The Brussels Post, 1890-1-24, Page 4Oset
set l!
New Advertisements.
Local—Adam Good.
Auction sale—A.II'emter.
Medical visit—'Dr. Phillips.
Caution --Thomas McQueen.
Money to loam --J. 0. Heffernan,
Bankrupt sale,-Seerff & Ferguson.
Notice to endi'ors--'Phomas Kelly.
'Cu ` rxtssels `host,
I+IBDAr, J.•1 \', 24, 1890.
celyt -It.
Last Sunday Rev. Mr. Edge, of Olin.
ton, 000upied the pulpit of the Methodist
church here. He's a good preacher.
Le grippe played havoc with both our
public, school and ohurohee. Rev. Mr.
McLeen was unable to occupy his pulpit
last Sabbath.
The following are the officers of the Y.
P.C.A. in connection with Trinity church :
Miss Annie Shane, Pres. ; Lizzie Buoh•
anan, Vice•Pree. ; Mise Ruth Jones, Sec-
retary ; John A. Brownlee, Treas.
Se1g rave.
On Wednesday of last week the resi.
lents of East Wawanoeh were shocked
by the intelligence that Campbell Hanna,
of the 10th concession, had committed
suicide. On the Wednesday morning in
question Mr. Hanna started for the river.
He was miesed in a few minutes, and
search was made for him, and a neighbor
-Wm. Deacon—joined in the search and
soon found Mr. Hanna's tracks towards
the river, -and niter following them a
short distance he eaw Mr. Hanna. Al-
most immediately after being seen, Mr.
Hanna approaohed the river at a point
where the bank is high and the weter
running very rapidly and deliberately
threw himself in. The party in pursuit
made every effort to reach end rescue
him, but were unable to do so until life
was extinct. One of the men had a very
narrow escape from drowning. A.strange
concidence in connection with this is
that the previous owner of Hanna's farm,
named M°Oou,'t, drowned himself in the
same spot and in the same manner some
years ago. Mr. Hanna was 82 years of
age, and it is said that for some time he
has had some mental trouble. He was
in good circumstances, and had sold his
farm last fall, intending to spend the re.
minder of his days in Wingham, having
purohased a residence there. He was
in good spirits on Tuesday. The family
have the sympathy of the whole Qom.
munity in their sore trial.
Fitt el .
The next Council meeting will be held
in Ethel.
Mrs. W. J. Sharp has been very ill bet
is somewhat improved now.
Mies Cale, Of Mitchell, is visiting her
brother, Dr. Cale, of this place.
Jno. Cober, J. M. Davis, Wm. Patton,
Wm. McLeod and A. IV. Paaabaker have
been down with La Grippe.
Arrangements have been made where-
by J. A. Young and J. 0. Heffernan are
in position to loan money on farm seenr-
ity. Their advt. appears in this issue.
Call on them if you require the "need-
Wen. Rupp had the misfortune to lose
the index finger on his right hand while
coupling ears on the M. C. R. at St.
Thomas. He was expected home for a
holiday visit while nursing his disabled
George Dobson left last week for the
Normal School, Toronto, where he goes
to secure his professional 2nd class oer-
tifioate. He is a good student and will
no doubt take a high standing in his
Communion service will be held in
both of our churches next Sunday, Rev.
Mr. Smith, of Henfryn, will take charge
of the Methodist church service begin-
ning at half -past ten. Rev. D. McRae
will conduct the services of his own
obnrch, beginning at H.
News is very scarce in this vicinity
this week owing to the ravages of "Le
Grippe" as there is scarcely any person
Ieft able to create a disturbance. There
are not any very serious cases with the
exception of Mies M. Laird who has con•
treated inflammation along with it. We
believe that she is recovering slowly.
S. Nichol has purchased the black
smith business of J. 0. Heffernan of this[
place and will conduct it himself. We
wish him luck in his new enterprise and
as be is very obliging by nature he will
no doubt reap his share of patronage.
Mr. Heffernan will continue to reside
hero and go into the horse and cattle
business more extensively. He's well
adapted for the business.
Miss Mary Johnston is at present very
Mrs. Geddes, 8rd line, continues very
John Clegg and bride have returned tot
Miss Mary A. McVety Ilse gone on a
visit to Newbridge.
Wm. Wray purposes erecting a hand-
some brick residence next spring.
Jiro. Smith has moved to Sunshine. i
He has been working the Bell farm.
Thos. Wilkineon,. V. S., of Ripley, was
visiting relatives in this locality last
La Grippe has been taking its innings
thie week and dozens of people are ill
with it,
Mrs. Conery has gone to Wingham
where she will reside with her eon John
for the present.
Last Friday Jas. Russell went to
Goderiob township to visit his father
who is on the sink list.
Mise Chrietianna Johnston, of New-
bridge, is at present visiting friends and
relatives on the 1st con.
On Friday of last week Chas. Wheeler
bad a wood bee. 81 Gorda of Wood Were!,
out. A dancing party concluded the'
After Wm,Downey's 110055 Wes movedt,
to the Limo Works on the dth lino, lad-,
Friday, a social party was held for ai
bonze warming.
Itichd. Proctor, 4th line, attended a
Caledonian Bell at Lucknow on Friday
evening of this week. Ile assisted in the
=gloat exorcises.
Mrs, W. J. Johnetnn, while preparing ohurah last Sunday, accidentally fell
and broke hen arm, A Wingham dootor
attended to the fracture.
Last Sunday afternoon Rev. Joeeph
Edge, of Clinton, preached an excellent
disoonrso in the Sunshine Methodist
ohureli, The -subject was "It is et.
valiant that 1 go away."
Wm, Barrie has moved into his newts
briok residence. We wish himself and
family long yearn of comfort in their
new borne. Mr, Barrie was away at Ayr
for a few days this week.
We were pleased to notice in the list
of successful candidates, at the repent ex-
amination for high school teachers and
assistants, the name of T. A. Reid, grin.
cipel .if Tooewat r Pnblin Scheel, who
obtained a professional first-class oat till -
erne of qualification.
Housn W.uouw d.—On Thursday even-
ing of last week a number of persons"
from Brussels drove out to the home of?
Thomas Maunders and spent a vary en.'
joyable time. After the new dwelling
had been duly inspected and admired
the company settled down to social chat.
Litter on an impromptu program of con-
gratulatory speeches, singing, &a. was
gone through. Mr. Mouuders and fam-
ily were highly and deservedly compli-
mented upon their industry, thrift, and
improvement noticeable in the past year.
A plentiful supply of edibles were served
by Mrs. and the Misses Maunders. About
12 o'oiook the visitors said "good-bye"
and started for their respective planes of
abode after expressing their good 'wishes
for Mr. and Mrs. Maunders and fem.
ilThe debate which was held in S. S.
No. 10 last Thursday evening was very
good. The subject was "Resolved that
there is more to be gained by pursuit of
an object than by possession o ., it."
Captain on eeirmative side, A. Shaw ;
speakers, W. J. Johnston and S. Ramsay.
Captain on negative side, F. Wood ;
speaker, G. Oaldbiok and E. J. Peaoock.
Chairman, J. Peace*. The jndges. J.,
Breokenridge and E. Johnston, decided?
in favor of possession. A very notice t
able feature of the evening was H. Cal&
hick, critic, who did his work extra well.
The program consisted of a reading by
A. Eaket; leading by W, Fraser ; read.
ing by E. J. Peacock; reading by R.
Shaw ; song by H. Robb ; reading by A.
Shaw. The meeting was brought to a
close by singing "God save the Queen."
The public examination which was held
in S. S. No. 10 on Friday, Jaa'y 17th,
was, in every respect, a grand success.
The teachers present were R. Stewart, a
former teacher, A. McColl, W. Walters
and Mise Robinson. The pupils answer-
ed the questions asked them in an excel-
lent manner. There was great credit
due 1'. Wood, teacher, for the beautiful
way in which he decorated the school.
The visitors numbered about fifty, and
all seemed to enjoy themselves very well.
The scholars had some very good recita-
tions, but I must make special mention
of one given by John Snell, which was
entitled the "Roll Cali,' and was render-
ed in an excellent manner. The singing
by the Misses Robb, Misses Ramsay and
Misses Johnston was very good. The
examination was brought to a close by
singing the National Anthem.
Hlu oval e.
Improvements have been made on the
school lately.
The Bluevale foot -ball club have their
team organized now and are ready to
thrash anything that comes along.
The annual meeting of the cheese fac-
tory was held in the Foresters' Hall on
Wednesday. We will furnish particu
tars next week.
The report appearing in some Waal
papers last week, of P. Thomas' son
dying in Woodstock was not correct. It
was a brother of Mr. Thomas' who passed
Tho raising of the smoke stack on
Stewart & Duff's saw mill tock piece en
Friday afternoon last. The neighbors
turned out well and the job was soon ac-
There are a great many prophets in
Bluevale. They are continually predict-
ing sleighing, bat their signs all seem to
fail this winter, or these winter months
might be more correct.
Bluevale school ought to have a good
name as all the pupils who wrote for the
Entrance Examination at Christmas
passed, and besides this severalintend
taking out certificates next Summer.
John Barris, a farmer two miles north
east of Bluevale, is to move to the village
in a few weeks. He has purchased the
house hitherto occupied by F. S. Scott,
from Mr. Webster, of Manitoba. Frank
Scott moves into a house of Mr. Ross'
Montreal bankers are moving in op-
position to any alteration of the clause of
the Banking Act regulating circulation.
Prince Edward County Reformers
nominated J. A- Sprague, M. P. P., as
their candidate for the next Legislature.
The Liberals of North Grey have again
nominated James Cleland, of Meaford, as
their candidate for the coming provin-
cial election.
Kincardine has oontraoted with the
Ball Electric Light Company to have
their town lit by electricity. They are
to pay 20$ oents per light per night. The
lights are to be 1000 candle power, and
the works are to be completed by the
20th of February.
Private Funds to Loan.
Have been placed in my hands
for Investment on real estate.
No Commission.
Borrowers can have loans com-
pleted in Three Days if title
Solicitor, Brussels.
Money to Loan on
P1'ivatc and Company Funds,
,O,UeIrma n. .T..A,Youngr,
Valuator, A gent,
Ethel P,0., Ont. ntf
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty at
Private and Company Funds.
BRUsssns, ONT.
S. PL -UM,
General Blacksmith,
wielder' to intimate to the publio generally
that be does all Wade of Blaoksmithiog
in e Workmanlike Manner,
Wagons, Buggies, Sleighe and Cutters
Made to Order.
I make a Specialty of Horse -shoeing.
A Call Solicited. fai'Remember the
Bland.—Nun Inc BDIDoa,
S. Plum.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 61 Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
—OF --
Valuable Property
-10 TOE -
Village of Brussels.
Under and by virtue of the power of sale
contained in a certain mortgage, which will
be produced old byePubiic Auction, on will
friday, Feb'y 7th, '90,
at the .hnerlean Hotel, in the Village of
Brussels, ata o'clock in the afternoon, the
number uFiifteen, in the izVillagie Village
Brussels. On the lot is a frame building,
now need as a livery stable, and there is also
ample room for the erection of nuy other
buildings.This is one of the moo eligible
business sites in the village.
TSaass,—Fifteen per cent. of the parol as°
money to be paid at the time of sale. Bal -
awe -of terms and conditions will be made
known at sale.
For anther particulars amply to
Vendor's' Agent,
«d• For .1 0•Cotltoe.
All Work from the Smallest to Idfearca
dome In It anti -eines manner.
01 Residences, tile., al Reasonable
W. J. Fairfield.
JANUARY 24, 11i9u.
G000 STOCK The "scotch Collar["
, " oa 'l=bw
The snbsrrlbrre offer for solo lUn lnllnwin•1
well bred Stook; 1 iloavy Draught mhos
horse, 6 years Old ; 2 heavy draught entire
horses. rising a years n1 1 ; 1 earring' etnlllnn
7 years old ; 1 etaliiuu foal, heavy draught.
Also a heavy draught mare, 6 years old, and
another heavy draught Ulan, rislog 3 years,
suppneed to be In furl, They are all im-
ported. Pedigrees and certificates oat be
produced, Intending purchasers would do
well to call and flee the imbeds and get
prides. They aro good ones.
S5'RIR BROS., Proprietors,
27.51 Brussels P.O.
St. Leon lilleral Water,
Fresh and livered to
Salt Heats of any part or The following speak for themselves :
limbo/it quail j1 t lite Village Brussels, Ont., Jan. 8, 1890.
sty always onjCi+M Fre°of
hand and de. ' a It a r g e.. 1 have been using St. Leon water for
TERMS VERY FAVORABLE the past month or so and have found it
very efficacious in promoting good health,
1 -Pat CnttlWanted
For which the highest market price
will be paid. I also make a specialty of
buying Hides and Skins, Don't forget
the place, next door to Fleteher's Jewel-
ry Store.
• Notice to Creditors.
In the Matter of the Mate of Funny=
HDNslesas, late of the Township of
Grey, in. the 00130ty of Huron.,
Yeonaavt, Deceased.
Pureoant to Section Thirty-six of Chapter
One Hundred and Ten of the Revised 8ta-
all creditors ans of d therwe ¢persons having alave notice i=
against the estate of Frederick Hunatoker,
late of the said Township of Grey, yeoman,
who died on or about the 22nd day of August,
A.D. 1859. are hereby required to send by
post (prepaid) or to deliver to Messrs. Dick-
son & Hays, of the Village of Brussels, in the
Countfor Susan Jane
H nelcker. Widow, theof Huron,nrs Admiaistratrix of
the real and personal estate and effects,
rights and oredite, of the void Frederick
Huusioker, deceased, on or before the let
day of February now next ending, a state.
ment of their names, addresses, and deacrip-
tiose and the full particulars and proofs of
their claims or demands upon the said
estate and of the securities (if any) held by
them, and that after the said let clay of
l'ebrnary the said Administratrix will pro-
ceed to administer the estate and distribute
assets of the said Frederick Hunsicker
amongst the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of wbioh the said
Admand ithe raid Adminix shall hen iatratrix havehad
liaart there-
oi, soodistr distfor the ributed, to any pts, erson or persons
the time of suchldistrib not
have notice at
Solicitors .or the said Adminis0ratrlx.
Dntod at Brussels thin 7110 day of January,
A. D.1800.264
After using it a week I found my appe-
tite much benefitted and can now eat as
much in duo meal as used to suffice me
for two. For any rheumatio affection I
believe it to be ahead of any drugs or
patent medicines, and think that per.
sons of a rheumatic tendency should use
it constantly.
Clerk 4th Division Court,
County Huron.
Mn. ADAai GOOD, Brussels.
Dear Sir,—The 8t. Leon Mineral Wat-
er that I have been getting from you has
done Inc so much good that I cheerfully
give my testimony in its favor and hope
others way be persuaded to give it a
Wee. RNa0nTeb, SD.
Bruseels, Jan. 7, 1890.
This water, the like of wbioh is found
no where else but at St. Leon, in the
Province of Quebec, resembles all nat-
ure's produotione, an egg or grain of
wheat for instance. We oan tell what
an egg or grain of wheat is composed of
but man is utterly unable to make a
grain of wheat or create an egg and he is
just as unable to counterfeit St. Leon
Mineral Water. But kind nature has
b ue for us what we could not do for
ourselves—brought the sixteen different
ingredients of this water together in the
proper proportions, mixed them and
pours them forth in a copious stream,
I am in a position to supply this re-
markable water, absolutely pure, straight
from the wells, at a price that leaves
little after covering the cost of bringing
it this fax
The Toronto Grocery.
3131 •iMia
I [envy and Light Harness,
BUFFALO Ptolii,si,
871110II BELLS,
Bvi uocR TUGS, &o.
Always in Stock.
A Handsome Range of Trunks,
Valises and Satchels to choose
from and sold at Reasonable
f 'Special Attention given to
Practical Watchmaker
and Jezaeler.
Thanking the public for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure
your patronage, we are opening
out Pull Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers,
fully warranted by us.
Clocks of the
Latest Designs.
Einnlxoe, &e.
E•3'Aiso a Full Line of Views° and
Violin Strings, &o., in stook.
N. It. -Usurer of Marringr Licenses.
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.
e ® m
During the past Week we have been so
Busy in the Afternoons that it was
impossible for us to wait on
All Our Customers,
We therefore ask all who can possibly do
so to Come out in the Morning and
avoid the rush in the Afternoon.