of
1•'ebrttary. the said Admiuietratrii will pro•
coati to been:ester the estatoand distribute
aseote of the said Frederick Hunsicker
amongst the pa ti00 entiblodthsreto, having
lli only to 1110 Olailns 6t bitten blob said
A miulstrattix.hall the. hays bad notfoo
and the said Adtaf '
nor an wilt oat lie
Banta tar the said millets,0,00'or any part snare,
of, tie se eleu1 sic to d ll po haionve
or 0500 d
the thud
daf(meltisributit tiavb noiseo at
the rind of snoh distribution.
1110RSON & HANS,
' Solicitors lot t100 said Adminietratrix.
Dated at Ara:mole shit 7818 any of Unitary,
Tra eeeect a CI -amoral banking
Canadian and United States Drafts bought
and Bold.
Interest allowed on Deposits.
Collections made en favorable terms,
Canadian Agents -Mnnonnii's BAND or
New York Agoote-Inmeneena AND Tnen
Solicitor and Conveyancer. Collet.
time made. Gabe-Vanstono'e Block, Brua -
sole. ffi,sm,
• 8olialtor, Oonveynneer, No tory 2013.
1/O, &a. Office -Graham's Block, 1 door north
of Popper's Drug Store. Private Punds to
1:41 E. WADE,
ALA • Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Pub-
lic. Conveyancing. Collections and Loaning.
Mr. Wade mil attend in Gerrie every Wod•
nesday at two o'clock,
arristers GSolicitors,Pr0 nveyancers•
&o. Offices -Brussels and 8aaforth, Bm.
eels Office, Rogers' Block, Main St. Money
to Loan,
a, a. nAYO, 07.30.01058000,
A M. TAYLOR B. 0. L.
• of Taylor, Barrister,
& Burns of the
Solleitore, &c.. Manning Arcade, Toronto.
Money to loan.
CCo, Burerke,,, ot0onvoyanoer, Notary Pontic.
Land, Loan and IDsurenee Agent, Funds
invested and to lona. 0o11eo01one made.
Oince in Graham's Black, Brussels.
slag's store. ' MISSES L, & E. Mn,
• Delmar his Grery,Purrrytee,Brusal.
south of A. St rMc& yd C0's hardware Shop
Ladies' end chilaren's hair cutting a I pecialty'
t "A ohoieo stook of cigars kept.
Ieaarer of Marrlege Licenses, by
appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis.
Fire Insurance B.
18055 at the Cranbrock
Poet Office.
undersigned dooiroe tc intimate to the
people of Brussel. and 'surrounding' oormtry
that he bee opened a shaving and hair cut -
be louud randy to attend to' the wants of the
public. Good work guaranteed.
to the ies of oBruse desires
to aurroaudigg
country that'ehe ie prepared to attend to
all ordure intrusted to bor. 8ablefacttou
guaranteed. Shop -Ile -stairs, one door north
of Walter Jackson's hardware store,
10- MI88 SAMPLE.
\.A Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct.
°don reasonable terms. Farms and farm
stooka spoolalby, Orders left at Tun Powe
Publiehlagllouee,Brueael0,or risotto Walton
P. O., will receive prompt attention.
• Auctioneer, 19 always .ready to at•
fend sales of tarmo, farm stock, &a.. Terme
cheerfully given. Oranbrook P.O. Bales
may be 'arrengsd at TRE POST Publishing
House, Brussels.
G. L. Ball, L.D.8.• Nitresbibls'Gae. ad.
ministered for the Pafnleea Extraetlon of
Teeth, 74 Gerrard Street East, Timone.
W. 3, Year, L. A. S., Graduate of
Toronto, Behind cif 'Dentistry. All
operations guaranteed. se rArblilcial
b50th,arht qqt eiity, ands gaarantocd
at,for$12,W UOr sot. .011105-OAny'e
_ $L°Os, BEAronTu.
moi: ,6.. JYS. .Z5tr"S'ST. Z, b: s„
Honor Graduate of the Royal College of
Dental)lurgeons, Turouto. Biting Oxide Gan
admtooth.inioteredOffice-•forthtPainloos Extraction of
. "
1 100E Demi NouTu Dir BANZ, Bnvsen$e,
WM. F. CALE, M.D., O. M.,, Member of the Celle 0 of
g amiPhyna ie
Oband Su ndo It of eueo Ontario by examtnEa t,
hsl and ltesidovoo.....?Iain straps East,
• O.M. L. B. 0.F., Edinburgh, If, 0, x',
S, Ont. At Pepper's Drug Store,from 0 to
11:8tl a. m, and from 1;30 to 4 p, m, At other.
hours may bo found at his ran cleece, form,
only occupied by Dr. Uutahineee, 115131 et.
Graditato and lioiicrary, I!oll6w of O.
Veterleare" Coad e, 'will Ile tiketimOE to e10
amino with tinct greatest daze r
Menai skill atiy'" dp',sos o.truatoil 1prdf8le
Marga: 1 nleeeeithe Mid 'nilrnier'-0'1131 t,t's„hid
5108i,2rtdoors earth 01 Breen, k'il eetney