HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-2-7, Page 1Volume 17, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEB. 7, 1890, Number 80• }Inion Sabbath bcboo1 ASSOCiatioltl. (From the Clinton New Era.) The.oighteonth annual meeting of the Heron Sabbath School Association com- menced sitting in the Methodist church, Seaforth, on Tuesday morning, Jan. 28, 1800, with A. H. Manning, President, in the chair. After a service of on and prayers by Revs. aioDonald and Casson and Mr. Bengough, very cheering words of welcome were given by Rev. A. D. Mo. Donald and Mr. Kemp to fife hearts and homes of the friends in Boafortb, the former also making some very instructive remarks with reference to the training of children at home. Rev. S. Seliery, of Brussels, and the President reeponded on behalf of the delegates to the words of welcome so heartily given. The question "What has the Sabbath The evening session opened at 7:45. School done for mo and what bay/redone Mr. Kerr in the ohair. After appropriate for ibe B. S,?" wee spoken on by the singing, and prayer by Rev. S. Sellery, a The session opened at 1.45, Mr. Kerr, President, Mr. Kemp, W. EI. Kerr, Ben- telegram was read from the President, Vice -President, in the ohair. A. telegram {tough; Somers, Gardner, Nash, Gray, Mr. Manning, stating his inability to be was read from Messrs. D. D. Wilson and Taylor and Mrs, Leech. The principal present, owing to a pressing engagement A. H. Mauniug, expressing regret at not pointe brought oat were that while the in Clinton. The chairman gave the benne able to be present on account of teachers aro studying the lesson for the opening address, which was interesting public business, and wishing the woven. class, they are developing a taste for and praotioal to Sunday School workers, tion great moons. The Nominating Bible otndy, and receiving benefit there- Topio—"The reciprocal influence of the Committee reported the following nom. from; oleo the necessity of earnest effort Sunday School and the Public School" nations: President, Rev. W. Craig, of on the part of the teachers to win the wee introduced by Rev. P. Mnegrove. A Clinton ; Vioe•Presidente, Measre. Jae, eleildren to Christ. great deal of good is being done by the Mitchell, Goderich; W. H. Kerr, Bras. t The President nominated the following laymen in helping he pulpit to forward eels; T. 0. Kemp, Seaforth;' Ray. C. eommittans :— Reoolution Committee— the cause of Christ in the Sabbath Sohool: Staobler, Crediton; Corresponding Sem ROM B. Battery, J. H. Simpson and .Ontario has one of the, beet aerate= of ,rotary, J. C. Smith, Seaforth; Minute Messrs. W. Bengough and Gardner. Public oohed teething to be found in the Secretary, Israel Taylor, Clinton. Tres, Busincea Committee—Revs. A. D. Mo. world. There is certain reciprocal in. serer, J. C. Stevenson, Clinton; Exeou• Donald, W. Casson and Mans. W. M. fluence between the Public and the Sab- tine Committee—Rev. J. H. Bimpeon, Gray, Geo. Good and T. 0. Kemp. Nom. bath SOhoola, and that influence ie for Brumfield; Rev. S. Gallery, Brussels; good. The matter taught blip W. M. Gray, Seaforth t in Pu G Mo sr ie 'na ' n Committee—Rev, Bbl t W.H u r fro C. Bra a tg Y. Q schools isau Blyth; H an ' Jffueed with Chrietianft .andA.Manning, Clinton • W. H. $err, D. D. Wilson C. StevensonS e easont and the be0retary. v high moral sentiments. The Bible is Grig, Exeter. The report was adopted. The afternoon session opened at 1;45, read and prayers are offered intbe Public It was decided to hold the Convention with W. H. Kerr in the chair. srhoole, and the speaker thought that as next year at Brussels. Mr. Craig, the let topic, "The Teacher before School," the teacher had to teach and explain goo- Preeident•eleat, being absent through ill. introduced by Iareal Taylor, of Clinton. graphy, so he ought to explain the Bible, nese, Mr. Kerr continued noting as The teacher should be a thorough Cbrie. that is road. The discipline maintained chairman. tian. He should love the work, consider. in the Public school is very helpful to The topic "How to avoid drifting into tog it to be a great privilege in being a the maintenance of order in the Sabbath mere formality in S. S. work" was intro• co.worker with God, in winning the Sohool. The address was very instruo. duped by a paper read by Rev C. Stae- scholar for Christ. Work is pleasant tive and well received. bier. It will appear next week. when the motive power is love. Our "Greater Enthusiasm in Sabbath School It was moved by Mr. Bengough tbat duty is plain. The command is, "Sou, Work" was introduced by W.. H. Kerr, of the Executive Committee he requested to go work today in my vineyard." The Brussels. Enthusiasm (not excitement) have the minutes printed in pamphlet lesson should be thoroughly . prepared is of great importance in Sabbath Sohool form for the benefit of S. $. workers in during the week, and not simply given an work, for how often done the Teacher or the connty. The Executive Committee hoar or two's study just before the eohool Superintendent get discouraged whet reported In favor of the appointmeut of a begins. Gather illustrations from every things are not going as amoot]tly as we Statistical Committee, having among its day life during the week and weave them would like, our whole mind and heart re- 'duties to enquire the coat of issuing the intothe lesson, thus making it interest- quires to be in the work to make it iu- minutes in pamphlet form, to consist of ing as well as instructive. Prayer in . teresting and successful. We should look Messrs. Bengough, Israel Taylor and connection with the study of thelesson is for opportunities to kindle enthusiasm in Rev. Mr. Simpson. very important. The Bible is a sealed the Sohool. Be so enthusiastic about The Convention hen adjourned to the book to all who aro not enlightened by the Sabbath Sohool that the older scholars Presbyterian Church, where a Large con• the Spirit, so the teaoher should often be will never think of leaviug it. Enthue. gregation of children and parents were found in secret prayer for direotion and Team will take the youth from poverty gathered. After singing and prayer,. guidance in presenting truth that it shall and place him in a place of affluence and 'which was heartily engaged in, Rev. J. be effeotivo. The teacher should live a honor. Mr. Kerr gave an enthusiastic Edge was oalled upon to address. the consistent life out in the world, for child- address, whicli cannot fail to do good. children. We have a lot of giants to kill, ran, like men, look for actions, not Topic—"The Sunday Sohool and ahris- Talebearer is one of them ; the best way words, and if the life is not consistent tian Union" wee introduced by the Rev. to kill him is to mica our own business. our influence will be very limited, The W. Casson. The nursery of the Churoh, and ask God to help us to do it. Another teacher should strive to gain the love and and an undeveloped source of strength to is Selfishness; be don't care for anyone respect of the obildron. Invite them: to the Churoh is the Sabbath' Sohool. but himself, no matter who is suffering. the hams as often as posniblo, make them Christ has given a plane in the Chnroh to The way to get rid of him is, when oppor. feel happy and joyous in your company the children, which the Chnrob has been tunny offers, give our money, is to do it, and that you are deeply interested in slow to perceive. Parents should seal- no matter what our feelings are, and we them. Dieoouragements are many, but misty watch, over the spiritual •interacts wilt be the,better for it. Another giant our duty is to work and labor and leave of their ohilriren. Christian oultdre is Covetousness, wishing for everything results with God. should be commenced at the earliest that belongs to our neighbor. Another 2nd topic, "The teacher after school" . Period of the child's life. The common one is Drunkenness, a terrible giant, who tj;1 was introduced by W. H. Kerr. There interest manifested in the youth of the will go home and abuse hie family, de. is a great pleasure in looking forward to country is bringing the oharobes together, bases himaelf by ening foul language, the reward that comes through labor. in Christian union. An organio union of and losing all his eelfrespeat. We should There is also great delight if the heart of the different °herobee for the present ie never drink anything stronger than the teacher is in the work, in striving to impossible, for eaoh particular ohuroh water.. The boys and girls all promised win the scholar to Christ, and in•tbmk• would strive to keep its own particular to destroy :this giant. Another one is ing of the harvest that will be reaped in views. Each Protestant church has a Bad Temper; he does us all harm, both the future. The teaoher should be record to be proud of, let ahem. work on old and young. To prevent and kill hien courteous and ploaeant in meeting the their own sphere, for the glory of• God is to give way to each other, and love one children in everyday life. Make them and the good of man. There is a change another.., The address was vary inter - feel that he has a. genuine interest M coming over the churches in their bond eating and much appreciated by the ' them. Visit them in the home. Try of sympathy and love with each other, children. and find out about their home lite, and and this has been brought about in a After singing, the Rev. Mr. Torrance what their advantages and disadvantages great measure by one common' interest eddressed the obildren. Another - gient are. After school write all atheism who in the Sabbath School. Love is the great the previous speaker forgot to speak are absent from school. Keep a register central motive power of the Church. If abont was Sabbath breaking, we should of the pupils and follow hem after they we have love for one another, great sue- spend that day exclusively in. the service. have been advanced to a higher class and Does will attend our united efforts as of God, and not talking abontthinge °m- atter they go out into the world. Do not aerobes. noted with everyday Mee we should not give ho children a gloomy view of re. WgDNEBDAY MARINO. go off playing instead of going to Sunday lig but lei them feel that religion is a The convention was opened at 8:80 David the Soillkif do Goliath can kill if fy we just se joyous g. ake the teaching pram• with a consecration service, led by Rev. name of the Lord, and Must Hinio n for time to theme he foe Christiaholars n charand cterinw Edge, Clinton, after ; Vieb the ohafr strength. We must be kind to the un. was taken by W. H. Kerr; Yicd•Prneident. fortunate drunkard, make him feel that for oordaily for 001 will wrewe d' then faith. Rev. 8, Seliery, and Mr. rptioarie were we love hien and want to rein him from tel earnest teaoher, We are coworkers added to the Nom, Oom. Tapia "Dices the depths to which he has fallen. When felear together with God and success will be about Teachers Meetings' was introdum Jesse gets into our hearts and controls ours if we are faithful to the trust re. ed ny Rev. J,, H. Bimpeon,'; Brumfield. them, oar ma will be Lull of happiness posed in no. Dieouseioa was taken part Man cannot do without tante:uree with and joy. Prayto Jesus 'every day and each other meoi S: tnaohere we sbonld believe that when we ask for anything AU by Item. J. H. Simplon, S. Seliery and to strengthen I other, with one another, we shall receive it, if it is for our y cod others. The principelpoints brought out to strengthen. and help in the study of The address was full of anecdotes,Band tobeinn. live can the tt ober, should be careful God's Word. The: teachers come M. good points suitable for the chit watching tee teaalier i me f ga;lthel11oohooers gather to learn how to an°oeedully teach W. Bengough,;Bel rave, was the next b vnPOW AY.), . g Make a specialty of developing the word and help eltdely other m its stgdy. speaker, and s a blackboard and eaoroise y P Y P g Preparation ra 0 the naoeeeary. be on the beautiful scene when little child= wick God, don't tr oho tee children. in °h, ork fore coming to the teachers meeting. ren were brought to Christ, the disciples We should expect results, and work for Get the heart filled with prayer, go to trying to put them away, and Ohrisfe P the meeting from duty. Pray for lovinginvltation, "Stiffer little Atlanta the salvation of each individual ttoholar. light, and the momentary • guidance of to come unto me and forbid them not le af-examination is necessary so that rho, the Holy Spirit. Be resolved to take for of such is the kingdom of heaven t, prevent he min ee he future, We fled and should some active part in the meeting. How The speaker said the child is dependent also take an interest in the teachers in toconditot the meeting choose a leader on its parents, s0 we are dependent on the school and help those who are weak filled with the Spirit, and not on mare Christ. for everything. He'oleo gave to ,instead of aliowin tom to oro out 'of intellectual grounds, ]et there be a good very interesting lesson on the birth of •4 the B. 8. "Our relation to the Proviof deal of einem, there is wonderful power John the Baptist, using the blackboard { tial Association," wag introduced by m the service of appropriate song. In for illustrating the tenon. Mr. Bengougb, 141. Gray, whopostppoctad ileodieousaibn.of sufgesting views, always endeavor to like hie relative who rune Grip, fa very the subject until a later8000100. the loom' Christ. Restate that follow, bandy with the chalk and' blaokboard, the teaoher will be bettor prepared for and is one of the most useful and humor - 3rd topio, "The Sabbath d s tele. the work of the coming Sabbath. If we One delegates in attendance at a atmriot to minima" was introduced by Rev. areprepared wo shall onlyy be too anxious Mr. Acheson. Every baptized person to get t0 our work of teaching in the should be a missionary. Begin in the tithed, The glass will soon know if the family. In return for God's love we teaoher haft studied the lesson, mid they should consecrate all our powers to hie will more likely be won for Christ, service and be a bloating to othets. We through the thorough and prayerful study live in an age of minions. Every noun- of the'lesson by the teaoher, The tope try in the world ie open to themission. wart further disoueeol by Rev. S. Seliery, ary, and we are under obligation to give Mons. Saunders, Mitchell, Bongonglt both our money and our selves, xf neoes- and °there. The teachers' meeting is a eery, to forward he • great miasi0nary conterenee to get thoughts from the dif•. work. Teach the children the great ferent Machete, who have studied the privilege Of helping the mi00ionary Oauoe tenon before coming to the reciting, boy giving of their money, exercising golf. We want to delay the lesson a, adapted ental if Mammary. God is greatly in to ohildrbn, and not for older Imopl°, tweeted in the work, and rbquiree ,tel as Tho teachers' meeting hartnonize0 opal' teachers and scholars to, de our part in noon, so that the eohool is taught the hie respect, Diecuesion was taken part 'the doatrinoe: each teaoher knows what in by Berta B. Staeblor, S. Starter, W. the views of other teaoher& are, and eon. Casson, A. Mobonald and others. The Sioting opinfone oro moulded nal brought points mule went put miseionary /Beta. into harmony with each other, the loetoff tun MO the libraries Of the school. being taught in one lineof thought, The Gnaw WWI sheep] give alt its collections to missions, singe thorn is yet the greaterpart of the world lying in heathen darkuoet'. .Acquaint the boys and girls with missionary foots and fig. urea. 'Teach them that it le their duty as well as privilege to give to the naaee of mi0sione, einoe it is the Lord's money, and it le only giving it batik to Him, In- stead of the quarterly review spend that Sabbath in the interests of missions, "How to present the lesson to the class" was spoken to by Mr. Bengough and Rev. Mr. Aoltoson. The lesson should be studied to eitit the speoial class taught. Do not preach to the class, but teach, asking questions and drawing out answers. Get the scholar to think end do not aim too high, but get down to the level of the °hitcher' in explaining the lesson. Tg0BDAY EVENING. Radians" was introduced by Jas, Mit. gbell, Goderioh. The library question it ono of the knotty questions of the school, The first question is, how mutat money can the B. 13, spare for a library, and how very great Dare should be given to the selection of books. Appoint a committee to examine end select proper books and not leave it to a dealer to select act the sabool knows its own needs boot. Select booke with an aim to improve the moral and spiritual tone of the school. Grade the books for certain °lessee, and do not give the smaller scholars the larger and advanced books. Give the teaoher the number of books for the number of Bohol. are in the Maas making the teacher re. eponeible for the books, and the teacher change them in he class, until all the plass hes read all the books. The topic wee further discussed by Moms, Kerr, Taylor, Saunders, and Casson. WEDNESDAY ANTEiSOON. vantion. WEDNEoDAY 11vxNINa. 'The evening 8000100 was hold in the Presbyterian Church, Mr, Kert in the ohair. Tile singing by the choir in fine style, of snob soul•etirring songs al Stand up for Jssue, and Gather thein in, was much appreciated by the auctioned. The next topic was "Home dieceplinb in its relation to S. S. disoiplfne,' by Rev. S. Battery, of Brendle. Tito M- aumee of home training io'impeseible to cetlainto in the future life of the child. Tbe parent's life, in seine cases, is made wretched, eitiipLly beoause of their inabil. ity to bnfornn dieoiplioe'in the hetne, If the discipline there is deM otive, it will certainly be so in the school. The Sob.. bath Sohoot Wag never instituted to r0' line the parents of he teeponsibilityof Srectei,.—Proudfoot, 01irviu, ildtnnge, taloa/mottle, i3is. 'Topio; "Moro about the Library and a cutraining s eheakl train rands anfmotto ittethtt rful sett,`(IOaY McLean, Grnliam, Illnblu and ready obedience on the part of tbeir Wennao.-•.•MCPhereon, Coolt, Mooney, prisoners 9r persons came; return to be • children. In the majority of homes Either, Milne, Meaning, Bette. eubtu.itted et the June session,--Oarried. childr(u are Mowed to do juet about as The resignation of Mr. Menses as A aomtnunioation from Dr. Reilly, in. they like, talkie he child seriously about High Sabots trustee for Clinton was road epeotor of asylums, iD reference to an in. their duty in this reaped, The speaker and accepted, sane boy now in gaol, was road and re• did not advaoate the rod, firm kindness Moved by Mr. Manning, seconded by Tarred to the special committee. will be muoh more effectual in winning Mr. Wilson, that the following fiancee nutted by Dr. Rollins, emended by Ur, a ready obedience. There le no difficulty be appointed: Seaforth, Dr, Smith ; Clin- Wilson, that the committee for revision in the Sabbath Sohoot in managing the ton, itobert Coates, and James Scott to of the rules also report in June a proper children that coma out of well trained serve out the term of Mr. Menzies ; and form, according to statute, for signature homes, They should be taught to have for Goderich, Dr. Ure. by medioel men re insane, destitute per. proper reverence for sacred thing(, a Tni11D DAY—•T11 t1B0AYs.. eons prapoted to be made wards of the seItrious ie oneth hof the most gnat serio enumber diffY ulti a The council resumed, pursuant to ad- °p be Carried. journment, tite warden In the ohair. All in the Sabbath eohool, the lank of raver• report the special committee was .read, wben the atennoil went into ante in the opening and aloein exercises, the (mementoes present numb Mesen. P d g Proudfoot and MoMurehie.' The minutes committee of the whole, Mr. Kelly in the and the superintendent 'Mould aim to chair. correct this trouble. Parents and super- °f previous day were read and approved. Moved by Mr. Dulmage, seconded by r. intendants should not pray and read too Bissett Moved he Warden Band Clerk econded Y oMti Mr. Wilson, ehat the report of the epeelal long, so that the child will have no ex. tion the Dominion Government t pa committee be adopted. ouee in tbie reaped. Train the child to p' Mooed by Mr. Wilson, stooled by Mr, be polite and courteoue, in the home, the ,Point ¢permanent railway commiesfon, Mooney, that theuestions and answers teachers have just cause to complain of and the Meth telegraph the respective as read in reference to tax exam tions be hmimed lack of politeness, mimedon the county clerks weal of Toronto the action left over for consideration until the, Juce art of the scholar. It ver easyto this wand' has taken.. P Y Moved by Mr. tf0ICeuzie, seconded by distinguish the oiled who has been train. meeting. This was lost on a division. The warden resumed the chair, and the ed properly in this res sot in the home. Mr. Bissett, that the names of Mesas. Interact the child and learn the lesson Manajng, Kelly and Wilson be added to. report was submitted to the mutual and the spatial committee,—Carried. adopted. with them, and go to the school mouton- is Moved b Mr. Milne, seconded by Mr, Moved by Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mr. ally as well. Never expel a scholar, itis Y Castles, that the clerkrotium a' o0y of not his fault. The fault is in hie home Oliver, that Obeisant'. McMartin, of Grey, the Dominion Criminal Act oof 1887 for kill him with kindness. Tho an imam, indigent person, b000m0 a training, the reeves of this muoicf alit .—Carried. speaker beta gave a very touching fm- ward of this cooaty, Referred to finance P Y committee. A rant of $7 per month Moved by Dr. Rollins, 01 the by Mr, cident in connection with winning and g P Manning, that, in view of the probable keeping a scholar in the eohool by the was allowed. action of the Ontario Legislature in the persevering kindness of his teacher, after Moved by Mr. Manning, seconded by matter of the erection of Houses of In. be had been given up by several other Dr. Bettina, that a committee of seven, dnstry in va0100e counties, a committee teachers. viz: Messrs. Cook, Kelly, Ranine, Ell- of nine members be appointed for the Topio-••'Home. religion and its relation her, Wilson, Sanders and the mover be following purposes:—To take stub steps to the Sunday School" was introduced by appointed to consider amendments to the as it may deem advisable to obtain the the Rev. J. Livingstone, who gave a good rules of governing this council, with the sanction of the Dominion Government to address, but the lateness of the hoar at view of improving the same ; that said use the funds standing to the' credit of committee be authorized 6 tto obtain t which it a delivered, s a t n be t wa !t rad and eco forbids Pthe license fund of the foes, (being the Y rules g u e overnin the count council ( ns making any extended ]sport of ft. governing 9 e or anepias from Scott Act fines, etc.) towards Topic — "Wanted more consecrated the counties and submit a report at he the erection of a House of Industr in workers" was ably and exhaustively June session—Carried. the event of this county deciding to erect handled by the Rey. J. H. Simpson ,• of Moved by Mr. Eilber, seconded by Mt, one.; to ascertain the conditions the Pro. Brucefield, 'after which the Convention Beak, tat the the beinstructed Statutes 10 500. vincial Government proposes to attach to formally adjourned. copy the proposed aid to Hoesea of Industry, the present year for each reeve and de- xosss. puty reeve in the council, to become the and make such may representations t h regard Hearty votes of thanks were passed to property of their respective municipals- ae soft as they may duck co the inter - the Seaforth people for their hospitality ; ties.—Carried. este ie the county. Such committee to to the choir for their excellent mesio ; Moved by Mi. Wilson, seconded by consist of Meagre. Kelly, Smith, Wilson, and to the acting President • at the Mr. Kelly, that the road and bridge corn. Dulmage, McLean, Cox, mover and close of Wednesday evening's session. mitteebe inetruoted to report as to the seconder. Lost on 0 division by a ma - No officer of the Association does hie advisability of retaining the services of a kerb), of 14. work in a more satisfactory manner than county engineer.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Manning, seconded by Israel Taylor, the efficient minute Scare- Mr. Beck, that the hawkers' and pedlars' Y The report a the road and bridge tom- license fee be $150, and that tite by.law torr. He is evidently the right man in minae was read and adopted, 0 the right tame, be amended accordingly, /Lost by a ma. P The apptia¢tian of Mr. Wilson for the j oris of 18. The next Convention will be beta in use of the spite driver wee read and The supplementary report of the gaol January 1891 in Brunets. granted, and (Dort hoose committee was real and Mise Dawson, of Wingham, presided at A telegram from the warden of Brittle adapted. the organ during the day sessions of the re two sea0on of °outwit per 0nunm was The council then adjourned. Convention. read. At 7:30m, the council resumed, the Corresponding Secretary Smith was Moved by Dir. Wilson, seconded by Mr. warden in the ohair• enable to be present owing t La grippe. Sanders, that in reply to the telegram g, supplementary report of the finance. Stevenson was also absent, sent by the warden of Brace asking committee was rend and adopted. •President Manning, is the Deputy whether the adoption of only two sessions A motion of Meaere. Smith and Beok, CouncilReeve feed in ensionon, dat sthe Goderioole the per the fe working satisfactorily we that tite coattail grant $15 to be expanded state that there is a division of opinion under the direction of Mr. Adamson in same forenoon sk ession n&of thtt e Conventioresent n ton he in thfe le tcouoafl, but that the tred.majority is flowers end plants to be placed around Tuesda favorable to two sessions.—Carried. sec led. the court house during the coming sum - Y• Moved by Mr. Dulmage, seconded by mer, weslost. The preparation of the minutes of the Mr. Graham, that the special committee The oounoil then took a ten minutes' Convention in pamphlet form for distri- make a representation in reference to tbo recess, after which the following by-laws button in the various schools in the difficulty of obtaining a conviaton under were read and adopted : By -lave No. 1, County of is good. ooa good idea and will be pradue. the Hawkers' and Pedlars' Bylaw in case 1890, to appoint county auditors ; by-law R of an appeal Prom, the local magistrates' No. 2, 1890, to appoint a board of audit. decision, and that their finding be sub. A supplementary report of the finance COUNTY COUNCIL. milted •'to the Provincial Legislature, committe was read and adopted. praying for amended legislation to make On motion of Mr. Betz, seconded by First Meeting of the Ottawa or the the Act workable. Referred to the special Dir. Cook, the commit adjouonad to meet county or Mures ter nee, committee. ' on the first Tuesday in Jenna next. Moved by Dr. Rollins, seconded by Mr. County clerk Adamson called tate conn. Rutz, that the warden and clerk memo- eflto orderat8:80 p. m. an Tuesday, 28th ralize the Ontario Government, asking Gentlemen t—The following report em - when all the memberewere foond present that legislation be provided whereby the braces all buaiuess from Jane 80th to except ramie Prondfoot, of Goderich, and Dost of the Ontario eohool system may be Deo. 31st, that was under contrast at Metifurohie of Clinton. materially reduced, as this council is of your June session, and the following eon. Tbe lint business being the Median of opinion that our sabool system has be trade let since : a warden, Joseph Griffin, reeve of Ash- come burdensome from the multiplicity Edward Sharman, vault for county field, was•nominated by Wears. Manning of calla on public fonds for its mainten- registry office, $1,245. and Rals, and John Britton, reeve of HO. ante, and that copies of this motion be F. Gutteridge, Seaforth, wingwall to lett, was nominated by Dr. Rollins and sent to each of themembers of the county Egmondville bridge, $9,25 percnbio yard, Mt. Cook.. A ballot being,taken results$ of H4ron in the Ontario Assembly,— total $322.77. in alai, each candidate reoeiving•24 votes, Carried. J. do C. Bear, Doon, bridge over Sauble and the mnnicipalty of Howick having Moved by Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mr. river on boundary of Teborue and Hib• the largest equalized assessment, the reeve McLean, that in the opinion of this conn. beet, jointly with county of Perth, 95.50 of that rpnnioipalty gave the meting vote ell the amount realized by the registrars Per lineal foot; and mason work for, in favor 11 Mr: Britton, wlto wee declared' in large counties in Ontario is excessive, same, to raise abutments, to' Joseph duly elected, and sworn in. Mr. Britton and that some legislation should be en. Hambly, $50. returned thanks for the honor done him. acted whereby the tees for registration Other contracts for smaller jobs ap•, A oeleoting committee to strike the should be tenoned or a larger percentage pear in the pay roll. All the contracts standing eommitteo for the year was then should be paid into the county treasury ; have been completed in a eatisfaotory balloted for, resulting in megrim. Milne, that a copy of this motion be sent to the manner, and 'the county bridges all ap• - Rata, Girvib, Cook and McKenzie being Attorney.General of Ontario, W. R. peer in a good state of tepeir and likely chosen. . Meredith, M,P.P., and also to each of the to so continue during the present winter •On motion of Messrs. Beek and Smith, members representing this county in the unless something worse than the ordin- Mr. R. Radoliffo, of Gaderioh, was local Assembly. Carried. art' freshets occur. appointed auditor, and the warden am The report of the school and printing The following are the orders I have is. pointed Mr. James Patton as the other committee was read and adopted. anal sines the June session auditor. The roport of the epeeial committee Robert Jamieson, first and aeoond pay - On motion of Messrs. Kay and duan. was read, when the council went into menta on contract for Wingham North ning, •Mr, Halle of Goderioh, and Mr. committee of the whole, Mr. Castles in bridge, 9893 ; Sohn Forster, bridge. OR Turnbull, of Clinton, were appointed on the chair. The report was adopted and Zetland °reek, boundary of Tnrnberry the board o4 county examiners of school• the warden renamed the ohair, when the and East Wawanosh, $88 ; Geo. Hughes, teechere, report was adopted by the council. approaches to Wingham bridge, $93; The memorial of the munfoipat con. On motion of Dr. Rollins, sebondad John Forster, furnishing and driving 30 , vetttinn to the Lieutenant Governor in Mr. Mooney, the counoil adjourned meta piles at Kippen bridge, $92 ; John For. ` Council was read and referred to the 10 o'0took a. m. the following day. star, Rodgervfllo brfdga, boundary of special obmmittea. 0000101 DAY—rnmAy. Taokeremith and Hay, $195 ; Thamaa The Council "t�en adjourned until 10 Stewart, main at y, '919le bridge, a. m. Wednesday. The coattail met pursuant to adjourn. P g ' meet, the warden in the chair. All the $240 ; Chestet Prouty, repairs to ap• 9EaeND DAY--WORNNIMAY. preaches and bridge on Stephen and Hay members wore prosect osoept .Messrs.memberbb d Council resumed at 100 (look• All the Proudfoot and May's meet Tbeiie a oundary, $15 ; J. J. An eteeu, fence foot andelprsse ohie�opt Messrs. Proud• of the previous day's meeting were read while Mueetin 1 20 f et $Dori badgeliam tit Bay12 - and approved. The selecting oommittee presouted the Moved by Mr, Kelly, eonondel b Mr. field, $17.75 ;John Glen, gravel on bridge fallowing list of standing eommitteee t I othatt, that the treasurer be re heated 'oath of Dungannon, $3 ; George John- EmemaiAxrott —Dulmage, Griftn,lailne, to procure a duplicate return from he sten, gravelling at Craig'' bridge, Bay- MoLean, Proudfoot, Hose, Betz, Mo. registrar to accordance with section 107 amid rivet, $5.50 ; John Forster, tighten. Mtrobie, Johnston, Wilson and Ben- of the Registration Aot, soa that the it'd 16 70 ' bridge and moving pile driv Dowels. olerlr havb the same printncl in the mien- et; $15.70 ; Robert 170 briott, Huron's FINacjatn Coati, Silber, Taylor, Mc, tea annually—Carried. half for crafting Henfryn budge, $198.50 ; Phoroon, Rollins, Oliver, Cox, Manning, The ap0licat100 of the reeves of Wiug• tlfbiiirkt n at dHurol's$ltclf, 920.8ring b; John Saunders, Stotheet, Kay, Kelly, Mooney, ham Por the use of the 'pilo driver was Walker, 80 yards gravel pt Wingham Terrain*, McKenzie, road and granted, The report of the goal and court hobs( bridge, $4.80 ; village of Exeter, gravell- ROAD AND BN1noE.-Gregory, ,Bryan, . I' g Ing bridge, $12 ; Jo�tu Brennan, use of ' Scott, 1iayytook, Girvin, Bissett; Iiydd, Oommittoe was road and adopted. land for road while (rooting Wingham Beaoom, Howe, Beok, Jacque% Thontp, A supplementary report of the Anattco bride, $5 ; Itiohard Bailey, repairing son, Webber, Loohart, Castles. committee was read end adopted, ]lata and Bayfield bridges, $53.91 Soften min Pn1NMMNo.— tt ndOrson, Moved liyMr. Manning, emended by damns ookhart, repairing approaches to Graham Caetlen, Henderson Smith Mr. Kelly, that the clerk be instructed to Grieves'lridgo,dl9 ; J. H. Clornelt, amt Malls Wiisoti, Torrance Taylor,yHese, ra aro te return showing the number of preaches to Greed Bend bridge, Hthot'a " Mothers. per'eons committed to gt•he county gaol half, $8.75 ; L. Hardy, repairing tanto .-, during 1887,'88 and _'89 the 80010 of bridge,§137.50 ; lift, refioorfng Black Sera AND pen, r atoms. e, Mer o, Shorritt, Jac, nes, Drratt, Howe, Morri- commitment, the length of time for which Creels •bridge, $10 ; Robert Grieves, son K dd tie r0ali �Ve ]tar LOohart committed and the cost to rho botiety of gravelling at 8,000 l etro brtdgo, t14 ; • • Y 14fa]% fz d. sant portion so committed, fneludiug Dost Ben. Taylor, 28,500ftet flooring Itt Melt. • Gregory, o t l of.00remittal cud inaintonanos; also a 'land wage, $840,751 W. 5',' Kellyare. BA1,Anuts.---Ilolfiba,Grtift".ICeliy, Bock, etittenlott sbb `i thenti e• p pair]n� nonevt0'1 at 'ani(' fill ..`' . wt 6 tilt L of pel9bn. t 'd i leek • Sanders, Boa(0m, Brynna. ., Ildw tMerds of tyle OtnDt Yrs 4ndi ant' fit• ArbOokle, approaOho>ttO $et.$0111 nnti" Meek " ' Y g sitnO permits and the mount ' being ex• bridge, 113 ; WMeer, naking n nd matted for ah; both statements to fendiax deviatibu road. 01 in li5ut show the mwtlofpalty Time which 811.11- [00\r1NnOb ON tVAel9 4.1 REPORT (WEALD 00111rrea10NEn.