HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-1-17, Page 1itansta........soawoose.sm000sSiKommoo....o.......wavammovammor........swoorootwa-wowt.tx VoLurne 17. esaaaweeseeaseeteveremeeeeeeemeeeeeeeeeelee"""*"" fl.vitriti itetb$. PR/D.1 le J.! Plird RV 17, 18110. 1,1 1 tit. La grippe is getting in its work to the • disgust of some of our citizens. ' The Y. W. 0. T. U. will give a Dairy melee Supper and Concert sn the Town Hall, on le ioley evening, 171h inst Meseta Haleted d: Stno, have opened thew banking aloe i,i Wingbam, on J• so. piths° street, one door south of B. :Mug loyei jewelry doe% , On New Year's evening 0 drama ma ' unrested at the Salvation Army Harreeka, tao it is said, entitled, "The broken down dude." The dude 1104 making his ap- pearance with plug hot ueM line clothe, and afterwards in 'age, web a boucle o hie beck, bemoaning Ide fate, and dying in hiv distrese, "I will arise imd go to my * father." W111,0INCI.---0101 w.11 known townsman, \Vm. Clegg and his good lady, celebrated the 25th anniversary of their marriage on the 2nd inat, and were ihu recipients of il, largo number of hand• •, some gifts from relatives and friends. :at Wo extend our congratulations and hope our esteemed frionde will live to see their golden attasiversary. R. A. M.—At the regular convention of Lebanon Chapter, No 84, R. A. M., the following officers were installed for the ensuing year by Grand Superintendent Baker, of Stratford : 13 Wilson, Z. ; E. L. Dickinson, H. ; C. E. Williams 3. ; • W. le. Grovea, Scribe E. ; W. C. Meyer, Scribe N. ; T. Bell, P. S.; T. Gregory, S. S.; J. A. Morton, I. S. Hottexcueetteme —The dithers elected ensuing Year in connotation with the Wingbam Horticultural Sooiety, ILVO • RS follows : Crowell Wilson, Piesident ; McKenzie, Vice President ; Thos. Bell, Thos. Agn. w. Reba MeIndoe, Welter Taylor, S. Yonhill, J. A. Clime, Alfred Roe end R. Elliott, Directors ; Peter Deans and t‘ in. Robertson, Audi- tors. An eierraeltAt.—The annual meeting e of the Turnberry Braneli Agricultural 8.wiety WKS held on Th oesday afternoon .11 hist week. The annual auditors' re. por1 shelved a bele= of over 370 on hand. The following were elected tatters for the ensuing year : Chas. Henderson, President; Geo. Moffe..1, Vice -President ; Directors Inc Turnberry, Thos. Goy, John Litt'e, Geo. cruicksheak, Debt. Maxwell and Thos. Jenkins; for Morris, Wm. 'sidebar, John Elston and Peter Yowler ; for Best Wawanosh, John Anderson. Auditors, Amos Tipliug and Jas. Dander. sou. John A.ndersou was re-elected Sec- t retaryarreasurer. .A..t.-wooti. Miss Clare, Ayers bee returned to Ham- ilton. Mrs. Ayera, of Camero», is visiting at ▪ her soother% in Atwood. Considerable quantities of pressed hay were ehipped from hero last week. R. Knox of the G. T. 11., is recovering from a severe attack of "La grippe." Our veterinary surgeon Roe has had his hands full of late with sick equines. R. M. Ballanbene'a mother and sister haye been visiting him during the past week. Lima township connoil will meet at A. H. 'Wynn's hotel, Newry, on Monday, 13th inst. Preparations are made and operations will soon begin taimprovo our drainage in who village. The Directors of the Dominion cheese factory of 1889 were rod:sleeted for the current year. Rev. A. Henderson, M. A., attended the meeting of the Presbytery at Stmt. Mrd on Tuesday of this week. nail. Coughlin has parchased the farm adjoining the tillage from Chas. Zeritn. The price paid was $2,4(.0. 1the aching heads, backs and bonne of a number af our citizens testify that "La grippe" has laid a firm hand upon us. A. number of our villagers had their cutters out for a run on Saturday last. The one with the red plumes "book the cake." D. Lamont, of Listowel, oalle a meet- ing for the evening of the 21st inst., te organize a singing oho, A good attend- ance requested. The high wind on Monday blew down the front chimney of the Presbyterian church and one of the chimneys on V. Merger's hotel. Some talk of Mr. Wilson rebuilding his tannery. We hope he will see bis way clear to do 00, as it was a good industry and helped Atwood. Our village is to be favored with a visit from Rev. Dr. Potts, of Toronto. He preaohee on Friday evening the 24th ° inst. at 7;130 in the interests of the Ed- . neational work. Wo are sure this ef• tort to mouth talent will be amply re. warded by a full house. Wnee ATWOOD NEEDS.—A good large public hall for entertainments and gatli- erings.—An addition to our school ao• oommodation now that some alterations ,, are oontemplated in the school sections. —& half dozen or more te, stores and shope so that newcomers may be accom- ,i modated.—A druggist.—A heavy fall of Snow to give eer sow mill men a good show.—Money. NVMDDIRO.—Q,Itif0 a ripple of excite - meet was created on Tuesday afternoon otter the mai:rive of James Bell, well known in Atwood, ana Miss Maggie Har. ris, of Monkton. Rev. A. Henderson, NE, A , porforrned the ceremony in the pros. once of A large number of gueets. Mr. Boll and bride have gone to Brussole, where they will mako their home. IVIty their voyage on the Matrimonial sea be it pleasant and prosperous ono, Oen Meneene—Atwood ling a Ilret-elass market, and the quantity again handled by Mr. Andersen would ho very credit - ebbe to more protentiatle 1110008. Up to Junta's, lot, for the season of 1880, tilde was received 3,000 begirds of wheat, 5,500 bushels Of peat, 8,000 beeliels of barley, and 80,000 of oats. With good sleighing, or bettee wheeling this amount UM be Iregely engin ented before the teas- ers ode toe, BRUELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JAN. 17, 1890. Number 27, At the tooled teeming of the lelina Reform Ameciattion held ie Ateoest eetttly, the follewitig were vette1 effluent for 18110 : Wm. Shearer, realleeted Pee. Went .1, W. Menai, let Vice Preece. dont ; Robt. Morrison, end Va.Preet. dent ; Jot.. Dickson. Jr., fine..Treusurer. Chairman of 'Word 00111mittuo Jacob Bre.y, Wm, Shearer, .1. W. ?Jellaba, W. S. Berndt, Janes Oneltherteon, George Ingl le anI Ferdinand Doering, Suenee Somal. - At tho annual meet- ing of the Meths lige 4nob Leh satiated the to lowing staff cif Wade re and oflicare woe amain: ed for the tingeing year Superintendent, J, W. leloBain ; Hoare. they, R. Ballantyne ; Librarian, Robt. ; Treasurer, II. Home ; organ. int, el NEI Id aleBain ; teachere, S. II. needing, Hour, 343,111 Polly Shennon, Mies Me Porker, Mrs. 13 ,yd, S. Shention, W. Ilewl.sbaw, a. w. Boyd ; Library Committee, Rev. Rogers, .1. W. Moil .in and Scoretary. The ontloolt for u yeer's efficient work is t cel, It is intended to have a monthly meeting of the oiliciary of the school 0 differed homes to talk over the work, eneottrage each other anal develop sociality. A good idea. "Toll 11.DVA0C0."---TIll0 in 00 name of a neatly gotten -up 4 page publicatinn, edited by Rev. D. Rogers, Methocliet minister of this place. It is, and will be devoted, to newsy chithelt items and oth. er interesting mutter and will Ise issued several limos during the year. Tho sal- utatory reads as follows : "The publi• cation of our little eheet, The Methodist Advance, is a ventere, and if it is well received by ons- friends, we shall endeav- or to i -sue three or four nu ambers during the year. A work may be !bate through these columns Inc who church and house Slat cannot be as well accomplished in any other way. We will strive to point out ulothods by which we may enrich ourselves, ble.e others andstimulate a hearty Christian eharactei% We min PASO give informatien and hints here, width, if bitten held of and acted upon by our people, will reeiet M our motorial and spirituel advaeersinent. For the present, the publicatien in under tho di- cestioit o.if the pastor and an assietant, and our aim will be to bring the mem-- lees teaser together and keep them in touch with the movements of the °beech, beRpealt for this i..*u" 1 arer:11 and prayerful pereselel Ltts:towel. 3. -- efr. Woods, at the Grand Central, is very ill. Tho Meeting and curling rink is bad stook this season. Tho "grippe" has been doind its work here for tho toast few weeks. Geo. Hess, U. P. P., has removed with his family from Toronto to Listowel. Things have quieted down again after • the election teed no person is badly in. lured. Trade has boon very quiet since the New Year on aocount of unfavorable weather. Listowel hae had a great number of changes in her business men in the past two years. Benj. Green, son of Jas. Green of this town, has been appointed teacher of a public school near Virden, Man. Miss Esse Marten has been appointed teacher in the Eighth department of our Public school at a salary of $225. Olinda, Austin ok. Bush have completed their finanoiol arrangements and are now busy at work overtaking their orders. La Grippe is spreading very fast in town. It is hoped that cold weather will settle in and stop the progress of the Grippe. A. II. Olimie, Now York, Bits accepted a situation as a stenographer to a banker in Talladega, Al and has taken up his residence in that town. The Salvation Army in town are at present without n, barracks, their former quarters having boon taken poesessien of by Kr. Meyers for a cooper shop in con- neetion with his flouring mill. M. MoGillvery has formed a partner- ship with Wm. Spears of the firm of Spears & Watson, John Watson of the letter firm retiring. Metiers. MoGillvery & Speen have rented from Mr. Scott, the stand lately occupied by C. & C. between Haeltingeg (lc Burt Bros. The Standard says :—On Saturday last Robt. Roth of the Listowel brewery, shipped a ear load of ibis—lad season's orop —to Toronto. We venture to say that never before this year has ice been ehipped a hundred miles over a Canadian railroad in the month of January. The storm did some slight damage hero, blowing ono of Hess Bros. le Co's smoke concluders down and badly wreak- ing the °there, blowing in one of tho windows in the Odd Venom' Hall, one in the Free Milsonel Hall, one of James Armstrong's windows, also damaging J. Gunther's sign. The storm was all times very severe. Peter Knapp, a well known townsman by the Listowel people, died suddenly Tuesday afternoon while in the act of helping to unload some hogs at his door - mem Heart disease was the amuse. He will be greatly 112113SOCI, by his friends. The funeral took plate on Thursday at 2 ololook. Tho demiesed intended set- tling on his farm in Manitoba early in the Spring for which he was fully pre- pared. Mrs. Jae. McIntosh is very ill. Ommoil meeting next Monday. O. P. Didion and A. J. Shiel have re- turned to the University. Duncan MoNeir has the waved for supplying el. S. No, 8 with wood for 1890. Ho talks of having a wood bee, A Weed bee and &teeing party W0,5 held recently at Thoe. Ennis'. The young folks say no better or nore geisha host and hostess eau be found. Fl. 11-, Smith has roomed A position AO toadies: at Caledonia, not 1011 from Ham- ilton. Mr, Smith holds a 2rel eines cesa Witted° and will no doubts give 0 geed account of hirnsolf, Wm. Bieltop lets disposed of his 200 aura fertn, 10th end Ilth ones., to Ver. gegen 13ros. of Teestvater. It ie ono of the int deeded teems in this twetion. Me. lliehop has nut tic:01.1rd whole 10 1(111 0:9 11000 00 Will IWO hie way Hear to onitintle to reeido in tide local Iy. high wind on Monday did eon eiderable damitee on the 17t1 con. It blew down tenger to the amount of 200 cords and ovoe belonging to Mrs. Ben- nett, and maey others suffered in like mother. The roof of .010. Ballinitymee barn was bielly wreelted and only fer tho timely itesiatanee of memo of the neigh - b re it would have leen oft. About it domes ..telt. yea 31333 next 313tv and pet 0. back 5 ite place mid qk1 roller beams to the rafters en i med., a stronger job than berme, -M113. J0101 alcintoele who has bees: ill for memo time with diabetes and letterly troubled with tecurisy, died on Tuesday of le,t week. She W/19 of a very cheerful disposition and to the laet preeicil Inc strong faith ia the S.vionr. Mrs. Ileintosh was It/ years of u -go mid lal been a it. client of this township for upwards of 20 yeare. Her lineband, SOO 011 Clanglitor are left to•menrn Inc dentiew The funeral took place on Thursday itfternoon, the interment bathe made at Cranbrook cemetery. 'Rev. 0". 13. efoltao conducted the sorvioo. A tumor of relatives from North Enstliope were present. Dism—Early on Friday morning the messenger Death came to Wm. Stewart and summoned him away. Ho had been ill for about ta, week previous with what appeared to be rheumatic fever but it wits not thought the end wan so near. Mr. Stewart was well kuown throughout this amnion, having leavened a good part of this townehip with a peddling rig. Ile bad 'one of his limbs injured when a boy and teas Comioquantly not ns active as he otherwise ‚.00111(1 11(00 been but he was a steady woeltincr, honest man who paid his way and cli'd the equaro thing. The deceased was in his 45111 year. The fun. oral took place on Saterilay afternoon, the intermeut being mede1 the Bath:sates cemetery. lIvettegere—On Wednesday afternoon of last week the home of Wm. Mo \llistor, 17th con., was oue of festivity. 'Upwards of one hundred guests assembled to wit. nems the solemnimatien of the banns marringe between Mr. Ve11011, of Galt, and elia Mamie, (-Meet daughter of the 11001 and hostess, 'L'o Rev. 0. Forrest, oe Walton, was committed the work of ty- inj, the hymeneal knot, which officio he performed in the orthodox fashion. The bride was atten led by Miss Mary Me - Gavin and Mr. Richardson acted as groomsman. Tho bride and bridesmaid wore tastefully attired in ereiun cashmere dresses, trimmed with lace. The wed ding gifts we. o of a good order and be- Rpoke the estimation in wbioh the bride is held., After a splendid supper had been partaken of the evening, and a good portion of the night, was spent iu trip- ping the light fantastic. Musical select. tions were rendered by Miss O'Connor, of Bruesels, J. Scott and wife, and Jos. Thompson, of Seaforth, and others. Mr. and Mrs. Veitele left for their DOW home in Galt on Saburday followed by the best wishes of a host of friends for their fut- tare prosperity. Cuerevene—On Thursday al last week the usual gniet of the 17th concession of Grey was disturbed by a crowd of boys, who think themselves men, forming themselves into a ebarivaring perty, where they indulged ie beating old tin pans, mouldboards, saws, firing guns, oice. Grennie's horn, which did service years ago as a dinner horn, has of late been preserved to produce meet meek: on such occasions as the above. The boyo marched in grand army style down the oonooesion a mile and a quarter and were join, d by froth recruits from the lath con., and then they marched back again to the centre of atteadion. Along the march the eaptalu could be distinct- ly beard giving the word of command. He addressed his company in the follow- ing manner : "Right I left 1 right 1 left 1 pound Inc down." It was quite noticeable that he had served one or two terms with the volunteers. The more stalwart ones carried the saws and mouldboards, while the lads less in stature vigorously shook the bell and did the pounding. The said charivari was to have been the night previous, but as that night was very stormy and cold only a few gathered, and I should judge that there would be more "shiver" than anything else unless they got "grippie."—Com. CI Linton. (Received too late for lad issue) Messrs. Jones and Soott were °looted *tutted for 1890. Miss Jewitt and Mies Errington, both of con. 2, Morrie, aro visiting Mr. and Mrs. Foster. Rev. Mr. Stewart epoke at the Young Peoples' meeting in the Ontario churoh Tuesday evening. Mise Wilson, artist, was called sudden. ly horne, to Atherton, last week. Her brother was token very ill. Rev. Mr. McDonald, of Seaforth, preaohed morning and evening in the Presbyterian ohnrch, on Sunday last. The Band serenaded the town on New You's Day to the tune of $75. Tho boys say they were used well and will not- for- geb the kind folk of Clinton. Robe W. Coats and brother loft for the west lad week. May 3000005 attend them. Mr. Coots has been well known in the jewellery business here and his malty friends will miso The oysters wore at the disposal of the town on Mondry evening. Thanks to atr, Meafurehie, On Tnesclity evening the town was invited to Mayor Doherty's. Tho Band played several selections. The Central school, under the able management of Mr. Lough, °polled on Monday, with every prospect of a sue- cesful term. The result of the entrance Examination ha out, 14 candidates passed from Clinton Central, 100%. Who on beet this ? The Collegiate opened on the morning ef the 7111, with new teachers Metalled, Mt, WfOrr011, 111 titmice. Miss Butte 111 the ;he rooms. This is the first day ot term, for some time that a suflialent timber have turned out to open Weed, 1:1te attendance on Thursday morning v,1.9 over 100. flMd I The 0'3;33 e3333.333,1333333 133.3 3:3,333er:3.31 1et5, ,031-3,3 33. 0e3.:: ,333iLe3,33.13133,•v333333333 3,3-33 11111 110431110 AND inv5.00 AND PrOAb . toei, aril 1143 bin tam oast 1388' d0 0'141 1533 leetnre room Oa 1-1,.7 I`Ver11110,. The llowing wero I'm the coming year; -ale. Swallow, 13O''intend 0111 ; Mr. Corr, Asa..Stipt. ; diteltoon, hiegrete.re elr. Pair and Jas. ,thelteon, Librarione, past yette hen been very Recce still, May suceems erewto their ef- fort,,, 'lam altitude!' wee very lively all dev Monday, leterest centerieg 'tiniest eti• tirely on O,, von1v.1, fey the Ibteveshin. A. 510:11erchie, the a•eve 00' several yeare, was opposed by 1), Canteloil. 1)» 01)11 the rain ancl. wind, righurried the voter, to the polls. 'Mane outsitlere watched the preeeeditiga with interest. 'rho revolt wits a growl eletery Inc UP. lticainrollie, who gained a majority of 30. W. Doherty was eleeted inayor by over 100 of a majority. The howl, by daw at Louden wan detente In St. Georgiee ward ceutieillurs Plume:tee and Searle W.1.111 Oteittmi, It; St. ,1l10'', 110*808. Doan and Kennedy. The rimed...ler of the Connell for 18811 tecro ro e weed for 1800 by acclamation. 13(1441 We. AUNICUL00111.1., —Tilt, 1, MI Oa) Ill er,ting of the members of the PAW: WOWS.0041 A.gl. Society was hula in Sceselretee Hotel on Thursday of last week- A. large number of members mire prermitt. John Rebel tson was platted hi the chair. The Auditors' report 1108 reed +Mowing receipts to the amount of 3l/211.12. 1)07 - month to prize(, clo., 3300.33, leaving it balance in trettsureem heeds of e1l1.09. Tho behinds exceeds previous years, showing the Society 1I4 prospering under the present management. The following officers were appointed :—President, John Robe. teen ; Vtoo 'Pro -idol, Chine Proctor ; Directors, 11, Stonehouse, W. Scott, 11. Gerrie, Thos. Itielby, Jamei Owen% R. Sterling, R. Corley, 1). (101 - deo, Jas. Hitt:risco' ; Atulitors, J. T. Stewart and Jas. Done ; Treastwer, (1. letcClennend ; Semetary, Finlay Ander- son. 41,1111,184f0w31. noose Wan:mum—On Wednesday of last week tho handsome new brick thei. deuce of Jno. R. Miller wea the seen° of festivity, jokes and mellow wit, pi...let:0d by the numeroue aged relatives ;lad friends, who assembled there on a kiod invitation. All enjoyed themselyee heartily and thought not of dispersing till about 3 o'couolt when they all repair- ed to their homes. The pleasant mallet: - Inge of thoir boyhood and girlhood being vividly recahod to their memory each felt themselves much younger than Ito. fore. Mr. and Mrs Miller's hospitality did notond even here for on Friday even. lug following ;Olen one hundred and seventy young people were approttohing the residence the bright lights beamed from every window bidding thein wel- come. The edibles were abendant and temptmg, gotten up in the timed good style of the Misses Miller. The music was rare indeed and to say that all en. joyed themselves thoroughly is to give but a feeble desoriptien ot the proceed ings. eelatteeretlee. The "La Grippe" has got over nearly all the residents here. There are more in the village com- plaining of the mumps. This seem to be a winter of diseases, Sinee last week there hag been sleigh- ing in Bluevale, but 11 1130 gone and now there is only the hard frozen roads 'main. Jos Timmins is going to Winchester to see about his new stores there agein. He leaves ie about a week end will lei gone for 1 mouth OV SO, 110V, A. Y. Hartley preached in the Methodist ehnroh last Sundae evening as illr. Wallwin was at Gerrie. .EIis place was supplied in the morning by Rev, Mr. Ayres, of Gothic, The wind on ninthly was so 5003133 that it blew down the smolte-staok of Duff at Stewart's saw mill. It also took the chimney off the Preebyterien church and a gnat many fences gam way before it. Itlf 0 1- 11 L... Township Connell will meet next Mvronmdaym. °Call, of Ole 7t13 con., is at London this week on a bueinese trip. Mrs. Halliday is down with an attack of la grippe. We hope to 8000 SOO her about meats. Thos. Newsome was awarded the come treat of e.modelling and enlarging Jas. i Dunoan'e barn. It the gale on Mouday Dwane Camp- bell, lot con., luta the roof blown off hie' splendid now barn. Miss Howlett, of cote 8, who has been bad with iutlammatiou for the poet month, is slowly recovering.. School stared on the 6th in section 51 with about 50 pupile. Not bad for a; start. G. H.Blaokwell 15 11 charge. Mr. Osborne, 3rd line, is at present laid up with what appears to be 0,gue. We hope to soon see him around again, Ray, joeeph Edge, of Ontario street chetah, Clinton. will needed the gory vide in Sunshine charter next Stmday. James Clennan, jr., 4031010 Kelly and Jennie Kirkby, all of S.S. No. 0, have 5010 to Seeforth to attend the Collegiate Institute there. The annual mooting of the eletroholders and p10005 1! the BelgraVe Choose and Butter Manufacturing- Co. will be held in Belgrave 011 the Pith Jctn. ab 2 p. Revival meetings, wield the loaderehip of Mr. Tonge, will commence in who Sun- shine Methodist. church Weduesdey next with a four days' meeting, to be followed by a, eories of meetings the stmeeeding week. Rev. Moan's. Gmlftcy, Sellery, Pen' 11.11ri others are e3pooted to assist. J, C. Utiareaken, eon oi John ate. Gacken, of Morrie, who bag been teeth. Mg schen' its Bervie for the past four yea% 11'014, 11E100110 leaving there, 1)81. Onsmee Fee r %v. -The hillo are the name: of ten of the .striteet patrons le (1 003(001 with the Diderovo cheese fee - tory. The fi.![11.114 11161211.h, 111).11,1,1 of inilk : W. \Vette, 32,150 ; A. W. Sloan. 23,11es ; 1). Fleott, 03,079 ; Daley, '23,• 4 3e, ; D. Geteleg, 21,971 ; R. WArlViOtC, 13,305 ;Mrct. ;313.31veen. 13,091 ; W. Case. Inure. 17,1135 ; NV. leinklitter, 17,01e. and It. Curley. 14,681. 'Peed prelude of milli telt fawory Mr swoon rif 1840, 743.- 310 you 1.114,10, 42-3. o 1 oo. TtIrrallef! iA (Ili the sick 11M. Several in flee vieinity ore sutTering from stop re ....Ade. Itev, lit'. Forrestn efts cofined to 'the hono diwine the .arly part of tho week. Wednealoy moreing wor.1 W3,1 ed. here that Harry /lame, keetee Carritel• thie vieleity, had die; ca'," Prom the filiW11,itt: 1,1.1am eLlit the fel. typhoid Inc. re sleet (1',) 11 frem hero WII,) V/1.01,,:a the Entramei Ben mie- 'diem were eirmestefel. One of them, ahem meey heads Ow last foe the Ili, amine1 ineeteig of the iteeve manufactory woe held hi the Ceentell Chember, Bette:els on Motelayildowtoen, Preeident Ireland •ho ("hair. The auditere' report 0004 read and 50. 3110103. 1Ioved be Thom. Stracion, eacended by .1.4111 ettr,011 that report bo adopted. Cart ied. Moved. Relented 1111,1 woried that Wctl tt.r Belden ;Ml Allan Cochrane be LIP dined sera] TIM ,ollowieg Direotors woro efeet,a for the eurrent year -.jito. Cardiff, (le), Br.,war, Jae. Irelaud. Jelin Stem:hall and Jas. Turnbull. Moved by Jim. Cardiffereen . eitvl ij FOVsytil that 1141). 1(1.1101 (1, rt, 1.10eted omo ma. Hod. oVo 111 ly Strs::114w 1, e:meted Le • Joao. Tend:till the itla.:k comity with merits. Tho others win, wrote were, 'Mies, Lizzie Instep, ,Annie Pei -gees), Minnie l'.1cDonalci. and .191n iW. Morrison. May they always be as successful. Dome—On Wednesday morning of this week, Emma M. fourth daughter of Thomas Roe, a Afn0K11101), MR called to her eternal home. The deceased con• traoted cold about three years ago which remelted in consumption, but she was able to got about handily until about e month previous to her death. Miss Boo was of lively, happy tamped:emit and her faith in the Friend of sinners remained true until she was called to the rest thet romaine to tits people of God. The funeral on Thursday after. noon. was largele' attended. aetttet. Mies; j.lender returned to ler home in Prescott on 13110(11.17 t110('03((33' About half of one citizens are laid np 01 1,0011 with bed colds or other forme of SiCk110444. Rev. T. Thoineon will preach in the Methodist church of this place on Sum day 01001113 nest. 3. Dunbar, of Seattle, W .4111110in Ter, itory, arrived home on Monday after. noon. Ile has been away about twit] year-, and looks as if that (weary agmell with 111,0. It 5, reported that Wnl. bas sold the homestead to James Lindsay. The price! paid is said to be 55,200. Mr. Tindall tents of going to Manitoba on s prospecting tour. Thos. Whitfield, of the 12th concession of Grey, has received a telegram from itis mon John, in Michigan, 5511109 that ht. wife was dead. The deceased was a daughter of the late Mr. Saddler, of the 9111 concession. The annual meeting of the patrons of Ethel cheese factory was held in Bur- ton's Hall on. Saturday efternoen when the business for the past year was eon - eluded. le. Barr was appointed cheese. maker at his nand figure end T. P. Sirup -con as Auditors on behalf of the 1)100113.Rev. T. Thomson end wife, of Van- couver, B. C., areivcal home on Saturday Ile was staitled 00 Tuesday morning by 1000101(15 11 10105(1410 to the effect that brotlier, Wm. Watson, formerly of Blyth, whom he loft in his usual health .41e week before, was deed and buried. /Ie 0335a sufferer from eattterb. and having contracted the Russian influenza he succumbed to this malady. Onaranv.—It is with deep rearet wed much sympathy fur the friencli of the cleiwased that we record this week the death, on Tuesday, al Mrs. W. Dom, youngest daughter of Robert Elliott of the ‚2331 eonoesston of Grey and sister of Mrs. II. F. McAllister of this place. This is a particularly sad trial not only to Mr. Doig but also to her parents and friends with whom she was (3m favorite, being of such a jovial and kind disposi- tion and having a pleasant smile for all. She bore her long affliction with meek - nese and Christian fortitude, never giving way to despondency but trading in Ilion who is elasuflicient for every trial. Her end was truly living type of a noble Christian diameter. There to no death i What seems so 111 trans' This lito of mortal breath Mien; Is but suburb of 100 1310 Biretta, Whose portal wo death. In that great (delete's stillness and seolu- By guardian (401300 1011. Dion, Safes from toninLation, sato from sin's polio - she Hee, whom 05 nail dead. 11100, cbeesecreel et wee. The complete records of railroad build - Mg foe 1889 show that the mileage con. struoted in the U. S. was less than in any year since 1885, loss than half as great as in 1887, and probably less, in proportion to the mileage existing at the beginning of the yemr, than the increase in the population of the country. Wong Chin Foo writes that, owing to the jealousies and rivalries of the differ. ant Chinese families in AMY York, new temple 1118 been provided attd a rival JOSS sot tip at No. (1, Mott street. The name of this 1100god is Kean Ti Gwin —Gott of heaven and earth—and he is said to possess much more power than Kwan Koon, the Jogs of No. 10, Molt street. While tile N'etv York Mulertaleers are unable to supply hearses enough to meet the Imp inortemee death rate, the stook sI anti„grip medic:Mee is canning short. Druggists are complaining that they are (tamest entirely out of *51 3101010. In fact, 50 great has bc,n1 the run on the dreg that r000ty druggists heve com- pletely exhausted their supply. The drug is manufaetured in Germany, and for some nymptonie of Manatee le al- most the only remedy. It generally tette,: three weeekg to aecure a shipment :tented with a dressing ease end 1,very of the drug, after the order 11104 beta flattering addrses by his pupil% Unmet sent to Clammy. 'Phri price of entl- also entertuiteol at. a cemplimentary pyreno hag gone stp 01 '.1.' In 031 per 3,131133rc13 1; 3 3•,,3•tmm, t 4v; og„ lewilog fetus : -Amount re- ceived no eels fee e eve.e, a7,513.31 Paid l(al(her1 311,51,15; tie 310 20 ; dircetorh' salary, $10.011; Salesman's clary, 341.10 ; seeretary'e salary, 17j.00; treasurer's salary, 525:00 ; Auditor's, 310,00 ; ca patrons, in sh, 55,086.80 i ; patrons n maim, 3300.82 ; Tood peunds of milk received, 942,020 ; total pounds of cheese ndo, 84,1-12 averege potwols of milk to one pouad of cheese, 11.01 ; average price per gullen for hauling, 10 1.5 mita average price per pound for the seueon, 9.-50 cents ; largeet patron, Jas. Struelem, 3,777 gallons; number of 'patrons mending milk in 1182,74. The whey will be returned to the patrons oh motion of Jae. M. Martin, secoutled by Alex. Forsyth. After a discussion as to what would be dime to reduce debt on factory the meet- ing adjourned. 001.411011T natatee eimearests. The third animal meeting of the Do- minion Draught Mese Breeders' '500013 - tion was held in Cliwou recently, with a large attendance of members. I're-ident John itfn3iilhax, m. 1'., occupied the The fintanniel eta'ement showy 1 the balance en hand nt kat, tonlit, 31,191.42 ; received during the year, 3820.00 ; dis- bureunente for salariee, Kidding, postage and other expenses, 3498 47; belance on hand 31,808.45, The Secretary's report showed 10-1, earth- renewed for the second volume - 3511 stallions and 245 Inares. The report of the council MR real containing an account of their doings for the year and submitting several impor• tent recommendations. The report stated that the council had ordered the proseoution of two parties for false en- tries, under sec. 85, chap. 11,19 Vic., A. and A. Act of Ontario, and hese would be decided shortly. They had also de- cided to case the seoond V0111010 of the stud book on March lst. On the subject of registering animate bred in the United States, from Domin- ion Draught stock, several letters had beam received, but the council entertain- ing doubts on the advisability oE such registration, or the power of the society therein neder its letters of incorporation had consulted J. T. Carrow, Q. 0., and his opinion was submitted to the nieet. ing. It was to the effect that the society being incorporated under the laws of On- tario, foe the declared purpose of 'pro. meting the interests of breeders of drought horses in Canaan," it had no authority to extend its business outside of this country and consequeetly would have no control or authority over appli- cants from the 'United States where fele° representations were made in 1311 entry for registry. This opinion WON 011 motion endorsed by the meetidg, and the secretary instructed to give all assietance or information which might be. desired byparties in the United Stales, who might organize a stud book there. The council recommended (1) The passoge of a resolution dealaring the progeny of Dominion Draught Stook eligible for any volume of the stud book (2) That the standard of registration for the third volume should be three crosses of accepted sires ; (9) That only one- half the council retire each year here- after '• (4) That the secretary be empow- ered 10 charge 25 cents for sob letter necessary after the first one to complete or perfect an entry presented for regmbra- don ; (5) That where animals are pur• chased by shippers or jabbers the entry for registration bo required to be made by the breeder or owner of the animal ; That 'where the breeder is doad or his siguatnre not obtainable, on spplioation for registration must be attested to by the statement or affirmation of a respon. eible party before 11 notary public. AU these recommendations were adopted by the selecting. The election of °fame resulted as fol- lows :—Preeident, john McMillen, M. P., Constance P. 0, (re-elooted) ; Vice. President, D. MoIntosh, V. S., Bruce - field (re-electod) ; Treasurer, Jahn Aiken - Lead, V. S., Goclerioli ; Seorotats, Jas. Mitchell, Goderieli, (re-elected); Conn. eila P. Curtin, Adore; Alex. tunes, Olin. ton ; 'McGregor, Brucefield• ,T. E. Blacken, 1,t' ,1 Clinton; D. 'Fisher, Goderich ; Jno. MoDiarmicl, Luoknow ; jno. Busch, Sebringville ; Jas. Hendee. Rom Belton ; J. Fisher, Benmiller ; Wm. Sinclair, Chiselhuest ; Thalweg Green, Dublin ; C. E. Meson, Brueegold; J. II, McRoberts, Leona. It was decided that the ootincil should meet at least once every three menthe, and (Ito first meeting for 1800 will be hold about the time of closing the mond Velem. S. &tithe, of Heiman, and Thomas Constanee Were appointed n aditort3 for the alma:4 year. Pi wag deoidaki that rt dant with two grosses must be registered in order to admit her progeny to rogigtration, but that mares not entered me dans must bave three crosses to register. The felletwing were appointed as taut li,xeentive Committee for the revidot of ctbrtoe 111%1'1n11.e1.1r8nD.1T,3t.11..1,1r ;an1,1,ie, Bla11-