HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-1-17, Page 6RAISING A 02I P, I S.s it to Him d nsb wlma we, was thinking
of ai wt, ca ria 04,mg ; Joo, Bel 11,11 azul nlu,
;A Canadian 41nns16fu3a', we u:no to s a abput that bit of hauling on
sue Risk iavet,"
tls'1,•ut thirteen. or foudw n years ago, a '•Ut 1 we 11 talk of to it t1 ;norrow.
� tgac;4lman of this again of Urant, living un ( so), here will be glad, to are, you, eh 03ok?
Mee north shore of the S , Lt.vrer 0r;, over a first who is at the Boal• ?'
ZIA'a-lre3 Hurl flity miles 1100W tis tuheu, waB Three or fall.- I-oUn %A, alt, will) want to
rills ika.o t by b ebin•,sB we go up r,t that city Ree Lisa now stare olork abaab acme pro,
'Ulgs r,t 0.goob a, Tie oa:y way a! dotug no %',w- vier: ns,'
las,+r,w3 the river ('wrifuh is thorn over thirby r Oa, a'anN them in, Dick, by all maxum,
.-lades broad) in a yaahb or other. Billing Now, Air A'oW, hate !a A chance for memo
voxaol to stoma vili"ge oil the oppaSte oidu fan, Bring a voutdicqulot you meet Amug.
-r4i t,%ka the tests up. The house whore Mr. us thio evealmg,"
%'.-sent lived was a now one, NO ha diol not By thin tines bho Iadiang had entered, and
W%re to take his young ivifo ,sold ahras child- the asked : "How s Miaear B;awn, how?"
asra,fcwn to be expaau l to rho cold of a part• "Ah, is that von Mlahsol and Jerome?
Zyr uafruishod dwalliag during the very How d y° do? Como in l oome is 1 So you
'mr,esrn ,winter, So,. as on previous occasional have busiuesu with are now stark. :Here lie
W t•, U Aurramainodfor rho Wilbur With bar is, and, by Lyn raay, mind yon, don't„vox
4kitttar, a wail•kuuwn a ,*
uau, wuo huts elnoe him, tar no IS not to be muddied with ; iot
.edited• Business being over Me, Great hanten- me tell you he can raise spirits 11, he wants
,tit rc, return, AB navigation In nob vary to;'
1g,%,, 0ioablO at the late season (for by this "Now Misoor Brown vary funny, Jerome
ikxa is was November), and hAvtnp but late no frightened of now store man 1 He nob
sly^ etw,overed from a severe illness he wished raise spirlua, an niers than Cook there."
,A zv0id As ,much me possible a bad orc88ing, 1 -Oh, oau'a he? Wel), it you don's look
:tf rrived at the station he hailed a Darter, oub hemny. What do you think, Jaogaes t'
lusod„ boaring th7t his yacht was In port, ask• er JScquea liva lung tfma, never yet see
-aglome, questions about the tido Anti cvinl. man thea make spirit acme."
f,n,st ab twat moment the train ahrickel mud I All right alb down there and see what
sir onrlightemed one of the horses sailing by, he can do."
that, axerviag quickly round, to kanuh9d "'hell, really, Ale. Brown," said the
.Bentz. Csraah to the ground, Oa bilug picked ventriloquist, If tbey want to see a ghost, I
1uy, °aa was found that he had fallen with his have no ohj'ation."
%oak v. a sharp stone uo a, tislatoat be have I,Wgll that do ao wall, Jerome?"
%4isrol3en 1,o, AIthough in pain and very weak "When Jerome see the spirit he than be-
'�ve would not allow the ymohb to rem'uin lieu a, but not $ay it is well. Good man not
3:eager than was necessary to take in a load nail domons." 3
rat f:eeh beef. mutton, eggs and better (Arti- "8.1oneo now, 1s I think he will come
+mess r.,jobed in hla e:,tabAshment) as lie fear- down, the ehlmasy," BAIA the ventrilc inlab,
,ert fur ate safety, but thought he teals dog'- Iustantly siloto3 reigned in the room.
titer himself, having quite a medialas ch Wa rho four ludiaum wcro we mute and motion -
a4 Ewing ani knowing something of mod!• leas ask though cub cab of state, while the
+Meese, other men qu:otly smukea their pipes and
f: Tae day an whloh the yacht atarbad out watched to ase what was coming. Nothing
ata itvaty from the eafa little lnlo wharc was heard for a moment or two, but the
all can d and then a
i sale, to ,rn c£ Elie win
en maurec ea tire.- al 60and u;{tc f'v:u b0 PP n
srctae s fico one, and all on bsatd (lir. Oreset ioratohing aw"d was heard am of elawz
'deo ciprain, one sailor, and two paasengera) ;;gainso tiro briolta. All faces were as ashen
ec pa!a.ad to areas in abruu seven or eight 3$ nature allowed,
,?seri:, for t'. -.o wind was blowing froshly, r1 Who is there?" asked Mr. Brown.
%stite for
the whlte $lila, and tiro little ,,Your to lend," r,nnwered a well known
asst donood merrily along over the green ,yoio3 reeogu!zad by all as Air. Grausi's.
"travae straining to skim as lightly as one of f1 What do you want ?"
trhe tea pigeons than played Arouud, "Well " I carne becauss seat for," answered the
captalh, a4fa is going nicely, but It stems vanlnccquist, making his voice Answer from
that we will have a blot,.' rho chimney.
,lay, sh•, I'm afraid we won it gab in before 11 When did you die?"
oitsar, but we'll weather it, I'll be bound, 11 CChem I oaaaed to livo,'
else the • Ses Gull' is a tight little craft "One ghost vary good, bet, when I zoo
Feu had Your eyes open, air, when yon two the some, Jerome Bay better still.'
'W.aueh i bar,' All eyes were turned in the direction of
Is Well., you see, I knew bho a Mary's -,he sloaker, Burl saw him gaze fixed on the
weak points and when she want down 1Sol door ambled them, where, pale and ghost -
ring I made up my mind to gab a Smaller ilho, stood Mr. Grant.
ext a stronger boat, ane that could be more Isis was too much for the onlookers, who
$,ally managed,' scattered in all directions, exempt Mr,Brown
r< F: ell, we • Mary' had her good points end the old Indian whose quick eyes stow
'ton, and would have salted u good while LhO their friend was In need of assistance•
loon; i+ sne had not been run into Ly thane When this had been given and he was avf8-
?isfabere," atently recovered, Mr. Grant told how he
4li. know It, but we had it out then, Cap had Leon obliged to remain on Birnaby
ate, as chore is no use, I suppose, in going Island till the salt water frrz3 scffiliently
aver inugaln, hub I &',ways will say to wee for there to walk over to the mainland,
Vere of til° most urfmfnal places of Careless- which tog as it continually docs, broke up
mess 16vsr saw, to ran rigab into a moored at xt any by the Lotion of the water. He
bo&t and sink her, but there t we won't say eau vi full dtEHctilty procured A yacht whish
wiytaing more oLoab it," -hat day had crossed wibh him to the
Walla acts talking lia'i been going on, the acrth shore, bub owing to the rising wind
+ehud had been rising, dark c'ouds began to :hey Lad been Obliged to land some miles
scres s the sky, antritis a+t:.•g not talhOdOsd below the settlement, and he had escaped
�Zitber by the eapaain or hes e.nplover, wigs action. Weak as he Waa he had been
ks6d creased the ktver $o o; ten :,e to be quite obl'i„ Del to walk up and only reached home
!familiar wis;b iha river sign", Rios -s were iftar nark. No one bad heard him and he
¢nation is Rud A'.t ,linea gut ready for b and j not walked into the sitting room in
slaatl. Beavo)y the 1 Sva Gall' mounted ilme Ea hear his Own ghost speak. Mr. Abel
such route g iv,va, pasaina unhurt tc toon got over the fright he had received, for
-&t r. x •, V1.uysg thty seamed almoab large chougu be raised a spirit, he did not care be
*120119tt to o1:g:i f hurl hub am strong and nen lee tite real article as he thought had been
Wortt:y ae,-ma c,t her
• tt rc Saxes she struggic- tnate e that time. He had known Air,
c3 bravely out Iloarvst, .tt,r a elms, tilt :r.,ot formally, and it was thou thab he
,send vocrad to z1M mortth ants blow a hurri 3eula to well imitate his voice in speaking
note, all that it iw,ts q:tita impossRAl- rot mghoab.
to run In the taot'.h of the Rote Mostly and many a time in crossing the
Who, vasacf n•ms pas aboms And al, river on a fine day, I have gszsd train a die
^s1 -feed was maws, to caltr s'tnr pis, a, t•,' -a-c, on tiles island where Mr. Grant was
mitelrer. , C.iptafr, whsro hila;' we sae ? W. a n, ally made a ghost of.—[Montraal Wit-
askm't go bark for we are already sees: at mile sees
1£rrwaer than SAlat C—, And the aarreml
aarns down bate I Yea, air, and tl,o fiat Exploded Notions of To-Day*
assist be gaing out or aeon will be, no t ,,rout,'
1,$s dangerous to run fee the stsorN, but ' T.:ore ars a good many notions long
t31u.+r- we can make for 8.. B:rnmby'a ILI Ind. exploded -
, x litt.o to the south. seat there." According- Nobody believes, for example, that all
!Ity,tio corse was changed and they were aeon women wear tight shoes.
iieing lEterally driven toward,, this Island. lthab all club .-nen gob drunk and don't
Ualaaa bbey could slacken their speed i- go some till morning.
Watered as though they must run aground, That the children of fashionable people
orad yet ha mast mnuhor on that Angry sea was
,,'imp issibillty. Whit was to be dole ? `4' non wall taken care of.
SOnr aafeat course is to run her Ashore sic Tbat all boarding-house tables are bad.
Iles) south went side, air, there is A gond bit vi That all women wear tight stays.
asaah there, it Is our only chance." "All ThAb oil women lay the seeds for rapid
rfgbt oaptAia, I know you will do your Leat consumption by getting their pebti°oats
tri save her as well aB us.' wet on raimv day$.
dOo came the Roble craft, driven by wind TkSb all women are jealous of each other.
avid wave toward that uncertain shelter, That all woman aro underpaid.
�ktt the oaptaim's good steering soon brought
her to the shore, where blip wan carried high Tait all mince pies are indfgeabible.
*hove the ordinary watermark. The we Tomb a little ready is unhealthy.
tuest she grounded and the waves rolled back ThSt a fruit diebwill save our bad and
rias captain, matter and the other two man Y Y
•swath ropes in hand sprang cc the beach, and soil.
am the yacht rose on the next wave, drew it That your way is the right way, and iaine
w iligh as they could out of harm's way. As is the wren.
the tide was falling the boat was soon high Nobody Believes Any of these things, ex•
rind dry on the Leash. Being eagerly ex. . cap'
the people who live such narrow !f veo
neriine, by the captain and Bailor ib wallchat they think nothing good can come cab
Zeund to be very little injured, bub, as they of Nazareth.
could nriowith help get it down to the river
again, they wereiprisonere on the island till Stanley to Winter at Cairo,
slash time as they could signal Bome poosiog It is not surprising that Air. Stanley has
least, the inland being too far from chore fur decided to winter in Calro, and will not be
their signals to be noticed. Me, Grant was ,aen in London before next spring, After
in a very, week state, the only thing he could i
trsko bean a little broth made from the fresh ons has lived en change
a the tropias for several
anef they were no forunate fit having ors years, a sudden change to I winter r groat
board, All next day aB well as the follow, in the latitude of London is to incur great
aletg no boat passed near enough to notice risk of a serious Impalement . of health.
ahem, After that, owning to the Imtenose wine is the reason Dc Jng h spent rl
*E the season, very few vessels were to be m winter to African
before going hart, Sud
,•mon mud these either did not ate or would many as Atriads tas limited
eager to gob
diet notice the signals of distress. During back to bis friends, has halted midway for a
,ogo, time great atwiaty wan felt In Quebec time waiting for spring. Mang n is n
,at not heating anything of Mr, Grant, On favorite resort for oxplorare going north in
airy the members Anythi of the firm learnt that winter, and Wfosmami is among the travel.
lore he have made that bountiful island
f he storm, tyle
b n the da o t
had lei o
�,e Y
letterscamingfr°m----,thoplmoowhither baby improve
home, er quiet
will pro-
iota was going, amid that nothing had been to
ohis Lha greater quiet of Cairo
,Smack or beard of him there, to write his new book, and be may have ib
Off big hands by the tittle he returns to
^� );,,rope —[N. Y. Sun,
09APTER I11 Sepbuagat;arianXingisrobs.
'1sWhat a wind there is out, Me, Abel 1 I We live in an age of old monaroho, grand
vt%ink we are in for More bad weather." or otherwise, am well as of old statesmen. A
Alk to, air, I think we are. I was fortunatethrone in our century teems to give itsas•
tin gutting here before that 1406 storm we massacre a fair proapeob Df longevity, Tho
shad, Pope is, of source, expiated to be an old
11 hob wag a atotm and ib cost. us dear, roan, The two oldest men next to him are
u know
it is a funs
Great, bo o y
Pot) Grn 1 the Iitn of Holland and the reigning
1' Y
tot that nothing was ever seen of ohs prince of Schaumburg Lippe, both of whom
.yaoli , it is now two weeks slate ohm went were born in the year 1817. Nexb oome the
down. f King of Doumark, the Grand Doke of
rcWoll, I suppose hoe must have beets WoimAo, and the Duke of Cobourg•Gotha,
harried right out to anal' Prince Aikerb'abrother,all of whom first saw
'1I suppose to. Since you have finished tho light to 1818, The following year, 1819,
•koa we may as well go to the albtiug•xoor, was marked by the birth of Queen Victoria,
'where there Is a good floe, and I thick I and theGrand Dake of Meoklenburg•Strolitz,
bear memo ono there," "How d'yo do air I Their we have seven hapbumgenarlan rulers in
now d'ye do 1 How do? Blowing 0, gale, Baro -pe If we may extend Lha berm ruler to
pr$'bit? uho small e
tman Princes whos
since the
111 em, Mr. AbBI, and I were fest remark- foundation of the new Empire, have not
.exg that to IN almobb as bad jtrt bile storm baon alluw:d .a do Much rnling, -[fall Mall
fax QpAgg(<yent down In,.' Gaz„ tcd,
A 31lnslo1,wr9',; T11141l1na A+lvoninre,
Poe IaitJenza in London—One of DiokeLs' 'My little uilaslonary ntation of Ullto Vald
oat gib the tie, tire mist northora, An wall
C,lalactgm Ldtll.-A British Stoa'mer as rho memo perilous, outpost of Its Riad its
Sauk, Sou thorn AfAoa, .
Ono day Allied came to me mail Bald :
Uu:il tiro commanoMn sit at last week 'l "Alaster, thorn Is to be a great, huut: for
le. Was %his to wa•n'i the proItreas of ; wolvw, which are doatroyimf; our s'et'a,
bho Irfi:aanza Scourge on elle Parapoaa,
Will you and your oonapaniono j* )In u ,
We otartwl aw ly au rho morning of G Vie Y
oontlnent with pbiioeophio oalmeems. Tbere fine day. There wore twenty, live to thiroy
had boon a few o tree in Lyndon from time Of. uS, All uAUves cxacpb myself. I oarried n
be time, bug the diBnase had not assumed an, good z'8o, a Pale of plate'$'in(' m largo hunt.
$pfaemio form. Britishhiloso h has now 1 tug links. The others were armed with
p P Y +gunp, opoata, knives And eilmba, With tile
vanlobea, Bud calmness has given place to a old of the dogs we soon Net upon tine truoki
fooling nearly akin to despair, for aha f the baasba one) It rid boon prowling about
icusman innuaezi nie aeenrorl a nrui arise an out vioiafty she uighu previous,
L)adoa, anti is ragfrag and eproadtng In the wilderness xor hours we pushed forward !moo ogle
derness wlthoub getting eight of a 4inglo
provinces, Tae newspapers are urging the wolf, and then I began to grow tired of the
people to be °aim mud prudoob, but in the apart, We were nab all togother, but
columns adjoining the nlitwiala one roads of acatterdd over an area of psrbsps half a mile
L1rd S111taary'o suff3rlugs from the foil in diameter, when I, heard m shot in ad•
disease, of Mrs, B3ramrd Beers's agoalo3; va°oe, memo exalted ailanto, and the ya'phng
of stalwart policeman dropping on their of dog,.
rounds, of sldiers felting up enol.- poste, "Tncr°� master I" °rind Allied, trisect.
family, 1I til, you no. Wo have mala a
and of the threatened disorga.n'z iblon of thep
postal and telegraphic services. Thu hoop!• beginning at Iast. Usage on I" And away
bAls are beglaniag to fool the pressure, and ha hounded.
ordinary median' praobitionora Gad drug. I star Lad afbor him but he was too fleet
giato, although coining money, are corn, for rile, and anon I fbuacl no
in a ever,
elinin of overwork. The disease ban I angle all I Qu I hid rte nutmeg
Appeared is the barracks, jails and orphan.me yet, for I oaul3 hent the na3ees of eau
a$ea. In one public inatibntion in the Eiat and dogs on aboad.
Pad thorn are over 300 oases, and it ham Bub, strange as to may seam, 1 gen Ioeb,
been establish beyond a romaonable daubs How it happened,—whether by my oars de -
that some ton or a (103311 deaths in the uelving Me as to the Olt u Won of she sounds,
metropolitAn district till$ wock have bean or the diffirenl part.lon rapidly Shifting their
due directly or indireublyto the 4Lfi,16=161, positiona--,I bardly know, I waa Rao aware
of the fact till the sounds, lnowad of grade.
AL Sinn, the most famous Chinese out of
the flawor kin dam, WG$ sailed to him the
{;.rowing nearer and Diaster, aoamo
Y g more and maze di^tant,
fathers, thio weal,, US is the original of the Then I began to be alarmed, foaring the
Chinese opium I
'aV keg arIn 1' hu AI s•
es Away fromism mo,
I dashed
tory of Etutu Drocd," Dickens' unaom• onin R reckless manner. Still,
pletod novel. Ah ding cited in poverty, and $tan ling my otruggles forward, the noises
Although he has heart a bad man in bis day, came faiuter and fainter to my ears and
he passed away In grace. He leaves a soon died cub altogether,
widow, an Lenp,lighwoman of 03 yearn, who t NOW STOPPED AND SHOUTED,
says that )its last days wars exemplary, as
he paused the time latterly reading the but roosived no answer, nor could I longer
Bible and singing hymns, and an mho Son' home Buy
sound to give
andiwtionB ofnthf
day before his death Woo with diffi,ulty aY P
restrained from going to church. hunt, The thicket where I was was very
It should not be Imagined that because Ali demon, lead So the beet I could only make my
Slog gave up the bnalnaas opium smoking to way forward very slowly ; and, whab made
dying out in L•tndou. Un the contrary there matters still worae, I was not certain hatch
are more people now using the drag than course led bomeward.
aver, and a few houses have been established As I had came out with a party who know
in the VventEad for faahiortable Society that the ocuaary well, I hndpaid no attention to
IQ a idiated to bks practice. the different changes of direction, and so, if
The British steamer Cloneurr from even the cardinal befubaore of ere compass have Y+ been marked oat before ma, 1 could nob have '
Liverpool December 17 for RingOon,has been decided which way to go.
Bunk In Sat z Bay In a collision with the B.ri- There I was, alone In the awful depths of
fish steamer Maple Branch, Pram Bombay bl e j angle that probably extended for leagues
Doostnber 13 via Karrm.hee for Antwerp. in every direction, inhabited by wild beasts
Too altar's etam And several of her plates, and serpents, and In which, noises provi•'
were beckon. She will discharge her cargo dentially delivered, I should nndoubnadly
And will repair without going on the cry perish.
dock. I had continued on, shaping my course in
The Donourry, was an iron ?crew steamer a southerly direatioo, for someth,ug like An
of 1 695 raise, She wait built in Sunderland sour, w'hoo my very Built wag thrilled with n
in 1S54, and was owned by MoFaoham & Co„ sound that I fauated to be the distant
of Leaden, yelping of dog•,I stopped, listened, held my
breath and trembled wfuh excitement.
Should it indeed provo to be the dogs nom•
None so Deaf. '
It has been noticed that sometimes people
who are slightly deaf appear to be able to
hear certain sounds better than bhoy Are to
hear others; and from this the proverb has
arisen, "Nano so deaf so those who won't
The story Is a wall known one of the rich
father, Who was somewhat deaf, and who
was asked one city by his oaapo,graue sea, -
1, F other. will you Siva me flay dollars ?"
" Waat?" Bald the father, putoing his
hand to his eon.
" Will you g'.vo me a hundred dollars?"
shouted the young man,
'' Hold on I" said the father, III heard you
well enough the first time,"
A eomswhab similar story is told of Sir
Richard Steele, who, whom he was proper-,
ing, a room In York Buildings, London, for
public orations• happened to be A good deal
behind in his payments to his workmen.
C3mlag one day into the hall to see what
progreeB was made, Stools Ordered the
carpenter to goo into the rostrum and maks
A speech, in order to observe how it ouuld
be heard,
The carpenter mounted the stage, and,
scratching his band, told Sir Richard that
hedN moo know wbat to nay,
IW as no orator, air,' he said.
1. On, no mather,"aaid Stouts, "any the
Srat thing than comes uppermasb in your
"Why, then, Sir Rlahard," amid the man,
"here we have been working for your honor
these six months, and cannot gat a penny of
our money, Pray, air, when do you intend
"That will elo—bhat will do I" sold Siesta,
61 You may come down. I heard you quite
distinctly, but I didn't like your su bis eco."
B 31 her Body for 9initer•bread
'Squfro Smith Kennedy says that he has
attended several hanginga in his life.
The Moab notable one wan the hanging
of a black Woman, a slave, near the
Fulr Grounde at Bourbon, Kentucky, She
WAS hRaged for polsoninga couple of her
ma?tov's children. She sold her body to Some
medioaI students at Lexington for all the
ginger -bread she .cold oat while she was in
jail' awaiting for the execution, Atter the
hangtng the students placedthe body in is
cc Me, and swung it under a wagon and Arove
cls to Lexington in hot baste—their horses
, in a fast trot -hoping to arrive there in time
to connect bate the body with electricity, Just
Ibefore arriving there the rope broke and the
icorpse fell to the pike and the coffin broke
into halves and the oorpoe rolled out. They
gathered It up and carried It into Lexington
by hand power, As mobbing more was heard
of the woman, it is fair to presume that their
experiment as a failure.
The Patient Died Tao,
J'ho doctors who aboon dal the Labe Ding of
Portugal during the la8b few weeks of me Ill•
nese presented bills for their services amoun
ing to nearly $100,000. Oae of them
demanded $14,000 for ton visttm, Another
demanded $17,000 for fifteen, while a third
bhoughb that $30,000 was not too much to
ask far attendance at eighteen 0onoulnationa.
Eventually the now King sucaeded in tffaot-
ing a settlement of their claims by moano
of a lamp Bum of $00,000.- [N Y V6
Ilerodo Treatment,
Customer ([n drug otore)—Olve me about
pen grains of quinine in four our ots of
wntskey, My pnyglalon Says If I dot 6 talcs
plenty of quinine I'm a doad mon.
Clerk—esorryI air, but we're all it of
quinine ; tharn's A carload on the way
Customer --I a'P 088 there is b
ub i6 d ton's
do mol any good, We]), give eight aurins$ of
whiskey then. I vo got to do Something for
this terrible ma
ing toward me followed by the hunters, whab
a resisf it would be from mental agony almost
equal to the torture of the rack.
Again I heard the Baine soundn, more
clearly and distinctly, as if brought forward
on a gentle brecza, and itnpu)fAvaly r. mhoub•
ad and screamed, hoping ormathing human
would hear mo and come to my relief.
The.I listened again with p•tinful anxiety
cad heard the sounds as if so A greater dis-
tance, and
All became afloat, when suddenly I board
an outburst from the dogs Sl no great die
bangle, and evidently coming directly toward
the Spot where I Stood.
In less than another minute after this there
came the sound of A rustling among the
bashes, and presontly I saw the tope of the
taller ones agitated along a certain line, as
If by some animal making its way quickly
underneath. As the basso, which I conjao
tired to be a Rolf, would probably pass with*
!n a few feet of me, I instantly made ready
to Rive him a shob.
With my body well braced, my rifla pulsed,
Hui my eye glancing along the barrel, I was
anxiously waiting ohs opportuno momeub to
discharge my piece, when I was startled by
a shrill sorsam and the swifts passing down•
ward of some huge object, like a bell, which
fall among the bushes with a crash, and wase
followed by such fearful sounds and coin -
motion as made my blood run cold.
Ib was some momenta before I could ranks
cub what two animals were now engaged in
o, terrific combab within a few fool of me ;
but at laugtb, psrtly by sight and partly by
sound, concluded them be be a wolf and a
panther, the latter having leaped upon hie
victim from a great dietAiine.
The two were now struggling together in
the flaroeab manner—snarling, biting, fear-
ing f1madericg, and rolling over and over,
with the yelping and dancing dogs forming
an outer circle, mud prepared to rush In
upon either or both anbagonfate at the first
Determined upon having one ehob at
least that I might pub in my claim am a
hunter of skill on the approach of the
nabive$, who were doubtless,
I cautiously appromohad the animals as near
all Ithought prudent, watched my chance,
and poured the contents of my rifle into the
body of the panther, ae by far the more
dangerous of the own beasts,
I was not prepared for what followed. As
he knew by whrm he had been wounded In
bila very moment of victory, mud that, with
one vical powerless, he now had time to
revenge himself on another, the panther
uttered A sharp ooream and sprang directly
upon me.
So sudden and unlocked for was this
attack that I had no time to guard myself in
the least, I May may than I baroly saw the
beaab coming in time to raiao one arm and
take a single ntep backward, bub that who
all. He struck me, with tremendous force,
and down I want, fast borne to the earth
with an overpowering Weight,
With a shoub for help I g4lieved all my
strengbh slid ,,rade the beat ciforb In my
power. As the panther seized ono of my
arms, fairly arushisg the homes between hie
tooth, I managed to gramp his throat with
the algengHged hand, Smel, no6wftlsabanding
the excruciating pain I suffered, choked off
him hold.
By this time come of the dogs had come
to my acSlatemoo, and am they leaped upon
the beaab and oroatod a diversion in toy
fAvor, I draw MY pistols, one after the sober
sed fired them Into the breast of the foe,Ando
after that t+booeeded in Blabbing him a
couple of times with my knife, when At last
he fall,., covered with blood, and this dogs
finlabod him,
Thin ended this babble, a r1 wh
oni boon
After, the nations arrived upon the scene,
ry ,
I they prooted mo me the hero of a bloody
) contest.
� D, ALTH.
Vie Healthful in Dxea'.t
11,11 rise F"noem Will v:'b mini Boris, in !
I'm b'autifnl 11tti4 book of hers, ov, l,,vls
1111mv to Jinn." --"A'
ree' ukaby wr 11, -te'o 1
laws, writtou in cur motabora, oho li :Rao to
the dro,tingae „f natural law, and the ritual
of this batt' W111011 )van me,nt to be the
temple of the 11 Ho'y Ghost," won(d !lave
made us all boaurdful to start while"
Why to to we are so abt oUzrl to 0%1 drum,
between tine agoo of two and twelve?
Am I wrong or Imagloativa, probably you
aro the dame, in thinking they are ewooter,
grottier, and more loved than they used to
ba ? And If so, I think it Is duo to the charm
anti almpllolty of their present mode of
dress, ',Coo portent freedom with which oJ107
aft down, gob rip, run, wells, And perform
their thattaaud and ono nate with no fear of
a tortured spine, or a palpitating licart.
iVhy in it their, that after a eortnin
length of time, after as insuy years are
liameed over, we must submit to this now
ora, thin atrooiont mode of being corgoted
bustled, and whooped, I rrtt e i
•, gee,
am one of them—bub nJnu3 ' hn c +. +.,
Dear Idesds, do mot think for lie ivarant,
I am ono of those terrible dress reformers
sibling here writhip be you, possibly wear-
ing a short alvirt and bloomer° and wloh
closely cropped hate ; not at all, but I am
one of the many thounagodu wearing the
heavily draped akirga anti tight h gong
barque°, all of which I heartily derptee, and
would welcome m change with the gnatcuL
Why dorloI collect my brain,, And
work out this change, which to to bol such
a boon to reminine Iimnanity, I home you
say. B.IIOve me, I don's know Law.
That auols a thing eau be delle I feet me•
ureal. No, I uliall leave it with our
Mediat°, he or jibe who is able to con-
trive and create such m I coot as are
-.she• i
n monthly 3:iiar to dav'to
seen } our o ] a t
9 .
come sweet thud simple garb therewith to
cover, our aching backs? And lea me say
just here, that it is wrung, in Is folly for
personal men in partioulsr, to imagine, and
say that woman at jay and are elaven to these
oublandinh designs anti foibles of fashion.
D,Or reader, I believe and feel assured, that
the mcjogity of our Eons women "ruly
degplse and condoma the present style of
draao, and went, gladly, gratefully welcome
& now are, [and adapt a more slmple Ind
ofabIs one, were it bub put before
Those of urs who have road that ad Jr.
able book of Ituakin's, "Gramme and Lillies,"
and have remembered his words, to the
younglo,dies, in which he says, "Women
should wear beautiful drezaas. Tlrey tbould
dress beautifully, nob fiao'y, only ou some
rare occasion, and than both finely and
beautifully," Are we to understand that
excellent gentleman to have means thus on
do so, high heals, low naake, and sight
waists were requialts ? 8uroly not. I imagine
Mr. Ruskin to have had in his mind some
sweet girl In simple white, or perhaps lilac
ailk with delicate lens ab throat end WHO,
and probably a rose in her bosom.
Yet painful and trying no some of the
fa$hione of to day are, we might almost
Quonset to pub up with all, when one read,,
of thoded,ine—nay monstrosities, oncour•
aged and warn by some of our former
queens, who carried them to such an extent
am to be almost bewildering.
Do you know wino Introduced the wearing
of'rhigh heeled shoes?' None other than
the Marquise do Pompadour, who was quite
small, and in wan fashionable ns that time
to be tall. At her wit's and to know what
to do, in a fit of desperation, she Invented
high, nNoted boots, which have had as wide
circulation Be the printing press and the
telegraph. This name gracious lady had all
aggravating pimple an her shark ; alter hulo
1048 attempts to d;epel the ugly thing she
originated the black patah, which wall so fauh-
tonable in the French court, and which peo-
ple of to -lay believe worn worn to heighten
the brilliancy of the complexion.
That beautiful little Q leen Marts An.
Boinette, were she here today, would find
few followers of bar fatrioate dressing. It
is said of her than liar bate was most beauti-
ful, and lay in exquisite ma.oea over her
hand, mud that the wonderful and outrage -
one dealgno, which are no much ridiculed to.
day, See sisply the result of having such an
abmadanoo of hair that she could do nothing
wibh it. Bab liar lesions initiated her end
bought false hair, arranging to in towering
mmaee$, moat Indigence, in order be reach a
standard of perfeebion.
After reading of such doing$, one
rallies be ouutenb to have things remain
as they are, bub ire, no, we must go ors,
everything IS advancing, new discover.
ice are being midop'i changes are going
on daily, and why not dress? As I have
Bald before, it can be done. I can nob
accomplished it, nor probably can you, nor
hundreds of othsra, Yet to Ie jnet possible,
indeed I am quite certain it in, for some de-
signer to bring abosb the beautiful dress we
all want Be much. I refer priaoipally to the
every day one, the one worn twelve hours
out of the twenty-four, by teacher, taboo.
girl, clerk, and ovary other busy toiler.
To be nomforbable and easy, meeting
all hygienic laws, it need not be ugly. Nob at
all, We would nab have It so, but beautiful
throughout. And j ueb lot mo aay again, the
preeenb dress is not liked, In in not desired,
by people wlho wails live uprightly, Con-
forming to all human mrd divine laws, If I
have been too free, have taken too much
Upon myself, in expressing my opinion to
asinine Ito Identity with yours, I sincerely
ask for pardon for my misdemeanor, and
with. -•.taco shelf hereafter aril forever hold
my peace.
aamociseve urtlercd, bub they require mus 11
Mil to bi wocesatul and ca„h 11"100 who
urdrro them ahnuld give III” own ,:xplicib , I
dirraInna fur the mothud willoh hO ugoo,
1',dn in often canned by an Irritated
mays far 11hrUl L from rho seat of Lite pain,
oaprelally in the case of peroono who have
htharlted a vary aura,--pribin nerv,,nn °r•
ganriitdon. The Aludlo•ti It:esra, Jnue `?