The Brussels Post, 1890-1-17, Page 8e, 1HLS
n...,.. .m udna7. t2ezesmr.,^Ta1'^. »t':'Rt7!'t!eSa"A7`T'L•"'S:S>.:.R7e , CY'ri ..... ...... .., ..t ...... )` y:.[t7... "'rr.... 7ttr', .r"$ta .«.w.. h'rW:,itS.:Sdtt n.. i t ....... 1890, zt•r' ..oar.
,_u. ..s. :.. .... ,...wA '- :9"- •l"'� t' nA+M,T;x)r+a,ma, 'aa!
'+s..�,ent l r a+o Bir:, r t t.uti 1. 1 to Mu- .tin;: t , 1):.: ,i„1,;...t ,o Lis t a next i h d ht ,rite lel; the sits o.t Ti. r, •-.- :,.r. k"°�, , t - ..
1 1 , r"4,1arr;„' ,., �.k4:9 :a ii ., t 1i L' tt: Lot r,N 1 t. ar s. tf-, t ,.., !t, -, { l t' t' '1 1. -1st 1t •I•
Nf? } 1 i( n
anti(„t E) t Lod r
t+ u h ur t a 1., un U1 1 t I 1 u , the tn.., n,n In � •„ U���/Ul 0 1��j 'r,j�1lP1�a
ON T6To 44Rr 11,4ti
ltentta►Ll1U ,&Bort* ':s i'GA;NAN, AT
10 Gents per Pound, or
9 Pounds for $1,00.
124 (amts per Pound in
Small Quantities,
There tv a, much dirtDrouua itt Uousy nn
,there is in butter. Honey that is well ril -
aoed irunmh t..rttter and immix better than
that wbjo t itt extracted too soon after bots
gathered by the hens. Wo use a large nit•,
and gat the host of honey the - above prices
tore for the li n.•t•.
praggist Te 1ir.i11er l ancygoods Dealer,
souri,r t t •.x9 is teLox tv. e.d.• U.
rTrain■c t,,^zr Ilruseele Station. North
mud fletntl , as fellers, : !
Galsr, Serra. v iN'n Nen, f,
5ini1........., :1;55 A.Ir. .................. 0;20 sou,
Brom be.. ID.45 son. � Mail .. . 3.181 p.ur, l
ahxed . 1.,i:; pain, 11. xprtsx 11:.1+, t`,lll.
Ortel ,.let1) , (hilt ,
A clulei's among ye Lakin' notes,
An faithhe'll prem it.
Oovtttelt, meeting nest Monday.
tine JAttsteo spent Sunday at Iiar-
Bonen Co. Council will convene On
d'desday, 28th inst.
Me'von Wrtsoe, of beaforth, was in
town ea Wednesday.
E. E. WAna Was et Stratford on
Thursday of this week.
()swum and wife, of Wieghatu,
Were in town this week.
F. C. Retinas' creditors tweet in Lan-
don on Friday of this week.
lltzv. JNO. Roes, B. A„ was officiating
at Glenannan last Sabbath.
Lssr this year begins Feb. Kith.
Good Friday will come on April 4th,
Rity. 11. HENnrnsON will occupy Knox.
church pulpit next Sabbath, 19th inst,
Clue. Santan. of Toronto, was in
town for several days visiting old friends. G)tAnaac shipped two cars of
peas to New Yr rk, on Thursday, for ex
T. S. Hexer:imms, of \Bingham, was in
:awn this week calling on his old time
War. Ross, of Guelph, is visiting his
eider and other relatives and ft tends in
Miss. Lizzie %s torsos has taken a
gosition in Scarff to Ferguson's dry
goods attire.
One eontinaed stole "The Diamond
.Binttou” will be resumed in due course in
*few weeks.
Benne JAm5s and wife were away at
Shelbourne Last week visiting relatives
A. Reece. and wife attended the tin
wedding of Adam Reid and wife oa
Tuesday, near Bluevale.
Mom Baowsnow, milliner at A. It,
Smith's has guns to her home, in Toren -
;ti, for her vaoation.
Tau nest monthly horse fair will be
held an Thursday, February Gth. Sea -
forth fair will be held the day previous.
Nonce,- All parties indebted to under.
signed by book account kindly pay at
once and mach oblige W H, McCracken.
A. E. Mososovs, teacher at White•
church, was piesented with a gold watch
and chain on his retiring from the sec.
H. L. Jacesot, of this place, ova, one of
the performers at the Farmers' Institnta
entertainment at Wroxeter last Monday
Hoose and lot for sale or to rent,
Centrally located. Good well, garden,
atfible, &o. Apply at Tao Posr Publish -
Mg House.
Tire lower half. of one of the upstair
windows in the Garfield block was blown
in by the very high wind that prevailed
on Monday forenoon.
Pas Yaon Taxes. -Notice is hereby
given that all taxes should be paid forth.
with. Call on the Collector and get your
receipt. JAS. T. Boss.
Tau cry of fire was raised on Friday
o�onin but it turned out to be nothing
more than a burning chimney at the
Workman's Lodge roam.
Derrieres has been given in the case
oLEwan vs. O'Neil, giving judgment for
the termer Inc 867.08. The question of
comets will be decided in Toronto.
D. M. Faiwusott, of Stretford, is in
town (hie week assisting Messrs. I'ergn-
stage Halliday in the sale of Bankrupt
si'toekethey are carrying on at their store.
Oxu-of the plate glass windows in W.
at, Wileou'a: brink store came to grief
feat Monday morning. It appears it was
remelted and the strong wind completed
ilio work.
Carr. Ocrmeru, of the Salvation Army,
was on the sick list Last week, The seta
viceawore conducted by a young lady
'from Blyth, aseisted by members of the
Brnseole corps.
Win regret to hear that Mrs. George
Tiiayoroft is on the sick list and has gone
tattle home of her parent's for a while.
We hope she will Soon be restored to her
usual good health.
Sserzol Agent Kendall made a visit to
'fl8ostton on Tuesday afternoon and took
the, "oyster” degree with the brethren of
The A. O. U. W. He says they put away
tae gallons of the bivalves.
Is, Aram Vaxeroxe now visiting in
HArriston is confined to the house with
la grippe in a mild form, A doctor Mae
teen in daily attendance) with beneficial
rsattlts and we are pleased to hear of Miss
J1 ddie's,c0nvalesecnce.
Attavi the wicket in the Brussels P. 0.
iertlis very significant notice "Lick your
awn etatnps." In this connection we
would add it would not be a very difficult
matter to lick all the mucilage off the
stamps.ptitlted in these days.
ltongn:a Bones handed us in a picture
rot whoa is called a Jumbo four horee
lead of logs. It consisted of 21 logs
4ebich.made 213,201 foot of lumber. The
local was hauled Ave miles In Rib hake,
Wieconsie, D. S. Mr. Burne' eon lives
out in that locality.
We extend -a hearty welcome to J. Bel
tend MiritIe who have taken alp their reed-
tJpl, :111 ., t. :_,.., 11,.1 tee , .. ... I ,:,. 1, , t;;I tun -II" "())' t• :11• !1f.L'
it I
la 1 ,..t I t,,,
from 1. to i p, ut.'Ittleadays turd 7''t•ide
evening eines 7 to 9 Mondays null Thu
days, Torras tee made iinowe on
heel'' 1',
plie.lti: > o,,l. :.,. {„ t . t.a !k Lch 13rn
Piton the Joliet Baily Republic a
io i1 a i: L I
in llru > l
A, 0. I,. 1\'..-. Lhit Installation t f 1 o ,It"I 1 1 t1 \\ Ila e a luulw
ttf r tL • cies, of the j,11. Ht�•u.trt riutser. r I'L I'Pl:d 1, 1,, con. .i, cl �JUJ. �� U ch 111 {A
A t7 ! l iJl tAr
etp• officers in Brussels Lodge, A, O. 11, W.
s"} N '. 1 ; t] l,l+t. ° 13.4 l'ril'Iv evening
1'. \l, Smith taking barge of the tvurlt.
Sun, or January lOtlt, wo clip tate feline•
ifl ',oat. ruing ateener l3rtrsoelite :---
4ha court has appointed Geo. 11ingston
the official reporter of the circuit wort,
and it ie expected that the business of
the court will he greetly expedited. Mr.
11'ingston is an adept at the business aul
will fill the position Winn-ably,"
\Vimentuante Axo Diumaxe,-George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will ineure satisfaoticn,
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
shote, Terris reasonable. Residence
Second doer north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry s1., Brussels. 43-tf
'Tito following item is clipped from the
Toronto World, being a press despatch
from St. Catharines ;-"1 he Daily News
has ceased circulation, It has been suc-
ceeded by the Daily Gazette, which
innde its fir.t appear:time on the 1lth.
It is a 23 -Column paper, Reform in poli-
tica Arthur Horatio Nelson ,Ienkius,
editors' He mast surely leave fallen
froth grace.
Mee/oaten-Knox church3lissionary
Society held their annual t,terting at the
house of Latvia Moss er., on Jan. sad.
The following Mikan were cleated : Pre-
sident, Mrs, Grant; \'ice•President,Mrs.
Calder ; Secretary, Mrs, W. B, Dickson ;
Treasurer, Miss N. Ross ; Auditors, Mrs.
F. Shiels and Mrs. D. Strachan, On it
motion of Mrs. Deadman seconded by
Mrs. Shiels it was agreed to send forty
dollar's to the Pointe•sux-Tremble
Tus North Ontario Observer, publish-
ed at Port Parry, Jan. 2nd, 1600, says
"At Carnegie's late mill fire the lire
engine worked splendidly as she always
does, she had an abundance of water and
.cost generously did she use it with two
large streams. The general impresston
by the large crowd present who env the
work was 'she's a daisy.' The Ronald
fire steamer has no equal anywhere and
Port Perry was fortunate when it secured
so valuat-le a lire extingnieher,"
A eotnttiseoxngxr writes :-Thomas
Kuechtel the enterprising teacher for
school No. 8, Colborne, has resumed his
duties as teacher for 1800, at a salary of
0315. Mr, Kuechtel has been very suc-
cessful in passing ttva of his pupils,
Henry Alfie and Charles Robertson at
the Entrance examination at Goderieh.
He deserves praise for Huts having stim•
Mated the diligence of the young men.
Mr. R. never taughtUntil last year. We
wish hint further success in his chosen
Prime Scttotif. T3otnn,--At the fir"(
meeting of the Bebop' Board, held on
ednnsday, Ii, Dennis was elected chair-
man of the Bressels School Board for
890. Ho will prove a worthy successor
o the gontlomeu who have heretofore
hold the position, E. E. Wade took his
eat at the Board to fill the vacancy oc•
asioned by the removal of Jas. Buyers.
W. E. Moss was re-elected Seoretary-
reasurer. The tender of Goo. Lott was
coapted for 60 curds of wood, at 81.16
er cord.
Camay.Cmon 1'ttt)L-The public will be
omewirat surprised to hear that Strath.
an Bros., merchants, are intending to
issolve partnership, rho elder brother
oing oat, With this object in view they
ommonce a olearing oush sale on Fri-
es, at this week, to continue 30 days.
We have not learned what Con/miller
Median has in view but believe he will
e in Brussels a good share of 1800. \Ve
onld regret to see him and hie family
emove front town. The business will
e continued at the old stand by A.
LA Gntroc.-A, species of influenza, or
hat is now fashionably called La Grippe,
as been going the rounds in Brussels
nd locality and nota few have been
id up with it. Among the number were
fee. F. C. Regent, Goo. Rogers, W.
ightingale, Freddie Gilpin, harry
amus, Neil McLauchlin and fnmtl,v,
asset]. and Reggie Fletcher, Thos.
Moore, Mrs. D. C. Ross, Geo. E. Cooper,
n. Blashill'e family, 11, N. Barrett,
id we have no doubt a good many more
hose names we have not mentioned.
DoWetsa Boys Ann Goths. —The
and of Hope held their first meeting
r the New Year on Monday evening.
fter the opening exercises the following
ogram was carried out :-Reading,
ell Bawtiaheimer ; singing, "Ring the
ells ;" recitation, Fanny Rogers ; read -
g, Ella Love; singing, "We are a Little
emperanee Band ;" recitation, Lizzie
oddiok ; singing, "Shall we gather at
o River." Mise Jennie MoLaucblin
Renis(, A. class was alae formed to
mpete for the Demoreet silver medal.
Dann. -On Christmas eve Mrs. Jas.
MoGufun, of Lltttowel, came to Brussels
to visit her parents and other relatives
here. She was not feeling well and had
to take to her bed. Instead of getting
better she gradually grew worse and on
Wednesday of last week her eyes were
closed in death. Her husband and two
little children are left, along with other
friends, to mourn her demise. Mrs. Mc•
Guffrn's ape was 44 years, 2 months and
4 days. The funeral took place on Sat-
urday forenoon, Rev. R. Pant and Rev.
S. Sellery, B, A. B. D., taking the ser.
genuine Bankrupt Sale of
the T. S. Campbell bankrupt
stock now going on and all
buyers are astonished at the
awful slaughter. Come and
get some of the bargains at
b'CA1?1''F (W; T'ERGTJSON'S, next
door to the postoffiee, Brus-
Dlsrafer Lenox. --Tho Grey Distrinb
Orange Lodge mot at the Orange Hall,
•i3russels, on Tuesday afternoon al this
($twit, The Shatteiel statement was very
satiefsctory and the various lodges repro -
milted reported in good heart. The fol-
lowing edits e Were elected for the cur-
rent year ;-dl, II. Forgetter', Master ;
Robt. Barr, Dopnty Master ; 13. (lorry,
donee tit Bracelets this week. Hr. Bell ' ITn
etaattee from Atweed and will )nalta,go tae I M
Damp wart;. it: II1 Ile wit,;' ,,A
oretary; Jdeep lr Whelpton, 'i'reasnree
Financial Secretary ; II.
not+ v,'ai 1 J'.. (tarry, Director
1. (•".::L:p 14 +. 31 was (eal;ied tO 1J•yl'1
to ltn 1 utg is alto list :
I A Moult!, Diaster wcrittutut
1)` 111
itthev loteur:ut;
P. Armstrong,Overseer;
,1'.11. Kerr, Rewrite. ler ;
J+In. tihaw, li lnattaier ;
Wm, Ainley, Receiver ;
Robt. 0rntetroug, (pride ;
(leo, Dirt, Inside watchman;
Angus Lamont, Ontsido Watchman ;
\Nutt, Ainley, Grand Lodge llopreeenta-
Jive. The Lodge meets the let and 8rd
Friday evenings in oath mouth et 72(0
in their hall, Smelt's Block,
0nrravo,--Tho Listowel Banner says :
Listoteal Club waif appointed convener '
of group 13 in the Tankard cotupctitinn
ennsis:ilog of Kittcalrline, Lnekuow,
Windham,, Brussels, Listowel, 1Vroxoter
and the Ifowick Thistles, and the Best
draw, to be played oft' before the 20th
itis(, bits been made. Thorn being sot'eu
Blabs, lots wore cant and I3ruseels drew
the bye, the balance of the first draw
being as follows ; Kincardine to Whig..
lean ; Leekuow to play \Vrosetee and
Listowel to play the llowielt Thistles.
The three survivors el th sa gamer will
then drew to play off the bye with Brum
cels, the remitting clubs nv'eting and
contest the group mttest before the
7th of February next. For the Il, C. C.
medal L"cictow Lias been pitted against
Listowel with the prospects of a good
Teti Tnntett Ltsrs:-On Thursday
evening of last week the officers of
1Vester'n Star Lodge, 1. 0, 0. 1'., Bras:
sel s, were installed into their respective
offices by D.D,G.M, Lemuel Harts, of
Teesw,tter. The following is the list :-
Jas, Turnbull, N. G. ;
Jno. G. Ametit, V. G. ;
Ono. 0. Shone, It. S. ;
Peter Scott, P. S. ;
Finlay S. Scott, Treas. ;
W. A. Oalbick, R. S. N. G. ;
W. H. McCracken, L. S. N. 0. ;
Jas, .Ross, R. 5, V. G. ;
A. Currie, L. S. V. G. ;
Wm. Cornish, Warden
D. A, Smale, Con..
Jas. Wilson, Chaplain :
Wm, Martin. 1. W. ;
A. MoNeil, 0. W. ;
Dr. Graham, Physician.
AAmsgituxrs,-This was the subject of
an address by Rev. S. Sellery,
D., last Bonney evening b fore tar
Yonng Peoples' essooi',tiou of the Bettie,
dist church. He dwelt principally en
card playing and dancing, from the stand.
point of a Christian, In advising young
people to o l e'ttin from the former be
gave these two following reasons, among
others, for taking the stand he did: -1st,
We are to shun the appearance of evil,
cards are, no doubt, the gambler's tools,
2nd, It destroys a person's intloenee and
often leads to disaster and death. In
specking of dancing he thought it should
be discountenanced by Christian people
because (1) It interfered with the health ;
(2) The attendance at balls and dancing
parties often entailed expense ; (3) Froin
a moral aspect the tendency was bad ;
(4) Every church in the land has uttered
its protest agaiu.,t both card playing and
dancing. The meeting was thrown open
for discussion after Mr. Sellery collated -
ed his interesting address, and a few re-
marks were macre by D. Hogg, Eli
Smith, T, gill, W. H. Kerr, Dr. Holmes
and T. Fletcher. There was a large at.
Perth County.
Milverton has a skating tank.
Cromarty now boasts of two stores.
Some Stratford merchants aro feeling
the 'grip."
Ii:irtttnn wants a polling place at the
village for municipal elections,
Wm. J. Abram, of Ellice, got his leg
broken by his horse felling on him"
South Perth Farmers' Institute was
held in St. Marys on the 14th of this
OnntFridtty evening in the MoIntyre's
church, Bltnshard, there was a New
Year's wheel.
Duncan Stewart, neer Mitohell,
ploughed 50 acre and a half of land on
January 7, 1890.
W. H. Graham lost three horses on the
voyage from the Old Country. Ho only
brought one safely through. The atone
continued for 15 days.
Owing to injuries sustained by the
burning of the electric wire, the Ball
Company have put in new incandescent
Lampe in the stores at St. Marys.
The annual convention of the
Dairymen'sAesoniation of Western On-
tario, was hold in the city hall, Stratford,
on the 15th, lath and 17th January.
The annual meeting of the sharebold•
era of the Trowbridge Cheese & Butter
Manufaotaring Company will be hold at
the factory on Saturday, Jan, 18th at 10
o'clock a. nt
The annual meeting of the Share.
holders of the Wallace Cheese & Butter
Manufacturing Company will be held in
the factory, on Saturday, All. 18th, at
1 o'oloak p, m.
Miss Rosa Hardy, 8rd line, Blanchard
township, was recently presented with a
silver service as it mark of appreciation
for her faithful sesvice as organist at the
Anderson church.
Every municipality in the County has
had the Wardenship exespt Listowel.
We ate therefore entitled to ie this year,
and our claim ie pretty generally conood'
od.---Listowel Banner.
Tho following omos.boarcre were elec-
ted in connection with the Episcopalian
church Sabbath school, Kirkbon, for the
evening year : Captain Paisey, superin-
tendent ; R. Robinson, eec.•breee. ' John
A, Robinson, librarian ; and the former
towbars, with the - addition of Miss
The total debt of hfitoholl is about 8400
200, while Listowel has a debt of about
080,000. We own the waterworks, mat
ahhtery and building, the electric light
dyneins, wires, engine, and sovoral
pieces of valuable pronerty, in all of
about to nu;ait value as the amount of
our liabilities. -
Mitohell Advertiser.
A rather prepossessing young married
womae, Mrs. loiggler, of Berlin, was in
Stratford on New Year's day looking for
her renegade husband, sbn, the claimed,
had deserted Iter the weak before. I,he
matter was reported to the police, "I1ut
they ;ailed In amnia 0s" ;t'!rr- tat is it
(,axle ttttehe,. Not, beilig able to thud
lett ct that at the h,dt'e of Mr. V,'allte
tI sit: lh.nlrf rte h•,{t"' nap r•. ge
rej'•ehal otto itf ilt, linbiurnu's hall,(,
leaving him 11 votes, instead of 43. as
e „mat i by the Deputy ltetutuutg Ol'lloer
ti , I.-Itt b;'fu , Mr.. Rohl,- ,,., •nn.
thatuo'nett proceedings :should
have Mien tnkon lit ter the pull ci'r t'• I and
the result tone tutnottireed,
A. Stratford papttr says - r abt. Bal.
latttynt sr., w;tu•o death occurred at
Stretford on Tuesday of hast week, was
the twit ropreanntatiye of the family of
1lallantynes that canto to this country
from Scotland 60 years ego. Ile was
111) years nl age at the time of his death
and settled in 1830 in the 1owuehip of
Dow, ie, chopping down the tient tre
that a41ou his farm on Jinni 1111 of the
t -aro Fie was It utttiv of L e!•;
rt'ehlc shire, and came to till- country
with hie wife, three sons and three
daughters, All tate children by his first
wife, who died 31) years ago, email ve, as
1110 ts.: Ibtbt:, or Downie"; itfi°hael,
tat 131totaliard ; Mrs, Time. 13alht+t'yne,
wife ef.the member of the Leii'olatnro
f''t South Perth ; hlrs. \Vm. Murray and
Mia \Valor Dlurray of Avwrton; Mrs.
John Alei4tvan, Downie. Another
son, .Thomas, born in this county,
ie dead, By hr', ,(Tend wife, who was
Mrs. Meer Noble, of Louilun,he had
two .1auellears, Misses Jusie and :(lice
who live at Route. Deceased we.. boil
temle and father -in law of Thomas 13a1
lantyue, M. P. P., whose father died
about twenty years ago. Two veers ago
another broths";, John, died an Delaware
County, N. Y., aged 02, front which it
will be seen the' longevity is a nomhi°
feature of the family. Eta moved Otto
S'ratforci about twelve years ago.
IP01t BALI':, A til>Ai\ (111'
IIIie,- "
r-• ,null. Will L h•,, l
1.1.& a • 1 ,r ii, %, i',t.tpurn
of 11, 0. Bunten., 11reesel,.
'NT C)'E'Itat 11'3
1'1 ,t Connell of the (lorprnt tau or the
('aunty or 11 limp No ill gleet An tho Court
1h,u- 1, the 'rove, of uadar'hn t'nw,.ht.y
the 'kali 'lead lit. 1'I:TR1(1 A OAMRON,
Jan 111111, 1130. County Clerk.
yq INI';S LOri'l'-.PAlli, Ul' NJ.\V
4 1 Ouubta [hist: lost bniwomt Brnswnls
told ,lam extoll'n, on Alou,ttry evening. 'Phu
Soder will timidly oblige by leaving thorn at
A, M. Alcl(ty tf (:O's store, late Cls, at once
27.0 WWM. Met(ELVE1•,
e 'I'ltAYl':i) ON TUE PREMISESt R 7 el the undersigned, lot Jt eon. 15, (trey,
'e1:' l t. 1st, Mil yeartmg it Irl.(, red. and.
white tt color. '2110 on'Orr i, t quu:.twt-tit
lava 1'1, property, pty tvptruie.v nrd tithe
thurn away. (Hill. !ti,K.tY. 25-1r
I41 STP: AY S TE P.11-CAa1r.._()N
the pontis,,- of the undersigned,Lis zol maGrey,alien Nev, 17, ngrizlygin y steer, Th
e\1•etr 0103 Intye tin,
811,0 by proving property anti paying
1,sunt .liRli, It. 1:1(.)31,31, Cetntiluok, 1',t/
1 de alt. lit U, ISJ 1, at 10deck D. ,n., to reetire
the Auditors' llep„rt and in °lout three ors
for the coating year. D. S•1'L 1{ ABT, Soc'y,
('1111':I':FL 11 E 1.'I'INC -- 'lull.
Aurnal \tel tt a: of the Morris k Grey
Cheerio lhutuLtotnting ce. will be held in
the Council Chamber, 13 manure, nu Monday
Cttxi:t(iia.t A'C*tvt•t-
Wm. McCleary, of Thorold, lumber
merchant, will carry the Conservative
standttid for Welland County itt the On-
tario elections.
John Scatter, a man who has lost both
legs, was soot to Kingston Penitentiary
Monday for two years end a half. Ito
requested a severe sentence. He hat!
stolen 82.00 from an old pensioner in
'I he postoffiCe elerlcs would respectfully
re pest the public to refrain from en
chs;ing dead rats and mica in paper par -
cols for New Year's presents. Cee tuns
discovered to clay in tine general delivery
for which a search had been made owing
to tie. tmaeconntthle odor., which had
perv;ultl rho atin"sphere for 2 or 3 days.
-;;L,uttford Courier.
',mater Macdonald, of Toronto, is a
• met 1,al philanthropist. IIe hoe just
banded over 840,000 to aid in the exten-
sion of hospital accommodation in taut
city, and the \Vyellife College property
has been purchased. In n short time
buildings will b, erected, and full ad-
vantage 1tltott of the munificent bog°•
f.,etlnn. If all monied mcg were its
ready to distribute a portion of their
snip]us earnings as is this merohant
prince, it would be mach easier to solve
social problems affecting the masses titan
is um possible.
The Qoebeo Legislature opened on
Tuesday of last week. The speech ,eters
to her satisfactory surplus ; observes
that the Revenn° from Crown Lands is
inereasiug ; promises a bill in accordance
with the wish of the Protestant Council
of Public Instrnution in respect to their
sharp of the Jesuit Estates money ; pro.
posits to increase the number of mem-
bore in the Legislative Assembly, and
sketches a forthcoming hill for reward.
ing French Canadian fecundity by grant-
ing a free homestead to every mother of
twelve children born in lawful wedlock.
Tho following gentlemen compose the
Bruce County Council for 1800 :-Paisley,
D. J'. Bain ; fort Elgin, W. S. Johnston,
W, Mitchell ; Culross, J. Moir, H, Mc-
Kay ; Luoknow, J. H. Bryan ; Tara, W.
Campbell ; Wiarton, 33. B. Miller ;
Southampton, W. S. Scott ; Ohesley, 3.
H. Elliott ; Kinloss, J. Gaunt. G. Mc
Intosh ; Elderslie, H. McIntyre, J,
Shindies ; Brant, H. Wtocbter, El. Wil.
sen, W. Little ; Carrick, J. Henderson,
G. Lobsiuger, W. Soott ; Greonook, J.
Caimans, 5, Hawthorn ; Bruce, Dr.
McKay ; Saageen, J. Cummings ; Kin-
cardine Town, R. T. Walker, J. Tolmie ;
Walkerton, R. Truax, A. McLean ;
Teeswater, Thos.Stepheus.
aORN .
TuntiauzL.-In Brussels, on the 10111
ins(„ the wife of Mr. Jas, Turnbull
of a son.
a.5.6RR7 3D,
Van'en-MOALLIsees.-At the residence
of the bride's parents, Grey, on the
Sth inst., by Rev. D. Forrest, Mr.
Veitch, of Galt, to Miss Maggie, old.
est slaughter of Mr. Wm. McAllist-
Barin-ElAtittrs.-011 the I4th inst., by
Bev. A. Henderson, M. A., at the
residence of the bride's parent's, Mr.
James Bell, of Brussels, to Miss
Maggie Ilarria, of Monkton.
bfoGurrix. In Brussels, on Jan• 8th,
Annie, beloved wife of Mr. Jas. Ma
Guffto, aged 84 years. 2 menthe and
4 days.
SrgwAnr,-In Grey, on Jan. 10th, Win.
Stewart, aged 44 yeses and 7 menthe.
Ros: -In aleKillop, on the 15th inst.,
Etnma M„ fourth daughter of Thos.
Roe, aged 20 years end 9 menthe.
Teener JAN. 21sT. -Farm stook and
implements, Lot 3, con. 6, Grey. Sale
eammonees at 1 o'clock, Thee. T. Mc-
Lanc111in, proprietor. George Iiirltby,
03 -are -7135. Tao' Sd1t.FtaaearWW.
Fall Wheat 70 82
5pciug Wheat 78
Barley 8 2
Oats 25 20
Peat :... . . .. ... .. 54 55
Butter, tube Land rolls. 14 15
Eggs pot dozen 17 00
Flour per barrel. 11 00 00
Potatoes , .. 315 00
flay per ton .. .......... . 0 00 7 00
Pork . 5 25 5 40
Hides pet lb 2 SI
Salt per 11111„ retail,...,1 )S 00
She, n skin- each.... ,.., 110 1 00
\'Vent, per lb, ,,.,,..,,,,• 18 00
�t''.f'skC Sl". PCD Cat O3:Slia lir:
la) Leaves Brussels every morning Instead
51,iYeniug, ns
bGmeno rlit-, tad
ntoleueruhnmg• nouiceatabd-
b. WALSH, Proprietor.
Notice is hereby given that tbo outxtauid-
111g account,' due the late Sem of Httycroft S
Turnbull, Brnaeuis, must be settled by oith-
orcash ornote forthwith. The books aro
at Diutsott &Hays' Mee, and thou ere mo-
therland t0 giro teceipts for ,routes paid. 14-
�TCD 9 IOdr: 1
All parties indebted to the estate of tate„
late A ,(lege Currie are h'e Juooded to settle
the sante by the 28th iuet, After that date
ail unpaid claims will lie collected by pro-
cess of law. nY ORDER OF 1.NIICIll'OItS.
nrus,uls, Oat,lu,lttrl. 14-0
Popper's Gr's Drug Store,
Pepper's Dreg Store!
(;1f.Rg1.R50,S iLit 4'71, rerti•,eyiC f,ti
EE/ .i1,1TO81 IC hI.cTAG GART,
T'raa.=z,._t a Geh.erotl 13 isatin,;
O toutdluu and United. States Drafts bought
mud sold.
Interest allowed on Dented le.
Collections mutie on fa curable terms.
Canadian Agents-lnttt;curt7'a MANN al,
New York Agents-- Iauv,nrrns Asn Titan
L. TAYLOR 11111 (
tl iSJ.'1;R,
A. s Solicitor and ('.'
uutone's to Collec-
tions uredo. OtSCe-1'nuatmlt�a Block, ileus.
eels. 'Sham..
v 1' 111. SINCLAIR, • Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pub-
lic, dm. Oflioo-Gran era's Bleak, t door north
of Pepper's Drug Store, Private Pundit At
141 E. WADE __..
Barrister, Sol
1 e ioitnr null Notary Pub-
lic. Conveyancing, Collections and Leaning.
Mr. Wade will attend in Gerrie ovary Wed-
nesday at two o'clock,
(Late with Carrow it Proud foot, Goite-
r -1011d nnrristers, Solicitors. Cottvoyuucers,
to, OSlcos-Isrnsseht and tienfortb, liras
°cls Onico, liogers' Block, Main St. Money
to Loan.
It. A. Marrs, W. 5, riclis*N.
Di. TAYLO13, ill, iL L„
Barrister, S°iieltor.te„of the firm
of Taylor, MuUnlluuglt d Burn,. Barrister.
Solicitors, dc., Maania:: Arendt., Toronto,
Motley to loan.
��J'11111E ON THETHEPREMISI S Llrl. F1UNTl';li,
fn•ev, on of 'Mont Just! 1st. a yearlingheifer Cu 11C1m9t of the ytomol U Notary
lel ayearling Otent.,both rod btcolr, The Land, lnoan(( � Sterne) Public.
Itniiur kits smug gray hairs, !hit stent' has t uv A:ou.. I' null.
sotto w•uite alt )tiudtlu u•tsr,. 'lite owner is
requested to prove yr.,pet•t:. rev expm":ee
and tutu theta air uy, 23.4 110,11'. lir/kl; Y,
_y ;'RAYJlD 1'itUbI THE FRE ',II.
fees of the undersigned, let 27, Atli line
Monis, about ,ably 2gtlt, a year Ohl steer land
a year old hotter, bete red in colar, umrked
with ,t Cemnitn pig ring itt lower villa of
right oar. Auy information leading to their
Incest.y will be tbanldullyy renewed,
2:3.4 J15', M, MARTIN ,Brussel s1.1),
of the uudc'rstgned, lot :8, con. 17,
Pf1TEN 1 S Cnventa, Re -issues aria Trade
L 19 c . harks encored and all oth-
er patent *anew, In the Patent (Moe and
before the Courts promptly and carefully at-
tended to. Upon receipt of model or akoteh
of invention, I make careful examination,
and advise as to pateetabtlityfree of charge.
Foos mmlorate,aud I make no charge unless
patent is steered. Information, advice and
special references sent on application. J.
R. LITTELL, Nttshlugton, D.4., 0.8. Patent
OIDoo. n5
For tame and other particulars ask for
otroutar at my Orng and Book Store, Should
tired to pay y eeh to l his i lgui ottt 818,°s 1 according to
milking emitting of their dams,
217.11mhs G. A. D]7ADMAN', Brussels,
,L itttnsm.ntn has sovnral gond Forma for
°:ala and to rent, easy terms, to Townships
of \l orris and Grey. P. 9, SC OTT,Brussets.
11 Great, Mil] Strost, is offered ,or sale,
as the family will remove to Winnipeg next
Spring. Also the stable used at present by
Lott Bros„ and well Numbed building lot on
Turhberry street just south of the postoiitoo
bleak. Forpartionlars apply to MRS. 4. R.
GRANT, 204f
Lot iii, Con. 10, township of Grey,
Enron ane 15 good acres,
vation. On the farm 45 a stone house and
frame barn and frame stables, n good bear-
ing orchard and good well o1 water, For
furtherparbiouiars apply to the proprietor
on the premises.
17.31 40HN VINCENT, Brussels P. 0.
farm, being let3 offers
13, GreylTownship
Huron Co., for sale. There aro about 50
Sarco °leased and in good heart. There le is
log house, good bank barn homing orchard,
and all the neoeseary oonvenlenoes on the
promises. For further partionlars, as to
price, term e,ebo, apply to the Proprietor,
'1'HOS.HIf9LOP•blareP 0„ P.M', T.. or to DOUGALD STRAOHAN,Brnsaels,
23, con. 5, Grey, containing 100 acres, 15
aeras cleared, under grime, and the balance
timbered. About 70 acres of dry land and
the balailoo emir and black ash seamy.
There is a log house on the premises, Will
bo sold on v try reasonable terms as proprie-
tor cine° not require the lot. For further 1ar-
ticulara apply 50 0OBT. MOLAUGHLIN,
Crnubrook,1.O, or ALEX. HUNTER, Brus-
sels, 12
L: mummy offers for sale the north
mush quarto r of lot 28, .3o:waton 8, Morris,
()entity of Huron, containing 50 nom, The
laud is of Ant quality and in high state of
°titivation, well fended and Under -drained,
es:tcroecleared. New frame house, 8 rooms,
milk house with annaroto (salts, 2 wells,
good barna and short orchard, oto, Eight
acres of fall wheat. This doeir'able property
adfclue the aorpotvrtisn of Preemie, Suit -
dee bones will be given. Title perfect,
JAME& (11(1E V Ilf Owner,
30- htaforttt P. 0.
Morris, on reasonable tortes, 35 order
toeless the again 0f tlho potato of the late
W. O. 'litigate», the exeo!ttors alter the fel-
lowing valluable lands for sale North
half of Lot 1(0, Concession 8 ubtvnship of
hX-orris o0ntaining 00 acres. fin this lot 10
Greeted a good. triune barn with stone tram.
dation, goadarchat'cl, woil audpnnp. Near-
1y`all altered, and 1s on the gravy, road
closely adjoining rho village of Btnesela.
This farm isayalnable ono, is well tented
and in it gond state of eultivatlen. Per
Priem and tarns apply' to TILOS. A171,t.3',
Brusxula P 0.,IfnunY Jrxttxns, VI°terin.
:t4' tt t•n 7 -- .. irfl. ,, 0 i ; le Lodre
P (1 stt3diesax Ctiutov
Ofrested nrtd to learn, Oundet.ni5 made
fice in Graham's Biselc, lirunset%, r
I(tsu's store. 041541 -1 L.,C• 14, me.
T11. \lealtACIiISNl
atboo (.rouyufrMberrriagstrrreet•
A Toneorinl Artist' Shop ext door
south of A. M. Mabey & Co'S hardware atom.
Lnd,e°' µad ahil,rou's hair cuttings. 1 vicinity
I. "A
elution stook of cigars kept,
Insurer of Miirringn I,tsmisn,, by
uhpoiutmout 0f Lleut,•Oot error, Oommfs-
PitoIvsuxttn eEo. Ciliac t the Cahanbrooh
Post 011loe.
undersigned desires to Intimate to the
people of Brussels and ;surrounding country
that ho has opened it etiavlug and hair cut-
ting parlor in Smals's Block, where lie mai
bo found really to attend to the wants of the
public. Good work gnarautced.
The to the imiasmatic('
of°13 tlssels Jul surr,uuaing
country that she is prepared to et; and to
oil orders intrusted to her. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Shop -Upstairs, ouo door north
of Walter Jaskaou's hardware store,
Licensed Auctioneer. sales Ooniluet-
ed on reasonable terms. P,l'lns and Tatra
stook a apeoialby. Orders lett at Tag POO'
Publishing Houo,Brussole, or sentto Walton
P. 0., will receive prompt attention.
Li • Anotioneer, 1s atwaya randy to at
tend sates of farms, farm stook, de. Terme
oheerfulty given. Oranbrook P.O. Sales
may be arrro od at ME Posr Publishing
Rouse, Dreamier.
G. L. Bell L.D.S. Nitros Oxide Gee ad-
ministered for the Prinless klxtraation of
Tooth. 74 Gerrard Street Hast. Ton ONTO,
2DE25'2 T5T1
W. J. Fear, L. D. S„ Graduate of
Toronto School of Dentistry. AB
operations guaranteed. l'Artidsliil
teeth, neat quality, and n w
St, for 812.00 per set. Oi1le-CAnY'g
Br,00» , Stagnant.
ID JIM IN PI :SPI _______
l..A.- S.d,A=.TSN'. xr. Tt, 0,,
Honor Graduate of the Royal College of
ed s%hadministe for he Painless hxtrrnoto!
tenth. Ottiee--
WrOrre noon Nonru oPDANr;, Bnnss1ut0,
M. F. CALI7, M.D., O.
7 . Mmnbor of the College of Physicianand 5i of Ontario by examinationto end nesdoncs-Sain troat Bast
T A, MaNA.UGIITON, ilt. D.
L. It. tar., Edinburgh, At, 0, P,
S. Ont. AtPopper's Drug Store from 0 to
31111015,111,105325511130 to 4 t', m, At odic'
hours may be found itt 1ds melamine, form-
erly oaten d by 1)r. B toll instill, Milt et,
BO. D, \VARWICB, tie, (3.,
Grndltate and Honorary hollow of Ontario
Veterinary College, will bo pleased to ex:
entinewittt the greeter care :inti metro
silent milli . any caws amts°t,,d to his
051N) null Intb•ntnry ,1 t r s old
step',•• ant 1 north 01 I,, -,� („1,, •,Orry
at, Hewitt's,