HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-1-10, Page 7JAN. 10, 1690, THE BRUSSELS POST- 7 OMMAM �SWM over h o to of bha las when bha they, song a ih, un la•000k, the _,._,_:�_,....-•,_ '—_— .. 4G1ts1,7,a"Yatrir"tA1�"'a,waaY•,gn s� I..rA,t. t _.._ - ^----..--•—•—» ._—•—..:.--.�..:--„—-,•--_,f P F 3 ` 1 g shrill aoreame of flanksbranchesWontlnrr proetAble employment at r $OUSEH+i 1D, R y P It 33At ly the oakwhosewlude y, Y [1� Q1 � ' � �A C 004 And browp Eli bbl In bile oven. of errata il,ehln like meteors through the Bildly the ahoy. and winds defy, L iJ �7 beano nddrrea nnheta�m_Pf d, TIit1T• �-" 01 and the varied notes o{ man othgTq TAM, a Itlebuend 8t. W„ Toronto, c SWEET POTATO PIE,-Tako large Sweob 9 Not long ago an aaarn, small, a.8 .UAoo Street Jilsol, Toronto, 9. Rainy Day With Carolina's ChildreEl, potatoes And Board until they aro soft, lino hidden from our dight. AB the nun rvOO"e Lay dormant',death the summer sky, EACKINKS men make money aurlo ,-carbo Formerly, for over five yosrs Principal of the sharW DJd on ever knout m oteon who had tho full beauty of the forest becomes reveal• m pp q band loot tote fp 0onneotion with the Oapat,at/ null y A deep pie plat° with thin oruab, silos bhe Not unlike the thrift oak In Its germ' TOY nraaetag for app or tory of onr laeG asitia$ nCeapniveralty Tppewrftln¢D artmitdundokths nave, had the care of children, who Wet potatoes thio la them In the diah sprinkle ad, Oa every aids aro ,huge braes, eomq hung Y g , Books and sibhm a colauy Nieto% of Otaad r, bj o�p1 p " y ' p With fostoonB of thin anako•liko or0e era development And growth, is consatpthm,. W, H. Withro,v, ft,.., latest and bock edition. ov;, management of Bit. GEO, BEIMI OUOli, Agent 0t "" pot sure of possessing the boat methods for some flour over them, one teaspoonful of with otoono o of leaves huh oovaredovltli Bob even this mighty too of menklnd asi• publlphed prices Iaw, berme WON, arks f,i the Itemlogton Tvpowriter, Apply lar otreuiar. Mau '' their traintpg E Thie le oepbially bran of but4or, dna half a cupful of water, two " P iltuBtrateri oeromAre and terms. . Witt, Bilious dea this paper n wrAluq, that °lass of individuals, popularly kno,vn tables oonfala o£ su ar a little nutmeg or baAutlful tulip -like soarleb flowers I others, tartly of Dr to the wonderful curative pro- pubnahaz TcrcaGa. l? sugar, $ again, parties of Dr. Plaroa'e Golden Medical Als• .- .,. d,: as old molds, who have happenod to be any spice to Bulb tests, bako in a good oven, oovery {t taken early, Don't; be fall➢d to Ounrnnteed sur° aura Ice loug- ^ �j A lar_6soar°anter I )rl loons In akar a of a mater's ohlldTgn to a Sweet potato pie abouts be union warm, A ELAZIt of ouzAtso + ro&lnax. g' ON 1 oto Louo nt n laky. pp g p p your own Int(rasto and think yours A bops• 1�0' standing Coughs, Colds, spa, Ass Abu, /, jnW weeks. Dan ti that' know tha4 f£ they Every nota anu there opens a 1°valy ltttlo lesB Dasa. tChia remarkable ,etas has rot- 0 Y year druvXtat for It or.vrlGe to ua In tr sato o[ f➢tarrat pre nr7 .I CREAIIEP QY9T.d11S,=For bills exoallonb lade I yGwoi' Tokenoother. It 1),SnIDE1Id aT''� olasmisecurity. Apply to had had the ogre of than children from dish take equal pro portions of °eters and g , dobted with great clump° of tall grace' ousd bboutaudo, Ib ie the only madiol➢e of R c eco„ 7)ruagists, Pur. oto. 'i Infancy, ahahow much more yacht, ren from q , P F y fol bamboos and treat plapta, wild Ito close, sold b dru �" " _ __ _ ___ ,, _ ._� + r n y g ietB, under a rosfTlvE D n areata key a pint of each, a small bib of f door, at EAT7Y Calrll a'IC' RLi1CkSTDC crI [ bettor mannered and butter behaved they onion cub fiaa A Bhred of made, a tablespoon. a d il Id psoases run I sea our part 1 cases o die that It will bene Isar Duro in all IIEdI )I ItutilAEBS CQILEld18, ! aglph °&tarns&are and (over Bak I would be 7 Of course they do I I and oa ldre road in frena I sea what is mason of dieoasa tar which it is r000mmdnd• Gnt,--The tixtb spbolusnm year begins Sept woiungWtoPit., mor, ra anChurch, (over Book, sarta� full of flrur, and Both and popper to taato, Apparently r p ad, or mons aid for it will bepromptlyre it�Rl1�� ®, ®Ft'T. Nob proving Buy Exemption to the en"e, poor°nil the team If r b were eo cock sora zed, An Art 1woodeAryl her been added in wh,oh Scald the onion and mane In the groom, and In ae vigorously > am i[ he warn I4 the Earm• ' y P orowlAq and waodoarviag will bo kaaghb hr thi Euoh wore my rt fboatione before one of the the Divides In their own liggor until $ g } funded: moat noted sprolalld in the Daminion, Our Short six weeks had peeped for which time I had they pall, Mix the Sour in a little cold yard eh home, alchou h he tea janglm mar• Salt Like Mormons consider their church nand Dapartmont hoe aomorrPllehed 1 heprmmnnl ro rom)and to take care of my Bieber Carolinas go' In his nabivo wilds. amts. We lead the van la rmotical Education, A milk and stir it Into the cream When ib The most Startling e a hierarchy than the United Stator Govern M. BLACCORMIOII, Pricolpal, five Delay, rolfiaking children, during bar boils • then skim out bhe onion and mace g gashing b how• meab, tid� V Rk DDD LOA absence for % Ylalt and a mnOh pOBa Dd TaBb. " aver, when, attOC much crashing Cf branch. nab S audTl1MOE apeef,tat. Private - 1. I could not undeatand why Carl, who wok from the cream; dvAin the oyabora from their ad bag been heard, a hard of a do zin valid r'SGandlog with reluctant feet p (� � Nocpiat, No entre, noam ft. -^- the oldos6 and should 6o a help in the ear° liquor, add them to the prepared aroam, elephants oroamaa the path nba➢h flf,y yards Whpro bhe brook and river meet,"st a v c, N, tecxrcueaul P. W TAttIO FARMERS dpetroas dt paying os exist at the Others, meat peralat, Instead, In team. And they aro ready to be served. ahoa.i dei nln to nabioe Choir pB live „ , _ ••�� N..ty Niaaa, st Dulfala, N, Y. In¢ hl rh Intern!•-bearhngmortnges, or Wert tlng to P la a period of "maidenhood" which Is peril. - ` - -- bald grata ani utrik for b)tEor prion, can obtain Ing Uta younger brothers and staters, eapso• ares" brother only by a disdainful glance and call In the Extreme to a vigorous) healthy f�1e ft1 Ep rWq Ia91[tpt+ C'thfYeB. eAaon tdsp Neo Bfoucy ,udo,re.t4%nrrent Btatea or to terent l' iAlly Ned, the most {rribablo of diem all ; IN FAii OFF' TNDTA. fl )uriah of hheir trunk,, The mahout Informs womanhood. R iekless exposure, at certain 4Jtt 9J V G LCA I. Imp°antious of Enelah Weeps by applying paeonally, cr oy letter to the Eli that they P + F)aeat Amprivap Hvg' Oaein a ! why Ned, in turn, should nob up a howl and __ y are vett' common In this dig- times, which induce Irregularities, had Orders filled mranydestredquarlAy, Wrltefor , "I LONDON CANADIAN LOAN &AGENCY CD'Y '{b throw himself on the floor in a lab of pAooton Thera prevails amen m sex at home the fir at, but gaits intfi'yusiva, unless Dna bap• wrddksd tau a fair can life, To all p $ y ane to meet a ro ua in a bad temper. TLis y young J.-L31ES. P/ P.H ECt $,, .I. F. KIRIE, ITANAORR, at the slightest Provocation; why Alice idea that thrice blessed are those fortunate P 2 p .ill'atod with derangements of a uterine 103 BAY 3T., TORONTO. would Dabsih down quietly as she was told sisters whose destiny lead° bhom ho spend intelligence dose Deb add to my nom{ort, mature llr, PierOo's Favor[hs Pareari kion is hl to 47 St L�wreuca Market, TOtnBic, Oat After being drowsed up for the afternoon, their lived on the sunny p'.ains and verdanb espeatally ed he capually rate Bic, that shard of inestimable value. It is the only medIoine P 8 hil1B of India •that their rima is a sat in a i0 more bban ono rogue to the net hour. for women, sold b druggists, MEED Ori dbQRRl;ta - 'abut was poosobsad with bha Idea of ram in p y ggiste, pND9R A I'D 1 rMAI , nig° �` shood, Two or throe small streams are oAu•wilt bhe boyo, and, no doubb, would nob whirl of gaiety tempered with the luxurious Ttvfl gIInaalfTBE from the man%faoturaaa ,.;rti Sfaka li q honey; h endllnq ° a a ,. - took fib to be seen an hour after; why fva• ease of an Eastern life, This ma be the bioualy forded by aur olsphaob, which ie ovI- that it will ive;oatisfa,ation in ovary cues vur speer ttiee. Avrito or year-old BEnnle and throe ear•old Ma Dasa with a favored Levy ; bub man en dnntlp gebtibg hangry, for ib breaks ofl g ry a .t,. _ °` 11 ° 0 , ' r . 'y y y or money will bn refunded. ThiB guarmatee C[(,1; h' & G 3 ,l L G• fc o , c ,d • s could nob be contented With the nursery And clitoor s wife In India. had to rough in in a braaahas and munches them ms ft goes along, had been printed on the bottle -wrapper and Toaosro their great oaeortmenb of plagbhinga, but ,ray which wonll rather ap¢nl bha ordinary At last ab ton o'clock we reach the small felthfnlly carried out for many yemre, were forever teasing for something they English woman, were she suddenly called foot of lying In the mouth of expect gorge eb lira � ALLAN � qg as rya � ,w..n ou it not have, or to engage with the older upon to andergo on experience similar be foot n the hills, whore; A dI ldl find our The superiority of Mother Good c WOYmFL A6n1 _ ,/`1Afi. .f3 _6. af09r�' children in Oporto too violent for them, end khat which i am About to relate. eetvanta and breaktaet ; And I gladly aaram• the children, fe EUawn by fbs good and g ou �a Which resulted in tumbles, hamper and In the month of March, 1888, my husband Old ofl the b sok of the beast which had boon the ohildran. Pdrohase a bottle and give ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP & s tears. I[ I had had their mans amanh from unexpectedly p my uncomfortable resting -plan° for the loaf It a trial, __ $ wait unex ectedl ordered to proceed at once ry F the flat, and had early Incnlaated into their to j An a now G)orkha regiment At a station nix hours. As we come up, we find our tent Shit Yo➢reelf, 04 -Ma e2,a,� THE PIONEER CAN OIAN LINE nun Linde the principles of obedience and itched And the bn a >a beta gob off the bub there to no other remedy for dick head- Delivered anywhere in Canada. Largest fitock y g Halted Iisludanda, We were ab that time P jffi b 8 $ Add cull to the tr.ab In ,•yard to the provla[an mad oourtesy, which ought to Ila the first duty of in the Uwathern Punjab, having j use °arta, which have been all night on the road, ache, d`zzineda, °oastlpation, Ufllousness, or Lowest Prices, for bha eataty and mature it of Ila ou"tamere. ever parent I alae Lure I should have had titled down In a comfortable bungalow after Darlug the loam hear, heavy black cloune to restore a r ular health notion to the ,v � tiVeeuly saltness Relay°ea a,if FLivero nal etas• y ae ff have been ronin down the h3Ilt and Wd $ ' y F'd��kffi�t9�[ei rd$il"4, go,vtea theyt. Ln,rreneo.S Furt,rigtrt• no trouble. As it wae, I wan in a oonetaut a winter spent by me In Pahhawar, and tS liver, Btomaoh Alld townie, equal to those ty Service from London. during state of excitement and alarm, lest they by my husband under canvas on the Afghan Wave ao%rcaly got under cover when. bha reliable little "Pleertanb Pargabive Pallete 72 TO 76 KING 'aTREET WEST 1CRQNTC e( should discover some new avonce of mischief frontier. But such is the lot of a soldier's aeorrn breaks with a deluge of rain, is manse ro ared b De. Pierce. Of druggists. — ,_.,- t o; fly to evils flint f knew not cf. life, and custom had quanoo of which we got nothing to eat till p ¢ y gRieta, I On this articular rain mornit, of which past three Wolcott by which time we aye triple l iaama tot greatly exercised the ed over p y g having to pe bIE TJ THE POSSIBILITY A tri 1e alliance, but out in Utah they aro Aa ; � I write, I was especially disturbed and of UAv{ag to pack up my household goods ravenous, as any wplt U° Imagfnod, JS[teI thick us ,the speaks on a turke y - rnu annoyed, I had dressed them fa clean alath• and b° n@ at a moment's aotiae. A took this, the thanadar or head policeman of the ¢ y'a egg' ` �t Cteeapeat and ' 3 J� [ng, had seen that faces and hands were im➢ortaut matter, however, was to fled out village Is summoned, and the postilbllby of t A �.appv Transition. BEST rP,Lcs I y r Immaculate I and, after arranging their here the lace was to which we had been- procuring coolies is disouasad ;for at this I� . g w p After five pea -a' suffering from dyapspOsa in Americo to boy t nameroaeplaythings in a moB6 satisfactory place the oarb•road ends, and everyfking ,., y ordered; endafber iagnir amen ourfriendo m wife of cured in ono month b the free Band And lluaf.al � ' x manner, Ld enha order not to leave the In the cantuumonb, w° discovered that only mast now go forward on the books ofman or use of Sb. Loon water, We prise by highly, i loetrument., - $ f mules. He promfnos to have eutli)ienb men 1 D[uetc, �o. p nursery, lean ae tled myself in my favorfbe the vaguest idem. existed as to its where- the transition int larlage from misery to fine , • w, oolloohad b to more morulae, Bad will, �', corner of the of • {n; room to enjoy the latest' abouts, and how to gob there no one knew, maap eaiaema, departs, health is ab grand and permanent. Me this -a• magi i no. I l t a soon absorbed In a vary The reason for this was that it was a perfeob- the reab of rho dm we a dad rnmbl{n hour nob %pang. Fool Be good and hearty Address, w•II aLEY, ROYCIs .t ( O., i5S Yoa rE interesting artio) , and ib had been an hour ly new Station, formed for the aaoommoda- y F R will take pleasure in %nmwarlhg any mgnfr- street. Teronto, S)ad t)r C alrgu.. Among the rocks and under the treed, end stillness more before I was aware of an appalling ,ion of the new Goorkha regt time of e. A revelling in the freshness and verdure of les, to. ace y 849 dere wine road, ebilln ha to the nursery. had only been raised a abort time before. A evorthfa after the and desert of the Pnn- Toronto, Plane year ordure wisher now, * On hastening to than room nob a obits was telegram addressed to Iialudande, however, j tb $ Impotaible to overrate the value of St. 4 '� �� ALBERT to be mean, but a glimpoe of their mobher'e after some delay brought buck an answer Early noxb morning the thanadar appears, Leon, say physicians, HIM Mf I red shawl through the window soon revealed Informing ➢e thab our future home lay in blas driving before him, with much shouting, a "Please to give me something, air, " said o l o IM SOA COV S the fact that they were all nub in the LAID, hills of the North-west Provinces, about crowd of almost naked villagers, who an old woman. '"I had A blind child; he apo TRANSPARENT even to baby May. The versatile CArl had thirty five miles from the rallway station of ' invented the play of " Wild Injun" 'with Kajibabad, and that there were as yet no with a great show of reluctance and ex was my only means of subsiatener, and'the 011 t? CAR$OLIC ACID T01UT SOAF himeelEas "ohlaE " and had osteblished his houses built. This did not pound ver pro- pontalation hoist our boxes on their poor boy has recovered his sight," SoP y p headsand dila ear u the winding patio, �l Is pleasant to use. tribe nailer an ambrolla tent lengthened raising, and I regretfully gazid on bha bare Pp P $ P It heals the skin, and de. • ' out U er mother a shawl supported b walla and rubbish strewn [bore of m ones: These being mainly despatched bofore us, wt Consumption Surely Cured. y > pP 3 y abort to walk to our naxt camping -ground, To the Editor,- strays Insects and germs mtioks driven into the ground, Alice had bright little bu tgalow, and Uado a tender fifteen miles farther on, up Please inform our readers that I have A be the hair of mast or her beat wax doll tied up in my white break farewell to my favorite pony, which land L uosT EXQUISITE GORGE positive remsd for the above n%ted disoaae, beast. Farb shawl and suspended across her beck been no time boa new owner. But there vfth precipitous sides, covered with foliage; By its timely use thousands of hopeleau Ounce for a papoose, and various other forbidden was no time for senEemmnb. The bullock and a foaming mountain torrent dashin have been permanently oured. I shell bennf. i1 articles bad bean appropriated by the young )arta Were creaking off to the station with $ li P s I 11Y31 It!rr :, aur ha a o and after a hurried last look at Over the rooks ab the bottom. The uarrox glad to Band two bottles of my remedy FREF�• 1L1Af13�; savages, gg R , path wiado along one side -in some plaiaes to any of your readers who have consumpIna state of unamfabl , and disinterested )ar old regiment, who happened bo las hold- a mora lddgo an aka Encs of bhe rook over ^Ion U they will Bend me hheir Expreea aurAIDIaBF33,(1) Borrow that Caroline hadnohgivenbhomIt Ing their togimEntaleportothatafternoon,. hanginptheebteam,inothexarn➢nfa through P. U.addroea, Resp'p, T.A. SLOCIIM, better bringing np, I hurried elaem Into tht ve were off iD rho train for Lahore. groves of bho most ma nificent ggambooe t , ` ��house and administered warm baths Bud sty Nothing noteworthy happened during $ b I C., lfi4 rVestAdalAida Sb;, Toronto, Ont,clobhin muala to the eneraldiaeatiafmatian ale orb of bha 'aurae . On arrivin at Onoe we sae nn immynea troop of monkeysTeronto, ant. $, II P journey, g jumping from tree to tree, and drinkfug in Di not imagine that the boy who joint In m frame of mind bordering upon despair Lahore next morning, we had the customary the stream, perfectly undfaturbed by on; the Sunday school about' this time Is non as to what to as nExb, I went to the kit- fear and horrible breakfast ab the she rosenaei So we o on SteadilyMain `mite; "freed about the future, It in the presen+ CONVERTIBLE WIRE BASKET, f i phen to hind up their web clothing, when 1 .ion, the nastiness. of which must lar pftsr mile, soak turn of the roasilo oOing he fiaa ea eye fo," J ' ,p noticed % dish of starohltfb ftomybaterday'L ixperfeuaed to be real{ned. scarcely q SoxNE of qR> ATER sEnoTli Washno ingg. A happy thought struck me, aad we finlahed;, when we were hurriedThe Book of Luton. I o e0mthhlrgnowto, intet'set Ito "tribe. 1 intohhatrain for Satisranpdre, whine wan npvnthe somest. of our property lying Know and then won the Aldan With Windom hives in u Took f1. laadibnow- mete I : g9hgdst 1$,30 'that night, 'after n• lopg l Paradise: A Treatise ea eefally;Wribter I I left'ordeve with the girl. to make a pate 'lay Ina path, who ° the bearers squab beside ft i . n smoking a vary bearers l pips maria of t o➢ Diseases of Man, containing Faoba bo tbkv Q - fnllof'thiokpast°, and, hurryingg back to IIGTAICDrausTy,0AnSiLIR' rolled-apleaf pinnedbyethorn,, Bub the} Hen of All AgegI Should be read by Old lyyppyELOUS! r- :. r" the nursery to pre then, another raid Into the phen, nm{dthadenseorowd ofjlbbaring•bar� are inexorably driven on by',my" hmsband t ylidcil's Aged and Xonag 1136n. ,Prnvgn b}; �'ala snparrstindyatcanbeconverted Lack yard, made the startling announce lle laden natives; my husband had to rash ,for the only chance of getting our' baggAgE the Sale: of $Alt's. Mllfion to be Lha mos" hIt" loo useful And ornamanial ahap ee•B ihr tS n er meab that lwould 'edon futrodnosthem toa )ff to ooliaot:ourds9,za,and,bieep9ea4yadtil a ,Ab all Is to keep it in popular,baoau e:tidritten'in,libguageplain, aha. 10, Coke Brand, CardRerclvcr,lgg o, ate took ulnar than anything they had $ F yy, Goatee, and Innpme.niiln ather urtldes that are in- g y $ .nd sand them witfx aur beds and baggage tt % A long B`riug'; of dheop PASSED; its on their iorcltilo.and iifabruo'tl YO. •Practaoal Present tsponsable ip the house or.aim's. Bathing lilt. it In brled. Phan I xopepded to hunt up ole ilio dark, ;•boa slow `wlisre' we were ti anon of Maafcal i7ommpu Sense , Valusb,p, �Usc,wee, d agents macre 8s and to per day. yl p a ,wayY,oche'plaino, eaoU with Ito oughteag`�ilyl% 13 ass.e. s°nd atoncefdrp,u•- H papers and magazines with pictured, fancy pass the night. When we. get there 'an its book. They have oeme'all the way to Invalids Wild are weak, nervous, And ex iomnrs, oto. Oasdgrean aN'f'g Co„ as vista,:a i advertiaing cards, advartlaotonts and til¢ ,ye {aurid .that all the rooms were Dean from Bhotai, ucroma the'hi$heab' pampas Di hnntitodt showing n_ ew,moano bay vghioh the) §rent Toronto. > contaiainq large totters in venous colore, ,;lad f and I had to sib 'yawning for bha Hlmaliyas, whore DOW but m moon may ba cdrad.,Approved layedibord,'oxitias (, all ontads{lpaper.l scrape of fancy, paper, large cards of paste- tnothor'hour While our tent was being taiaahcap,00uld find %footing They carry and the 'p°eple, . Ctl[ary; Soclai,. Soien°r Agents Wanted. board old blank books-ln £not;;, anybhmE .orou life from the sbation and pitched in the, down borax mad salt and take rf°s'and othat S,ub1'O�cts; Also givgos deaoripp on.of.Speoi' f that could be out and acted.. ': Oar)' .. ani )om 8 und. 1b Was long after two o'clock ' rain back td the hills on their return "our, na Nd. 8; Th'a Great. Haslth, Renewer, P F Alice entered into the work with All the before 1•gottobed. nay; being altogether about three months on Alarvel'of Hauling and Kill- f -near of Med) r, FLUID 1 enthusiasm they had ever displayed for Naxb morning, another raIIW%y journey bile read. studs• It largely explains the myetarles of _ i t' 11tE1L� SEI: �". mleabtef, and bytho time bhe paste was dope, brought us to Ngttbabad, the nearest station da we are beginning to look oub anxionaig life ' By Ito teaol)fngs, health mey.bs main A ,I=f quantity of material had to K%lud%na. We were relieved to tee our for, our nexb damping ground after'eur long monad, 'Tho Book will poach you Lav¢ be I , been oolleotgd. 1; spread out, a sewing aorege standing safely under a tree close by, climbi we are astorialied by' the appe,aran it tutee ilio worth' li'vtng. ,It every. adult Ir r table in the nurseryi placed the pan of Past, rethey having been sent on in advance. Ila of a Pathan eepoy 'riding on conte; '$s tho'olvfllzad wo ld would read, nnderataad ii e re distributed gainers, and gars f draft saw a' Goorkha; for 'a funny little brings Says1 thhb ill fea And'foliowe our,views, 'there would be .,> A'PdUTR,iTjO l.)v S ,o p the calibre, r, g permission for each one to eu6 and pie:e all Navildnr mofue all the 'Bt%tion with a lento,' camp of Bengal S:.ppars a oodple'Of, miles w°Yid' of ,Phyaioal,.intellaohgel and uoi+l , 0� he leased. a°ntainfag direotione for our further jour farther on., The latter turns' out to be.from Dragon This Hook will be found a trnGhEu° I l P warlike a ub fiva feet.high,,an? presantobion of facta,.calculated, to, do goad.' , �C1U1-RF s It was satoniehing how,Egon the coy. Iia `vas only bo ..an Old friend and When wa'got'• into the tile book the Talisman of lteelbh ! j"bribe" were devoted to the pursuits of very queer, he looked afte): him :huff, snug little oampwe are warmly welcomed a ��i��]Q��:TQ is g pea°°. Carl exhibited•-hls uaeal aptnebo fin Pathana..and Sikhs ,that, I had boon ac and find lunch ready and acceptable.. -'' Briugs Ulaoni to';the olaeak, strength to. the ' learning eomgthfpg now,,y%ud :soon, with Suet d j Thhh avening, after, dining In the tiny body -.and joy tea tha hearb,., Ib ie a'meeeagc ��I t oma to :int I. ,.' U wii. He' informea t Ali°e'e help, was nidsly started vdtiit the old as that.We. ;ingab • open ,, tke day_ hsps,. An '.mos° tient; CaipatA3 with the .skies of the to the 04 fsa and Obherwiae. Zubon s Spool blank books and the pratbfest pictures m%k• 1b,wonld 11o'.too hot_,to orate the Terhi, tauny victims of our host's riflog, We sib oub• fin No, E, the Spirla'of HeaIth.: Those ..who' i P lag plaburn books far Bahnie and Mary. through whibh our road lay, under the hist 'Bide ltetaning to tills' piper of the'oompmny. °bey tho.laws of this book will'be drown ed 6 "' . p (1 me:' oBtozs i i Sans.`}Pa haoordEn I eatri od 3a .a p g wftll'a faddless'+vi_a8ha host pumba a p ` Clumsy ed xooeode to,mtUte so, .g pg R y P who. arfarma wtth.encei .vt o am Honour mon have the a Ib r fr r on the largest pasteboard ,oarda,, setting d[lupidated' enipty bungalow • nde&'"Iillo of hie inoxeased audience. As f em tired, 1 p war and..igmfIAPa,to bbe forth in irre alar linea• aad" orthography, Station, wili4h;wAla: the .only, shelter to bo, soon retire to my, tent, only4ol-alaa..rvakened virlue'oi Lubon s 'Speorflq Nb. S, , All hien j,r,G. IZE1t 1sn. — BIIi.tn OFf[CE, TOILONTO, $ h Who ' are brok°n' down 'fro ov e ',a with letters of "varfons'•BolOxs; nizse, •ahs' had',,, onl'I• Qpi sbrvgnte..hpon , pC$dnagd ;Y..nn hour after by tUa ebontfag of th eervantgt, .a .. ; . t" ' •F.:K'OFit .°?' 3t1tIIEIIIttiB,.AI:'Tr•,le TItBLE YE.LIt5. ,. _;, r,,,.,.ot-, -Al"- of aervlt➢dei' the „.,1. bha:inavitaUle ntttrpr;aad:eAxnatts, iah,Iii'nomethtyg" "Whose violoatl ''amort otbiir c naso ttotm°ntiolled-3n tkfe ab°get, �, lor to. or PrOlident Lifr ,nit Lire Siotk Asson CHIEF OFFICE, RCCM D, ARCADE, - TORONTO I C. NADA (ZaicolleromiTnatl • ,h Mutual fienefft AssOCIation, SitLflt t,%VraT)lFNT—Bynavfaato eabove Asaod,uol ONE Gi_1TT PER DAY, a petgou agrd tzenty-t^.: o, and two coats per y a person aged larla ,aur. coo Oscar. Five Dcllara per week while tillable, th.oagh sirknesa or accident, eo for two and throe cants per tie -, persona a ed Am above can tecuro for their aapendle, Five 1 undred Pullen in event of death. LIVE SVICIE OWNERS can provide Against by death thraueh disease or ae°ldent of their stock I', me. rates, Those interested, bend for proepeoliand oto, lEehable Agents wanted in unrep-Escated dig- triols. NSle-ming Dir rotor. ILLI.LII JONES When T sayOuRu x do not mean marelyte stop them for a time ilia tLen have them re, buI 1 glln. I alruAN A D SJiCAL CHIRP LI Avmade the Af s-asd of FIT% EPILEPSY or FALLING SIC3KNESS A Ilfelong study. 11VAURAST myremedy to CuRE tho worst eases. Becauso others lltive failed Is no reason for not nowreeelvinggaeure. Send atone for a treatise and a l! REE BOTTLIA of my INr,tLLrraLE RnDaxDY. Give Ex ress and ?oat Office. It costs you Bottling for a trial, and it willeure you. Address - H. Q. ROOT, X.O., I64 W est Adelaide St, ' , TORONTO,.ONT. was very BSoud ba diapley,hislimij;ed,,knew- lodge ofspelling bq making on a.oard all the words- hb"knew, and, ab' Fred's eu$ggob0bn, ninny that he did not know, wh le' baby May was "gtiite'oontoatad to-dove"r'it a6 a with any bite of brighll,p8'bdr Ab letters, or Pictures which the others mijirb out Away. bhe long; rainy, day; papsed away without nvo�I a a Violation : of the . trom%ty'of peace, and f ,,. _uUd b counted posts So'one'Of hy'p0rabual fr10➢dm.' Wevild In none another•wlny, By 0oapee before which, Caroline'n returia, a, have on hand as :,A out of ,°nerve force, decoratin • bovo . foe Carl;. waoioo roaper Bolin for Alide, aud'the making of me oms by psatiu� plgturea' of furniture, on a, ' Gard for the younger ones. . to the Some: Tested ltempes, t OYSTER FILLING FOR PAT'rITas.--Take two e f net ounoae of butbor, 'on ' f into kw ab l , a. cream, peppei and aaft j three tab'ledpoon- ,i Fula of flour,. three dozen count oyotera• Melb the buttery stir• in the flour; boil the ' ,f cream, and stir it . n „nook tho_oyaters in their own broth lit ,,nook aro 'j:d'at `tiooketi through, skim off the broth and add to the I"'i oream•oau°e, Bad fill bhe, crumb, CHOCOLATE OREAIA Pi7DDINq (good,)- ° Bake in layers, oaks made of one and, one, half cupfuls of sugar, one-half of a cupful ', of butter, ono•half of a oupful-of milk, two oupfum of Hour, trio Waited of four eggs touch the la Into the Ig filed with 11 16' of my Pon �dlo of tt we Went out' `t'o' -rdpos"Utlfis'tttron.oab'Coboaleapp�'tshonld a°net for:au;t rend,.tilre VplusUlq � eZ�'�_V7;M .� ,ala �����r�JLIJF c.-L.V-P �+.: jaSf. Uas he n�' rowlirl ' pbola 119 e' Treatise, Whioh tv'ill'he oo li`bt .any addioes,r ee P $ Frets froul all restketLions as to residence, travel or occupation. robRblyohbtle!odkoi 6614 s1Avofir- ieeaIedr`op lnaaipt of boa a�e�opn's in okampsr, Of, n ly,fox terrier, , Addraf/o all orders to Y ;iuliAnr ±meq?. f aici'rep Poliey2anti Casil &urreli<Ier�'allte�taaratutocal in oae3e Y'alfcy tidorningtve`eterb6njim,liab stege 1° hplibn SIN—treet , Tronto,i7anndar;. Tl# 1�TEW AZiIdUZTS$ ENZiCiiX%112EI'T'1' POT,IC ., '7i{ u a ver tee 11 clitt'of :