The Brussels Post, 1890-1-3, Page 88 1 SS.h.,LS OST tjANUARY 8,1890. sgerteeeweseersecermerinuermewerreee. seettherweenteeemsraientrereethetMeeethelteeTe 9 't .'11° .0 l'oollworkero ao k:' ' • „y yQU n1 ny of liu PRINTED HELPS Used in the S0)15011.8400, and at Publisher's Prime I have Pelallbet)s Select lotes On the Leesons ler 1820. 'The It �Leliotittl lessons for this year 'being 01 in Luke's Gospel, it will nuke tbis book especially valuable, as it can be kept for future reference to this gespol. Testeller4. Superintendents soul Soholars con lest profitably use this book. G. A. DEADMAN, Dr;Lookseller,Fauey.goods Dottier, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. lgerngslos W. a. 1 11. Ts sins leave Brussels Station, North end Seed:, as follows: Genre sonen, Masa Sown. ea). Wised. 0:20 Express 11:45 eon. Mail 0.00 p.m. Ilverd 025 an. Express 'PIS pan. e '')1) I t.1 Ca, e; i 13$ eetinSs • . -t-.. A ellierwanutng ye taldn' notes, An' faith he'll peent it. 1890. New subscribers are rolling in. °meat, meeting next Monday even. 'ing. • &nom Board on Friday evening of •this week. Bret:erne jewellery at low prices. II. L. arIsou. Ter. public school re -opens uext Mon- day morning. Gneer bargains for two weeks. II. L. Jetokson, .jeweller, Bawer Bargains in Watches, Clocks and jewelry at Tones'. Fiera gold and silver watches, cheap, amp. fl. L, Jackson. Tura wete 5 large number of people in town In Saturday. SInvunwALk, new goods, and cleeetnt Assigns. II. L. eachsen, Tnr leer end Western Advertiser far 12.10 fer Ieeie in advance. Anew Gore, seeited. Toronto the; we.. .on the 1:'Lou.5or bargaine. :T. D. teeeee arrived home from Feery 'seemed on Wee..../ erine afternoon. Anon- will be saved by not having en election in erussels this year. Seem:es extra errlinery at oar Christmas and Holiday Sale. W. H. Wteers, Item 51. Part occupie1 the pulpit of Melville church last Srbbath evening. Asn Wellies:lay will be on Febreary 19th and Good Friday on April 4th, in . 1890. Barnum, of oar subscribers have shown us nansies piek-ed in their gardens this week. San ...roma' stook of clocks, watches and jewelry before yen make your pm: - chases. MEP'S red lined overshoes, all sizes, 11:15. Women's cloth slippers 25 ate W. E. Willis. Bnv. 3. W. Mimes, of Beeffield, will preach in St. John's churoh in this place next Sabbath. Tap Methodist church ohoir of this lake sing at the Walton tea meeting on ondey nigh. WE= was the town Band on Now Tames day ? A little music occasionally would do us no harm. Two bells and Whistler; appear on ;strike lately in Brussels. They ring and blow ',semi -occasionally." Bova nice present at Soues' in the jewelry or silverware line. Special re- duotions during the holidays. Bgamirm, silverware and handsome lamps at 13. Gerry's. It will pay yon to speridetour moneywith him. Je Peen has purehased the dwelling on 'Flora street, formerly occupied by Joseph Laird, from Jno. A.ngns. ConkYN, o Wingliam, was in town last week to see about managing the Maitland skating and ourling rink. Knox church will be open for public worship at 2 p. m. on Saturday, lith. Communion service on the lffila inst. OwING to the bad roads wood has been hard to get. Fortunately the most of aur residents were fairly,well supplied. Neeme.-All partiesindebted to under. signed by book account kindly pay at o e and much oblige W B. MoCraokeu. ir annual Sabbath school social of church was held on Thursday eg of this week. Particulars next high winds last week did consider- able naaage in demolishing fences, blow. ing, down trees and unroofing light bruldingre Per Youn Lome -Notice is hereby given that all taxes should be paid forth - Cell on the Collector and get your receipt. _jse. T. Rose. Leareseeloth slippers, 25e.; (=pet slip- pers, 850. ; leather elippers, 750., bill &M. elth,'90, at W. H. Willis' Christ. Inas and 'Holiday Sale. HOT Miami Farther's Institute will hold a session at Wroxeter on Tuesday and Wedneedey, 33th and 14th bests. A good program will be presented. Is the pentane who shot and ate the pigeoaa, at the storehouse, lately, do not •ctell and settle for Nunn I will makteit theelearest meat they Geer ate. D.Frain. . Borons Seri that some mean ?Meek visited. the quarters of Wm, Barr one night recently and attempted to rob the old gentleman. They of slightly "WV' Orr, a letter received by Jno. Smith, of Grey townsleip, from tt relative in Hong Koagethore was 50 petite to pay owing, .*the letter being inenfficiently stamp- . Tan Goaarich Signal has turned over SkItOther now leaf. Por originality and. ontspoken English it helloed to beat. D. Xrefilllicuddy /wade the helm with :steed!: hand, . Tire rose • contains no less than 15 columns of reeding matter on the out - kith) pegoe thie week. On the ineide may be forted the usual weekly round -up, Try Tem POST Mr 1890. Ir you want all the total and county stews; reporte Of rn'anleinal councils ; ro. Nable meretet repoete, and all the Itereetge oe interest in yotlr neighborhood malereeibe for Tag Peer, S=Venween and Lamps see very gun. telelb preemie) mal no Incer or cheaper • stotilt MD be found in Beaesels than at 11.,1 tor'y'e. Now ened.. pee opened 'ett. Cell in mid sett for yourself, • Le er Friday oveuine the otellrett of 8b, John's Olivet Sabbath Hemel eu joyed a very pleasant time at their en largo egmber front ettemilute Tbere write ole a ,018013 oied for Salo and minibus! purollailed by the dilferent buyers. 'The nest hair Will 1)0hold on - the let Thnreday Pthrtutry. Keep it • i in view if Yon want to buy or all. It tertainment, After trapper an interest will be a good one: Yotero 041w:re--Last week an misusing , • Occurrenc) took place in Bruesels, or at least it (muse to light here, A good lady, reaiding In Grey eownsbip, tame to towu on busineati and on getting her basket out Of the rig imagine her surprise to find a clubby little youth, of 4 or 5 Bummers, snugly ensconced in the hove blanket behind, or under, the nat. The child was determined to oome to town and without paying any attention to his dress or asking the oonsent of the powers that be he took bee trip es above stated. The little fellow was well treated, however, and went home happy. A GUM rabbit hueting expedition was engaged in on NOW Yeatee day, despite the continued downpour of rain. Tho captains were F. S. Boole and A. J. Lowiok. With the former were J. Priondshlp, doe, Ballantyne, W. Nightin- gale, R. Watt and Dr. MoNaughton. 111r. Lowick W•19 backed by Jas. Ross, D. Strathan, S, W. Laird, D. C. Ross and. Robt. Graham. After /I toilsome tour and with wet feet, if nothing more, tho • huntere arrived home before nightfall and indulged in an oyster supper at the Central Hotel, which was pronounced first class. Soolt's side won by ono rab- bit. The score was 8 to 7. Tee annnal meeting of Melville °berth S. S. Assooiation was held last Monday ovenine, when the following offloars Were elected for 1890 :-Honorary Superin- tendent, Rev. Jno. Rose, 33. A. ; Super- intendent, Elder Stewart; Assistant Sup. erintendent, Elder Wilson; Seoretary- Treasurer, Alex. Stewart jun. ; Librarian, R. Malcolm ; Assietant Librarian, Red- brick Boss; Precentor, A. M. McKay ; Organist, Miss Lizzie Wilson ; Auditors, Oliver Smith and Mrs. A. MoLaoohlin. The following compose the teathieg staff Stewart, Mrs, Graham, Mrs. A. MoLanchlin, Peter Ferguson, W. R. Wilson, Miss Richardson, Miss Watt, Mise Taylor, Adam Good, Mrs. Tufts, Mrs. Kerr, J. B. MoLauchlin, Miss Mag- gie Stewart and Miss Jessie M. Ross. MASONIC INsTAT.LATION.-The instants - Noe of the officers of St. John's Lodge, 284, Brussols, A. F. A: A. M. took place on. the 27th alt., R. W., Bro. 19, E. Wade, 3?. D. D. G. 01., 5tb Masonic) Dis- trict, offioieting, assisted by V. W., Bro. Slutw, P. rt. 0„ and W., Bro. 3. M. McIntosh, P. M. The officers aro as fol. lows :- tV. Bro. W. M. Rieelair, W. M. ; Dougall Strachan, S. W. ; J. 1. 1 tipper, J. W. ; V. W." Jno. Slew, See. ; .` TOOS. Fletcher, Treas. ; W. II. Moss, S. D.' • Thos. Kirkeoutiell,J. D. ; " 1V. B. Dickson, I. G. ; " A. J. Lowiok, S. S. ; " 513101. 8. Edgar, J. S. ; " 5. Y. 8. Kirk, Tyler. Bro. W. H. Moss and 3. T. Pepper were Gloated Auditors. Tan Winghttm Times says of a former Brusselito :-On Thursday noon, tho Methodist church wits crowded by towns- people to witness the marriage of Miss Emma Agnew, daughter of Mrs. Eliza Agnew, of this town, to 3. S. Wilson, tetether, of White Rook, Mich. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. John Scott, BI- A., pastor of the church. Kele bride was assisted by Miss Annie Agnew, her sister, Miss S. A. Wilson, sister of the groom, and Miss Annie Westrnan, while the groom WA sapport- act by Rev. A. Mcleffiboti, of Cobourg ; joint MsFadzean, Winthrop, and Stan- ton Agnew, brother of the bride. After the interesting ceremony had been gone through with, tho guests returned to Mrs. Agnew's where full justice had bean done to the bridal dinner. The presents were both numerous and. costly, Thehappy oonplo left on the 3:40 tram for the home of the groom, White Rook, Michigan. A lerge number were at the train to see thorn off, ing ewograrn of musle was forthcoming , Nexe week, being the week of prayer infirm tneetings will bo hold in illelvilee ()introit on Tuesday; the Metbodiet ebur on Wednesday, and Knox 0100011 ot Thursday, beginning each evening et 7130 o'oloolt. Peeeres.-On Monday we received a handsome boequeb of pansies from Miss :Maggie els:gime of Grey township, They were picked iu their garden. It is rather an unusual occurrence in. this northern letitutle. A mare: gathering was held on New Year's day at S. Fear's, Queen street, of their sons viz :-Rev. E. A., of Ben- gali ; 3, W.. of Toronto • W. J.. of S. forth, and Samuel, of Morris, aud their good ladies. Perrarse.-Illies Jeohns, of Wiughem, will resume her Mass in painting in Bras. sale on Thueeley, Oth inst., and will be pleased to meet persons desirous of join. ing the class at Mrs. W. F. Vaustone's, Flora street. TUN conviotions made by magistrates ef the county for the past quarter num bereft only 41, a smaller umber than usual. The total fines amounted to 2116.50, of which three were for illegal liquor stalling. LAST Tutaday COnstal,I.,s Scott and Ainley took Alex. Misleanniee, of Sun. seine, end an old mum 110 years of ago, front tho fee ettot, to Goderich. The charge against the former was tummy and the latter vegranoy. A neensoun oil painting of Hampton Court, the hendiwork of Mrs. Fletcher was on exhibition in the window of T Fletcher one clay this week. The ex- oelieney of the work reflects medic on both the artist and her teacher, Mrs. (Dr.) Graham. A. TRUNDnit storm in the mouth of Dec- ember is not of very fregnent occurrence in this part of the country. That on Christmas eve was a violent one, how- ever. The raincame down in perfect torreuts, and the thunder and lightning were staetling. • Tau editor was in look this holiday season. Mrs. 1V. le Stewart prteonted 00 with a. spleedid turkey and A.. IS. Thouret, of Toronto, sent along a basket of oysters. We dou't write thio to =eke o. her newspaper men jealous but just to show that wo appreciate acts of thio kind. A aneertge of the patr.ths of the Morrie lad Grey chime0 facto: y will be hell in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Monday, 13111 inst. The bush, w of the meeting aill be to roceivo tho auliturs' report, elect oillitors Inc anoill-r year and attend to any other hitsine,s !hat, may ba neces- sary. AT the wtial in the Methodist church al, I maguey melting of last week a very pleuseet time was enjoyed. • Toe pro- gram was rendered especially.' interest- ing by Mr. Davie' recitations and mnsi- fiat selectioes. The total proceeds of the anniversary amounted to $80.25,, over all expenses. WNITIIEN.-The following gives the state of weather on Christmas day f or the past seven years: - 10011 Cloudy; ne slow on greund. 1001 Clnatly I anew an ground; sleighing. 1805 1001r; P111011( 011 ground.; no sleighing. 1885 Cloudy anti encoring: good sleighb.g. 134' C1oud5; snow on,grolud; eoor seething. 18115 r.loutly and refutes uo snow onground. 1505 Fair, bright day; no 1111017 on ground, DINS. KINN will from now till Christauts offer special bargains in wool goods, all hand made, comprising FIoOds, Caps, Jackets, Fascinators, Soarfs, este A lot of slipper patterns very cheap. Tinder. clothing, Hosiery, tee. General assort- ment of Fancy goods, Toys, tec. Call aed examine her stock, opposite Queen's Hotel, Brussels. Tan Ontario Creamery Association's Convention will be held in Carchee's Hall, Seaforth, on Tuesday and Wednes. Say, Lith ad 15111 insts. Hon. W, D. Hoard, Hon. Hiram Smith, Hon. Cha. Drury, Dr. McFarlane, Prof. Itobertsbn arid other well known mon will bo in at. tendmese. A large gathering expected at all the sessions. Tee days have grown shorter and long nights are upon us, and what is more pleaeant when the family circle is sup- plied with substantial reading matter to while away the hours. The fiome paper, the instructor of whet is going around you, is eagerly looked for by the family, and thus all should Ewan themselves in subsoribing for The Pose, WELD-lhOGINO AND Dnagetio.-George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is proper. ed to attend to all work entrusted to 111115 in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper sbaee. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Tnrnberry st, Brussels. 48.11 Goon ros Tan REEvil.-Beeve Graham acknowledges the honor eons him by 1Ms geturn by acolamation last Monday, and to mark this era in the history of Brus- sels, has donated a brand neve street lamp for the Midge. It was eecorteened that the lighte at present are not sufficient to do tho work at the bridge, hence the gift of Reeve Graham. Long may he ND= Monday evening the competition for the Demoreet silver medal takes place in connection with the Y.P.O.A. itt Melville °hutch. . W. M. Sineleir, W. B. Dickson and T, Farrow 'will act as judges and the medal will be awarded at the olosenf the contest. Music: by the choir of the Ageoeiation, and by Mine O'Connor and Messrs. Sitosisir, Straohan, Tones, Willis and jacket:ie. Benne you purehage either a gold or envoy watch or e, piece of silver plate we would take pleasure in showing you our stook, whioli ie nevi eomplete in quantity, quality and variety, and at very low prima. In eight and one day °leeks, welnut, niokal, &o., 190 havo in stock the very latest patterns, whioli we warrant • honest time' keepers, by the best makers, an5 at lowest prises. A call is tespecit- f tally solioited. T. leeerenne, jeWeler. Tun new progrem for the Young Peo- ples' Asetoiation of the Methodist chureh wag pi:hided this week, It embraces: ad. dresses, bible readings, prayer meetings, lectures and a ServICA of song. The sub. jests end tho nano of the pereon irt charge for each Moncley evening sre given for the coming six Menthe.• Next Monday evening tho topic ie "Artmeo. merits," introdtmee by the pastor, Rev. S. Soliory, B.A., B.D. Home Vette-Tee g000nd horse fair of thie gown wart luficl in Brussele011 Thursday of this week. The bed con. dition rrf tee roads 12 deabt Madero,' a • People ITYLOW. Lawyer Taylor was in London this week. • Mrs. Thos. Danford is visiting at Her- riston. Sell and wife spent Cheistmas at Lu oknow. Miss Joan Ross is home for a vacation from Michigan. Samuel Fear has been quite 'poorly for the past fete weeks. - Mee F. E. Kerr arrived home this week for her holidays. Miss Emma Ainley, of Harrisbon, is Visiting relatives in town. Miss Eva O'Connor, of Ingersoll, is visiting relatives iu 13ruseels. J. W. Fear, wife and children, of Te- ronto, were in town this week. T. G. Retoliffe, who teaches near At- wood, was in town on Thursday. Miss Kennedy, of Teeswater, was visit- ing Miss Lily Veal for a few days. Miss Lizzie Wileon hoe gone to Lot:I- dea on a visit with relatives and friends. George Howe and wife were holiday- ing with relatives at Paris for a feW days. Robt. Ross has returned from Cleve- land and will take a situation in Lie - towel. J. A. Creighton, of Palmerston, and Ed. Creighton, of Galt, were home last Sunday. Rev, 111r. Belt and wife, of Harriston, were in Brussels thi s week visiting at - SV, 01. Moss'. Thos. Moore and wife were visiting relativee and friends iu the vicinity of elftthell for several days', Mr. and Mies lingheton, of Stratford, and. Miss Cross were the guests of Ms. A. Bruer: for a few days. Mrs. Pearson is home from Port Huron. Hor grand -daughter, MISS Lily. Helfand, accompanied her, Dr. Alex. Shaw galled for London, Eng, on Christmas day. We wish him every 51100055 in his medical course, 13ismark Timmins, Penton Hartley, and 3. MtOracken, resirlonte of Blue. vale, were in town during the past week, Alf. Langdale, of Owen Bounce eor. merle, of Brussels, wag renewing old friend:1124m (if nothing more) this week. D. McKenzie, a former Yosident 01 Brussele, 10 coming back to town having taken a position in the Ronald foundry. He has taken unto himself a wife sinee he loft here. We have pleasure hi elating that Geo. A. Feat, well known in 73rnasels, heeds the het of euteeessffil druggists. Ws Son. gratulnto Inte on hie outdone Nna wiolt pr.g,,ori • .001 i The Kineardthe Reporter sap: :-Ilev. -I 001) IIAY FOR SALF...-- 'VOTT CAN 111TY 1 S. Sellere, 33.1)„ of Brustel ortoupied Wei oeliver weeititles to suit par- el. tho pulpit of the Prineets street Meth°. that ohnroh hero Ise:redlyleis cis courses wore not only very eble, but were 111toroting, Ile is generally lookoe upon by the denominaliou se a rising man, and One who will some day otioupy a front position hi the elittroh. Ile would bo ti geed pastor for any oily thumb. A. number al our residents reoeivee a genuine surprise lest week in blaring that "Miss Annie Williams," thooncl daughter of our vownsmar, Hugh Willinaus, hes gone to her husband, in Waterloo County. It appears that WM and Wm. Walker were united in marriage on Oct. 10, 1888, 111 tho city of Hamilton, by an English chum!' In:ulster, They now go into hoosekoeping on their owu behalf end with the congratulations of a host of Mende. Teem is some influenza in Montreal. ICOLTir.—In Morris, on Deo. 10031, tho wife or Mr. P. J. Kelly of a, son. Diree.M.Mtheelee, TINDALt- CAnTIM.--At the Parsonage, Gordo, an Christmas morning, by Rev. T. A. Wright, Mr, Wm. Tin- dall, of Ethel, to Miss I:faille,daugh- ter of John Carter, of Fordwich. CUNNINGIMN-MeLArenr.rx.---At the mei- eonse of the bride's mother'10th con., Grey, on the 1st inst., by Rev. D. B. McRae, Mr. Hugh Cuneing- ham to Miss Maggie, second eldest de tighter of the late Wm. Melanie, lin, all of Grey. Wirees-illeiklner.-At the inns% Oran - !week, on the 8Iat Deo., by Rev. D. 13. MoRao, Mr. Alton Willis to Miss Sarah Mellfinn, all of Ethel. MeLecnrew-Hene.--In North Easthope, on Christmas day, at the resieenoe of the bride's father, by the Rev. P. Pyke, Mr. Robt. McLachlan, of Grey, to Miss Mary Hyde. CLEGO—Tuoican.—At the residence of the bride's father, on Deo. 24th, by Rev. Mr. Law, of Belgrave, Mr. J. Clegg, of Branion, Man.'to Mies daughter of Mr. Wm. Tucker, of Morris. Wreson - &mew. - At tho Methodist ohuroh, Wingham, otl the iffitb by Rev. eno. Scott, M. A., Mr. 3. S. Wilson, Member, of WhiteRook, Miele to Miss Emma, daughter of elre. Eliza Agnew, of Wingliatn. =reeeexe. Leon:reg.-1a Grey, on :Leeway 1st, Elba Beatrice, third cleuenter, of Elleth Bateman, aged 30 years and- ,. M011 IS. lAnnow.,—I10 Mtn:vale. Dee. 31st, leS9, Prime:iv, beloved wife Of Joint Far- row, aged 48 years and 8 months, Interment on Friday after:Inoue: Tumour, Jan'y 0.-Pstrinwtook and im- plements, on lot 20, COM 12, Grey. Sale oommonees at 1 o'clock. A. McNichol prop., A. llaymenn, [Met. SATURDAY, JAN. 4o0.-learrn stock and implements, (under chattel mortgage.) Lot 8, con. 0, Grey. Sale at 1 o'clock. Duncan McKenzie, prop. Capt. Stratton, auct. WEDNDSDAN, Jew. 8. Farm stook, household furuiture, oto., on lot 12, cote 5, Grey, at 1 o'eloolr p.m., sharp. llobt. McKee, prop., Geo. ICirkby, awe rot/DAV, JAN. 10. -Farm stock and lin- teements, on lots 11 and 12, con. 18, Grey, at 1 ceolook sharp. J. and D. Rob- ertson, props., Geo. Kirkby, amt. 41IMIMMIN•••••01.C....*P.1101•MO DE3.7..753SM.100 Fall Wheat 75 82 Spring Wheat e., /5 82 Barley 40 35 Oats 24 20 Peas .... 53 65 Batter, tubs and rolls,. 14 15 Eggs per dozen 17 00 Flour per barrel5 50 00 Potato:ea ... :... 115 00 Ilay per ton.- ....... .. , 7 00 8 00 Pork .. . 5 00 02(1 Hides per II;2 3 Salt per bbl., retail . :,1 25 On 'Sheep skins, moll 00 1 00 Wool, per lb. 18 20 EI=.A..FCMO=-:C Fall Wheat 75 82 Spring Wheat 75 82 Oats 24 20 Peas 53 55 Barley 30 85 Potatoes 35 40 Butter, per lb 3,4 15 Eggs, per dozen 17 00 Apples, per bushel • 30 85 Hogs, dressed 5 00 5 40 Beef 450 1350 Hay 7 00 8 00 Wood, per cord.. 2 60 4 50 Sheepskins, each 40 57 THE PEOPLE'S COMIC 11.4-10R SALE. -A SPAN OF -12 MANY' draught Lerma, 'warranted sound, Will bo sold at a bargain. Enquire of F. C. Booms, Brusable. QTRAYED. - CAME ON 9.'H33 4.3 promisee of , the undersigned, let 0, eon. 7, Elma, on or about the beginning ot November last, e dark red Steer ;rising throe Tear sOld. 0011er please elahn and pay ek- pongee. 20.2 3,13. HAMILTON, QTRAYED ON THE PREMISES k) of the undersigned., lot 04, con. 15, Grey, about Sept. let, two yam:ling Reiter:J. red' and white in color. The miler is requested to prove property, • pay expellees and take them stWay. GEO. ,ktaKAY, 29.4x QTRAYED ON THE PREMISEg 133 of the rindersigned,lots 11 and 12, o6n. 10, Grey, on or about Nov. 071e, a year/Js steer, rod in oolps, The owner is requf Ito,l to prove property, pav oxponaos and,.' tram him away, 8113150181321101110]t, g2.4 STRAY STEER CA.Mil ON the premises of tho Undersignt d, lets 10 a115157050, 10, Gray, about Note 17, 11 grieely gray steer. The owner may the same by proving propmey and pltyl g 51. 1,55805, Ants, n,Briowni, Ceanbrooke 03,0 :fees OTIOE TO DE13TOBS.-NOV. ton ls hereby given that all rawer:nob), ebbed 00 010 are requested 10 8011 mid 5e1-5 tie b000tilita lief Ore December lsb, tut after that they will be oollooted through the Court, 7, A. UONATIGHTON, D, Erna - 5510, ri.ITEESE IVIEBTING. TIT11.1 '5..) Atonal Mooting of the Morris 5Grey Choose Minrairtottolug Co. will be heel in Cm Connell Chamber, Brus0018, on Monday 7'1).1.gglgT1511PC4'f'.1.irdktPrTelettilgiti:gt for the turtling year, D. ii7"BWallee estey. chaser. V. PlOPPElt, Lot , Oon. Orer, •';',01/ :410(.4 P-1 '1'0 IC4 01;11CC1C1 L7 Loaves Brinisels every morning instead 51 &rolling, e formerly, and eteurns froni Gornto je tho timing, This rule will be ad- hered to until further uotioo, WALSII, Proprietor. N1 ()GUI ILI Notice in booby eivott that the outstand. Ing accounts due the late Arm of 1.7 51015 Turnbull, itrUtIsels, must be aottled by eith. er cash or note forthwith. Tim hooks aro at Inblison allays' (Mee, and they are att, thoriged to ;eye tooeipts for umniesmaid. le• NEW BARBER SHOP,-TITB I undersigned desires to intimate to the people of Brussels and =rounding country that he lute opened it shaving and hair cut- ting parlor 10 Sinale's Sleek, whom he may 1,8 found ready to attend to the wants of the Public. Good work guaranteed. 20.11 300111311 LAIRD. BUTCHERING -THE UNDER. Immo to prepared to attend to tho ki1114 and dressing of oattle sheep or riga for farmers or townspeople it workman- like nsanuor and at reasonable rates. Ord- ers left at A, Currie's butcher then will ba promptly attended to. DAN, MoDONALO: 2:3 4 _ . Ouraccii-2.1 1.11 TO DEBTORS. AlIparItos indebted to the ostate of the late Andrew Currio aro requested to settle the sato by the 28th iupt. After that date all unpaid teams win be collected by pro, oess of law. 1051011177021 OF nxBouroits. 33rus8510, oot.ip,ises. 14.15 C5.0115 ON THE PREMISES of the undersigned, lot 80, con. 17, Gray, on or about Juno lsb, a yearling heifer nil a yearling stoor,botir red in oolor. The heifer 1.150 00010 gray hairs. The steer has 00525 0111 58 011 1.11151 qtri,rters, 'Ins 00501' ig requested to prove property, pay exuensos and take them away, 20.43 110112. 0i10I41151. QTRAYED FROM THE PREM. .-.) 1500 04 the undorsigned,lot 27, 4th line, Morris, about May 0018, a year old Steer and a year old heifer, both rod in color, marked with 10 nommen pig ring in lower Wile of right ear. Any information loading to' their recovery will be thankfully received 234 ais, M. MARTIN, )3russeis P.O. _ rip EINDIIIRB WANTED. - X. Tenders will bo reaolved 313' the under- signed for raising his bium and stable and putting stone foundation underneath. Ten- ders will be reeoivea for the whelp job or for tho mason and cerium:ter work savant - sly. Fell particulars by applying on the promisss, lot 27, coll.& Morris. 'rotators 01(1 lis reeeived 111, to January 1004 Dn. The lowest or any tender not necessarily as- ep tea, 24-2 JAS. DUNCAN. PATENTEietrIgtl'ikt;I'..n.INI%Tr.V0? ...0,ateiv.,,.2„, ill -1.50 Patent 0 Moe anti before the Courts promptly anti carefully at- tended to. 'Upon receipt of 1110.101 or shetch or invention, 1 mako eprofot 5111,1521 • 115.1•1E0 50 to patentability Lee of ontow,. Pees moderate,and. 1 make no eltargauntras patent ia secured. rthernmtion., and special reforono,i mut on weplie,,tion. 10 LiTTELL, We .111.1uten, D.C., ti.S. Patent Oflico. us Witc..27 REAL ESTATE. - 1elte1Leel8 3011 SA.LE.--THE UN - A, neastaNsu has several good Farms Ocr sale mad te rem, easy terms, in Townships .of Morris and 10113'. P. S. SO OTT. Brussels, 37-tf. 513511583 BUILDING SITE for &residence in B sussels, containing one Imre 01 1,01,0 nearly opposite Mr. F. C. liOgellf r08i501100, is for sale at a bargain. Apply to W. M. Smonent, ,Bruessels, or to INC. HABGEBA.VISS, Oor, Queen and 8101- 005 st toots , Toronto. rT1HE RESIDENCE OF J. R. „IL Grant, Mill Street, is offered 0 or 00.10 RS the family "crill remove bo Winnipeg 1)051 Spring. Also tho stable used at present by Lott Bros., and a well looated building 151 011 Turnberry street just south of the postoffice blrok. Forpartioulars apply to MRS J,11, G ANT. 20-i Rf AR111 FOR SALE. - BEING IL Lot 11, Cou. 10, toWnship of GM', Bowan Co. Thoth are 100 aoras, 00 mores of whic7i are cleared anci in good state of culti- vation. On the farm as a stone house and Triune barn and frame stables, a good bear- ing orchard and good well of 'water, For forthorpartioularti apple to tad proprietor on the premises. 17-55 SOHN VINCENT, Brussels 32:0, ANNERY FOR SALE.- THE nvn•seig Tannery is offered for HMO at a bargain. In 15 10 a 15 h. p. engine and 30h. )1, boiler, le vats, 2 curry tables, 2 stoves, geed bark mill and a full set of tools, with heating pipes to leaches , 50. There are about 2 mores of land in connection with the: building. No tannery nearer than Whigham or Listowel. Terms easy. For f urthor.par- Umlaut, ats to price, terms, ere, apply ab 97- Tun roar Publishing House, Brussele, LURK FOR SALE. -THE SUB. ..112 sourenn offers his valuable 100 more farm,beinglot 3, eon. 18, Grey Township, Huron Go., for Bale, . There are_ about 00 aores cleared and In good heart. There is a log house, good bank barn, beating orehard, and all the necessary oonvenienees on the ral'etotr, plilreoc7rutiltshlfauiptrliveyr top:. stlicoulpar.s, , .W. T.. or to 2-85 DOINIALD 0010310103118, Brussels, G001) 100 ACRE FARM FOR Senn,- Being, composed of Lot 19, 000.0, Grey. There are 70 sores cleared. There Is 5015018 houSe and barn and a' good driving h00100i, also bearing orchard, well, 50. on the proinises. The Maitland river runs a few yards from thehrittostewh , Th.erfoothis some good rail timber on t Iles between ,Oranbrook and Ethel And is oonvenient to both places, while Brussels is noisier away. For full particulars apply 011 the promisee to AlIEL TINDALL, Proprie- tor, Ethel P, 0. 11ARM FOR. BALE, BEING LOT J- 28, con. 0, Giey, containing 150021180. 10 acres oloared.'uuder grass, and the balance timbered. About 70 acres of dry land and the balar100 oeUar and black ash swamp, There is a log house ou the promisee. Will bo seldlinv ery reasbuable terms as proprie- tor dose not require tho lot. For forth or_par- Callers apply to EMT. MoDATJOHLIN, Cleaubrook, Pe), or ALEX. MINTER, Erna - AMU. 12 ARM FOR SALE. -THE UN. DERSIONZID offers for side the north east quartorof icseoe, coneeSsion 11, Morris County of Ruvonoontaining 00 emus, Tee lan a 15 83 lira gnality =din a high state of cultivation, well tencod and uutlerelrained, et antes cleared. Islewfraine house, 8 rooms, milk bongo with conereto walls, 2 00115, goodbarne and shed, orohard, Mo. Eight aerosol fall wheat, This cleelrable property adiolug the corporation of Brussels, gett- able tams will be given. Title perfect, JAIIIIS 011110,10, Owner, 30. Scatforth P. 0. _001) FARM FOR SATZ IN A _ Maria, on rensoneble teems. ' In order to aloe° the affairs of the estate of tho late W. a. Bengston ,the executors ofeer the fol- 'aming vatunble Iambi foe eree North ftelf of Lot De, Coeeession 5, ToWnslatit of 7da,rris, containing 00 cons. On Wig let is ere( Lod a good Inane barn with steno foun- doge n, geed orobard, well au d pomp . Nose- ilyallnIelTe11atea, and is o n Itshe grewroad 01088 03' tel‘cining the village of lueiela.tR110 51 15511111b10 0110, 10 Avell fended awl ill a ted sate of euittvation, Per pe eal mid tonna omply to Vice, IULLY, 13finel4 38, 0., RIAIrr .1trtNOS, Vietorta , Imree.O., or JAnita AIIIII, ;Maple Loage P 0 MidlosoeCounty, as Okod „Q,4011.4,41;m8.1 AND 0511111111, VII rar GOODS AT ALMOST COST leRICIlifi -AT-- .PEPPEIt'S Greliam'e Block, - Bruseele.• ALWAYS USE PEPPER'S PILLS BANKING. maINTOBLi & MoTAGGART, BANKERS, 13RUSSELS, Tro.,:moo.ct 01•thaor.o..1 Mo.asaritaa. 3B•Ler.dxi.00. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Oanadien and United Stntoe Drafts, bought and sold. Ietso'oob allowed on Doposits. Collections made Olt javoraige terms. Canadian Agents -.11anomtsr'a Bann 00 CANADA.. liew York A501.541—I11.110015:110 AND TRAD.. NATI5NAT4 /3.1110. L,AL AND CO NVEYAN CING. TAYIJOR, BARRISTER, • Senator and Conveyancer, Pollee. tions vied°. 011101-Venstoun'e Block, Bras - gels. 21.9m. V01. SINOLA.IR, • Solicitor, Conveyancer , No tory Pub- lic, dm. 011ioe-giralians'e Block, 1 door north of Pepper's Drug Store. Private Penchi to Loan. Tr E. WADE, eel !I Barrister, Bohol tor and Notary Pub. lic. Conveyancing, Collections andLoaning. Mr. Wade will attend. in Gerrie every Wed- nesday at two o'clock, DICKSON & HAYS, (Late with Darrow Prowitoot, God c- riolt,) Barristers, Setioitors, gonveysmeors. 50. Ofncee-brussols and Senile:Eh. Ems sobs Wiles, Bogor& Block, Man It. Mono:, to Loan. 10.0.0,505, 01158014. M. TAYLOR, 1)0. I.., e Barrister, Solicitor, ,bc.. 1ilre: of Taylor, IloCallough & )luto,1. Hollattots'505,, Maiming Areal , . Money to loam. LEX. HUNTER, • 011111 of rile Fourth V Clenr.„. Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Leml, Loan sad Insiiranoo ut. invested end to loan. ; Oflice iu Grahams Mock, Brussis. phIlESSAILKING OVER M11.8. ..a...e Km's rioro. 3111S0E1,:, k 11,0311 NAUGHTON, W11. illoOEACI431N, • • Insurer ottlarriageLleensme, at his Grocery, rurnberry street, 1h:easels. D N. BARRETT, 1,01 • Tonsorial Artist" Shop -Next door south 00 41 U. Megay di Co's hardware store. Ladies' and chilmon's hair cutting 01 um:laity Ia.-Lanolin) 50001 11 thews itopt. ft IrcNAIR, La., Usurer of Marriage 1.10.111505 by, appointment of Liout,,Governor, Conimis- sioner, &a., Q.13. Conveyancer and Anent Eire Insuranoe Oe Mee at tho Oral:brook Post °Mee. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM 2050011411(003, FIRE AND MARINF. RESSMAKING.- Tho unclemsned desires to intimate to the ladies of Brussels and surrounding country that she 10 prepared to attend to all orders intrusted to her. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop -Up -stairs, one door north of Walter Jackson's hardware store, 00- MISS SAMPLE.. 188 M'COLL & MRS. OA RSO7N have startod a lirat.olass Mesa and Mathis Making Shoo over Strachun Pros.' store. As _Mrs. Canon outs by the hest Amerioan Tailor System and has 'worked in Toronto for a number of years a periost Lt '111.5 000,1 satisfuotion isgustrauteed. Parties who. are good servals taught to out and 01 in a fow days, f..Approntiees wanted. AUCVDNEERS. tzi_EORGE ISIRKBY, k.A Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct- ed on reasonable terms. 8'05111S Alla PRIM StOOIC EL specialty. Orders left at Tin, POST PublishingHouse,Brussols, or sent to Walton P. 0., will resolve prompt attention. A RAYMANN • Alotionear :1alw a Oae17 to 02.tend sales of farmstarn500511, 50. Ter tcheerfully given. CranbroltP. O. Sales linoolobeStiumBesucfse.c1 7.1113 .300)1 Publishing Twl% DENTAL. mo 4- G. L. Ball, 313158, Nitros Oxide Gag ail. • ministered for the Pr.haless Rxtraetion Teeth. 74 Gerrard,l3treet Last, Toncorro. Mnellse',Z,Z,X, W. J. Fear, L. D. S., Graduate of Toronto School of Dentistry. All Operations guaranteed, tooth, first quality, and a guaranteed tit, for $12..00 per sot, Oilloo—Oaus's 13beon, SnArentE. 31.31MN am. ets. Ronor Gracluato of the Royal College or 0800 Surgeons, Toronto. Nitres Oxide Gas administered for the Painless Extraotion of tasa'ethbisCiiiliDeo°o-a. Non= 601340E, Bacasur,s, • MEDICAL CARDS.. M. 51. CALE, M.D., O. Mombor of the college of Physioian and Surgeons of ' Ontario by monination. OLIO and Residence -Otto street Rapt, Rthol, Ontario, A. tioNatAy ETdOthNbuiMrgb,.1kli.).0.. x!, S. Ont, At Pepper'S Drng Stom from 0 to 11:80 it, in. mid from 110800 410.00, At other hours maybe foetid at his residence, /Om, sriy munmisal by Dr. Butchinson, Mill St VETERINARY. TNO. D. WARWIOE, V. S„ (svoovason TO 10, I O'BRIEN, V,S,), Graduate and Hoiletery ()tow of Ontario Veterintery 0811e50, wilt seeasea to ee.. 501(10 0101) the groseest taro met proles. clonal skill any 05505 entrusted 10 bia Wimp. 001000 end linurnery-(Perietea eel 510 1,3,0 awn% norm of britige, TurnberrY , et, Brussolli, 0 • Te fr th s ;if to , let O 00 VC fot 1 bit I All • . yo co • the 31 wb mt co ib bit • 1,11: be 0 of 11 hes ee tin 'gee env 4.11 e is I 1111( 11111 , fon 1)1 sb •:cot ' 1110 111' the bo ' WI 1111 roo '1,11, i y, mai • 1)1 pro] telt par, this is lc of e cue fan it pro prol Con por Pt o sols eine the stat jvi t the I le 18c 1' 9 ce Gar Ber Ber ler The Thi dosi , usef to s: nexl and I for veva Mr. 13or 3 ce shal nion qua; tit ,io t D mat to p 13 • 1NP8airit dale llort (,}volflyol 'Vote • od erm ablytive i 81011 Iarg facto (Ono ilain and • ' tist, ift11 ,,troo, • ;400117t1m:u sihoboti IY'efum.Ypoia.1 thit loin were date thAn