HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-1-10, Page 4N( • ) }-1E i3HtJSSit:LS 'I-'US'i •r,.� 1: r..• „y'a�G"u.rl&Yiv.-cam._.. aitial^FC'._'F..,^'W':.ia yY.a:37F: rdttiersYk -' !Ei..li.'C...,,e. i.ssasGasw.z".v-tth:etasi rr••me-1• isms-sastz-t4Saw1'7.... .. t, rase c':a,it, essv.!:"a:sztoeFedatt'at'.•test:w Advorti> enlf'n 1,o 1 • Mee. Kirk( _.,. (iru tt Cellar t( 1), Irks, As oe1 i 711,'aul, U. Stswart. Bu' tp• Sale, --S, tra ,t Forgo ,on. tit.. L.A... 3111un1 11"atot i\ flood. Notlee to Creditors— Dioltsou d'' (lays. hi 111r1.155 et 10, 181'10. Sioi.vrou Pref, of Alabama, insists that if all restrictions upon commerce between 'his country and the United States were abolished the Anlerioal,s would reap no benefit, while the Council aim would have a market of 05,000,000 opened to II em in telur» for 0110 of 5,• 000,000. Ten New Brunswick Government having at the last •esRlon of the Legis lstare reformed and widener( the fran- chise; and thus, in effect, declared (ho exi:ting representatives 110 longer repro- eetative of the 0 entry, now dissolves the assembly and appeals to tic itrw electorate. The elections take plac'' oft the 20t1t of (ilia month. Tnt: stat°etiey of Iookruptcv ie the V, S. a Canada for 18011 :thew that the mita! umnbe• of failures in lh • Dominion last year wt's 1,7)7 compared with 1,(377 in 1558. In the 11, 0. the failures in creased from 10,071) to 10,852. In C.,n. oda the proportion of failures vas One for every 45 firms or individuals in busi' cess, while in ate U. S. it was one for every 97 pegs its .r firms. Tho aggre- gate of liabilities of the Canadian banh- repts leas $14,713,223 in 1880 compared with $14,051,109 in the preceding year and there was a proportionate increase in the liabilities of U. S. bankrupts. These figures do not indicate a very prosperous condition of business. We dislike publishing articles which show 'Montreal at a disadvantage as compared with other cities, but it is of such importance that our own citizens Should know the facts with retard to city taxation on liquor that the publish artic cs on both these subjects, which, unfortunately, present Metals al in a most uofavoraile 17(411 as compared with some representative American ciliee. For the information of strangers we feel justified in adding that the people of Moutteul ere becoming convinced of the necessity of reform, and that in all human probability the civic elections to be held on lit of February sill have the effect of blotting out the reproach ander witch IL.ntretl now surfers, of being a city in which the use of liquor is en- eoureged by low taxation, and the use of water is discouraged by high taxation. -- Montreal Star. Tnx Goderioh Signal (lits the nail on the bend in the following 101(100 that everybody should lead :— The 1)ohorty Organ 14ane1 sveeoadr,l n ' The Manitoba Ge;0e natt'o 14 "xpeeted '(l 11 3,» ,'t of the tttr.;ena of ( tut,tu ou ;en , Yra1 s (•tu. The total ns.rssn,nut of mil ph The (,110101nµ Srntiuel says : The ainaunteto 331,308,410, and the popelation pumps and butler for tho water.warps ar• ie placed at 10,418, rived here on Friday last and aro n0µ The 35000r'y ,• twit or 14. 1fetsey, of l',x• h. lug p'nend into position in the engine ere, as'igned woe sold to T. 13, Carling hon -e. Tho pumps are ponderous look• for 27i cents on lh,.,iklhar. lug and hove a n:gl.,0140 of (100 gallons About 900 (314031 of influenza ate ere. per minute. 14 IN said they {Vlll jet Irene).ported at Cent 3e0 1, (1111. All the doctors four tons. Thu boiler is also 0e17 010011g. with the exoep ion of two, aro down with ly made of steel plate, it, Mr, 5chivera will commence revival services in the Norfolk etreot Methodist Perth CiOl111by. ehnrch at Guelph on Sunday next, and St. Mary's has 900 caeca of griie. will 000(4085 throughout the month of January. Eldridge Kellam has been engaged to A St. I'auI despatch says winter welts• tench in '.Trowbridge for the present year, 80 is reported as having set in generally The estimated ,aloe of now bafldfno throughout the North ,vest. Heavy erected at Stratford during 1889 fa snow has fallen over a wide area and 0110,330, trains will undoubtedly bo delayed M During the late wind storm the St, many points. Mary's wind milt, used for flooding the Rev. C. C. Johnson, of Brampton, skating rink, was blewn down, Deans• writes to a Toronto paper as follows :— fining considerable loss to the rink bouY• 00113- "I have just }earned from e. brother Pett'h clergyman in Woodatoolt that a young The Dairymen's convention to be helr7 in Stratford on January 15th, 10th and µDorda has been per the herself off as 17th is an event that everyone inter- my daughter, under the title of dire, ested in dairying obould not fail to at- Baines, of Dorchester, Ont., and obtain- ing money end shelter 11(0000 1)1055 false tend, The Davis family held a reunion at the Pretences. It is unnecessary for mo to residence of 1V. R. Davie, kli:-chaff, on say she is not my daughter, nor do 1 Wednesday of last week, there being 42 except thaknow t ianggroat frauof d, answeparticulringr the Devises present, Lesitles other relatives. description of this so•ealled Mrs—Seines, Rev, Canon Davis, of London South, sat has poen about 13tumpton for emno limn, at tie head of 019 dinner toile, and Rev. passing herself 017 as a young lade, by T R. Doris, of Sarnia, proposed the 0(1(»1, Mias lieally, and imposing largely health of "Father and Mother 'Davis,to whioll on credulity and good nature of Pomo the red gentleman. Rev, 1V., Dre• of our worthy townspeople" plied feelingly, 'filo gathe,ing 10133 n pleasant eye, and the day was to all Imes. t elle a happy and jnyo11 One, I A T ]CT TO t\ % ('' 4 LE 7� On Saturday night Jas, 'Moore, a (J l� 1 i IJLV J� LCL: hustler, attempted to eater the house of ,lir•. Burroughs, keeper of en eating —OF— house nitta at , Stratford. He teas rt•nad- get Valuable Property utithtnoe, but persisted in trying to set V 1 V L in at the window, lee pulled open the shutters and Mrs. Burroughs fired at —tx 111E -- him. He had got partly in the house when she fired again and this time the Village of 0 ra n broo k. hall passed through his cheek and dawn his throat. Ile was arrest- tinder and by virtue of rho worst' or sale ed, and Monday morning appeared ba curtained is ti 0001ain registered mortgage, fore the Police 0isgietsats charged with which will bo produced at the time of sale, housebreaking, Ile was remanded. No and ,glen which dsfnalt in 0.v non nae very serious results are antioipatei from bow= made, there will be offered for Selo by the swallowing of the lead pill. Prepar- Public Auction at the atory to making out an information for AMERICAN II(IT EL, B1lU'SELS, shooting with intent against Mrs. Bur- —001100 CouN'rY, 0/1 - roughs, the magistrate asked Moore if he thought she intended to injure or kill Tuesday, Jan. 14th, '90, him. Moore replied that he did not At Two o'clock is. the Afternoon, think so. Ties following valuable lands and premises, Ole. :—Park Lots Sixty-eight, Sixtyaline, Sov- ontg one and Seventy-two, to the Village of eranbrookThree-quarters more or lessout Ten aor000 l and as. those lauds aro gond, and ate r cent. situated. Ti paid Totperc: o of le; fur alaney to bo paid be the deka of sale l fur balanoo taros wilt mads known apals. For further pnrthnilnra apply to A, HUNTER, 1 oussnrs, Poo. 2615, 18(11, Ago1.t for.Vendars. CI1 11dittto Nett+. Robt. J. Stevens, U. S. oonsul at Vic. Eerie, B. 0., is dead. Brantford township farmers have been plowing right along. Fite in New Westminster, B: C., caused a loss of over 500,00n, Clots. Hall, one of the escaped peahen. fiery convicts, has been captured. A Court of alto Canadian Order of For- esters has been formed in Trowbridge. The Eastern Ontario Dairyman's As- sociation met at Belleville on Jan. 8th, The now Government in Newfound- land has been formed,. with Sir Wm. Wbittway no Premier. The influenza is very bad at Blenheim. Over four hundred casts reported be the medical inen, with one death. Las as a little deficit of $8,000 in its Summer carnival finances, and the printers' bills are not yet paid. A. C. VanEgmond, of Senforth and Blyth, will start n woolen still in Clinton it he receives enough encouragement. The East Lalnbton Farmers' Institute "Toronto is g.•ing ahead in p-Ipulation, will shortly struggle with the burning but "all is not gold that (litter ." There brand of how to get rill of mortgagee on are enough paupols, loafers and thieves farms. in the capital of OMtatio to command The sentence on McMahon, who was incorporation as a city if they were all to have been hanged at Chatham on Jan. bundled together on some of the vacant 131h, has beou commuted to life im. fields now staked out as suburban lots prisonment. just without the city limits. The St. A customs official at Kingston picked George's Society this ytar gave a Christ. up on the street what he supposed to be oras dinner to 000 families in Toronto. a glass stone, but which turned out to bo Multiplied by five that makes 4,500 per. a diamond worth 5700. sons who received dole from one society. Mrs. Caldwell and Fred Warrington, Other societies and religious and benevo- Toronto vocallste, reached Winnipeg on lent associations have supplied the wants Saturday. They are to sing at several of needy families by the hundred, and concerts in Winnipeg, Brandon and else - there are many still going hungry. where. Every Sundry morning hundreds of men General DI anager Hickson and Dr. J. ata jostling each other for a cup or two G. Bourinot aro included in the list of of hot coffee and a few sandwiches given those receiving the honor of Knighthood by the cottage Choir leader in Riekmond at the hands of the Queen on New Hall, and in the evening children with Year's, pinched faces and ragged and nnseason- A Listowel boy, T. A. Austin, true - able clothing gather io hundreds to get (rated an attempt to rob an express of - a substantial meal in the same place. Boa at New Orleans on Dec. 15. There Toronto is booming. Its real estate is were two robbers and Austin nabbed one bounding up in price at an astounding as he was attempting to get away with a rate, and it needs no, factitious aids to package containing 510,000. make its aensne returning a rapidly Henry Matthews, of the International, growing population ; but never in the Woodstock, was fined $40 and coats for history of the metropolis of Ontario have allowing a raffle to take place in his more unemployed men walked the streets hotel. Matthews claims that he did not with heavy hearts and light pockets, and know that the raffle, which was for some never have there been snail raids upon turkeys took place in the house, and also the free dinners so generously dealt out that ho had nohing whatever to do with by some who have full pockets and a the raffle. sympathy for the needy. A parade of Toronto's unemployed would take loner 1 John Miller, who resides on the Staffa to pass a given point than any procession I line, was badly taken in the other day, that ever tramped the blook-paved etreete A sleek -tongued young man called at his of the Queen City ; but what a dismal Place and secured employment to work show it would be. The workmen who on the farm. He said he had 52,000 in a mlrobed to the parliament buildings at Stratford bank, and proposed to go and Ottawa jus: b539 3( OA defeat t3 the lift it before commencing work. Mr. Mackenzie Government were but a cot. Miller lent him an overcoat and 518, and poral's guard compared with the host of the fellow wont away and has not been idle men in Toronto. What is the reason heard from since. for the immense number of idle men in James Sminton, a moulder, of Hamil. Toronto 7 Our markets are "protected." ton, while suffering from oramps the The tall chimneys aro all peat due. other evening, Seized a bottle containing Friends and countrymen, what is the a quantity of laudanum and swallowed matter 7" the contents, supposing it to be some, else. The mistake was not die• Huron County. covered until Swinton had partook of his supper, after which he became very ill. E. ]Oe?aul of Senforth has Cone to An emetic was administered, but it failed Florida. to dlsiodgo the poison, and Swinton died John 0ouno113P, formerly of Clinton before medical aid oould bo procured. Model School, is one of the teachers in Early one morning recently the barns the Aurora High School. and shade owned by Allen Parson, at L. Campbell, of the Albion Motel, Littlewood, were discovered to bo on fire, Gerrie, has purchased the two centre Mr. Parson lost all his best implements, stores in the brick bleak now occupied together with about 300 bttehels of oats by Messrs. Beall and Greer, and a large quantity of Slay. Partially The F eaforth Sun says ay oung lady eovored by insurance ht the London attracted considerable attention ,n the Mutual. Scarcely fortytight houre after iiletimdist church on Sunday evening by the fire at Mr, Parsons', Henderson Bros,' wearing her hat wrong end foremost, barna, on the next harm, ,vee tli5e0vet'od Tha hoed office of L. liightmyor ,e Co., to bo on fire. TWO of the horses in the vholeale dao ice h, sal, will be trans• stable were burned, together with ell liar• ferred to Sde fot•th, as ono of rho mom • (mss' fodder, twenty levo roue of hay, 300 bere of the firm resides 111 this place. oats an of wheat, n earns qg0, 11y of oats and oilier grain, seven pigs, imple. 711041hew llazzlewood, of Mallet, 31,00 moots, ete, were all consumed. Insured purchased the pure bred (heeler \Vhite in the London Mutual, The origin of fila boat', ".Prince,' Ne. 1101, from 1 hnutas Brea 10 a ntya101y, us both 'Ir. i'aramt ]3ayl(e, of (1(03' (0((101113), 0100011 1 l(IInWn and MCR•i'a. Henderson 0 r ostrente(l awl braedorand Impo•tarof ihesa line Cho0t1r rusicetod foruulre, bat it lo supposed to White stook. be ale, work of 11n evil dtepuee I pel0 (1. Notice to Creditors. It the Matter of the Estate of FREDERICK Hussiceen, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased. Pursuant to Section Thirty six of Chapter Ono Hu 0dro4 end Ten of the Revised Sta- tutes of Ontario, wo hereby give notice that all creditors and other persons having claims against the estate of Frederick Hunsicker, Into of the said Township of Grey, yeoman, who died on or about the 22nd day of August, A.D.1889, are hereby required to send by Post (prepaid) or to deliver to /dews. Dick• son & Hays, of the Village of Brussels, (u the County of Huron, Solicitors for Susan Jame Huueloker, Widow, the Adminlstratrix of the real and personal estate and a/oots, rights and credits of the said Frederick Huus(eker, deceased! on or before the 1st day of February now next ending, a state- ment of their 11511105, a,tdree sea, and closorip- tlo.is and the full particulars and proofs of their claims or demands upon the said estate and of the securities (it any) hold by them, and that atter the said let day of February the said Administratriz will pro- ceed to administer the estate and distribute assets of the said Frederick Huneicker =onset the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said Adminlatratrix shalt then have had notice, and the said Adminlatratrix will not be liable for the said assets, or any part there- of, so distributed, to any person or persons of whose olalm stip shall not have notice at the time of such distribution. DICKSON & HAYS, Solicitors for the said Adminlatratrix. Dated at Brussels th1e 7111 day of January, A. D.1090. 2911 St. Leon Mineral Water, The following speak for themselves : Brussels, Ont., Jan. 8, 1800. 1 have been using St. Leon water for the past month or so and have found it very efficacious in promoting good health. After using it a week I found my appo- tite much benefitted and can now eat as much in one meal as used to suffice me for two. For any rheumatic affection I believe it to be ahead of any drugs or patent medicines, and think that por- tions of a rheumatic tendency should use it constantly. A. HURTER, Clerk 4th Division Court, County Huron. MR, ADAM GOOD, Brussels. Dear Sir,—Tho St. Loon Mineral Wat• er that I have been getting from you has done me so much good that I cheerfully give my testimony in its favor and hope others may be persuaded to give it a trial. Wm. HNEcnyEn, Sn. Brussels, Jan, '7, 1800, This water, the lilte of which is found no where else but at St. Leon, in the Province of Quebec, resembles all nat- ure's produotions, nu egg or grain of wheat for instance. We can tell what an egg or grain of wheat is composed of bob man is utterly unable to make a grain of wheat o1• mato an egg and he is Just as unable to eotmtorfeft St, Leon Mineral Wates. But kind nature has done for us what wo could not do for 0111.801000-1)•onght the sixteen different ingredients of this water together in the proper proportions, 111 10001 them and pours thea) forth in a copious stream, 1 nul in a position (.o supply this re- ` tnnrltnb'o water, absolutely pure, straight from the wells, at a pries that leaves little after covering the Oast of bringing it this fat', ADAM (1001), The Toyota(' armory. BANKRPT SALE! 11,21CGROMEILGIGKEESEGITMIZGNMAIKWANVEIMManattgetEls OEM np y BANKHUPT SALE ' , erirs, We (lave bought at Glc. on the (dollar the ENTIRE BANKRUPT STOC of '1'. S. Campbell, of Stratford, consisting of S 1 A1. Lf riN) FANCY -L D JANUARY l0, 1ii0u Private Funds to L-oan, cc$20,000 11;t01' loud plar(tl 1.) my 1s,111ls for 1Ut('Stln.011 on real (Nott•, LOWEST RATOF IN1Ei1E3T, f\'o Co,innission. 13H1.1.11µ048 can Into loans 00(13• piked j.( Thr.(' Pays if title' satisfactory, W, At, SINCLAIR, Sodic2tor, Br11aacla. 0 if if tl T ,l! A RK !: 7', 14 MAIN STREET, • (BRUSSELS, ANIIN N I CVRRIR, I PROPRIETOR, Kinch a011 (leered to 5011 41,1110 01' 7 1111 part a1' 1lie best 11nnta ry!)l the VII Inge 110111 n41)'O on (,`; Alfa of 11111,1181111 de- '•, �' Cb111r(0. T11I4M(4 VERY FAVORRAl3Llr. Frit; t':t tet ll: aV:ilttl(' l 1'nr whichthe highest market prim, will be paid. I oleo make a epee.) dt;• of D ~OOD baying hides cud skins. Don't forget J n the peau.', next thaw to b'letelt'r's jewel. ry Stn r. MILLINERY, A. CURRIE, _And (111 TEE F LE CHIER, 7'.H U1?S1).1 Y, .34`1 UA R Y I6tit, We will commence tt Tremendous Slaughter Salo at Bankrupt Prices. Our Store Will be Closed on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY to enable us to mark down to .Petrel icn.l 1V'atchnln•le e)' rrr(fl Jefun'lcr. Thanking Lite public for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we arc opening cot Full Lines in GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Established 5811 Reliable Makore, fully warranted by u'.1 1 STH Clocks of'the Latest Designs. BANKRUPT PRICES EVE RY'L1HING IN OUR STORE AFF.F Mc FERGUSON & HALLIDAY, Managers Brussels Branch. JEWELRY 1 WEDn1T0 111008, LAn1Es Gem Trews, Dnooel1ES, 0Ana1N00, etc. tlr'Also a Full Line of Vr1r.lxs and Violin Strings, Fn., in eloclt, N. R:-8ssurer of Marriage I.ieeuses. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. +•i KAY & CO'Y .. Remind the Public that their Stock is Large and Well Assorted. Our Specialties at this Season . Ft. O XT b In which We are the maim&ammo in Brussels for the Celebrated WE ALSO HANDZiE THE `MAPLE LEAF,' `DISTANT,' `RACER,' `CHAMPION' AND `.PRESIDENT.' Call In And See Them. aii174 hilt Tip-top Chopping Axes in Stock that cant Fail to Give Satisf;:ction, A Handsome Range of Hanging Lamps, I-Iall Lamps, Stand Lamps, &c., in stock and sold at close prices, Get our prices before you plaY'e your order elsewhere. . vmv 4 414,2 "'' Sleigh Bells, and a host of other necessary articles that are seasonable at this timo'of year 11 1V1 AWN AM, ait We take no second. place in this department and wish to call the attention of the peo- ple of Brussels and surrounding country to our beautiful stock of Silverware, This is the present -making season. Get good value for your (money by ptn'chasing your silver. ware from us. A call will Convince you of the correctness of this statement',. Our goodie are bought to sell and our motto is "Small profits and quick returns," Our Stock of General Hardware is up to the standard and Nye art; always pleased to wait o11 the Public. Wishing 37011 all the compliments of the season, We 1'01119111, Aa NZ. Mc µ :AT 8 0o, 1i a BRUSSELS'. N.B,•. Don't Forget 111111 we Ill'e• the.. Solt' Agents lbi" the "Forest 13ea111)'