The Brussels Post, 1890-1-24, Page 8PUE1-10,15E7Y
Price Reduced !
001,1t11YG AROHT 95 POUNDS, AT
.1O Cents per Pound, or
9 Pounds for $1,00.
Cents per Pound in
Small Quantities.
There is as much difference in /Soucy as
there is in butter. Honey that is well rip-
ened ismuch thicker' and much better than
that width is extrauted too axon after being
gathered by the bees. We use a largo )live
and get the beat of honey—the above prices
ere for the 13ner.
Drugi,ist. Bookeeller,Panoy-goods Dealer
9Op rm.11' i EXT'F\910 2 u•, G.& D.
et Tieing l.•are Brnasele Station, North
and Small, as follows:
Gage So00 t. GOING NORTE.
Man....,....... 0753 a.1v. Mired il FOS pan.
0:90 a.m.
Mimed........ 18:35 pm.Int ass 0:11 P.m.
1ktr tSI-CLSS .LS Yt: ST
Lear week Wm. Blashill perobaead the chair, "Rook of Ages ;" aleeing hymn. the roault wee a decided enooess. On
reeidenoe of J. le, Grant, MIll street, Mao During the evening the pastor presented# Friday the ordinary routine dntiea of the
the stable on eame Area, and the build. a crrtifieetr arid n copy of "Pilgrim's , day were completed nt an earlier hour
lug lot on Tarnbrrry street between the Progress" to each of 65 young persons, than ureal, after which a chairman was
postollice block and E. A. Martin's dental who had reoited, et one time and oorreot• put in by the votes of tho pupils them.
aloe, It is a desirable piece of pro. ly, the whole of the Shorter Catechism selves, and a progrn,n of nineteen eeleo.
party. during 1889. The Secretary's report tions was carried out with much fan and
Dr,. Pnorars•—A5 will bo seen by a showed progress all along the lino. The onthusiaom. A nioe song entitled j naevi drrlu ht I:araos, warranted
card in another column tide spaoiahet Sellout contributed $42 to Minions in "Uranuy'B old Armchair" was well song elan d.' ea a o' t l at
5ls erg ,10, l0uga;
well visit our town on the 28th inst, end d El a Malntosh and Addle B also favor•
remain until Saturday. We would advise
all who may be aufieri ng from any chrome
complaint whatever to give the Dr. a call
and save themeelvea 0 journey to To.
Trema will be three eolipees, two of the
sun and one of the moon, thio year, but
none of them will be visible in this 500 -
tion. There will be a lunar appulee, that
is a new oentaot of the 1110011 with the
earth's shadow on Juno 28, visible in
North and South America,
"Toa Atwood Bee," a neat pap•
or, saw the light last week. It prolni905
to deal with all mattore of local interest,
handling politics Pram en independent
standpoint. le. S. Pelton is the proprie-
tor. If the people of Atwood and local.
ity do their part it will bo able to ad-
enneo their interests.
COUNTY Counoil will moot next week
at Goderich, D. D. Wilson, of Seaforth,
appears to have a good grip on the Ward.
enship. Tho names of Dr. Rollins, of
Exeter, Reeve MCMurohie, of Clinton,
Reeve Milne, of Croy townelnp, are also
mentioned. Mr. Wilson has probably
the strongest claim.
JANUARY 24, 1894,
(•1001) IIAX FUR SALE,—
VAI Win deliver in ouautit1eo to suit put,
chaser. I
PEPPER, of 5,00n, 8, Croy,
1889 ; $25 to French Evangelization, and by Jane F. and Maggio 5, McNair, and
$17 to Poieign Miseions ; and raise for iu
all purposes over $80. ed their auditors with a sweet bob plain.
Tina Deet CONTINa0r.---Globo, Jany lino song called "The Begging Girl," A
14111 says :—"With wonderful enterprise short dialogue by two boys and a soled.
the well•known ''World Publishing Com. Mon of instrumental music (month organ)
pang, of Guelph." announce that the followed, and there were some very good
oorplete history of Stanley's Travels in readings and 00Oitati000 well rendered.
Attica is already in course of publication, It would take too much space to give the
and will shorty be iseuod, thus furnish- frames of all who did well, but we must
ing the earliest, most oompleto and an. say that laddie Fulton particularly die.
thebtio information of thedisooveries and tinguished himself in giving good, felioi•
adventures of Stanley during the past tously expressed recitations and readings
two years, and of Baru Paabv. a life and of it condo nature, fairly "taking down
government in Central Africa since Gor. the house."
don's (loath. The complete work to be 1
1 ,0% ��•�e111 L'' Wr.LL•DIea1No 590 DenetarO.—George
%tCl,, V `.CliL,7' ' L'irt has nil rho necessary maahinary for
_ — I digging and drtlline walls and is prepay-
. c •
An' faith he'll pant it. in a way that will insure satisfaction.
— ==n Wells cleaned out and put in proper
• saooants. 1 share. Terms reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
aide of Turnbarry st., Brussels. 43.11
J. D. RONALD addressed a public meet-
ing in Leamington, Essex Co., last Mon.
day evening on the question of fire pro-
tection. If they want the bot machine
for fire fighting they will buy nothing but
the Ronald engine. A public test will
oonvineo any corporation of the cured.
nese of the above statement. The 'Ron-
ald' knocks them all ant for power, el.
ficieney and durability.
TER London Free Press says :—Daniel
Moran, who claims to be an old news-
paper man, but, to use his own language,
whose "facial appearance tells against
his intellectual ability with the people,"
came to this city a few days ago in search
of work and has been having rather a
hard time of it. Inspector Bell shipped
him to Clinton on Wednesday of last
week, where he writes for the News -Era
and Detroit Sunday Son, according tohia
own story.
$7,000.00 GIVEN Awer.—The Fireside
Weekly has inaugurated a novel gift en-
terprise in order to double their circula-
tion. They are giving away to every
subscriber who sends in a new subscriber
for one year a pair of handsomely chased,
heavy silver individual popper and Balt,
retailing at $1. Anyone not now a sub.
scriber can receive the gift by sending in
their own name and a friend at the same
time. Price $2 per year ; $1 for six
months. Send for sample copy to No. 9
Adelaide St. West, Toronto.
The Third Edition of Principal Aus.
tin's 50 pp. book, The Jesuits is at hand.
This book is having wonderful sale.
The first edition contained chapters on
the Origin, History, Aims, Immoral
Teaching, E&pnlsioua, Condemnations of
the Jesuits and the Bull of Popo Clement
abolishing them. This contains in ad-
dition an introduction by J. L. Hughes
and articles by Prof. Goldwin Smith and
Hon. John Charlton. Price, 15e. Copies
may be obtained by applying to Principal
Austin, B.D., St. Thomas, Ont.
fi 1afe1's among ye takin' notes, edtoattend to ell work entrusted to him
1 ti faction
Sgamin ttp
Tars cold snap should give both skat-
ing and curling.
Ouas. FISHER left this week for Kansas
• City,Kansas, his former home.
Au1a a meeting of Melville church will
be held next Monday afternoon.
Fresh barrel received. Dozens are us-
ing it. See testimonials. A. Goon.
Frva cars of barley were shipped to Os-
wego this week by Messrs. Stewart &
W. hI. SINCLAIR will makeweekly visite
'e1;o Atwood in connection with his law
Toa first square timber of this season
was delivered in Brussels station yard
last week.
Nflea CARRIE Baan, of Seaforth, is
making a holiday visit with former
friends in Brussels.
Waren appears to have fairly set fn.
Tt was about this time last year when
sleighing commenced.
TEE infant daughter of D. Frain died
on.i onday of this week and was buried
on Tuesday afternoon.
;Hew a ton of that famous oatmeal and
Gleogow peas meal, none like it. Try
25 -pounds. Adam Good. 28
1T -is elated that a son and heir has
come to the home of A. H. Hermiston, of
Walkerton, formerly of Brussels.
Mee. Taos. NORTON has been quite ill
daring the past week but we hope the
old lady will soon be about again.
Mem fie& mill had to shut down for
want of hands this weak. La grippe
.knocked them all out except three.
Ls GRirrn holds the fort in Bruesele.
For partionlars as to who have had it and
-those who have it read the voters' list.
'iTas various congregations and choirs
—were -considerably smaller than usual
onSenday owing to the prevailing in8a-
WE regret to hear of the serious indis-
poSition of Mrs. Walter Smith, but hope
she -will soon be restored to her usual
0 -health.
REv. Mo. McIareea9, of Lucknow, is
-xteicted to give a discourse on "Sabbath
Obeemeanoe' in Knox ehuroh on Febru-
ary 2nd.
floosie and lot for sale or to rant.
'Centrally located. Good well, garden,
. stable, &c. Apply at TEE Pose Publish.
Bing Honer.
improvements in the heating ap.
-paratus of the Town Ball are completed was done by Messrs. Turnbull
• Tam evening -service in Knee. ahurch
• wfll1be withdrawn next Sunday on so.
count of it being communion Sabbath at
Melville church.
"Ian Sunday the little son of James D.
Edgar, eheeoemnker, died. The inter -
extent was made •at Fordwicb burying
ground on Tuesday.
'F.'S. SCOTT %vas in London last week
asa witness in a suit over some property
tcanaaotion, Tho case was not heard as
uhe•judge took grippe and adjourned the
•IrN interesting communication 011 Man-
itdba, from A. F. Elliott, formerly of
Morris township, has been received—too
,'itte.fnr this issue, however. It will ap•
!pear verb ,week.
NEXT Sabbath, Rev. George Richard.
son, of Goderiob; will preach Education.
:•aLsermons in the Methodist church in
anile placb. Rev. Mr. Sellery will take
' 01,e work at Goderioh.
:flat Connell for 1890 was sworn in on
r Monday, all the members being present
' except . Councillor Strachan. J. Y. S.
• T}itk and J. N. Kendall were appointed
auditor's for last year's accounts.
J R: GR1NT, of Winnipeg, was in town
'torn few days'this week shaking hands
withold;frieuds. 9333o left on Tuesday.
He'io,well pleased with -his work in the
west and is enjoying the best of health.
"Bev. Gestu8L Josxa reached his 82nd
birthday on Monday of this week. We
congratulate the reverend gentleman on
his vigor sad sprightliness, and hope he
0z09y see a good many birthdays
J3,Ev. H. McQuuairc, of Winghar, will
',reach in Melville church on Saturday at
• era—. p. m. Communion 60rvice on Sab•
• 11th"r- morning. Rev. T. Davidson,
of Wroxeter, will preach on Sabbath
evening and on Monday.
Tin County Sabbath Sahcot Coven.
lion will bo held in Seaforth on Tuesday
And Wednesday of next week. Rev, S.
•2lellory, .'B...&,, B. D., Rev. 3. Rose, B.
.A•v.and IV. Z. Jlorr have subjects al-
a o ttee'thent ort the program.
Mamba Surprise(l his friends
it fiereff:tg in onl•h'iom unheralded from
'Calgary, lti. W. T.tehoro he hasboen for
OVAL pest two years. -Tho breezes from
,d4id.i'ooity Unlinking evidently agree
•'well With lam, judging from appearances.
Ude. etated that W. rA. Calbick will
=aim it visit to llritiah Calumbin in the.
r.ottreo of a month or g0 with the object Of
JOLT ENTRANCE EXAM. — Pa11110 oChool
teachers would do well to note the fol.
lowing as the literature selections re.
quired for entrance in July, 1890 :
1 The Vision of Mirza —First Page.
Reading .. 68-66
2 The Vision of Mirza—second
Reading.— . 68-71
3 To Mary in Heaven 97-98
4 Flow Gently, Sweet Afton98
5 The Bell of Atri 111-114
6 Ring Oat, Wild Bells 121-122
7 Lead, Kindly Light 146
8 The Heroes of Long Sault155-161
9 Loohinvar , . 169-170
10 A Christmas Carol207-211
11 The Heritage 212-213
12 Song of the River 221
18 The Ocean 287-239
14 The Sung of the Shirt 268-265
15 The Deman of the Deep266-271
16 Edinburgh after Flodden277-281
17 Canada and United States289-291
18 The Forsaken Merman298-302
TEE Montreal Witness is offering great
inducements to its enbeoribbrs this year,
in the way of books and plotting, oom.
prising 198 different acre,. including
Macaulay's and Hume's ; istoriee of
England, Dickens', Walter Scott's
Works, George Eliot, Cooper, Thelokeray,
and Washington Irving'a, handsomely
bound in sets ; also Pansy and ether
leading books. The pictures are '''The
Horse Fair," "The Angelus,'' '011 i0E'
before Pilate," "A Scottish Baid," all
celebrated matinee of the day. The'
Witness enters on its forty-fifth year,
and continues to be the favorite family
newspaper and champion of temperance
and moral reform. Ire County Histori.
cal Story Competition, which every
eohool boy has beard about, and which
hag created so much interest in the Do-
minion, ie being continued this year,
prizes of greater value being offered.
The premiums are extended to the sub-
goribem of the Daily Witness and
the Northern Messenger, so that all will
have an opportunity to secure them.
The prim of the different publications
are :—Daily Witness, 53.00 ; Weekly
Witness, $1,00 ; Northern Messenger, 80
Marvitnc COERCE 5921031! SCII0011,--
141elville church S. S. held Its annual
winter entertainment on Thursday even.
ing, 16th inst. Refreshments wore eory
ed in the basement, after which the largo
company adjourned to the body of the
church, when the following program was
presented after the opening exorcises:—
Remarks by Bev. Jae, Ross, who ooeapied
the chair; music by the 3.P.0.& choir,
..That Beautiful Ge'ulen Gate;" manual
report of tbo S. S. by the Secretary, Alex.
Stewart jr.; remarks by Elder Stewart,
the Superintendent i kindergarten gong
by a °lags of children; duett by Nina
Maloolm and Lizzie McLennan ; recita-
tion by 14 children ; singing by a class of
Goys, "Our Netto;" reading by Lilian
Ainley, 'Rose Cereon's Courage' ; edging
cinq !lis health, Ile 11n.s been r a by aclass or gale, , •(10 forth, my Brother;
404 far sumo time and !local not ;ifl:l;l I!, , r t,ia'Iur.:;-, Jan Mils;pr., .103 Of rho
.11011 strength as he would dusiro. Ne' Testeneen4,. 1Witet . by Y. P. C. A.
issued by this enterprising pnbliebing ; Cu, et:telt:1wl l el (twee.
Poruhill lies an anti•sparrow club.
daimrclay Sir John Macdonald com-
pletes his 75th year,
There is considerable diphtheria in
ono section of ]3owmaovillo.
At the Cape Breton miles 715,000 tons
of coal were produced enuring 1889.
The C.P.R. aro about to build a 065,-
65;000 Opera house at Vancouver, B.C.
Toronto has a population of 216,000,
an inareaae of 30,000 during the year.
feed. Shoebaltom, the Parkhill baby,
is only 0 feet fn inches, and weighs 275
A number of calves belonging to stock
raisers neer Winnipeg have been devour-
ed by wolves.
Mrs. William Stewart, of Shelburne,
Ont., dropped dead on the railway plat-
form at Brampton.
Since the middle of September S. II.
Jones, of Sabrovois, Que., has shipped to
the States 18,000 geese
Sir Richard Cartwright has sold his
residence in Kingston, and will remove to
either Toronto or Ottawa.
Upwards of fifty care of cotton for
Japan and other points passed over the
C.P.R. at Winnipeg Thursday.
In Montreal on Thursday night Thos.
Williams cnt his wife's throat and then
his own. He was apparently insane.
A serious mishap befell John Little,
who lives about three and a half miles
eget of Dorchester station, the other day.
Ho started from home shortly after
dinner with grist for the Dorohoster
Station mill. When about a mile from
home the bolt of one of the wbiffietrees
camp out, and the horses started running.
Mr. Brown and a neighboring farmer
caught the horses and put them in bis
barn, and happeningto look up toward
the centre of the roahe. saw Mr. Little
struggling to walk. Messrs. Brown and
Duffield state that Little must have lost
two quarte of blood. The wheel of the
wagon ran over his body, breaking both
collar bones. Some of his ribs are
broken, and his head is cut. It is doubt-
ful whether the unfortunate man may
company will leave Nothing to be deem-
ed, as 1t will b0 rt summary of all that
is known of the Dark Continent down to
this date. It will be a large and hand-
some volume, end a perfect panorama 0f
illustrations, all from recent photographs
taken on the spot, or from sketches made
by millets accompanying Stanley, and
the other travellers through Africa, As
we turn the passe of the boort the dis-
coveries of Spoke, Grant, Baker, Living.
stone, DLChaillu and others are in turn
fully given and magnificently Musket.
ed, but, of comae, the most important
place is reserved for the more resent and
important work done by Stanley, Other
works are to be published, but it is
&laiined they are simply old books, with
a few pages added, and that this is the
only entirely now book, with three tames
the illustrations contained in any of the
others, and with a aeries of accurate
maps showing the whole route of Stanley
and other explorers. This great work is
being brought out simultaneously by
'The World Publishing Company, of
Guelph,' and one of the largest and
wealthiest publishing firms in the United
States, and no expense has been spared
to make the work complete." D. A.
Seale has secured the ageney for Brus-
sels and he will no doubt receive a large
number of subscribers to what promises
to be a most interesting volume.
Wince -nein.
Conductor Bailey is once more back to
his old position on the L. H, & B.
J. & E. Brennan have removed to
Chesley where they go into the tannery
Charles Robinson, of Dungannon, has
Shthe butchering business of
GeorgeJ. Myles was presented with a hand-
some photo. album on the eve of hie de.
parture from this place.
D. B. Calbick and family removed to
Goderioh last week. Dan. was a good
citizen and we are sorry to Lege him.
Frank MoLteohlin, who has been en-
gaged on the Advance staff for the past
three yearn, left for Detroit last week to
try his luck in Uncle Sam's domains.
John Thornton, who at one time
carried on the tannery in this town now
operated by Messrs, Hyman & Co., was
accidentally killed by the street oars, in
Denver, Colorado.
It was reported that Dr. Tarelyn was
dead but we are pleased to say the
rumour is not oorreot although the Dr.
has been dangerously ill, and is not out
of danger yet.
The annual meeting of the Loyal
Orange Association of Turnberry Die-
trict, was held in this town on the 15th
inst., when the following officers were
installed for the ensuing year : District
Master, Geo. Pettypiece ; D. Deputy
Master, Joe. Wilkinson ; D. Chaplain,
Robt. Bloomfield ; D. Reo. Seo„ John
Kerr ; D. Fin. Seo., J. Brydgee ; D.
Treasurer, Thos. Abraham ; D. Lecturer,
Joseph Curtis ; D, D. of C., John David-
A Newark, N. J., firm has been wiped
out by La grippe, both partners having
died the same day.
It is claimed that the population of
New York city has increased 400,000
during the last ten years.
SEAEP.—In Ethel, on the 14th inst., the
wife of Mr. W. J. Sharp of a eon.
Wrorow.—In Brussels, on the 15th inet.,
the wife of Mr. Samuel Wilton of
twin 00115. - • . -
V9vnen8A6aoc—Mo5anovo.— At Melville
manse, on Jany 20th, by Rev. John
Ross, B. A., Mr. George Vander-
dasson to 141ise Mary Ann Musgrove,
both of Tarnbarry.
e' I axl:lla.
C•tret, rr ILToN.—In Bru66ol0, on the 17th inst.,
A great many in thio section Have gob' one of the twin sone of Samuel Wit.
"grip," and iu some inatan0e9 it ie vice
David Taylor lost a valuable mare last
week. She gut choked while eating
ground oats.
Auction sales are few and far between
just now, but where held stook is in great
demand and bring high prices.
A great deal of timber was blown down
by the reoent storms, and now a lob more
wood will be out than was bargained for.
A free entertainment will be given next
Tuesday evening by the Literary and
Debating Society at Shine's school house.
A. McNichol, who recently leased his
farm, has rented a house on the farm of
C. Angel, 32111 con., where he will reside
for some time.
E. Foerster is staying on in the game
eobool, in Peel Co., and this year he is to
get a salary of $300, an advance of $25
on last year's.
Donald MoLauohlin has assigned to
Tilos. Kelly, of Brussele. A meeting of
the creditors will be held at A, Hunter's
office on Friday afternoon 30th inst.
Jas. McIntosh, his wife and some of
the family are suffering from sickness of
earlobe kinde. They have the sympathy
of all who knows them in their severe
Mrs. (Rev.) D. B: McRae, who went to
Blyth last week en a visit to her mother,
became afflicted with la grippe just after
reaching there, and had to have the
dootor twice to see her.
Some members of Peter Sinclair's (jr.)
family and alsasomo of Peter McNeil's
are attacked with colds and headaches,
a0oumpaniod with pains in the back and
nock. It is supposed to be la grippe.
A great deal of the patent fence sold to
farmers of this township has turned out
a regular fraud as far as standing the
wind storms is concerned. The old
stake and rider still carries the palm.
On Mondaynight of last week an in.
tereating debate took place in S, S. No. 8,
when the question "Which is the more
pleasing teethe eye, Nature or Art?" MS
mach ventilated, ending in a decision in
favor of Nature.
Jane F. McNair mid Bobooca McNair,
two pupils from S. 8'. No, 8, orate success•
fill at the entrance examination, and the
latter, particularly, dooervos praise, as
she has only been 10 the Fourth cease
since the summer holidaye. Good for
you, Rebeeca..
Tho pupile of S. Sc No, 8 wore asked by
choir teacher to prepare a program for a
I'tiday aftornoon entertainment last
week. Accordingly they appointed a
P°fkafl?.—In Brussels, on 111Olo ley, Jany
`05th, Matilda T., infant daughter of
Vateiti and Annie Frain, aged 7
Enc9n.—I3a Grey, on the 19th last., James
Blank, oaly sd}iof Themes and Annie
Edgar, agdtll2i'eare,• 4 months and
5 days.
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Butter, tubs and rolls
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Hay per ton...
Pork ..
Hides per lb
Salt per bbl.,
Sheep skins, each
Wool, per lb.
) Inn 011Y PO50011 or e110118 00111118 01'
removing any timber oil' hot 4, 0511, 8, Gray
towushi p. 30.9 THOMAS McQU13 DN.
The Council of the Corporation of rho
County 01 Huron will moot n h1 tbo Court
House h1 the :Gown of Gedeeloh on Tuesday
the 25011 lust/let, PETER All AM SON,
,lan. 19th, 1800. County 01ork,
Double Linos loot between Iirusaele
and Jamestown, on Monday e"on011, The
findm' will greatly oblige by leaving them at
A. M. May & Co's store, liens+els, at 0ne0
Tr. if WAi, AlcitELVE Y.
7G 82
78 82
53' 37
943 26
l 54
W 15
17 00
5 50 86
85 00
6 00 'f 00
4 80 5'10
2 il•'
1 26 00
60 1 00
18 20•
alersrOT20N' uAZbS-
Tnan8Dty, JAN. 80t11,—Farm stook, im•
plementa, &o, on lot 10, eon. 6, Grey
Sale to commence at 1 p. m. Henry
Attwood, prop. A. Reymann, aunt.
8951111091, Ares 25tH.—Valuable stook
and implements, in Brussels. Sale at 2
o'clock p. m., sharp. Robb. G. Wilson,
prop., Arthur Veal, mot.
For terms and other nar'tioulars ask Ter
circular at my Drug and Book Store. Should
yon wish to sell his heifer calves I am pre-
ps1t''od to may as high as 818, a000riting to
mi711ing qualities of their dame,
26.11mbs G. A, BRADMAN, B vessels,
Central Hotel, Brussels,
TUDSDAY, January 28th,
w),0,0 110 can be eoosultod on all 051100 e
135000008 0f bard emcee,- Connnmption, Oat•
errla,Astlrma,&c„treated by inhalation of
eomrnitLoo °onsistin of ]�.l9VfnNair Medicated V„.;.nrs, 3.11rNervette debility and
g , Ail privy 0. ,epees posildvnly Mod In e few
Ad lin Bowerman, Jas. .;i Went ,5n,.i Wm. dale. 0090:7,7 h.7'Ia11,,511].
1''ulton, who h1m8liately set to work, and 411 . lea.reMidtarMe.
LJ' of the undersigned, lot 34, eon. 10, Gm,
about Sept.let, two yearling Heifers, red and
white in color, The owner is requested to
prove property, pay 0xpensee and talcs
Mom away. (0140. Afo11AY, 25.49
the prelniaao of the undersigned, lits
10 Audi?, con, 10, Grey, about Nov, 17, a
grizzly gra y Moor. T'be owner may have the
MOM by proving property and paying ex-
penses. 111115. lt. 1i1(JWAI, Oraubrook, P,0
L1TAc.)0 TO GOI"d1' I&.
k Loaves Brussels every morning instead
of 59o014se formerly, and interne fromGerrie In the evening. This rule will be ad-
hered to until further notice.
S. WALSH, Proprietor.
Notioe is hereby given that the outstand-
ing amounts due the late firm of Hayorott &
Turnbull, Brussels, must be settled by anth-
er oast or note forthwith. The books aro
at Dickson & Hays' Office and they aro au-
thorized to giye roceipts for monies paid. 14 -
All parties indebted to the estate of the
late Andrew Currie are requested to settle
the same by the 28th inst. After that date
all unpaid olaimg will be oolleoted by ppro-
Brussels, Oot.15,1e89. 14-tf
of the undersigned, lot 80, con. 17,
Grey, on or about tone let, a yearling heifer
and a yearlong steer, both red in color. Tho
heifer has some gray hairs. The steer .has
Borne white on hind gnrrtore. The owner is
roqueetod to prove property. pas ex ane0e
and take them away 28.8 ROUT. BERRY.
PATENTS Caveats, Re -issues and Trade
. Marks emend and all oth-
er patent eanae6 in the Patent Office and
before the Courts promptly and carefully at-
tended to. Upon receipt of model or sketch
of invention, I make careful examination,
and advise ae to patentability free of charge.
Fere mode0ate,and 1 make no charge nnloe5
patent is 800nred. Information, advice and
spenial reforenoes sent on application. J.
R. LITTELI,, Washington, D.00., U.B. Patent
02800, 314
13511el0NE1 hoe several good tenting for
sale and to re nt. may terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey. 1, S. SCOTT. Brussels,
Ron farm (known as the Bishop farm.)
Lot 5 con. 10 and Lot i, con,11. Grey, will bo
rented for a term of years. It is in an ex-
cellent state of cultivation, Pooseaelon given
on or before April lat. For further artiou-
lare apply to JAMES FERGUSON, Bruesela,
27.11 or FERGUSON BROS., Toeawator,
Lot 12, Con. 10, township of Grey
Hnro8.00, There aro100 acres, 56 acres of
which Are Cleared and in good state of oniti-
vation. O8 the farm 4e a stone house and
frame barn And frame stables, a good bear-
ing orchard .28415 good well of water, For
furtherpartio8lafe apply to the proprietor
on the premise,(. JOHN $'1z`r01$N�', Bradeate', 0,
.1. eomm= offers his Mato .100 aero
farm., being lot 8, eon. 18, 0rey 'rCqq iphipp,,
Huron Co., for sale. There ±d about 50
aoree cleared and in good heart. 011tlro it e
209 Oconee, geod bank 510,00 bea11i14 dial kd,
and all ilio n000esary conventenees' oh the
ppromises• For furthepr articulare, ad t
T1 08,EI8LOP, ClarelP. 0., to N.W T . lof td'
28, con, 5, Grey, containing 100 neat, 15
acres cleared, under grave, and the balance
timbered. About 70 aoree of dry land and
the balance cedar and black ash swamp
There is a log house on the premises. Will
be sold on v cry reasonable terms aeroprie-
tor does not require the lot. For further par-
tionlare apply to BORT. MoLAUGHLIN,
Oranbrook, P.0. or ALEX. ,HUNTER, Bru0-
sole. 10
1112/0100 0D' 3lilors for sale tbo north
east quarter of lot , concession 0, Morrie,
County of Huron, o utainiug 50 acres. The
land is of first qual 'y and In a high state of
oultivatiou. well Maimed and under -drained,
13 acres cloarod, New frame house, 8 rooms,
Milk house with concrete walls, 2 wells,
Mod barns and shed orchard, etc. Eight
aures of fall wheat. This desirable property
afteins the corporation of Brussels, Suit-
abib terms will be given. Title perfect.
38- Seaforth P.0.
Morrie, on re¢e0nable terms, In order
to close the affairs of the estate of the late
W. G. Hih eton, the ex00151000 offer the fol-
lowing valuable lands for tale North
half of Dbt 20, Ooneoesion 5, Township of
Morris,mintaining 90 90000. 011 thin lot is
erected a good frame barn with stone foun-
dation, g00d orobard, well andpomp, Near-
ly endeared,
ear-lyalloleaxed, and is on the grave road
eloaely adjoining the village of Brussels,
This farm ie'a valuable ono, is well fenced
and in a good state of cultivation. Per
pprince and tame apply to 70008. KELLY,
Brussel; P 0., HRNRY JENNINGS, Victoria
Square P. 0., Or'JAnrue SMITE, :Maple Lodge
P. 0 Mi:1010505 ()Minty.
Notice -to Oreditorg.
111 the matter of'Dbeleeri IvfcL,wonratz', of
the Township of, Carey, in the Connie!of Huron, Farmer, Insolvent,
Pepper's Drug Store,
Peppers Drug Storer
Pepper's Drug Store,
Pepper's Drug Store,
tn'.Ithllt91'B 111,0(110, 01*bV$3Et.'c.
''10.1900.01 0, 90'o7xc0a.:.
(1 ena(1bu1 awl Uultod States Drafts bought
and sold.
Interest allowed on Deposits,
ColleCtfeie 704d1! e1 favorable tarns,
Ounudhw 15001110—Atr:110trANT'6 I39Nx 01'
Now York Agents— INrearn11s AND Pana
7110 Lceolvont hoe Mudd lin Aesignmeti$ to
me for the benefit of his 'enablers under
It, 8, 04807, chapter 1013. A meeting of the
creditors will be held at' the Oaleoof
A. Hunter, Brussels, on 1nt1Av, the Blst 11'ay
Of January,1.800, at h o'eleek ts, In., for, the
appointment of inepeoti z s and the giving • of
directions for tin dispalti.oltAog 00010.Iteffi,7','
BruSOW s,Jen'y22,1500, • Areignee..
N, h.—Croditore sbould bio their maitre:,
With vouchers, at once, to tttellitatb' tat",
;Needy whldleg up o1 thieeetate.'
• Solicitor and Conveyancer. Collec-
tions made. O10ao—Vane tone's Block, Brue-
sels, 21 -fie °
-v-v- b[. SINCLAIR,
• Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pub-
lio, &c. Odioa—Graham's Bleak, l door north
of Pepper's Drug Store. Private Fuuda to
s Barrietor, Solicitor and Notary Pub-
lic. Conveyancing. Collections and Loaning.
Mr. Wade will attend in Gerrie every Wed-
nesday at two o'olook,
(Late with Garrey & Proudfoot, Gode.
rich,) Barristers, Solicitors, Oonveyanoere,
&a• Offioee—Brussels and Seaforth, Brua
gels ()Moe, Rogers' Block, Main Bt. Money
to Loan.
AM. TAYLOR, B. 0. L.,
• Barrister, Solicitor, &c., of the firm
of Taylor, McCullough & Burns, Barristers
Solicitors, &o., Manning Arcade, Toronto,
Money to Ioau.
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court,
Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent, Fuuda
invested and to loan. Collections made.
Offioe In Graham's Block, Brussels.
Klux's store. 818466 Z. tiG T:, Mc.
• Isourer of Marriage Licenses. Office
at his Grocery, Turnborry etroot, Brussels.
• Tonsorial Artist* Shop—Next door
south of A. M. Mcliay & Oo'e hardware store.
Ladies' andonnaran'e hair cutting a t pecialty
IWA choice stook of cigars kept.
11• Insurer of Marriage Licensee, by
appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commie” -
either, &a., Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent
Fire Ineuranoe Co. Office at the Cranbroo$
Post Oftloe.
undersigned desires to intimate 56 the
people of Brussels sad :surrounding country
that ho has opened a ebaving and hair out.
ting parlor in Smabe'e Block. where he may
bo found ready to attend to the wants of the
public. Good work guaranteed.
The underetgnod deslree to intimate
to the ladies of Brussels and a0rrannding
country that she is prepared to attend to
all orders intrusted to her. Satlsfaotio,
guaranteed. Shop—Up-stairs, one door north
of Walter
arr Jackson's hardware store,
N_A Licensed Auctioneer. Sales tient-loot-
ed on' r6 sonable terms, Farms and rum
steek'a'specialty. Orders left at T11t Poo''
Publishiria House, Brussels, or neat to Walton
P, 0.,-4'lll'rreceive prompt attention.
• Ati5bloneer, 1B always ready to at-
tend sales ol'farme, farm stook, &a. Tarn a
cheerfully Olen. Oranbrook P.O. Sales
may be arrangqed at Tan Pon Publishing
House, Brussels:.
9a1NTTXt$ 13Yi
G. L. Rall, L, D. S. Nitios Oxide Gas ad.'
inabiterod for the Painless Extraction or
Tooth. 74 Gerrard Street'East, 701501590.
Sp 71V' T 115'7' 1
W. J. Pear, L. 0, S., Gyadnate of
Toronto School of Dentibtry. All
operations guarantee(!. 100'Artifloial
tooth, first quality, and a sunamlteed
at, for 812.00 Dor set. Ofhoti—OAD9'e
R> cox, B1A>,orirE.
1)EJN TI✓+1T1-
D1. A.
Honor Graduate of the !loyal College or
BoatelSurgeons, Toronto, Nitrol Oxide Gas
administered for the Painless Extraction' of
tooth. O81oo—•
f2 ONs Doon Nonni 0013MM, lSnussoL9.
WM. F. CALE, M. D., C M.,
Member oT the College of Physician
end Surgeons of Ontario by exaninetionn.
Office uucl Rosidenoe — Alain street Beat,
Ethel, Ontario,
• 0. Ar„ L R, 0.1,„ Lldieburgb, M, 0, P.
S. Ont, At Pepper's Drug Store from 0 to
S1:50 a. an. and 110m 1:50 to 4 p. In, At cruor
home may found at lois residence, form-
erly moulded by Dr, Butebiue0n, Mill St.
(SVC 'PO 7.W , 02311111N, V.8.(,
eirednate and Hotlorary Follow of Ontario
Voterinarryy College,vi11t be Wooed to 'ox-
amiuowith the gr005ee caro mei profoa-
slaral 01ti11 any mike entreated to big
&Lrrgm. 0111,0 and Mine -e11'yy—O'7'rier.'e.'1d
et, ,4,2 doors north of bridge, 'Trrubeery
Me, Ltulraala, AU,
b0 he
4 and