HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-1-10, Page 1The Farmer's Purse for '90.
• 1'o the Editor of Tee POST.
Dom: Sia. -A few thoughts on the over
fresh and profitable subjeot, What shall
the farmer put hie money into with the
greatestcertainty of a handsome peolit'1
Since so many of us are eparecl to cam•
melee a new year, with thankful ho trts
,,.' lot us, as the produoera of the cereal food
supply of the human family find, to a
very large extent, the suppliers of animal
food as well. In laying war plane for our
business as farmers for this new year
allow mo to offer a few suggestions in
t - your valuable oolmmae. 'The iodine! that
costa the moat is always attended with
the greatest soot to care for. Tho man
,b who invests $200 or $300 to a horse or
mare has only commenced the n• ceaeary
cost to onnb's hire to oars for it (tad keep
it with profit. A lb:se n o stable, good
blanlmte, good combs and brit hes and
' the best of keep, end, if a mare, it crust
be nutted with a first•olass home ata ons'
e of from $18 to $25 for services, and for
11 months, or near'y 13, taken CA very
ii hest care of, and supposing ahc is sue.
eesef111 end raises u good co t, at weauiug
time will bo worth all the way from say
r$00 to $100. Taking cont of dam and sire
And feed and care, not to sae' anything ''£
;the risk of lose, I fail to seg where tilers
is 1011011 profit, even when all Goes on well,
and when we take into consideration the
number of times alt is lost both dant anal
foal,and more ofthm tho foul, is 13 no'.
higtine, the should seek a more profit-
able intertment, I think I hear the cry
'coming up from every point of the cam-
' pass, "11 he will show us the way?" In
my feeble way I will endeavor to answer
the question as briefly as possible,. First,
buy from two to as madly more Cheater
White hogs as you like. Sn•'pee°, for tel
i'1ostr'atiou, that yon have tie stable pal
:prepared foe the mare. In twee.) the
room n; is nese<sa'y f r the bre,1 mare
you could keep 10 nova, :nye at a cost of
$1.'ach,rrat a cast, ntrl.y of $130.
't nest, sows of Chester White oat bn kept
lot, 0 1, year for Oa sum of 5131, inelaa.
it r three services , f a first rlitse 1,3,2 In
111 81'810 of time they will p olnom
'quid to 25 litters of first class pigs, worth
at weaning lime say at least X29 per
litter, making the smug little sum of $500.
First cast of SOWS $150, cost to 1c rep ono
y. it and rerviee $150; t ttal ''300. Int
cress.: value of saws earth during the
y" at. say $1, (110 for ttt.1 111 :1, W;tfoh,
031,10,1 to the u(1. profit 00 pt Is 11 5200,
ts, makes 5210, Tu addition to first oo.t of
1311(08 this mla to this must be added the
Mite, ou cast of mere over the sows of
:Ay $50, at 5 per cent., is $:1, making net
profit $213.
Now, Mr. Editor, with theta facts be-
fore ns let as take ooueago. Although
packers are paying a low price for pork
this Frill the price of till causes of feed
(1 loo', too, but, strange to say, the tn40o
of cured meat is not down one mill. Stroh
Cutting clown of prices will make the
formers all the sooner telco the caring
int) their awn hands and have tI o whole
profit for themselves on the article they
produce, 'Many have ver, re3ionsly flues
atoned my statement made at Gordo that
pork could.be made at 8 c cls per p tuna.
1lwfes-or llobertson 31Owed 110 at Brus-
sels that 3 cents worth of shorts will pro-
,(lnee 8 pound of pork live weight. From
these figures you alta readily sec that the
statement made by me at Brussels Was
Within the range of practical realization.
One error, my paper at Brussels days that
I kept 21 Ches'er Whi'e hogs at a cost of
18 cents per day. This should 1103'0 been
it cents per clay por hog. uy friend Mr.
Gardiner and the inside meartlrement of
Berkshire hogs 13 -months old. His hog,
jier!,sbire, 13 inclr's inside; (nine, Ches.
ler White, 18 mouths old, 101 inches.
These figures speak for themselves. All
yy,e� breeders and readers be ye the judges.
j This difference of 21 inches must be
I, designated by nature for some good and
Useful purpose. I would like my friend
to say what this room is for. In my
next I will endeavor to compare hogs
and sheep. In my February article and
for March my notice will be on the sow
versus the cow for profib. Question -Will
Mr. Gardiner say oo-t per pound of
Berkshire pig? My Chester White cost
3 cents per pound, dressed weight, 1
shall be at Wroxeter at the Institute this
month and will be glad to answer any
lineations. Yours, etc., Taos. 13/mrs.
To the Editor of Tina Pos- y.
Dain Sm. -If you will kindly allow
me space in your columna I will endeavor
to pen 8 few lines in reference to this
part of Ontario. I am situated on the
e, Northern and Northwestern Railroad,
180 miles from Toronto, 50 miles from
North Bay at what is known as Berrie -
dale siding, 3 miles from Burk's Falls, a
lively village of about 400 inhabitants.
1 • Ib' datives ire name from the beautiful
water fella on the Ma I
g w Hata an river.
Its touhdar, D. I. Burk, u k who settled
tpolve years ago, has one of the finest
Siotel0 north of
Toronto, it being the
'dome of the tourist and pleasure seeker
goring the Summer vacations. The
river horn ie navigable for thirty miles to
Omigh Harbor. Travellers say the
scenery along the river compares favor
ably with the Hudson. There are two
large saw mills here, sash and door
factory, broom handle factory, 3 hotels,
(One of Lvhiolt became a prey to the
�I)•flames the other day) 4 general stores
, bud 4 churcbee, namely, leugli0 1, Bap.
tilt, Presbyterian and Methodist. Tho
1►1 atlahiteetnreof these buildings is beauti.
,, fah considering the 1103911000 of the
'Country. About $4,000 has boon expend.
ed hero this winter by Yankee capitalists
I 'buying what is palled pulp wood, spruce
I 'Mushier which it used for the tne5ufacture
of paper. It grows in large quantities
( fore. They eta it into four foot lengths.
Tb sells at $8.00 per cord. The saw log
Sint bite/ year is small ootupared with
other years, owing 10 considerable stock
Being loft out (roes last ,year, Crops
Were good here last year and prices for
fiats, Intty and fanners produoe Uottee
tihen in the front. One advantage tee
claim hero over old countries and
' prairie 1anis it diet if crops fail, farmers
set t))akemoney during the 'winter out
of the nettled products of the foe01
which can he all narkoted along 1.118
railroad. Today, Monday, we aro elect.
ing our township daddies. We have not
studied economy like Grey and Bats -
eels by electing them by acclamation.
There is a lively run for the poeitlmns
and we expect lots of fun towards night.
Enclosed you will find ettbsori ]tion to
T1111 ROST', It conies here an Saturday
night and is as weloomo its a latter from
an old friend in a dreary land, Wishing
Tug Peal a prosperous New Year, I am
Barden halls, Jan. 0. tree. M1017,11's.
l;ntrance Examination.
Tho following id a list of the names
of the 000090afnl candidates who wrote at
Clinton roaeutly for e.dmiesion to the
Collegiate Instituto. The number of
marks reglireci to pass, 857, and also 831
per cent, of moll olbject :-
Andrews, 'title 432
Biggert, May 4132
Cameron, Gram) 3611
Cantelou, Amy 405
Cook, Susie 440
Orioh, Nettie 438
Crisp, e Addi Til
Cruickshank, Annie 410
Dyer, Mary Jaye 452
Ferguson, Annie 442
Ilitah, Edith 370
Kerr, Mabel 524
Luwrason, Alice Di 422
McConnell, AnnieL 37
o 7
McDonald, Jessie D ...... 475
McltiWon, Isabella 43.4
Magee, Elizabeth '183
Murdook, Ellen L' 401
Pielntrtl, Maud V - 431
Bow, (alai!... .......... 521
Staubory, Rebecca - 462
Slraughan, Annie ..... ,424
Struthers,Auuie 470
Tedford, Mattie 487
Torrance, Greco 433
\Volker, Carrie 533
Wood, Annie 8711
Woodman, Jennie •kill
Erratt, Orrau P - 500
1-1 011 8 0 110, Geo. Arthur 4.3:1
Holland, William 131
Jarvis, Fred. W •151
Jones, Charles 400
Alo0lymoot, James 4813
McVitlie, William 975
Marsh, Arthur 901
'Morrow, Jo>0p11 '173
Pleffor, Edward 403
Reid, James '3(18
Tay'or, Fre,ltriek 11013
Turuu', Harold 443
Midden, John 130
Dobie, Emma '37,3
Miller, Annie 880
Baird, Robert 386
They have more than the required ag.
gregate, but nee below the required mini.
muni in one subject,
Hargreaves, N 185
Henderson, E 470
Morrison, W 470
Brandon, A 468
Spence, M . 442
Sproul, M 438
Chapman, N 420
Draper, 7 427
Shearer, L - 424
Jordan. AI 417
Rothwell, M 418
McKeever•, J.. 41(1
Tmnbnll, le 411;
Sarvis, A 4113
Scott, W 113
Alexander, 0 410
Wilson, Cr 407
Gray, W 406
Coleman, A 402
Phillips, W 401
Brandon, IV 308
Bray, L 895
Brune, 1i 805
Ballard F 394
Nicholson, B. 994
Forman, le 388
Gibson, J 870
Fleming, D - 878
Bartley, B 370
Lowry, B - 370
Smith, J 369
Newbigging, N 868
Forbes, A 368
Ellis, M -Recommended.
ff3ru6014eles School 13 oard.
The School Board met in the Council
Chamber on Monday evening, Deoemher
80th, pursuant to adjournment.
Members present -T. Fletcher (chair-
man), A. Hunter, W. B. Diokoon and H.
Moved by H. Dennis, seconded by A.
Hunter that the following accounts be
paid. -Carried.
A. Bawtinheimer $ 2 79
A. M. McKay et Co 3 31
J. T. Pepper, maps 20 50
W. H. McCracken 2 20
The following tenders Were received
for caretaker;
Ia, Burgeee, per year075 00
R. Armstrong, , , 80 00
Simi. Festoon, " ,6000
A. Stewart, " 90 00
11Ire. A. Sinclair, " 80 00
Robb. Burns, " 90 00
Robt. Kerr, " 80 00
Henry James, " 75 00
Moved by H. Donnie, seconded by W.
33. Dickson that Henry James' tender be
Tho regular monthly meeting of the
Board was held on Friday evening, Jan'y
3rd, 1800. Members present -E1. Dennis,
A, Hueter, W. B. Dickson and J. J,
Moved by H. Dennis, Recendotl by W.
13. Dickson that A. Hunter he chairman,
pro tem. -Carried.
Minutes of last cogular and adjourned
meetings read and approved, by adding
to adjourned meeting that only
ono tender wee eeeeteed for °entreat for
woods -Ca -tried.
Moved by H. Dennis, seconded by W.
13. Dtokson that the tender of John MI -
ton for wood bo not accepted, and that
the SoOrotaty ro-advortiso fur tenders for
wood, to be received 1.111 1411r of Jeuu8ry,
The moment of 11. Leatterdala for $4,75
138310 reoeiv0(3, and moved by II. Dennis,
seconded he W. B. Diegsot that it bo
paid. ---Carried,
Principal Shaw presented 331'lIort far 13.1.
133111(13.1,330 of school for cast month.
1)opte-t 3 9 4 5
Son 40 47 41 08 47
11ver033e09 4-15 41 1345 9'119.10 39 1.11 09 0.131
linen] then adjourned,
Washington Letter.
(From our Regular Correspondent)
WA9n1130590,, Jan. 9,'00.
The New Year stn did not shine upon
the National Capital Wednesday. It
was anything but a lovely day external-
ly, and outdoor festivity was at a heavy
discount. In spite of all drawbacks,
however, the occasion seems to have been
'•oneraily enjoyed, and the lack of jollity
.lid boisterousness on the streets would
seem to Indi0ate that cheerfulness with-
out inebriation was the prevailing rule.
The reception at the White 'louse
went off very pleasantly, the we -thee
contributing, no doubt, to 3330901 an
uncomfortable jam. Another agreeable
and of late years unusual feature of the
910t1 tYll the ,e elconut
reception at the
residence of the Vice -President, There
:were also seven cabinet receptions, Mr,
Blaine's, under the circnmataneee, being
rather of a diplomatic and official, thanl
social ohmmeter. Among citizens in priv-
ate life there were the customary visit.
1tions and a'o '
u (dull interchange of 1 los•
pitnlities all around. And so the morn"
ing and evening of the first day of the
now year passed away, leaving many
pleasant memories. Yo+terday the re-
gular round of life began again, and so
far as human preal0nce is able to pene-
trate the future, with a hopeful and
prosperous outlook for the nologenerian
year of the century.
There Is 31 popular impression that
theI[on. Boger Q. Mills, the distinguish-
il tariff reform 1•, gives himself very little
=morn about the interests of Iha menu.
Ludo rum of the country. !'his is- not
correct. No nuttier bow mach AL•.
Mille may differ with the manufacturers
as 1''.O the best policy for the Government
to plasms on the tariff question, he never
1 -see an opportnuity to converse with
theta and gain all the information pee
Bible =morning their business affairs. It
is it common sight to 0331' hint in t11e
hotel Lobby engaged in earnest converse,
tion with the 111t11faMtme35 wan aro
called hero by the he.0rirng1 of tho Ways
and Wane Committee, fuel he is eon.
stantly seeking information which may
aid hire in unravelling the intricacies of
the tariff question. During his late visit
to Boston he was 8110W11 through sums of
the largest woolen manufacturing estab-
lishments in that vioiuity, and ha canto
back to Washington with a fund of in-
formation which he found quite vltlnab'e
to him fn questioning rho gentleman
who appeared before the Ways and
Arcane Committee yesterday',
'here is a growing feeling on the part
of Senators and members 1.h it they are
emhaarassed in their wort( in iho depart.
mento by too many new tangled rules.
A Senator was heard to express 1(10185lf
very freely yesterday about this matter.
He complained that the Meade of Depart -
manta, and even chiefs of divisions, acted
as though they thought it was a conde-
scension on their part to permit Senators
and members to enter the Department
buildings. "Cabinet officers," he said,
"and assistants give notioe that Senators
and members will be received between
detain hours, and now camas the Super-
intendent of Census with a letter inform-
ing Senators that he will see them only
from 12 to 2 o'clock." And the irate
statesman oonoluded-with a rather torch.
ble condemnatiog and tho remark that
"somebody is going to boar something
drop, and Hist pretty soon,"
"This betide), recess of Congress is a
decided bore," said an np•town hotel.
keeper, as he scanned the scanty list of
arrivals on the open register, 'I don't
mean that the members should bo made
±0 5330110 during the holidays, but it seems
to me that it would be muolt better to
defer the meeting of Congress until after
New Year's day. They will hardly get
into working order inside of a week after
they convene next Monday, and it would
be far better to put the whole thing off
until that time and make ono big job of
it. Of course I am not wholly disinter-
ested in this matter. I am compelled to
make extra arrangements during the
session of Congreso, and hero I am during
the recess'witli but few people in the
house end all my expensive cooks and
extra help to pay. I am well aware that
the people of the States are not at all in-
terested in this feature of the matter, but
you can see what an inconvenience and
loss the holiday recess is to the hoed -
About all that is talked about the
hotel lobbies duringtheholiday
recess is
the tariff question. The hearings before
the Ways and Meane Committee has had
the effect of bringing t g
o the cit all class-
os of mantlfaoEurere, and, although the.
Committee has extended an invitation to
all the different interests, those whose
busipeeo is benefitted most by a high
tariff are in the large majority.
Tho International Marine Conference,
which has been in session here einoo
October, and 1331ia11 has adjourned, eine
dio, was au able body of practical sown.
Mete, whose labors, it is ]toped, will add
greatly to the convenience and safety of
ocean oomn10100 and travel.
Five weddings COOI1 plane in fit.
Thomao o11 NOW Year's day.
A Montreal deepatch easel some
days ago a robbery wag committed in the
Bank du People of $181 by a man who
331atollod the money feenl a boy who
making te deposit. Tuesday, offer end-
less trouble, btvo men were arrester] who
aro believed to bo tho parties needed.
Ono is Joseph M. Barlow, who claims to
be a bookkeeper here 1(isg g1. n ; t1.
l n oo
other is Henry 131ac11, who alleges that
he is a dime/pet front Toronto. He is
holland to bo Walton Sheridan, the lvoll.
know;) American hank thief, and in hob
the priso3331 admitted ars much in the
JAN. 10, 1889, Number 26,
Ottawa ---Mayor, J(wob Erratt, re-elec
Belleville --Mat or, 0. S. Tickell,
Hamilton --'Slayer, David MuLellan,
Kingston -Mayor, W. 11f, Drennan,
Brantford ---Mayo', S. G. head,
London-eMayor, George Taylor, re
Toronto -Mayor, E. 1', Clarice.
)(iocardiue-Mayor, 11. Baird, by no-
ola,atiou. Reeve, R. 1'. Walker. Dep-
uty reeve, John Polo:ie. Councillors,
John McLeod, La d, Fisher, Rebut
Hunter, Jo epll Barker, David Small, It.
Keyworth, 1V. J. Henry, Alex, Luttrell,
Cloderieh---Reeve, W. Proudfoot. Dep-
uty reeve, Abraham Snlith, Councillors,
St. Patrick's card, P. Holt, F. Pi'idham
and H. Sloan ; St, Andrew's ward, D.
Cantolon, J. A. Void and 'Thos, C. Naf-
St, Marys --Mayor, J. W. Pool. Conn•
cillors, D.. J. 11, Mathison,. Dr, John
Sinclair, G, 1', McIntyre, 3. D. Moore,
1Vm. Dunveitli, Thomas M0Go'rick,,Jas,
Whitson, Phomas But:her, 0. J. White.
Walkerton - Mayor, G, Roberton].
Reeve, P. Truax. Deputy rave, An.
drew llloLean. Clouuoillors, East ward,
]life, Bacon, Stalker; Centre ward, Birss,
Standish, Georgon ; West ward, Hoffer.
eau, Beatty, Swartz,
Listowel -Mayor, 1'. pillion. Remo,
T. E. Hay. Deputy reeve, Wm, Welsh,
Counoillors, J. A. IIaolcing, S. el. Smith.
John Livingstone, -John I(emp, L. Bolt.
on, .1. W Meyer, Wm. Memel. lleppler,
R. Woods, W. ['eta,.
Harr)oton-•-Mayor, 11. Dowling. Ileeve
John Robertsau. Con'ioillors, George
Loightooy, Geo. Clay, J. L. Betty, L.
Brisbin, Dr. Henry, James Bailey,
111icitard 'Taylor, Wm. 'Taylor, Alvx. Yule,
John Iortva].
Senfh--Deputy reeve, Geo. B. Hend-
erson. Gounoillore, East ward, Cl. flood,
J. Darwin, A. Ilavidson ; South ward, 11,
2. PuieherJ, T. W. 3)aneem, J. Gillet.
1,10 ; 3,313.113 earl, J81. 1Vthou, 1. A,
Wilson, Jos. Beattie.
Mount lores1'-.Maya W. Colelouglt.
1leove, J. llampton, ]deputy reeve, 0.
(,rcca. Councillors, Soot), anis!, W.
(','neer, A. T. Gregory, 11', G. .',9t ;
West ward, .1. Jamieson, J. 1'. Noauau,
J. ]loos ; North ward, W. 1I. .lone', A.
arohall, 1'. Alo..nlloch ; Exst ward,Kingston, J. Sheppard, J. Cringle.
Durham -Mayor. Wm. L'1i•ilaw, 110avc,
John S. Brown. Councillors, 1'1. S. Hunt-
er, L. Elridge, C. McKinnon, G. Whit-
more, H. W. Meokler, A. Robertson, 7,
W. Crawford, G. Russell and A. Mc-
Wingha,u--lfayor, R. McIudoo. Reeve
T. Gregory. Deputy reeve, G. Afolien.
zie. Councillors, No. 1 ward, T. Agnew,
A. Dawson, 11. M. Robinson, by acele-
nuttioa ; Nu. 2 heard, R. hill, J. J. Som•
uta, II. Lemieux ; No. 3 ward, R. 0.
Starling, J. AftLean, J. A. Cline, by ac-
clamation ; No. 4 ward, 0, E. Williams,
Wm. Holmes, 3, Elder.
Mitchell -Mayor, T. S. Ford. Reeve,
q, B. Stuart. Deputy reeve, Isaac Hord,
Coloillors, North ward, Dr. 1i, Hurl.
hurt, Abraham Den', Guo. 11, Matheson ;
South ward, Alex. Cameron, James G.
Ohdwet, John Whyte, jr, ; West ward,
R. A. Belt, James Wileou, Alex. Merray.
Clinton -Mayor, W. 1)311011y. Reeve,
ee. Mcllurobio. Deputy reeve, A. II,
Manning. Cottnoillore, St. James' ward,
A. Couch, W. Cooper ; St. John's weed,
0. S. Doan, D. B. Kennedy; St, George's
ward, S. Plummer, W. C. Searle ; St.
Andrew's ward, J. Johnston, Armstrong.
Blyth-Beove, P. I(elly. Councillors,
N. H. Young, 11'. Te mar, J. McGte, W.
Clifford -Councillors, Jas. Veitch, W.
J.Bastendorff, 13. Daily, I1, M, Rule -
Paisley -Reeve Bain. Council, Pinch,
Given, Coleman and McArthur.
Port Elgin -Reeve, W. S. Johnston.
Deputy reeve, Wro. Mitchell. Connell -
lore, Jas. A. Chapman, Henry Smith,
B. D. Northgravee.
Teeswater-Councillors, 1Vtn. Fowler,
Win. Little, II. W. Carter, John Camp-
Luaknow-Reeve, Bryan, acclamation.
Councillors, AloQuaig, Lyons, Thomp-
son, Murdock.
Tara -Reeve, W. Campbell. Council-
lor', J. F. Smith, A. Trelford, Jas, Craw.
ford, Alex. McCullough.
Wiarton-Reeve, 13. B. Mille,. Coun-
cillors, J. Hunter, 0. V. Parke, James
Stephens, J. Patterson.
.Exeter -Reeve, Dr. Rollins, by Reels.
motion. Deputy ,hove, W. G. Siesta.
Councillors, H. Speakman, J, Oke, J. D.
Chestier -Reeve, J. S. Elliott, Coun-
cillors Dr, Stewart
French, Ramage,
Halliday, Reid,
Kinloss Township -Reeve, Gaunt.
Councillors, Valens,, Morehouse, Mc-
MOKillop Township -Reeve, John Bon•
Culross Township -Reeve, J. Moir,
Deputy reeve, H. McKay, Councillors.
P. Clark, d. Nollwood, P. Kuntz.
(Vest Wawanash -Reeve, Johnston.
Deputy reeve, Loulchart.
Hay -- Reeve, Fred Hoes. Deputy
reeve, 13. lievrook, Councillors, 1Vm,
Moir, John Sohnoll and John Voeiker.
'Iowick-Roove, 13, S,, Cook, First
Deputy Reeve, A. netnews ; Second
Deputy Reeve, J. W. Jacques.
The £amoral of the late Jas. wilt, Q. C.,
at 1131'ampten Tuesday was largely at;
It i0 reported that the residence of Sir
11.iohead Cartwright, in King:ton, will bo
purohasod by the Synod of Ontario for
au episcopal reeidonce for the gam of
The Cllfua In18111 Mission have chosen
six more young ladies to proceed to the
wide end interesting hold that that or=
genizetion is striving tonvangolize, Five
of the last 1'00110118 nee Canadian girls,
and the entire party aro engaged in Melt.
Ing a farewell tour of the province before
leaving for 0111118 on Jun. 18, One of
these meetings took pleee Tuesday even"
ing in the parlors of the Young Women's
Christian Guild, The Indica were Mise
13. Roes, of Guelph ; Miss 0f. Fsirbanlr,
of Jamestown, N.Y, ; Mee Maggie and
Alis9'20118 Scott, of Atartntovn ; Miss 1'.
Miller, af'13rantford, and Mien H. Power,
of Barrio.
County Council.
The following are the Reeves and
Deputy'•Iidevos for the County of Huron
for 1800 ;
A sandal .,.......
11031101d..... •
Itasyn. I Ill r Y'-1t1.av11.
J. (irs mmn1.v II 01rvin
It. Graham .. , (11'. Stoth ere
(8. Castles.....
Clinton , A. elo3iumnie. A. II. auun]ng
Colborne Joe. ]leek 3.51,11x'
1(501111 .... Dr. I o111,aW. ti.
Gedoue,, W 11 , i naetmoan1moanGodouu, 61 • .. J"I n, , ,ti I Ldut t; rm.cu,n
(3roy _ ..1Vm.}1,1.•,, ,W, Uhyrr
11.63.1 .. . .. 1'. ]Iran ] • 111.3.0110
. It lleyioek
Hu,fett. .11.•.- 11,11 me.It.Scott
lin\t'It`IS 'h:, (1. cues_
5F,rris....' eLoolie IJ.
S C. !lo0ws,,,,
iIIOHillnp;...l 1.i3 um,utrciu_,
Seat 0.111....•.... u. 11. 14',laoit, G. ITendcrsoo
/Adele' ,....... J. Torrance I. )0matt
810plten .......,.: y. llatr,... )10. baiter
1J. Shnrritt
l Lekerew,tl, l0.
T, Mu,.o,y n,'=.Thompson
T'sbol'co .'1', At. Sine
Wiugltain T. 1relterY '(y, 51 11 ,zle
Wroxolor 5,11. Slat ars
Wa\vauesh la. f''I11.7,'ayloc t. Andersen
W. Johnston Loesnart
Gree stream A1rictrintent 8,1,1513'.
The ]annum meeting of this Society
was held 1.1 the'1'owu I[nll, I/russets, on
Thursday afternoon of this weelc. The
financial report was rgad showing- the ro-
eeipts to be $587.05, dlsbnl'armelts,
(313.00, Iilinnce on hand $212.33.
Alnvod by 0. 11, 101"('racke.,, tacos"led
by Tho',, l) sidson that tit. report be
adopted. Carried.
101nw' 1 by 'firs. Davidson, neroud')d
by 1), 36.wart that the full I10tr1 of of•
ideates and 1)irroture of 18811 bo re-elected
for ]1110, Carri,.d.
Moved by 0. 11. McCracken, 3.331:,., i.',1
by Thos, llalidaou that A. Str,chau 11,1,1
F. S. Scott Lo reappointed Auditors.
Girlie 1.
t )1.11:,1':nl 1'i(5�'t-•n.
King Leopold, of Belgium, is fll.
The colliers at Droslau have joined tho
strike- s.
Commerce between Debut tact Rio
Janeiro is paralysed.
The New York world's fuer fund now
amouts to $8,207,283.
A mysterious disease is carrying off
people at Clear Lalio, Ia.
The theatre end ooarso in Brussels
were horned Tuesday-.
The city building of Lewiston, Me.,
was burned Tuesday night.
Price George and Princess Victoria
of Wales have the influenza.
Emigration from Britain to the Sla1013,
Cen8da and Asti alia 1s (133111315 off.
Every deer that le .Let la 3oetland
costs the shooter an average of $35.1.
Gayarre, the tenor, who hie just died
in Madrid, left a fortune of $800,000.
A snow slide al Sierra City, Cal., kill -
six pereon0 and two more aro missing,
Tho Dowager Empress Augusta, of
Germany died 'Tuesday from influenza.
The Australian Federation Conference
tt'i11 meet at Meloourne on February 3rd.
The Russian Government 19 about to
gain absolute oommand of His Bokharan
New South Wales and Queensland
1.111v0 e-oo'od 837 Milos of rabbit -proof
It costs a million a year to keep the
streets of New York in their usual filthy
General Rivas, the leader of the sup-
pressed revolt in San Salvador•, has been
Ex.Queen Isabella of Spain boasts that
she is more in debt than any woman in
Baltimore physicians say there aro
50,000 persons in that city suffering from
the grip.
Stanley has aoceptod the invitation to
a banquet extended to him by Americans
in London.
Tho Queen will not open Parliament to
person, as she has been suffering from
The doctors of Findlay, Ohio, have
formed a trust and advanced priors from
$1 to $1.50 a visit.
An old man nailed Phillips living in
Spink County, Dakota, was frozen to
death in Saturday's s storm.
Professor Wass°, the occupant of the
chair of political economy at tho Uni-
versity of Bonn, is dead.
Cholera is d reported e to have broken out
in Hamadan, Persia, and is expected to
r.ach Teheran in the Spring.
Tho17-year-old daughter of Bev. Sam
P, Jones, the evangelist, has eloped with
and married a stenographer.
The International .Electric Exhibition,
to be held at Frankfort, has been post.
potted until the spring of 1891.
It is said that the Negroes of Gooraia,
who twentyfive years wore slaves, now
possess $20,000,000 worth of property,
Itr is reported tbab the Portuguese GoV-
ernmont is about to l0., a torpedo ]nine
in the Tagus for the benefit of the Brit.
IA fleet.
A decree of the Brazilian Government
proclaims the 00338rntion of Church and
State and guarantees roligioes liberty
and equality.
Senator AIa,Illfel, of Miaht„ig
an, ruin -
traduced the bill looking to the doopon.
fug of tho cihannel on the United 53.1100
side of the Detroit river.
Last Summer the Queen of It.ty at.
(8ined the loftiest point ever reached by
ri it'11rapeaa 001Oretg11, by the a1del(t of
the Breithot•n, 113,785 feet,
The 1.ngiielt Governor of the little
gland of Malta 1C0alvoi a salary of $21,.
000, w1ti011 Is ha'f as moult at that of the
President of the 131:1,33(1 (,1at50,.
Peter's pence fell off $:10,000 last year.
Five hundred thousand pooh! in Vials.
na and its suburbs have had the inlleen-
Charlie Mitchell, the pugilist, tried his,
lists on Lord Mandeville, giving him e•
bad beating.
The IL S. expedition sant to South
America 5980 very successful in securing
observations of the eclipse.
The steamer Alliance, which arrived
at New York on Saturday, brought re•
porta showing that all was quiet in
Brazil at the time of her departure.
A magnificent public festival was
glvu11 at Calcutta on Tuesday in hotter
of Albert Victor, eon of the Prince of
Wales. It was 001115ly Oriental.
Percy R. Match, who embezzled $(1,-
000 of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad's
money while acting its ea bier and fled to
Creanadfermoa,1,00torybeen, sentenced to the Elmira
Neave has been received that Carson
L. Bowel], Independent Baptist mise
810113ry to Algiers, West Africa, from
Fair 13lnff, N. C., has murdered his
daughter. 1'e is iu0ante
Alice awl ma10(101 started a fire in a
0 ,
too n v
E cult '
1 1a the C '•
l3' of Conned
Chamber on the top storey of the City
Hall ]net leridav and it buru.'1 until
Tuesday without being destroyed. Only
unimportant papers were doan•o •
Russia has sora a circular note to the
Powers, complaining of the violation of
the 'Tr
ant o
Berlin '
Y B ❑
bythe e existing
state of affairs in Bulgaria. The Pow.
Drs may truthfully retort that Russia
has systematically di0regirdod 4110
Treaty when it conflate I with iter own
In Cleveland, 0(110, a •1'1,(g0 13.1 ; e.1 a
novel cleans of'10Jidiug at snit nv •r the
ownership of a carrier pigeon. l o asked
dielatereeted pee ties to take the bird] out.
side the city and release it. The pigeon
flew to the loft of the plaintiff, end the
Judge decided tem that was sutiio]0nt
proof that the bird belonged to ill' form.
A Liverpool lute has invented an auto•
matin savings Lank• l' het a penny or
Iwo halfpennies aro pressed into the
autenuttie batik the leteedter pal], out a
dresser and finds a printed ti51(0t Waring
11 number in dnlicab.. 11:: Writes 1118
1110114.anti widens, '(13'Ir1ticaet, w33.13t he
thou pro.'):^9 11',) a du'iity :H til' 1,11'.1.13131'
ma lee to receive it, ].aurin;; tits et oar halt
03 1139 lepeeit slide.
The new lighthouse at llousthohu fa
the most powerful in the world. The
beam is of 2,0110,1100 candle power, and
shawa c'early at Blokhus, a disteme0 of
5 utiles, It is produced by arc lamps
fed by De Meriten's dynamos, driven by
steam engines. .Te prevent the extinJ•
tion of the light through an aeeiden1 to
the maohinery, the linter is duplio (ted
one set cooling [n1, play sllou'd the
other fail. The light is further soppier
mento( in thick weather by two power-
ful sirens, or fog tranlp3ta, WO !c1. ,g with
compressed air.
The sudden advent of rein and 0100,
forming Mee',
has tr.tnaform•_d the busi.
mess section 01 St. Louis into a grotto of
Wales which swing on 111e electric wires
emitting flashes of vari-ooloed 114111 at
frequent intervals. At times on Tuesday
a wire sagging beneath a heavy weight of
Ios would touch another wire, the blue
sparks would fiy and shivering bine
flames succeed until the fusing of the
wires caused thous to part and fall ara0k•
ling to the sidewalk. Then the crowds
would scatter, falling over caah other in
their anxiety to reach a plaoe of safety,
The accidents from electric wires have
been 0o 110mero1111 that not one man in a
thousand will go nota' a fallen who.
Even the dogs ren howling from tits
scene. The police are watching for fall.
on wires and tho electric light and tele-
graph and telephone companies have
men repairing the damage, bat the Bang•
er is still groat. Two street oar horses
were killed and their heads nearly burn.
ed off by an electric wire. The who wag
stretched across the necks of the horses,
and as they dropped to the street dead e.
eland of smoke came up from them. Tho
wire burned through the flesh like a
sharp knife and out the juglar vein. A
stream of blood spurted from one horse.
The wird itept on burning until cut by
firemen. There were 15 pa0e0ngera on
the ear, and they scrambled oat in every
direction. There are delays on all tho
street car lines. The fire alarm and po•
Boo telegraph systems are also oat of
Sir John Macdonald has a mild attack
of influenza.
The Presbytery of Huron meets at Sea -
forth January 21st.
The Manitoba Legislature is called to
moot on the 80tli instant.
Winnipeg bakers have advanced bread
another notch. Only 14 loaves for a
Among the recent appofntmonte of
Queen's Counsel by the Dominion Gov
ernmotlt we noticed the name of Edmund
G dericU.
The County Grand Black Chapter of
Huron and Perth, 0. K. I,'
will hold its
annual meeting in the will
Goderioh, on Friday, January 9111, at 2
o'olook p. se.
Constable Lee, of Seafortb, arrived in
G'oderioh m0 Monday evening, with two
prisonero, committed to Castle Dixon
for 80 days for assaulting members of the
Salvation Army,
The $30,000 bonus proposed for W.
Doherty 4t Cu, Clinton, was defeated in
London. The vote for it being 1193,
against 787, being a eonilnal majority of
458, But It 101)11100 a two`thtrd rote of
all eligible and the vote was namely 100
less than two.t11ird0 of that 110110.1, or
probably 500 lose than thero9msrte num-
William Goo. 11lltins died 81 Hillsgreen
on Saturday, January 461), aged 24 yoare.
The young elan had boon troubled with
diabetes for two or throe 11)ut1;, IIs
was living with hie Inetil033 IU0.11hew tit
Londesboro, and had gone to t itlogreon
to spend a con* of weeps holidays wi111
friends. m30,1101 cold, the 0:)001.0 of
\Phial] were fatal, Tito remains were re•
moved to Loncleeboe0, from Where t118
funeral tools plane to the ilnien cemetery
o, AJ(wday.