HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-1-31, Page 8BM 'BR OR HONEY !
If yon will ask children which they
prefer, 'butter or honey, you will find
that nine out of every ten will say honey.
Children crave for sweets and a curtain
amount is required by thein, so why slot
give them honey, which is the purest
and hest sweet known. By ell means
since It. v prefer' it give them their
choice, ie.. you can get gibs of pure honey
of (be beer quality for 5 lbs of good but-
ter or wiii give you
:) Lbs. flan-
a 'f•a,S®
Let us lave more variety in our diet, ea.
proially when it costs no more,
Druggist. Iio-,keeller, Fancy -goods Dealer,
ser a.:.;A rxnatis ON w. (1. to n.
Tram, Fore Brussels Station, North t
and i out:'.:co follows:
fi.,<-Tn, GOING )08TH.
7fnif_,. , e.n). I Mixed n:20 eau
uremia. :::E5 pp.r, . Bail see p.m.
mixed . p.,n, Express 013 p.m.
}` e ra i eth.5 trans,
G" C
— A c let's among ye takin' notes,
Au faith he'll preut it.
Correa:. meeting next Monday even-
A Fn&'Eit3Ott 18 wanted for Melville
AWED, FifTeIT tees iS home from
Miss Heave SHAW is visiting friends in
Miss Cerner THonrsoe, is home from
To -DAT (Friday) is the last day of
xannary 1890.
Taos. W.ersox, of Harriston, was in
town this week.
Sxovewoore for sale for cash only. W.
U. McCracken.
Hamm Gnmixi is attending County
Conned this week.
C. R. VANssoxe, of Southampton, was
in town tllfe week.
W000 has been brought in with a rush
since the snow came,
Mus. Bnornmes, of Milton, is visiting
ander the parental roof.
MISS ETTA WnronT, of London, was
visiting in town last week.
Miss Mayo HALL sang at a concert in
Blyth on Tuesday night.
Miss E. HOWARD, of Harriston, is visit.
ing her aunt, airs. S. Fear.
2178s F.4xN1a MONTnenERY i8 visiting
her sister, Mrs. W. F. Vanstone.
Sr. Laos.—
Fresh barrel received. Dozens are as.
ing it. See testimonials. A. Goon.
Messrs. STEWART cfi Lowick received a
car load of Manitoba wheat this week.
Tno County Orange Lodge will meet
ixeBrnssels on Tuesday of next week.
21755 MAY TURNBULL and Miss Teenio
Walsh were visiting in Gorrie last
A. A. HlxrsxoN and wife were renew-
ing old acquaintanoes in Brussels last
PAUL Mn.r..lc is just recovering from a
severe attack of inflammation of the
BEy. E. W. Hucues and wife, of Lis-
towel, were the guests of Geo. Rogers
last week,
MesessRra and Tillie Brine, of Sea -
forth, were visiting their sister, Mrs, P.
Scout,last week.
SMo of village property at the Ameri-
oau Hotel, Brussels, on Friday of next
weep, at 2 o'olock,
Huorenttsrot HaanLroe, of. Manitoba,
was visiting his grandmother, Mrs- S.
Pearson, last week.
Homo Fair on Thursday of next week.
It is expected to be a boomer. If you
have horses to sell oome to it.
Pnrtfcre.w Suaw was taken clown with
the prevailing influenza and school had
to come to a full stop in his department.
ROUSE and lot for sale or to rent.
Centrally located. Good welt, garden,
stable, dc. Apply at THE Post Publish-
ing House.
Miss Trite ELLIOTT has gone to Mitch-
ell where she is employed in the woolen
mill as it lcom hand. She is well up to
the busibess.
Cooke bargains were given at R. 0,
Wilson's auction sale last Saturday. ilIr.
Wilson expects to go to Utah Territory
ha the Spring.
Tnt regular monthly meeting of the
Brussels School Board will be held on
Friday evening of next week in the
Council Chamber.
W. Axes bas given up the yard etiok
and has gone to the Ronald Eire Engine
Works. He was employed at F. C.
Rogers' store for several years,
R. Guinn and T. Hall shipped three
oar loads of dressed bogs to Montreal
this week. The market has been dull,
owing, no doubt, to the open weather.
ALF'. B.teou very thoughtfully
brought out his snow plow and pony last
Friday morning and cleaned off the
sidewalks on several streets in good
but stock in F. C. Rogers' store,
amounting to $111219, will be offered for
nate in London on Friday afternoon of
this week. A number of persons aro
looking after it.
JAS. MCINTOSH, blacksmith, has taken
a situation in Listowel at his trade. Ile
is a goes mechanic. We expect to often
see him in Brussels because—• ---but we
wont give it away.
L.Gsfrts lies 1101 lost its hold in
Brussels yet and among those who aro
abill bothered with it aro S. Fear, Rev,
R, Pant. Mrs. J. R. Grant, Mrs. Fletcher,
Mrs. J. L. Kerr and J. Shaw.
n :r:,Tf0)0AN was in town talking up
the organization of it Court ot Tnclopend-
est Foresters. Ile deckled that wo were
web ogaipped in the matter of ledges
and Societies and went on to Wit,gharn.
R. S. femme, of tho Atwood 'Boo"
was 1:: l3r119se1e last Monday, He is
well satiefled with the way things aro
moving and Hilaire tiro people of that
village and section aro the people. R. S.
is *worker.
Next, Sabbath the rogblar quarterly
meeting service" will be held in the
Motliodist ahuroh. Sacrament at the
elm of the mot"ting 501010e and tato
fellowship Meeting nate' preael:c;,g it
the evening.
lwmtx Tuesday evening the roon
above my edits will be open for Bible
study, lectures, Bible rendinga, tee.
eomtuenot ra n t 0'01.011.t. All welcome
Bring your Bibles. Next door• to the
bank. L. A. Martin.
Ws had the pleasure of a oell las
Monday from our former townsman
Jnu, Leokio, Hu dropped off at Brussels
kr Sunday wltileon bis way to Chatham.
Mr. Leckie ie as full of business as ever
and apparently enjoys bis work,
Holism end lot for sale in Brnseels
West. Good stable and well on elle
promises, also any quantity of small
fruit and a few young fruit trees. A
bargain if sold at once. For information
apply at THE Posr Publishing l3ouee,
Tor: editor are not steering clear of
la grippe. M. Y. MoLoan, of tho nett.
forth Expositor, has been laid aside for
the past week or so, and F, G, Neel in, of
the Seaforth Sun, was dangerously 111
with congestion of the lungs. fio is im-
proving alotrly we are pleased to suttee
Ila'sen,swas represented att the tenuity
Sabbath School Convention, at Se north,
1>,v Mrs, Dr. Graham, alra. A. ;11il,anon.
lin, Mrs. J. Kerr, Miss LEzzie Wilson,
Mies Minnie Gerry, Mrs. Urouthes, llev,
S. Sellery, D. A., B. 1)., A, 000 .1. W. II.
Willis, Alex. Stewart and W. 11. Kerr.
They report a good time.
\\'ra rolue ,ixe Axe Dttn.Llxo.--Georg°
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prepar.
1 ed to attend to ,til work entrusted to 11110
itt it way that a ill 1050re eatief:tttlon,
i Wells cleaned out and -i int in pwrper
share. Terris reascniubie. Iteaiciotec
second door north of the bridge, west
side of'1'urnborry st., Brussels, 43-tf
Ix another column may be read the
announcement of the Kincardine Iligh
I School. They have a splendid staff of
teachers led by Mr. ferry and are in
tip-top position to aid. pupils in their
preparations for any examinati nn. Rio.
cardiae can be conveniently reached from
• this locality and its proximity to Lake
IIueoii should make it very popular to
the young students.
Ix is reported, correctly too, we believe,
that Dr. Coleman, of Seaforth, has pur-
chased the Enterprise Salt Works in
this place from tho creditors of 1?. C.
Rogers. The block will be operated, The
prioe paid, including ohattels, wood and
salt on hand, will foot np over $7000.
The beet dairy salt in the Province is
turned out at Brussels, and no need of
chemicals either,
REE'S BItiTTON, of Hullett township,
was elected Warden of the County of
Huron last Tuesday. He was opposed
by Reeve Griffin, of Ashfield township.
The vote stood 24 to 24. Reeve Cook, of
Howick township, was called upon to
give the casting vote which decided the
matter in favor of Mr, Britton. This
gentleman will no doubt 2111 the position
acceptably. It is said two of Mr. Griffin's
supporters were unable to be present
owing to la grippe.
Owren) 10 "la grippe" Rev. Geo, Rich-
ardson, of Godoricb, was unable to come
to Brussels es announced last week.
Bev. Jas. Harris, of Bennilier, formerly
of Brussels, came in his stead and
preached two excellent discourses. In
the morning his text was ohosen from
Proverbs 19th chapter and 2nd verse.
In the evening he took for the foundation
of his remarks Bev. 8th chapter, 3rd, 4th
and 5th verses. Mr. Harris stands the
work well and looks about at young as he
did ten years ago.
Tag orchestra iu connection with the
town Band is keeping up their practice
with that energy and persistence that
ensures moose. The removal of Miss
Lizzie Jackson to Toronto, occasioned a
gap but Alex. Stewart jr, has now fi11oc1
the vacancy. As constituted at present
there are H. L. Jackson, 1st violin ; A.
Stewart, 9nd violin ; Jas. Blashill, flute ;
W. Grewar, trombone ; A. Strachan,
violineello, and H. J. Whitley, bass viol.
They have a lot of line mesio and play
it in real professional style. We hope
they will soon give the townspeople and
residents of this locality an opportunity
of hearing them,
Aires Hint AxsEADT.—For a prospeo-
tive journalist who is going to carve a
niche for himself away up high in thb
newspaper temple of St Catharines by
totally "eschewing blowing and boast-
ing," the young man of the Gazette
makes a very modest start. A young
man that can take hold of the frame-
work of a paper that published 300
copies a day and jump it up to is cirou.
nation of over 2,400 on the first day of its
re -issue without "blowing or boasting"
is a daisy. Such simple minded modesty
as this knocks the Star out in one round.
Arthur Horatio Nslson Jenlciue will
hardly find a field for his superior gnali.
fleations in 8t. Catharines.—St, Oath.
arities Star.
8. S. CoeveNTIox.—The County S. S.
Convention was held in Seaforth last
Tuesday and Wednesday, It was on the
whole a very successful gathering, al-
though Le, grippe militated very serious-
ly against the attendanoe of both tpealr-
ers and delegates. Out of 24 perwns
who were to take part on the program 13
were present and 11 absent, Tho fol.
lowing offloers were elected for next year
—President, Rev. Mr. Craig, of Clinton ;
Vice Presidents, Rev, Mr. Staebler,
Crediton ; Jas. Mitchell, Goderioh ; T.
0. Kemp, Seaforth ; and W. Id Kerr,
Brussels. I. Taylor, of Clinton, was re.
sleeted Minute Secretary ; J. C. Smith,
of Seaforth, Corresponding Secretary ;
and O. Stevenson, of Clinton Treasurer,
Executive Committee, Rev, Mr. Simp-
son, Brucefield ; Bev. Mr. Sellery, Brus-
sels ; W. M. Gray, Seaforth ; D. iIc-
Qnarrie, Blyth, and J. Grigg, Exeter,
The next Convention will be held in Bru&
sols in January 1801. We expect to give
an extended report next week.
MELvxno Cnonetl.—The annual meet.
ing of Melville ahuroh was held on Mon-
day, the 27th inst., with a good altend.
anee, Rev. Jno, Ross, B. A., occupied
the ohair. A printed report of Elie
Church's work for 1880 was submitted.
This report showed that $1440.03 had
been raised for ordinary purpor'os, and
11412,73 for the Missionary and other
sobemos of tho oltnroh, making a total
for the year of $1831.77. The following
officers were Mooted far 18013:--Managers
--J'no. (Jeerer, Jos, Scott, Alex, Stewart
(Grey), Roderick Boss, Wm, 'Work, A. 11I.
McKay, Dr. Graham, Daniel Stewart, 3.
M. Martin; Auditors --T, M. McIntosh
and deo. Shaw; treasurer---Clivor Smith.
Missionary Arsociation Prosident,Elcler
Stewart ; Vice-Prosident, lildor Die.
Laughlin; Committee --Mrs, Wm, Mar.
Mrs,Graham and Airs. Shaw. Tho
nlpnber of families in 00nnecti0)) with
the emir/rogation is 103; 21 members
were received during the year, and 17 re.
oe, r' by ',n t) n risinotkki), 1aovi4; n
prudent membership r4 211:
1Ht, i$ttL,SSE, LS k,C)ST
Win. Bishop was away at London last
• Mise Lade Hill e
t ! a visiting ibur„ nelativea at
Clinton and locality.
Reeve Milne and Depnty Reeves Oliver
t and Bryan aro in attendance at the
, County Council this week.
Mise IH'annah Boll is itt :laoronto tasting
a 900)50 at the Conservatory of Music -
She will no doubt be an apt pupil,
The attendance fell off considerably in
S. S. No, 8 last week owing to this
fashionable epidemic that is going the
This week 11obt. Oliver, of New York
State, Ivan visiting his aunt, Mrs, Prank
Oliver. Ite intends going to Denver,
, Colorado, with a view of bettering his
T. 1V. Johnston was laid aside for
a while from the blow received from a
cow's horn on his breast. Iie was
bntcheriug and the knock was given after
the animal's throat was 01'1.
George A1oTaggart, of the Itith con., ie
very ill from a severe attack of the in-
Ilnenza and it molts very serious for him
itt one time last week but he is some
better now though still far from well.
There wets a wood.beo at Duncan Me
Nair's on i''riday of last week when quite
a quantity of wood was sawed up bat was
MA spit or piled. It will be good exorcise
for Neil to pile it tip before the snow gets
drifted all over it. There were "lots" of
young people at the social gathering it
the evening when music and dauein
were in order. Everything went merr
as a bell. There were three violinists o
various degrees of excellence and every
body put in a good time.
Ltwstsgi.—On Thursday of last ween
Mrs. Thos. Mitchell, an old and wen
known resident of the 9th con., passe
away to her reward. She had been ail.
ing for some years with diabetis and re-
cently the prevailing epidemic —la
grippe took hold of her and proved
Fatal. Her husband, two sons and ono
daughter are left to regret her demise.
The funeral tools place on Monday after.
noon. Rev. D. B. McRae conducted the
service. Airs. Mitchell was a resident of
Grey for about 25 years and was a hind
hearted, hard working woman.
The following item refers 13 a former
resident of this township :—"There are
few better examples of hale old age in
Manitoba than il'Ir. Hunter, of Osprey,
now in his 84th year. We met him in
the Neepewa butcher ebop a few days
ago. fie was enquiring for a ox horn,
from which to make a powder flask. He
spends much of his time during the
warmer season in hunting, and will tramp
with the ardor of youth all day long after
ducks and chickens. He is etill a good
marksman. While in coovereation with
him he asked if we would like to see a
curiosity. We admitted a possession to
a share of our great fore mother's desire
for knowledge, whereupon he displayedi
with some pride, e. double tooth which
had just appeared above the gum two
weeks before. It had all the appearance
of a new tooth, and wo do t' imagine
for a moment that it woe a forgery. For
the benefit of the skeptical we would say
that the appearance of a third set of teeth
is not an anomaly."
DIED.—The following note was received
by the editor of THE Posr on Monday of
this week from J. B. Govenlock, of Nee-
pawa, Man., formerly of this township :-
"I again write you a few lines with a very
though askyou to
in your paper the sad misfortune which
has befallen myself and other friends so
that my old friends in Ontario may know
my lose. First I may say that I was
married on New Year's day last and had
only been home with my dear wife two
days when she took a slight attack of
what is called "la grippe." She got
about well again when her brother
caught it also. It was fatal with hire at
the end of it weak. Three weeks from
the wedding day her brother was buried
audit was while my wife and I were at.
tending the funeral that site caught a
severe cold followed by a second attaok
of "grippe" which turnoct to inflam-
mation and proved fates. She died on
Tuesday, Jan. 21st, and was buried on
Wodnesday,Iust exactly four weeks from
her wedding day. Oh i it does seem so
very hard but I had this satisfaction of
seeing her die happy, eo an opportunity
is left miter reunion with her and our
heavenly Father as web."
The City of Hamilton lute taken out an
injuuotion against the Grand Trunk.
Cobourg had it 322,000 fire Wednesday,
The Suuduel-burr newspaper mice was
The O. I'. R. officials at Winnipeg clotty
that the railway took leprous Norwegians
to St. Vincent.
Tho iniluenea bee been eo prevalent
amoug the members of the Quobro Log
islatnre that no serious work has been
done in the Boors,
There were no lose than 53 deaths in
Montreal last week front (lisoases of the
respiratory organs, including 32 from
pneumonia, 3 from bronco -pneumonia,
1 from plsnro•puoutnonia, 6 from can•
gestion of the lungs and 12 front bron-
chitis. The mortality is unusually large
ly for this time of year, being 105 last
week as compared with 82 In the corm.
spondiug week of last year and 115 in
the year 1858.
Lido 11, --In Ethel, ou the 21th iota.,
the wife of Illr. John 1;11iett, of to
ltoai wos. In ] n-•sels, on 27th inst., the
wife of M1. it. U. Roberts, of a
AlcCln.Lmuuuf,—Iu (todoricli, on aha lith
fist., the wife of I). McGillicuddy,
of a daughter.
Bate ar;tt:u• n–1'I'WOE'li,—ht Morris 01n
the 23rd inst., by the Rev, A. Y.
yHartley, aliss Reber:° t Pcrtrock to
f Mr. Joseph Breckenridge.
. BELI.iar—Homos.—On (ho 2211d inst., at
13emniller, by Bev. Jas!• Ilarris,
( father of the bride, Mr, Joseph Bol -
1 Lamy, of Gionallian, to Miss Maggie
d 1 Ifarris, formerly of Brussels. -
7.&13• th.
P. Kelly returned from his visit to
Chicago on Monday.
Colnml:nice will be held in Trinity
church next Sunday morning.
Several eleigh loads of Good Tonnplars
of this piano attended the entertainment
in Ebenezer on Friday evening last.
On Tuesday evening the 2Eolian Glee
Club, of Clinton, gave a concert in In-
dustry Hall under the auspices of the
Y. P. 0. E. of the Methodist church.
Mrs. Ed. Watson, wife of our cattle
buyer, ie seriously indisposed at present
with congestion of rho lunge, Her many
friends wish to hear of her speedy re.
On Friday evening next a social under
the auspices of Trinity Church Woman's
Guild, Blyth, is to be held at the reef -
donee of Jas. Potter, 2nd con., Wawa -
nosh. A good progaam has been pre.
The anniversary eorviess of St.
Andrew's Presbyterian church are to be
held next Sunday when sermons will be
preached by Rev. G. M. Grant, D. D.,
L. L. D., of Toronto. On Monday even.
ing a tea meeting will be hold.
The annual meeting of the members of
the Fire Company was held in their hall
ou Monday evening for the election of
officers for the current year. The fol,
lowing wore elected : Joseph Carter,
chief ,and captain ; J. 13. Kelly, 1st en-
gineer ; john Barrieks, 2nd engineer ;
J. T. Carter, 8rd engineer ; ,las.. Davies,
1st lieutenant ; Robt, Derricks, 2nd
lieutenant ; Wm, Emigh, Secretary ; J.
.13. Kelly, Treaearer.
Canadian 3tlY$wee -
Directors of the Niagara Central rail.
way were chosen Monday.
Wentworth o0unty farmers atw coin.
Paining of the clostreotiou of their glover
Loitit Bette, the mulatto who shot and
killed Birelo in Toronto some time ago,
has been sentenced to tho potlitaitiary
for ton years.
On Monday morning, 12. a1. T. Hep-
burn, of Port Stanley, discovered that '24
out of rt drove of 82 hogs had died during
the night, ft'otn what cause is a mystery,
1115(1911 veterinaries iliolitne to alts opin.
ion that it was from inflammation, The
los:: to the Meese:. II shorn 1+ between
1800 ttt,d 3400.
A:t.LIo1•r.—In Ethel, on the 3011, inst.,
Jemima, beloved wife of John
Elliott, aged 80 years, 5 months and
2G days.
GovgNtocx.—At Neopawa, Manitoba, on
Jan. 21st, Matilda Jane. beloved wife
of Jas. B. Govenlook, aged 18 years
and 11 months.
MCCUTMISON.—In Pontiac, 146th., on
Deo. 41h, 1889, J. 0. Meoutaheon,
formerly of Grey township, father of
Mrs. Chas. Eike, aged 63 years, (i
months and 20 days.
1378 Imes x S M..a.. aCXEI 'S,
Fall Wheat 75 82
Spring Wheat 78 82
Barley 33 37
Oats 24 26
Peas .. 53 54
Butter, tube and rolls.... 14 15
Eggs per dozen 17 00
Flour per barrel.. 5 50 00
Potatoes 35 40
Hay per ton 7 00 00
Pork 4 80 5 10
Hides per lb 2 8
Salt per bbl., retail, 1 25 00
Shoop skins, each 00 1 00
Wool, per Ib. 18 20
.Will clip or in enautitioe to suit pur-
chaser . T. PEPPER, Lot 6,0on. O, Grey.
Hsavr draught horses, warranted
sound. Will be sold at a bargain, Enquire
of 3, C. Realms, Brussels.
) am any porton or persons cutting or
removing any timber off Lot 4, Oou. 2, Groy
township. 28-3 THOMAS MoQUEEN,
Doable Lines lost between Brnseels
and Jamestown, on Monday oveniug, The
finder will greatly oblige by leaving thorn. at
A. M. McKay & Co's store, Brussels,at once
27.t1 WM. Maii10LVEY,
ILeaves Brussels every morning instead
of sYaning, as formerly, and returns froze
Genie in the evening. Taw rule will be ad•
hewed to until further notice,
8. WALSH, Proprietor,
Notice le hereby given that the outstand-
ing a000unte duo the late firm of Hayoroft &
Turobull,Bruseols,mustbe settled by sit .
or cash or note forthwith. The books are
at Dickson & Haya' Ounce, and they are au-
thorized to giye hoceipts for mollies paid. 14-
Aippliaatione will be received up till
March 10,1800, for the position of Precentor
in Motvile Mural, Brussels. Applicants to
state salary desired and addross—
OtEntt or, Sitesoxe,
20. Box 146, Brands.
All parties indebted to the estate of the
late Andrew Currie are requested to settle
the sameby the Seth inst. After that !.late
all unpaid claims will be collosted by un-
ease of law. BY 011DER OP ESECTJ OBS,
Brussels, Oet,10,1880, 14-t1
of the undersigned, lot 50, con, 17,
Grey, on or about June let, a yearling heifer
and a yearling steer, both real in color, The
heifer has mine may hairs. The steer has
some white on )rind quarters The owner is
requested to prove property, pay expenses
and take them away. 28.3 ROBT, BMW,
Caveats, Bo -Issues and Trade
s Ms secureder patent oauseee oat the Pateenta 0111o5 un 1
before the Oourts promptly and carefully at.
tended t0. Upon receipt of model or sketch
ot invention, mak0 careful examination,
and advise as to patentability free of charge.
Foos moderat o, and I Mahe 110 charge unless
es. scent Information atptplica fon, a'J
LITT10Lr, Washington, D,U., U,8. Patent
Oflioo, 0s
nnnsinareO has soma] good :['arms for
Salo and t0 rent, cavi terms, itt Townships
of Morris and Grey. 10, S. SCOTT, Brussels,
' sere farm (known it the Bishop fawn )
Lot con, le and Lot 5, eon, 7.1, Ora, Will be
rented for n term of years. It is in an ex-
sslteht state of anitlyattoll. 1. oar ssiott gives
no or before April let For bother p1a'tlou-
litre apply to JA00109 d TeltODUSON, llrttsselt,
27.033 or tliliUUS01.4 1)100S.,'l',.omwoter,
'T*p1,l1ARrif FO1u SALE.•-TiIE UN -
.1.1 DinteDGNrin offers for eels the north
mast quarto rof lot 28, 0ollssselon 11, Morrie,
Conn tyof Hnror,00ntabling 00 atoms. T1io
lanes is of fist r natty arch In a high state of
cultivation, well lamed end uudor•drainoe,
oti aorea cleared, Noir frani e hvusa, 8 0001115,
milk ;mune with oonm'ote wells, 2 Wells,
;Mod barns and short, er1hird,oto, Eight
00000 or fall wheat. This desirable tproporty
int:MOs the corbel trim of 73tio ale, 151111.
1,1)11' tetlula tvlll b , , '(101 , pr, t•„pt,
JAA, I,h t 1!Il;Vb,,Owu:r,
34. lieafortla P. 0.
JANUARY 31, 18 O, •
' Lot 12. (:on. 10, township Of OW,
Tluron (a MACS aro 100 norm se, nerve of
whitlt t re e.irw ed mutt in grad 0l41,' u1 ce.id-
a vatlon. On the farn'1s a stone house and
triune barn and frame stables, a pee boar.
hug orchard and good well of water, For
further partioulars apply to the proprietor
on the premixes
17.91 JOHN VINCENT, Brussels P.0.
LlA101100R SALE, -THE SUB.
s0nlnnn odors his valuable 100 acre
farm, being lot 3, eon: 111, Croy Township,.
T0,tron 00, for sale. There ore about 00
!teres °leered and In good heart, There ix s
log house, good bank barn belts ing orchard,
and all the nsueesary °chyme lou°es on the
premises, POI, further pa•tisulars, as to
irlo1 tavola, 015,,,tpplt' to tits 1'roprlutor,
rHOtL,1f5$IAP,01nrs0,0,. N.W.'1).. or to
• (KIGALI) 67 RAOHAN, lirussels,
X 21, con, .5, Croy, oarttalulug6 100 acres, 10
acres cleared, under grass, and the balance
timbered. About 711nores of dry land and
the bulauc° 00mlr and black ash swamp
There is to log house on the promises. 14111
40 011,1 011 cry Yonsot:aide terms uslnoprle-
tor ,lues not rsgalre (hu lot. For further par -
'hollers apply to 10)113', ;tloTA l'CHTdN,
Creebtook.1','), or ALES. Bl•N'1T1!(, liras.
eels. 12
,(`1001) .FAIi3t FOR SALTI IN
atirris. on reasonable terms. 111 order
to olose 1110 affairs of the estate of the Into
W. G. Ifingstnn , the executors offer the fol-
lowing valuable lands for auto North
half of Lot 30, 0o1isessiou c, Tswuship of
Morris, containing 06 acres. Ott this lot Is
erected a good frame bare with stone foun-
dation, good orchard, well at/dim/up , Near-
ly allele/trod, and is o0 the grave wend
closely mtictuiva the village of lirnetols.
This faro is a valuable one, is well fenced
and in a gond state of nun ovation. 1''or
pTrices and terms apply to Tiros. 2.101,.31.
lirussois P. 0„ Ilh:Nnx Jun:axes, Vlotom
Square 1'. 0., or Jatnis Satrrn, ;Maple Lodge
P. 0 Mi adlssox County.
For terms and other tuarticutars ask for
circular at my Drug and L'oolc Store. Should
you wish to sell his heifer calves I am pre -
oared to pay as nigh tie 318, ncsording to
milling qualities of their dams.
264.lmhe G. A. HEADMAN. Brussels.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of DONALD MoLauonoAx, of
the Township of Grey, in the County
of Huron, Farmer, Insolvent.
The Insolvent has made an Assignment t0
me for the benefit of his creditors under
12. 8. 0.,1887 Chapter 131. A meeting of the
creditors will be bold at the MUD of
A. Hunter, Brussels, on Plumy, the Slat Day
of Sanuary,1880, at 2 o'elook p. m., for the
appointment of laspeot,re and the guying or
directions for the disposal of the estate,
Brutseis,Jan'y 22,1800. Assignee.
N.B.—Oi'editors should file their claims,
with vouchers, at once, to facilitate the
speedy winding up of the estate.
Valuable Real Estate
Under power of sale contained in a certain
registeradmortgano made by David Lamb
to rho vendor, will be sold by Public Auc-
tion, by A. Hunter, Auctioneer, at the
QUEEN'S Borer., in the Village of Brussels.
Tuesday, February lith, 1880,
At 1:30 O'clock, p.m„
The following freehold Property, viz., The
North half of Lot No. Fourteen, in the SLxtt
0000eSelo11 of the Township of Morris afore-
said, coutni mug Ono Bemired mires, more
or loss. About 00 acres are cleared, tho bal-
ance lebush; the soil is a slay loam with
goofs drainage. The buildings aro 0 log
house, frame barn and frame shed. About
21 /tares bearing Orchard; a pod well and
auendauoo of water; the Maitland river
runs across ibis 100; good roads, good leant.
ity, and dist/tut from Brussels about 4 miles.
Trnate AND coNDITIONs,
One-tenth of the purchase money to be
Paid down, further particulars wlil be made
known at time of sale, or maybe esoortaiued
ou epplloation to A. HUNTER, Auctioneer,
Brussels, or to
29-2 Vendors' Solid tor, London, out,
—OF ---
'Valuable Property
—IN 1nE—
Village of Brussels.
Under and by virtue of the power of sale
eontaitted in a certain mortgage, which ruin
bo produced at the time ot sale, there will
be sold by Public Auction, on
Friday, .l eb'y 7h, '90,
at the American Hotel, in the Village of
Brussels, at 2 o'olook in the afternoon the
following valuable property, viz. •-1VLllage
Lot number Fifteen, ill the Village of
Brussels. On the lot is a frame building,
now used ae a livery stable, and there is also
ample room for the erootion of guy other
buildings. This is one of the most eligible
business sites In the village
TEntle,--trifteen per cent. of the purchase
money to be paid at the time of sale, t301•
mum of terms andootldltions will be made
known e.
For furtboratsalparticulars amply to
A, H11053130R,
Vendors' Agent,
28.8 Brussels,
Notice to Creditors.
In the Matte' of the Estate of Fntchsnia(
HtNslcxsn, We of the Township of
Prey, in the County of Huron,
Yeoman, Deceased.
Pureaaot to Ssation Thirty-six of Chapter
One Hundred tool Tot of the Revised Sta.
tutus of Ontario, we hereby give notice that
01 croditirs and other person shaving claims
against the ottato of Frederick Bunelokor,
late of the said Township of Grey, yeoman,
who died on or about the 22nd day of August,
A, D, 1880, a'i hereby required to serve by
poet (prepaid) Or to deliver to Moeert, Dick.
ton & Have,of the Village of Brussels, in the
County 03111001, Salioitors for Snsau .,Tann
meoeislrar, Widow, tho Adtninlsbrabrix of
tho rail and personal estate and affects,
1911hta old credits, of the said Ptroderiok
BunieoliOr, deceased, 011 ar before the 1st
day of Fobh'ttary nolo n est ending a state-
ment of their 1101000, addresses, and dosorip.
Nose and the frill particulate and proofs OC
their etaims Or demands Upon the said
°note mart of the soeuritios Cif any) held by
than, stud that after tho said tub day of
I'ebt'uary the said Administrat•ix will pro.
ono,l to administer the ostato anal distribute
adds of the said Frederick IIctnsinlcor
amongst the parties ontitledthereto, having
regard only to the olefins of which the said
Adhuisistratris shall then have had notice,
and the metol Administratrix 'trill not bo
Ilabla far the said assets, lir any part acro.
of, es distributed, to any portion or pot:wine
of hie Ido 7etheft not have r:oi e
whose o n the iby0 t•n0 G
the time of each distribution.
13711It1ON it HAYS,
Ooliettare ter the said .ldennistrnirix.
Dated at Brussel,' tits 7th any of Jaeuary, ,
A , D. is00. 28.4
Pepper's Drug Store,
Pepper'st7 Drug Store,
Pepper's DrugStore.
Pepper's Drug o
�� 1 e.
(: ICAIUtI'li Att, 11('tl, ItlC I: BS
^ra mast a Geo'ral—"-.,a.••'^'a0.,
(hO,ndien and United Slater Pratte bought
and sold,
interest allowed on Deposits.
Collealiotis made we favorable 1ol'tn<.
Canadian Agents—Mttltcn0'tr's PANE 01'
New York Agents-11u'og5site Aso Taal/
L. TAYLOR, 13A11IiISTL1'll,
1,0 Solloitot•and Conveyancer, twos made. Oldau—Vanstone's Block, Brei.
eels. - 11;1m'
• Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pub.
ifs, &o. Odiss—Grabam's Bloclr, l door north
M Popper's Drug Store. Private Pundit to
Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Pnb.
Be. Conveyancing. Collections and Loaning.
Mr, Wada will attend iu Gerrie every Weil,
nesday at two o'clock,
rich,) Barristers, Sollaitors, Oouveyancere,
&o. Oilleee—hruseels and Seaforth, Bruit
eels Office, Rogers' Block, Main St, phoney
to Loan.
n. e. HAT& W. n. D10E90N,
(Late with Garrow & Proud foot, Gode-
A• M. TAYLOR, B. C. L.,
Barrister, Solicitor, &c„ of the gran
of Taylor, Mo0ullough Si Burns, Barristers
Sollcitora, &c., Manning Arcade, Toronto,
Money to loan.
;Mork of the Fourth Division Court,
Co. Herat. Conveyancer, Notary Public.
Invested and to loan Col1lssttous Finade.
Od)oo In Graham's Bleak, Brussels.
Kraft's store. MISSES L. it; 1;. Me.
W 13, hioORAOREN,
at his Grocery, Turnborry street, lt'ussols.
• Theurer of MarriageLicensee. ()Moe
Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door
south of A, M, McKay & Co's hardware store.
Ladies' and olhiloreu's halt cutting a t peclalty
Sa-A choice stook of cigars kept.
A • TetaNAIR,
Insurer of Marriage Licenses, by
appointment of Lieut,-0overner, Commie.
Fire Inooniece Ilio. Conveyancer111t tCninrAgent
Post Offioa.
uncloraigued desiro9 to intimate 10 the
people of Brussels and ;eurronndtug country
that he has opened a obavtng and hair cut-
ting parlor In Smalo's Block, where Ite may
be found ready to attend to the wants of the
Dubuc. Good work guaranteed,
20.12 JOSEPH LAl1tD.
Thoundersugned desires to intimate
to the ladies of Brussels and surroauding
country that she is prepared to attend to
all orders intrusted to her. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Shop—Upstairs, ono door north
of Walter Jackson's hardware store,
f Licensed Anotioueer. Sales condu°t-
od on reasonable terms. Darns and farm
stock a specialty. Orders left at Tun Post'
Publishing Howie ,Brussels, or /motto Walton
P. 0., will r00eive prompt attention,
/31_• Auctioneer, is always ready to at-
tend sales offarms, farni stock, &o. 'Perms
cheerfully given, Oranbrook P.0. Salem
may bo arranged at THE POST Pnblialitug
Hausa, Brussels.
b (11011' 10130'10' 1
G. L. Ball, L. D. 9, Nitros Oxide Goa tut -
ministered for the Paleness Extraction 07
Tooth, 74 Gerrard Street Nast, TonaN'ro.
xn 2111,7 s'r 1
TorontoPrchool• of Dentistry. or
oporationo guaranteed, 1 -"Artificial
teeth, drat quality, and a gmtton teed
et, for 312,00 per set. O1hse—OA00's
131.o0E, SEArommII,
Honor Graduate the urgoo, Tero,Etog ds (S,
administered for the Painlase 17xbractioo et
teeth. Oflloe-.
e `ONaa Doon Nommn o2BANE, Bnuss,Ls,
Aviv. 1'. CALE, M.1), O. M.,i ,
Member of'theCollegeofPhyalolali
en d Someone of Ontario by examination
(Mlle° aria Residence --khan street East,Uthel, Ontario,
C,, T
S.M, ,,1L, O.P., 1gliStore f, 111. 0. P.
1 Ont. At Popper's Drug Mort from t to
11:36 0.ln. and front 1:00 to 0 p. in, At other
bout's may be found at his residence, 101'51r
orhy aseupioci by Dr, Hbtohhteot, Milt st.
1-NO. 1). WA.RWIOK, V. S,
N, Ontario
dua and 1lonrrmr,, Fenny of Ontarly
Votsrimt•y Cnlloge, 00111 be pleased to Sx-
=NO With 6110 groateet aare and motes -
Monet skill any moo entrusted to his
oha)ge, t'nt 'e ems inptenr5-•0'utist's old
SW nd 2 rloet0 110111t o1 bridge, 7urnberry
tt„ 13iuxtele,