HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-1-3, Page 66 1 HE BF USSELS POS1 JANUARY 3, lhWU
wawstereecees . 4 � �u.enen^+eY;�y;3gt5r- exas1.. - 4•: 'fir assn' . ' ^° " a'Ju^'19'Ai9;¢1A97SS1r' natudi>[ 'Kf .'IPXJ dmos asicsna97:' :°sz aA: N 7 ('X10.1!?6�9•."ie accrnnwis7:•:�" i ('�
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THE 1 XTIIAlil'I'1ON TREATY. I rolliug process.. Covered with a
waterproof coating, and than a fire-
proof coating, they are hung like
wooden doors, andare both beauti-
ful and servioeable. This is one
step toward paper houses, which
will Boon follow,
Some Oft may be formed of the
vast quantity of water discharged by
South Fork Lake into the Cone.
maugh Valley in the late flood, when
compared to the flow over Niagara
Falls. Estimating the Niagara sup
ply at 82,000,000 tone, or 80 cubic
feet, per hour, and, taking the
measurement of the lake to have
been 8} miles long by 1 • miles wide,
with a mean depth of 80 feet, we
The la Noised new extradition
trent\' holey* en Great Britain and
tho 'United Slates omits many oi'the
fen tines t%hie b caused tho rejection
of the 'ruiner draft treaty by the
fie/tete last spring. Tile hat of of•
knees which it id proposed to make
eatradi'able is as followlr
Murder, or attempt or conspiracy
to murder.
Counterfeiting or altering money,
MO Miming counterfeit or altered
Ohtainiug money or goods under have the enormous volume of one
tales preten('es. trillion of tone of water, which would
Robbery. require thirty hours in passing over
Bnrglnry. Niagara Falls.
Arson. The method by whicli the most
Abdnctinn, delicate perfumes are obtained from
y.'rccki»g' flowers is not of the most aesthetic Freud committed by a bailee, nature. The flower petals are spread •
banker. agent, factor, trustee, or over glasses which have previously
number or public officer of any come been covered with a gnarter•inch
piny. mode criminal by any law layer of fat. The glasses are then
for the time beingin foroe. shut tightly into wooden frames,
This list, it wil be seen, covers and before long the fit absorbs all
ntr.st of the offences committed by the perfume. The next process is
the fugitives from American justice to cut up the fragrant fat into s-nall
w' er u
nojourning in Canada. Should Pieces and put these into alcohol.
the treaty be adopted, therefore, the The perfume at once deserts its oily
Dominion will no Longer be favored protector and unites with he alcohol.
with the sort el immigration from It is Hien fit for market,
serosa the border which has been so
fatbioneble of late years.
Something quite Soft.
The editor of one of our 'Western
exchanges related with all due
humility, to a bosom friend who
promised secrecy, the following
r.loncliiug" story about himself.
"I was in the habit of visiting,
}terhape oftener than was necessary,
a cottage occupied by a very fine,
buxom. young widow of about thirty
summers. I had a feeling of the
Curious Salutations.
It is common iu Arabia to put
cheek to cheek.
The Hindoo falls in the dust be-
fore his superior.
The Chinaman dismounts when a
great man goes by.
A Japanese removes his sandals,
crosses hands and cries out "Spare
me 1"
The Burmese pretend to smell of
a person's face, pronounce it sweet
and then ask for a "smell."
ready made dress coat, to bo bought.
at the clothing sores, is having its
The iuoliuntion to knee•breecbea,
eape,00ata, ate., shows how the
rising generations long to get back
to the clothe« that their great-graud
daddies wore.
The new King of Portugal is an
inordinate cigarette smoker.
The exact post of C.P. Hunting-
ton's princely son in law was $2,-
Lord Wolseley'e only warlike ex-
ploits at present are connoted with
monthly magazines.
John G. Whittier says he expecte
to live to the age of 100 years,
though he is not anxious to do so. '
Themes A. Edison ie a Theosoph-
iet, he is a member of the Aryan
Theosophical Society of New York
Daniel Dougherty will repeat his
talk on .Oratory' again this eesson.
He receives from $200 to $800 a
Queen Louise of Denmark lately
celebrated her 72nd birthday at
Fredensborg, surrounded by her
children and grandchildren,
The Comets de Paris, father of
the new Queens of Portugal, being
an exile, was unable to attend
the funeral of the late King of Por.
Prince Hatzfeldt is a blonde of
medium height, of a square and
eymmetrical figure. His hair parts
in the center and rolls back in the
German way.
Mies Helen Gladstone is vice•
principal of Newnham College, Own -
bridge, and resembles her famous
father more than does any other of
his children.
Ex -President Cleveland has boon
invited to attend the annual meet-
ing of the Boston Merchant's As-
sociation in December, and it is be
greatest frieudship (to draw it mild- I The Australian natives practice lieved he will accent.
ly) for her. One evening, on enter. l the singular custom when meeting Harriet Beecher Stows is au hon.
ing and el akiug bands with her, I of sticking out their tongues at each orary member of the Author's Club
remarked "Why, your hand feels as other. of New York, and tho only writer of
soft as sill A etriliing selutation of the' the gentler sex connected with that
Gabrielle Greeley, the only sur•
viving member of the Horace Gree-
ley's family, lives at Ohautaugna
with trusty servants and leads almost
1 the life of a recluse.
I Lady Sandhurst, upon whom the
freedom of the City of Dublin has
been oduferred, is said to be the
first woman upon whom that bower
has been bestowed for 800 years.
Preeitlent Harrison, itis rumored,
will in his meseage to Congress re-
fer to forest preservation. Hereto•
y ford he hue shown special regard for
cnly one tree—his family tree.
The Russian emperor as ho grows
older becomes in appearance more
and more a typical Coseock, colossal
in figure, entirely bald, fiat -nosed
and enormously mustached and
Maxwell Sommerville, of Phila-
delphia, has just purchased a bean•
tiful antique oamoo of Juptier
YEgicchue, preserved from the first
century. It is said to have oost
more than 550,000.
"Nousense, Witham," she re-
plied. "Here with some more of
your flattery, are you ? My hands
are not n= ro!t as yours this min-
ute.""14 by your hind," said I, "feels; health and prospect,.
:-0 soft I'd be afraid to squeeze it. I - The Turk crosses his hands upon
I never felt anything to soft-" I his breast and making a profound
"Now, William, just listen at you obeisance thus manifesting his re•
egain l If you never felt anything gard without coming in personal
as soft as my Land, and et, en softer contact with its object. '
=yon know it has been your own
Wilt," and I thought the widow .ropes' Things In Men's Wear.
South Elea Islands is to fling a jar
of water over the head of a friend.
The Arabs hug and kiss each
other, mating simultaneously a
host of inquiries about each others
blushed as though sorry she had
said it.
"Pray," said I, becoming deeply
interested, "what might I have
felt that is softer than your band ?"
"Hush, now 1 You don't know,
of course. Yon are very innocent ;"
and then 1 could have sworn the
widow was blushing.
Upon my honor I don't know,
,teas, my still more interested reply ;
won't you tell meor show me ?
"No, you know I won't tell you."
"Then show me, won't yon ?"
"I don't like to. But you aro
suche tease and such a dunce, one
must do almost anything to get rid
of you."
And, she took my hand mincingly
in here.
"Now shut your eyes, William."
I'Lolosed my eyes in an instant.
She ,lifted-niy hand up and up. °I
held mythgeatb, and, dear • reader,
before'I suspected what she was.do
ing, sho had placed it gently Upon
my head."
The next time you think you have
done with a lemon just dip it in salt
and rub your copper kettle or stew.
pan with it. You will be surprised
to find what a brilliant surface you
will obtain if you rub the article in-
stantly with a dry soft cloth. You
can polish all braes works by the
same means, every stain disappear-
ing as if by magic. A moldy lemon
put into a dirty sauce -pan half -full
of water and boiled for half -an -hour
cleanses the utensil amazingly, and
removes any oder,, such as fish or
onions. Try it.
Many of the huts which have been
sent to the South African gold -fields,
and other pleas where portability is
important, are made of wire -wove
waterproof sheets, The sheets are
less thau half the weight of twenty•
fourguago corrugated iron, for which
they are mainly intended as a sub-
etituto, and, being composed of stout
papier-maohe, with fine steel wire
foundations. they are excellent non-
condaotors of heat and cold. The
weight of a settler's hut, 14 by 10
feet, is time brongbt down to little
over half a ton.
The latest invention to do away
with noise is the manufacture of
paper doors, which elate noiselessly
after Bridget and the north-west
winds. They are formed of two
thiol( paper boards melded into
panels rindgii.zodtogether with glue
and potash, and put through a bevy
Fano vests are in favor.
Golden tan is a favorite glove
Oxidized silver jewelry is very
much worn.
Solid fast -black hose. with fancy
toes and heel,'are favorites.
Spear points are displacing
stitching and embroidery in men's
Riding crop, cane and umbrella
handles are now selling best in sil-
ver finishes.
The puff scarf, particularly the
Malvern shape, is sure to be much
of a success this season.,
Links continue to grow in favor,
and jewelers are exerting them-
selves in new ideas and finiehes.
New fecke shown for Fall are of
the pleated variety. This comes
from the influence of the pleated
puff, ,,.
Full-dress vests • lire of black,
ermine.and white Billie t',
White neckwear pl'otli¢e�s ton -,bo,
fashionable throughout' life seaon.
The standing collar, turnover
fronts, with space, is the correct
Large English puff scarfs, in
light weight silks, are in active de -
Underwear is the only article of
attire in which stripes are not
prime favorites.
Silk vest chains in, white, white
and black, brown and brown and
white are among the novelties.
In • printed linen handkerchiefs
small neat spots have replaced the
heavy actor effects so plentiful last
The new four-in-hands will beat
the record in size. Twq and a half
and three inches are the correct
proportion'', with the latter inthe
Pearl colored gloves with self
backstitching of medium width,
continue in popular favor as 'the
correct headwear for evening dross.
Tho correct, cut for trousers is
13t: inches at the knee, 18f at the
bottom, straight and without ureas-
Large plaids, checks and stripes,
as well as combination offecte, are
shown in smoking jackets. All
jackets of this description are now
corded, instead of being bound with
The number of dross coats is
amazingly on the increase if the
great sales for white lawn troy, for
evening wear, is any index, •West-
ern close's aro rapidly comiug to
(trees coats; and,, i'liorooM, the
Nine Travelers.
Forgery is all right in the iron
The decanter is by no means a
dewon't-er with most men.
The laundrymen has to receive
a good many cliffs in this world,.,,;
The fact that the poor man „wants
to teen a nia.12 may lig because the
ap 4?il,ss, fd�well t11011'.;
Massa° usetts artisan has be-
come so refined in his ideas that he
calls himself a black-emyth.
The military man should live at a
boarding house. must hashes are
always prominent there.
Its a mean man who treads on a
woman's corns in the horse car
simply because she didn't thank him
for the seat he gave her.
The only course open to a rail-
road that can't fill its °entracte be-
cause of a washout is re-traoktion.
A most shocking example of
backsliding is •furnished when a
juvenile comedian slips a piece of
ice ineideyour coat collar.
The liquor traffic ie demonstrably
the most dangerous occupation in
the British Isles.
Crossley and Hunter, the evang•
elista, got $1,500 for their three
weeks work in Hamilton.
Manchester has 488 public houses
and 2,683 beer and wine houses.
Glasgow has 1,787 license houses.
During the last sixteen years the
Metropolitan Board of Werke of
London, England, abolished no few-
er than 148 public houses.
Lady Henry Somerset has given
notice that as the leases of her pub.
tic house property in Landon fall in
the premises shall no more be let
for similar purposes,
There tire about 4,000 churches
in Great Britain of all denomin-
ations noty using unfermented wine
for seeramental purposes. Mr.
Spurrgeon's .T'aberneelo is among
the number. ''t,
Tho Undersigned desire to intimate to the Public that they have
formed a co -partnership, under the firm name of
Turnbull & Ballantyne,
and are now conducting the Stove and .'Tinware Business formerly
Our aim will be to please those favoring us with their
and ascertain our Prices.
Tho undersigned having completed the change from the stone to
the celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has new the Mill in
First -Class Running Order
and will be glad to see all 11is old customers'; and asnmany new
ones as possible.
:Flour and, yeerdl Imp on 'Hand.
Highest Price paid for any quantity of Gond Grain.
Are now showing Great Bargains in all Lines
of Dry Goods, and especially Dress
which are the Newest, Cheapest and
est in Brussels. In this Department
we are
giving Special Inducements this week, hav-.
ing bought several lines at just half the
regular wholesale price. Now is the time,
Ladies, if you want to get Cheap Dry Goods,
as the goods must go at some price.
i§/ i§/
We keep a Large and Well Assorted Stock,
Also Men's Top Shirts, Boys' Under wear and
Cardigan Jackets. We have also a Large
Stock of Ladies' and Children's Underwear.
Before buying elsewhe'e you should examine
onrgoods and get our prices.
Gent's Furnishing Goods.
Gent's Scarfs in all the Leading Shapes,
Cotton Handkerchiefs, large assortment in
Fancy Borders, Wool and Kid Gloves. Braces,
Umbrellas, Gent's Linen Collars and Cuffs;.
Celluloid Collars and Cuffs, Ladies' Water-
proof Circulars, Misses' Waterproof (circulars.
§I - /§/.
Ten Pieces of Robe Dress Goods at 25e , worth 40e.;
15 Pieces of Robe Dress Goods at .1 c., worth 30e, ;
Our Sealetto*at $6.50 has no equal in towvn
We have a Piece of Sealette at $9, worth $12.
, Ait
CANADA'S f,tit»INI. NI1Yi+1'APiiIt.
PATnroTto Ile Toss. Titus To OAaw ,s.
Tires TO TIM B]rrnis,
The 'Empire' is now the Great Weekly
Paper of the Dominion, and special ar-
rangements are being made to add new
and attractive features, which will greatly
increase its interest and value,
As an indncoruont to plaoe it in the
bands of all Patriotic Canadians the bod-
anee of present year will. be elven Free Co
New Subscribers, making it only One
Dollar front ?IOW till end of 1890.
1 'The 'Empire' will bo Clubbed with
The 'rout' for $0.25, In advance,
Subscriptions taken at
TIM POST Pub, Hoare, Brunet's.
Practical Watchm.aher
- arid Jeweler.
Thanking the public for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure
your patronage, we are opening
out Pull Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Boilable Makers,
fully warranted by ue.l
Cloths of the
.Latest Designs.
WnDnl ec+ Bnesa,
LAMS Gsx Ennis,
E.unuxis, dr.
r..—Also a Full Lino of `-1eLI:eS and
Violin Strings, &n., in stook.
N. li.-asenrcr of bt,tering', 1irrnses.
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.
Baby aairria € s.
ib3r Carriages v
�3 A H
A RI G -E S !
Handsome Display
of Baby Carriages in all the
and sold at
liaaseeaaitsz PRW °eS.
Call in and See our Stock
before you order elsewhere.
Buggy (lugs, Dusters,
Fly Nets, Whips, &c.,
always on hand. •
Splendid Assortment of Trunks,
Valises and Satchels in Stock.
H. Dennis,
Brilliant !
Durable !
Diamond Dyes excel all other's
in Strength, Purity and Fastness.
None other are just as good. Be-
ware of imitations, because they
are. made of cheap and inferior
materials, and give poor, weak,
crocky colors. To be , sure of
Success, use only the DIAMOND
Druts for coloring Dresses, Stock-
ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers,
Ribbons, &c., &c. We warrant
them to color more goods, pack-
age for package, than any other
dyes ever tnadc, and to give more
brilliant and durable color;, Ask
for the Diamond and take no other,
A Dress Dyed qFolrt
A Coat Co%led
Garments Genewed
} close s
J T .
A Child can use them!
At Druggists e, d Merchants, Dye nook free,'.
'Montreal, 1'. Q.