The Brussels Post, 1890-1-24, Page 780 ld yi e h ha 88 of !d .d ro he Is :13+ he a >m nd for rb• is °P, Ido ler ted all. ys not =ry ear ter - he 1110 o'll ave he hie ou ed. Id I do hb. and moo e8ie, 000 ;'tag S.10. 0331, me ago of riak ate ring b be any Ler, a d by es to I he s in free. of le b of peep sting ody Ioto- Im ate• y al - the n is, eeps w oho err, This cons, and (per lyvn aged rove ere wine .at 110 laid thful owed have nitioo •lvot y whioh g the ib the tread n had edea. ,PPyr ties, mat• caries se bo- ohto loh res value) them or ins from 088 he l cure oho night with h when dl In rtun- ogard 1 and ;abed, ,root, Limo pent' f tan- to bo and. 17.AAN. 24,1890. DI ._. A MAN AT VIE .END 01" A RIATA. Tho Gulf Stream as a Social Force. CATOLUN G A SLA'G.E,P0. '('he COnneett018 Ue IP tewol'err lit the,Mlo,l ul alas of Venture. T ]3RtTS$ LS POST: r.,e0wn.. il1t911tgtC.'"Itt'u�a''or1`jr�31rIN A Young Girl s Grief At seeing her charms of face and from deporting, ani 1(01 health Imperiled by. fuuo tionalirregularitleo, at her or:Ilam period t f hie was el a, • ;.t ,t after turned tand r lta e t for jo Y h l rfcf 101 traairn,Lr. with Dr. Pierces 1 ,vrri,o P tec:1f;tion, It purified and 00' rn.'wei her Woe, gave a healthy sot vitt' to h • tidneys, 611l818 h, bowel,, and other ane, nod her worn to robust beolth 1:0 '-fly followed. It is the only nleelielno f r 113 m,0, enei by druggiete, r +:11xII A 1 ':ITit' 8, OrAILISTFE from the mamma :Luxor, Ila[ Is {43+,1 give to 18f'tt8ldn in every ct8', '3+r mono), will 1:' reloaded. fills guaraitcd ,x boon printed on oho bottic•wrappor, and faithfully oorri.d ,m8 for many years, Tho It'>maueegoe order—au order for Ro• man punch. $10,000 Found is an Ash Barrel, A Now York rag•piaker is reported to have found $10,000 in greonbuoke la an (3811 1,x191. Tide was a rare pleas of good look, but stow mu011 no, ' "'unare in the entferir from ucnsnmptfc„ 8..l . learua olio;, although the doctors 1nay have pronon'1 1 hie case hopaleas, Dr, Piorca'o Golden Medical Dio- oovory will cure him. Causump;lon is m earofnlOus disease) 0f the longs, Tho "Din. oavery,' which le the moot potent blood• puriti s of the ago, mikes right to oho root of the evil, and there is no rcoioting it, if taken in time In all acrufulous or other blood tai0t0, akin and lotlp ,lllseascn, old acres and 8W411ings, it le guaranteed to cure, or monoy para far it promptly rafunded, lly dtl'0glsrs. Kind words are liko bald hoodo, they can Inver dye. Dant hawk, and blow. marl opit, but URl Dr. Sogo'm Catarrh 111medy. Sighs and toars will never pay arrears of duty. tivnrnn 1lnnlur and n. of n Ten milts from the isolated ranch of Mutaw'e, Ual., in tho mountains of Ventura, in a 011018 grove of pine93 hangs the drlad ehrivedlod body of a 1931+0 at tho end of a nate. The ghostly Ileo;, swinge, out of reach of the coyotee, and 8'11 vultnroo and bezvlydo aro too timid to meddle with anythlag that moves in the wind, \Vhtu ono of the part0 tbob hunted down and moored "llonar011,' tho great grizzly of the Starr( IS/titre, rode in here read reported that he had found a dead man do the trees of tho headwaters of the Plat, the ranchero and vaqueros ,honk their heads and oaidIt waslmperniblo. He 90rmiet811 la moving that It was so until au old ero0kman took him molds and said : 11 Now, young mats, nom of us woulx pre- tend to doubt yo1r word fur a moment, but W0 can't belUOVO that any dead man lo hang. fug at the end of a (lata PP IN TI(AT 8v1tl)EitNESS• 1f anything cf that soro over had been done hero, we d have hoard of it, and as Veal }118ven'l heard of it, of course lblsimpoositla, I've no doubt you believe It, but I wouldnh say anything more about 10 if I wore you: Tue boar hooter, being a reasonable person, bald no mare, hut what 011 down the Pira on oho troll of Monarch, until he came to the abandoned 088(11100 and placer mine once owned by Mike Brannan. Ou the trail ho met (]•targe S. Woovor, moo the confidon. tial olerk of the Ca110otor of tho Porb of New York, now a Ualitornia cattle man, who gave him Sent thrive of 13rannau'o history, whioh oonite00 him with the big gr'zdy, and perhopo with the dead man of the Piro, A few y0ars ago Br.tnnam and hie partner not the Monarch on the Piro trail and r; only assaulted him with their revolvers. Por. haps they thoughts the boat would otaud up- on Iris hind legs, after the manner of bears in oho stories told by men who rover met n grin's., and so give them a Mama to ohoob at his heart. But a grizz'y does not light that way. H3 is the Sullivan of boasts. There now a roar and to rush. The part- ner, whore name nobody remsmbere, was killed with ens blow, and Brannan Elite through tbo air 13001 fell in o Wall of brush. Before Brannan could got to tela feet the boar was standing Lorene his body with his wick- ed muzzle atom to the man's tape, watching keenly for Signe of life, For a raw moments Brannan tenlain031 pet fogy still, butunahle to endure the euepenee inactive, and fearing thab the boor would renew the abtaok any way ho began to fool oaubionely with hie right bond for his revolver, which he had dropped by his side, outs SLIM= 8107E(5IENT attraoted the hoar a ottent100, With an angry growl he seized Brannan'(' right arm In his teeth, planed his huge paw upon the fano of 0110 prostrate man, and Cora oub the biceps mn0ole. Brannan 0wooned, and knew no more until eorero' hours later, when he recovered oonociousness and found himself alone, lie survived, and had a crippled arm 880 a reminder of him chance meeting with Monarch. Braman 8713 killed not long ago at his mina, and bile oircumwtano0s connected with his death justify something more than a more suspicion (hob he 87180 murdered for his gold. Two men,Elliobb and Snider, wore employed by him to build a ditch on his claim, and one day Elliobb reported that Brannan had fallen foto the creek and boon killed, and that ha and Smfder hod buried the body. The minors to whom this tale was told were not 00(0fiacl to take 1$lliobde word and ab bhoir instigation the body was exhnmad and an autopsy made. lb was found that Brannan', skull had boon °rushed, and al- thoughE.liobt declared thob the wound was mode by the rooks in the creek, it had the 0ppe:ranoa of having been made by au iron bar. Elliott and Snider were arrested far murder and token to Santa Paula tor examination. Snider was a oimplomindod follow, and lb was mode clear that he Ir'tow uothiog about Brannon's death except what Etliobt had told him, Tho evidenoa agalnet Etdtott Ivan circumstantial, but not very otrong, and us the Jastica did 8101 want bo pub the county r the oxpeooe of n trial, Elliot was die- ohargod. But the belief in itis guilt wa0 not removed, and in discharging him tho Jnsbloe doctored that ho retained very strong auntie - ions, and he advisee him to gob out of Von - tura county as quickly as popmble, Etliobt went furtively to a grocer 0, bought) some crackers and ohoese, and diwappwared in the darkness too the road to the Saope canon. A few day0 latera party of buntore stopp- ed at Brannnn'8 place, and in''•one of the deoerted cabins tiny saw whore tho earth floor bad been dug up and a small rgnaro box removed, the hole retaining the *(Taps of the box like a mould, The work had been done by somebody who knew that Mike Brannan had buried a chest of gold dust there. Ono of the hunhert had slept In bhab coign the night that L''lliotb left Scuta Pauls, and the °moth flow( was so hard and smooth that ho did not even dream of the fortune bhab was buried 130nsat1, Elliott was met by a miner on 3+113+0 Phu brat]. Ho went up toward the Mutow, end was seen no more. And a dried mat] swings in tho wind at the end of a rtata over toward the Cnyama, THE BEAtt WAS & PIER.C1E UNE, In AdVenint0 in llungary with Ono N1 the Bruin Tribe, A thrilling advonturowibh a boar °courted a few day; ago al Wallendorf, in Hungary. Who following is the a000unb given b3 Ad • vooate Foster, who, as will be seen, nate rowly escaped with his life : " I wont with sporty of Wanda to the neighboring moun- tains to shoot roe deer. There wore plenty of them, only the doge hounded them away to oho volley beyond, I tom sequently ohangod my place and took my stand at u epob which I know to be 114v0r- ably, Pree01141yI heard the doge owning, but fancied from their bark that b110y were chasing et boar. 1 quickly withdrew my shot oarbridgos and put in bulleto, but what woo my ourprlso to me a huge boar trotting quietly toward me, apparently regardloso of the doge. When with in oevonby paces I fired and saw aim fall, but noverbholoso I thought lb prudent to give him a oeoond bullet, whioh likewise took afoot, I afterward pr0000ded to a hillook cloth by and oallod on my compote lone bub hardly had I rallied my voloo ars oho hear got up and made otraighb for mo, I had just time to reload and fire when 110 It' woe wibhin {Ivo phase of mo, It did not quite finish him off, for he foil upon mo with a terrible howl and kno0lttd me heavily to the ground. I managed to push the bar, role of my gun into his open jaws and fire a second shot. Luckily, (loo, two dogs oame up and mind him from 1101111111. In a loot 08'01(3 he gob my foot between his tooth, and had enough strength loft to bite through mq high boots and 011ghbfy wound my 18131810, Whin my frlan8s 088010 up bho re roatl Mauled to mom 007010te with od$but fortunately ib wan diet of my gy viotintt not my own.1, Tho tutleenno of the groat river of hot orator whioh lime out of the Maxlean (lint l through the Straits of Florida, to moderato and mitigate the wint4r climate of Lilo oaua (ries 14 touohe0, 18 well Immo, 11,13+ for the (lull S:roars the British Isles would he AS 1)10,18 andfro ton as Irdlrador, while Norway onel Sweden would bo but counter- part0 of Greenland. It in We river in the ocean which pouring 3+'O warm water's on tho western motto of h:urep0 makes it babitablo for ei(iiz'-d man nod gives to it far north088n region a clim1Ltp which would othortvlee belong to latitudes much to southward. Thoro aro many theordos as to the origin and oau='e of oho Gulf Stream. Salsntlots 'lave worriod tholr brains over the matter to the extent of fabrl0ating malty Ihcorlva, cob ono of whioh is oatiefaatory to any one hut the theorist himself, Oao intorostinp toot however, has lately bean brought to public notice. It is thot the Gulf Stream, chith heretofore, after following up the Atlautio ooasb of the United States as tar north as Cape Ha080roe and ehaoricg off to the northeastward, to project its current ag lost (ito British moon, to now represented co he h0golug our shore until it rebounds from the mast of Maosaohusette, This is ,ehob Lieutenant) John Downs, of the Uoitod Stabes Navy, says in a mutt assay 111 the Bacton Tranooript, Ile says this has hen going on for the pilot bwo years and hoe hod the afoot of moderating the NeW 1101(3818081 Winton to an extent heretofore unknown. We quote from his atatcmmot (he fallowing ; Probably a nisi tray of those living in the New EOgland Sootoo ab the prp0out time, who have arrived at man's estate, car, with- oub any greats exertion of memory, recall moot vividly the dims, nob 00 many years ago, when winter was a stern reality, and uot, os of lato years, a delusion mod a snar0. In the good old Boys it snow Otorm of any note meant a enation of sleighing for the eld- ers and of emoting for the boys and girls. It was no infrequent thing for (sleighing to oontbnue unintorruptecly for pix weeks and more at a time, I doubt If tl10 poet three winters could, collectively, produce anything like a all weeksperiod of even reep3ptable oloigb ing. In the times of our f a there, judg- ing udg- ing by rhe tales with width our youthful ears have boon regaled, the bond of whiter was sterner and heavier on this land of ours thou in more reoent years. It would seam that our climate, in oammon with that of many other par01 0f the world, (.p undergoing a gradual change. The wonderful eonb(0st between the two years j eat paned and their preti0oee0ors for many ydar0 book, 110wevor, oaunot be e000untod for by this gradual change in olinlato; the 00118e for eo sudden and violenb a departure from the ordinary oonree of events moot be soughp olsowhero, and nuloes the lifelong studies and oxpari mento of eoiontiabs era to go for naught ors shall not have very far to go from our own doors to emceed in our seatoh. Then follows hie observations on the reported change in the Gulf Stream. If obis bo foot it is worthy of the moss care - tui study. No good reason ham ever been git'on for the propulsion of this hob river through the Atlantic Ocean in the dlreotlon it token, If the Golf Stream were nothing more than the escape of the wn3+ore that have been " banlc0d up' in the Caribbean Sea by the easterly trade winds, as some of the soientlots hold, why should the outflow take and maintain all the characteristics of aswifb and voluminouo river, inetoad of spreading out over the surface of the sea 1 The conaluelon is irroeioteble that there ie a force whioh not only per jooto these waters wirh groat euergy lobo the vast body of the North Atlantic, but maintaino them through- out their course for throe thousand milos or MOM Toe Gulf Stream, as is well known to navig1110ra, is outjoab to temporary disturb- ances from trho aotten of long continued winds, but the flaotuatione so caused are ex. tremely Inconoidorable in comp(3rieon :with the changes now reported. 14 a diversion so dooldod and matkpd has oaourrod in the mune of the Gulf Stream then it is evident that some proeound alteration has taken place in tbo forces thah have produced and maintained this notable flaw. If there has been caused 00 distinguished a ohange iu the climate of New England other climatic modifioations mush be wrought elsewhere, I11 has boon said thab any div arsion of the Golf Stream away from the .British oboroo would do more to achieve the overthrow of British power than have the united efforts of the nations in all the eight hundred and odd year's that have elapsed since the Nor- man oosquesb, If England were converted into a Lobrador, and the Sc0ndinaviao countries wore made tote another Green. lona, the seat of Dominion would bo re- moved from Northern Europe and bho Old World oivilizotion revolnolonizact The Gulf Stroam is trulya moot and hb arbiter of national destin. Ihabfil000bea and devoatotem oonlInanbs at its. will. It is from our own South that there go forth bho forces whioh have made pooeible the greato08 (8.0810 Alan of modern times. That whioh moires can unmoko. OUGHT TO SE h1ARRIED• An Engllsh'Clergymatl'e Native Description or Alis Housekeeper. The Eollowiug advertisement] 10 from bho Oxford 3+0111 1nglead) 'Guardian 1 `IA bonefiaad clergyman oanooneolonbiouu- 1yy recommend ayonnh+ hely, bottom twenty- tltroe and twenty -lour, as a superior house- kooper. Sho poee00sese two rare qualifiaa• tiono, being donleobioabod and aaoomplish- ed.. "She oats play and sing, and knows praotiOally how to 000k a nioo dinner with 000nomy and punctuality ; playa the her• menlum at Ohurolc with much toots, and can slag any difficult music ab eight, Is an early rleer. Known how to drive. A total abstainer from ovary kind of inboxioabing drinks from her ohildhood, "She is nioe•looking, bright and 01ee0fui; no gossiper; highly intolloatual, bub un- assuming: qulok correspondent mad a good grammarian. "A brother olorgyman, or an iofluonbial laymen, or a lady in need of a confidential, oompOnionable housekeeper, would not bo di0appointcd, Her commanding prooenoo and misdeal, utbraohivo demeon80 aro appro. dated by rich and poor. "She has now twenty 870 guineas a year and d0servo0 010(0, A native of Surrey and of a respectable family. Satlohootory refer• onto to a county magistrate and his wife. Addroos, Reotor of Ingoldmollo, .Llaoln• shire," Such a epooimen an this nativ0 of a re• opeotable family should be snapped up with• oub delay. Seven Years Of suffering tenoned in as many days. Op much 0Por- a no nnuso in the aggregate s Cr t is the magic inq as any Dingle disease.I g oolvonb powor of Putnam's Corn Extraotor that makes ib opood(ly suooeos((tl in remota, Ing corns. Take no subabibtzte, howovor highly reoommondod• Ptthnam s Paiaioos Corn 1873+88110tor is the best, ,Sure, saf0, and patuloss, flet tuts ('rnwdrd 10, to 1'100 e1 A-1nicht Ica! Small to hold Them. Latton from t he tar 1ndu oration '' e 0ayn the 1.011C100 ").17 News," paroltnny$ ' of nu intportaut captnro of a slave 11,10+1 mads a low uaei8a ago by her 11+ 0� stammer Reindeer, Lem of hzr board, nay 81 n ollart00 of a petty LID tor, war pr uerrlfuisi intu;Chakichaki llay,10 the blond of l'4mh:' • whoa n dhow LVr,8 ":haerve,l making for 10 (poor harbor. Thetih:arimmodiatoly hoard, ed her and woe 80rprl0ed to tin(' that. allh"ugh tho dhow woo a Small ono, a largo number of olavto were poked foto her like herrings in a barra1; so 0rt;wdoel, in to:ho'as the craft tlt,tt the t di:or was utl,tbis to coaly tho 01avo3 ac00rat01y, mud he at 01300 (ow, -d, tbo dhow toword the Reindoor. The eleven and the crew worn transferred to her Majesty's steamer Pigoor, and the dhow nal sent to Bombay, where she woe hands(' over, to the court, Ib ,vas then discovered that the wool had on board no fewer than 111 *lows, Tho to - 808887 before) the Prior Court olleitod the In 10rmation that the dhow left Llndl with oho slaves on brand, the ma0*r of her having boon promisor! 10 rupees a bead for every 01ave landed alive at Pemba. Daring his voyage he prised thrca of her .J'1:j'sty '0 ships —the Algerinr, the Pigeon, and toe Boodlo0o —and moved alarm in each 10s.an00, en : was fast mlkieg pr0(1ar8tlnna col,oud his o'0ptiveowho t t1te Reindeer's boat overhauled him. Totdhow hue been destroye.l h; „1,1,31 of theonnrt, her Captola and crew aro is pri eon, and an amount ('84ttiote11 at £5 a bead 1„t the010010 nut £n 13+:(3 for iht dhow wid be divided among; tern alutin;nder, the [floors, and mon of the Rin3'er. The name of the di10w waft the elananri, and the elavuo were only a detachment of a very large caravan, numbering Home six huudrod captious, and were awned by S vett hen Eaal and Rwhich who remained at Lind! intending to follow in other dhows with the residue of tho doves, Of these sent on in the Mansnri the greater number had been taken In a battle hatwoon two tribro at Nyao and sold to the alma morohtnta, Esau and Rashid ; the others ware stolen from their houses at Uyassa and Eogendo. Takin(1 a New Slaver. Letters from the Blab India station give particulars of an 11nportanb 00piure of n slave dhow made n tew weeks ago by H. M. S. Ratndear. Dao of her bents, in Margo of a petty c tfi tet. woo proo0eding into Uhokiohoki Bay in theisland of Pomba, when et dhow was obatrved making for the inner harbor. The cffioar irnmodtataly boarded her and was surprised to Eod that, although the dhow was a moan one, n large number of slaves wore peaked into her like horologe in a barrel; no crowded, in foot, was the craft that the cili.lcr was unable to count the slaves aoourately, and at onoo towed the dhow towards the Reindeor. The slaves and crow were transferred to le. Al, S. Pigeon, and the dhow wan sant to Bombay, where oho was handed ever to the court. 16 was then disoovored that the vos0el 11ad on board no fewer than 124 stoves. The imgttiry before the Prize Court elicited the information that the d,,ow loft I3ndt with the slaves on hoard, the mn0tor of her having beau promlootl ten rupees a head for every slave landed olive at Pomba. Daring hie voyage be passed three of her Mojesty'o ships—ohs ttlgorino, the Pigeon, and the Broadd00a—and osoaped search in eauh inat0nae, and woo just making prepay ablons to land his captives whop the Roindeer's boat overhauled him. The dhow has been doetro3 e1 by order of the oourb, her OAptai8 and crew are in prison, and au amount calculated at £5 a bead tor the slava and £5 oton for the dhow will be divided among the crew of the Reindeer, The name of the dhow was the Mansur!, and the ,loves were only a dot oohmonb of a very large caravan, numbering some G00 °apbloop. and were owned by SOyodel ben Esau and Rashid, who romoined at landi intending to follow in other dhows with the residue of tho slaves. Of those sent on in the Msnuri the groatseb number had boon taken in a babtla between bwo tribaa at Nyco and sold to the 01avo meruhants, Esau and Rabhid ; the oilers were stolen from Uyatoa and Engendo. The silly Girls, "Girls are no good anyway,” said little Johnny ; "they ain't got any 001100." How's that P" asked Merribb, "Baoaus0," wa3 the reaeonabl0 reply,'"ae mon as their stockings got big enough to hold a lob of things, they stop hanging them up" If you should happen to want your ear0 pioraod, just pinch the baby. Dakota. Tho thriving town of Langdon, county soot of Cavalier County, Dakota, is our - rounded by thousands of aortae of choice government land. Country settled chiefly from Ontario. Seouro a farm from the government land. For further informabion, mops, rate°, 11*,, apply to F. Y. Whitney, fa 1'. & T. A. SO. Paul, Minn , J M. H8018 ns PalmerP House, PTortnbo, Regret not 70eberday, despise nob today, depend not on to -morrow. All Men, younar old, or middle-aged, who Lind them• aelve0 nervous, weak And exhausted, who are broken down from 0x0000 or ovo(work, resulting in many of bho following symp boots : Mental deprossion, premature old age, lona of vlbolity, loco of memory, bad dreomO, dimneeo of eight, palpitation of the heart, omiseinn0, lack of energy, palm in the kidnoyo, headache, pimpleo on the fano or body, itohing or peculiar seneatton aboub the oorotum, waobing of 4110 organs, dlezln000, spooks before bho oyes, twitohing of the muscles, eyelids and olrowbero,baohfulnoe0, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tendorneso of thermals, and sputa, weak and flabby misoles, desire to sloop, Latium to be rooted by Bleep, constipation, dullneos of hearing, loss of voice, desire for sol(tudo, exoitabiltty of temper, sunken °you our, rounds(' With MIAMI 010001.10, oily looking okln, oto„ aro all 17mp0018 of narvou0 debility that load to insanity and loath un' lose cured. Tho spring or vital fordo )laving loot its tension every funotion wane in own sequenoe. Theon who through aimed oom. mitred in (gnomon rorty be permanently mired, Send your addr000 for book on all dis0180o0 9000111 r to mon.. Address M. V. LDnoo, 50 Front Street Hoot, Toronto, Ont. Books 00(111 fro� 60610+3, BEAM DTSt.ASE, bho oymptomo of whioh aro faint spoils, pur_. 3,o 13+ o, numbness, palpitation, skip boats P P p tat flashes, (nth of 1110011 3+0 Wto head, dull pain in oho boast with heats otrong, rapid and irregular, bho s000nd heart boat quicker than the flra0, pain (8(301011 the broaeb bouo, oto„ eon positively bo cured. No Mire, Ito pay, Send for book, Address M. V. LU.BON, GO ktoat 8troo1 ]East, Toronto, Qua, La Grippe or influenza. A prevoutative and Dura. brick St, Loon \Voter vary freely; if attacked. If in the bead, snuff up the nostrils. \VIII allay rhe malady q dioltiy. Moray se declare daily lteasene—Ss. Lion 0011801010 the grand ab. sunburns, and mo doatroys the nliorobes. Hakes pu-e, rioh blood, oto, Tho food 110 eat Locke the absorbents, thus is health im- paired and life ser1011017 endangered. 10.P. 485 ar+ annant:m+s'star..cv,xr arnorrata"mstammanrrao Z took Cold, took Sick, r To. .1: I: '>;' L7': 1 take v Meals, I take IEy Rest, Ant r ANT V10,1110('S 1818011,:11 TO YAK % 1 ANY•r10(1(0 I CAN LAY JIY HANDS O5; r getting 'lot ion, BOB SCOWS Emulsion of Pure Cod Livor Oil • and klypophosphitesofLimeand' Soda NO'C 000'71 11.11111) MY Inch,- ,, 3 lent Conidlnlonpti(ln r.O8 Irt'11.1' ) ) 111E Ur, AND IS 871.389 mortise -4 ) 8 FLESH 051 MY SONES 8 . AT 7'111t R.1'Vit 3'l' .t 1'11e:D .t DAY. 1 8'1'Al(18 ("l'oes's' AS 1:AS11.81 As I D" M11.1(," iBtn3+Emulsion s'put up v'nlV to Enmnn color wrappers. .�l by all 1)rugg(sla u3+ ( 1 50c. and Stan, 1 SCO TT L',, Ili-,WV'R, ieoen-h' '. ) ti t ia1 Lida FOR ('lti l'1'L Alt. AD1111(839, J. DotAiy & SON N,,rthl•a-e Ate. Toronto. Out. or 3+3 E?l�.ru n fl A 1 r,NT 4,1t10 t 15111 it 1 1. ton 43+ 01 p sine, 01 exist Ind blah 11 ,•, 1 134;4 , Cr 00 1)'1 „nen 811 *qv!,to ssr;r. • L 1,4.1 08811110 3101107 at LeweoO t Lrt 1•nO lintel or In tarns 14903 +131"rum 3+'1 r; .t113+ the LOND3N & CANAD1r N 10A11 & AGENCY CD'Y 1, E. Mina 43140.0O(, 103 BAY ST., - TORONTO, THE BEST FOOD To tone up aft.er an attack of Cold or INFLUENZA 15 f 6)] • 4mo!Jou E v:7,31,-14 .rix' J '' The Groat Strengtia-Giver. tS.R ®I OF In 1800 THE HOME SEEKER THE HEALTH -SEEKER THEM talret 100 free acres in this fon1011011iik 13.ver \'allay of Mun:aua, r0.al:ed L; the MANI- T.'IkA RAIL,t'AY. taloa the MANITOBA to rho lake( and wno:i0 of he Northwest, 13+' len(, 1108(128881081038014 Broad• Water Sapi%arinm. THE FORTUNE SEEKERtepee oho MANITe11A to the glo'•lous opportuni. ties of the four um Sratoo, 181808 tap IseattITOn, t0 1 0 ,101.0 the Groat Fails of the Miseourl, takes oho Mao -nook through the grand001 econery of Amerioa. tn18ee the Af8Ntro0A Moot, Dining and Sleeping Cur lice to 8hancsota, North Da- kota, South Dakota, Montana and the Pool. lla Coast, THE MANUFACTURER THE TOURIST THE TRAVELLER ll THE TEACHER ANYONE GOODGOODAGENTS (1` 031 Oat. 53nd far Illus• 1 3+r 13+05 On1nlogue and terms. Addrea?, dI1tYERS IIR:?., 57 Obruru° 4Y., Toronto. LADIES ignwn10o'1001118\(8CHv, o(ho Lst rSonmply Lee. Tamura, h 181(1,mcndS'W., rorontoCOLo rese tLmustaso A S'T 1-1 MA CAN BE CUt3ED. a trial bo(bin xeut.b'rnn to anyonenfllicted. Das. TAFT 13105., Itneh,oter, N.T 00,17811300800Pp00(01114, "1(002, P' f�f,��`j� n G 111. IICSI(c 0Alt1, 11.!),, t� 017 A 9 d re) se u,f la ..V. No.aJ Mara ., a , (rlJ1F1A0(5R0t9 oma make money during variation YY3+t. by nnnva0oing for ono or more of our fast selling Books and Bibb 0 especially Dietary of Cr nada, by W. tr. Withrow, 1).D, latest sod beet edition 00,1 lIubliebed, prim low, terms liberal, 'WIN les luetrnt,xt ciroulnrs and terms. WM. IIE1008 Publt-her 'r.vonen... 1 16 DAY,. -4= m 1 A � ��^ rospeendda lvnrk for met 004 women. Address T. N. Seu11'ruttr, 4 34010110 Street West, Toreuto. , 0 jos Gutllmltoed etre 0ur0 tar long - Standing Coughs, Colds, eon els youeta [ding mio g1 r A T.,lo animist oche for It or 8010 3+1 ue Oo, noother.13+ 0. onto. ER Oo , Druggists, Toronto. The Great Ottoman Blood Remedy Gnarantood to afire all dhows et oho blood whotber brought on by hldiscreti'a and oosoos or arising from norerltary onu,ea. 1'7111 remove p1111. Was and blotch's from the ekrn and by 3,•.s Invieomt• Iag notion upon the blood, ro,bOro tailing p00001 and build up lh3 03 'torn of (hoer ordering from meting 4(900,0, MOO 51 par bot(in. AddrmOO, Ottoman DV Alaino 00.. Arad Building, Toronto. UI:LI.11 1Llff9031*30 COLLEGE, Guelph Ont—The ,txth scholastic) year begins Sept. 200, An Art Departmm,t hal been oddest in which Drawing and Woodcarving will ho taught ho the moat noted epeolaltmt In the Dornirdon, Our Short land 1)oinrtm0nt hoe naoomp118hed phenomenal to auks. We lead oho van lo ?rootlets} Eduoat(on. M. HAa0011.14101[, Prin0lpnl, CASINGS,—Soneoo 1550 1.10%n SAUSAGE h pO(018ti0nm of Eeolelr 5henpe Alueet Amoria0,l l og`OtIoingb Orders filled for (illy desired qunn(.Oy, 10,1801101 price JAMES 1'AICIi & SON, 41 to 47 Sb. Lowrance Market, Toronto, Ont BARKER'S SHORTHAND SCHOOL, 886 Irma [street East, Toronto, Formerly, • rnetItuto intor ncon motion witore h the 0onodio 1 So lant. nos llntverotty Typewriting Department under the management of Mr. GE0, 8CN001.1001, agent or the Remington Typowrlter. Apply for alrentnr. hien [ten this paper n writing. CONVERTIBLE WIRE BASKET. , s. \\ `=, MARVRLOUS 1 GGGMOP 8. i 'n van vnrtrd ase 09000 f lnbe eon Into 100 us5 ul0nt,00r,1 not tehnpna. Ir. t,a Lamp Into f r Water r Vrt (' fq.{v r 1 noir r 1 S Yr ('r lilt 01 end, nr,l �rrCl a IR 1)n r (teeter, r, mid innumerable other , 00,,U'l that al existetnddam (11401119 0un0e, 0110 re) 038 $10 nor lty. r 000I,0 mg 01 Ago lta Link° 6 amt en pe' day. trought eagerly by nil 110010. f'nd at nnen farl0rin Street, • ' rlr, (AaSegr°On Pili QC 00„ AS Vie slrrr , tl'nhwnto. t1,1ontlpatins paper.) oeto;0. A9t off WOW, 4 THE BOILER INSPECTION A j111OiN5URANC� 00. OF CANADA. Rotabiu.hed for liu' prrventle, 01 NOeam (3;1181 nxplu N -^,t 3+1 ,rater l343(0'3,;88883. 1810 0,1(10 O'&M,'axt14 18.1 .,11.1.k.. proven. 81 09 1)01140((, Pr.Oldrnt Dead Onlrr • yorwatn St., Toru11 410 Ont. ('ONSPIA 1N1r 13 A1INO.r;tt8 and SOLICITORS OF PATENT Oxe O.naua, Chief 1131('3+ ,08. I A. Fa ureft, $ "y, THE ALBERT TOILET SOAP COY' TRr1NORARRNT CARBOLIC ACID TOILET EOM Is pleasant to use. It heals the skin, and de. stray: insects and germs' on the hail` of man di.. beast, Chcapest Lad EhT l'L.t.0 In Aweri:'a to 11n hand and Atuxh'al le trumer:t% Annie fie Address, WYIHALEY. ROYCE d CO„ 15 on .'+l rr(t, Torun to „nd far t3 olaaue. (Grids D 41 U'listzed 11 (0 hero m Canada. Iq, 0.0 Pitres. Mc;Causlaiid & Sony 72 TO 76 KiNG &6EET WEST 101sONT0 LorRest stook �-... ALLAN___�-....� ._ 0000... .....,.- LINE ROYAL IILUIr M_T_ELU8YIPs. THE PIONEER CAN )IAN LINE And still to the front Hi vomit to the provision wait for the safety and retain rt of Its monomers. Weekly Settings ltrllt'ee,e. Liverpool, Stns. cow used the St. Lawrence .0 Fortnight., lyServtoom tram t.oudnn, during k'+urater Liverpool .11311 Staamara run between Liverpool 830,1 Portland on via Halifax darn( 0,103(1,. Glasgow Po 000010(8 eat( lag at hbut the tear to alffaxn and Pnnadalplda, Dull, lag 03+ 11th pmts and nrt' e0 (auto. for rrte0 01 pa" sono and o her Information on npply't e Il. (1)0,1100, ser )(nn nod Yo lgo8(raots,Torooto ; n' C A Alton, (510011011, Or to the local agents kV o taken the 118101x003 ctteop tx'untie n0 from S5, Paul to Lako A1in- netoltk1, the Pork ire• [icr,t'ho Groat (Akre, Tho R'class, the. Na- tional Park, the Pauifla Ocean, jatifornia mud Alaska. will receive maps,books and guides of the re- gions reached by the St, Pouf, elinneapella l el:mi'.oba Rlllwuy, Loy lyricism to \' bitnoy, G,1' d T A., St. Pout, Minn, or to J. el. Hankins, C.P.A. Toronto. Provident Litt( .nd Lite Stook Assoli CHLEF 01!1rICE, ROOM D, ARCADE, - TORONTO, GJ NADH (INCORPORATED.) A llitttnal Benefit Association. • SOLID '\9T.3Ty0l1NT—flyi" nyy-ina to e ohovu Aasoelotloa. 00(3 CENT PER DAT, a person aged OA'en0y'Owo, and two coats per y a parson aged • forty four on secure Five Dollars psi (reek %hila disabled through 0ieknas or accident, so for two and three [mots par day, persons aged as above can tenure ter thole dependants, 1'Ivo Hundred Dol,arr la ovunn of death. LIVE Src('l( OWNERS eon provide aphid by death through discrete or occident of their stook at easy rates, Thoselntoreatsd, tend for prospectuses Me. Ratable Agents wonted 19 unrepresented 410. 101009. WILLIAM JONES 1tcnacina ply tato°. ,au 4LC A @ neat ,`d,VN * CAI RED TO TII85 EDITOR :—Please inform your renders that I have a positive remedy Carth(1 above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently inured. 1 shall to goad to send two bottles or my remedy FREL' to arty of your readers who have con- sumption If they will send me their Express and Past Office Address, Respectfully, T. A. SLOGIAWle, M.C., 180 west Adelaide St., TORONTO, ONTARIO. STANDARD CHOPPING USES BEST FRI:NCI'1 BURR f^' M111.STONES FINEST011100ER (0101 VOntn 00(1(000041 PLATES/as IM Ina MILLS MILLS. STOWS WILL LA51' A LIFE TIME `'(1 30Ut vi • EN. C?-BRAN11•0110CANADA -- J33EPH MABOIUCH WRITES FROM MOHRISIN PA. Nounslnsl 20ru, 18511. Naw 11,00 I hive p 11)81301 to: 11 you Ono of your nttlderd Pan:h Garr Oh IT ng hpW, 810810g to on it an ptr0 (4/0130ray (1:111er, 1 hive no ohlea. Mau to tell you tha5 Ere plater used 1n the Iron Grinder SW $1 ad, sad latterly- b 11$1.00 per pair. 1s of 0001$1100 .rort9 Ito winter, Oooaslonally o plate would Inst a ,rook, bah sometimes nob over ova or tato hour 8, 71te pace at ter mlll was anon, math 0h00por Llo l.r71lel, 1111 (3 3+h, is 1 wit a very nmoh dearer PAIL II -11411:1A tl(3t Iraq Orindon: ora onlyetat. able (or hrnnrs ail 118',3 av43' (mall %nonfat of ohopping to do for their own um. J, OMAN & 01., M\11144111I, Q'JE, WRITES; NOv8100a Otto, 1530. 99,030111 tool iodine to 40113311 for not writing Sooner, had I n 13+ loan tau bort' and my dollra to give the 20 Inch ;Dialled dull a fair trial beton writing.. 81 a0,01st happy 3+) Otte that I a01 onbleolyaatio. 3311 with the 01111, It 110801 eel mild week, Fi11C SAi,E. Tara Na. 0 Emu (3lnaerl at 010.1(0 oaah, throe No. 2Iran (:latrine, $.1•e0 oath, all In good order nod 0lla now plates. .i *n ORGANIZED I501. -- HEAD OFFICE', TORONTO 5t1t11181RAlit, .\141`1;98 711180050 TRAILS A3L4aal Li4TCUI�TB'lE+ih�'I'$3 & 1 oIL Free train all restrictions as to residence, travel or occupation. Pald-up Policy and Gash Surrender Value Guaranteed in each Policy THE NEW ANNUITY ENDOWMENT POLICY A10110RD8 ABSOLUTE 1'100T1t(10100 AO0t.1NST - — EARG.V�--- 1'rovidas m3+ 1:naonlo to old 0gn, And le a good Ino Policies are flOndoNCltablo after the payment of bwo !31110,11,001 Premium. prod0s whioh aro unexcelled by tiny 0 'moony doing buah,eal In Omuta, ore alleontod ovary five years tram 1110 (01l(r °tatopotioy, or at longer periods as maybe Wetted by the insured. P1t/15''i'h4 411 ALI,Ot.,(1'1 D ora ;1(39015;7'14. 111111 not Ilnblo to b0 radnerd ar recalled 1a10 nay future lime under 11113' errellnln11111et'a. •e t 0 pop acts Oro profits ,r i 1 7, 0,14lre the Policy 1 a 3+/3160 0 conned o not legs pore . t r t, el p 18 wwLed r mac class, and for the poet men veers /me aottrallp reeatued ad percent, as the prorlts 8o owned. 0. MACDONALD, J. Ii. Al ACDONALD, A O'TIMILY. 834AlrAG1N0 Driceno1, THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES. h. GIVENAWAYYEARLY. 1 1 yr 1 When n Out'i+ 1 ,I 1e t ..1. UI y merely to atop (;hem fora 111;;;:1110.:: hove ttom rath'n'tlrnit, 1MRAN �ItRAOtOALCUR 1E, lhomemade the disease ofmu, Cpllepey or Fa Il ig Slokno0o n Iiia -song study, 1 warrant my remedy to Cure oho worst casco. Because others Iowa tailed Is no reosoo for not now' ra0elrin0 h 0(110. Send at once for a treat se to d a Free bottle of my Infallible Remedy, Give. ammo and Pont Office. rt costs you 1100110 /110 04 tr0.aI, and. It wIll core yoot._, Addres0 ("811 Rt fLijalrip Klsoil pennon office, 800 WEST ADELAIDE STREATf TORONTO{ .,,,"'o2 0_000.. _..._....._._.......