HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-1-31, Page 7titicr k 11 V 8 og t- er ed ng P11 tot ny met ate Sol Ire i'." let tat an, vas OV. tn- iad 114• the the J.N. 31, 1890,. OUSEHOLD. Otlr Fa/hire. Meech bho babioo to live by rule; bhoro la nothing like lb, Melte up your mind to it and you will have no more trouble, --that le, about making up your mind, for you will Bee how utterly meted ib is 1 Wo bad been reading a great doal in the papers and mag• aziuoo ubont tho way to train babies to have regular naps and regular moalo, and how much work could be done, if ono only began right; and as wo wore never fnuoh of a alio, oeae In managing bubiee (in fact, they usual• ly managed ua), we oouoludod if ever we had 000aaion again to try the treiniog buiinee0, we would oorbainly bring up ono child In the "way it should go," The "emersion' came last anmmer. Wo received her with open arms, and a long lisp of rules from people who write for the papers, and who think, or try to make °there think, that all you have to do ie to bogtn right and you will have the machine,—Oh, the baby, I mean I—•in perfect working order, so that the time oould be eeb for her nape, end the work arranged accordingly, But when No, 6 made her appooranoe on thin mundane sphere, oho had evidently muco up her mind to live by rule also, by ruling all tho rest of us, and to contest the will of everyone with whom she came in oontaob, She come off victorious every time I She was a very tine baby in every way except her voloe ; bbere was nothing email about that, and her lung power was Dimply immense t We W000 afraid to let het cry for fear she would kill heree}f, and the Little fluttering hando were alwaj'n cold, in spite of all the oro we could give her, uu1000 ono Wae held in someone's arms. Well, we tried our beet to set testa lar times for her naps, bub the was not one of the sleepy headed sorb, and a nap of more than ten minutes, or, at beet, half an hoar, was all the tints allowed us to work without her immediate aupervislon. • We are very sure that we started right, but if she would not sleep, how were we to make her 1 Ib may benefit some mothers who hen had but little experienoei n feeding babioo to reed of our experience. As Nature had failed to supply quite enough nourlehment for this little one, we found when the was about throe months old thab something moeb be t1 31131," am 8110 was certainly hungry. We tried feeding her cow's milk diluted and sweetened a little, as the physiolan bold us to, but it did not agree with her at all ; thou the cid ladies told me to try stream and wat- er, and a little sugar, but still we had no better 0300000, as that, like the diluted milk, would cavae vomiting and derangement of the bowels, I never had much taibh is the prepared food, where one could gob good milk, We were at our wits' end, until ono day In a 6b of desperation 1 book milk, pure and undiluted, and putting it on the above in a bin oup, heated It joist enough to cause a wrinkled emu on the top, bob did nob allow 16 to boil ; then I dropped a small piece of light broad in ie, and fad this to baby. Wo were randy to ory " Eureka," for ib Agreed with her perfectly ; and now al eight menthe of age aha has her regu- lar 010810 three times a day, besides what she Mimes. Five or afx tablespoonfuls of milk, with a plea0 of bread an inch or two in 029, as bread swells eo math when put into hob milk, makes her a hearty meal, We always make potato bread, and I think ib would be more healthful than that made with sour milk. I should never try feeding babies from a bottle, for ib is boo muob work to keep them perfeobly sweet. 11 is very easy bo beach bhom to drink from a cup watch can be kept perfectly eweeh and clean. Our baby known her own oup, and hulls it either with little squeals of delight, or howls of dismay, ao0ordln31 to the state of her appetite, or bho Iergth rf time she has to waib. Her little hands will flutter over the oup like butborfllea, and ale turns her head to one aide and peers 8nxl0aely into it for the lad orumb, If I feed her more than I have men. Cloned she seems a little disbroseed tomo• times. She 1e growing nicely, and gaining in weight, and the regularity of her bowelo, the solidity of flesh, and dimpled limbs, all go to Bhow that her food agrees with her. No matter how short her naps aro, she always wakens with a smile on her Noe, in parted good humor, and never fails to be awoke at meal time, and her happy little fake beams around on every one as muoh as to fay, "I know you could never geb along without me." Dear little queen of our home 1 albhongh ate rules n0 with her taper finger, as with a rod of iron, we are moeb loving and loyal subjeoto, and if she hats no other way to repay us, her bright smiles and winning ways are pay enough, Sweet reign of babyhood 1 There period eoveroignty does not Last long, but ib la absolute while it does lad. Sooner or later, baby mush lay down her sceptre, and yield her wishes, one by one, bo the stern realitlos of life, and its hardshlpe ; until then may wo never have a sterner ruler, than bonnie, Winsome, Baby Dimples. Seine Tented Iteoipee, CB AM Bf800IT.—Two oapfulo of sour edam; one cupful of soar milk, two ter opoonfuta of Bodo, a little ea1b, and flour enough to make a soft dough to roll out; cub with butter and bake quickly. HERB Sour.—Pat four ounoee of butter ha a eauoepan, with a handful eaoh of oboe- ved onion, celery, turnips and garrote; add a little salt and popper, and let them abeam for half an hour, but bo careful that they do not burn; pour in a quart of clear soup or the water in which meat hao been boiled; nook gently until bho vogetableo are soft, thicken a little with flour, and serve with boasted bread. PANNED Oywrauo, --Wash and wipe the oyster shells, withoub opening them; plan bhom in A pan, the round side down; eeb tbo pan in a very, hob oven for three minutes, Wake from the oven and femme bhe bop shell With a sharp knife; bake out some of. the oysters and pub three in each deep shell thab W bo go to the table; twinkle with !alb, pepper, bite of butter and oraakee °rumba, and bake for a minute or two until they are brown, CHOCOLATE TAMS—Pub one•haif oup of milk end one-half Dnp of water over the fire in a bright eanoepee; add one cupful of sugar, one teaspoonful of butter, pihoh of moth, one'half Dake of grated oh000labo; then, When it boils, add one-third oup of weber, in whioh hoe been dissolved one tablespoonful, of cornstarch; lob the whole boil tor a few momenta aid take from the stove; when pool add teaspoonful extract of vanilla. Whig Will make about a dozen tarts. Line gabby pane with good flaky pie orrteb and bake; when done pub in tine mix- ture, ice the tope, and let bho (rooting harden in the open air. COFFEE JrtELY,—Tido jelly le alio a pro. per a000mpanimonb of gold ooko and is as pretty a01b ie palatable. Soak half a box of gelatine bwo hoed. Then make a quart of btrong, clear coffee, and pour 1b At 0009 over the gelatine, owoototifng to taste. Tuttle Wier 0o widely to the matter of !agar fn hoffoo that no rule o0n be gleam, Turn the jelly into a Wet mould an then Rath° auger le dlasolvod, and jnab ao It goeo bo the table pur around it sweetoned whipped ordain; 8r po lc with ally Sauce, A ltandesdno dessert THE BRUSSELS _won limm,,,,,mormwormowago,,.....wwwwwwwwwww may be arranged thus ; Poor the jolly hal 034 lnoh deep into equate, bright tin pane and when gold out 1t into Bmall biopic's with o knife thab has boon dipped into hob water, Heap the blocks on a glaeo dial or upon a folded napkin 1u1d on a china plata and servo with sweetened mom from a pitcher or beat, C1l0aumee —Scold ono pint of milk, add four 030000 of butter and otand aside until lukewarm, then add one teaspoonful of °alb, ono of sugar, and oulieieu6 (lour bo make rather a thick butter, about three cupfuls {1 pts ) Bs ab continuously forfivo minutes, and half cup of peed or a half oompressed Dake, dlsoolved in a half pup of lukewarm water, boat again, cover and ocead in a warm pla.io for two and a half or throe hours. Put the griddle whore it will warm very slowly; and when Oho crumpets are light, pub it over a hotter part of the fire, Grease largo tin nage (arumpob rings), stand them on the griddle, half fill them with batter, bake slowly until a light brown, turn them, ring And all, bake a momenb, then remove the rings and finish the cooking over a very slow fire. Fifteen minutest should be eutll tient time to thoroughly bake thorn. Toblooe Smoke and Meat. Smokers, beware 1 for once again eoioaoe ham found a weak plena in your armor. This time ib le M. Bourrior, the French scientist, who has boon 013 the waraath againeb } ou, and after a great number of rxporimente he has solved the question as to whether tabu000 moire has an ill tffeob on meat. Tho remits of ill Bourrfor'o investig- ations aro somewhat deprereiog, nob only to smokers themselves, bub 0140 to all those people who aro apt to buy their moat from a butcher at whose establishment' smoking is nob prohihibod. In the first Instance, M. Beerier made a handoome present of two piecoo (Afresh, raw meub, whioh had been fumigated with taboo- ao smoke, to a dog, The dog, however, would have none of it till ft' was daintily wrapped np in a thiok layer of minded moat, and then the foolish animal greedilydevour• ed the morcel. Ronal]: "11 was the dog that died," Next a piece of veal end a place otherec flesh were fumigated in the same nom nor, and two rats were invited to partake Ot bho delfaaolee, Which they did, and perish. ed, Experiments were mode with boiled, roaeb, grilled,, and stewed mean, and 11 WAS aeoertained blab the lees the meat was cook- ed the more ib SAP liable to absorb and retain the poison. Thus, what M. Spurrier nolle "bifoeok aaigoano, ' and whab in this country would, perhaps: be batter known as "under done beefsteak," proved very liable to take the infection, while boiled and salt beef was e0e sump bib le, —(Pall Male Gtz366e, John Plonghmau's Almanac, Edited by Spurgeon. Regularly for twenty' years Mr. Spurgeon has published under the above title a nam ber of proverbs and bright thoughts for even y day in the year, whioh he has ooileoted and embodied In hie new work " The Salt Cellars." No better exempla of hie pun gamy and wit oan be given. The following are oeleotod from "Jahn Ploughman'. Almanac' for 1800 :— If you hove no beef bhank God for bacon. Growling won't make the kettle boil. He thab sponges' on HIS friends wipes out their love. Earn your bread, and onre your indiges- tion. If the devil oannob go himself he mends drink, From guzzling beer keep thyself clear. A dirty house makes an absent husband. Seek not for boppineee in a quart pot. Keep your spirits ardent without ardent aphid. Business without capital ie a balloon without gas, A editing earned le better then a sever- oign begged. He blab pay° badly may expect to be rob bed. He that cheats in business outs his own throat. Gambling terns the heart into steel. If you want something simple read your Bible ; it euite plain people. If you want the deepest and highest truth that ever wasread your Bible, for ib has in it the sublimed poetry. A Shinaman, when he had read the blessed Word, field, '• Who ever made this book made me. ft' knout all that Is my heart." And John Plongbman, who to English from the soles of his boots to the hat on his head, and never wore a pigtail, oan say just bhe eamo, for the Book talks bo him in his own mother tongue both day and night. hooka about religion are like milk and water, and often the water fa mach more mantled than the milk ; bub he that reads hie Bible has a oow of hie own, We need, nowodaya, upright men in down- right earnest, who say whab they mean and mean what they say. Cheating in trade, cleating in religion and cheating in talk must not be put np wibh any loager. Old Father Honesty is bbe man for our money, None of your painbfng and gilding; give ea the real thing. (Thele would be a great fall in sheepskins if all the wolves were strip. ped ; but stripped they onghb to be, the readier 1 Lob eaoh ono of us begin to mend the world by putting off every bib of sham that we may have had about us. Off with the trumpery finery of pretence. Show the ]mook•frook, or the fustian jooke6, and the chimp boots, and don't be ashamed. Our fellows go along as bhoughble08 as if they were made of butchers Moab, and their skulls were stuifed with oakum where the brain ought to be. Half of them go mooning about es if they were looking for Sabnrday night, and could not tell it from Monday morning. When one of the people in our Allege takes to thinking, he is looked ab as if he were a giraffe, or an owl in breeohoe, I know the School Board makes lots of people read, bub I Ain't so sure that 10 makes any of them think. Moat of them have more mud on their boobs than thought in their heads. Safe, Sure, and Painlete. What %world of meaning thio etatomonb embodiers, Just whab you are looking for, is Binet? Pubnam'a Feinted Corn Exttaotor —the great eure.pop torn dura—aobe in bhis way, It makeo no Bore vote; safe, note e eodil and with oe tai sure and *daily without inflaming the parte; paha' Nerdy, Do not bo imposed upon by iodta• blocs or substitutes. Rubinstein 34 nob so old a man ae one might hempoee from the feet that he boo completed fifty yore of professional life. He began ab an "infant prodigy" when nine yearn old, and carries ltih sixty years lightly. His fignte is stalwart and athletic), his maa0e0 of bleak hair are hardly binged with gray, hie small blank ey08 are pioroing, and hie owerbby fade #e beardleee, Tao great wueloien livoe ab Sb, Poberoburg, where he holde a life pension at, imperial concert director, 8nd hao been knighted in nearly every ooahtry of Europe. He is Moaned to t°gotd the future of hued° with approbate ei0n, and RAW to neo where the next prep of ggmpo0°Ip and perfgltmota IA IN gonop f0R4ti, POST: A WESTEEN GaOST r1TORY. Tho Irfrsl 01 the While Cep Victims Terri. life Minters. A ebrongo and singular unpublished opirit• ual talo has jnab kion unfolded by en old- timer. It is a mystery of the early day] of bhio eettlemeub oonoerning the diseppearanue of one of the pioneer settled by the name of James Brower, Brewer, it appeare, fell in love with a young wumau named Garsinger, and it seems wooed and won her boort, and they were engaged to be married, Bab Brewer absented him0elf from the neighbor' hood for a few menthe, and during Chet time failed to keep Miss G4r0ingor Informed of his whoreab,uto or his intentions Mid Gar' singer was courted by another individual by the name of Lige Tiry, and in a few weeks thoy were wadded. Shortly after their marriage Brower Again put it an appoaruuo0, and the old spark of affection ammo bo }Savo been rekindled, for Brower, getting un opportunity to !peek with Mre. Tiry. neraaadod bar to moot him ab the hones of David G aroingor, one of her oourins, and a ample of miles distant from her own home, presumably with the object of iuduoing her to elope with him, Tiry was on the alert, however, as, outmoding hie wife's infidelity, ho got a few of his friends to join him, and AFTER MASKING THEMSELVES they went to Rho house and found Brewer. Mrs. Tire's bwo eousiae, who had been Duo hunting for wild honey, returned about the eamo time, joined the Tiry party, and after eoiziIg Brewer, thoy took him some distance front the home, stripped him and tied him to a tree, and, after holding a consultation, decided to lob Tiry 81g him with wibhes to the lettet'a entire eatiefaation. Au might have boonexpoobod, Tiry in bis angor gave Brewer a very severe flogging, The wfthee were afterward found, covered with blood, though the parties who participated in this barbarous proceeding declared that Brewer was turned loose and left the country, fhim woo, in fad, cue of the Orabroai White Cap whippings within the limits of the State of lndfa°a, and for ooveriby of torture and general barbarity to the maim, ib porhapr exceeded those of the prevent day. Nob far from where Brewer received bbe terrible lashing was ab that. time (1848) an almost impenetrable marsh, into which ib was believed the remains of the unfortunate man wore seoreted. For many years after. wards this mareh was snppooed to be haunt. 0d by the spirit of the raioeing individual, Sometimes a spirit would ory eeb from the swamp se if undergoing all the exoruoiabing tortutea of Brewer during the whipping. At other times it appeare to yell in demon- iacal glee, as if witnesalag tome merited punishment administered to Ito anomies. This phantom wee acen a grea'e many times, One of the first to witness it was a new set- °ler on hie way to a neighbor's just after auek, A skeleton, grimy and tall, and den- ly emerged from the bushes by the roadside end confronted him. I0 marred a bunoh of whims, waving them aloft and shouting in bonee of THREAT ARD tEFLtNCE. The new sealer no nomad observed the sbrange objeob approaching him than he yelled like a madman and ran from the 1pob es fast as his lege ooald oarry him. The ot•j3ob of his fear stood gazing alter him for a few minutes and, with a etreege chuckle of delight, vanished. But a party of hunters who had loot their way while going through the swamp and wore compelled to remain oub over night, had some ghastly experieuoea, whioh led Chem to believe thab they had found the right ohm to Brewer's mysterious dieappeor• sane. They had no sooner built a fire than some strange white objeob with a human form rushed by them and euathered the brand in a twinkling, and they were left in coma pieta darkneao A9 before. Again the hanbere repeated bhe obtempb to kindle a lighb, bub the fire was Instantly pub oat as before by :he same almost invleible agency. The ap- parition flitted by them with a delicate Bound, like the rnabling of silica, and one of the partiee was actually knooked down by some power that be could not discern, This WAS supposed to have been a apirib of evil, intent on ooncooling the crime. Afterward the hunters atm a man whipped with switches until he Expired. Then his body woe spirited away and thrown into a dense covert, The screams of the nnfortu' nate victim while undergoing the terrible ordeal were eo horrible that the nerves of the Nimrode were severely atrained, and bbey scarcely slept a moment during the entire night, Oooasionally they would fire their guns, but it only proved a waste of ammunition. • Ab break of day the next morning they deo0mped in great hoebe, and no amount of money could have tempted hhem to again enter that swamp after night. fall. 'Shay fully believed, however, that the spirits revealed bo them the mystery of Brewer's disappearance, Electricity in an Indian Palaoe. Perhaps no more significant evidence of the onward march of civilization could be afforded than bho lighting by eleotrioity of the palace of the guikwarof Baroda in India, that, too, on a scale of unstinting eplondor , The interior is lit with 216 aixteen•°andl e power inoandeaoonb lights. The large hal l ie illuminated with two large twelvoligh b eleotroliore, made in hronz3 and ]aoquere d work, while the Iight is softened and duras° d by dioptrio ohadeo, Single lights] are alo 0 pendent from bho ends of the Columns of tit e gallery, In bho numerous roomm are dire e end four light eloobroliero made in a variety of designs to enib the aurroundinge. Righteously Indignant, Barber (ouggestively)—"Your hair ie very dry and harsh, air." Camtomer (wrathfully)—"And one of your ear0 le %good deal bigger then the other, bub you don't like believe people twitting you of do you 1" La ttrippo or Influenza. A preventative and Dare. Drink St. Leon Water vary freely ; hob if attacked. If in the head, snuff np the nostrils. Will allay the malady quickly, Many 0o deplore daily. Reasons—Sb, Leon contain the grand ab. aorbento, and 0o destroys the miorobos, Makes pure, rich blood, eto, The food we eat lathe the aboorbeot0, thug ie health im• pasted and life seriously endangered. After forby.otven years of labor Mrs. S, L'29.1e Weaver, a Bridgeton, N. Y„ woman, hoe just finished a crazy quilt of 80,075 patches, 480 ,Agree Free. Dakota offero a tree claim, a preemption And a homestead• -••in all, 480 aores—free to doh dottier. The St. Paul. Minna/Toile de Manitoba Iby. reaohoo the Davil'o Late, the Turtle Mountain and Mouse River land die- triota. For further infnrmatton, maps, rates, &o., apply to F. I, Whitbney, G P. $ T. A„ 8t. Pani, Wan. q', 1¢t, IITIgifypto, 4 Paimilr House, TONDIlo. The Brightest Jewels in a mother's diadem are her fair, healthy ohildren—the pride and ornaments of her home. Bat a mother oannob boar and nourish such children while aha le the vlobim of suffering and disease. 33y a oouree of sblf•6reabment with Dr. PI roe's Favorite Protoription, every woman pan thoroughly eradicate those exerulaiing periodical pains and functional weaknesses incidents to her sex, and et the seine time build up and in. vigorate her whole system by Go health. imparting lr fluence, A trial battle will 000311000. ' Favorite PresoriptIon " 1a the only medicine for wanton, sold by rlruggiste, under a pooltive guarantee from the menu feetorers, to give satisfaction In every oasr, or money will be refunded, This guarantee ban boon printed on the bobtle•wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. Fie—"I don't see why there should he no marriage or given in marriage in heavenl" Sbo—"Probably bemuse there won't bo any men there,'' Bread! Bread' The Ory for Bread! A million loaveo, nob onouuh for one city 1 Five millions, nob enough for one State 1 Fifty milllone, nob enough for this country a eingle day, ysb often whab sour, soggy stiff it be nevertheless it is eaten, and bne result Is dyspepsia, biliousness, sick headache, lira povoriehed blood, pimples, blotches and scrofula. For the oorreetion of all this, and as a general tonin for the oyetem, take Golden Medlnal Discovery prepared by D •. Porno, of Buffet°. Ito action ie like a charm, a "benediction that follows after prayer." A remedy for atomachio and liver troubled, as well aha opecifo for throat and lung die- orders, Ib is guaranteed to benefit 0r Dura, or money refunded. It 'a a pity, gide, that thin year isn't leap year. The prevailILg il.flaerze has brought many a hard.ncd old bachelor to hie need, 11 That Mime Jones Is a nlce•booking girt, isn't she?" "Yeo, and she'd be the belle of the town if it wasn't for Doe thing." "What's that?' f0 She has oetarrh so bad it is uopleaoont to be near her. She has tried a dcz to thing's and nothing helps bar, I am sorry, for I like her, bub that doesn'b make it any lees disagreeable for one to be around her." Now if she bad need Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, there would have been nothing of the kind said, for 1t will cure catarrh every time. "Come and see us again, Jobe:" said the polio. captain to the Chinaman jomb bailed out, "Yea, Glome and Deo us glaln, in a plig's eye," retorted John. Fourteen million olobhee pins are made in AmerIoa every year. All Men, young, old, or middle seed, who find them• selves nervone, weak and exhausted, who are urokon down from exaese or overwork, re0ultieg in many of the following symp- tora i Monied deproeeion, premature old agei''-lbao of vitaliby, lose of memory, bad dreamt, dimness of eighb, palpitation of the heart, emission, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the fade or body, itching or retailer sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organo, dzzineoe, specks before, the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bathfhlneoe, deposits in the utfoe, loss of will power, bendernese of the scalp and spine, weak and flalbp musolee, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, oln0tipation, dullness of hearing, lose of voice, deeire for attitude, Excitability of temper, sunken e'en aur. rounded with LEADEN 0IROLE, oily looking skin, Eta., are all symptoms of nervaue debility that load to insanity and death un• lose cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in oon- sequea0e, Those who through abuse com- mitted in ignorance may be permanenbly cured. Send your address for book on all cileeaees peoufiar to man. Addreee M. V. LUBON, 50 Front Street East, Toronto, Ont' Books sent free sealed, HEART DISEASE, the symptoms of whioh are faint spolle, purple lipo, numbness, palpitation, skip beano, lot flaehee, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the fireh, pain about the tread bone, do, oan pooibivoly be cured, No one, no pay. Send for book. Address M, V. LUBON, 80 Front StreetResb, Toronto, Orth. A.P. 486 tiata,t, CHRONIC COUGH HOW! For it you do not it may become 03111. Gemner•al Debtltt;; 0010 Jf asting SDiseases, there 10 nothing like Of Pure Cod Livor 011 ar1(1 HYPOPHOSPHITES Qtr, iria-ao aaa.cl Iniad°. It to almost as palatable as milk. Isar bettor than other eo•atltod 8mulsioua. A wonderful Rosh producer. SCOTT'S .'EMULSION Is put up 4,1 it aali,mn rotor wrapper. ISA' 8u01, and Bot rho genuine. Sbfd by art Dealers at Goa. and 41.00. SOWN' k 1l0W,\'Il, llo110vtlio, LADIELADIES try OL1VR ORANGE, the boat rmuedy S known for 4l femal0 wmplalate. 8a pie 4000, J, Teorroe, a Richmond 81, W., Toronto, oan, COOD ACEHTS E atoti O®+logued and toeme• Address, METERS BROS., 87 Onuron8t., Toronto, The Great Ottoman Blood Remedy Guaranteed to etre all diseases of the blood whether or bgon ht on by indisoretim and moms or 04008gimm herofrom I oau040. W0i romovd plat• blee ltd blolohon trom the skin rind by stn InvlgorAt• old op Eho system 01 those suferiblgg from wantiwera ng disease, Prlom t'1 Dor bottle, Addreee, Ottoman ) Medlolne Co, Mall Building, Toronto, TE't01t0NT0 0611431310 8on001,. 10ole0W00 sed 00}10010 sy010m, taught. whereby stylleh, por- 1 p606•etttngga+menta are produced. Bend for tired. IoK 8. CORRIGAN,00rop„ 4 Adelaide St Weet. �A�w 0n 0 TI0MOR 00,0101110 Pdvar0 NI !t1 NN •EFIlto0.10,, No tnlre, neat: rrca• Ir�71 a■W■ G, it, metricc tt. Da inmi.o,,..�r..... Note Nlekera et„., nasals, N. Y. ` CASINGS.—Senoou 11184. Naw ® AA Importatlone 0f,tnai11h 8heeps, ,qyA b to I3 Casings: W�� � Finest A IBR' hri o 201 gs Order° filled for any desired quantity, Write ter prior JAMES P oEJi & SON, ( 41 iq 4'1 nab. Lo vrengo Ddathi b, (Carout°, dib, 7 inertheineketeenentkagedefeediletrealitealleafelifteatilatillekallandreenialinlettaniticleaaantaandllialletair 10 rA DAY -•.F.aaY • uud hK oleo and 3vanir1. drhR000 1.03, SOnn^rl'ulfkj t Ad010100 tilroot w'0Bt, Tui out°. ; rq'LA01110100 can maga money du4ing vacation l4.o akbs yanconAegoeppor ne'y°o11m r0y00f00 fa,ling W' E. Withrow, L.0.e,latest and beet edition ver illustrated prloro low, tomos liberal Write for litaslrated 01ro01gre and Germs. WOf, BR[OOS Publlaher, Tomato Ouarenbsed sure tore for long e a ' 11 1 ■ standing neugbe,Ooldo, eta. Ault our druggist for it or write to 00, ALLAN LIN J11IYAL 1119AIL STEMS/SERFS. FS. THE PIONEER CANADIAN- LINE And 0601 to the Wealth., regard be the providon wadi ter boo safety ani comfort of its customers, *reality Snl1ho o ROfwe.en LiverpoolWadi Row and the SI. Lawrence d: Fortnight. 1 )Y Strike Blau 1404/100 flaring Snrm*tr T10nihs, 11o11 !Reamers rya betwe.o 141'0rp4ol and Pe rtlan sta. 110131ax during winter. Glasgow steam° re throughout the year to Boston and O'hfladelph la, en Mr at irk h ports and Helium en route. V e asI a ■ take no other. R, 0. elfin= W 10or 00000 01 g408uga and other 101orrrallou apply co , ))ugalOts, Toronto H, BuUR1.I81i, tor. Ring and Tonga 840„ Teron4 H, dr. A. AGLAN, Montreal, or to the boat agents your Cam,ty. III oc-! MAYCiUIVSR _ PE F�H I P Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Business Mutation l,v attending (day ort t•enins)CANADIAN 1USINE°S UNIVERSITY. Pnb)io Library Bulldog Tomato. TILOS. BEN/f011011,. Presidenf, 0111,011 Remoter York C,.noty Courts.) MEN WANTED To Sell our Rawly, Ilona •grown FR11I'l"CItF.li3. I'rlooslow, Goodpay and oI aft work. Free outdt THE D.W, BEADLE NURSERY COMPANY LTD St, Catharines, not, KNITTING MACHINE Send for Illustrated Catalogue and then ad, ertiromrnt with your ordor allow y011 for our NEW RIBBER and we m ill Ri NNIE'S ILLUSTRATED GUIDE FOR AMATEUR GARDENE7OS POR 1890 Wii1 be mailed free to all int.naing purchasers apnitoeti•m. Ti0110101 Vegeu.ble, Flower and Agri. cultural Seode Jo complete, and includes cvoiy Novelty of merit. Sendfor it before order Ingo ,apply of Seeds oNEv ID LOAN ONTARIO FARdt3P,0 desirous°, pays ,g oar be lag high Whitt-stonierl tz vortogea, or Intend 1210 bold grain and ,t,''h Rr ii ttor p'lnoi. eon Gbh, 56,uov at L',wr. 1 Current states of In tory hy'applying- Fire mady.or by totter to the LONDIN & CANAD'AN LOAN & AGENCY COT .3. It. Kroll. MAaeeaa, 103 DAY ST, - TORONi1 $10 PREMIUM DISCOUNT .flirt; Oji) ' S 1000300 OItEELIRAII4 BIROS„ Ergs G E011GETOWN ONT. The Albert Toilet Soap Coy', Oatmeal Skin Soap MAKES THE HANDS SOFT AND THE COMPLEXI' N BEAUTIFUL. See tout the Coen name is Stumped on the Sono and oa the Wrapl:e., Rewire of Imitations, Cheapest and R FIST I'LACIt 10 America lo buy Band and blUsloal iustrument0, Moelc, t1 , Address, Wte,tLEY, 11(4141:13,13 C0.,1 Street, Toronto. Send for Catalogue. MONEY Large ioamn en? church loans at very low mise, nos monger some at8(,. 6, 81 Z1 according to ee0nrity'.l Hi& STo pp 19 ILO 1 lliOTaran to bue3• nein and hou-e Property yielding 7, 8 and 10 /, to in. restore a ,d ,°I `( to SP ronATOR5. KERR .0 RLErSER. J, LoTnisa Kee°. Gamavmta 4. nuolsaa., 4 Kf her etrert EriNt, Toronto. Sommers to A. E, Mloaeoa ,C Co Cili0e establish. ed 1.70 by glr. S. 10 Janes. Inorease In popuiatlon Toronto 1880 over 1888 (0!00& 000'8 return) 20,380. 1140 Vtfallted Agents For the "HANDY" HUTT0219 Semple Card for 10 ounce, or triad B,'s ur l2 eosin 75 e.•nta, t'0 mull 1312101,1. Aka the Ai10" BBestIDYHOLDERnmotco mlateDoming Plus Bolder ever and must complete In.older oyer made for all 3111,8 and all furntlura Heuvlly' plated, bight end nttrnetive. A6•nte Semple experience 1310110 mousy. Semple pair Illustrated circulars free. alt CASSGRBEN DITG 00, 08 Victoria Street, • • Toronto. Provident Life and Live Stook Assoer CHIEF OFFICE, ROOM 0, ARCADE, - TORONTO, CANADA (INCORPORA'i EO•) A NITITUAL (BENEFIT ASSO'L"l2 SOLID lat. 0STALBNT—By paying to the abov Aeronlatlo° 0Nf; CANT PER DAY a parson ngetl twonbv-two, and two rents per day a person aged forty four mo secure P1vo Dollars per week while disabled through sickness or accident, ,also Tor two and three conte per day, persona aged as above can secure for their dependants, Five Hundred Dollars in ovent of death. LI14e. STOCK O1*NRRS can provldn against by death through disease or aoutde0t of their Motile' nE ea0,y rates, These interested, and forpmspeotoaq oto, Reliable Agents wanted hi unrepresented as triots. R'111,IA41 .01831030. Managing Director, * TO TAE EDITOR t—Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have coro- gumption if they will send me their Express and Post Office Address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUaM, M.C., 188 West Adelaide St., TORONTO, ONTARIO. 1COBDIAY mFO'g STABILITY. ILITY. .i H Ontario I.utua1 Life. ESTABLISHED 1870. Assurances in forgo Jan. lab, 1800 • Now Assurances written in 1819 Cash Income for 1888 Asaeba, Deo. 31st, 1888 ▪ o Liabilities, as per Government Valuation $13,127 400 013' 2,621,800 o» 39:3 074 00 •• 1.318 853 OD' • - 1,223,518 OQ Surplus - - $93,337,00 SPECIAL FEATURES Prompt 'Payment er claims, Annual Distribution of Profits. Guaranteed Sim ender Values and Liberal Policy Condition WM, HENDRY, Manager. • W. H. RIDDELL, Secretary. STANDARr1 CHOPPING MILLS.. USESBESTFRENCHBURR MILLSTONES 03S102 11104010 00111 00 01111INm0aE tteIrSA0141 MON Mat JOSEPH MAODAUf H WRITES FROM MORRISON P. Nov. 20111, '89. Now tont 1 have purchased Prom your ones of your Standard preach Burr Clopping 800118 tnrningin on it as part payment my Iron Grinder, I have no obiectlon to tell your the the T1ata0 mod to the Iron Grinder co; 81.00, and 13810e1114 lint 81.00 per pair 1 used over $50.00 worth last winter. Oeca,• Si natty a Thsle wo11111 last a week, bat, Sometimes not over two or three Lour&, ry Ino price of 1110 51111 10310 883 00. meek cheaper than yams, bat in the Cad 10 carte ter very mach r70140er Mill. I rant satisfied than Iron Grinders aro only suitable for torment, who craven vary snot •( amount oftlhoppf0W! to do for their 41N111103', J. OOMEAU MAHIWAR!, QUE„ WRITES : Nov, 23041, '8e, ] would feel tnclittcd to analogize Atte' nnL writing donor had I not been too tab y* and my draft° to !ter the 20.14eb Standar* Weil a fair trial bolore yrrlttutit. I ant the mo0thappytoslate that 1 amen* titer. sntlsncl with tam 01111—it to d00laIp splendid work. Two No, It Iron Grinders at 818,00Illta10. Three No. 2 Ire* Throe No, 2 100111 earindere at Sae 00 each, ail ,la good order with- nes, plathe. . i1AUSANtIS OF BOTTLE$ 0 E. SYN AWAY YEARLY. When 1 say Otero 1 do not mean merely to steo them for time, and then have them rtttrnagain. a WIR1Io l RA DIO,AA.OUR EE, 1have made the disoaseofVita, Epilepsy or Faring Stokeeor, a 11(c -long study. I Worriutt my remedy to Cush the worst eases, 0ota1,00 others 1,0310 felled bs n0 ^eomonfor 410131009 00081vintr n 20x0, Send at once fora ir0041se and a Prase Bottle et .fly bnftti;thtw Womanly. Give Salome and Post Office, It costs you nothing for a trial, and It wfltonto you. Addrosl g**l>, ngcniii i .0 r Oranbl OS'fie0, Ise 12108T FIIIELAiiyl4 82010AnTr 1r*I11iN'Cla -r