HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-1-17, Page 7a
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31 this
JAN. 17,1890.
Intreelone glory mold or.a Little Coloree.
Girl's Iluilebtruble robs vision.
The citizens' of Sumter aro exalted and
puzzled by the otronge mantfostotions of
some hidden form whioh ammo to penman
Delay Robineon, a little ooloreo girl shout
12 yeare of age, She le an ordinary looking
child, and hue A languid look in her eyes.
She !seldom angles, and gazes Botlettely
aeon= ab the orowds of people who are
continually going to see her, Deley'a mother
iu dead, and oho lien with ion auto': in a
ham in the book yard of lf, A. Tradowell,
where oho is employed set 13 servent.
Ao an illustration of what &DODS climb,.
wetly reopeneble and trustworthy people of
Sumter testify to, Policemen Epperson, who
was detailed to investigate the matter,
makeo tho fellowing entement : "I wont in.
to the room whore the girl and her mister
were end turned everybody oleo out, and
sat on the bed, faoing the &Wan with my
lantern in my hand. There woo another
light in the room and a firo in the fireplace.
The girl eat on the right of the aleirouoy,
fasting me, hor =air leaning back . aphid
the chimney, her hanclo in her lap,
"I waited awhile and nothino occurring I
waa about to leave, when a dinner plate thot
was on the top of the bureau to nay loft and
against the wall and several fed away from
the girl °tome sailiug out into the air and f ell
right aide up on the floor, breaking t
pleoes. A two quart bucket on the mantel
ehelf then sprang oub and fell to the II tor ab
my feet, Immediately after a trivet weigh-
ing five or eix pounds!, that stood by tho
fire, (lathed out and across to whore I was,
atriking on OEM Of ;la feet =deplaning orouni
until it came to a rest.
"Mr. Tradewoll oarne in to ask what all
that /MIRO War, and just then u 13110V01 which
was back in the corner to tho right of the
girl, came prancing out mod loll with a clat-
ter, =lithos Mr. Tradewell on the foa, who
lelo without =tying to see anything more.
All this thne, as it seemed to mo, the girl
W08 sitting p031001317 quiet, and there was no
way for the adage to bo thrown in from the
outside, Besides, I saw the miselles as they
were oomiog threugh the air anti they came
from jun where they had been lying all the
while and I am satisfied that no ono In or out
of the room moved or threw them."
The room wait afterwarde exatnlned and
found to be aosely pealed above and all
round. Tho floor to tight aud a oareful ex.
amination from the outside failed to reveal a
araok that even a ten.cent pteoe could have
been thrown through.
Similar occurrences nutnifeet themnives
in every house or room where Daisy gotta, so
that eho ia not to deeirabie viator. Her
aunt nye she can nob afford. such costly en-
tertainment for the public and does not
know what to do in the matter, es she nu
nob tut n her coot of doors. She nye that this
morning, while Deisy wae eating her in oak •
A fast, tho boadstead in her room woo aot-
tuo.11y wrenched to pieces by an itreeen
. The
11 that
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1110 13103
father '
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3 Holy
d Gala.
A Youth With a Magnifying Bye.
John Thornao Endow, of Birmingham,
England, is a lad whose powers of viaion ore
to be accounted among the marvelous. He
io known as "the living micron/lope, " 011
&meant of beirg able to see the most minute
objaoto olearly defined. ItE 1878 or 1879 he
was attacked with some bsill.og eye trouble,
and came very near losing hie eight forever.
After the disease had reaohod it, worst
there watt an !natant and startling abonge
for the better. When his sight retunaed it
was with inoreased extraordinary powers of
vision. To John Thom= the moat minute
plant louse watt as large us a rabbit, and the
morquito'e bill ae large us an ax handle, He
could seo and describe distant minute objtots
with startilog clearness and prediaion. He
was ammingly shocked upon repairing to
the woll to get a cooling dranght to seo the
immense number of hideous oroatureo that
were floating, fighting and wriggling about
in the water. Prom that day to this water
hag never passed the lipa of John Tnomas
Heslop: his drinks consist wholly of ooffeo,
tea and milk,thoroughly boiled. The clootors
say amt the entire organiz %Hon of the eye
has undergone a stettabural °lunge ; thab the
cornea haa become abnormally enlarged, tood
that the oryatailine lens have divided into
three different dieks or circles, eaoh circle
sonounded by another of light blue.
y that ' Ontriolies That Bun Races.
iffereth i
be the Some time ago a, gentleman viated a pen
nd goy.' 4 ` of tame ostriches' in Africa At hie call two
Jo fah• beautiful birds came up to him. Being
co Al. desirous of testing their speed he arraoged
des and with tho keeper that they ehould run a ram.
m may So, he caressed the birds and =owed them
3 even, a handful of figs, of which they are very
become I fond. The ostriches were hold while the
, a nett.% visitor walked to a certain distance, A.13 a
eignal they were net free and began to run
for the figs. They name bounding along ab
a terrifia rate, taking twelve or fourteen
feel) at a stride. They ran neolnand.neok
for more than heti the dietance, their wings
working like ones and making a great sound.
Presenbly ono drew ahead, and looking be-
hind, as you may have naked. a boy in a
ar took,
Crone of
n so very
him foob race do, to eoe where hie rival was,
nd here and, finding him beaten, the winner elsok-
ffillyard I en= hio pace and gently trotted up for MR
yor for. prize of fige.
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Not That Time.
"Did you -did you over-?" he begon ao
e loaned across the Melo of the =met oor,
"Did you e9e3-7'
The other lifted the hammer ot hie Moot.
l•ing iron.
',Did you ever have the quiney ?''
"Ah 1 I thought you wore going to
speak of the weather," sighed the gunner,
ao he returned his weapon to its plum
English View of the Cronin Verdiot.
• American diseatisfaction with the Cronin
verdin is ohared here to Ile full extant,
Nobody doubts thab there ham been a misoar-
Hag° of juatioe, the Homo Rule organa of
England agreeing with the Uoionbab, Nor
is the question treated as one of politics.
, Three of the vilest wretches ever lab Inflating
ars loft unhung, says the Gladstonian Organ;
while the loading lournal of Toryiom atolls
the resat abortive and Mae honorable to
Anterioan adminionation of juotice.
The Firmer Knew Better.
" What is that?" asked the farmer of the
muoioian, pointing to his cunning imam
" That is a pitchfork," was the reply,
"You must: take Me fora jay," cont.
monied the farmer, RR he took departure.
The Learned Sedation
Through their membere have testified to the
peat effloacy o Putnam'e Painless Corn
• Jexterstotor, It provokoe no lino a domarca.
"'„ition, securing Alike tho good will of the
in brae highest and tho most humble and with striot
3813310 yo.
'impartiality, removing with' equal oelerity
the eons of each, Try Patnion'e Corn R.
Why Ile Oried.
They wore euehfrightf ul, frightful scream,
Mingled with pitome ehrleke ;
Could it bo Tod? Yea, there beamed,
Tears millet; down him choke,
With a Olilb, and up on Wm roof there alto
the judge, who oalicd oub : 'Bring the rooted
07 I:ere.' B..) I made the beet ol my way
frrom that time the robbers never trusted
themselves again in the house, kat the four
inusiolane liked lt go well that, thoy amid
not make up their minds to leave it, and
ihere tho remainder of their dam au
bo last 1010 e who told the otomy is ready to
you= or 0 foot,- (From Milve Malook'a
Fairy Talus,
Grandma and grandpa, eousins, aunte, t
0aiekly we all ruolood out,
Trembling and 9.11e ; acme dreadful thing
'fad happened now, no doubb,
"1 What le lb Toddle clear t" wo oried,
Oar Warta with fear a.hourid.
"Tho little make Cook beked for me
Is aquae° ; 1 watt it round I"
Tito BREMEN Town Mumma
liter° was a man who owned a donkey,
which bad earned him Hooks to the mill in.
du:anomaly for many years', but whose ,
strength had Goma to an end, 00 thab the -
poor 1a0o0 gave more and more unfit for
work. Tho me,eter determined to stop hie
food, but bile donkey dimovering that there
was no good intended to him, ran away and
took the rood to Bremen: "There," thought
be, oan 131330 70530 Musician."
When he load gone a little way he found
a hound lying on the rood panting like one
who was tired with running. "Hollo !what
are you panting so for, worthy baize 'em? "
abkod the donkey,
"011 1" seld the dog, " 'just Women lam
old, and get weaker every day, and mama
go out huntion, my mann wanted to kill
me so I have taken leave of him; but how
1313R11 I gain my living now ?"
"PEI tell you what," said the donkey. "1
am goieg to Bremea to bo town musioian ;
come with me and take to musio, too, I wilt
play the flan and you eloall beat the drum, '
The dog liked the idea, and they traveled
on. It WOE not long beforo they saw a oat'
Hitting by the road, making a face like three
rainy days.
"Now, then, whab haa gone wrong with
yom old Whither, ' eaid the donkey.
"Who can he merry when bio neck io in
danger ?'' &towered the aut. Became I am
advanced irevears, and my teeth are blunb,
and I like salingbefore the firo and -purring
bettor than chatting the mioe about, my
=anon wanted to droovn me. 1 hey°
managed to engem. but good =Woe la
warm; toll me where I shall go 1"
"Come with ue two to Bremen; you
=dente= soreneding ; you also enn heaome
a Town Musician."
The oat thought it a capital iclea, and went
with them. Soon after the three runaways
oame bo a farmyard, and there sat a conk on
the trate, crowing with might: and main.
"You orow loud enough to deafen oae,"
mid the donkey; "what is the matter with
"I prophesied fair weather," aeid bhe
cook, "become ib to our good mistress' waeh-
ing day, and she wante to dry the olothea ;
bub because tognorrow is Sunday, and com-
pany is ooming, the mistress has no pity on
me, and has told the 000k to 9310 010 iuto tho
eoup tognorrow, and I must have my head
out off to night; 00 31053 lam crowing with
all my might ao long as I can."
"0 you old Redhead," maid the donkey,
"you had better come with ue; we are going
to Bremen, where yen will 'certainly find
something better than having your head
out off; von have a good voice, and if we all
make emetic together it will be something
striking "
The cook liked theproposal and they went
on, all four together.
But they could nob reach the oity a Bre-
men in one day and they came in the even-
ing to a wood, where they agreed to spend
the night. The donkey and the dog laid
themselves down under a great tree, but the
eat sod the cook went higher -the cock fly-
ing up to the topmost branoh, where he was
West. Before he went to eleep he loolted
round toward all the four points of the atom.
pass and he thought he saw a spark alining
in the dtstance, He °ailed to his ampanions
that there must be a house not far off, for
he could tee a light. The donkey said: "Then
we must rise and go to it, for the lodginge
hero are very bad ; ' and the dog mid, "Yea,
o f OW bones with a little fie= on thorn would
do um good."So they took the road in the
direotion whore the light W331,, and soon saw
ib shine brighter; and it got larger and larg•
er till they eame to a brilliantly illuminated
robber a houoe. The donkey being the big.
gest, got up at the winiow and looked in.
" What do you me, Greybeard ?" av.id the
"What do 1 eee 7' answered the donkey,
a tebte covere3 with bev.tiful food and
aril lei and robbera oro sitting round it and
enjyin then:metro."
" Thet would do nicely for us," sail the
"Yes' indeed, if we were only there,"
replied the donkey.
The animals then consulted together how
they ahould manage to drive ant the robe
bets till at last they settled on a plan. The
dotokee WES to plooe hinnotif with his fore.
feet on the window.still, the dog to climb
on the donkey's back and the cat on bhe
dog's and at last the cook was to fly up
aod porch himself ort the oftes head • When
that was clone at a eignal they began their
music all together -the donkey brayed
the dog barked, the oat mewed and the cook
orowed ; then, with one great awash, they
dashed through the window into the room,
Ho the glees olattered down. The robbera
jumped up ab this dreadful noioe, thinking
thab nothing loos than a ghost wag coming
in and ran away into the wood in a greab
higha The font' companion's than get
down at the table, quite oontent with what
woe left thore, and ate as if they were eXpeot.
ing to feet for a, month to come.
When the four musicians had finiebed,
they put out the light, and each ono looked
for a suitable and omnfortable sleeping
plow, The donkey lay down on tho dung-
hill, the dog behind the door, tho oat on
the hearth near the warm aelles, and the
000k set himself on the hen roost ; and, as
they wore all tired with their long journey
they soon wont to sleep. Soon after mid-
night, an the robbers in the Mantua mold
see that no more lights were burning in the
house, and tie all seemed plot, the oaptain
said. " We ought nob to have let ourselves
be soared Go easily," and sent one of them
to examine the house. The mostenger found
everything quite, wenb into the kinhen to
light a cendlo, and, thinking the oaten shiny
fiery eyes wero live coals, he held a match to
them to lighb it. But the oat did not
undersoband the joke, flaw in his face, opat
at him and snatched. Ito was dreadfully
frightened, ‚3833 135307, and was going out of
the back door when the dog, who WRIS lying
there, jumped' up and bit him in the leg.
As ho ran through the yard, pub the
dunghill, the donkey gave him a good hitok
wibh hie hind foot, and the cook, being
awakened and made quite lively by the
noise, called outfroin the hen -roost, Cook.
a.doodle-deo 1"
Tho robber ran ae fast to he could book
to theotoptain and said "'Oh, dear I in
the house site (1110313131 old witch, who flew
Mine and aoratehed my face with lier long
firgers, and bar the door stand° a matt with
a knife, who etabbed me In the log, and In
the yard lies a blaok monster who hit 1330
Getting Acquainted,
"Thio," said the men who woe tiVreilriii
on the ostre, rat he comma hio valise and took
out a bottle, "lea mixture galled Dr, Jenkin.
on's Iodispensoble. I never travel without
b,, Ib le the best mid web agreeable tonic
now on the mai kat, by all odds,"
"I am not so sure about thot," roplied the
mon who WAR ocioupying the new with him.
have herc"-and he egotist hie own valise
ond took out a bottle -"a toolo called Dr.
Rybold'a Extraa, whieh I have need for
everal pare, and oonoider 113 tho very best
perparation made. No man ought over
"I hove no doubt iblo a fairly good medi-
oine in itb way," broke in the other, "but if
you had ever tasted Dr. Jenkineon's India.
ponsable you would ehrow that mac( pun
"I know all about Dr. Jenkineon'e non.
num, sir, I know woody what leo made
"You do, hey'l"
"Yes, sir; end I know Dr, Rybole's Re-
treat la elude from preoisely the same fon
mule, only from pure materiels, instead of
bhe vile and adulterated ingredients old Jen.
kinson wee."
"It'd made ftrom tbe eame formula, is it 1"
"Ensaly the same."
"You lying old ignoramus, how do you
know W:3334 it e made 3,1 1"
"How do 1 know, you insulting old
ectoundre11 I'm Dr. Rybold, sir I"
"1 aro glut I hove hound you out, yen in.
fermi villain. I am Dz. Jenkineen."- [Chi.
age Tribune.
What the Biitish Pay for Tobacco.
The cost prioe of tehaaco annually import-
ed into the United Kmgdom to but £3,000,•
000, bub taxotion ot one sort or another
amounts to i1.9 000,000, and when we have
included retail waits aril meb ef the stp.
paratus n spired by smokers, we may put
down coso of smoking to the British and
Irish public at fie 000,000, being nearly £3
per head per annum of the adulb male poen.
lotion of the United Kingdom.
1 The Longent Word in the Lictionaxy
ie incompetent to oommueloate the Mot.
preeeible aotlafootion and ineomprehenalble
oonsequonme resulting from a judiolona
admimetration of Dr, P.oroo'a Favorite
Presolption, a preparation doeigned ()epee!.
lolly for the speedy rellef and permanent oure
of all FemaieWeaknenee, Nervounnese, and
Women peouliar to the femolo sex. The
only remedy for wornon'o neoullar lilt,, sold
by drogginar, under q poeltive guarantee, to
give satiefaotion. Soo 313103330133,0 00 wrapper
of bottle. Thle guarantee hott been f toithtully
oarried out for many yours by the prorple
We know mon who laid at every point
upon beating their way through life, but we
observe that they all draw the lino ab a
For Coostipa, !10, Slok or Tinian', Mod -
oho, eon Dr. Piero,'o Pallets, or Anti Wilma
Granules : Purely Vegetable and porfootly
harming. Om a dose.
no kicker.' is the worat poesiblo re-
oommendabion fora young 133R31 who wants'
to join a football club,
The Turtle Mountain Be ion,
Thousands of aoreo of =am free govern-
ment land, now open for oetblors, in tho
Turtle Mountain region of Dakont, Here
was ranted the wheat that' took first: pro.
mium at New Orleans Exposition. Rioh
mil, timber ih mountains, good eahoole,
ahurohea, oengenial society, For further
information, mane, ratee, (13., 0 pply to F. I,
Whitney, C4. F. & T. A., St, Paul, Hine,
or J. M. Machina, 4 Palmer House Bik.,
Mabel-"Isn'b young Mr. Dolly a apnea
fellow 1" Arrry-" 1 knew he was a nick,
but I 311(1 0013 koow exactly what kind."
A Happy Transition.
After fi9D yea -a' Buffering from dynpepsia
my wife hob awed in one month by OA froo
U00 of Se. Leon water. We prize lb highly,
the transition It brings from miaery to fine
health is so grand and permanent. To thie
How Things t.To in Life.
MoFingle-Do you know that seedy -look.
Ing individual ov r there
MoFangle-Yea. Hee the inventor of the
moot wonderful and useful engines in the
"Indeed I And who is thaO handeontely
dressed, prci•perone-loolting man to wbem
he le talking!"
" Oh, he invented an oil can to use on the
engine invented by the other."
His 'Notes,
" Look here," laid the cr.idit man, "we
osn't sell von those geode on four months'
time." Vy not, 1 gives you my note?"
" Bub do your notes sell on the street ?"
"Mine gracious Inc. or 1 vould so home and
make notes instead of clodiag."
Ted -"Do yon really think marriage
makes a man give up all his baohelor friend-
thips 3" Ned -"Yee, if his wife is very prat.
.Popo save that "beauty drawn no with a
oiogle hair." It doesn't nowadaye. When a
beauty. gots ao baldcheadod that she has bug
ono hear left Me doeen't draw Dwell.
Two people vvere talking science the other
evening when the gorm theory atm under
diHouseion. "juet to think eve are ail Gn-
omes," said she. "Yee," mid he, "except
the lath, and they are isliehrobesa•
Oltora-" I wouldn'o like to have snob a
at husband as Emily has got" Doesie-
" Neither would 1. Dat '3h0 510 nay she
puto her portfolio of autumn leaves under
the cushion of We chair, Thud he presees them
oub splendidly.' -[fitirlington Free Fens.
The "why" for not disturbieg.milk while
the cream is rising In a very simple one.
Tho cooling of the milk eausee currents in
the fluid, the end of which be to deposit fats
ab the nuance. When them are disturbed,
by dipping or otherwise, theta aurrente are
broken and the partielea of lab go floating
aimlessly about, and some of them never
reaoh the top.
1. 'The approach of the New Year lo a good
time for our modem to look baokward and
orward. Pooling the ninon in calm review,
the intelligenb farmer Osalloot fail to see
whore in ho hem gained impoebant knowledge
by careful 'experience and ohaervation.
Studying into the future, not only the far-
mer, bub all other good men and women,
see how hhey can be benefited by the pro-
per use in daily life of thio inoreased stare
of experience and education.
Oharies Stewart Parnell when 011 home
comfort:no to local style in dress, Ms
breeohes aro tied at: 13130 knee with ribbon
vividly green in hue. Stout brown worsted
stockings, a hale the worse for wear, clover
hie shapely limbo, ending in a pair of
brogues that have not recently been sub.
mined to the blaakiog brush. A walatooat
loft unbuttoned displays to bine cotton ohirb,
a high collar ouch as Mr. Gladstone wean
in holiday time is l000ely tied with a ker-
chief, green but not oo deddedly patriotic
in tone am the ribbons that knot 131101100001100at the knee. A high hob with exceedingly
small brim la rakishly see on one ado of his
head, and you do nob foil to notaae the
"ouddy" stuck in the misty band that con.
finee the baae of the orown, and has braved
moony storms in the lovely Wicklow moues.
A Large Batate,
SAUSAGE ;42.r.847,;;;rl'Al.„0,V114:
Ord000 fillod again Saurrct‘Eptueli;.anWirli 'Elgic(rIrfogo'
41 to 471,'!, Leserenee Woke% Toronto, Ont
noot.teepion, Shorthand, Typi writing, B.:Moms
bklumtlan by atrAndlholda. or evening) MAMPIAN
111/010310:18 1I031711110131, Palle Library litillang
TKOS. 50EN0004.10. • President,
Nth Ant Reporter York County Lioluto,)
MI 'Ill.. I0e0 of the moniderful
tonivertible Brabet. ‚30033133,38
111 raw, Used everywhere for
everything, 0ou0..10
103 Mut y•oll'll eorreet
wr,ien you seci,!0„.. Mo!nto expprbalern 0,'in TUT. MtIliple nninvd, the, r:roorrisrs
free, Cason reon FA 'f's Co., 00 Victoria rareet,
or Agents Wit ,terl.
Send for Illuitrated Cotalogno and
thl4 advertiseinent w.th yonr order
for onr SEW 8101 001110013 and we 5311
allow you
°MOD IIIOS., Mfgs,
110110 ETOWN, ONT
To n.11 our Hardy, Ilomo grows 3311301 TUFA
Prices law. 01.031 pay and rthois wont. Fre, outfit.
08. arotfeatioes, one.
hour noa pang. Feel to good and hearty RET IP' ift c .11)
will take pleaeure in answering any lequir- in Amorim to buy
100. JOSEPH PAIDE, 349 Devercourb road, Bond and Musieal 6
Toronto. Placa your orders winter now. n
trot rumen to, a
" Impoteiblo to overrate the value of St. I. Musio ,te
Lesay phyaithane.
Add '
rees IVAIIIY, 100700 .0 it'll.. MS Tong(
Stet ef,TorIIonto. S.,Efi I., 0 elope,
- TEE -
Cheapest and 12.5\\
She -"And that soar, Mejer. Dld you I
got it during an engagement ?" Ha (ebeentle )
-"No, during the firm week of our honey -
All Men,
yount, old, or middle.aged, who iind them-
selves' nervoua, weak and exhausted, who
are broken down from txoess or overwork,
resulting in many of the following symp-
toms : Mental depression, premature old
age, lose of vitality, loos of memory, had
dreams, dimneas of sight, palpitation of the
haarb, &Woolens, laok of energy, pain in the
kidneya, headache, pimples on the fees or
body, itching or peoeitar eensation about
the Bongo tn, wasting oi the organo, dize:nese,
specks before the eyes, twitching of the
musolea, eye 11161 131131 elowitere, bashfulneee,
deposits in the urine, loss of will power,
tenderneso of the scelp and spine, weak and
flabby musolee, desire to sleep, What' to he
rested by 'sleep, constipation, &Ulnas of
bearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude,
woitability of temper, sunken eyes eur-
rounded with LEADEN memo, oily looking
skin, etc., are all eymptoms of permed
debility that lead to insanity and death =-
less awed. The spring or vital foroe having
lost its tension every function wanes in con.
sequenoe. These who through abuse am.
mitted in ignorawe may be permanently
cured. Send your addreas for book on all
disown peculiar to man. Address IA, V.
Lunen, 50 Front Street Eaet, Toronto, Ont.
Booko sent free sealed.
the symptoms of which aro faint apelia, pu1.
pie fine, numbnese, palpitation, eltip bean,
hoe fl taboo, rueh of blood to the head, dull
pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid
and irregular, the amend heart beat quicker
than the fleet, pain abonb the breaut bone,
eto., atm positively be owed. No aura, no
pay. Sand for book. Address M. V. Luning,
50 Front Street Best, Toronto, Ono,
13,?. 484
mONEYImago Irma ,,o.fludAbru,r,e1bm1500.1:50r ‘1,7035;
Mdir'g t4""114.11iVESTORSTmnto bust-
neso and house praptrty yielding 7,n and ill oio tole.
veetord and 100 taki VO RE •
113(00113 .0 a. Liana& KUM. 350001300039, KLEMM
4 Meg Street East, 330.10 40.
Sumer= e to A. X HOKUM St, CO, 012:0 establish-
ed HID by Mr. S 10, Janes
Increase In rivulet on Tomato 16^D over ISES (assess.
cr's rsturne) 0o,380.
0107(11003) 74150110000 dolt :1 01 patine op estib,
Ing 111.02 litorol'.hanrIng Inert 008 0, lute rutin us,
lio'd gran nod AtOok for bar r 030301 0.10 stbu13,
Mosey et Lowest, Carrera 1151105 or 0so Mirka.
b. Ippd leg p mouldy, sr ny otter te the
J. F, ;mut MANAti/SR,
Tradir Mark. Made by Tim Atmore 'Macy licartlells
0,0.01010 00 OflW3MoHVICAT..
WeiroLeofle NOW rice I3300V'5 04,* 941100.510.
And still 10 0310 31000 30 o gard 130 0130 prey/Moot mots
for tha safety and made ,b1 3M1 01133150103*.
Weekly Sailings 1001 530011 1iverpool4 stilrow
10003anal rhe St. 1,I1IVrVACII d0 rro1'E2110/14..
ty servgro Iran, 3001,80, enrleos
Summer MeraShs.
Holl Steamers run between Liverpool and Port:are/
vla MIX .10 000103 winter 011unnow 0I0EIE001 EE.V,
throughout the otter to Boston and Failadelphn,rall.
log at Irish prrti mid Ealifax ea roma,,
1000 rates of pomra e And other Information 0103333*40
II, needier, cot King and YongeStriets,Torome ;
& 4 Allan, Montreal, or to the local agente to yew
Provident Lifi- n4 Liye Stott Ann
CRISP 03131(08,
A Mutual Benefit Association.
SOLID '1117E31733010033 -Ern airing to e
Aesociation ONS UlINT 70010 1)0.7, a pcsum arrie
twentyvtwo, and two 06g3I33 Ear y 0 3018033
forty fora can Secure Five 1/LIISID Psr week 9,
disabled through birknese or maiden% so for tea
and three cents per day, persons th,ed as Above =a
ECCUTO fur their dependants, Five Hundred Dalian 131
event of death,
Lino sracit ()INNERS elm provide a„.valest
by death throuch Llano 00 010431000 of their Mack
et easy rates, Those interested, bend for prom:catcall,
ere, Reliable Agents wonted in uurepresentad
v3113103,31 JapeEs meowing Dir mixer.
\b1c1 API: 0
Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above rianteO
disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have ben permanently cured. I stroll
be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have mo...
sumption if they will send me their Express and Post Office Address. Respectfully,.
T. A. st.ocum, m.c., 386 west Adelaide et. TORONTO, ONTARIO.
WORLD 01 83000310
PLATES AS IN 000 011,100
Esugarimmwe manammo
In its First Stages.
Palatable as l'ililk.
IBu sure you get the genuine in Salmon
c5o.cloraaTroor; sold by all Druggists, at
SCOTT Se 131JWNE, Belleville.
VoltioS,Td. tIllus.
Addrov, MEYERS 131t: S., ST ilrurgoliBSItn, Tor=
0000 AGENTS ZT1t1
ASTH A A trial bottle sant Fran to
any one afflicted. DRS. TAFT BROS., Booltester, 1033
reliable system toups whoreiy, 0 Alin pie.
feetetting garmeots are produced. Sead for cirou.
sr to S. OORIMMAN, Prop., 4 Adelaide St. west.
LADIES tryOLIVEI 11004030I1, tiro beet remedy
ke0wn Er all rouvr
free. Address, with Om r. J.TRollt
mend St. W., Toronto, Orn,
It clang. Vflonta
dotted so thickly with thrifty oibles, bowne
A broad land is this ill Whial we lies, eA GER Book ftee.
and villages 1 Amid them all, with ever. 140.63Nisesta et., Iltdrai.,Nor.
inoreaeing popularity and helpfulness, is Dr, rillEAUVIERS oan Make money during vacation
Pierce's Golden Madiceel Disoovery, giving ' j. by canonising tor one or more of our taet oolllog
hope and oheer where there is disease and 08000 0831 Bibb keeper:laity gietory of Ornada,
"Pair. Wh"L've th°r° le hnrnanItY Wt;a1;".rnp3,7a.ie,;,',Arziclibigg oIrte00,r,
there le suffering; wherever there is suffer- Orator, oiroulare mad termer. vat. B11.10611
ing there is the best field for this greetest Publiehor Toronto.
Amorioan Remedy. Consumption (which
is lung sorofulu), yields to it ; Chronic
Nosal Catarrh yielde to it ; Kidney
and Liver diseases, yield to It 1 If you
want the boot knoWn remedy for tdi diseases
of the Mood, ask for Dr, Fferoe'e Golden
Medical Dl000very, anti take no other. It
id guaranteed to ouro fro all 00.000 el diseasee
for whioh le reeorninended, or money re-
O Guaranteed sure cure for long,
standing (toughs, dean, stet. Ask
your rirueetst tor 313 03' write to us
, "'Take no other. Be 0, eriinsn *
0o., DrUggist.e, Toronto,
OSEPH MARMON WRITES '114 111111!1)..
Nova:rasa fflira, 103e,
New thot hove p irchared Roca you one el sow:
Standard Meth Bare Olimp ng Midis tombs/Lae
on It as part pay my Iron Grinder, 0 Iowa no oblate -
tion to tell you that the plates mod in the bee
Grinder cost es 00, and lotterly bat 01.00 per pais.
I use over $S0 00 gorth Dot winter. Chreadenolly
a Plate wouti last a wask, but sometimes notarise'
two or three hour ,
Tae price 01 000 mill was MN, mach (Napa
than yoora, 31.11i the end WM o Very moob clEatalr
mill. 1130 flattened that Iron Grinders ars onlYslgo
able for f amen who have very small amonntak
chopping to do for thbir own use.
Ft • E.W. 0.3 -BRAN CANADA,-
1103041310 4100. 18110,
I would feel inclined to apologia for not wratleg,t
sooner, hnd I n .t been too b,rey and toy claire ta
give the 20 3. oh Standard Mill a fair trial betake
I am most happy to elute that I mu entirely aot73ss
fltel with the mill, bbio doing eplendid work.
Two No. 3Ire0 G inder5 at $10.00 each three Ea.
2 Iron Grinders, SE1.L0 each, all in goad ordor areS
with nov platee.
, when 1 say Cure I do 3100 1053001L" merely to stop them for a 'bine, arid thee
I ave them return again. I MEAN A RA 0 0 03 LOUR E. I have made the disease of Plts
psy Or Falii,
g Sickness a 1 fe-long study. I warrant myremedy to Cure ehte
worst cases. Because others have failed Is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send oh
once (ora treatise and a Free Settle of my lrsPioIIIblo Remedy. Give Express =A
Post Office. It coots you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address :-0.1. G. ROOT*
MX., Branch. Office, line WEST A10E33409E STREET, TORONTO.
5. 5. TE7leflE13
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