HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-1-10, Page 5JANUARY 10, 11190, THE: BRUSSELS PO`rL•' : iaestioa ir.,rug vteacvnlsn:avossieteerv-)rense^ sr 3.r CrtArT'.' tS1W.TI SSTI0SNmrua,0111.u:,_..A.or. 1'StllCTClU, A't' 1141 t 11»11, 1A•s. hngav, of St Marys, formerly au �P I ! I tint s011eo1 i9 ono, more mooing in )id residaatt of (trey township as 1.', . The tbScotuh Collar, 1]ili lilasl, ipg old Prhnuls Illi,' IICa1u14111ttL11m0e one the 1•.3111,11', J.1Nlyditl' 10, 13110. Atwood. The revival eerv106e in the Methodist clntr0h Isere have been continued by the pastor. Bev, Dr. Potts, 01 Toronto, will preach in the Methodist church, in the interests of the E4ua1,110mA work, on Friday even- ing, Tan'y 240h, at 7:110. The second leoture of the course 03(11 given in the Methodist church last Fri- day evening by Bev. F. 31, Nugent, of Mitchell. It wits highly entertaining and instructive. Tbe attendance was good and ell were delighted, .1 nen stows). SYm. White is at present in the vloin• ity of Wiarton buying up steers for stook. John Moffat has roterned from Nor. folk county where he lute been residing for some time back. Miss Ball hoe given her lust lessons in mush: to her pupils in this section. Site is quite a favorite among them. 1110 Lizzie, second daught, r of Jno, Str00hnn, loft last Monday for Seaforlh when site will attend the Collegiate In. stitnto for six mouths. May ROOMS fol. knv her. 8,1'X13. Airs. Eckmier bas parelw•ed the house and int lately occupied 1 y J. Iiew'itt and intends moving into it this week, Sons 01, TlialrculAvrR.-The following officers have been installed 1(1 E0101 divi-iso Suns 01 Tempe tome for the en- suing quarter :-Worthy Patriarch, W. O.Mo'rolgart; Worthy Associate, Miss 0. Davies ; Recording Scribe, Miss E. Holloway ; Assist. Scribe. Miss J. Bar- tleme.n ; Financial Se. ibo, Mrs. 3). Lekmier ; Troasu,er, M. Fogel ; Con- ductor, A. Fogal ; Assist. Couduator,' Miss A. Holloway ; Inside Sentinei, hiss Be50io Keys ; Outside Sentinel, Harvey Dobson. Tea Me1Tnto.-A. tea -meeting was held in the Methodist church of this place on Ilonday evening, followed by a so0ial on Tuesday evening. Although the weather was not favorable and the roads very bad, there was n fair attend• since. The chief feature of the evening was a lecture given by the Rev. Mr. Ayres, of Gorrie, upon the subject of r'Wontan." It was a very able and in• struotive address, containing a great depth of thought, interspersed with wit. tioisms of a choice nature. The pro• cceds netted in the neighborhood of sixty five dollars which will be applied to do- frayiog the debt on the personage. 1313(1 sillei. Salient is again in full swing. Many children are suffering yet either from the nloa.les or the after effects. if. Johnston is recovering from a severe attack of illness. We aro glad to see him able to bo around again. "La Grippe" has rea0hed Bluevele. Amongst othe,s suffering are Wm. Messer, W. Patterson, R. N. Duff and Rev. A. Y. Hartley. Wanted here : roads and rest from rain. n Muaici n1 excitement, tement meas les iuflnen2n and bad weatherare not ant ' ed. Wood is beginning to bo wanted, and soma are even wanting snow, Mrs. John Farrow paesed away from earth on New Year's day. She has boeu a great sufferer for sumo time past. Mee. Farrow was very highly respected by the whole community. Mr. Farrow has the sympathy of all in his sad bereavement. Rev. J. S. Cook, of Honsall, preaohod a very eloquent sermon to the 0. 0.P. in the Presbyterian 0hurah last Sabbath. Although the day was most unfavorable the attendance was largo. The discourse was based on Gen. 12, 2, and was lis- tened to with great attention. Mr. C. occupied the pulpit in the Methodist ohuroh in the evening, and we are told he also officiated in the afternoon at Eadie's Presbyterian church, Mr. Hart- ley not being well enough to conduct ser- vice. The council elect for the present year is as follows :-Reeve, McPherson (ace.) ; Deputy Reeve, Thompson Councillors, Crookshank, Maxwell and Gemmell. Maxwell is the only new man, he re- places Diment and though there is no doubt but that he will be the right man in the right place, many will be sorry to learn that Mr. Diment failed. Our townsman, John Farrow, although he polled a large vote for Deputy Reeve, failed to reach the front. Mr. Farrow would be a good ohoico for any position in the council. `I'hp IloKillnp elontion contest for the Reeveship:dir,ed no n little oxclteuwat 011 Monday. 11.11 :iie TIsn.-'1'ho (0113(01 tee•meels ill,, of the ,ll0Lhodlst ollutoh rens held last Ainndny evening, instead of New Xtlai''s clay, owing to 9310 dlsa.gr00ablo state of Lhn weather on that date. After ample jnetiee had been done to the edibles Jas. Smillie was voted to the elude whin!) he filled ,91)11 marked ability. Ilia oponing address was tip- top. Speeelies were made by W. II. Korr, Rev.Mr. Forrest, llov. Mr. Scllery and the energetic pastor, Rev. Mr, Tor. ranee, Mosta was supplied by the Methodist church choir of Brussels. Mrs. Gilpin presiding at the organ. The proceeds amounted to about $30.00. A Sunday 0011001 8001141 watt h01(1 on 'fuse. day °veiling. este3jr)t•tli. G. L. Ball, L. I). S., of Toru.1to, was here on a professional visit this week, Geo. E. Henderson was oleoted Deputy 110eve last Monday, defeating the old Deputy, Mr, Strong. J. T. Diokeon, lata lnathem alien' 1nn8131• in our Col. Inst. left le.et week for Brockville ellen ho is engaged in similar position. \V11 ire Blease,' to learn that Miro Janet 133110 and 11190 Lottie Lennie• were both successful at the trailing belittle examination. Both are now f111)' qualified as high School a-sistants. Miss Latimer les gone to the stuff of the Ant high Sa11001 and Hiss Burr to that of the Kincardine High School. At the lest regular meeting of Court Sherwood Forest, A. 0. F. the following officers wore cleated :-0. Sperling, G. R. ; W. J. McLeod, 5.0.11. ; J. Finch, Secy. : J. McLennan, Trees, ; A. Stark, S. 1'17. ; R. Fletcher, J. W. ; J. Currie, ti. B. ; 31. Morden, J. B. ; J. G. Scott, M. D. Surgeon. Trustees -Dr. Soott, fI. Town and Jae. A. Anderson. Auditors - J. J. Nrolin, John Mule and H. Town.' %V1ie latrna. Mayor Moludoo still holds the fort, supporter) by Reeve Gregory and Deputy - Reeve Mo3ienzae. The annual meeting of the Wingham Horticultural Soniety will be held in the Mechanics' Institute rooms, Beaver blook, o11 Thursday, Jany 9th. The Treasurer's financial statement shows our liabilities to be $61,560.52, and the assets $59,010.44. The debenture in- debtedness is $57,000.52, inoluding the $20,000 loaned tothe factorieslast year. The Times says : John Bailey, con• duotor, who las run into Wingham from London over since that road' was opened, bas been superannuated, and his place will be filled by 1V. K. Snider, who will reside in Wingham. Mr. Snider will run his first train in on Saturday evening next. On Tuesday of last week a number of the friends of the cont, acting parties as- sembled at the 0,0ideuco of 1ol1n John- ston, of this town, to witness the mar- riage ceremony between his daughter Sane and Rich'd T. Sutton, station agent, of Drayton, formerly of Wingham. Tho nuptial knot was tied by Itev. J. H. Moorhouso rentor of St. Paul's Episcopal id h v church. The bride, who WAS attired in blue satin with white b'ossome, was sup- ported by bar sisters, Eliza and Dora, while the groom was assisted by his brother William. The presents were numerous, costly and useful. The happy couple left by the 8:40 train to emend their honeymoon in Detroit, Windsor and other places. A large number of their friends Resembled et the station to bid them good•bye, and to wi,h them a pleasant journey through life. Torpedoes were placed on the track and showers of rice were thrown after them as they departed. -'C3olgratvo. A, H. Musgrove, the liberal Conserva- tive nominee for this Riding, was in town last week. Fred. Pearen has enured the position of eoionoc master in the Paris High School. We congratulate.F,red, On Thursday evening, Alio Ilat ult., Alex. McClelland was the recipient of a very handsome chair, tbo present of the members of the Episcopal oburah Here. About 8 o'olook in the evening the pala- tial mansion was taken poseesnion of by a very jolly party, and after various manoovero the "Alex." was secured, and after a neat epeech from the Rev. Mr. Raney, wag placed, without sheet pr shroud, In the chair prepared for him. We think that ho is the right man in the right place. TeX MBxwnac.-The tots meeting held in connection with the Methodist ohuroh of this place Xmas evening ins a m- esas in every particular. Toa was served in the Foresters' Hall from 5 to 7 o'clock and the tables fairly groaned under the dolicaoiee prepared by the excellent nooks we have in this vicinity, When tho de- mands for that very important organ, the stomach, had been satisfied the chutah then became the centre of at- traction, where a very excellent enter- tainment was given. The singing by the Blyth 0f1oir was a whole orchestra in it• self. Spcechen were given by Rev Mr. Law, J. M. Godfrey, and others. Dr. 1. E. Godfrey, of title pleoo filled the po'%tion of chairman in a vory aeoopb- abl ;'manner. The prooeods of tea and social amounted to about $70. tinE ' of the ()twice The nnnttal ince factory an this village will bo held on i riday, Jan, 17111, at 2 o'olock, The re• port of tine past year presents a very ere. elitable showing. The total x10060111 paid to 3116trous ins $4,559.89 ; Veld to milk banters, $7811,78 ; paid to oheeso maker, 11559,42. Tile Seenotary received 9150, tho T00aeurer, $20, the gatemen, $20 sod the 1 )frocto s about $9 oa011, c4 re v. Jas. Cuthill has moved into his new house on the 10th eon. Neil Duncanson Inas moved into his new residence on the 14th eon. Men are buoy just now getting out timber for P. McIntosh's, noir-barn. Thos. T. McLauchlin talks of reined, beg to Manitoba next Spring. lie has an auction sale on Tuesday, 21st inst. Duncan McLauohlin has a very enter- prisising hen and to prove it she brought out a "clutch" of chickens on Christmas day. It is rather cool weather for the babies though. Peter Sinclair jr. and wife were taken by surprise on Christmas night when a large number of young men and maidens came along with a fiddler and plenty of refreehmente to spend a pleasant even- ing with them. All put in a good time. Mr. Pickard rc-opened school in S. S. No. 1 on Friday, 3rd inst., but the at- tendance was very small, as was to bo expected. The tea0her put in the time very pleasantly, however, as he was honored with a visit from two lady teachers, Misses C. Calder and Jennie Ritchie, who worn not required by their trustees to begin in their own schools till the Monday following. MAIRrtaoxl101.-On Now Year's day Outhbert•Hntohinson, of this township, and Mies Mary Breckenridge, of Gode- rioh, were united in marriage by Rev. Dr. Uro, in thepreoenee of a number of relatives and friends. The bridesmaids were Misses Edwards and Breckenridge and the groomsmen Messrs. Breckenridge and Edwards. The wedding gifts were handsome, numol'ous and useful. May the sunshine of prosperity always illum- inate the pathway of Mr, Hutchinson and his bride. Wood•bees, followed by a lively dance at night aro very common just now. On Friday last there was one at Jas. Ousio's on the 19th cot. A nice lob of wood was out, and the dance whigh followed as a reward for the day's labors was much appreciated by the youeg folk0, who love dearly at this season of the year to get together for an evening's amusement. Seoing the girls hoe"o seethe to be just the acme of happiness to the 1090.10011 youth. Well we've boon there ottrsciveg and can sympathize with them. Cnnnsxttas Webnf140 Bsuao,-A. happy event 0000300d ab the esidol310 of Alex. Hyde, of the township of North East. Ihope , on Christmas day, b01ng the mar. . vino of his rIan tot Mary,to Boholt McLtahlanof Gioy, The rfdo looked charming in her wedding Mitre, The nuptial knot was solemnly tied, in the 1)r050nco of the numerous friends of the bride and groom, by the .11ov. Aar. Pylto, of Shakespeare. The 0/11100008 mud useful prosenisindicated the high esteem in winch the young collide aro held by their marry blonde, 1.1(1 eon, and viednity, All are notch pleased to no her looking an we 1. The s,oial entertainment given tit J obi. lee on Now Year's eve was quite seeming. fal. AddrLsses were given by Revs, Mr. Rogers and Smith. Rev. Mr. Davis gave a remtnWoi :out 11:4111, to 3.1e 13'1a13. of all present. Proceeds $13,00, We are )'leased to see other evidences of prosper. ity et Jubilee. 151s'l3a. A game of lawn tennis woe played hare on Christmas day. R, Menne' has opened a blaekamitll shop in Boas R Icing's establiehmont. Reeve Kelly had a close call this year. We believe we have n tip-top Council elected and hope they will do well. Myles Young w11.8 presented with a handsome easy ohnirby the lnonlb038 of his Bible class. Mrs. Young rewind a dressing can. Anniverrary services in ow1)0033on with St. Andrew's church will be held on Sabbath. Feb. 4111, On the following Monday 010uing a tea meeting will take place. Rev. Canons Richardson, of London, is to ollleiato 1611 111e auniversa•y melees in Trinity rlanreh on Sunday al 11 n. m., 2:30 and 6:10 p. r1. The collection- will be in (L1d of the building fund. 0130 Municipal el,ctiou held in Liam. try I1ell on 1101dny was ending. As 0)011 nil the ITA Is were opened there was a continual poor of voters nutfl closieg tame, It ,vs,. the largest poll that has been taken Tor several yeas. '1'he result being t1.8 follows: Kelly, 113; Rion Moo, 10+1. Comieillors, Young, 140. Tanner, 145 ; McGee, 115 t Willford, 112 ; Metcalf, 111 ; Taylo•', 09 : Symonds, 40 ; Sellars, 9. The following officers were installed in 0onneetion with the A. F. co A.. M. bidgo in this place : W. Bro. 8. H. Gilley, W. P. ; Bro. D. D. Carder, I.P.M. ; Bro. '1'. Sawden, S. W, ; tiro. J. W. Turner, J. W. ; Bro. Rev. G. W. Raoey, Chap. ; Bro. 0, E. Tanner, Sec.; Bro. Jae. Pot- ter, Treas. ; Bro. S. M. Roes, S. D. ; Bro. J. M. Hamilton, J. D. ; Bro. J. T. Tierney, Bro. J. Wallace, Stewards ; 13ro. Geo. King, Tyler. Liritovl 1. Election day was a hues, one but the trouble is over for another year. The town band serenaded a number of the candidates for mouioipal honors on New Year's eve. Victor Gilpin, son of Rev. J. W. Gilpin of tiles town, recently passed the Perth Model school, and has been appointed teacher of the public school at Victoria HIarbor, Simcoe county. "1800" sus chalked on the doors of abont all the business plaooe in town on New Year's morning, intended, no doubt, as a gentle reminder that 1889 had taken his departure. •1 be Listowel branch of the Bank of Hamilton has issued n °hrouler to depos- itors notifying then' that the rate of in- terest allowedlou deposit 3000ipre and say. ings bank accounts would be 4 per cent. from the 1st of January. This is an in- oreuse of 1 per cent. on former rate. The annual sleeting of the sharehold• ors of the Listowel 1 0s, u , ri 3.b ral cC Ex• g hibition Association is announced to be held on the 14th inst. An effort is being made to eistabtisb a Horticultural Society here, and if suooeesful we understand that the management of the Fall exhib- ition will be handed over to the latter s00ioty. The election and installation of officers of St. Bernard lodge No. 225, A. F. e2 A. M., took place as follows : W. Bro. J. B. Dinkel, I.P.M. ; Bro. John Watson, W. M. ; Bro. Jas. Irolo, S.W.; Bro. E. 13. Sutherland, J.W. ; Bro. John Stevensoo, Chap. ; Bro. P. Lillioo, Treas. ; Bro. B. F. Brook, S.D. ; Btu. W. ll• Gray,.0.D. ; Bro. J. Longmire, S.S. ; Bro. C. 2illiax, S.S. ; Bre. D. Sanderson, I.G. ; Bro. 3.s. Lortz, Tyler. I•ioo 1111+. David Rogerson, of Jamestown, Penn., was visiting in this locality this week. Miss Ferguson, of St. Helens, was spending her Christmas holidays at Robt. Irvin's. James Atchison is over on a visit from Dakota. They say there is a great load. atone on the 4th line. Messrs. Newcomb and Kennedy, of Sunshine, aro whitewashing and repair- ing the ohurohafter the fire. John. MoArter, 5th eon., WAS busy turning over the green sod on Christmas day. John thought it too fine a day to be idle. Last week 1. S. Soott, of Brussels, was down to 8011911bn looking after Alex, Mislrimmons, he being deranged in hi, mind. John Clegg, of Manitoba, eon of F. (legg, formerly of this township, is over on a visit. He thinks Manitoba a very cold country for a young man to he has taken to himself a wife, Mies Tucker by name. May Mr. and Mrs. Clegg have many prosperous days. Two Morris young ladies claim the credit of quilting a large sized quilt in five hours, viz., from 10 o'clock a. m. to 4 p. m., with an hour out for dinner. When the work was completed they tried the "oat trick" said we will likely have a wedding to report during 1890 from the Western part of the township. A rumour was circulated in this local- ity to the effect that Mrs. C. B. Barrie, of Algoma, formerly of this township, had died of heart disease. We are pleased to state that Mrs, Harris is alive and in the enjoyment of her usual health, the editor of THe POST having reoelved a letter from them on Tuesday of this week. Tho Methodist chinch of Sunshine had a very close call from fire on Saturday. The caretaker having left a fire on to dry the floor, a spark dropped front the pipe, the latter being too largo for the stove, down on the floor beside some wood. It took lino and burned through the floor. D. Fleming was passing front work and 00,10 the fire and had it extinguished, Trneleoe take warning and get It small pipe for the stove, Oho ratepayers of 8. S. No, 5 held their annual meeting on Deo, 26±11. Tho Soorotaly collect the mooting to order a 0halrman 1 d, Arm. and asking for OA it 110 it 1.1H ' 'I III'. 99 undorciLulert 0111 I n,r fire tnuro'-Lred Ilerkshiro '00,10' "3',,,4-,-1"030,,m .ni1rd a4ock nn 3'1116 aides, for set vfee en 3"t 11, r 11,1, 0, Gray,: l're,t n ) t wee 1,n/ennead 130300nml9rb aJne. 34). ., fYdwm,- ton,aud le an excellent pi 1. ,1134 21.411 at then of service with prIvileen of returning If necessary. 20.401 A. 3)11"A', kr.,prlulnr. S. PLlJ 1T'1, General Blacksmith, Heavy and light Harness, BUFFALO Boum, wishes to intimate l0 the public generally that he does all kinds of Blacksmith+ng in a Workmanlike Unions', Wagons, Buggies, Sleighs 31111 Cotters Made to Order. I make a Speoialty of horse slweang. A Call Sollaitod, hre'1ler/imbue 160 Stand. -Neon Tut Brom s, S. Plum, 3[0N EY '9`o LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Lwin on Farm i or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6A Per Cott., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter. Di(' siulr Court Clerk, Brussels. PHOTOS. TINTYPES, Jt • Fos- • 50 • Cents. All Work rroin the 3m:di oto Ilk glee done in al first -elves simmer, of Residences, Rte., at Reasonable Rates. W. J'. Fairfield. 0,1117 .•4 JL.I 0 Creamery- Assaciatiot s - Cenventieltl Tec Fourth Annual Convention of the Ontar- io Creamery Associate: a will be held in Cardna'to Hall, Seaforth, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY January 14 and 15, 1890, The Sesslocs of the Oeuventinn will Don. 11 5110 00 (011000:—Tensnex F. reneon free Tan o'clggk 1111 noon 1 Tuesday Afternoon from 1:30" o'clock till 1); Tuesday Evening from 7:30 o'clock till 10. WenNESnAT. Fore- noon from a o'clock 11(11 noon ; Wednesday Afternoon from 1130 o'ulock till the business is finished. Subjectsof special interest to F.irmors, Dairymen and Buttormakers will be dis- cussed by the ablest living authorities on Questions 00(100cted with Dairying, Addres- ses,vill be delivered by Hon. W. D. Hoard, Governor of Wisconsin ; Hon. 1(lrar Smith, of the Board of liegeots of the University of Wisconsin, Sheboygan Falls, wis.; Hon. Oharlos Drury, Minister of Agriculture, On- tario: Dr. McFarlane, Dominion Analyst, Ottawa : hlr, Jug. W. Robertson, f'retoeeor of Dairy Husbandry, Ontario Agricultural 0o1 - lege, Guelph .nm a number of other gentle- men of Provincial rmput14iort Insoma branch of agriculture. Cream will bo churned be. toroth(' audience on the a(teruoen of the first day, and Dr. lfel'arlane will matte a metetteal analysis to show the amount or rat .e(t to the skim 101110 and buttermilk. Farmers aro ourdinlly Invited to bring ladies to every session. The Convention will offer opportunities for instruction and en- tertainment,of which every farmer in the district and his fancily should avail them- 8elves• Admission Free. Reduced railway rates may be obtained by applying to the Secretary for a curtificate. D. Derbyshire, Brockville, Ont., President. B. J. Grrihant, Belleville, Out., Secretory. strong was seleet011 with Wm. R089Ul1 for Secretary, and Was. Clegg noel If, Baines Auditors. '.Clio retiring trustee win. Watson was ro.ole0ted. 1Vn1. 11lastor8 furnishes 6 cordis of hard wood at $1.18 (1011' cord and F, Baines fin'nisbes 1 cord Brilliant ! Durable ! Economical ! HORSE Br,ANa7:rs, BLEZG1I BELLS, RUBBER Tlrr;s, 117( Always in Stock. A handsome I3ltng° of Trunks, 'Valises and Satchels to choose from and sold at Reasonable Prices. Diamond Dyes excel all others in Strength, Purity and Fastness. None other are just as good. Be- ware eware of imitations, because they are made of cheap and inferior materials, and give poor, weak, ceocky colors. To be' sure of' success, use only the DrnrtoND Dyes for coloring Dresses, Stock- ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers, Ribbons, &c., Sc. We warrant them to colo'' I11000 goods, pack- age for package, than any other dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors, Ask cal' the Dienno friend taken() other, A Dress Dyed FOR A Coat Colorer/ 10 s Renewed ewed n CENTS. A Child can use them!, At Drug0lets end ltarckant., Dye Hook free. of oodar cot $2.20. •l'ho cleaning (f trite ,y •LLR RICNARDsaN & Cts, school and stovepipes was lot to the low. r est hidrlot' Cor $•1,00. Montreal, P. Q, f•1'Special Attention ,i1r a 1,1 lit'pa'iling. H. DENNIS Money to Loan, :Holley to Loan on Farm Pro- / / pel•ty at L77 OIf/li •i' tl,f J ,'.•� Private tta�nn�dY1 Company Funds. DICKSON & I Solicitors, ,f',"•, BRUSSELS, ONT. ........,-.aarrsar�.mann•axe,�,x,.a�as�..:�.a�-_�.,•_-r�sas-�_._.e..�.u,.a�szw-,: _... ETH NIL GRIST AND FLOLJR y The undersigned having completed the change (roan the .$'-‘1,1:. to the aelebra31ed I-Iungarian System of Grinding, has 1100 3.L,• Jl3.l? in First -Class Running Crclex and will be glaft to see all his old customers ant aft many DOW ones els possible. Flour and nea ,A,]-wrairs e-1 Cyp • Iltigbest Price paid for any quantity of Good Grain. 7 IVI L N E ETTER YEWS OR 'SHE The Brussels Woolen Mill wants to get 500,000 LBS. OF WOOL either for CASH or in exchange for Goods. --- The Highest Market Price Paid in fi asli and a Few Cents .More . in. Trade, We have a Fine Assort- ment of Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Blankets, Sheet- ing, mitten Goods, Tarns, &c, All Wool left with us for manufacturing, whether rolls of other- wise, will have our prompt attention. SATISFAA.CTION GUARANT'D We wish to remind the 1 at'niei•S that the Brussels Wooten Mill is the place to Save .Toney in the purchase of 1911 Goods in Oily Line, :t, t 110 will no11Vinee 1;110 113061, d01Ob:,3.fid il YO al O.1)SIIIIENT SI i1\'AN'rs, GEO. HOWE & Co.. .IJ.RR ti,1 \L'LS.