HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-1-10, Page 81I xemwsz Sal)" ,h School ipcalkers T on r o1e .r year rs, r• 1' •:I + , f the PRINTED HELPS 110.;1 in the Sabblllb Scheid, and at Pubii0bor's 1'rieos, 1 have IN tl'l:OCK Fein bet's Select Notes (lo the Lcssonn for WOO, The Iuternaliutntl lessons for this year being all in Luke's Gospel, It will make thie b„uk especially valuable, as it can be kept fel' future reference to this gospel. Touchers, Superintendents rued Scholars can most proAtably use this book. G. A. DE ADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, Fan cygeode Dcnll'r. CRPNO TRUNK RAILWAY. ,.trtelax szlaws303 W. U. ti• D, ITeina I, err Binsselo Station, North :n31 South, as follows : (germ SIoTn. 004'10 sawn. ?loll _ 6:23 sac. i Mixed 0:231 e.m. .11.4:3 a.m., Ala}1 .... , 13.00 p.121. A; off d 0:3 pan. 11'lxpresit 043 pan. . erne altius 14trms, A ckiel'e amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prem 0. C. Jlrrr30033 is away at Goderish tics meek I%.1'.1'A3sxoxu, w'se in Toronto this week. IL (1. WILSON talks of visiting Utah shortly. Mantel; Russia WimsoN is visiting In London, Taos. WATsos, of Harriston, Suudayed ill 13300 Sela. Tm: river has been very high for the past two weeks. Noir is the time of year to square (3p with everybody. Onrssgme publio school re.oponed 011 Tuesday morning. T11cs. BRANNON, of Grmina, is visiting 3ukttires in Brussels. 9Ins. J. 11. GnasT and Jessie are away at Toronto this week. 11165 Jae. LMr0IE, of Toronto, is visit - father, Mr. Oliver, Cdi.te. $.<11:n and wife wen.? away at Preston for a holiday visit.. Hire,: a. 111:a, and Spence, of Piney:;'(, were in t. wn on Tuesday. 1l Alias: 1'AN1rooE is virltog at Ifart:-ton and Southampton. :.JL5 Mita; e', FAnnew 11115 lettn'nee from a visit to her easter at Ottawa, Miss ELLIE I'Lrtl, of Listowel, mus visiting in Brussels and locality last week. I'as1MSsrrn I'AIIEow attended the fun oral of his sister-in-law at Bluevale last Friday. A.. Ii.,aLoren and wife and I. 1'. Fear and wife, of Scatorth, spent last Sunday, in tow). Ray. 0. PArs will preach Missionary sermons on the Heufryn mission next Sabbath. Itmearastrox of officers in the A. 0. 1J. W. Lodge, Brussels, on Friday evening of this week, JAMES BALL3NT3N1 was away 01) a visit to relatives at Stratford and 8t. Marys for a few weeks. W. M, BitaOE, L. D. S., wife and child- ren, of Listowel, were in town last week visiting relatives. A Goon working girl desires a place as eneral servant. ant Apply at THE Pm Publishing House, Arcrlov sale of Cranbrook property et the American Hotel, Brussels, on Tues. day afternoon of next week. No evening service in Melville church neat Sabbath owing to it being commun- ion Sunday in Knox church. Mns. Tnos. HAYO1towo was away at Goderilh last week at the wedding of her brother to Miss -Breckenridge. G. L. BALL, L. D. S., of Toronto, was in town for a couple of days. Ho is greatly taken ap with the Queen City. NoTien.—All parties indebted to under- signed by book account kindly pay at once and much oblige W 11. MoOraokeu. Miss Alums, of Toronto, a former poacher in our publio school, was renew. ing old acquaintances in Brussels last week. A GREAT many of mar citizens are bothered with bad colds. The custom. al',y salutation i8 "When did yon get the "trip 1" ltl13 T Iiuron Agricultural Society an. nual meeting wilt be held on Wednesday afternoon of next week in the Town Hall, Dresselo, Borer. and lot for sale or to rent. Centrally located. Good well, garden, stable, tto. Apply at TEM Pon Publish• ingg House. .linea McQotr and Mrs. Carson have c Missed up their dreesmaking business in Brilssels and have removed bank to Wingllatn. USW. DAvm FORAM le to occupy the pulpa of Knox.oburob at 8:30 p. m. next Sabbath. Service will also be held at 2 1 p. m, on Monday. el Tim snow storm of this week is a re. minder that this is the winter season but that is about all as there is not enough i snow for sleighing. b PAY YODR TAXES.—Notlee is hereby given that all taxes should be paid forth. with. Call on the Collector and get your I H11, t1h L 551~,ILS YOS'1� th t, -elite; a -muss will Inc preach •d ('r , It will - boa y; l,1 Many dollar 3s iu th ), uu 4'l rr In A t'aod foundation."' I,a,(3 13 rt.,v""3 purchaser, DA til nice 1 u l ( 111 s Johns, of 1 itighail,, 1wilt not fail to anent a salt' eyeryt 103^ ,',d u I ; + 13.333 a 1t -in in painting in 11. ; 1 1 ,ri i into; titin f:1 what 1.11. "1: Ihuo loll, 11th inst., and will h:' 1043 10.1333, 110. gaol, 1.12111011131313 pleased 10 meet prr8one desirous of join. ! Roods ata low Nitre, Call et Scarff fi Ing the 01350 at Mrs. W. I'. Vanatoun'n, ' )4p"guson'e store. Forgnson and Ilnlli. Flora street. ' day managers, 111' . J. Buss, B. As, and hire. Rose Tut Blyth Standard says 1 Some fel. went to Elora last week. Mr. Ross' lows from Brussels, who no doubt tvere cousin was leaving for China, whore she loaded with old rye, kicked up quite a entere the Mission Bold, and he attended dust in our village eb an early hour on the farewell meeting at the 1(13000 m,+u- , Saturday maiming last, tioned plans, hiL0CU010xaler, 131108 Agnes Knox, Tax Uomber Independent says : Upon Elocutionist, has just ooulplet531 a most the oro of her departure for her home successful tour through Manitoba, Da- in Brusaole, Miss I. E. Herr ?vas made kota and the Nerth•West, having read to the recipient of a handsome presort fn large audiences in Winnipeg, Grand recognition of her services as S0hbetl Forks, Regina, sec. She roads int the aohool teaoher and organist in the Meth. Aoademy of Musfs, Toronto, 011 Jan. 16113 odietchurch here. and purposes giving an entertainment ON Tuesday morning of last week Wet 11030 3hOrtly afterwards. The Daily had a call from .Joe. McIndoo, e. former Sentinel, Port Arthur, Deo. 101h, 1880 Brusselite. He is now making his home says :—M.ise Knox had n s,'lendid re- nt Two Harbors, Minnesota. 700 is no ceptioll at fort Willman last night and longer a bachelor having formed a life was greeted with a crowded house, Her partnership with Miss Dolly Laird, Int, readings were appreciated beyond al merly of thie place. antioipation and the entertainment was TIM following gentlemen were elected n most enjoyable one, Geo. T. Works as representatives of the congregation to was there and he says he would walls 10 sit at the Quarterly Board of the Metho• miles to see and hear Mise Knox. Goo. dist church in this place for the coming T. is known to be very fastidious but ho year :—di, McKenzie, S. Rivere, ii, was completely captivated last night. Mooney, W. A. Celbiok, J. T. Cook, J, B,cNEwAla.—We beg leave to call the T. Pepper and Eli Smith. attention of our subscribers to the fast A 1VAn3tso.--Soule junior young ladies that the great majority of rho subsorie. and their compmlions have been deriving tions on our lists expire with the old mush pleasure evidently from annoying year. We would be planed d to receive as some foiniliee north of 111e bridge about prompt renewal as possible. Wo 11000 9 p. in. for two or three evenings past. endeavored to giro satisfaction to our Will their parents or friends kindly ad- patrons during tho past year, and as it i; vise then and thus save further onble. one of the esseutial8 of success that we Nue. Kum Wands opening a claeo to have money to do the work with, by tetollall kinds of fancy needle work, holding back subsoriptiots, it prevents lace, arrear0ne, ribbon work, Sc. Hours our doing justice to our subscribers goner - from 2 10 4 p. m. Tuesdays and Fridays, ally. Recollect that $1.50 pays the bill, evening class 7 to 0 Mondays and 'Tlturs.' but if this amount is retailed for six days. Terine ac. made known on ap- months by half of our subscribers when plication, opposite Queen's Hotel Brus- we ought to have it, and be turning it sols.., over in their interest, they mast lose to UAurroo.—The G. T. R. authorities are a certain extent, as well its cripple our complaining about boys hanging on trains efforts. Again we solicit a prompt ro• and climbing on oars iu the Brussels newel, and wish you one and all a happy station yard and if itis net stopped they and a successful year. intend ]raving a number of them arrest- FaEalEns' INerrrerE.— The fifth somi- od and brought before a magistrate. Tho annual meeting of the East Huron Farm - boys should take warning as it is for their ors' Institute will be hold in the town good. hall, Wroxeter, on Monday and Tuesday, Tile Humber 9 is now required to 00.031 January nth and 14tH. The following its salary, ns it 11asn't done in a thous- topics will bo dimmed by the gentlemen and y ears. For a hundred and ten years named 1 President U. McFadden, "Tho to come, it will have to do duty every progress of Farmers' Institutes" ; 0. 0. time a date 15 wfitteo in felt. The James, Pr'ofes-or of Chemist,y, Ontario writer whose 7's and O's cannot be distiu- Agricttlteral College, 1st, "Science in guished from each other must stilly to feeding," and 2nd, ',The atmosphere in improve hie style. its relation to the soil, end its effects in .hiss Loozre .1.1033203 loft on Thursday connection with till:,"e and drainage" ; of this w:: at Lm Toronto where she takes G, 0. Casten, lot, "Tho farmer's or0h. a position in tt muai:: store as pianist and artl," 2nd, "'lho hardiest lull best ver- saltslndy. SI',: will no doubt fill the folies of apples for onr northern district" ; place to s. 1' 03 1130 is an exceptionally 11. Gibson, Delewure, Ont., 1st, "The gotl 1,e, :^n mei well acquainted with live stock interests," 2nd, "Striking M- ae lat_et ,-i:d beet mesio. We wish miss stances of negligence in farming" ; P.obt. J22133on :.''.1 s allhungh we are sorry to Elliott, 1Vinghan, "Poultry," and W. 11. have her Lave Brussels. BiAIiop, Grey township, "Conformation \VOLL•Durnxo sem D111LL1N0.—George in the horse and the Intensification of Birt has all the necessary machinery for agriculture." In the evening of the first digging and dri11(n wells and is prelim!. day an open entertainment will bo Riven, ed to Ottend to all work entrusted to him consisting of vocal and instrumental in is way that Ai11 insure satisfaction, music, also addresses by Prof. James ou Wells cleaned tut and put in proper "Scdeuceand agriculture," and G. 0. share. Terms rlasouable. Residence Caston on "Beautifying country homes." second door north of the bridge, west EorEnr.ts3n1Nr'.—The Knox church side of Tnrnborry st., Brussels. 13.1E Sabbath School entertainment took [face "Tug Boo." --1(, S. Pelton, who has on Thursday evening of last week as ail. been at Deserent0, Hastings Co., for tlouneed. After supper Elder Thos. snme time, has decided to embaek on the Strachan was caned to the chair, which journalistic sen on his own account and ho occupied in his wonted wisp and intends starting a paper at Atwood to happy manner. Readings, re0itations be called "The Bee." The first issue and singing were 1)10 features of the will probably mike its appearance next evening, contributed by the following week. Mr Pelton is a graduate of THE persons :—Reoitations by AIr. Davis, Posr Publishing House and is as steady Maggio Calder, Lmma Webster, Harry going as clock work. McCrae, Lilly McKay, Mies Betz, Etbel. Tns Brussels montllty horse fair is Campbell, Jennie Forsyth and Ella Scott; receiving quite an additional boom this readings by Mies Dutton and Celia Oahe. week. At the coming fair on Thursday, er ; trio, the Misses Hunter; deed, Alice Feb. Glb, among other buyers Jno. Mc- and Nellie Campbell ; solo, Miss Clara 118(115, of Seaforth, an old and well Hunter. Observing tbo preponderance of known horse cicalae will be here. He girls over the boys in recitations, d:o., buys animals from 14 hands up chiefly. Mr. Strachan feared that unless the toys Ile makes his headquarters at the exert themselves they won't be fit coca. Queen'sl.otel when in 13r0ssels. Don't /anions to rho girls later on, Very tvsl- forget bho Pair on Thursday, Feby. 8. come was the presence and recitations of Fong ANb GRAIN Sutr x s.— Reeve Brother W. Davis, . who, by the way is Graham shipped this week three ears of announced to preach in Knox church at peas to Liverpool, via New York, :end 2 p. In. next Saturday. Mr. Deadman three cars to Halifax, N. S. Ho also and other officers distributed the gifts or shipped two oars of dressed hogs to To. prizes. A brief address by Mr. Howie ronto, another oar, going to the same and the benediotion by Mr. Davis brought market, being shipped by T. Hall. These the meeting to a oloso. shipments by our buyers steak well for TEE Montreal Witness is offering groat Brussels' market. This Beason a large inducements to its subscribers this year, quantity of pork is being marketed here. in the way of books and piotureo, con. WIIO is HE ?—An Orange Hill corres- prising 198 different offers, including pendent writes to the Gorrie Vidette as Hogl a d, and Home's ter Scott's of follows : resebtun three weeks elf as ago a young Works, George Eliot, Cooper, Tha k erayr, doctor with headquarters at Bruese)o and Washington Irving's, handsomely hearing that there was a great deal of bound in sets ; also Pansy and other sickness in this motion celled on ono of leading boobs, The piotureo ore "The our oldest residents where be found (to Horse Fair," "The Angelus," id," alt his pleasure) an invalid. wbo for the before Pilate," a Scottish Raid," all pest four or Ove years had been doctor- Witcelebrated pictures of the day. The ng to no avail. He was a gnaok but and continues n nuesenters on its ffavori a year, Henry says "he knows not much." ew paper ato be pie favorite temperance family THE union prayer meetin s this week and ae and m. Its of ty Hioto jo p y g and moral reform. 1t0 County Hiev ry nava best well attended. On Tneeday oal Story Competition, which every night the servioe was in Melville church school boy bas heard about, and which onduotod by the pastor. Tbo topic was has created so much interest in the Do. 'Nation's, their rulere and their laws." minion, is being continued this year, On Wednesday evening the meeting was prizes of greater value being offered. in the Methodist church. The enbjeot The premiums are extended to the sub. for prayer was "Oar schools, college0, antihero of the Daily Witness and temohere, instructora, &d." Rev. Mr. Sal- the Northern Me0eenger, so that all will cry took charge of the meeting. Thurs• have an opportunity to secure them. ay night Rev, G.B. Howie, assisted by The prices of the different publications Rev. R. Paul, lead the meeting in Knox are :—Daily Witness, 08.00 ; Weekly cburoh. Ail the servi088 were of a moot Witness, 01.00 ; Northern Messenger, 80 nterestlog character and will, no doubt, cents. e productive of good. WF.M,S. — The annual meeting of this Society, in connection with Melville church, wag held on Tuesday of this ..nale5a3ar1'.�.Seet arievY.)yi.'^a JANUARY 10, 1890, 1 - 1„lie i0 I ( h ,. a , , .. l 1 fi �, t l IV b a n „gala t( 11,1 p it I t u, tlu 1 tw �( , 1. , 1.1\ Ol. a u '.l.iud 1•-.nt11ln, to itsidc, 11 t,•, tie kin, 2311;,0., 34414414111 ., err, 1::1 r0e,1 h s 1 raved 111 1111101( a wortuv eiti3ee, nonnd, b3'I be ,3,l<lr t n ''000) 3. Iu 1i,d�o ,'4'.3011 will 1renpq' ter_' pulpit, of of !f, .:ea 1•re-.. i... dth,l t, ,1,3U3011 next tiau lay tu0,111g. Bean, necesen3'y alterations aro being made in the lotting apparatus fn 010 Town 1331111. 1. P, 0. A.-- An hltore8tng meeting in connection with the Y.P.(LA. was hold in Melville ohoroll on Monday eventeg, The competition for the D,•moeest Silver Medal wife the chief point of iuterost. The 1100300 of coin. petit0rn and titles of recitations were as follows :-111iss 131, Cousloy, "Moral 80281013 or Probibitiou ;" Miss L, Ainlo,v, "The Martyred Molitor ;" Alias Mary Boss, "How to Curtail the Liquor Traflm ;" 111ise Amite Stewart, "A Voice from the Pour house ;" Miss M. Mo- Lnuchlin, "A Voice Irotll the Poor IIoose ;" Miss Tony Sample, "A Voice from rho Poor house ;" 1?li•a Maggie Stewart, "The Deacon's S. 8. Sermon ;" Miss Minnie Stewart, "Res;'onsibility I for runt Sellhlg ;" Mss J. MOLanohlin, "The Sparrow must go." The judges, W.B. Dickson, T. Farrow and W. 51. Sinclair, seated in different parte of the aura, marked the 15(1'0rs according to Demorest. rules After 0onsliltieg orte h other they gav0 (100151011 that Mises 111. Rose and T. Sample surpassed the others and of these two lItiss M. Rosa 0308 entitled to the medal. The follow- ing musical selections were given .-- Solos by Miss O'Connor, "Ora Pro Noble" and "Alone ;" quartettes, "Shall 030 know each other there," "Come elite sale," "Jesus Lover of my Sonl," by Messrs, Sinclair, Strachan, Jaoloaou and Jones; duett, "Arrayed in Clouds of Light," Messrs. Streehnu and Sinclair ; hymn, "Onward Christian Solcliers," by Company. Miss Ilargreaves presided at the organ, A hearty vote Of thanks was tendered to those who enpplied the music and also to the judges for their impartial deoision. The next meeting will bo devotional, subject, "Christ as the burden bearer," 00001132. JAs. T. Ross. Tna wet weather has greatly interior- b 0331 with the steady running of the flax 8 ulllt and the employees have had more f h0'fdays than they desired. v.':xr Monday afternoon the annual el meeting of the Morrie end Grey Cheese and Butter 11Ianufeeturing Co. will be ltol,l lo the Town Hall, Breese's. o plush Jonxe'roo, of Stratford, and Afro. Ii'unstou and deugbt00, of Ohio, are Shifting at A. Bruce's this weak. Mb. 1''uneton is a deugbtor of 11r. Brune. ° Loki 111100,, liveryman, have dissolved partnership and the business is now un- der the control of Levi Lott, who eon - tinny s rt the old stand, oppoeito Wilson's foundry. week. The annual report was submitted y Mrs. Graham showing membershlp 7, and contribution to iForeign Missions or 1880, 085.00. The following of8ers were elected for the current year : Prod. ent, Mee. J. Roes ; Vioe.Pre5,, Mre. Barnhill ; Secretary, Mre. Graham Treasurer, Mrs. Roderick Roes ; Audit. re, Mrs, A. MoLanohlin and Mrs. Saha Stewart ; Executive Committee, Mre. J. Wilson, hire. Neil ilfoLaucltlin, Mrs. A. Stewart, Miss Moliay, Mrs. Malcom and Mrs. Martin. During the sone a box of nothing was ant to ane of the Indian Missions in the Northwest. Aa a Special meeting of tho School Board, loot 300310, H. Jamas was appoint- ed caro taker of rho school 110tiee and premises foe 1890 at a gaiety of 075.00. 1310 has catered upon his duties. a b th Morning Nun b b a o ng Rov. S, 8ellory, 13, A., 13. 1)., will talcs e,8 his gulled "Vanity of lahitie0, all 11 vanjty," In A Bra LIE.—Tia Toronto News gave plane to the following libel on 0110 of our well-known citizens 1— "F. 0. Regent, general merchant and salt minor, Brum. sels, has assigned to George Bireill, of John Birrill .b Co,, wholesale dry goods, London, Thie will be one ofthollcaviest failures that Western Ontario has exper- ienced for some time, it being is parallel case to that of Jame Pickard, of Exeter. Like the latter, Rogers was virtually the banker of the farmer0 of the surrounding country, who intrusted Thies will tileii gaviugs'.o invest. He hae been in busi• nose in Brueels for many yeare and otos rind on ono of the largest general stores in the country, and has always been thought to be in good condition financial- ly, The liabilitio8 are not yet known, rlunnlu Fon Tim 130011.—Messrs. but will fool up to about 075,000. Tho Scarff az Fergusmt have pnrOha03d the chief trade creditor will ba Merill 81 Co., bankrupt stook of dry goods, millinery, of London." What's untrue about it 7 tee. belonging to 7.'. S. Campbell, of 1st, Nofarmer iv inteveste01 to the aino11nt Stratford, at 61 cents on the dollen: of 0100. 2nd, The total liabilities will amounting to over $5,000 and they are not exceed $30,000, The publication of determined to glv0 the people of llrusels 531011 an item places Mr, Rogers in a and surrounding country the 1)83011 of false position and hoes Ilruesele a (treat their pt elle °. Their etota will he 0m0flnt of damage. rift, Bogota' £snore closed on Wednesday, 16th in01,, to re. 10 due to the large amount of looney he mark the ;mode and on Thursday, 16th put into his salt bJoull, (toppled with lend inv.,a booming bargain salt will begin, Crodit and deli trade in the store. We John M. Moran, of Stratford, left an Saturday fur Barrie, when he takes the prinoipalahips of the Public and Model Schools. An accident of a particularly sad ober. aotsr, from the fact that it deprives a household of the n presence of a bright little boy who has been the pride of his parents, occurred Monday 4'b the house of William Wilson, 1hler01111nt tailor, in London West. Tho little fellow in comp- any with an old,r brother was playing around the house about 4 o'o'ock, the litter spinning a top for his brother's aml1s0i11011t, Willie, the younger lace, was running around when by some 1110333)0 he slippo,l and full backwards, striking the point of the top with the back of his heed. The boy fell heavily and the wound made was n severe on", the skull being punctured. 0lrs. 1Vilson did not think the aouldm,t of great moment, but at once sent to the city for Mr. Wilson, who oath din the services of Dr. Jarvis. It ?vas thought the fall had stunned him, but internal hemorrhage mast have fol- lowed, as he flied about 11 o'clook. The little fellow was not quite three years of ape and was pal ticularly bright. moxe- Sisle03•—In Grey, ou Deo. 28th, the wife of Mr. Jas. Simeon of a slaughter. LOVE--DooALDSO3.-011 Now Year's day, at the residence of the bride's father, 'Reidpath Homo,' byRev. D. Rogers, Mr. Saml. J. Love to Mims Mary L. W. Donaldson, both of Elmo, A1oLsgxex—Mooby,—On Jan'y let, at the parsonage, Atwood, by the Rev. D. Rogers, Mr. Alex, McLennan to Miss Annie Moody, both of Mornington. Hurcarssoi — BngcdoExam*E, — At the residence of the bride's uncle, Mr. Goo. Edwards, on Jan. 1st, by the Rev. Dr. 1-Jre, Mr. Cuthbert Hut011. 14'800, of the township of Grey, to Miss Mary R. Breckenridge, daugh- ter of Mr, Jas. Breckenridge, of Goderich. WATTS—W1nr1Na.—At the residence of G. Whiting, brother to the bride, on Deo. 26, 1889, by Rev. Mr. Cart- wright, Mr. John W. Watt%, of Boissevain, Man., go Miss Annie L., third daughter of Mr. Caleb Whit- ing, of Workplan, Man., formerly of Brussole, 11Iorr—Pnasrox —At the residence of G. Whiting, on Dec. 30, by Rev. Mr. Carbwright, Mr.Byron Mott, of Boss- evain, to Miss Eva Preston, second daughter of D. Preston, of Carnduff. A'r.7'G4T20ST sAx,rns3_ TUESDAY JAN. 21sT.—Farm stock and implements, Lot 3, con. 6, Grey. Sale commences at 1 o'clock. Thos. T. Mo. Lanoblin, proprietor. George Kirkby, auctioneer. FRIDAY, JAN, 10.—Farm stook and im- plements, on lots 11 and 12, con. 18, Grey, at 1 o'olook sharp. J. and D. Rob. erteon, props., Geo. Birkby, aunt. 331T.X.7- 303877.16 2.6AS7'.S3-7TB, Fall Wheat 75 Spring Wheat 75 Barley 80 Oats 24 Peas ... 68 Butter, tube androlls,,. 14 Egg's per dozen 17 Flour per barrel6 50 Potatoes 85 Flay per ton - ,.... 0 00 Pork, „ a ... 44,.. 600 Hides per lb 2 Salt per bbl., retail....., 1 25 Sheep skins, (soh 80 Wool, per lb. 18 82 82 35 26 55 15 00 00 00 7 00 5 30 3 00 1 00 20 SM.A. C3rn'x'2x IaGASv'K:E1T6„ Fall Wheat ............. 75 Spring Wheat 76 Oats 24 Peas 58 Llarley,..,... ..... 80 Potat000 85 Butter, por lb 14 Eggs, per dozen....:17 Apples per bushel ,,80 Hogs, dressed , , 5 00 Beef,..,, 4 50 Hay 6 00 Wood, per cord 2 60 Sheepskins, each 40 82 82 26 56 85 40 15 00 85 5 80 6 50 4 5ti 57 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ''1 , O00 IIAY ran SALI71 Will 'lellvno hl eumtitlea to suit ,,00. eha38r, T. PIOPI'Alli+1s1 5,0oo, O,Grey. 1 LiTIiAY1:I), —. OA13U' ON THE k promise a of tiro nuder5tgnel, let 0 (011.7,Dime, On00 about the beginning 02 November last, it dark 11•33 ether ;gist ug tlu•eo Years old, 0 wool' pleas° 01,33131 101'1 pay es- pouses. 20.33 J, it, 11.intranN '1'1i,AY1'IDON'I'lil; PREMISES A) of the undorslgued, lot 134, hen 13, Croy, about in loolort' two olrner 13, l"gqueste requested Prove property, II'aY oxpcus0a 4,133 tnko thorn away, 0130. AIoI(AY, 25-9x ° 0l1 (lAN 111' 1; .Photo Err 1, ad M1(�199 :'.1 . 4 AND 011111llt rt afa.t, NT Gi a 0 S AT ALMOST 0081 1'111C31t10 —AT— CI Milani' AT— Gcnhani' Block, • Brussels. ALWAYS USE PEPPER'S PILLS ES'['RAY STEER,-CA11E ON "T ._ .__... _ 3.J the premien of the Suulereignad, Jr is �frtN1,. 10 and 17, eon. 111, Grey, nbou b Nov 17 a (710.4,13' gray steer. The r,wnor may halm rho 103110 by proving property 8011 77laylug 02' proses. CMS, 11, 3111JWM, 01'lulbl'uolt, 1.3,0 2.4 4 �71JLESE A1EIf'PING. -- Annual bloating of the Atorrls 10 Grey Choose Manufeeturiug 00. ,'ill be bald in the Connell Chamber, 13 russets, on Monday, Jan, 134th, )000, at 1 0'01001 p. DI., to receive the Auditors' Bapt'rt and to 01001 Director's for the Doming year. D. 8'1'EWAIt'l, 1300'33. E. TO Gioia zaIDl k Jr Lan008 Brussels every morning instead of o1'euing, Ile formerly, and interne from Gonda h, the owning, 131,3 rule ,"311 be 13d• hared to until further notice. tVI J.IN'1'OS[I Si MoTAGOART, BANKERS, • BRUSSELS, ..rataoact a g•ozaora.l 23a,:1.]zisag Aue,inocp. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian null United States Drafts bough; and so1,1,. Intermit allowed on Deposit%. Ooilectiorrs made en )iu'oratl, pial*. ea:males Agents —Alltnen.tolr''s BANN oar CANADA. Now Yorh AgOuta—Ixranrlan3 asn 'T'nnn Me NATIONAL 13A1110, S. R ALS71, Proprietor, Neuse 1s llerahy given that the 0010 tante 1315 accounts duo the tete arm of play croft C Turnbull, 13 0 33 510 7 0, must be settled by cith. erclash 01 note ('urthwith, The books are at Dickson C liars' igloo, and they aro au- thorized to give 1002131 be for 1,101,30a mild, 14- .-. MEW BARBER 3110P.—T111 t ' undersigned desires to intimate to the people of Brussels and 'Ourounding country that he has opened it slavlug and hair cut- ting parlor le Smalo'e Stook, whore he may be found roady to attend to the wants of the public. Good work guaranteed. 20.11 JOSI:PIL LAI1RD. f UTOHL+'RING —THE UNDER. signed is prepared to attend to the. torrfar'merstor towns townspeople 33'10 bas workmanor , like manner and at reasonable rates. Ord• ors loft at A. Currie's Installer shop will be Promptly attended to, DAN, McDONALO, 22 TO DEBTORS, All parties indebted to the 013,130 of the late Andrew 0111'1'io cru rcqurs301.1 133 sottlo the SR1110 by the 0111 1113 C. After that date all turila}d claims will be colleotod by pro. 7r. encs or law. 13Y 0R DEB 0P 12SLlCU A)IaS, Lb:S. ilUl\ 1 11,11, Brussels, Oct. 1 ,25FJ, 1#Ef �-%- Clot1,of the L'unrta Oivl•:b,s C,.mt, Co Huron, Cnaroynr.rer, Nel;try 1'trblie, Y:1\1I1 ON '1'lll; P[l:EAil;SE5 Lnnd, Leon a,at 14'04'0+,cup .tg ut. Punct, of the mule, srgue,1, 121 no, Zen, 17 i 0110 in ami to lSlee Brussels. mad+,. Grey, on or about Juno 141, 13 033:33.114':; 31cifor U1Jice in CSrubiau'e Sleek, 1Srlhssuln. 0,3,1n yourbu5 steer, Loth lel In color. '1'310 --- heifer MIS solos Croy Lair The t ther leas Blii i:Sti W 213, 50n10 301,110 all hl,3d 0111 414-"11, 1'310 eunor l3' S �c requested to prove pro S'erlj, 11:1 exprimos .. - _. - - - - and tutu thein away, 2041 1:0131', JilaalcY, D It.ESSA1A1dING OV,1IUI 11.IRS. LEaI, AND CONVEYANCING. . I ' 4 L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, .9. Solicitor and Cnuvevnue,r, Colter - Bone made. 011100-1'auslan,ra 111001:, Brits • sols. S)3 3,4' J 131. SINCLAIR, --- V • Soticttor, 3311 C n's Sleek, No tory Pab- oe,dem r'o rug Store. 131331+11, 1 door north off Pepper's Drug Store. Private Fonds to Loan, E. 1VADE, Burrlitor, Sollelt,r and Notary 1':tb. Ino. Conveyancing, 00 Benham and Loanlug. Air. Wade 1011 0ttend 10 Gerrie ovary Wed- nesday at two We look, DICKSON AS 1JAY11, (Lath with Ga,xow &1 Pr/1,lfoot, Code. rich,) Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, Iso. (110oes—Lruseele and Sonfort31, Draft sols Ondoe,Bugoro' Block, Main 8t. Money t0 Loan. n. a, 10AY5. w. n, 1)131141,33. A 1I. TAYLOR L. 0, L. B::nistor, Follaltor, &a., 14 1103 Ora, of Taylor, MoCnllough t 13uru1, P.arrikte•e 00131 tore, 3300., mauuine Areime, 'rmoet3. Money to emu'. LJTRAYED 111011 THE P1)Elj. coos of rho undersigned, lot 27, 1,111ine, Alenia, about May 41111, a year ail steer and it year old hoirrr, bath rod nu corer, marked lura a OOuunee t};; ring tit lower side of right ear, Any information leading to their 10003•(3(3' will be Euauktully rocolvo,3. 2111 ;LAS, 31. 011031 'IN', Brussels PA, A NNUAL MEETING. — THE 0011251 mooting of 13110 Least Huron Ag- ricultural Society will be held at the .town Hall,Brussels, ou Woduesdny. Jou. 15, at .. 0'01001, 11 m., for the purpose of 080010in the enen0ial report, electing officers 1(11(1 01030• tots for tato ensuing year and transacting moll other business as may ootne before 3110 52003015. Alex. Gardiner, President, D. STEWART, Secretary, 20 Cayeate, Ro'01euos and Tiudo A �t ACarkeseou'ed and nil ath- er patent causes iu rho Pani 08100 andbetorare the Courts promptly and carefully at - of lave to. Upon receipt re model or skotoh of d advise t make careful roeexamination charge, and advise as to p0tomtabilityfroa of euargo. Fees t IBseDto,aud make nocharge 001000 Dupont references information addles, and ((Omalrefor00085 rent on application. J. R.101TTIlLh, 1Vuebte ton, D.0„ 10.12. Patent Office.0G 4. REAL ESTATE. RAR1'IS FOR SALE.—THE UIi L' 110naro3011 hits several good Farms for sale and to rent, easy terms in Townships of At orris and. Croy. F, S. SCOTT, Brussels, 07-tf. THE RESIDENCE OF J. R. Grant 01111 Street, is offered for sale, as rho family will remove to Winnipeg next Spring. Also the stable used at present by Lott Dros., au,l a well located building lot on Turnberry street just south of the postofllee b Eek. Porpartioulaos apply to MRS.1 .7, 11, FARM FOR SALE. — BEING Lob 12, Con, 10, township of Grey Huron Co. There are 100 sores, BO soros of which are cleared ane in goad state of culti- vation. On the farm 9e a stone house and frame barn and frame stables, a good bear. ing orchard and good well of nater. For furtberpartioulare apply to tho proprietor on the promisee. 17•tt JOHN VINOIJNT, anneals P. 0. T lARU FOR SALE.—THE SUB - .12 eonroan offers his valuable 100 acre farm,beinglot 3, eon. 16, Grey Township, Huron Co., for sale. There are about 50 aorea cleared and In good heart. There fit a log house, good bank barn, bearing orchard, and all the necioseary oonyoalenoe on the premises. For further partioulare, as to ppriao,tornls, oto, apply to the Proprietor, THo).HISLOP,blareP 0., 17.W. T.. or to 2.tf DOUGALD STRACHAI11, Brnose1o. I1ARM FOR SALE, BEING LOT 28, eon. 5, Grey, oontainleg 100 scree, 15 aoroe cleared under grass, and the balance timbered., Abont lemma of dry landand the balance cedar and bleak nob swamp. There is a log home on the promisee. Will be sold env ery reasonable terms asproprie- tor does not require the lot. For further ar- ticulare apply to R011T. McLA.UORt,1N, Oranbrook, P.O. or AIM. MINTFIR, Brus- sels, 13 . 'G1ARht FOE SALE.—THE UN. . 11111(51020511 offers for sale the north east quarter of lot 20, oonoession 0, Morris, Cennty0? Huroll,00nba)ntiig GO aoros, The land is of trot quality and In a high atato of onitlyattar, 31011 foneed and auder'dt'ained, t'5 acted cleared, Now trams house, 8 romps, milk house with 001,000te walls, 2 wells, good barna and shod, orchard, etc. Eight acres of foil wheat. This desirable property adjoins the corporation of Drnseols. Suit. able tame will be 111033,,, Title perfect. JAMBS GI LILVIA Owner, 30- ileal01't11 P. 0. 001) FARM. L'011 SALE IN V1 Alorrls, on reasonable taring, In order odtr W close the ion, th of rho executors o of the late to G. Valu bl rhodsfoodor the fol- lowing valuable lauds for sale Nort� half of Lob 00, Oonees0ion 0, T01,31044) of M0rr10I�ountaintog 00 soros, 00 tole lot is Meted a rood trine bnt'11 hili Steno 'f03,n• dattou, good :Orchard, well and pomp, New, l all 01020 rl, and to on the grave road closely a ciuin the Village of nrueseia, tri I atnrn�d"3'p jgavrt�uabin non well i3 1 li , fenced and in a .good appl 0f THOS. Per Rimines 3011.1),, apply to T7Io8, VlOta eft rOnaels, l' 10 r same It nNietap VJ a,aage RomefaM.ti.,crJAAff;S,i.dcrir,:Atltpio tualgo P. u) hllid.ksexCounty, &non's elur0. 311515 4 L. er E. Alt. NAUGHTON. r11. 11o(IIACKIIN, •Issnror of Marriage Licenses. Ogles at hi:; Grocery, llu'ubcrrl• 010001, Brussels. { . N. 13ARI1ETT, Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next door 000111 of A. M. Aicltay x Coes hardware store. Lad: es' and01111,lren'3 Lair auttiug 1,11300101(33 h+sA choice stock of cigars kept. MoNAIR, • /Enrol, of AI urione L1001413es, by apli0iu11non0 of Lieut, -Governer, Con/dia. seen er, 5/5, Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire insurance (10, t -ileo at (he Cranbrook Post °Mee. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSMIANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. DRESSDRESSMAKING.— to the MAKING.— ..1'118 dol B usso sgand surlotto/alb i country that she is prepared to attend to all 00(1010 intrusted to her. Satisfact3ou guaranteed. 01109 -1313 -stairs, ono door north of Walter Jackoou's hardware store, 1.0- MISS SS,b1PLE, ISS M'OOLL MRS. CARSON have started a 0rslealass Dross and Mantlo Making Shoe over 81011olnan Bros,' store. Aa Mrs, Carson nuts by the best American Tailor System and has worked 111 Toronto for a number of years a per1501 at and good satisfaction ioglar'anteet6 Partica who are geed 000023 taught to out and at in :blew days. ta'Approstices wanted. AUCTIONEERS, ('1 EORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auotloneer. Sales unnduot- 0don reasonable terms. Farms and farm stook a epeaialty. Orders left at Tan Poer PubllehIngRouse, Bruseals, or sent to Wal tou P. 0„ will receive prompt attention ARAYMANN, • Auctioneer. is always ready to at. tend antes of forma, farm stock, Are. Terme cheerfully given. Ortwbrnok P.O. Sanas 2:033 ebe,Br0(useol0(ngoe.31, at Tug Perm Publlehtag Hous DENTAL. G. L. Boll, L. D.S. Nitros Oxide Gas ad- ministered for the Painlu58 Rxtraotion of Teeth. 71 Gerrard Street Bast, Tone/Pro. 21,33t0.21SST 1 W, J, Fear, L. D. 8., Graduate of Toronto 8013001 of Deutlotry, All operations guaranteed. 12'Artidoial tooth, first quality, and 0IIO.1anteed at,.fer $12.00 per .sot. Onloe—OAns'e 73140010, SEAxomm11, 1:YE INT17!t9.`I. 07. A. M,A.RT2ST, Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Nitros Oxide Gas administered for the Painless 17xtraotionat teeth. Office-- 1`.it'ONN Dean Non2n Or 13ANg, B1ens8P,Le, MEDICAL CARDS. V,V'M. It'. OALE, 51.D,, 0.11., V 37 Member of the College of Phystainn o and el 201330 5 ei Ontario31—by examination. (7111333 and Residoucr—M1tiu str5ot 711301, ltthgl Olitarie. T A. MoNAUGI3TON,tr • 0. M., L. 31, 0. R, Edinburgh, Al. 0, P. S, Ont. At P0pporie Drug Store from 0 to 11:10 a, In, 0.°d from 1100 to 4 D. 111, At other home may be found at his a:681(1850e, fos'rn- orlyocenpied by Dr. Elutelllusou, Mill 81. VETERINARY. cru. W ie,, ARIVIC31, v, , (� (etIOOP860It TO F.11/. If tor), Graduate nutl 1lonrrat'yF011ow of utartc, Vot'n .Gni a 0 (J 1133 l i wit/ 5, be pleased p 0 to ex. ami vat x lho ItYi the groatnat euro and 23) lint ava. rip slSil] any nasoe o0y-1 top to lift 0(,2 deer% nod lnilrabriy yl , 3'0Iou't old 81., 810 33(•801 north of bn(lgo, Tui„borrY st., Draxit%tg, ,11 4'1 lI Lb ll. 011 80 dl OE 0r hi du I,, to ce 4't rc sr 0l 31, L fc o, 13 V 1 n 2. v 1 3