HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-2-7, Page 7li
r,r;altUAR1',.7, g.A.15. HE BTR ii ,$.EI,8 ]C' 1S` '
ni!ty :have or how they would acquit
Putt)), tbetnaelvoa in it, "Don't tell people,"
......... __ ... _ , be Raid, ;'you have got. the petted
"NTdin i 'i o THEE." eavinfl i1raoe of God. If you tell of
it they will doubt your having it, I
'Twee a June evening. On the night' When you babe it you will know it,
way or builds •a eteatnboat, alar
now extended colony ie in ootntnuni•
cation with a distant country to
wllioh• owiug to the downers of
travel, it formerly land no mese,
The result is that grain and other
catkin, be it either bare fallow or
root crops, but rather from The want
o(. a thorough approeiatlon of it.
Tide sen only be wade where Suffici-
ent labor is employed to do the Work
I properly, Toward ,hie end much
A bridal party gay, „ably jest and soul; and others will know it without farm produce will in all probability pap bo accomplished by a proper
Veiled the long hours away, while down your boasting of d," be plaord cu their market inuolt ndjustmout of time, `,Chen, too, ib
ahoapor than they lhemsolvos can often happens that ncitbor ryatem
produce them while tho foreigner is resorted to putil the fast inoreas-
will hove a better uutreet Every- ing varieties of weeds compels the
lhiug is more evenly balanced or farmer to resort to something ; or It
divided. It would appear also at may be that in the course of the
first eight that the home farmer, for rotation the field becomes foul be-
slice we will call our colnniat, octant tore its turn again Domes to under.
not nff'trtl to fatal with such in ten go a cleaning. I am quite sure that
tifieViou while the other could farm tf no .more land was cultivated than
tenet a much greater degree of in- could bo cultivated properly not only
teneification. While thief is true in would weeds become less prevalent
the 'weer v.v. It it not so in tho but a better quality of produce would
former. In this case the only hope bo realized also ; a quality which
is in Limning the post of production would scone a more ready salo and
by malting one a^re yield a heavier
crop, Ho may bo required to dia-
peuso with all help but what is af-
forded by hie own !molly, ''This
may compel ltim to oultivete loss
acres and'devoto these to some One
or two Drops whore formerly he cul.
tivated all the crops on the category,
Por this reason I think the system
of peasant farmers ie to be preferred, Tam Thumb's widow, who will
iu such countries, to the large farm not coasted to exhibit herastf et
worked in the mauuer of to factory.
The effect of this upon the foreign
country will probably bo to raise the
price of laud and cheapen the prioe
of labor. This together with a pro•
babio inoretee in the price of grttiu
will make it passible for him to in-
tsusify bis mode of farmiiug. If he
Conn afford to do that then he can.
net' eiloid to farm in his old oxteu.
sive system. Having utede tine
statement I hope to be Abdo t a main•
the elope
The oars with oliek and .rmnblo rushed
inside was life and light ; outside the
Sparkled with starlight, while the arra-
cent moon
feat tipped! With gold the Western
Then sank behind the fragrant woods of
Wearied with travel, some have ennk to
root ;
But one has asked the sweet young bride,
that ore
They sleep, she'd sing, as 'Wore, a good.
night benison,
And they will join the song, "Sweet
Hour of Prayer."
At first her voice in trembling cadence
But swelled in power and beauty as the,
Carried the singer from the present
And the, in fanny, saw the loved home
Tho song rang out in triumph, as the
Roused from their slumber s roll the
sweet home -song ; •
While toward its fate Ab! little could
they guess—
The great train rushed along,
An aged man, whose feet have neared
the brink,
And whose strong faith his Saviour's
Noe can tee,
Lonna forward on his staff and asks his
His trustful prayer—"Nearer, my God,
• to Thee."
The massive bridge, o'er which the train
must pass,
Has taken fire, and 'neath the streatti
rolls on
O'er °rage that noon mast dash to death
the souls
That, all unconscious of their fate, sing
Ah ! faster speeds the engine down the
grade ;
And sweeter rings oat on the listeningshould do so. In this case extensive
oven— farming is the beat. Bet. in: an older
"There let the way appear, district; where land is more valitable,
Steps up to Heaven." Where more labor is necessary to
They've atvept the curve, and now upon sectors a ramuuorative crop, unci
This it the first official utterance
ovor ut t:lo by a Bishop in the %Meth-
odiet cherub in regard to the peculiar
doctrine of "intimas," which hat a
barge following iu both the Northern
and Slathers churches, and I3i+haip
Keene's oontloinnetion of it unused
a decided sensation eineng the 'per
fact' brethren,
The Intensification of
Dr w. RUSSELL nxalior, Or onnc.
Seco idea of the moaning and
conditions indicated by titis term
may be obtained by cementing the
mode of farming existing in our
Western countries, where the labor
of not more than two men •and ae
many •lior.es iv ens oiemt for 210
aoroe of lanai, with theemodo exist•
ing near large En ropeau cities, where
the labor of 700 men and 120 borne
ie expended ou the same number
of acres. In both caeca the farreing
may be good ; indeed it is not always
the alone that extensive farming is
ruinous, or that intensive farming
is profitable, Iu a taw prairie din.
tric', for ingtadoe, where wages are
high, as they generally are, and
where the laird is cheap and has not
beau, e llaneted, ono man,aIn work
100' acre+. and secure 't tlmottt• as
mnoh,; Aare for ,acre, .aa'k•tba' same
amoupt oflalior expended on 80 aoroe.
Tins the nue man with the !'Urger
farm will be bust enabledto make
the aeceeeary improvemggta'end . be
iu a pointton to farm mate • iuten
eively whet' the time comes that he
their view
The ruined bridge, the falling beams
appear ;
"Down brakes 1" has hushed the song
on trembling lips
That now are white with fear.
i Iia fuithtees engine has betrayed its
whore other things are proportion
atoly difficult to obtain; it would he
folly for one man to attempt to farm
1110 aor05; a more intensive system
is absolutely necessary. We no
peen in ,hie •paper, as time and
treat, ability wilt permit, to investigate
No longer heeding of its ehtof's com-
mend ; some of the ohaugen which our
But rushing forward, bears its helpless mnuutry has undergone in its ad -
freight vaneetnent, and find, if we can, why
Straigt, ani t in the jaws of (death so near at this is ; also to enquire tato the
present conditiou of, affairs, with the
Hark 1 how that shriek rings ott the purpose of showing how; ter they
quivering air,•will support `this conclusion, nod
As hope gives way among tho breathless amply to furlfaat.e what seems to ns
throng Y
Could they have known how near won to be thePropercourse to patella.
death to each, It) order to, iIluLrtite any -state.
Would they have said, '•Thy will be
done" to song 2
Trusting, thongb tremulous, is breathed
the prayer
From lips a moment since titiahed fair to
"So, by my woes torte
Nearer, my God, to 'Thee." -
'.fhen, like a bolt of Jove, the oars crash
through.; •
The engine scalds and grinds, as roond
Are heaped the oars, broken and splinter -
ad all ;
While hiss of steam mingles with (lying,
Pinned, down by.tiutbere-.-eranhud be-
neath their weight ; •
Longing for death to come and sot her
free ;
Almost in whispers, from those childish
Sipe, •
Collies still ear prayer, "Nearer, my
God, to Thee."
"Or if on joyful wing,
Cleaving the sky,,
Sun, ,noon and eters forgot,
Upward T fly- •
Still all my song shall be,
Nearer to Thee.", , .
At the Soutli•Carolina Col ferenee
of the Methodist Episcopal Church
South, •vliich ' has jns% closed its
annual session, Bishop :Keeps, of
New Orleans, who presided, threw a
bombshell into the :ranks of, the
!'holiness" element of the olturolt.
In charging . the °leas of, young
preacbere who were to be ordained
tniuisborgin fell, ,the' bishop:beid
"There are some very• welt -Weeping
people who tbiulr they lau° advauood
beyond their fellows; that ttiey lutve
oaken or hlid committed to their
hands the bituuer of bolinesa, They,
imagine they .have 'received perfect
holiness'; they separate themselves
from the rest of their follows and
hold" prayer meetings, to which they
an not avant bite rest of their bretbreu'
t0 0001e."
This, thobishop'said, was more
like taking the leaven out of tine
lump than putting it iu. Ho charged,
his youhg immure that they were
far from being perfect, and probably
would never be. Ile doebtod if
thorn wore arty within the rood
who Gould justly ,claim peefeotion.
Thograce for to -day. was not.tot
g y
tomorrownot by - any 'means.
Time of trial canoetmell ;no matter
how long:'they:had. lea" a• Glutistiat
life, or hSW fiaitbfitlliter hove etratletl
and to better price in the market.
In fact, I think tide greatprovidence
of weeds can only be overcome by a
more inteu=ified eyetem of ngri
(°4:eIttel L"o Yg12' A'F,glL)
twin it.
33y referring to our illustration we
see that the supply and demand
kept somewhat apace. Of course
there would, owing to the uncertain-
ty,of crops fwd the apeoula§ioua of
men, be,sufecient variation to make
trade interesting: But: taking ' oue
thing with auotlier, there would be
scarcely any `supply before there
wag a demand. tee a cons .nuance
we would expect there would be a n
very intense competition in faro]
producbt. There acme! be no tarifa
between dairymen at Doe province
with those of any other . proviucs.
There would be no dxiryelen'a Den
veutmn to discuss Pie. manner of
produetug the best butter and ohee•s
at a little cost;. nor would there be
any fruit growers' association to die-
mOSS tho beet varieties of frith' for
vaoy market and many other (hinge ;
nor would there be Amy ferment'
institutes• dieoueeing: the'many prob.
lens which interest the farther. a nt'pn'eeptehle Ilp yonder. Wen
All these tore the result of inntpeti- Yoe gibe to de go'den gets an' Peter
tion. and is not o0tnpet ionetlte re I^o'lbs e'er right in ' de eye, 011 yer
eteevneIdea ycr•lnng creed an sive,
pnrr+pous like, flet yer 'longed ter a
hip• erhtirch dee pontte 'iI sheltie lits
hent,, ton' sae 'Dat ain't tftiff ter 'get
yer'stferniegb I3,u1tif yer '.takoe'all
ymr':Yillas reviser'yet arm-yO wetter
bi11e:04int./gr rentbtlln- tn'ha Rinke
ear neerni lin' sews 'em ail reoeipted,
'half Ray, *Ter title's clear," an' un-
leck'd!e`inete ail': let yer,A}')iteh yer
Volee.or de angels'. pone. But 'I.Rin't
no nee ter !rabble 'Tong: dat narrer
path 'lose ye• can carry, 'folded np•
in'yor Creed, ft 'good rec'tnelidation
(rope 'yer. creditors, • i•Iebben ain't
tin place furan man who bee to dodge
ron.n' a•coroter fine 'Tear of rmeetin'
some one who'll oak fnr''dnb little
bill•dtt nebber., was paid. It ain't
nn p11L00 far a man vette (100'1 wean
to run against hie landlady or.
w esherwomano"
flfror.ee,s' hi' Ililferttait 'Cnnetriee.
Iu• Thfbet, divorcee' ars ec''reely
allowed, unless with the °elneen6 of
both patties; ' ecenfftrriage is for
In Austria - dittorcee have never
beetle tanotionesh .Divirces are...eoar-
uele'eylir kttowti to oceiir iii motl;orn
Ieenetat Hindustan, either party, for . a
slight cause, limy leave the other
end marry• :•
In the olden tines.. the .Tawe had
Iles u. diecrotionary power. of di.
vomit*. digit wives, '
In Cochin Clime, ttto'parties de
museums now, passed through the
city a few' dtlys ego, save the Boston
Journal. Seated in an Racy chair.
to reach the Peat of wile)) Ile need
of a cricket was itbsnhurly `totes
nary, the diminnlive lady extended
the hand of welcome end, with •a.
smile, shook her head as her visitor
gave' greeting to 'airs. Owlet; Strat-
ton.'' "No longer' Mrs. ,Stratton,"
she aatd, "I am new the Countess
etagri, and this teenyLobaoa, the
Count. Tho gegtlepiau' thus intro
timed was aheirleotatilittic fellow,
whose years and whose inches are
almost the sannei.for•. the crown of
his head reaches only the level of
an upright yard stick, Anil his age
is but 89. Mrs. Stratton Magri, if
the double appellation may be used,
is 47 yearns„old now, and. she, stands
a head --the is to say, a. lilliputiau
hued—shorter than her hatband.
"We were married only four yearn
ago," she said, "and I Ynotice that
ninny people still find it hard to
separate my name from the General's
HP, poor man. paaled away nix
Acolored inhibitor recently preach.
el the following practical theology r
--"Brodderu, my 'sperienoo fs sat
rt ain't de porfaeniou of 'ligion, but
de"caeional practice of it. dot nettles
merge w 0
,'tlltFtwi'xh to will
imagine -te.colou in • /tome romote, t
'fat toi!lnountey. f They are ld 1
all to tliemselvee, and••hate.no need
for anymore than' will impiety their
°ten tvanta: T,hey.are fewinnum-
ber and their wants aro simple and
few. Now, it is, a well kpown fact
that the productiveness of the labor
of any number of men depends upon
Opt side, dexterity and judgment with
which it is applied. Since their
needs are limited there is no stimulus
to the development of their skill
above what will .enable. the• entire
poptibetitin• to produce sufficient` to
enpply their owu wants. An luorease
in the population menus anincrease
iu the deuiaud for otepplies. An in
Created demand for supplies me Mite
tin iincrtrased demand for latter. l3itt
Oho developmot?t of skill in the colony
is such that rho population eaunat
supply any, More than their own
wants You must neoesaarily con-
clude'tbeat in order that the want, of
the increased population may be
supplied it :will bit necessary that
tlley'thomeelvoe perform, the 'htbo.
h tdtink.ib.is thesame in :alt coun-
tries. The fact that 'a ;mal; Jives
and creator a demand for supplies
ought to furnieb him with wort`, the
remuneration of which 'amnia supply
toll his ebeolute wants. This much
and no more -bas a man a right t0
eXpectf "Thus our colony moves on
io amoothly as things in this world
will • allow. As Obey : inoreaeo i>f
population their wants increase also,
not only in magnitude but fu 00111-
plexity as well. A stimulus is thus
g veu to the development, of their
skill, This is accompanied with to
great subdivision of: whet wits :pre•
vie sl a:eim to n
p y 17 employment. I.he
oo eegnouoe is that many mouths
must be fed from the game number
of aovtes which formerly raid to muelt Let us now examine aha staid cif, says 'Go 1' without Adding, 'Como
lode number. To do this every affairs at present minding in'Out;tvio hacic again,' they are divorced,
arra ninat be eultiveted to lbs ut• land nee ltow far they will support Two kinds of diverts') are granted
most capacity, . Bread and butter, this conclusion, if at all. To my in Ciro 16attt, dtythe first the parties
meat tend patntooe;'in short every mind nothing would hotter indicate eau innuodi,ttoly marry again ; by
thing Meat name from their own- a high end prosperous agricultural the eoeond Itot'ftr tet year.
+ a
farms. This inorensocl demand almntluity than the absence• ,,f Iu Liberia, if to men le disstttisfiod
renders it net only possible beet the Woods in their fields. Who uoctltl with the ILIUM trilling acts of hie
farmer eltoeld. bub also possible that not ovieh sae o great ohmage its wife he Ewer„ 0 ca, air veil from her
he may employ. mtusy bands spoil the dtoattlinese of: our Holds 1'• For face, tied that eoliStttateit to divoree.
his farm, and in a way ranch niton- years the londere in agricultural re In 131atn, the fleet ode ttiay be di-
'eify'liis' Work', As trail$'intensiflee 'fetid have been advoeattug the nxerfte .vaned, bat not sold OOP lite 'other
fermtitg'iuteesiftea also, nits slcill le of eumnoe', fallow hi and toots crime r i
} lt., t may be. She tlnay'ututttt, the first
fit ttemani all along the line when aset ineene ofdestroying Woede, bur, oldie the °`Mier` helmet. to the
and Steadfast they `night'' be nr eotne persau with a little mere ia. in spite of both oyetoms, tate wrestle Habana,
might thintt themseltob to bo. No genuity than the others integte a ate here yet ; not, however, frcrn Atnoug the llfoore,.if'the wino sloes
one could; toll what 1 toublo they steam u`r'ine adrl tionatrltote a Vail, any defieionoy in bus rnftdeoif orftli. not become the dicnttur of i4 boy, elle_
ult of an, ability to supply' 'more'
han the demand requires. I lo.wevct
t is of the nature of u uompotibilni
thatthe best;ahall'win • there mond
be no cotppetitiou• at all if tlte'lies,
did not wen: Sue the beeeeereouly
be produced by:the •approoiation''of
the best methods' the ;,greatest
Dare by the application of, methods
which will yield a•greater quantity,
and caro wbioh will result in a bete
ter qualify than was formerly pro
duoed. In order that 'We tatty pose
atm these it isnecessary; that '.we'
improve ou the old system of ami'
culture. It is necessary oleo in,
order that the beet article may Ito
produced ,bat the natural facilities -
be favoreble
acilities-be.favorable to the production of that
article.` Every man and every coon
try abould devote"their: energies in
that article or articles, which their
clrcti':netancea best (termtt., Auy
barrier which stands iu the way of
this is a hindrance to the adv ince •
maul of the people, and s11001.l he
removed .if „possible. But of thio
more anon.
This is applicable Leith iu the . old:
ootlubries+antt in the ;bite/. e A" less
exteneite, variety of hrtioles'remit 'be
sacrificed for.0 more luteooiwe quail.'
ity atilt' ceutoetlty, of. those".tirtiotes,
which ;Lhey can. beet ,prmduoe. In
order to do thte wo.m tet iinprovo on
the old system' of agrieultuie. lu
short; the" eame+law•whiolieSays that
the Ceuadiau •ferule` °tone afford to
farm more fhteiisively also sayer that
he cannot afford to ftrui in has old airing :i vartje liroalc a pair of chop•
extenitive sysiem. This is just Whlat atictfe in the presence of wrtneasea,
tlja,.ayt i'ngo (hippie &muter is tit 0101. the thin is tin 1
tempting V0 do—farm as be saw hit. g t tS
father and grandfather do the busi e, Among some tribes of American
Int It tea the i+ f t' It
noes, and they lid. it just las. their ' ' B face o a m s glare
Ilia wituessea of the ainrrittgo aro
fear gauetatione have aloup .broken den afgfl of divorce.tt, Iter conclusion of ail Oilis enee wife of a ''nrkomtaff' ,sits
evident. hie pertnieainn to 'go one tend he
Reay he divorced wish the 0011040 of Money to Loan,
the tribe, and can marry again•
In the Arotlo region.' a elan Who
wants a divorce le0vee home in
anger, and does not return for Rea•
eral clays. The wife hikes the hint
and departs,
Tu Chinn divorcee are allowed in
all cases of eriminahty, mutual die -
lieu, jealousy, incompatibility of tem.
peralncni, 0r too mt'oll loquacity on
the part of the wife.
Among the Tartars, if the wife is
ill•treatod she oonplaine to the
magistrate, who, attended by the
principle people, a000mpaniee her to
the house and pronouuoo a divorce.
alarm Indications.
Soot burning on the back of
Wild goose flying over in great
Cos! hunting alternstely bright
end dim.
The weather usually moderate
before a storm,
Distant muds hoard with dis-
tinctness during the day.
Bed clouds at suuriee, and the
aurae when very llrigltt.
Peafowl utter low cries 1 before A
storm and ealeot ,t low porch.
Domestic auitnttle stand with
their hand from the coming storm.
Oxen or sheep collecting together
RS if they wereseeking shelter.
F'at'e, always burns brighter and
throws out more heat just bolero a
storm, and is hotter during it -
It it said blacksmiths select'a
stormy day in which to perform ex-
tra work that requires extra heat.
.ere They Got Their. No men. .
Muslin ra named from Mosul, in
Taffeta and tabby from a street
in Bagdad.
' Druggett is derived from a city in
Ireland, Drogheda.
Cambric from Gambrel. Gauze
7tats its name from Gaza.
Baize. from. Bejaia. Dimity from
Damietta, and jeans fron Jean.
Dement`.• from the pity of Damas•
cne Satins from Zaytowu, China.
Velvet is from the Italian vellate,
woolly. (le am, vellus --a hide or
Serge derives its name from
Xerga, 11 Spuuish name^fur a pecu-
liar woollen blanket,
Shaul is the Benoit sale (floor,)
for shawls were first need as care
pets land tapestry.
Bandana is from an Indian word
to biod'or tie, because it is tied in
`knots before dyeing.
Alpaca from an animal in Peru,
of the Aamn species, -from whose
wool the fabric is woven,
Diaper is not from D'Ypree, 08 is
sometimes stated, but from the
Greek diaspt'on, figured.
Buokram ' takes • its urine from
Foetid,, a city of the 'Middle Ages,
• Iron' which the modern' Cairo is
• Calico froin Celicut, a .town 'in.
India, formerly celebrated for its
'ootiou oletb, and where aelico was
also printed: '
, Blanket is eulleid after Thoivas
Blau'ket, at tannoue, .clothier, eon
emoted ; with the introduction- of
woollens into Euglaud about 1340.
The graphophone is likely to find
usein medicine. Every kind of
cough maybe recorded, to servo in
teaching students, one for tracing
the progress. of the dieease by
(Intra comparisons.
A aebatit}its for Iudja•robber,
known as kelgion, bus beau iuvent-
ed by Henry Kellog, of New Havetie',
Conn- It .'het C I o cllang;ed by t1ip;
notion °Pilgirb1' r beefete It sit , imot• t,
durable them robber;and,tho Amer .
can Analyst s tysat,ie:_'upplibublo tit!
:all purposes where rubber ie 'now,
used. •
T11ere te, so,fta,r, pp sign, that tile,i
world will oar .produce a textile;
that eau 'compare with wool in est
`dd t b-il':1.
ail try p to:rho sel'wfob of
iu every latieuile,. When..‘properlyf
treufed.it becomes, riert+to.food, air'
and water, the meet vahtable' gift..
ever bestowed inion;him' by a bon-,
ilial Orel' tot'.
you a e'"
y are ev t ldst iti.'i b1hzzryr�
If ,
or heavy fog in the any limo, your,
eau discover the posttioti•of the eon,'',
and so get'yonr bearings by a vete
simple _ootatrivaueb, Put the point
of a slurp lead•poflcil or knife blade
on the thumb nail, Hud its shadow
will be thrown on the appoint° side
to the situ, it matters not bow dense
,nay be the log or snow.
A German professor, visiting the
natural gas wells at Findley, Ohio,
lies stout; steel rods In the earth far
below the bottom of the wells, end,
by delicate tolepho,e wire, home
pZafnly'Ole bolling of the rocks,
teccompanio'd by is oraokliug sound.
Ae iv distance of only a anile beneath
tiro grunt gee ca'vit4 he Otis thab•it
fire lit raging et a temperature of
fifteen httn tett degrees, and he.
thinks an osier eatestrophe trot only
possible, but probable,
hiolaey to howl on Farm Pro-
perty at
Private and Company Funds.
S'olzeitot's, de.,
Bttirasl,i,o, ONT.
elle, 2
Rave t3ou,
rof fieaum
/et S
� t is exp aLs ,te..
Kincardine High School.
Is now open, with the following excellent
a. W. ferry, It A„ I[e ntrnaih'r,
Roper Graduate and Gold Medallist of
Victoria tlniversity=•Classice '
and Moderne.
:ranee Gray, H,A
Honor Gradnate of Toronto University
-English and Science. ,
F. w. French, GA. ,
Honor Graduate of Toronto 'University
—Mathematics and doinlneroial
Minn Janet Barr.
First Claes. Provincial • CertiIIoabe—
English and Moderns
Drill, under supervision of a Gradtf;ste
of Royal Snhool of Infantry,' i
London, Ontario
W. O. Lo-emnr , Chair. B. of E.
29•1d UeWtzr itfoxre, M.D., 800.
.!-'`Tactical Wirteh.nn `.cher'
and Jeweler.
Thanking the public for past favtirt and
support and wishing atilt to sekurc
your patronage, we are opening,,
out Full Linea in
Silver Plated War e
from Established and Reliable Atakora,
fully warranted by no.
Clocks of the
Latest Des Gl cs:
WEND w linins,
Lennie Gear Boo te,
Bnoocit>sa i.:
EAanl00e, 0c:
ra'Also a Fnll Line of VroLiss and
Violin Strings, dm., in: stook, •
N. 11...reanrer or Marriage Zieens, a'
T. Fletcher, - Brussels..L
1 011
• tear o
. aces Ar THS sated TIME t;Rtla�.
THE Nellt,ft*St 1It1t
THE. BOWELS;tt jlv,tp'a
'andtalefiflDNE11( 1r
This cochleas Action gives 11 woe- ,g
dcrfosl hewer is cera nil dise,nses•
WhyAre We Sie,k :' `:
$eca Ire.:allow the nerves, to;: •
remain weakened and irritated, and .f
these greet organs to become clogged
1 or torpid, mad poisonous humors ere
therefore forced into ,the; blood that
should Ile expelled
PLAINTS, ¶OItettaav entente,'
16j' 'quieting toot strengthening the.'
,nerves, mid causing free action of the •
liver, bowels, se i kidneys, and rester -
leg their petrel' in throw oil' disease.
wee Reber unions 1 ,118 Mut Adhoal
WActy tormcotod with Pi1t,, 06antlpnttemt
who h'Ightmacd scorn isoraarodlttdnoy+et'
Why endure 50,000a of Biota lt8odaohoai ;1
Why bnv6otooploesnighitil ,,
Ura Patntt'6 t',nt nue Coercuwn nod ..
tpjmlea ie health, It 1111,1 enamly v6beti-
hip r5roedy,l,nnuleoB ,n All vane,.
Sold by Wl Do'ook,rri. J `ire $l o.
sir ,tKeo: ,
WE11:S.ItICHA.Ip;A)dl C CO3,Ptiiprittori,
R1f1NT11HStx, r'. 4,